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    Feb. 23, 1984

    To: Christiae Spadafor, Site Ma.ager,w.s.& G. Site: wlf'ftra·s;;;;;.U.s. EJlvirouaatal Protectioa Ageacy

    Breal~: P:~!. Froa: The W.S.&.G. Local Coordiaatiag Couittee ~er:


    The Hazardous Waste Site Coordiaatiag Coaaittee riade that, whereas

    the A.D.L. Report produced auch excelleat aad valuable data, soae

    of the iBforaatioR oa which it bases its ooaclueioas is erroaeous,

    iacoaplete, and aisleadi~g. (exaaplee: Iaadequate research oa exist

    ing pubic water supplies, recreatioaal use or the reservoir, real

    estate values.) We further fiad that i• soae iastaaoee the riaal

    recoueadatioas are coatrary to the fiadiags aad recoueadatioas of

    the report itself (Ailouat....or ·co~l~aiaated soil aad sludge to be re

    aoved; length of aoaitoring aeeded) aad are aot ia the beet interer

    est of the residents in the affected area or of the populations

    down gradieftt of thw site. We fiad soae parts to be illogical

    (r~woval of the eaergeacy recirculation syetea without iastalla

    tio• or a groundwater treataent plant) and therefore Rot cost effec

    tive • .,e t:i!'la that aaJl-3· &f the l'eae•e•liaUQal al'e ee; e: ape l.a

    place of Jffea;ive Per 1'ilial ae\lleft*• . we subai t to you our recouead


    In light of the above aad because we still have •eny unanswered

    questions regarding the report and its recommendations we request :

    1. A meeting with E.P. A.,D.E.M.,A.D.L., and the CoordinatingCoaai ttee,

    2. Extended time (To March 15, 1984) for written co..ents from the public.

    * It seeas t hat t he report subscribes to the old saying: " The soluti on to pollution is dilutioa ." ~~44.-ca..:~ fi-:r'~



    barcode: *557432*barcodetext: SDMS Doc ID 557432

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