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Leland SandlerExec Director Leadership Development

Leadership & Succession Development: Leadership & Succession Development: Managing Talent in PharmaManaging Talent in Pharma



Leadership & Succession DevelopmentLeadership & Succession DevelopmentWhat is it & how we do itWhat is it & how we do it

Thoughtful process for identifying, developing, and promoting talent to ensure we have the right people, in the right job at the right time

We do this through …….

>Comprehensive Leadership Development Process>Defining Senior Leadership Competencies (now and in future)

– Way of Being– Way of Doing

>Detailed Leadership Assessments>Objective Talent Management Reviews


Building the Leadership Pipeline at AmylinBuilding the Leadership Pipeline at Amylin

Leadership Learning & Development


TALENT• Assessment Center• Performance Review • Career Planning• Leadership Development Mosaics

POSITION• Staffing Needs• Position Description• Int/Ext Sourcing


Mosaic Conversations• Performance• Potential • Retention Risk• Derailers


• Competencies• Skill/Knowledge• Criticality• Timing of Opening

Succession Planning

Outputs• Talent Bench• Talent Metrics

Diversity and Engagement Strategies

Outputs• Readiness Rating• Talent Grid• Succession Plans• Development Plans

•Training •Coaching•Experiences & Practices

Right Person

in the

Right Role

at the

Right Time




Way of Being Resilience Accurate Self-Insight Presence Authenticity Courage Creativity Social Agility Cognitive Agility

Way of Doing Drives for Results Builds Strategic Relationships Leads Through Organizational Vision and Values Possesses Broad

Business Acumen Builds Organizational Talent Facilitates Change Demonstrates Decisiveness and Judgment Effectively


Leadership CompetenciesLeadership Competencies

Amylin Business Results


1) RESILIENCE: Maintains high energy levels; stays centered in the midst of conflict and bounces back quickly from stressful situations or defeat.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors::Leadership Competencies & Anchors::Way of BeingWay of Being

Low End:

• Appears defeated and/or down after failures or mistakes.

• Is unable to identify solutions to overcome potential barriers when set-backs occur.

• Gives up easily when under pressure or facing difficult times.

• Has a low energy level. Has to be pushed and prodded.

High End:

• Is positive and optimistic (yet realistic and thoughtful) when facing failure or difficult times.

• Follows through, even despite set-backs.

• Deals constructively with own failures and mistakes.

• Identifies challenges and seeks to overcome them; performs effectively when under pressure.


2) ACCURATE SELF-INSIGHT: Demonstrates an awareness of own strengths and development needs, as well as impact of own behavior on others. Gains insights from mistakes; transfers and disseminates learning.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors::Leadership Competencies & Anchors::Way of BeingWay of Being

Low End:

• Lacks awareness and/or understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses.

• Blames others for the situation or poor results.

• Holds back key messages for fear of upsetting others, or alternatively, takes on too many battles.

• Is unable to be self-correcting and maintains the status quo.

High End:

• Knows his/her strengths and limitations and is open to growth and development.

• Actively seeks feedback to enhance performance; adapts his/her behavior in response to feedback and experience.

• Takes responsibility for mistakes and failures and is self-correcting in the moment.

• Provides direct, complete, actionable and positive corrective feedback to others.


3) PRESENCE: Listens and engages in conversations and interactions with others so that they feel valued and respected. Communicates with composure and steadiness.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors::Leadership Competencies & Anchors::Way of BeingWay of Being

Low End:

• Through verbal and/or non-verbal cues, inhibits direct and open discussions about important issues.

• Does not recognize or devalues other perspectives; remains stuck on a single approach to an issue or resolution.

• May show a complete lack of emotion or, alternatively, may be emotionally volatile, moody, and/or unpredictable.

High End:

• Is centered and grounded; engaged and attentive.

• Is curious and inquisitive about others points of view.

• Recognizes the limits of his/her point of view; seriously considers ideas different then own.

• Ensures his/her emotions reflect the nature of the situation; emotions are under control and largely seen as calming and professional.


4) AUTHENTICITY: Communicates in a genuine and transparent manner that fosters trust and invites openness from others.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors::Leadership Competencies & Anchors::Way of BeingWay of Being

Low End:

• Makes commitments he/she can’t keep.

• Acts or behaves in ways that would solely benefit themselves.

• May come across as acting superficial and lacking substance.

• Is inconsistent in how they speak as well as how they treat and behave towards others at different levels within the organization.

High End:

• Consistently honest, candid, and direct. Speaks from the heart.

• Doesn’t represent him/herself for personal gain.

• Is genuine and trustworthy. Can present the truth in an appropriate and helpful manner.

• Is consistent in how they speak as well as how they treat and behave towards others at different levels in the organization.


5) COURAGE: Takes risks that lead to expansion and growth while being accountable for the results of one’s actions. Stands up for one’s values, beliefs, perspectives and opinions.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Way of BeingWay of Being

Low End:

• Is slow to act on an opportunity, relies on typical routines and expectations; may be overly methodical.

• Holds back in tough situations.

• Is uncomfortable facing problems or difficult issues.

• Is not willing to admit their shortcomings.

High End:

• Does not hold back on what needs to be said in any setting or situation.

• Is able to face problems on any issue quickly and directly in any setting.

• Is not afraid to take corrective or adverse action when necessary.

• Is accountable in all situations.


6) CREATIVITY: Utilizes one’s imagination to invent and design innovations that generate successful outcomes.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Way of BeingWay of Being

Low End:

• Consistently relies on old solutions and behaviors even when inappropriate for new problems.

• Is unable to make connections between concepts and ideas outside their own when previously unrelated.

• Does not encourage and/or ignores new ideas and thinking in others.

• Is unable to build on old ideas or consider different perspectives in order to create new ways of thinking.

High End:

• Demonstrates the ability to transcend the traditional; leads into new meaningful ideas, methods, or interpretations.

• Develops and surfaces new and unique ideas that have practical value and benefit the enterprise.

• Can easily make connections among previously unrelated ideas or concepts.

• Is seen as original and value-adding in discussions.


7) SOCIAL AGILITY: Understands and addresses the emotional landscape of his/her people and team. Understands the emotional perspectives of others and incorporates these perspectives into decisions and actions.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Way of BeingWay of Being

Low End:

• Is not able to assess and understand the feelings, emotions, and perspectives of others.

• May be too direct or rigid when providing feedback or addressing issues.

• Is not able to consider the views of others when they differ from their own.

• May be insensitive towards the emotions and problems of others.

High End:

• Is perceptive and understands the feelings and emotions of others in various settings and situations.

• Is able to read the feelings and emotions of others well, and can accurately read a room.

• Is flexible and agile in managing relationships and situations.

• Readily knows when to engage and disengage from emotional situations.


8) COGNITIVE AGILITY: Shifts easily between the strategic and the tactical, between the conceptual and the concrete, the global and local, and between the macro and micro, horizontally, and without bias.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Way of BeingWay of Being

Low End:

• Is not able to apply learning from one experience to another.

• Is not able to shift between the strategic and the tactical, the conceptual and the concrete, the global and the local, and/or the macro and the micro.

• Is not able to demonstrate flexibility when communicating thoughts; may not be able to communicate with tact to less complex colleagues.

• Is unable to consider the input or the implications of their actions with other functions, processes, and/or Alliance partners.

High End:

• Is able to notice novel ideas, form new associations, and make distinctions among things.

• Is able to re-frame thinking when presented with new, compelling information.

• Is able to shift easily between the strategies and the tactical, the conceptual and the concrete, the global and the local, and/or the macro and the micro.

• Is comfortable with complexity, ambiguity, and in explaining their thinking to others.


1) DRIVES FOR RESULTS: Focused on achieving measurable/quantitative outcomes that accomplish business objectives. Sets high goals for personal and group accomplishment; uses measurement methods from the process of goal achievement and continuous improvement. Takes action.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Way of DoingWay of Doing

Low End: • Slow to act on an opportunity, or seizes more

opportunities than are really available.

• Fails to implement ideas (poorly translates strategy into action).

• Wastes time and resources.

• Fails to hold self and others accountable for results.

High End: • Models a strong work ethic.

• Has demonstrated the ability to take ideas from concept to execution.

• Sets high standards for self and others; places organizational success over individual gain.

• Identifies and captures opportunities that are present.

• Compels others in the organization to deliver results that are exceptional and holds them accountable.


2) BUILDS STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIPS: Works with and through others to achieve business objectives; uses appropriate interpersonal styles and communication methods (active listening) to influence and build effective relationships with peers, functional partners, external vendors and/or Alliance partners.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Way of DoingWay of Doing

Low End:

• Ignores feedback and input from peers, vendors, Alliance partners, and others in the organization.

• Takes credit for good ideas or accomplishments from peers, team members, and/or others.

• Does not contribute to collaborative activities.

• Decisions and actions are exclusively for the benefit of him/herself.

High End:

• Regularly seeks and uses feedback and input from peers, vendors, and/or Alliance partners in order to perform the job successfully.

• Shows support, gives encouragement, and willingly shares information, ideas, and suggestions to accomplish mutual goals.

• Promotes collaboration and removes obstacles to teamwork across the organization.

• Seeks opportunities to build effective working relationships with peers, vendors, and/or Alliance partners.

• Builds and maintains rapport.


3) LEADS THROUGH ORGANIZATIONAL VISION AND VALUES: Keeps organization’s vision and values at forefront of decision-making and action; serves as a role model who inspires others to challenge themselves; applies the ability to see and arouse possibilities for the future that rally others to align behind a common vision, goal or cause.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Way of DoingWay of Doing

Low End:

• Does not provide others with plans for future actions and the reasons behind the plans.

• Makes decisions for themselves and/or the team without aligning them to the organizational vision or Amylin’s cultural beliefs.

• Makes or follows his/her own rules with low concern for the value of others.

• Does not anticipate market direction and/or fails to consider how the market direction will impact business offerings.

High End:

• Develops and helps others to understand a long term vision and its importance.

• Translates the vision and values into day to day activities and behaviors; guides and motivates others to take actions that support the vision.

• Ensures that individuals’ goals and performance are aligned with the organization's vision and values within the context of Amylin’s cultural beliefs.

• Compares own decisions and actions to the vision to ensure alignment.


4) POSSESSES BROAD BUSINESS ACUMEN: Understands and uses economic, financial and industry data to accurately diagnose business strengths and weaknesses. Identifies key issues and develops strategies and plans. Understands how to evaluate risk in making decisions. Able to take an idea from concept to reality.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Way of DoingWay of Doing

Low End:

• Is unable to understand how his/her actions affect other functional areas within the organization.

• Does not know or understand the industry or marketplace. Is unaware of how strategies and tactics work in the marketplace.

• Unable to link strategy and tactics.

• Cannot understand and/or interpret balance sheets, profit/loss statements, and cash flow asset management reports.

High End:

• Demonstrates understanding of how their actions and behaviors impact the financial decision-making and how this affects financial outcomes for the overall organization.

• Understands Amylin’s key business processes, as well as a broad understanding of each function.

• Demonstrates the understanding of how actions taken in one aspect of the business affects other aspects with internal and external customers; has industry knowledge and market understanding.

• Understands and accurately interprets balance sheets, profit/loss statements, and cash flow and asset management reports.


5) BUILDS ORGANIZATIONAL TALENT: Attracts, selects, and retains key leaders and high performing employees. Articulates the strengths and weaknesses of people so they may develop and learn. Provides a climate where people are encouraged to grow by learning new skills and taking on challenging assignments. Promotes diversity throughout the organization.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Way of DoingWay of Doing

Low End:

• Does not deal effectively with underperforming employees.

• Does not take the time to coach or mentor others.

• Does not provide and/or communicate resources available for leadership and professional development.

• Fails to promote diversity in teams and/or individuals.

High End:

• Regularly coaches and mentors others.

• Coaches others to think outside the norm and engage in creative problem solving.

• Provides challenging and stretch assignments, while giving continuous feedback.

• Identifies and sponsors development experiences for others that help them gain wide exposure that lead to professional growth.

• Builds teams that leverage diversity to achieve better outcomes.


6) FACILITATES CHANGE: Encourages others to seek opportunities for different and innovative approaches to address problems and opportunities; facilitates implementation and acceptance of change.

Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Way of DoingWay of Doing

Low End: • Initiates change without encouraging others to

ask questions and/or provide suggestions.

• Inflexible in adjusting strategy, tactics, or processes.

• Maintains the status quo; resists change.

• Resistant to examine alternatives when faced with new information.

High End: • Consistently remains open to ideas offered by

others; supports and uses good ideas to solve problems and/or address issues.

• Attempts to minimize complexities and contradictions; clarifies direction and smoothes the process of change.

• Modifies strategies, tactics, or processes as needed to support the business, while balancing long term objectives.

• Champions organizational change in ways that help people understand, appreciate, and support the change.

760) 861-9940


Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Leadership Competencies & Anchors:Way of DoingWay of Doing

7) DEMONSTRATES DECISIVENESS AND JUDGMENT EFFECTIVELY: Makes well-informed, effective, and timely decisions, and commits to definite courses of action on the basis of limited information. Decisions are based on logical inferences, experiences, and the implications, alternatives, and consequences are considered.

Low End:

• Is unable to make an effective decision under pressure and tight deadlines.

• Backs down from the decision when faced with opposition.

• Does not take accountability for his/her decision making.

• Does not show good judgment about what ideas or suggestions could actually be implemented.

• Makes decisions without thinking about the facts or the impact upon people.

High End:

• Makes thoughtful decisions under pressure and tight deadlines; does not become overwhelmed when making a decision.

• Effectively utilizes data, analyses, wisdom, and experience when making decisions.

• Solutions and suggestions turn out to be correct when judged over time.

• Includes the right people in discussions leading up to a decision.

• Can decide and act with enough, although not the total, data/information.

• Emphasizes personal accountability in his/her decision-making.


Integral Leadership Development ProgramIntegral Leadership Development Program

Facilitating Substantive Change in 6 Months•Focus on Way of Being

•Transformational Leadership

•Leadership Development Plans and Practices


Why Take an Integral Approach to Leadership?Why Take an Integral Approach to Leadership?

Becoming an effective, exemplary leader is the same thing as becoming a fully integrated human being.

--Warren Bennis


Typical Focus of a Leader is “Way of Doing”Typical Focus of a Leader is “Way of Doing”

>Managing Performance>Modeling Appropriate Behavior>Providing Accurate Feedback>Checking Perceptions>Offering Suggestions or Making Requests>Building Agreement>Offering Experience and Technical Skills

(making distinctions, suggesting practices, readings, self-observations, inquiries)

>Creating Accountability


But Real Impact Happens at “Way of Being”But Real Impact Happens at “Way of Being”

>Being Fully Present to your People (squaring up, centering, “uni-tasking”)

>Maintaining Curiosity and Creativity>Inspiring Change and Transformation>Creating a Safe, Caring and Trusting Environment for

Change to Occur>Being Authentic>Being Courageous and Cognitively Agile


How do you see the world?How do you see the world?

A shoe factory sends two marketing teams to a remote region in the Sahara to study the feasibility of expanding their business. One sends back a telegram that says,



The other writes back triumphantly,


Adapted from The Art of Possibility by Rosamond Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander


Transformational Leadership ObjectivesTransformational Leadership Objectives

Strengthen your leadership capacity by developing leadership competencies needed to meet demands of complexity, growth, and profitability, specifically those relating to Way of Being as a leader.

Further develop coaching abilities of top leaders so that they become more effective in developing the people in their organizations.

Create measurable, sustainable results in each individual leader’s development and in organizational coaching capability (using the Leadership Development Plan that comes out of your attending the Development Center and the Mosaic Conversations). ,


New Definition of LeadershipNew Definition of Leadership

The ability to recognize and align strengths (toward a purpose) in such a way that weaknesses are irrelevant.

-- Peter Drucker


A different approach to LeadershipA different approach to Leadership

Problem Solving Approach Appreciative Approach We organize around what’s broken

We organize around what’s working

Strategy is to identify, analyze and solve problems

Strategy is to marry the best of the past, with what’s working now with hopes for the future, and then design ways to create that reality together

Focuses on limitations

Focuses on possibilities

Deficit based-often creates an energy drain

Generative-accelerates energy


Practices of a LeaderPractices of a Leader

Challenge people beyond their own perceived capabilities. They challenge the “status quo”

Encourage people by creating a reinforcing cycle of affirmation

Enable people by supporting them to do what they do best

Coach and develop methods that accelerate learning and positive change

Inquire by seeking out people with different perspectives and by being a life-long learner committed to personal growth

Stimulate Dialogue by inviting people to question and discover ways that haven’t been tried before, rather than “telling”

From a study conducted on Appreciative Leadership by Deanna Riley, Bea Mah Holland and Marjorie Schiller


It Is Time to Change How We Actually LeadIt Is Time to Change How We Actually Lead


Overview of the Final Program DesignOverview of the Final Program Design

Integral Intelligence™ is the capacity to access and use multiple sources of leadership intelligence: cognitive, emotional, relational, spiritual, and somatic.

By developing these dimensions to a deeper level, leaders are able to enhance a number of critical leadership capabilities: resilience, inspiration, authenticity, vision, presence, courage and creativity.

Integral Intelligence also assumes an appreciative stance to leadership; that is, a belief that positive focus generates enhanced leadership capability and improved business results.


Program OutcomesProgram Outcomes

Present to others so they feel valued, respected and included.

Creative in accessing effective solutions to everyday challenges.

Authentic in how you lead so you are more enlivened and engaged with work and life.

Resilient in bouncing back more quickly in the face of challenge or defeat.

Effective, compelling and inspiring in your communications.

Capable of leading positive change, even when challenged by negative environments.

Able to create environments that liberate leadership potential in the people you lead and manage.



Composite of Amylin leader’s background, experiences, strengths, career path and development plan

> Thoughtful process for developing individuals for Senior Management positions

> Focus on development (an investment over time)

Leadership Development Mosaic ProcessLeadership Development Mosaic ProcessWhat is it & how we do itWhat is it & how we do it


Leadership Assessment CenterLeadership Assessment Center

Customized 360> Mapped to Amylin’s Leadership Competencies> All Participants briefed on how to do the 360 (e.g. bias)> Results absolutely Confidential: For Development Only

Leadership Instruments> Cognitive Skills/Critical Thinking Skills/Problem-solving Skills > Emotional Intelligence/Social and Interpersonal Awareness> Concentration Skills, Personal and Interpersonal attributes> Business Acumen Tests

Leadership Assessments> Biodata Survey> Personal Inteview> Career Planning Discussions


Leadership Assessment CenterLeadership Assessment Center

Customized Assessment Center Activities>One evening and 1 1/2 days at Executive Education Department

of UCSD Rady School of Management: July 31, August 1 & 2– Dinner Session: 6:00pm - 8:30pm– Day 1: 8:30am - 6:00pm– Day 2: 8:30am - 1:00pm

>Participants: 12 Senior Leaders >Team and Individual Exercises>Focus on Amylin Leadership Competencies, application of

knowledge in strategy, commercial, risk management, finance, and operations management


Post-Assessment Center Post-Assessment Center Individual FeedbackIndividual Feedback

Feedback & Developmental Planning>2-3 weeks after the Assessment Center>Confidential feedback to the individual (1:1 with a Rady

Assessment Center Coach):– Test Results Binder sent to you 2+ days before Feedback Session– Overview of your results– Breakdown of key areas

• 360• Leadership Instruments• Assessment Center

– Call out individual strengths, proficiencies as well as developmental opportunities (based on Amylin Competencies)


Leadership Development MosaicLeadership Development Mosaic


Start Date: 09/11/2000 Previous Role/Promotions with Amylin:

Promoted to VP Commercial Affairs: Sep-2004 Promoted to Exec Dir, Commercial Affairs: Jun-2002 Hired as Director Brand Management: Dec-2000

Education, Key Experiences & Functional Competencies:

M.B.A. University of California, Berkeley, 1996 Director of Brand Management, Pfizer 1997-2000 Regional Sale Manager, Pfizer 1992-1997 Functional Competencies include Product Launch Planning and Management;

Planning and Execution of Marketing Strategic Plan Career Goals:

Short Term: Head of Marketing for a growing biotech/pharma company; Long Term?

Performance: Attain “Exceeds Performance” in each of the last 4 years Examples of SPECIFICS

Potential Readiness Potential Positions

Likely to Excel In Challenging situations that demand Strategic Thinking as well as detailed Tactical Planning

Likely to Struggle With Dealing with large, complex organizations; especially the variety of Human Capital issues

Current Assessment Development Suggestions

Strengths to Leverage Drive for Results Courage

Development Areas Accurate Self-Insight Broad Business Acumen

Lead presentations to Alliance partners and to the BOD New assignment as part of the coprorate strategic planning team Involvement in the Business Development Committee Practices and Feedback associated with Self-Insight



Resilience Strength

Accurate Self-Insight Dev Opp

Presence Proficiency

Authenticity Strength

Courage Strength

Creativity Proficiency Social Agility Proficiency

Cognitive Agility Proficiency WAY OF DOING

Drives for Results Strength

Builds Strategic Relationships Strength

Leads Through Organizational Vision and Values Strength

Possesses Broad Business Acumen Dev Opp

Builds Organizational Talent Proficiency Facilitates Change Proficiency


Post-Assessment Center Post-Assessment Center Mosaic ConversationMosaic Conversation

Mosaic Conversations 2-4 weeks after Assessment Center Manager, Cross-Functional EC Member, Exec Dir Leadership

Development, CLO, HR Business Partner, UCSD assessor/coach The UCSD assessor/coach will share their general observations about

each person, but will not share any 360 specifics Review all Dimensions of Your Leadership Profile (“Mosaic”)

Career Goals Skills, Experiences, Knowledge Competency Assessments (Strengths, Proficiencies, Developmental

Opportunities) Performance Potential Readiness Assessment

Current Career Path Analysis Leadership Development Suggestions


Post-Assessment Center:Post-Assessment Center:Individual Leadership Development Plans (ILPs)Individual Leadership Development Plans (ILPs)

1-2 weeks after Mosaic Meetings Meeting of Individual, Manager, and Exec Dir Leadership

Development Individual will own their plan and progress of their plan Activities, Experiences, and Practices matched to Development

Opportunities Training Academic Courses Coaching Job Assignments and Experiences Job Structure Job Rotation

ILP Practices Feedback, and Coaching Process Metrics to measure progress and milestones


Progress in Building the Leadership Pipeline Progress in Building the Leadership Pipeline at Amylinat Amylin

Leadership Learning & Development


TALENT• Leadership Dev Center• Performance Review • Career Planning• Talent ID Tool • Initial Mosaic

POSITION• Org Design for Leadership• Staffing Needs• Position Description• Int/Ext Sourcing


Mosaic Conversations• Performance• Potential • Retention Risk• Barriers


• Competencies• Experiences• Skill/Knowledge• Criticality• Timing of Opening

Career & Succession Planning

Outputs• Talent Pipeline• Strategic Staffing Plan• Talent Metrics

Diversity and Engagement Strategies

Outputs• Leadership Mosaic• Development Plans • Readiness Rating• Talent Pipeline• Talent Grid

•Training •Coaching•Experiences & Practices

Right Person

in the

Right Role

at the

Right Time






Leadership Competencies

Leadership Development



Career Plan

Experiences& Education

Mosaic / Talent









Leadership Development Mosaic ProcessLeadership Development Mosaic Process






Leadership Development PipelineLeadership Development PipelinePhase IPhase I

>Phase 1 complete (Level 1 & 2 Talent Conversations)>Leadership Pipelines reflective of Amylin’s leadership needs of

today; not necessarily what we need even in next 12-18 months– Re-baseline of our Succession Planning– What we have learned

>We have left the “hit by the bus scenario” out of these pipelines> Chart Keys

– Ready Now is in BLUE (next 6-12 months)– Ready Later is in GREEN (next 12-36 months)– Long Term is in PURPLE (next 3-5 years)– Accelerated Potential prospects are Italicized (individuals who can

quickly grow into senior leaders/general managers/business unit leads)


Talent PipelineTalent Pipeline

Functional Head(Name)

Functional Head(Name)

Incumbent NameIncumbent NameIncumbent NameIncumbent Name






LEGENDGreen = Ready NowBlue = Ready LaterBrown = Well PlacedRed = Under PerformingBlack = Too New to RateBrackets = {Diversity Candidate}


Leadership Potential Grid: Using Sonar 6 Leadership Potential Grid: Using Sonar 6 SoftwareSoftware

>A multi-dimensional look at our entire Talent Pool

>Ability to zero in on specific individuals tied to specific Leadership Needs

>Enhances current conversations through an engaging interface that saves time and allows us to quickly analyze both high and low performers graphically.

>Provides a visual overview of the history of talent management for the entire organization

>Provides a graphical representation of each manager’s team in comparison to the overall organization.

>Shows average performance for each factor for each function, as well as the overall organization.







The Sandler Group: sandlergroup.net/

Leland Sandler Website: lelandsandler.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lelandsandler

Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/person/leland-sandler

Facebook: http://facebook.com/thesandlergroup

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lelandsandler

Google+: https://plus.google.com/+LelandSandlerExecutiveAdvisor

Expertfile: http://expertfile.com/experts/leland.sandler

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4pT3Ne6_jxSAKrWC2iQzWQ

My Presentations: http://www.slideshare.net/lsandler91/presentations


Resources and LinksResources and Links

Acknowledgements and Permissions

Amylin acknowledges the work of Donna Stoneham of Positive Impact, LLC, and Pat Weger of MW Coaching and Consulting, and their published work in The International Journal of Coaching

in Organizations Fall, 2006 issue, for the following intellectual property:

Way of Doing / Way of Being / Business Results Distinction Definitions for Way of Being Competencies: Resilience, Authenticity, Courage, Presence, and


Granted permission to use, 2007, for the sole internal use of Amylin Pharmaceuticals.

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