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Page 1: Lesson Plan (Pbi)_square and Rectangle-riza Fadila

Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 1


“Rectangle and Square”

By :

Riza Fadila


International Program of Mathematics Education





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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 2


School Unit : Junior High School Subject : Mathematics Grade/ Semester : VII (Seventh)/ Even Topic : Rectangle and Square Time Allocation : 2 × 40 minutes

A. Main Competences :

1. Appreciate and practice their religion.

2. Appreciate and practice the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring

(mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and

pro-active and show the attitude as part of the solution to various problems

in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment as well as in

the position ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association world.

3. Understanding, applying, analyzing factual knowledge, conceptual,

procedural based on the curiosity sense about science, technology, arts,

culture, and humanities with an insight into humanity, national, state, and

civilization-related causes of phenomena and events, as well as applying

procedural knowledge in the field of study according to the specific talents

and interests to solve the problem.

4. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of the concrete and

abstract domains associated with the development of the self-learned at

school, and were able to use the method according to the rules of science.

B. Basic Competences :

2.1 Show logical attitude, critical, analytical, consistent and conscientious,

responsible, responsive, and not give up easily in solving the problem.

3.6 Identifying the properties of plane figure and use it to determine the

perimeter and area.

4.7 Resolve the real problem related to the application properties of a rectangle,

square, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus, and kite.

C. Indicators :

2.1.1 Responsibility in the group to find the problem solution and criticize the


3.6.1 Determine the area of rectangle and square.

4.7.1 Resolving the problem in daily life related to area of rectangle and square.

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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 3

D. Learning Objectives : Students are able to responsible in the group and able to criticize the

problem. Given a problem, students are able to determine the area of rectangle and

square. Students are able to solve real problems related to the perimeter and area of

rectangle and square.

E. Topic :

Area of Rectangle and Square.

F. Learning Method :

Learning model : Problem Based Learning.

Learning method : Discussion, giving a task.

G. Activities Steps :

Initial Activities:

1. Teacher greets the students

2. Teacher starts the learning activities by pray together.

3. Teacher checks the students’ attendance list.

4. Teacher conveys the learning goal.

Phase 1: Orient Students To The Problem

5. Teacher asks students to open their mathematics’ book or open their note about

previous topic.

6. Apperception

Teacher shows the site about rectangle and square. Then, teacher asks students

to recall the material about rectangle and square that has been learned in the

previous meeting that are properties and formula of perimeter of rectangle and

square. Teacher ask students some questions about that.



7. Teacher gives the problem related to perimeter and area of rectangle and

square using power point.

Problem I:

Father wants to set the tiles in a living room. The living room is rectangular

shaped with size of . Whereas the tiles that will be purchased is

square shaped with various types:

Type A : Tiles with the size with a price of

Rp39.500,00 and contains 25 tiles each box

Type B : Tiles with the size with a price of

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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 4

Rp61.000,00 and contains 8 tiles each box

Tipe C : Tiles with the size with a price of

Rp71.500,00 and contains 4 tiles each box

Father only have Rp1.500.000,00 and he want the tile size is large enough. If

father considering the price then consider the size of the tiles. What type of tile

and how many boxes of tiles should father buy?.

Main Activities:

Phase 2: Organize Students To Study

1. Teacher divides the students into small groups of 2-3 students heterogeneously

to solve the problem presented by the teacher.

2. Teacher asks students to gather with their own group.

3. Teacher gives the information that the time for discuss is 20 minutes and

students must active, work together, and responsible to their own group.

4. Teacher gives the worksheet containing that problem for each group.

5. Teacher helps students to identifify the problem.

Phase 3: Assist Independent and Group Investigation

6. Teacher helps students find appropriate information to solve problem.

7. Teacher observes the student’ behaviour during the discussion and write down

in the assessment rubric.

8. Students conducts an investigation of the problem given by the teacher.

9. Teacher asks students to write down the solution of the problem on the

worksheet given.

10. Teacher helps students if there are difficulties in carry out investigations.

Phase 4: Develop and Present Artifacts and Exhibits

11. Teacher ends the discussion.

12. Teacher collects the result of the discussion for each groups.

13. Teacher asks some groups to present the results of the investigation and give

their discussion result to be presented in front of the class.

14. Students are required to respond the group who did the presentation.

Final Activities:

Phase 5: Analyze and Evaluate The Problem Solving Process

1. Teacher and students review the process to solve the problem given.

2. Teacher provides opportunities for students to ask about the learning today.

3. Teacher gives the quiz for every students containing four questions related to

perimeter and area of rectangle and square.

4. Teacher asks students to learn about kites and rhombus for next meeting.

5. Teacher ends the learning activities by praying together.

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H. Learning Materials :

Mathematics’ book for Junior High School 7th Grades curriculum 2013




I. Learning Tools :



LCD and Projector

Internet access

J. Assessment :

1. Behavior

Techniques : Observation

Instrument : Questionnaire

2. Knowledge

Techniques : Written Test

Instrument : Worksheet and Quiz

Nu. Aspects Assessed Assessment Techniques

1. Work together to solve the



2. Give the idea or opinion Observation

3. Determine the area of rectangle

and square

Written test

4. Resolving the problem in daily life

related to area of rectangle and


Written test

Surabaya, n

Approved By

Teacher Principal

Riza Fadila

NIM. 12030174235 NIP

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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 6


Class : _______________________

Date : _______________________

Nu. Name Student



Assessed Total

1 2








Nu. Aspects Assessed

1. Work together to solve the problem

2. Give the idea or opinion

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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 7

Rubric Assessment “Rectangle and Square”

Class : _______________________

Date : _______________________

For Worksheet :

Nu. Performance Details Score

1. Calculate the area of living room that has rectangular shaped 3

2. Calculate the area of tiles that has square shaped 5

3. Give the reason (the number tiles, the number boxes, and

price of each type) 12

4. Give the conclusion 5

Total Score 25

For Quiz :

Nu. Performance Details Score

1. Calculate the perimeter 5

2. Calculate the area 5

3. Determine the length and width that possible,

if the possible ≤ 3 = score 2

the possible > 4 = score 3


4. Determine the length and width that possible,

if the possible ≤ 3 = score 2

the possible > 4 = score 3


Total Score 20

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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 8

WORKSHEET “Rectangle and Square”

Date : .......................................................

Class : .......................................................

Members of Group : 1. .................................................

2. .................................................

3. .................................................

Hint :

1. Discuss and resolve the following problem with your group

2. Write down the solution in the solution sheet

3. Please write your reason about our solution

4. You have 20 minutes to do this worksheet

Problem I

Father wants to set the tiles in a living room. The living room is rectangular shaped with

a size of . Whereas the tiles that will be purchased is square shaped with

various types:

Type Tile Size The Number of

Tiles Each Box

Price of

Each Box

A 25 Rp39.500,00

B 8 Rp61.000,00

C 4 Rp71.500,00

Father only have Rp1.500.000,00 and he want the tile size is large enough. If father

considering the price then consider the size of the tiles.

What type of tile and how many boxes of tiles should father buy? Explain your


What is your conclusion about that problem related to area of rectangle and


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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 10

Worksheet Alternative Solution

Problem I:

Father wants to set the tiles in a living room. The living room is rectangular shaped with

a size of . Whereas, the tiles will be purchased is square shaped with various


Type Tile Size The Number of

Tiles Each Box

Price of

Each Box

A 25 Rp39.500,00

B 8 Rp61.000,00

C 4 Rp71.500,00

Father only have Rp1.500.000,00 and he want the tile size is large enough. If father

considering the price then consider the size of the tiles

What type of tile and how many boxes of tiles should father buy? Explain your


What is your conclusion about that problem related to area of rectangle and



Area of living room = length × width = 6 m × 4 m = 600 cm × 400 cm = 240000 cm2

Area of type A = length × width = 20 cm × 20 cm = 400 cm2

Area of type B = length × width = 40 cm × 40 cm = 1600 cm2

Area of type C = length × width = 50 cm × 50 cm = 2500 cm2


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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 11

The price of type A = 24 × 39.500 = Rp948.000,00

The price of type B = 19 × 61.000 = Rp1.159.000,00

The price of type C = 24 × 71.500 = Rp1.716.000,00

Father should buy the tiles type B, because the price of this type is less than

Rp1.500.000,00 and type B is bigger than type A. Father buy 19 boxes of the type B.

The conclusion is:

The formula of Area of square =

The formula of Area of rectangle =

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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 12

QUIZ “Rectangle and Square”

Name : .......................................................

Class/ Students ID : .......................................................

Date : .......................................................

Hint :

1. Solve the problems below correctly

2. Write down the solution in the solution box

3. Do it by your self and don’t cheating with your friends

4. You have 30 minutes to do this quiz

1. Via wants to celebrate the birthday of 13 years. He prepared everything necessary

for her birthday party, including decorating the walls in the living room and a terrace

house with lace. Via’s living room square-shaped with a length of 7 meters, while the

house terrace rectangular-shaped with a length of 10 and width of 7 meters. What is

the lace is needed to decorate Via’s house?

2. Father buys the land in Surabaya. The land square-shaped with a length 9 m. If father

buy that land with the price Rp137.700.000. What is the price of that land per m2?


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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 13

3. If perimeter of a rectangle given 60 cm. Determine the length and width are

possible! (min. 3)

4. Determine the length and width of rectangle are possible if the area less than 120

cm2 and greater than 70 cm2! (min. 3)




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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 14


Name : .......................................................

Class/ Students ID : .......................................................

Date : .......................................................

Hint :

1. Solve the problems below correctly

2. Write down the solution in the solution box

3. Do it by your self and don’t cheating with your friends

4. You have 20 minutes to do this quiz

1. Via wants to celebrate the birthday of 13 years. She prepared everything necessary

for her birthday party, including decorating the walls in the living room and a terrace

house with lace. Via’s living room square-shaped with a length of 7 meters, while the

house terrace rectangular- shaped with a length of 10 and width of 7 meters. What is

the lace is needed to decorate Via’s house?

2. Father buys the land in Surabaya. The land square-shaped with a length 9 m. If father

buy that land with the price Rp137.700.000,00. What is the price of that land per


Solution: Given: Side of living room = 7 meters Length of terrace = 10 meters Width of terrace = 7 meters Perimeter of Living Room = Perimeter of square = = = Perimeter of terrace = Perimeter of square = = = = Perimeter of living room + perimeter of terrace = = The number of lace that needed is 62 meters

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Lesson Plan PBI │ Rectangle and Square 15

3. If perimeter of a rectangle given 60 cm. Determine the length and width are


4. Determine the length and width of rectangle are possible if the area less than 120

cm2 and greater than 70 cm2!

Solution: Given : Length of the land = 9 meters Price of the land = Rp137.700.000,00 Asked : Price of the land per m2 ?

Solution: Area of land = Area of square = = =

Price of land per =


The price of the land per m2 is

Solution: Given : Perimeter of rectangle = 60 cm Asked : Length and width are possible? Solution:

Perimeter of rectangle = 60 = 30 =

First possible : Length = 12 cm and width = 18 cm Second possible : Length = 20 cm and width = 10 cm Third possible : Length = 16 cm and width = 14 cm ...

Solution: Given : area less than 120 cm2 and greater than 70 cm2 Asked : length and width are possible Solution:

First possible : Length = 10 cm and width = 11 cm Area = Second possible : Length = 11 cm and width = 9 cm Area = ...

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