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Page 1: “Lest we forget” take this in rememberance of me” “For God ...

September 2020

“Lest we forget...” take this in rememberance of me...”

“For God is the one who provides bread to eat. In the same way He will provide and increase your resources

and will produce a great harvest of abundance in you. 2 Cor.9 v10.

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6In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7These have come so that your faith – of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire – may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed.

(1 Peter 1:6-7)

The entirety of 1 Peter has been a source of strength, courage and peace over these past months as Helen and I have been praying through the Covid-19 crisis, our ‘shielding’ in Lockdown and my cancer treatment at the same time. There is a reason given for the coming of trials and grief that we face in life. It is so that our faith, our immensely valuable faith, may firstly be proved genuine. Since being diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer a year ago, I have felt my faith under severe test. I know in my heart that, had my faith not stood that test, I could not have preached the Gospel of Christ my Saviour again. I simply had to be certain of my belief in my innermost soul and conscience, that Jesus died for me and has opened Heaven’s gates that I might rise with Him to everlasting life in Glory. Verse 7 goes on to give a second outcome of our suffering – that it may result in “praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed.” I believe this is fulfilled when others see us in our suffering and are brought to a living faith in Jesus themselves. I have had many opportunities to witness for Christ in hospitals and clinics and I have been much encouraged by the response of many, patients and staff. I am very sorry to report that we are going to be tested further by this awful disease of cancer. Many of you will know that I recently suffered a fractured vertebrae as a result of a spinal cancer that had not previously been identified. Extensive scans and a biopsy now confirm that this has spread around an area of my spine that is inoperable. The cancer is incurable and my condition is terminal – my life expectancy is less than a year. Thank you all for your continued support, prayers and expressions of love and encouragement. I intend to remain as Pastor of Hope for as long as I am able.

Pastor Robbie

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Pastor's Diary:

After a brief prayer, I decided that, in the midst of so much uncertainty, God wanted me to keep going in my ministry for as long as I am able, or until he calls me home. Helen and I will not be buying a house here in Bridgend, but will remain in the Manse; I am not well enough to cope with a house move and things are by now better geared to my treatment, exactly where I am. We have no firm idea when we will return to our Church building, but I hope to be able to lead us back to what will be a time of blessing. During lockdown, our live and broadcast services have reached many who have been unable to come to church for some time. We will set up a new way of live-streaming so that we continue to reach many outside of the building. We are all grateful to Neil Jenkins and others on the Building Committee for their ongoing work in keeping the essential repairs going so that the Church building is in good order. It is a disappointment to all that due to a significant reduction in available funds, our own and that which we can expect form grants, we have had to shelve the School room project for the time being. Another change for the future is that our sister Hannelie Jonas is moving on to pastures new in London. Thanks to Hannelie for all her wide-ranging support and effort for the church, not least for her tenure as a Deacon. We are especially grateful for her work in support of BMS and for being the point-of-contact for our Link Missions over many years. Thanks to Ron Fairfax for agreeing to take on this role. Also, Hannelie has been the focal point for the Church Facebook page and other social media; this will now be in the capable hands of Phil Chamberlain. “Soldiers of Christ arise and put your armour on!” There is work to do; the Foodbank and Café church are still on the Agenda!

Every blessing with love in Jesus, Pastor Robbie

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OUR JOURNEY OF FAITH Waves of devastation and disease have challenged us of late.

There is a haven in this world after all. For God hears more than we say,.. He loves us beyond our understanding.

In Christ we find Purpose, For our pain – Strength.. For our struggles - Faith

Loving God changes the way we love others. Encourage one another and build each other up.

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Shall I walk with the violent and cause people pain?

Or walk with the crooked for dishonest gain? Shall I walk with the sceptics and spread unbelief?

Or walk with the bullies and bring people grief? Shall I walk with the wicked in their infamous rut?

Or walk with the cowardly and keep my eyes shut? No I’ll walk with the lonely and lend them my ear,

I’ll walk with the grieving and bring them God’s cheer. I’ll walk with the weary and help them feel strong,

I’ll help the rejected to know they belong, I’ll walk with the sickly and teach them to pray,

I’ll walk with the lost and show them God’s way. And if my offer of help is ignored

I’ll not walk alone, I’ll walk with the Lord. (This poem was inspired during a prayer/ bible study at Community Church, Aberkenfig on 1st Nov 2017. We thank it’s author Bob Davies North Cornelly.)

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We are always in a rush. No matter how many times we are told not to be. No time - even with

lockdown slowing us down our lists remain depressingly long!! No time – to pray for ourselves, for others, or for the world!

These words sent in by Eva (above) and Pam (below) should bring a smile of encouragement and consolation. A grandfather was walking through his yard when he heard his granddaughter repeating the alphabet in a tone of voice that sounded like a prayer. He asked her what she was doing. The little girl explained. “I’m praying but I can’t think of exactly the right words, so I’m just saying all the letters, and God will put them together for me because He knows what I’m thinking”.

We do well to stop and realise the basic truth of such innocence.

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Our friend, Wendy Carver, wrote this for her friend who lives in California.

“The cool of the night brushes gently upon my uplifted eyes. My green valley caresses lovingly these feet that trod so often the familiar paths of my beloved mountain. I sit upon an ancient rocky outcrop and listen to the voices of the past, of childhood laughter, the boyish pranks, the serious moments and the whispered words of first loves. I am content, my heart sings with the sound of miners’ songs from the past. I ease myself up and start my downward descent to the valley floor below. Ordered rows of terraced houses line the familiar streets. The gutters are bare now. Where are the coveted glass marbles , the blood eyes, rounded and creamy smooth; those intricate glass spheres of many colours. I look at my hands, no longer deft now, time and work have taken their toll. My eyes veer instinctively towards the first house, No 1 The Garn. It was Billie’s house. Billy, my best friend and faithful companion. I stop, for seated upon the step was an aged man, strangely familiar but weathered. His face sculpted by work in the pit, its contours pockmarked, eyes tired now, being slowly drained of sight by the darkness deep below. The street is eerily quiet. No younger siblings gathered on doorsteps, playing with meagre but much treasured toys. No familiar calls of recognition. I journey on, past a chapel, now boarded up where once miners’ voices rang out each Sabbath. The place where girls and boys - scrubbed clean by their mam with faces gleaming and unruly hair, deftly tamed - sat and fidgeted their ways through sermons and Sunday School. They were consoled by the thought of Sunday Tea, an eagerly awaited

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special treat; thick slices of fresh bread with that spoonful of jam spread like nectar on top and mam’s homemade cake. My destination spurs me on now, it drives me forward towards my goal - the pit head and my quest. The darkness forms a comforting cloak around me. The trams are silent now as I tread the passages long familiar to them. A gentle “Neigh” is carried on the air, it caresses my ears, warms my heart and quickens my step. It is still there - the horseshoe, it’s lost a nail and hangs, desolate now above the stall – tears prick my eyes... “Hello boy.” I whisper.- a soft nuzzle, my heart is filled with overwhelming love. “You see, my faithful friend,Taffy, I didn’t forget my promise to you”. Together we tread our way along the familiar passageways. Upward now towards the light. We retrace our steps, those we both have trod so many times before. Entwined now, my arms holding tight the beloved pony and thus close, comforted, we pass the rows of terraced houses ... One day alone we stood, man and pony upon that rocky, Welsh Mountain outcrop. One last glance to the valley below - eyes lifted Heavenward. “We are ready, Lord”. The mountain is silent.. I am back in the present...

Standing alone and proud; nestled amongst the grass and wild flowers of The Old Pit Head is a granite monument; on it is inscribed, ”In memory of six miners on this amongst them ’Dai Thomas and his pony, Taffy”.

I asked Wendy what legacy would she like to leave behind..

“The one thing I would like to think that I would pass on and be remembered for it by my grandchildren is that, no matter how busy and full their lives are, they should remember to always try and make time for others: to give as well as to receive”. (You certainly give more than you receive, Wendy. Many will testify to that truth.) Thank you for the above.

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Footprints – “I was here”

There are two strands to our legacy – the bad and the good.

To a greater or lesser degree, these opposites plan and plant the seeds of our future. .......Mother Earth has often no say in hers.

She has been blighted. God meant her to be enhanced.

We have sought peace but evoked war

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We crave wealth ...others can but dream


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Happy Birthday to BMS Birthday Scheme Members - September

8th Gail Fairfax

16th Nyfain Pugh Owain Jones

23rd Harvey Jones

For those who read Family News first I can but refer you to Robbie’s pages. How we have prayed against this most sinister and all evasive disease since Robbie’s initial diagnosis in July of last year. We continue with even greater fervour. We cry out, trying hard not to succumb to the human response of “Why Lord? Why, right now?” Our Lord understands and gives us strength to push through – in prayer - trusting Him at each turn. Robbie is comforted as we pray and support Robbie and Helen.

Helen writes.(before the recent diagnosis – not a word is changed) “Robbie and I have been overwhelmed by the love, kindness and prayerful support shown to us by Hope, especially in these last six months during lockdown. I want to send a big thank you to you all! I will not mention any names in case I forget someone but you know who you are. I am unable to drive at the moment as I’m waiting for my second cataract operation (hopefully Sep 4th) People have been driving Robbie back &

forth to hospital. Someone also brought his car home for me from the hospital when he was admitted. Others provided much needed shopping at the start of lockdown when I struggled to get a food delivery. A very welcome sack of potatoes was even left on my front door. I was very grateful for the meals and cakes that were delivered the week that I was able to visit Robbie in Bridgend hospital. Also the lovely gorgeous smelling flowers and the encouraging messages. Medicines from the chemist are still being picked up for us as we are still shielded.

Finally I will mention Rhonwen as she came every evening to put a clean dressing on my back. Rhonwen is not a nurse but she did it. > Philippians 4 Verses 4 – 7 Hope is an amazing church. Every blessing, Helen. Not a service has gone by via Zoom and Facebook that we haven’t appreciated Philip Chamberlain‘s technological expertise - for the hours of work he has given to his Lord’s work on our behalf. Each week brings God given refinements with great sensitivity. He thanks everyone, of course(!) but he has created that intimacy of worship which we thought

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might be sacrificed on the altar of technology, definitely not so for us at Hope. God Bless you Phil. What moved me was hearing Phil say, “I will be first through the door when we open the church for worship” – such words speak volumes.

We thank our Lord that Quentin is home from hospital having had keyhole heart surgery and a pacemaker. Easy does it, Quentin. We send you and Chris our prayers and our love and dedicate Psalm 23 to you.

We are grateful that the virus has not come to any of our doorsteps but we do miss each other. We miss shared fellowship and worship dreadfully. Prolonged isolation is a challenge, not to our faith - more to our patience and need to be together.

I know that the telephone has been a lifeline. It has been to me. . Please keep me on your ‘to do’ list! – I never get to the end of mine! Leave a message! I haven’t flown to America... which begs the question “when will I get to see my family?” – Zephyr and Lula are growing up so fast – thank goodness for Facetime and photos. It’s hard... I miss them all dreadfully as do we all with our families. Life, however, goes on..... ARRIVALS. What a joy it is to announce the arrival of Elijah Paul James. A son to Paula and Paul and grandson to Enid and Gary James. We send them all not only our congratulations but our love and our prayers. We can’t wait to see him.

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We were all so disappointed for Jean who had planned to share her 90 th Birthday Celebrations with us here at Hope. Covid-19 put a stop to that. Jean writes:- “I would like to say a big thank you to all my friends at Hope for all the good wishes, cards and gifts I received on my 90th birthday. Although things had to be cancelled, I had a fantastic week of celebrations with my family in Llanelli. As I have been going to Hope for over 60 years I count you all as my Church family and have missed you all these last few months. Hope to see you all soon”. In the meantime God will Bless you and be with you always. Jean.

Clive wishes to thank all who sent cards and gifts as he celebrated his 80 th birthday. “Thank you all for your kindness and love.” DEPARTURES TO PASTURES NEW! Hannelie has made the decision to start afresh on a new career,

Hannelie writes I am sure you will all know about the closure of the Ford factory in Bridgend. What that has meant for me is that my job role is to become redundant at the end of September. I am blessed to have known about this for a long time, so I've had a lot of time to prepare for it. I have also, from the very beginning, been blessed with a profound sense of peace and a knowing that this was the opportunity for something new. 'Something new' is taking me to London, so off to 'the Big Smoke' I go.

I have lived in Bridgend for longer than any other place and my roots here go deeper than anywhere else really. So, as much as I am looking forward to this new opportunity, I am sad to leave Bridgend and my friends in Hope - you are very much 'family' to me. I plan to visit, so keep the spare rooms ready! You don't get rid of me quite that easily...

I really want to thank each and all of you for welcoming me into the Hope family and being there for me in so many ways over the past 17 years. God bless you all - individually and as a church - as you continue to share His Love”.

We will miss you, Hannelie, for you have given much to Hope over the years, keeping us informed of our link missionaries of late. Our prayers are for success and happiness in your studies – more importantly that you make new friendships - in and outside a church fellowship. God has planned and purposed a way for you. We will continue to pray that new challenges bring delight and great contentment and happiness.

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I so wish that I had room to send dozens of photographs to bring us all into a complete awareness of all the work that is ongoing –behind the scenes. We have had to spend thousands of pounds on our buildings.

Due to lockdown the church has been closed and we have had to shelve the work that we had hoped to carry out on the schoolroom building. Whilst it has been a decision ‘made for us’ by Covid–19 and its consequences, we are very much aware of the lack of funding we had been promised to help us through. Grant monies have been withheld for now from two main sources. Grants are based on investments which have dropped dramatically due to the pandemic. May I be allowed to say that we fully understand the enormous frustration of Mr Neil Jenkins who has worked unbelievably hard to secure said monies. All is not lost Neil, for the plans and ground work that you have done will serve us well the moment we are able to see our way clear to start the work in the, hopefully, not too distant future. Hope is grateful to you for the hours you, Bob Rowe, Seung Ho, Mary, (planting the garden), and all who have worked on our building these past months.

A seamless link to congratulate Hee Chan on gaining his degree from Oxford University. We are enormously proud of you Hee Chan. You constantly thank ‘Hope’ for all that we have given you – we thank you for your graciousness, recognising your loyalty to Hope, availing us of your musical talent on the piano and violin. You have a year off to determine what will be a brilliant career in law. God has a plan for your life - we are proud to be a part of it.

Likewise to Yvonne De Vera who has gained a First Class Honours Degree in International Tourist Management. Blessed with the faith of a Christian home, we pray that you too will find work that will bring you contentment, happiness and great success.

Congratulations also go to Morgan Ward for getting into Cardiff University and also having won himself a year long contract with S4C!; Leah Denning and the twin grandsons of Rhiannon Henderson, Ciaran and Thomas have achieved amazing AS level results; Russell’s grandson Riley has achieved great A Level results as has Mac, the grandson of Margaret and John Francis with his results. A newly painted front door will hopefully be open soon welcoming all who seek the understanding, love and peace our Heavenly Father yearns to lavish upon us in these days where the world is in turmoil.

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Yes, turmoil. You must have asked the question dozens of times of late: “What is happening to our world”.

Never before has she seemed so small - never before has the line ... “you in your small corner” seemed so limiting. We are all in same boat, call it ‘Coronavirus’ or ‘Climate Change’, ‘Social Depravity’. The statistics to each are frightening.

Yet we are asked to live in this world, to live and to shine . From childhood we learnt to sing Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light...”

“Well” I hear you say, I am holding on as best I can. How am I expected to shine? The same way Jesus did living amongst ‘a perverse and foolish generation’.

Seeing before Him a cross and its ensuing agonies He sat down one day on the shores of The Sea of Galilee and gave the world the rules - rules which He lived by - rules that underlined the truth that all life comes down to human relationships. One day, when Jesus saw the crowd He went up on a mountain side and began to teach them... He spelt it out!!

We forget that our minds are in neutral. Your mind will not judge all the information you choose to feed it. It will just accept what you decide to give it .How we need to be directed into the right thought patterns – the right way to live. They are known as “The Beatitudes”

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Blessed are ......you can read them in Matthew 5. These are the constants in the midst of change. When they are implemented then change works for the good of all mankind. Each of us has to take responsibility for our own actions.. People say, “Right now there are two words decidedly missing from my life - fun and laughter. I want relaxation not responsibility and gloom. I cannot for the life of me see how I am going to shine. Impossible! Furthermore, whilst we read that a loving and compassionate Jesus wept, nowhere does it say that Jesus laughed and had a good time”.

“Yes it does”. Mark writes, “The large crowd listened to Him gladly (with delight)“ because Jesus’ personality was infectious. Jesus drew people to Him: children danced around Him, mothers beseeched Him to bless them. Young men wanted to be His disciples – sadly, some on their terms. Nobody wants to be around the proud, the bitter and egotistical go getters of this world who exploit the poor; the tyrants (religious or otherwise) who suppress the gentle, who condemn the merciful, and imprison the peacemakers .i.e. the Herods and Pilates, the Pharisees and Sadducees of this world – (back to Mark!)

To those who listen and follow Jesus the laughter, the fun, the joy of living is found in the debris of suffering and war. Intimate tales of healings, Examples of the sheer potential of the human spirit is everywhere -.in the most surprising of people. Quite simply and before our very eyes lives are changed – people shine, and miracles happen daily. Hope is praying for hers. Rhonwen

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Goodbye Hut 18

Where has she gone I hear you ask, Has she escaped from captivity, Or is that her in a mask! Well, I’ll tell you, my friend, I crept out this morning Not one word did I say, Not one word of warning. Look out Bridgend, I’m off to spend with my lists, cards and cash,- with lockdown eased, - to town I must dash. Got to Tesco, whizzed round at speed, “Essentials!” said John, as I shopped with much glee. “Remember, “Just buy what we need, there’s already enough for you and for me.” With trolley overflowing I make for the till, Just the basics – yes,” I know I agreed”.., But his smile disappeared when he looked at the bill. So it’s ‘goodbye’ to the Hut and I’m sure you’ll agree, It’s time now to stop. At last, – I am free”. From Hut 18 you too will be free, These letters of mine have come to an end, It’s time to close, my love to send.

To all fellow sufferers at ‘Hope’ Bridgend.

I look forward to being back at Hope. We’ll praise together in word and song I’ll stay optimistic- with faith we will cope And hope that our wait won’t be long. In Christian love, Margaret.Alias Prisoner 23479

Goodbye Hut 18, you had such stories to tell. You lifted our spirits and served us well (R)

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This month has been yet another challenging one health wise – couldn’t let this magazine go without a word from Rev Mike Weldon. Another flare up - and more pain. He is having a well deserved break. (I took it as a wonderful opportunity to use the article that Mike wrote Sep 2017)

Stand Firm

During February we saw God urging us to stand firm, - in our faith in God, firm in one spirit, in the will of God, and in the grace of God. This calls for effort and stickability; we are under pressures from society, from other religious groups and sometimes from within the church.

There is one pressure I didn’t mention – it comes from having to wait for a situation to change, for conditions to improve, for prayers to be answered. I remember a song my mother used to sing to me. Times were hard and money was short. She used to sing it around the house to lift her spirits.

“Unanswered yet”? The prayer your lips have pleaded, In agony of heart these many years,

Does faith begin to fail, is hope departing And think you all in vain those falling tears?

Say not the Father hath not heard your prayer, You shall have your desire, sometime, somewhere.

Unanswered yet? Faith cannot be unanswered; Her feet were firmly planted on The Rock.

Amid the wildest storms prayer stands undaunted, Nor quails before the loudest thunder shock.

Faith knows Omnipotence has heard your prayer, And cries “It shall be done”, sometime, somewhere.

Charles Tilman. 1883. I can do no better than to use Paul’s words , “Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground; and after you have done everything, still to stand”. Rev. Mike Weldon

It is our turn to give back.

In prayer knowing that Mike’s life is sustained by his own prayers and those who love him. By remembering with delight the children’s stories loved by young and old alike. By recollecting his humour, subtle, at times mischievous, - it is still with him. By sending messages in differing ways to show just how much his words have meant to each one of us he still encourages and shares his highs and lows with an honesty that is enviable. We pray for you both as you follow the routine of each day in the isolation imposed by Covid-19.

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Hope Baptist Church September 2020

OUR WEEK AT A GLANCE For more information on any of our activities, please get in touch with the contact shown.


Tuesday Prayer Group 9.30am Mrs R Rowe (01656) 654881

Tuesday@Hope 11.00am Mrs M Johnson (01656) 656346


“Busy Fingers” Group 2-4.30

Mrs. H. Hall (01656) 224015


Baby & Toddler Group 9.30am Dr D. Ware (01656) 662948

Prayer Meeting 7.30pm


Sunday’sCool 10.30am

Morning Service 10.30am

Evening Service 6.00pm


CHURCH CONTACT: [email protected] 07866 746851

CHURCH PASTOR: Rev. Robbie Hall 07866 746851

SECRETARY: Rhonwen Miles (01656) 654169

TREASURER: Paul Evans (01656) 661986

CARETAKER: Seung Ho & Yun Hee Kang (01656) 646911


Sally George (01656) 668791

NEWSDESK: [email protected] Rhonwen Miles/

Pam Jones

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OUR STATEMENT OF PURPOSE (Church Meeting 010503)

We will EVANGELISE our community & beyond.

We will encourage people to become more Christ-like through DISCIPLESHIP.

We are committed to meeting the needs of those inside & outside our walls through MINISTRY.

We will value FELLOWSHIP, recognising that it is a divine gift to the church.

We will come before the Lord in obedience to WORSHIP Him.

Hope Baptist Church operates a safeguarding children and adults at risk policy




Hope English Baptist Church Bridgend Affiliated to the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) & South Wales

Baptist Association

Registered Charity: No. 1133067

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