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Page 1: Lesson Seventeen Seven Gifts Analysis Exercises Summary.

Lesson SeventeenLesson Seventeen Seven Gifts Seven Gifts

Analysis Exercises Summary Summary

Page 2: Lesson Seventeen Seven Gifts Analysis Exercises Summary.


Humans have no equals in the animal world. What special Humans have no equals in the animal world. What special characteristics does nature give to humans? Read the text characteristics does nature give to humans? Read the text and find out.and find out.

The story of the beginning of mankind takes us far, far back The story of the beginning of mankind takes us far, far back through time to a world entirely different from the world we through time to a world entirely different from the world we know today. know today. Looking back across hundreds of centuries we come to a time known as the Ice Age, a time when nearly half the world was locked in ice.


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The caps of ice that cover the north and south poles today spread right down over the Temperate zone then, nearly half-way to the equator. In places the ice was a mile thick, and these regions could In places the ice was a mile thick, and these regions could support no life. In Europe the only land where life was support no life. In Europe the only land where life was possible lay mainly to the south, around possible lay mainly to the south, around the Atlantic and Mediterranean shores, and even this land was , and even this land was cold, and barren. There were hardly any woodlands, forests, cold, and barren. There were hardly any woodlands, forests, except some small trees that except some small trees that were checked from full growth. Home

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Some of the first people like ourselves in this world lived side by side with some of the largest, fiercest animals in the earth’s history. What’s more, there were other dangerous animals such as What’s more, there were other dangerous animals such as cave bears and cave lions, and tigers and wolf packs that packs that often attacked people.often attacked people.In such a world, how could people survive? In such a world, how could people survive? Nature gave them no warm fur pelts against the cold, no swiftness to escape any enemy, no weapons for fighting. If they crept into a cave for shelter, the lion or bear that made If they crept into a cave for shelter, the lion or bear that made its lair there would its lair there would tear them to pieces. Home

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Compared with the animals around them, men and women the animals around them, men and women were poor, feeble creatures. They were thin skinned, two-were poor, feeble creatures. They were thin skinned, two-legged, unprotected against a bitter climate and a large legged, unprotected against a bitter climate and a large number of natural enemies. They had no books to tell them number of natural enemies. They had no books to tell them what to do, no histories of earlier people to learn from. They what to do, no histories of earlier people to learn from. They had no warm houses, no cloth for clothing, no wagons for had no warm houses, no cloth for clothing, no wagons for carrying, no plants in gardens, no cows for milk, no iron for carrying, no plants in gardens, no cows for milk, no iron for instruments and weapons. instruments and weapons. Such things lay thousands of years away in the future, and these people could not even imagine them.


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Yet these distant ancestors of ours made a life for themselves in this rough, barren land and survived its dangers, for like fairy-tale heroes they had certain remarkable gifts --- seven in number.Their first gift was that they stood erect, with head held high. Their first gift was that they stood erect, with head held high. They could see over tall grasses and rough, rocky ground. They could see over tall grasses and rough, rocky ground. They could turn head and body and, with one swift glance, They could turn head and body and, with one swift glance, look in any direction to track the animals they hunted or to escape the animals that hunted them. Home

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Their second gift was linked to their first and that was their Their second gift was linked to their first and that was their two legs. They might not outrun any animals, but they could two legs. They might not outrun any animals, but they could outwalk them all. They could track the game steadily and outwalk them all. They could track the game steadily and patiently for great distances, keeping the beasts moving, patiently for great distances, keeping the beasts moving, keeping them from grazing, until the animals and not the keeping them from grazing, until the animals and not the people were exhausted.people were exhausted.From their upright posture also came their third gift, their From their upright posture also came their third gift, their arms. The beasts had only forelegs, useful for running. But arms. The beasts had only forelegs, useful for running. But human beings had arms that could bend to many tasks. When human beings had arms that could bend to many tasks. When they walked, their arms were free to carry and use a weapon, they walked, their arms were free to carry and use a weapon, to transport the kill back to camp instead of having to eat to transport the kill back to camp instead of having to eat their fill on the spot and then go hungry until the next their fill on the spot and then go hungry until the next successful hunt (as the animals did) successful hunt (as the animals did) HomeHome

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Their fourth gift was their hands. The forelegs of animals Their fourth gift was their hands. The forelegs of animals ended in hoofs or claws, useful only for running and fighting. ended in hoofs or claws, useful only for running and fighting. But the hands of men and women had four slender and But the hands of men and women had four slender and flexible fingers and a short, strong thumb that moved flexible fingers and a short, strong thumb that moved opposite to the fingers. This meant that they could hold opposite to the fingers. This meant that they could hold things. They could pick up a stone and use it as a hammer, a things. They could pick up a stone and use it as a hammer, a cutting tool, or a weapon.cutting tool, or a weapon.Their fifth gift was their vision. Both eyes were set at the Their fifth gift was their vision. Both eyes were set at the front of the head and looked in the same direction. Because of front of the head and looked in the same direction. Because of this they could see in depth. this they could see in depth. Home Home

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They could judge distances with great accuracy. They could They could judge distances with great accuracy. They could also focus their eyes on an object held up close and could see also focus their eyes on an object held up close and could see it sharply and clearly in every detail.The sixth and greatest it sharply and clearly in every detail.The sixth and greatest gift was their human brain. The brain of these people was as gift was their human brain. The brain of these people was as large and as fully developed as our own. They could large and as fully developed as our own. They could remember experiences from the past and learn from them for remember experiences from the past and learn from them for the future. They could plan, question, reason. They could the future. They could plan, question, reason. They could discover ways to do things and to make things that would discover ways to do things and to make things that would help protect them from the dangers of their world.help protect them from the dangers of their world.

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Their seventh gift was a gift of that intelligent brain: it was Their seventh gift was a gift of that intelligent brain: it was the power of speech. Although the beasts could also the power of speech. Although the beasts could also communicate with each other by voice (using calls, signals, communicate with each other by voice (using calls, signals, and warning cries), only people could communicate in words. and warning cries), only people could communicate in words. Only men and women could call to their fellows to bring Only men and women could call to their fellows to bring something, lift something, cut something. Only they could something, lift something, cut something. Only they could express themselves well enough to accomplish difficult tasks express themselves well enough to accomplish difficult tasks together. Only they could say where they had been, what they together. Only they could say where they had been, what they had seen and done. Only they could instruct their children in had seen and done. Only they could instruct their children in the complicated skills they must master, could explain the complicated skills they must master, could explain beforehand about dangers they must avoid. They alone could beforehand about dangers they must avoid. They alone could pass on to the young the wisdom and experience of the old.pass on to the young the wisdom and experience of the old.

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Those seven gifts stood between the people of the Ice Age Those seven gifts stood between the people of the Ice Age and the many dangers of their difficult world. There were and the many dangers of their difficult world. There were other creatures that had one or several of these abilities, but other creatures that had one or several of these abilities, but no creatures on earth had them all, except humans.no creatures on earth had them all, except humans.And so humanity survived. Because of the seven gifts that And so humanity survived. Because of the seven gifts that permitted them to conquer a hostile environment, the people permitted them to conquer a hostile environment, the people of the Ice Age lived to produce children and to become the of the Ice Age lived to produce children and to become the ancestors of today’s men and women.ancestors of today’s men and women. Approximately 950 wordsApproximately 950 words


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Multiple choice questions

Translate the following sentences into Chinese


Page 13: Lesson Seventeen Seven Gifts Analysis Exercises Summary.

1. 1. The Ice Age can best be described as a time The Ice Age can best be described as a time when _____when _____

[A] very little life existed [B] man and animals had only wild plants to eat [C] caps of ice spread right down over the

Temperate Zone [D] the Atlantic and Mediterranean shores were

the only warn areas in the world


Page 14: Lesson Seventeen Seven Gifts Analysis Exercises Summary.

1. 1. The Ice Age can best be described as a time The Ice Age can best be described as a time when _____when _____

[A] very little life existed [B] man and animals had only wild plants to eat [C] caps of ice spread right down over the

Temperate Zone [D] the Atlantic and Mediterranean shores were

the only warn areas in the world


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2. 2. The Ice Age was very difficult to live in The Ice Age was very difficult to live in because people _____.because people _____.

[A] had no houses, farms, or tools [B] were unable to keep animals from

attacking them [C] were forced to eat wild plants 3 times a

day [D] had no way to communicate with one

another Answer

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2. 2. The Ice Age was very difficult to live in The Ice Age was very difficult to live in because people _____.because people _____.

[A] had no houses, farms, or tools [B] were unable to keep animals from

attacking them [C] were forced to eat wild plants 3 times a

day [D] had no way to communicate with one

another Next

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3. Man stood upright and could walk long 3. Man stood upright and could walk long distances. This enabled him to _____.distances. This enabled him to _____. [A] fight against fierce animals [B] outwalk any animal [C] carry food back to camp [D] walk away from sheets of ice


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3. Man stood upright and could walk long 3. Man stood upright and could walk long distances. This enabled him to _____.distances. This enabled him to _____. [A] fight against fierce animals [B] outwalk any animal [C] carry food back to camp [D] walk away from sheets of ice


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4. 4. The gift of hands allowed man to _____.The gift of hands allowed man to _____.

[A] not only carry things, but also use tools [B] make tools [C] transport the kill back to camp [D] hunt the animals


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4. 4. The gift of hands allowed man to _____.The gift of hands allowed man to _____.

[A] not only carry things, but also use tools [B] make tools [C] transport the kill back to camp [D] hunt the animals


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5. 5. The power of speech gave man each of the The power of speech gave man each of the following except _____.following except _____.

[A] the ability to communicate in words [B] the means to explain complicated skills [C] the ability to pass on wisdom and

experience [D] the means to avoid dangers


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5. 5. The power of speech gave man each of the The power of speech gave man each of the following except _____.following except _____.

[A] the ability to communicate in words [B] the means to explain complicated skills [C] the ability to pass on wisdom and

experience [D] the means to avoid dangers


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6. 6. Which of the following statements is true?Which of the following statements is true?

[A] Humans survived the Ice Age while other animals did not.

[B] Humans could use tools while other animals could not.

[C] Humans had all the seven gifts while none of the other animals had them all.

[D] Humans could communicate with each other while other animals could not.


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6. 6. Which of the following statements is true?Which of the following statements is true?

[A] Humans survived the Ice Age while other animals did not.

[B] Humans could use tools while other animals could not.

[C] Humans had all the seven gifts while none of the other animals had them all.

[D] Humans could communicate with each other while other animals could not.


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1.1. The story of the beginning of mankind takes us The story of the beginning of mankind takes us far, far back through time to a world entirely far, far back through time to a world entirely different from the world we know today. different from the world we know today.


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1.1. The story of the beginning of mankind takes us The story of the beginning of mankind takes us far, far back through time to a world entirely far, far back through time to a world entirely different from the world we know today. different from the world we know today. 人类起源的故事,把我们带到了与我们今天人类起源的故事,把我们带到了与我们今天所熟知的世界绝然不同的远古时代所熟知的世界绝然不同的远古时代


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2. 2. Some small trees were checked from full growth.Some small trees were checked from full growth.


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2. 2. Some small trees were checked from full growth.Some small trees were checked from full growth.



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3. These distant ancestors made a life for themselves 3. These distant ancestors made a life for themselves in this rough, barren land and survived its dangers.in this rough, barren land and survived its dangers.


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3. These distant ancestors made a life for themselves 3. These distant ancestors made a life for themselves in this rough, barren land and survived its dangers.in this rough, barren land and survived its dangers.



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4. 4. Humans might not outrun any animals, but they Humans might not outrun any animals, but they could outwalk them all.could outwalk them all.


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4. 4. Humans might not outrun any animals, but they Humans might not outrun any animals, but they could outwalk them all.could outwalk them all.



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5. 5. Those seven gifts stood between the people of the Those seven gifts stood between the people of the Ice Age and the many dangers of their difficult Ice Age and the many dangers of their difficult world.world.


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5. 5. Those seven gifts stood between the people of the Those seven gifts stood between the people of the Ice Age and the many dangers of their difficult Ice Age and the many dangers of their difficult world.world.

这其中天赋帮助冰川时期的人类战胜了许多困难这其中天赋帮助冰川时期的人类战胜了许多困难并生存下来并生存下来 Return

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Background knowledge

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Looking back across hundreds of centuries we come to a time Looking back across hundreds of centuries we come to a time known as known as the Ice Age, a time when nearly half the world was , a time when nearly half the world was locked in ice.locked in ice. 追溯到几百个世纪以前追溯到几百个世纪以前 ,, 便是我们所说的冰便是我们所说的冰川世纪川世纪 ,, 当时几乎半个世界都被冰雪覆盖着。当时几乎半个世界都被冰雪覆盖着。


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The Ice AgeThe Ice Age ::a long period in human history about two million a long period in human history about two million years ago when ice covered half of the worldyears ago when ice covered half of the world人类历史上大约二百万年前,世界上有一半的地人类历史上大约二百万年前,世界上有一半的地方为并所覆盖的那一段时期方为并所覆盖的那一段时期


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was locked in ice:was locked in ice:was covered with ice was covered with ice 为冰层所覆盖为冰层所覆盖


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The The caps of ice that cover the north and south poles that cover the north and south poles today spread right down over today spread right down over the Temperate zone then, nearly half-way to the equator.then, nearly half-way to the equator.



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caps of icecaps of ice ::

sheets of ice sheets of ice 冰层冰层 Return

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the Temperate zone: the Temperate zone: 温带温带


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the Atlantic and Mediterranean shores:the Atlantic and Mediterranean shores:



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were checked from full growth:were checked from full growth:

could not grow to their full heightcould not grow to their full height


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Some of the first people like ourselves in this world Some of the first people like ourselves in this world lived lived side by side with some of the largest, fiercest some of the largest, fiercest animals in the earth’s history.animals in the earth’s history.



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side by side with: side by side with: 和和 ············ 并肩、并排、紧挨着、在一起。并肩、并排、紧挨着、在一起。Eg. She has been working there side by side with the Eg. She has been working there side by side with the professor from Iraq for one year.professor from Iraq for one year.


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Nature gave them no warm fur pelts against the cold, Nature gave them no warm fur pelts against the cold, no swiftness to escape any enemy, no weapons for no swiftness to escape any enemy, no weapons for fighting.fighting.大自然没有赋予他们温暖皮毛御寒;没有敏捷的大自然没有赋予他们温暖皮毛御寒;没有敏捷的速度逃避敌人,没有武器用与战斗。速度逃避敌人,没有武器用与战斗。

此句为平行结构,文中起强调作用。此句为平行结构,文中起强调作用。 Back

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tear …… to pieces:tear …… to pieces:

将将 ············ 撕成碎片撕成碎片

eg. Without teeth, how could they tear the meat to eg. Without teeth, how could they tear the meat to pieces?pieces?


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bears and cave lions, and tigers and wolfbears and cave lions, and tigers and wolf


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Such things lay thousands of years away in the Such things lay thousands of years away in the future, and these people could not even imagine future, and these people could not even imagine them.them.

这些东西在他们之后数千年才出现这些东西在他们之后数千年才出现 ,, 他们当时无他们当时无法想象。法想象。


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compare with: compare with: 与与 ············ 对比、对照对比、对照

eg. My English cannot compare with his.eg. My English cannot compare with his.


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Yet these distant ancestors of ours made a life for Yet these distant ancestors of ours made a life for themselves in this rough, barren land and survived themselves in this rough, barren land and survived its dangers, for like fairy-tale heroes they had certain its dangers, for like fairy-tale heroes they had certain remarkable gifts --- seven in number.remarkable gifts --- seven in number.然而,我们的远古祖先们就在这片粗陋的,不毛然而,我们的远古祖先们就在这片粗陋的,不毛的土地上谋生,逃避各种危险,像神话里传说中的土地上谋生,逃避各种危险,像神话里传说中的英雄那样,他们有某些天赋——一共有七种。的英雄那样,他们有某些天赋——一共有七种。


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survivesurvivevt.vt. (1) (1) 比比 ...... 活得长活得长 (2)(2) 经历经历 ...... 后依然活着后依然活着 ; ; 幸免于幸免于 ; ; 经受得住经受得住 survive all perilssurvive all perils 历经危难而未死历经危难而未死 He survived his wife for many years.He survived his wife for many years. 他比妻子多活好多年。他比妻子多活好多年。 I hope l shall never survive my usefulness.I hope l shall never survive my usefulness. 我希望在我有生之年永远不要变成废物。我希望在我有生之年永远不要变成废物。 The house survived the storm.The house survived the storm. 经过暴风雨袭击经过暴风雨袭击 , , 这所房屋并未倒塌。这所房屋并未倒塌。vi.vi. 活下来活下来 , , 幸存幸存 , , 保存下来保存下来 , , 残存残存 Few survived after the flood.Few survived after the flood. 洪水后生还者极少。洪水后生还者极少。 The custom still survives.The custom still survives. 这种风俗习惯还保存着。这种风俗习惯还保存着。 Back

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look in any direction to track the animals they hunted or to look in any direction to track the animals they hunted or to escape the animals that hunted themescape the animals that hunted them



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escape v.tr. (1)To succeed in avoiding. 逃脱成功地避免 (2)To break loose from; get free of. 逃避,逃过逃离,得到自由 (3)To elude the memory or comprehension of: 忘记超出记忆和理解范围: Her name escapes me. The book‘s significance escaped him. 我忘了她的名字。他不懂那本书的重要意义 (4)To issue involuntarily from: 发出,流出(不自觉地)从…处流出,由…发出: A sigh escaped my lips. 我不禁叹了口气 Back

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They might not outrun any animals, but they could outwalk They might not outrun any animals, but they could outwalk them all.them all.



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v.tr. (1)out.ran; (2)To run faster than. 跑得比…快 (3)To escape from: 从…逃脱: outrun one‘s creditors. 逃脱了债权人的纠缠 (4)To go beyond; exceed: 超过;超出: “ Man’s ingenuity has outrun his intelligence”(Joseph Wood Krutch) “ 人类的独创性已超出了自身的理解力” ( 约瑟夫 · 伍德 · 克鲁彻 )


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keeping them from grazing:keeping them from grazing:


keep from: keep from: 阻止、避开、禁止、隐瞒、克制阻止、避开、禁止、隐瞒、克制


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Because of this they could see in depth.Because of this they could see in depth.

正因为如此正因为如此 , , 他们看东西有立体感。他们看东西有立体感。


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see in depth: see in depth:

视觉有立体感视觉有立体感Here it means they could tell which animals are Here it means they could tell which animals are nearby and which are far away while hunting.nearby and which are far away while hunting.

Back Back

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They could also focus their eyes on an object held up close They could also focus their eyes on an object held up close and could see it sharply and clearly in every detail.and could see it sharply and clearly in every detail.


focus … onfocus … on 注视;聚焦于注视;聚焦于in detailin detail 详细地详细地


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They could discover ways to do things and to make things They could discover ways to do things and to make things that would help protect them from the dangers of their world.that would help protect them from the dangers of their world.


protect … from … protect … from … 保护保护


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They alone could pass on to the young the wisdom and They alone could pass on to the young the wisdom and experience of the old.experience of the old.


pass on: pass on: 传下来,传给(后代)传下来,传给(后代)


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Those seven gifts stood between the people of the Ice Age Those seven gifts stood between the people of the Ice Age and the many dangers of their difficult world.and the many dangers of their difficult world.

:: Those seven gifts helped the people of the Ice Age to Those seven gifts helped the people of the Ice Age to survive the dangers.survive the dangers.

这其中天赋帮助冰川世纪的人类战胜许多困难并生存下这其中天赋帮助冰川世纪的人类战胜许多困难并生存下来来 ..


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Summary :

This story illustrates the uniqueness of man. About two million years ago, a change of climate set in, and the world entered a time known as the Ice Age. During this period of time, nearly half the world was covered with ice. So life was extremely hard for the first people. Compared with the animals around them, they were only poor, feeble creatures, unprotected against a biter climate and a large number of natural enemies. Yet man survived the dangers of the Ice Age, because he alone was possessor of the seven gifts --- his upright posture, his two legs arms, hands, his vision, his human brain --- the greatest of the seven --- , and the power of speech.


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