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  • 1. Lesson 3 Constitution and Bill of RightsBellringer: What was the purpose of the Philadelphia Convention?

2. Guiding Questions What outside sources did the Framers use to inspire our constitution? What was a concern about having a strong national government and how did they remedy this? 3. These things happened. They were glorious and they changed the world... and then we screwed up the endgame. 3/5 Compromise What was it and what do you think about it? How does it look when the delegates whodecided our individual rights made thatcompromise? 4. Constitution and Bill of RightsCommittee of Detail wrote first draft of the Constitution Used VirginiaPlanHad to eliminate ambiguities 5. Committee Gets to Work Committee postponed some decisions about the constitution, but completed some major decisions 4 year presidency More powers to the President Committee of Style and Arrangement made final copy Stewart Morris wrote the preamble 6. Constitutional Government Limits on the powers of the person or grouprunning the government Autocratic of dictatorial government have no limits 7. Ratification Washington signed it first The Constitution was then sent to the states to be ratified It was to be the supreme law of the land No state could make laws or take actions that wentagainst the Constitution Final authority Settled disputes between states and national government 8. Inspiration Many ideas embedded in the Constitution came from the study of past European political establishments Parliament of Britain Enlightenment 9. Strong Federal Government John Locke and Montesquieu both called for separation of power Federalism; created a system in which power was divided between national and state government National government was on top though National government could tax, regulate trade, control currency, raise an army, and declare war 10. 3 Branches Constitution divided the government into 3 branches Executive, legislative, and judicial Stated in the first 3 Articles Article I; Legislative Congress Law-making body Article II; Executive Headed by President Article III; Judicial One supreme court and other lower federal courts Series of checks, balances, and vetoes 11. Bill of Rights Delegates worried, however, without a list of individual rights the new, stronger national government allotted by this constitution might abuse its power Created Bill of Rights 1st 10 Amendments of the Constitution Focused on personal freedoms 12. Bill of Rights Natural rights serving as limitations on national government Used English Bill of Rights as inspiration (1689) As well as Virginia Declaration of Rights and Lockes Two Treatise on Government 13. Constitution Debates http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly- news/46861641#46861641 Obama Healthcare Law Faces Key Supreme Court Test 14. Exit Card In your packet What steps were taken to write our constitution? 15. Building a Country Create your own country with your group Decide what type of country you would have Constitution Type of Government Taxes Laws Write a basic outline like the Virginia Plan

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