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  • Leo District 306A2

    A Publ icat ion of Leo Dist r ic t 306A2 Sr i Lanka

    Leo of the Month &Upcoming Specials

    October Edition

    voyage laSigiriya

    Page 3

    Cover Story

    Word withthe World

    Page 6

  • A Publ icat ion of Leo Dist r ic t 306A2 Sr i Lanka



    Message from District PresidentKnow your Strength

    Today Ill share a short story with you.

    One man decided to reach for his dream. But he didnt have enough strength to do it. So he turned to his mother:

    Mother, help me!

    Darling, I would be glad to help you, but I dont have it and everything I have, Ive already given to you

    Leo of the Month

    Leo Dineth SarangaLeo Club of Ingiriya United

    In appreciation of Dedication for thebetterment of leo movement

    He asked a wise man: Master, tell me, where can I get strength? It is said that, it is on the Everest. But I couldnt nd anything there, except the snowy winds and when I came back, the time was irretrievably lostHe asked the hermit: Holy Father, where to nd the strength for the realization of my dream? In your prayers, my son and if your dream is false, you will understand it and nd peace in your prayersThis person asked from everyone, but the only result of his searches was confusion. Why are you so confused? asked an old man passing by.

    I have a dream, good man. But I dont know where to nd strength for its realization. I asked everyone, but there was no one who could help me. No one? a light ashed in the old mans eyes, Did you ask yourself?

    Leos, as leaders we all face many ups and downs, but whenever you have a problem rst ask yourself, whether you are going to overcome it or are you giving up? But as Leos I know you would never give upon your challenges in your work or your LIFE. Keep up the Spirit!


    Leo Pramod Wimalatunga

  • Article by - Leo Dinya Godakanda

    voyage la

    A Publ icat ion of Leo Dist r ic t 306A2 Sr i Lanka3

    SigiriyaAnnual District


    10th of October 2015 was a much awaited day for the Leos of A2 as it was the annual trip of our Leo District. Usually it is one of the most exciting events on the Leo calendar. This time the chosen destination was Dambulla to visit Sigiriya, the great fortress of King Kashyapa.

    The ruins of the kings palace and the water fountains give a glimpse of the advanced technology our ancestors possessed.When viewing from the top, Sigiriya rock stands among the beautiful surrounding giving a majestic appearance. The blowing wind was refreshing and the evening glow of the sky with the sunset made the environment much more calm and peaceful. Although it was hard to reach the top, it was harder to get the Leos to come down again as everyone was enjoying this amazing and the mind blowing 360 view. Theres no doubt that our Leos went home with much more pride for our culture after witnessing this magnicent creation. It also reminded us of our responsibility to safeguard the heritages so that they will remain for the generations to come.

    Although the journey to the top was tiring and a bit scary, the view we got to see from the top was beautiful enough to forget about the tiredness. On the way to the top we visited the mirrorwall and Sigiri frescoes which highlight the artistic skills of ancient Sinhalese.

    Overall we were able to enjoy the trip even though we had to face some diculties on our way which made a delay. Thus this can be regarded as a successful district event. On behalf of the District, we would like to pay our gratitude to Leo Vishwa Weerasekara and all those who helped, for their dedication and commitment which gave us a trip lled with joy as well as knowledge.

    The trip was organized by Leo Vishwa Weerasekara and we are grateful that Multiple District President, Leo Dumindu Jayakody and his Lady Leo Vishodha Jayakody joined with us in this event. More than 80 Leos of our district took part in the annual trip this time with much enthusiasm.Journey began from Horana. We managed to leave in the early morning with the hope of reaching the destination on time. It is happy to mention that our Leos were able to maintain an entertaining atmosphere throughout the entire trip even though we had to face a huge trac jam on our way. Nevertheless we were able to reach Sigiriya by around 2pm. Soon after having our lunch there our Leos started the journey to the top of Sigiriya.


  • Article by - Leo Kulani Amanda

    A Publ icat ion of Leo Dist r ic t 306A2 Sr i Lanka4

    World ChildrensDay 2015

    Once Eric Hoer said; "Children are the keys of paradise" but what dierence would it make even on the children's day if the life isn't much longer?

    We were able to donate needed packs of Dry rations, aanitary items and medical essentials. District President Leo Pramod Sean Wimalathunga joined his hands with us in this great course which enlighted the lives of these buddinng owers.

    We are more than thankful to the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board who,extended us their helping hand with generous donations, and the sta of the General Hospital and each and every one who helped us in organizing this great course.

    In your world everything might be uncertain, but may you all live long!

    In the 12th ward of General Hospital these blooming blossoms,who are struggling hard to be bloomed. Uncertainty of life has become the biggest challenge on their way to the paradise of Future . From newly born kids to twelve year children who have neurological issues are being treated as stationed patients there and to them, a sudden visit from a set of visitor was ahappiness beyond them.

    Leo Club of Katuwawala and Leo Club of Piliyandala, consecutively for the 2nd time, celebrated World Children's Day in a charitable, compassionate and generous gesture, by brightening the lives of the little kids and their mothers in Children's ward.Our Leos added colour to their lives by not only celebrating the children's day with them but also spending some time with them as a relaxation to their lives that are driven in pain.


  • Its not how much we give but how much love we put into giving. We, Leos of Leo club of Godigamuwa, came up with a great idea of giving an extra nutritious meal to the patients at the cancer hospital Maharagama, as another successful project in the Leoism journey of the Leo club of Godigamuwa.

    The members of the club got together to initiate the project and met the Officials at the Shantha Sewana which is a special wards complex at the cancer hospital Maharagama and got the date fixed to implement the project. All the members brought up with the essentials and handed over them to the hospital a day before the project was held.

    They know that the bread you do not use is the bread of the hungry.The garment hanging in your wardrobe is the garment of the person who is naked. The shoes you do not wear are the shoes of the one who is barefoot. The money you keep locked away is the money of the poor.

    The acts of charity you do not perform are the injustices you commit. Therefore, the Leos of Leo club of Godigamuwa has been able to render tremendous service to the needy people in the society while making active leaders, getting great experiences through the valuable opportunities in their Leoism journey.

    On 29th of October, the project was held at the cancer hospital premises with the participation of the Leos of Godigamuwa Leo club and the club members shared the laughter, thoughts and deeds with the elderly patients, blossoming a smile in their faces. Leos, as they are always in a hunger to help the needy people in the society, firmly believe that The Leo motto Leadership, Experience, Opportunity is fulfilled as members work together in response to the needs of others.

    A Publ icat ion of Leo Dist r ic t 306A2 Sr i Lanka5

    Treating Carewith


  • A Publ icat ion of Leo Dist r ic t 306A2 Sr i Lanka6

    in brief who are you?

    Leoism is in my Blood,Fortunately I have got this since my

    birth.My Father was a part of Lions clubs international and my

    sister was secreatry of my home club (Leo club of Gauhati Girls).-

    So there is no point staying away from this wonderful vibrant

    organisation.I have always been inspired and influenced to its

    Activities.Leoism gives alot to the young blood for making them

    a Leader.

    Leo clubs makes a huge impact in the terms of transforming the

    environment in the youngsters,making it more cosmopolitian and

    encouraging and All these things made me join Leo movement.

    what is "leo" and how did you join?

    Where I am today,I completely "owe" to "LEOISM".

    The self confidence,the strength,the enthusiasm to do something

    worth living ,the knowledge and the most important Leadership

    qualities stood me at th highest position in leo district.All I

    gained through only only Leosim.It has given me many new

    friends,Asocial connection not only within my city but around

    the whole world.It has given me the parent Lions whos is always

    there to support and many more things."Words are not enough to

    express my deepest thanks to this beautiful organisation called

    Leo movement."In Love with Leoism.

    Where do you think LEO movement is, among the other social service

    organizations in the world?

    Every social organisition is doing wonderful in their capacity and giving

    its best to the world.When we talk about "Leo movement" It embarks its

    definition,selfless service to the world.Its increasing membership and

    every year opening number of Leo clubs is an evidence of its reliable

    loyalty. All that it brings is one of the wonderful organisation in the world

    map.Leo movement comprises of young blood called Leos and it brings

    many youngsters together under the one roof .

    It stands for We all are family.

    What do you think of Leos of Sri Lanka?

    First and foremost thanks to Lions clubs international for starting leo

    movement and giving an opportunity to young ones to interact with

    each other.Thanks to social media also that connects us no matter

    where we live and how much is the distance.I got an opportunity to

    meet and talk to srilankan Leos through watsapp.Our district officer

    for twinning projects with new clubs has taken an intiative and made

    a watsapp group of many Leos from different countries and where we

    started talking about their club activities,sharing ideas ,exchanging

    thoughts and views and cherishing everyone's experience and

    became friends.I personally talked with the District President of 306A2

    leo Promod and we both are sharing cultures of our own districts.Leos

    of 306A2 are very friendly it seems I know them since my birthThey

    help ,share and extend greetings on every occasion.Undoubtedly

    they are too much enthusiastic and their activities are very motivating

    too.In short i am very proud of being part of their newsletter and thank

    you for giving me an opportunity to share my views.I wish them a very

    glorious and bright Leoistic year.They are the inspiration for the other

    fellow Leos.

    what have you gained through LEO?

    I am happy to be a part of this noble organization where you get equal

    opportunity for self development as well as community service.Lions

    clubs international has given this opportunity to every individual to serve

    without any difference between the members,All are equal here.I firmly

    believe that if we serve in unity one day each human shall have water

    to drink,food to eat,home to live clothes to wear thats what I dream.

    Our small efforts can bring the change!!

    How would balancing Leo life with your personal life?

    People learn from experience and I realise it now. When I was club

    president it has given me a lot of experiences which I'm cherishing

    everyday.In past 4years of Leoism I learned to manage many things

    together and being responsible person.Leoism is always my interest of

    subject.It is truly said that when there is a will there is a way.I wouldn't

    deny from the fact that I face many problems while managing my

    personal life and leoism and it took alot of efforts also.But I am very

    fortunate enough leos and Leo advisers of my district are my backbone

    always there for me whenever I need them. I could cooperate my

    personal life with Leoism only with the full support of my understanding

    family and Dear Leos.they are always been inner strength and keep

    motivating me.Giving best to my District along with me leos of my

    district and my district team is really very passionate,very innovative

    ,enthusiastic and workig really harder for keeping the leo district 322D

    banner fly high and soar in the sky.I am being district president very

    thankful to my leo family and Leo advsrs(Parent Lions) for always being

    pillar of my strength.#322D Leos Roar.

    Interviewed by - Kulani Amanda

    Leo Pooja PinchaDistrict President 322D,India


  • A Publ icat ion of Leo Dist r ic t 306A2 Sr i Lanka

    Differently-abled children are assets and every child has unique qualities. We have to give them the opportunity to put their best foot forward. As Leos, it is our duty to help children who are physically and mentally challenged. If we can enhance the potential of such children, they would be able to contribute their optimum to the society.

    So as Bandaragama Cental Leos, on the World Childrens day, October 1st, we organized an Art competition for the students of Chithra Lane School, Narahenpita. Around 20 students participated and nearly 20 Leos and prospects supported for the competition.

    In the competition, Chathuranga came up first, followed by Chanaka in second place and Sahan third. The Chief Guest for the competition, Prof. Ranjith Bandara (Senior Lecturer, University of Colombo-Faculty of Arts) distributed prizes for the above places and all participants.

    Finally, the joy that rests in the eyes of the children and their parents when distributing prizes brought a smile to the faces of everyone around.


    SamanalaW a s a n t h a y a

    A r t C o m p e t i t i o n


  • The day was 13th of October. Having done numerous service projects related to education and child care, this time Leos of Polgasowita focused on health care. The venue was Buvanekabha Maha Vidyalaya, Maharagama. At 7.30 in the morning the school was filled with the students in white as usual. This time

    there were no classes but there was a DENTAL CLINIC in the school.

    Leo Club of Polgasowita partnering up with link Sudantha, a company with main emphasis on dental hygiene provided a valuable opportunity to the students of grade 6, 7 and 8 to improve their dental sterility. They say the prevention is better than cure. Going according to this important adage the project Muthu Sina itself had two parts, first being a Lecture which was conducted by the Dental Surgeon Dr (Mrs.) S.N.D.S.W Gunawardene. The kids were given a demonstration and guidance as how to prevent the tooth cavities, decays and many other dental concerns by keeping up the good health habits.

    The second stage was done in order to cure the damages what had already being done, a dental screening and checkup was held with the participation of the district president, Leo Sean Wimalathunga where about 100 kids were screened by the Surgeon and a nurse. Many dental problems were identified within the kids and were given the right directives to cure them and everyones teeth were scrubbed up and removed tart. At the end of the project each of the participants were provided with a gift parcel containing the sanitary items which are necessary to keep a good dental hygiene. With behind the success of another worthwhile project, we waved good bye to the happy kids who was smiling back radiantly, with their flossy teeth.

    A Publ icat ion of Leo Dist r ic t 306A2 Sr i Lanka8


  • Club Installations


    A Publ icat ion of Leo Dist r ic t 306A2 Sr i Lanka9

    Installation Ceremony of Leo Club of Horana Metro was held on 11th october at Ashoka Caters,Horana

    Joint installation ceremony of Leo Club of Rattanapitiya and Dehiwala East was held on 4th october at Camila School Mattegoda

    Upcoming Specials


  • 1st - Jeewana Yathra, Badulla8th - El Talento '15 Talent show22nd - Council General Meeting5th Dec - Leo Multiple Walk

    Upcoming Events

    Editors Note

    Editorial PanelLeo District 306A2

    Interested on Our Work? Join with Us ! - www.leodistrict306a2.org - blog.leodistrict306a2.org - [email protected] - www.facebook.com/leo306a2

    - www.youtube.com/leo306a2 - www.twitter.com/leo306a2 - @a2leos






    A Publ icat ion of Leo Dist r ic t 306A2 Sr i Lanka10

    We all know that 'Leoism' is an ideal place where we can truely get in touch with the society. It's all about rendering our service of humanity towards the society in need.Through the October edition of our Newsletter we are really happy to publish various kinds of projects that our young leos have done so far, which appear to be much distinctive.As you will see, most of the clubs in our district are actively providing a service to the society in an energetic manner. By publishing and appreciating the great services of our very own leos, we are hoping to see a shot up of many more projects in the months to come as we have only another 7 more months to complete our leostic year 2015/16.


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