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  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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    Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 09:38

    Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder' case despite denial, Busuttil says. Video: MarkZammit Cordina

    Updated - Adds first letter and reply

    The PN has evidence to show that it was not true that Joseph Muscat had not known of the 'white powder' case in a Labour Party

    Club, PN Deputy leader Simon Busuttil and General Secretary Paul Borg Olivier said today.

    Speaking at a press conference, Dr Borg Olivier noted that Toni Abela had denied informing Labour leader Joseph Muscat of the

    goings on in a Labour Party club about the cutting of a 'white block'.

    Dr Muscat had also denied knowledge, adding in comments to The Sunday Times that he would have acted differently from Dr Abela

    had he known.

    In the 2010 recording, revealed last Friday, Dr Abela was heard saying he sacked the Labour club president after this person found

    and disposed of white powder but did not go to the police because only God knows what would have happened. Dr Abela later

    clarified with The Times that it was the club barman who had been sacked after the president reported seeing someone suspicious in

    he kitchen.

    "Toni Abela and Joseph Muscat are both not saying the truth, they are lying about this case as not only was the leader of the

    opposition informed but he was well informed a few days after the event," Dr Borg Olivier said.

    He screened video clips where Dr Abela denied informing Dr Muscat, and Dr Muscat denied knowing of the case.

    Despite such denials, Dr Borg Olivier said, the PN had in its possession, a letter sent to Dr Muscat on August 7, 2009.

    The writer of the letter told Dr Muscat that he had written to him, a month after the case, because he (Dr Muscat) had been due to

    speak to Dr Abela and then reply to him.

    He regretted that the party had not acted well and had not interviewed him over the case.

    "You decided against me without me being present."

    He said that on June 7 as supporters were celebrating the MEP election victory, he was behind the bar with another man. Two young

    people went into the kitchen and produced a quantity of white powder. The president of the club caught them red handed.

    The youths told the president that he was not involved.

    et the writer regretted that he was the one who was blamed and he was dismissed by the club. He also regretted that the father of

    one of the youths, a member of the club committee, had acted against him.

    On August 11, 2009 Dr Muscat's personal assistant wrote back saying that Dr Muscat had received and read the letter.

    This proved, Dr Borg Olivier said, how Dr Muscat had not said the truth when he denied knowledge of the case.

    He said that on February 20, 2012 just before local council elections, the same person again wrote to Dr Muscat and urged him to

    stop a particular committee member from being a party candidate because of his involvement in the white powder case. He also told

    Dr Muscat that 'you know everything about the case' as he had written to him.

    Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder' case despite

    denial - PN

  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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    The writer also complained that although, after insistence from a colleague, Dr Muscat had met him, the only solution he offered him

    as to pose for a picture with him to show confidence.

    "I know what I have been through, the trauma I have suffered. Were it for the other person, I would have ended up in the mental

    hospital or the prison, he said.

    Dr Muscat replied through his assistant Raymond Barbara on the next day to acknowledge receipt of this second letter.

    PN Deputy Leader Simon Busuttil said these cases were extremely serious involving drugs. Dr Abela had hidden a crime by not

    elling the police. Dr Muscat was protecting Dr Abela. And, before the whole country, both had not said the truth.

    Responsibility was now fully on Dr Muscat's shoulders, Dr Busuttil said. Dr Muscat was claiming that he wanted to clean up politics,

    but there was a wide gulf between what he said and what he did. He built his policies on deception and hypocrisy.

    "My message to the people is to reflect whether they want to trust their future and that of their children on this person," Dr Busuttil


    This was further evidence that Dr Muscat and the Labour Party are morally bankrupt, and morally corrupt," Dr Busuttil concluded.

    Replying to questions, Dr Busuttil said it was Dr Muscat who should be asked in which club this case took place. He said the letter

    as received recently and he got to know about it yesterday.

    Dr Busuttil said the PN expected Dr Muscat to shoulder his responsibilities.

    See also http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130216/local/Deputy-did-not-report-drug-allegations-to-the-police.457783


  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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    John AzzopoardiFeb 20th, 14:17

    Busittil, it does not matter what you say. The election is already decided.........and you have not been very effetive as well. The PN only has

    themselves to blame this time around.

    Matthew GrimaFeb 20th, 09:47

    Isn't it funny that this case is mentioned by PN when the oil thing pops up and vice-versa?

    Joanne CamilleriFeb 20th, 07:35

    The PN is shifting the focus from important issues to digging up dirt on the PL which will only break the unity of our country. On the other hand the

    PLs campaign exposes Josephs honorable character. Our country needs someone who will honor and unite us as Maltese and not someone whose

    messages are constantly creating a divide in Maltese citizens.

    Nicholas EllulFeb 20th, 00:02

    Gabu vavu Bondi lil JM. Ghamel l-ewwel nofs programm jaqla go fih u t-tienii parti hareg il-veru JM il-gurnalist tas-Super1 li pprova jitfa t-tajn u kull

    darba li Bondi saqsieh jekk jahsibx liAustin ha xi flus beda jistahba u jghid li Austin qed jewden. Jewden min jghid li Eddie kien tajjeb ghal zmienu ghax

    jiftakar umbghad izid li Mintoff ukoll kien tajjeb avolja kien lanqas biss ghadu twieled

    Godfrey ZammitFeb 19th, 22:48

    Dr. Busuttil I must admit that I had a different impression about you on politics. I had the impression that as a deputy leader you would change to

    modern politics but you are a big disappointement for those PN supporters that are fed up with out dated politicians. At least in this campain you are

    making us laugh so please continue with your press conferences and comments till the 9/3/13

    Victor VellaFeb 19th, 19:35

    Il-poplu irrid jisma` kif dawk il-flus, miljuni ta` eurosmisruqin minn butu jinghataw lura fil-but tieghu. Imbaghad tmur Mater Dei tizzastru. Pilloli out of

    stock, kontijiet bil-qalb kollha Gonzi ivvota li joghlew.poplu batut.Power station expired. Il-kankru sar fenominu gdid gewwa pajjizna. Korruzjoni bil-

    barka tal-marmarja nazzjonalista, u l-iktar pajjiz tal-gdur fl-Ewopa.Imbasta skola kull sena

    Joseph AttardFeb 19th, 19:19

    Dr Muscat ircieva ittra datata 7 t'Awwissu. Imma bilfors li hi dil-ittra u mhux ittra ohra?

    Victor MalliaFeb 19th, 18:49

    Min dan it-tacpiz ta tajn johrog aktar fil-berah l-istat ta paniku li hemm gewwa d-dar centrali tal-pn. Ma tghaddix gurnata li Simon u Pawlu johorgux b'xi

    tip ta storja fantaxjentifika. Issa aqwa ghax qed ihawdu u jghagnu zewg stejjer f'wahda. Mhux ahjar tiqfu min din in-negativita kollha.

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 19:46


    Skond Joseph Muscat stess kien hu li thawwad, ghaqqad u ghagen ma xulxin zewg attivitajiet kriminali f'kazini differenti tal-LP bir-rizultat li qal

    haga meta ried jghid haga ohra. Dak hu xempju lampanti ta' kif tkun storja ta' fantaxjenza.

    susan matrenza

  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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    Feb 19th, 18:16

    Dr.Abela ha l-passi mehtiega meta fuq il-provi jew in-nuqqas ta provi li kellu kecca lil-dan il-bniedem. Jekk Simon u PBO jidirlom li suppost hemm aktar

    xi jsir imorru huma ghand il-pulizija u jtuhom il-provi li forsi ghandhom. Pero ghandhom jorbtu dan kollu maghhom ghax jekk il-pulizija ma jkollomx fuq

    xiex jimxu ghandhom jammettu t-tahwid li qed jaqilghu ghal xejn!

    Joe SammutFeb 19th, 20:36

    Sa fejn naf jien kieku kellu xjahbi il-barman ma kienx jibghat lil-prezident tal-kazin igiblu s-silg li issa Muscat qed jdawwarha u jghid li l-blokka

    kienet tas-silg.

    Il-'passi mehtiega' kienu mehtiga biex jiprotegu l-Partit Laburista u lil-membru tal-kumitat li hareg ghal-elezjoni lokali.

    steve fenechFeb 19th, 17:26

    to the elves QED

    V CaruanaFeb 19th, 16:51

    Il-PN jidher li huwa infurmat fuq il-kas iktar mill-PL innifsu. Qed jinaru bia bia gax kif kien mbassar attakki personali jinaru fl-aar 3 sa 2

    imgat issa li l-era tal-programm gaddiet. Recordings, ittri issa x'jonqos? Iva ritratti jonqos. Hemm xi "kas" li se jinkixef bir-ritratti? Nistennew u


    Il-PN ma jiflax jara ex-PN jitkellmu fil-laqgat tal-PL.

    David BezzinaFeb 19th, 16:46

    Yet,the Commisioner of Police stated that there is no case.This is nothing more than a mud slinging exercise by the PN who are fully aware that the

    polls are not looking very rosy.

    I think the PN is trying confusing people and deviating from the oil procurement scandal.

    Peter BonelloFeb 19th, 15:17

    il-gvern nazzjonalista ghandu jispjega il hela enormi ta flus u l commissions li hallasna AHNA, il-POPLU minn butna, bl-gharaq taghna mhux jinhela fuq

    kwistjoni personali!! Ahna f'dak l-interess taghna!! Isthu jekk tafu kif!! Kif ghandkom wicc taffacjaw lil poplu u tipretendu li nivvutawkom lura ghas siggu

    tal poter??!?!?

    VV BartoloFeb 19th, 15:06

    dear Simon and all

    no amount of mud throwing would make me change my mind! had more than enough of your negativity and gimmicks!!!

    Cristinu VellaFeb 19th, 14:43

    `JOSEPH AQUILINA,Another scaremongering tactic by the P.N.nothing un usual, nothing surprise me even if you JOSEPH see Gonzi pn walking down

    the street with a HALO,but only before the election.

    Charles ZerafaFeb 19th, 14:36

    Skond l'ittra ta dan il barman kien hemm linja koko w mhux blokka kif qed tal P.N. jghiejdu , w dan waqt kull festa w street party li jorganizaw iz zewg

    partit ikun hemm l'aqwa li ma kien qed jitrafika. Il barman xried minn din l'ittra li huwa ikompli bhalla barman ta dan il kazin ghal hekk kieteb lill Joseph.

    francis BuhagiarFeb 19th, 14:25

  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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    Why are the names covered? Isin't it your duty as a good citizen to make the names of those persons who are breaking the law. or you only expect

    the man in the street to inform the police when some thing wrong is going on.

    Victor VellaFeb 19th, 14:19

    Ahjar Borg Oliver u l-bella ippokritti jaraw it-travu li ghandhom huma f`ghajnejhom. Mela qatt ma marru quddiem il-mera? Forsi ghax jisthu!

    M GrimaFeb 19th, 14:18

    The PN never changes. They are trying to do the same to Joseph Muscat as they did to previous Labour leaders. They are trying to assassinate the

    character of Joseph Muscat because that's what they excel at. They turn the most trivial of things into something big and yet they fail to see the

    mother of all scandals just at their doorstep This is GonziPN in its full glory - the masters of dirt.

    justin vellaFeb 19th, 14:17


    John ZammitFeb 19th, 14:05

    Is this all the PN had against Joseph Muscat. What they are trying to do without success is to assassinate his character as they haven't any thing to

    criticise. The Police Commissioner had said that no was crime committed by Dr. Abela

    m. borg (slm)Feb 19th, 13:58

    Is this the big shot, the WMD gonzipn came up with.

    If anything the publishing of this letter gives Joseph's credence that although he gave the barman a chance to explain himself still he did not re-

    instate him which is a feather in his hat.

    As regards who deals, how, with drug trafficers we have , The Queiroz Case and the Hafi case to begin with.

    Malcolm FarrugiaFeb 19th, 13:57

    Is GonziPn trying to play the usual pre-election blame game? Let's not forget who was leading this country for the past 8 years or so,and under

    who'se rule did Malta had to face the biggest scandal since Indipendence day. Let's not forget that the majority had to pay exorbitant utility tarriffs for

    the sake of "some" who were pocketing large commisions on the sale of oil purchased by Enemalta!

    D BorgFeb 19th, 13:54

    same OLD story

    the PN undermining the PL, and the PL undermining the PN.

    The only question to answer is who is worse than the other.

    The reality is that BOTH the PN&PL are focused on what they deem is best for their respective party's stalwarts, and not to improve the quality of life

    of the rest of the population.

    Another reason why Alternattiva - the Greens's direct involvement is essential.

    Mr Stephen BorgFeb 19th, 13:48

    PBO we want answers as regards thousands if not millions of euros paid in commissions to a select few in the oil procurement case. Can you or

    someone from your so called pure party give us a explanation to this.

  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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    S PortelliFeb 19th, 13:37

    I think you all PN supporters are throwing mud. The PL has changed and no ice is permitted in their cluds. The last time Joseph and his shadow boss,

    Alfred sant, used ice was when they froze the EU application.

    Mario CamilleriFeb 19th, 13:34

    Was this a coincidence that this story surfaced in the midst of the oil commission scandal? Or is it a PN strategy to divert their scandals to PL? All in

    all if this case is relevant surely cannot be on the same platform as that of the oil scandal. Drugs have been a plague under PN so finding drugs has

    become very easy. But the nation being robbed billions while made to suffer is another.

    Christina SammutFeb 19th, 13:33

    What a movement! Now we know that even PLs inept josephmuscat knew about the drugs case and did nothing about it. His assistant Toni Abela

    helped conceal the evidence; hence the police could not proceed with the case. If this was a truly & fully democratic country, all movement/party

    members would resign. Now even josephmuscats position is not tenable. Resign enbloc. Labour wont work.

    joe micallefFeb 19th, 15:31

    Mhux hekk tghid Ms Cristina!

    The issue with tenable position is way off target as the maltese are no longer down right gullible cwiec!!

    I am more than convinced that the PN tactics are evidence of 'the end of the road' scenario!

    If the PN /Simon/PBO believes such a dragged out non issue on Toni Abela will get my vote they rather change tact and act as reliable

    election contenders-which is not!

    anthony brincatFeb 19th, 13:29

    gonzipn klikka tal hazen ghiddulna fuq il kurrozjoni taz zejt irridu inkunu naf izjed biex inkabru il habs

    Saviour FenechFeb 19th, 13:26


    Salvu BorgFeb 19th, 13:20

    How come its only the Pl have to answer, why the PN never came out with the name of this person so that the people would know who he really is and

    further more who NOW is giving him shelter. Has this only came to light after the mass meeting in Zebbug???? what a conincidence ........ I let the

    peple to judge!!!!! !

    M. BezzinaFeb 19th, 13:17

    I wish to see some opinions on the worse corruption case ever involving politicians.....seems that many of these commenting here forgot that we have

    paid high electricity bills because of these corruptions taking place! !

    N CaruanaFeb 19th, 13:15

    Seeing all this mess in Labour Party makes me realize that the slogan 'Malta Taghna' is there to hide their true colour! I wouldn't even consider voting

    Labour.. it's way too risky for our future, hopefully Im NOT in!!

    B.C. BorgFeb 19th, 13:14

    The current scenario of the Electoral Campaign:

  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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    PN = the Coyote

    PL = The Road Runner


    James GrechFeb 19th, 13:09

    With these antics from GonziPN there is more than meets the eye. Their logo is more apt to read "Korruzjoni fis-sod".

    i. they harbour individuals suspected of doing drugs by the PL, for their own political gain

    ii. they avoid coming out clean wrt the oil procurement scandal

    iii. a minister somehow responsible for those implicated is defended by none other than the PM himself

    A. XuerebFeb 19th, 13:06

    This will not win you the election PN. The people at Dar Centrali have not uttered 1 single word about the biggest scandal in Maltese politics, that is

    what we are concerned about because that is our money! If the person who wrote these letters was so concerned he should have gone to the

    police,the PN too!

    Nicholas BorgFeb 19th, 13:00

    ...and Joseph Muscat now confirms that he did know about the case after all. So there you are...what have you got to say for yourselves now, all of

    you who claimed that the letter was fake?

    Victor BorgFeb 19th, 12:57

    Really a case of the pot calling the kettle black. How can the Gonzipn clan think we are so stupid to worry about what happened in a PL club and not

    think of all the corruption that have been shown on the Times of Malta and Malta Today. The PN would do much better to tell us why they were so

    quick in giving George Farrugia a presidential pardon.

    VINCENT WILLIAMSFeb 19th, 12:56

    The Police Commissioner declared that there is no case against the PL Deputy Leader. But the PN for propaganda wants to get it into the people's

    heads that it is not so. Thus indirectly the PN is telling us that the party has no confidence in the police force. Therefore why the PN did not asked the

    Commissioner of Police to resign? Is it not because the PN is aware that the party is not right?

    J MifsudFeb 19th, 12:55

    Isn't the electoral campaign period a way to see what parties are offering for the next 5 years? All I'm seeing here is stories about things thathappened almost 3 years ago and which the police said there is no case. So why are you still going out with this news item where there is no case for

    the police? PN is weak on ideas and they are going circles with the same issue

    Peppi BorgFeb 19th, 12:55

    These are all tactics for character assassination by Gonzipn who is desperate as they know that the people are determined to change direction. This

    is not a new story to my ears as on every election eve I remember they tried to demonize the labour leader then in office. These might have worked in

    the past but will not work this time.

    P BuaiarFeb 19th, 12:55

    Fictous story. Oct 2010 ther was no MEP elections, but 7June 2009. Hand writen letter you can alter and change dates.Toni Abela acted in the best

    of Maltese people when He sacked the suspects on 'Hearing Say' evidence, and KEPt THE PARTY CLEAN' while PN left the trouble hidden to use it in

    election campaign

  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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    Kenneth WilliamsFeb 19th, 12:54

    U l barman sab refugju ghand GONZIPN...tghid x wedghuh???

    P. ZammitFeb 19th, 12:53

    I am amazed to see so many PL supporter comments trying to defend T.Abela and J.Muscat's actions not to inform the police of suspiciion of drug

    dealing at a PL Labour party club. They should have gone to the police ...full stop.

    Donna ParnisFeb 19th, 12:51

    If this letter was real then how come the PN have it if it was sent to JM? Why is the name blocked out and why other parts blocked out also. The one

    about TA was in 2010 so how come this is 2009? I think the PN have once again got their facts wrong, Goofed again Dear Simon.

    Lawrence AttardFeb 19th, 12:49

    White block or ice? According to the barman it was ice he was cutting? Sakemm ice mhux jargon ghal xi droga? Din bhal tal "pupa" li ra d -dawl

    umbaght...? Halluni PN bdan qed tinqdew? Your time is up come 9th March. God Willing Labour will rectify matters and if not we will start voting

    Alternattiva for a change or ta l Ajkla.

    joe micallefFeb 19th, 12:42

    PN Scarenongering? Oh No it is not the case .

    It's pure spin to convince the PN is purer than the white block it hopes will get it closer to retain power come this 9/3/2013

    Your time is up PN. You have taken me for an excessive energy tariff hike and tax ride too long to merit credibilty any longer

    Your tactics are reminiscent of a soviet state in the 60s!

    Eve AxiaqFeb 19th, 12:41

    Dan l-istess wiehed li ha r-recordings? Nisperaw li mhu qed jaghmel xejn ghal xi gwadann personali wara l-elezzjoni.

    Il-PN jitfa t-tajn biss biex jiddejvjaw l-attenzjoni mill-iskandlu kbir taz-zejt. Ghadna rridu naraw min kienu dawk li hadu rigali minn dan l-iskandlu kif

    semma Saviour Balzan.

    oliver pulisFeb 19th, 12:41

    Nice way to try and hide the oil corruption case

    H. WaitFeb 19th, 12:39

    I think that the electorate has had enough hearing such things from both parties. I ask the PN people: Have you forgotten about Queiros and the

    pardon the PN gave him against public sentiment? For the sake of my family, I want a party who has a clear vision how to manage this country and

    can take the country away from the elite few, and I don't think that the PN can do that.

    Joseph AquilinaFeb 19th, 12:32

    It seems there is a very wide gap between what lejber tells us they are, and who lejber really are!!

    Joe Pace AsciakFeb 19th, 12:31

    Responsibility was now fully on Dr Muscat's shoulders, Dr Busuttil said. Fpajjizi ohra din hi materja cara li twassal ghal rizenja.

  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

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    Mr Joe MicallefFeb 19th, 12:27

    I know that this drug trafficking case is very serious, but can one of the MLP pundits ask Konrad Mizzi to give the e UK energy Minister a call to help

    him solve the problem.


    steve fenechFeb 19th, 12:26

    isn't it incredable that for the PL apologists , keeping mum about drug traffiking, which by the way carries a life time sentence is meaningless and can

    be glossed over ! is this the much heralded new way of doing new politics ? and to all these elves who are hounding anybody who posts a view on

    this site which is not to their liking, i say nice try but truly pathetic and counterproductive !

    A. XuerebFeb 19th, 13:09

    Why have their been no arraignments yet? Simple, because there is no case.Get over it.

    Let's talk about the oil procurement scandal instead.

    Mario CamilleriFeb 19th, 13:38

    @steve fenech,

    So you're saying that Dr Tony Abela and Dr Joesph Muscat are drug traffickers? State yes or no not beating around the bush! !

    Peter GeeFeb 19th, 13:40

    What is less incredible is that the PN has been sitting on this information for three to four years without reporting it to the police. Disgusting!

    Joe BonannoFeb 19th, 13:50

    First it doesn't have to carry a lifetime sentence, just ask the Brazilian trafficker who was given a pardon by the PN. Second, this barman

    who obviously has an axe to grind and now is being welcomed into the sacred halls of the PN is their unimpeachable witness? Which version

    do we believe his first, block of ice or his second, block of white substance? I can see why the Pol. Comm. threw it out

    joe micallefFeb 19th, 14:02

    Hi Steve,

    I'm one of the elves!

    Your comment is not that much different than mine!

    Nice try Steve but truely pathetic and counterproductive mate!

    Joe Borg (Senior)Feb 19th, 14:47

    what drug trafficikng are you talking about .. why doesn't the Prim Minister report this to the police commissioner now and also why didn't he

    do it 2 years ago as well!!

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 12:24

    Please! Stick to the subject which is that there was NO TRUTH whatsoever in Joseph Muscat's pretence that he did not know about the drug

    trafficking case in an LP club. No matter how the LP fanatics twist, turn and spread red herrings that fact sticks in the mind.

    Malta does not need a prime minister who lies and a deputy leader who interferes with police investigations after the next election.

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    Mr Stephen BorgFeb 19th, 13:58

    You can compare like with like, on one hand we have Joseph Muscat saying he does not have any information as regards drug trafficking in

    an LP club and on the other hand we have Lawrence Gonzi defending Austin Gatt and now Tonio Fenech as regards the oil procurement

    scandal where thousands if not millions where paid in commissions, which one of both is the worst?

    Daniel Zarb

    Feb 19th, 14:48Francis,smart people understand that if you don't have first-hand information, you need to rely on other sources before going to the police.

    It is crystal clear that no one wanted to co-operate. In the absence of evidence, you have no case. But honestly, if this is what keeps you up

    at night, then go ahead and vote for gonzi again. Obviously this govt cannot relate to the people's issues anymore.

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 18:22


    If your rambling comment describes what "smart" people understand I would be most interested to learn what people like you understand.

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 19:07

    @Stephen Borg & Daniel Zarb

    What is the connection between your comment and the subject of this blog namely Joseph Muscat being caught out lying about his lack of

    knowledge about the drug abuse in a LP club? There isn't any.

    g bartoloFeb 19th, 12:24

    simon...no amount of mud throwing is going to make us change my mind and niether of those who think intelligently like me...if you are pissing in your

    pants worrying about what your future and that of your fellow colleagues is , then so be it...but dont dramatise about this issue because we shall not

    be convinced...

    Efrem GattFeb 19th, 14:15

    Pity many other level headed, less fanatic people will have to suffer for your decision. If things are as they clearly stand, then it will be our

    turn to p.. in out pants. This is no dramatizing, if all the facts are true as they very well seem to be then, wake up Malta, we don't want such


    Doreen AttardFeb 19th, 12:24

    Dr Busuttil asks if we want to trust our future and that of our children on this person. What's the alternative Dr Busuttil ? Dr Gonzi ? The one under

    whom corruption is widespread ? The one who voted for higher utility bills happily (bil-qalb). The one who paid himself and his ministers 600 euros

    increase weekly behind everybody's back ? Tell us Dr Busuttil is this what you are proposing?

    L ZammitFeb 19th, 13:58

    Doreen, x'tippreferi, (ghall grazzja ta' l-argument) thallas ftit euros taxxa izjed jew ihassrulek lill-uliedek bid-droga. Erga ahsibha u tinduna li

    bhalissa m'hemmx alternattiva ghall-Dr Gonzi. Hu biss ta' min jafdah.

    Efrem GattFeb 19th, 14:17

    OOOO COME OFF IT.. bet you are dying of hunger!.. Halqna fix-xejr u ma nafux! Always the same Maltese gemgem we are. Better thank

    God for our blessings!

    Gorg Borg

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    Feb 19th, 12:22

    Yeah nice one. Why so many names covered? Why the name to whom the letter is sent covered? How can anyone believe this??? lol PN in really

    panic mpode.

    Joseph Cauchi SeniorFeb 19th, 14:23

    @ Gorg Borg,

    Yes, the names are covered.

    But Joseph Muscat and Toni Abela know who the person is!


    Nicholas BorgFeb 19th, 12:21

    So Labour apologists, does it not bother you at all that your dear leader blatantly lied about this serious matter? Don't you see it strange that Anglu

    Farrugia was asked to resign for a much less serious lack of judgement? Well if you are happy to ignore all this, you will certainly be getting the

    government you deserve.

    Edmund GeradaFeb 19th, 12:20

    To whom may concern.Pls explain. Recording was said to be recorded in Year 2010/Letter is dated 2009.

    The case mentioned on drugs on the recording was related to Party club HAL Safi and not Party Club Attard.

    My opinion, this is a scaremongering case from the PN evil clique. Dear PN Friends pls investigate before trowing any mud.

    Cornelius MurphyFeb 19th, 12:26

    Simple. The 2010 recording is Toni Abela reminding other people about a case that had happened quite some time before. That's all there

    is to it.

    Joseph AquilinaFeb 19th, 12:29

    The only party with expertise of throwing mud (ie stating something without any proof) is lejber. PN have ample proof. I hope that whoever is

    in power will really make MPs (and PM) liable to court cases regardless of when the fact took place!!

    Mario BonniciFeb 19th, 12:36

    Spot On Edmund.

    Loghba mahmuga mill-PN biex minghalihom jaqbdu lil Joseph Muscat f'gidba.

    B EllulFeb 19th, 12:36

    iva...even the recording are made up!

    JOHN WHITEFeb 19th, 12:40

    Xi trid tinvestiga sur Edmund. Sar fejn sar il-hazin sar u il-kustjoni riedet tinheba.Bhal ma kien qal Konrad (l-espert tal-power stations)

    Shame on You Joseph !!

    Joe TaboneFeb 19th, 12:19

    Since LABOUR never did anything when in Government in 1996, after a massive electoral campaign on allegations about Baurinijiet, why don't they

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    change their logo to "Malta tal-Barunijiet ukoll"??

    joanna farrugiaFeb 19th, 12:46

    mhux hekk hux joe tabone mhabba li m hawnx barrunijiet hux??

    K. Vella II

    Feb 19th, 12:17

    You'd think that with less than three weeks to go until the election, we'd be discussing proposals for the five-year term.

    m. borg (slm)Feb 19th, 14:01

    gonzipn have nothing new to present except more of the same.

    More decrease in standard of living, more tariff increases, more corruption and scandals.

    Under labour one could not buy MARS bars but under PN/gonzipn one could by anything if the price is right.

    A TonnaFeb 19th, 12:11

    'In the 2010 recording, revealed last Friday, Dr Abela .....' The letter is dated August 2009. Can someone explain?


    Ethelbert SchembriFeb 19th, 12:11

    The PN is well known for inventing things on others, shall we remember Terinu and keep on coming to this very day ? Should we remember all the

    character assassination the PN perpetuated on each and every PL leaders? So the PN have a hand written letter and they want us to believe them

    that it is the original copy of that acknowledgement.Try another one PN, we got fed up of these pathetic tactics.

    Thomas C. CassarFeb 19th, 12:08

    Mela hawn barman li wara l-bar 'dahhlulu' zaghzagh iqattu droga, xi hadd mill-kumitat qabadhom u rraporta lill-PL fejn dan min naha tieghu ha passi

    kontra l-barman. Mexa kif suppost, ma nafx ghala dal-paniku kollu mill-PN.

    Diga qed inbassar silta mir-rapport tat-telfa tal-PN. "Hlejna nofs il-kampanja fuq issues irrilevanti ghall-poplu bhall-'kaz' ta' Toni Abela u ma ffokajnix

    fejn vera hemm bzonn

    V. CauchiFeb 19th, 12:04

    All these leaks, recordings etc. raise one question: Do both parties have a well organized secret or spy service, headed by one person reporting

    directly to the party leader? This, much like party financing, is an issue which may be thoroughly examined by the media perhaps after the elections

    when the news sleaze sets in.

    Joseph AquilinaFeb 19th, 12:02

    There is tengible proof that Joseph Muscat knew about drug dealings in a lejber club. Proof that Joseph Muscat did not the the right thing and go to

    the Police. Proof (a few days ago) that Joseph Muscat does not mind lying in front of the camera and state the opposite of the truth. Yet lejber

    diehards are here defending him!!


    Silvan saliba butlerFeb 19th, 12:00

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    This story is another storm in a tea cup ! Its not going to effect people s lives at all ! There was a case and it was handled full stop ! There is nothing

    to be shy or sorry about not like giving 600 payrise behind everyone s back ! This story s going to be another nail in gonzi pn coffin

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 13:32

    It is a storm all right, a big one in fact, but what is being shattered is not a teacup but the false image being conjured up of some different,

    changed version of the Mintoff-KMB Labour Party and the corrupted police force it created to support its thugs.

    James GrechFeb 19th, 11:58

    GonziPN are making the erroneous assumption that the ppl are stupid or smurffed. I'm sure that ppl are by far more intelligent than what PBO & co

    make them out to be. They can see through these character assassination tactics which were all along aimed at Joseph Muscat. How low can

    GonziPN stoop? Many, like myself, have had enough of this arrogant behaviour & 2 weights 2 measures!!

    A. XuerebFeb 19th, 13:14

    Well said! Even their party faithful have been posting comments on FB to the effect ' we are leaving the best for last' and 'we shall have Dr

    Muscat's head in the end' for weeks on end! This means only 1 thing: the PN have nothing to offer and nothing to be proud of! Well at least

    they did manage to find a disgruntled barman.

    Mario MizziFeb 19th, 11:57

    Therefore we have this invasion of a coordinated PL force dominating internet mediums. Is it good? Is it bad? It all depends on which viewpoint you

    take, but surely it is giving the PL an advantage irrespective of their merits or demerits. PN's bad is being made to look worse, and PL's bad is being

    made to look irrelevant when compared the the PN's bad. Even AD are attacked systematically.

    C SchembriFeb 19th, 11:57

    PBO hallina mela inti ghadhek ghaddej biha u l-kummisarju qal li ma hemm xejn hazin. Taf fejn ma qalx li ma hemm xejn hazin FIL-KORUZZJONI TAZ-


    Mr Joseph Carmel ChetcutiFeb 19th, 11:56

    When I was a public servant, I used to write letters on behalf of the Department. I would also sign on behalf of the Director. Did the Director ever see

    such letters? Never.

    Joe BonannoFeb 19th, 13:53

    Well said.

    Efrem GattFeb 19th, 14:21

    This was all about drugs abuse and not an everyday letter issued by some Govt Dept... Makes a hell of a difference!

    Mario MerciecaFeb 19th, 15:11

    Mela dejjem hazin ghamilt siehbi.....terfa dak li ma ghandekx taghmel u ovvjament mintix imhallas ghalieh

    R. SchembriFeb 19th, 11:56

    Flok tahli il hin fuq dawn ic cuccati ahjar tohrog bi proposti konkreti PN!

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    Jekk kien em vera problema ek imsejjah awn fuq sur simon busutill .. din ma kienetx qeda tisraq il poplu Malti bhal korruzjoni li hemm fl enemalta b

    MILJUNI ta euro fil but tal klikka. Ahjar min u vera responsabli al dan is serq jirezenja! GHAX DIN IL PROBLEMA EFFETWATLI IL BUT!

    Joseph AquilinaFeb 19th, 11:55

    So let us compare the two leaders; Gonzi gets to know about a serious case of corruption; he goes strait to the police and asks them to do their work.

    He also gives a pardon to make sure that all involved will be caught and brought to justice.

    Joseph Muscat knew about drugs in a lejber club and what did he do? He hushed it all up! Who benefited from this? Will he also do such things if


    Mr Joseph Carmel ChetcutiFeb 19th, 11:55

    The second letter seems only like an acknowledgment letter to me. Is every letter referred to Muscat? I doubt it!

    Efrem Gatt

    Feb 19th, 14:18I would expect that such a serious matter wouldn't be held back from the PL leader, were it to be so, then there are even more people in the


    D CaruanaFeb 19th, 11:53

    PN is using the professional tactics like in the past to try and win the election by performing a Drama. This happened in the past and fortunately

    enough it worked, but people outside know thats such Dramas are not so much important, compared to Corruption in Enemalta. People Know exactly

    that not a single resignation happened from the Government. People vote on the truth not ON DRAMAS.

    Joseph AquilinaFeb 19th, 12:03

    Performing a drama! Those letters prove that Joseph Muscat DID KNOW about drugs within lejber club. Those letters prove that Joseph

    Muscat lied not ONCE but TWICE; first when he said he knew nothing about the case and second when he said he would have reported the

    case to the police if he had known about it!


    Ronnie CallusFeb 19th, 12:04

    Hundred percent correct Mr.Caruana. PL should be aware of this and does not fall to their PROVOCATIONS

    The PN is shivering seeing all those crowds after Joseph and members leaving them. SHAME to them ALL

    Mario BonniciFeb 19th, 11:53

    Tal-PN qed joqghodu jsejjhu l-press conferences sabiex ikomplu bil-kampanja negattiva u tfiegh ta' tajn. Dan il-kaz mhu xejn ghajr minn atentat ta'

    vendetta minn ex membru tal-PL fil-konfront tal-partit laburista talli tkecca u tal-PN qed jinqdew bih.

    Edgar GambinFeb 19th, 12:15

    Sur Bonnici minn meta id-droga saret tajn? Toni irreferi ghaliha bhala blokka bajda. Tista tispjega?

    Thomas C. CassarFeb 19th, 12:17

    Hekk hu, bhal ma nqeda bih kuntrattur li jhaddem il-prekarjat li ma nafx ghala ghandu nteress li jibqa l-PN fil-Gvern. Tghid ghaliex??

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    Kenneth WilliamsFeb 19th, 12:55

    U issa PBO qal li ftit trab.....

    B EllulFeb 19th, 11:53

    u le forsi nesa miskin....

    J MuscatFeb 19th, 13:17

    Ghandna anke min jinsa' kont tal-bank fl-Isvizzera!

    adam spaldingFeb 19th, 11:53

    It is so disappointing that neither party engages in running a political campaign.

    Politics is not this mud slinging that both parties seem intent on doing.

    The promises being made are in nothing other than bribes

    Its really really pathetic

    God help us because it is obvious our politicians will not. Shame on you

    Gorg SciberrasFeb 19th, 12:26

    Mud slinging or not, I know I cannot vote for a party who hides a drug-related incident. And besides this, according to the letter published,

    Muscat has lied when he said that he had not been informed. We need to trust the people we elect. Many will not trust Gonzi, but I definitely

    cannot trust the Labour Party, especially Joseph Muscat and Toni Abela.

    A. XuerebFeb 19th, 13:43

    @ Gorg: and we cannot trust a bunch of incompetents under whose nose we experienced the biggest political scandal of all times!

    m. borg (slm)Feb 19th, 14:03

    Gorg you found it easy to vote for a party that gave a pres pardon to a criminal who had a drug case pending who also happened to be a

    body guard to a big shot and his family.

    Mario MizziFeb 19th, 11:52

    and with PL strategic comments to each article which could sway public opinion. The PL clearly studied the effects of the internet especially during the

    "arab spring" and have realised that co-ordinated action and comments on important internet sites can win them votes. The PN on the other hand

    have a very unstructured appraoch to this. Busy in government they did not work on this aspect. PTO pt 3

    Joseph Cauchi SeniorFeb 19th, 12:12

    @ Mario Mizzi,

    I beg to differ on your assumptions!

    Why dont you ask if some of the moderators of some newspapers concerned are in cahoots with the MLP commenters to restrict comments

    of anti-MLP nature and flood the comments boards with pro-MLP comments!

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    joseph azzopardiFeb 19th, 11:50

    To believe the whole truth please show the sender`s name of both letter and acknowledgement. If there is nothing to hide

    john smith

    Feb 19th, 11:56

    why is the PN backing this case so much?!!?!! we deserve to know!!!

    P. ZammitFeb 19th, 12:50

    There is an acknowledgement by Mark Farrugia , personal assistant to JM !!!

    Tony Borg BorgFeb 19th, 14:44

    J. Azzopardi l-acknowledgement qieghed fl-ahhar wara l-ittra.

    A DimechFeb 19th, 11:49

    Bla Sens fuq kaz bla sens u bla sugu.

    Jekk Dr Abela keccieh il-barra - sewwa ghamel - full stop.

    Dr Abela ma seraq lil hadt.

    Joseph AquilinaFeb 19th, 11:58

    He kicked the person not involved about the case and covered (seems Joseph was in it too now) for more senior members within the lejber

    party. Maybe you do not care when you see that a political party, from the opposition, is already involved in hiding stuff and protecting those

    close to the party!

    However I am not close to lejber and therefore I DO CARE!

    Pauline BusuttilFeb 19th, 12:21

    int bis-serjeta qed tghid A. Dimech??? dr. abela ma rapportax kaz ta' droga, u taf din xi tfisser? li ghatta kaz ta' traffikar ta' droga biex ma

    jinqabadx ghax issir hsara lill par tit laburista. Mhux imbilli keccieh il barra, jien nistaqsi fe jn hija dik il blokka bajda? x'sar minna? Hadha xi

    hadd u negozja hu?

    Tony Borg BorgFeb 19th, 14:45

    A. Dimech kellu jirraporta lill pulizija.

    Mario MizziFeb 19th, 11:49

    I have been reading comments to articles for some time, never posted up to now. I would like to submit an objective analytical point, much of the PL

    gains - and the reason why they are favourites to win this election by now is that they have won the internet war.

    Joseph AquilinaFeb 19th, 11:59

    Yes they have thousands who post the same none-sense over and over again. PN unfortunately does not have the resources to sustain

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    such a machine!

    Cornelius MurphyFeb 19th, 12:23

    But has the PL convinced the man in the street? Or the people on the 6:00am ferry from Gozo last Monday, for that matter?

    It's easy to swamp the Internet with loads of comments from a few supporters, but they are not the only ones who are going to vote on 9

    March. The people can see through Labour's tactic paying for the illusion of popularity and the election is still very much up for grabs.

    Joe Borg (Senior)Feb 19th, 11:49

    Simon Busuttil miexi fuq il-linja ta GonziPN (GonziSimonPN) .. triq tal-biza u strategija negativa ... keep it up simon ..qedin Sew!!

    Mr Joe MicallefFeb 19th, 11:54

    Isthi jekk taf!

    Daniel ZarbFeb 19th, 12:12

    Jisthi min qed jipprova juza issue sensittiva bhal dik tad-droga biex jipprova jirbah erba voti. Kemm jien u kemm int nafu li l-glieda kontra d-

    droga hija serja u min vera jrid jeradikaha jmur jiddedika l-forzi kollha tieghu fuq min qed jiddistribuxxiha. Kif ga kkumentajtlek darb'ohra...l-

    Malti mhuwiex gullible kif tahseb Joe. Hasra li ghad hemm min jahseb mod iehor.

    Mr Joe MicallefFeb 19th, 13:17

    Zarb isthi jekk taf!

    Joe Borg (Senior)Feb 19th, 14:54

    @Mr Joe Micallef min x'hiex nisthi .. jien nisthi? Jisthi min bidel il-ligi biex bena power station bl--iktar zejt li jnigex meta kellu parrir biex jibniha

    bil-gas! Jisthi l-Prim Ministru li kien jaf b'din sentejn illu w ma irraportax lil Kummissarju!!!

    Ibqaw sejrin hekk gbin thank you .. tghidx kemm ha jkolkomm titmeshu mit-tkaxkira li ha tiehdu!!

    Joseph BugejaFeb 19th, 11:45

    Din xi proposta gdida kif se trahhas il kontijiet tal dawl?

    Din xi proposta gdida kif se zzid ix xol fil pajjiz?

    Ghaziz PBO , qazzistna, twahhal fin nies!!!

    Mhux ahjar ixxammar il kmiem u tibda tahdem bis serjeta!!!!

    john smithFeb 19th, 11:55

    It is a bit too late for PBO and his friends to start working because they are used to this way of life!!!!! 500Ewro fil-gimgha sbieh wisq biex

    jghaddu minghajrhom!! !!

    Kenneth WilliamsFeb 19th, 12:58

    ma tantx ghandu sahha jahdem ghax kienu mahlubin dan l ahhar 5 snin jipprovaw izommu fil wicc...

    Tony Borg BorgFeb 19th, 14:49

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    Daniel, tant hi sensittiva li JM u Toni Abela kellhom jirrapurtaw lill Pulizija.

    James GrechFeb 19th, 11:43

    The fact that the hand-written letter is dated 7th August, is not proof that its the same one for which there was the PL's official reply. If the author sent

    this letter, how come he still has the original one in his hands? If this person was irked by the way he was distanced from the PL's club by Toni Abela,

    he would go to lengths to get retribution. The backing of the PN is very worrying though!

    john smithFeb 19th, 11:48

    I agree 100% mr Grech

    Daniel ZarbFeb 19th, 12:25

    Let's say it could be a copy of the original one. But it is very strange. The original letter might have actually been typed and could have

    been about anything under the sun. For the Nationalists to latch onto a possibly forged hand-written note is a symptom of intense


    Maria MuscatFeb 19th, 12:27

    completely agree letters lack the same ability for verification as e-mails, not only that the reply acknowledging the letter could of been in

    reply to anything.

    Tony Borg BorgFeb 19th, 14:52

    J. Grech milli jidher ma fhimt xejn.

    justin vellaFeb 19th, 11:43

    Ohh c'mon b'dawn l-affarijiet irridu nirbhu l-elezzjoni. This is getting boring. This shows that PN are really getting out of ideas you need a break guys.

    E. AzzopardiFeb 19th, 11:42

    This blessed country needs to know where it will be going in the next five years. Will be become a mini Greece with all these promises from both


    The pensions system, health, the envirornment, the infrastructure etc etc.

    Now let the police find out what happened and let us go on with the useful work.

    Massimo GattFeb 19th, 11:42

    The barman got fired, it was handled. On to far more important things like the oil scandal.

    *Joseph BrincatFeb 19th, 11:42

    NO Comment for there is nothing to comment about for the police sad there is no case

    so it is just smoke in the air !!!

    joseph greenFeb 19th, 11:59

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    Smoke in the air for the barman too , JB.

    Pauline BusuttilFeb 19th, 12:24

    Smoke in the air meta hemm dak ir-recording Joseph Brincat? Staqsi lill familjari ta' zaghzagh li mietu bid-droga jekk hux smoke in the air!!

    Mur ara kieku kien xi nazzjonalist x'konnu taghmlu, kif konnu tkissruh lillu u lill familja tieghu. Ma tghajdux smoke in the air umbad!!!!

    John MifsudFeb 19th, 11:41

    Tiftakruh lil Francisco Assis de Queiroz?

    Dan inqabad idahhal Malta 3 kilo kokaina.

    Jekk minhiex sejjer zball inghata mahfra presidenzjali u nheles fis-26/09/1994, kontra l-opinjoni massicca tal-poplu u l-media kollha.Ghadni niftakru

    qisu 'l bierah tiela' it-tarag tal-ajruplan bhal farfett.

    Allura kif triduni niehu lil politici bis-ser jeta', ighiduli!! !! .

    Joe TaboneFeb 19th, 11:41

    "Malta taghna ilkoll"..........................tal-Barunijiet?!?

    Joe Borg (Senior)Feb 19th, 11:48

    int bis-serjeta .. ar avera qed issegwi li jaqbilek eh?

    fred sammutFeb 19th, 11:57

    queros traffikant haffrulu

    zeppi l hafi haffrulu


    Ronnie CallusFeb 19th, 11:59

    Sur.Tabone ara wahda fuq liema naha qedien dawn li qed issemmi int. Kun Onest mieghek innifsek u maghna n-nies li ghadna kuxjenza

    vera u mhux biki tal-kukkudrili bhalma sar ghal Anglu Farrugia.

    Ronnie CallusFeb 19th, 11:39

    Dawn qed jghamlu minn kollox biex jipprovukaw lil xi hadd minn naha tal-PL. TPAXXUHOMX hulluhom jghidu u jkomplu jinharqu ghax qed jaraw il-folol

    wara Joseph.

    J SultanaFeb 19th, 11:38

    Blokka bajda xi tkun?

    Jekk hu veru li din tifsser droga, kemm tiswa?

    Min ikollu blokka hija ghall-uzu personali jew tkun ghand pusher?

    Jiena fittixt fuq google u blokka bajda jisservew minnha mijiet ta' nies. Mela allura din hija ta pusher!

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    Irrid spejgazzjoni ISSA.... Jiena omm u ghandi tfal.

    Joe A. BorgFeb 19th, 11:42

    Dak kien sapun tal dish washer!

    Anthony( Toni ) BorgFeb 19th, 11:44

    Hawn malta milija bil PUSHERS .. Hawn minnhom li ilhom bara zmien twiel u il gustizzja qat ma ghamlet dak li u suppost issir.... Dik li tfisser

    xoghol GUSTIZJA u LIBERTA....

    Ronnie CallusFeb 19th, 11:47

    Xi Sapuna tkun bhalma kontu ghidtulna meta ddahlet fuq bastiment ta' wieherd. Jew tinsew intom fejn jaqblilkom.

    Jos BrincatFeb 19th, 11:52

    Il-kbira hi li skont tal-lejber intremiet fiz-zibel. Minn jaf min sabha u ghadux haj???? Li kieku qalu li qerduha forsi kienu jitmemmnu jzjed.

    Mr Andrew CamilleriFeb 19th, 12:15

    Sultana: il-Pn kollox jafu u kapaci jirrisponduk il-ghaliex issa il-barman sar habib u ma jridux jghidu minn hu minflok ghaddew ismu lill pulizijia

    biex tkun tista tinvestiga. Min jaf hux veru huwa l-istess barman? Min jaf minn kitibha dina l-itrra? Jien lill ta;-PN, tant huma ipokriti li ma

    nemminhomx wahda.

    J MuscatFeb 19th, 13:03

    Jekk int omm u qieghda tibza ghat-tfal tieghek minn dal-kaz ghandek il-problemi! Jekk int omm ta' vera tghaalem lil uliedek trid mhux tibza

    mil-babaw! Ibza mhux min dal- kaz JEKK hu kaz...ibza hallihom johorgu mil-bieb tad-dar il-barra! L-iskola isibuha, postijit ta' divertiment

    isibuha, postijiet ta' eukazjoni gholjin isibuha...imma jsibuha ghax ifitxuha!

    Tony Borg BorgFeb 19th, 14:56

    J. Sultana minn naha tal-MLP m'intiex ser tiehu spjegazzjoni.

    Paul AzzopardiFeb 19th, 11:38

    This is all very annoying, watching both parties fling mud at each other. Its childish and really further more diffuses any trust we have in our leaders or

    would be leaders. I may be one of those many that would rather give my vote to Alternattiva maybe they'd manage to get a couple of chairs in

    Parliament then support these clowns. This electoral period is way too long and annoying.

    manuel liaFeb 19th, 11:37

    tghidu kemm tghidu jibqa il fatt li min kien jaf bdawn laffarijiet u ma tkellimx...ghamel hazin hafna....joseph muscat qal li ma kien jaf bxejn...u toni abela

    qal li lill muscat ma infurmah bxejn lanqas....issa BIL PROVI...jirrizulta li kienu jafu it tnejn li huma.....anke acknowledgement tal ittra hemm..id dmir

    taghom kien li jinfurmaw lill pulizija...mela jahbu jew...ghamlu zball ohxon.jm u ta

    Ronnie CallusFeb 19th, 11:51

    Spjegalna ftit Manuel ! Kif minn blokka issa sar trab abjad. Mhux forsi l-ittra hija ta' post iehor li mghandu xjaqsam xejn hu ??? Meta staqsew

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    il-gurnalisti ma' riedux jghidulhom. Tahlulniex zmien izjed ghax dejjaqtu lil kulhadd jahasra.

    john muscatFeb 19th, 11:35

    So the PN knows what is happening in the other camp, does not go to the police, but both ministers A.Gatt and T. Fenech does not know what is

    happening in their ministries!!! And they were paid 500 extra for what?

    JOHN WHITEFeb 19th, 15:10

    They are paid for you to have the latest technology in I.T and to have enough funds so thath our country can continue to develop into a

    better one. These type of ministers have introduced pc,mobile phones,laptops,tablets etc etc

    C SpiteriFeb 19th, 11:34

    I cannot understand one thing: in the press conference PBO said that this case happened in 2010 however not even 5 minutes after said he was

    going to read two letters that Dr. Joseph Muscat received in 2009 that confirms he knew about the case!!!! I am still wondering how this is possible,

    unless Dr. Muscat has a 6th sense of knowing things before they happen!! !!

    Mr Andrew CamilleriFeb 19th, 12:18

    PBO is notorious for making a mes every time he opens his mouth. The Pn is kaing evry effort to show Jm in a bad light, but they will fail

    because most of this stuff is so messed up you can pick holes the size of a crater in all the rubbish they are saying. Who know if this guy is

    rally the barman? If he is, what promises did het get in exchange for the information? Like Gafa maybe - good deal.

    carmelo buttigiegFeb 19th, 11:32

    It's Joseph's turn now! All this negative energy will get you nowhere, you have no credibility anymore. If you think you're getting votes with these

    stories you must be living in a parallel universe!

    Mr Albert DimechFeb 19th, 11:31

    Komplu tqansu, s-survey tal-add li jmiss PL ikompli jkabbar il-vanta jista', kif ara wara imga ta' attakki fuq Toni Abela. Ma gandhomx

    programm sura fuq hies jitkellmu, allura jdawwru fuq il-merijiet.

    D ZarbFeb 19th, 11:31

    They are adding more things to the mixture to muddy the picture. The big question remains: WHY DID THE POLICE TAKE NO ACTION?. Simple:

    There is nothing to take action on. These people are experts at mud slinging and they are trying to divert attention from other bigger scandals

    involving millions of OUR EUROS going into ministers pockets. M'ahniex cwiec daqskemm qed tahsibna Pawl.

    Joe GrisctiFeb 19th, 11:30

    Halluna jahasra ha tibqaw tiggieldu fuq kas li il-pulizija stess qalu mem lebda provi.

    Freddie MicallefFeb 19th, 11:29

    ara veru gonzipn jasal sabiex ihawwdu l imhuh halli idawru l lenti min fuq li skandlu ta zejt..Gonzipn intom tafu daqs kull min iffolowja li hemm sewg

    kazini imsemmija mela ghalfejn qeghdin thalltu kazin ma iehor...

    Adrian GouderFeb 19th, 11:28

    Politics and the people's understanding at what's at stake here is truly unbelievable. Labour supporters are actually condoning Joseph Muscat and

  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


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    Toni Abela for allegedly protecting a drug dealer!!! !

    Mr Andrew CamilleriFeb 19th, 12:20

    The Pn is giving a rally bad name to politics and politicians. What with the oil scandal and all this underhand sleazy tactics, this is not what

    politics should be about. If the PN wants to be credible, it should have shown who this barman is and should have reported the matter to the

    police two years ago when it got to know. Otherwise its all hypocrisy.

    Mr Joe MicallefFeb 19th, 12:31

    Camilleri you have to have a disgusting nerve to write that PN is giving politicians and politics a bad name! Am I surprised - not at all. Dik

    milli jkollha ttik!

    Joseph GiliFeb 19th, 11:28

    Nahseb Simon meta kien zghir kien tajjeb fil-compositions. Id differenza hi li dak iz-zmien kien jemmnu kulhadt u issa hadt mu qed jemmnu.

    JOHN WHITEFeb 19th, 12:47

    Saqsi lil Toni Abela ghal compositions !!

    fred sammutFeb 19th, 11:26

    nistaqsi ...kieku ma kientx din l istorja il qorti, fuq xhiex kien jibaza il kampanja elettorli il pn?

    minn PBO nistennija press conf. bhal din imma Simon qed tidzappuntani.......

    Susan CassarFeb 19th, 11:24

    Utterly disgraceful and ties in well with the Labour culture of the past which is still very much alive and will thrive if given power...lies,corruption and

    crime...is this what you want to switch to or at least risk what you have for? sometimes you don't know what you have till you lost it!

    Mr M GrimaFeb 19th, 11:24

    PN & PL qedin tilghabu loghob tat-tfal!!! !! !! !! ! Qazziztuna!!

    fred sammutFeb 19th, 11:33

    il Kummisarju tal Pulizija QAL li ma hemm l ebda kas kontra Toni Abela.......

    imma mill banda l ohra illum tellaw 2 persuni il Qorti fuq ix xiri taz zejt...... li kummisjoni tista tlahhaq xi Biljun ewro ( nikkwota li smajt fuq TV )

    ma nahsibx li fil kas taz zejt, u minn ivvota bil qalb biex Malta tibqa tixtri iz zejt hija lobgha ta tfal.....

    N CallusFeb 19th, 11:21

    PN speaking about drugs and terrorizing the voters against PL? Where is Queros???????

    Ronnie CallusFeb 19th, 11:45

    Not only this!! They are trying to provoke someone from the PL side so that they point out their fingers as done in the pastThay are trying to

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    deviate the attention from the oil corruption / commission. We were stole and need justice to be done with us who paid all those amount of

    money in fuel and energy tariffs. We should be compensated by Dr.Gonzi and his team who were in power and got 500euro

    L ZammitFeb 19th, 14:46

    Lill-Quiroz tellquh il-barra. Muscat, Abela u bella kumpanija ghad iridu jikkmandaw lill-Malta u qeghdin ma saqajnha.

    Joseph AquilinaFeb 19th, 11:21

    Joseph Muscat said that if he knew about this case he would have reported it to the police. So if this letter proves he knew about the case then

    Joseph Muscat would have lied twice; (1) denying he knew about the case when the letter would prove he knew, and (2) saying he would go to the

    police when in reality he did not!!

    Patrick CumboFeb 19th, 11:20

    No one is believing you PN, please we like to listen about politics and the future not this kind of crap that you kept for three years in your locker to use

    it in this election campaign. These are signs of defeat and another suggestion to SB which is more of the same..Simon stop wearing that mask

    because you will loose everything. Although I heard his plans to go to Germany after the election.

    albert galeaFeb 19th, 11:19

    B`xi kont fi Svizzera ma jafx BO.

    I CassarFeb 19th, 11:19

    minn blokka w drug dealers ghal ftit trab uzu personali!!! basta dal kajs kollu li kontu qed taghmlu, w is sena fejn ha ghax jista majkunux ghal


    A. XuerebFeb 19th, 11:16

    So basically PBO, Simon Busuttil and Co are basically saying they have no confidence in the Police Commissioner, who has said there is no case.

    Eddy PriviteraFeb 19th, 11:15

    Another clear sign that GonziOPN have no valid arguments to counter Dr. Muscat's PL movement. As I had predicted, the closer 9 march gets, the

    more hysterical GonziPN's strategists become !

    JOHN WHITEFeb 19th, 12:50

    Or another clear sign of the fading smile of Joseph since he is a bit disturbed about these accusations..

    D. EllulFeb 19th, 11:14

    Jahasra kemm huma nnocenti Joseph Muscat u Toni Abela. L-aqwa nifframjaw lil Austin Gatt u bla provi dan. Il-giddieb ghomru qasir DEAR LABOUR

    Paul Micallef

    Feb 19th, 11:14

    HA HA HA HA, How low can you go GONZI AND Co.

    W AzzopardiFeb 19th, 11:41

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    Untill they meet the PL down there.

    Joe A. BorgFeb 19th, 11:14

    How do you know that the acknowledge letter is referring to the same letter being shown?

    How do you know that this letter is not a fake letter written at a later date?

    Are we simply trying to alienate the electorate of the real issues?

    Looks like the PN is clucking to the last straw in a hope to save face from all it's failures.

    C SpiteriFeb 19th, 11:36

    That what I am saying as well, infact the case happened in 2010 however the letters are dated 2009????

    G BuhagiarFeb 19th, 11:12

    Jien minix fanatiku tal-politika, pero` meta nisma' kaz bhal dan ihassibni hafna. Kulhadd donnu jahbi l-iskandli tal-partit tieghu, pero` meta jkun hemm

    certu provi bhal dawn li qeghdin jissemmew jinholoq certu thassib... Dr Anglu Farrugia tkecca ghax qal kelma, u kaz bhal dan qeghdin niehdu l-

    impressjoni li qisu ma gara xejn. Ahjar tohrog il-verita kollha. Anke ghall-kaz tax-xiri taz-zejt ukoll.

    Tony Borg BorgFeb 19th, 15:05

    C. Spiteri ahjar terga' taqra l-artiklu . Ir-recording instema' fit 2010 imma l-ittra mibghuta fis-7 ta' Awwissu ta' l-2009.

    joseph greenFeb 19th, 11:10

    Sodisfatt issa Sur LAIVIERA , qrajta l ittra u l acknowledgement li baghtlu lura il PL li dan l individwu , issa ghid li manipulata ukoll . Ipokriti

    S. AttardFeb 19th, 11:09

    Sinjuri tal-PN. Tafu li dejjaqtuna biha din? Ftakru li baqabiss 16-il gurnata ghall-elezzjoni. Ohorgu b'xi haga serjaa. Il-polls juru li din mhux qed

    taffettwa lil hadd. Tibqghux taghtu l-impressjoni li m'ghadhomx xi tghidu. F'gieh is-sewwa, ohorgu xi haga bis-sens.

    R CashaFeb 19th, 11:08

    Jekk il-kummisarju qal car u tond li ma hemm xejn dwar xiex jistaghu jipprocedu fil-kaz ta Abela, ghalfejn il-PN jibqghu jsemmu dan il-kaz? Min qieghed

    jindahhal lil pulizija issa??

    joseph greenFeb 19th, 11:56

    Biex issir gustizzja ma dak il barman , li fuq kollox huwa laburist , l aqwa lil Malta taghna ilkoll

    G.A. SciclunaFeb 19th, 11:06

    This is a case where there was no case against no one. Purely internal party matters. In actual fact action was taken immediately and a person

    suspended. Is this the best the PNhas got against the PL??? what a waste of time and energy. The deeper you go in this matter the deeper the grave

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    you are digging IMO.

    Oliver GrechFeb 19th, 11:10

    Internal party matters? God forbids, if your children would end up victims of such drug pushers, would that be an interal party matter for


    Ganni BorgFeb 19th, 11:23

    It Shows that you do not understand what Labour was and neither now you understand what labour is. Sorry but you do not want to be

    delivered by a message presumably you were always on the cushy side of things....

    Jos BorgFeb 19th, 11:05

    I was totally disappointed with the press conference. I expected something big to be announced but nothing new came out.

    I am also disappointed with Simon Busuttil who has nothing new or different to contribute.

    So much was said about how he is going to rivitalize Maltese politics but so far he came out with a considerable number of quotes that do not justifyhis 8 years presence in Brussels.

    J GattFeb 19th, 10:58

    I do not know why some people create these new questions on the case. The statement of the police was clear, that the Abela's action was not

    "illegal". I think I should stick to the police's statement.

    Joseph MicallefFeb 19th, 11:06

    Moral obligations are not necessarily measured by legality or not!

    Oliver GrechFeb 19th, 11:12

    It's true...its not illegal but it is morally wrong and politically wrong and hence I will not trust my future and that of my children in the hands of

    people who put their party and their ambition before the future of my children. No way.

    Daniel ZarbFeb 19th, 12:01

    Oliver of course it is very convenient to make people forget that our country has slowly but surely become the 'coke' island: its availability

    has skyrocketed alarmingly and we have the 2nd highest cocaine-related mortality rate in Europe. Not to mention that 41% of our prisoners

    are on drugs and somehow have access to them. Not waging a fight against THAT is morally wrong.

    Willie GrechFeb 19th, 10:57

    Does anyone notice that whenever there is something new about the oil procurement scandal, the PN address a press conference to attack the PL

    on something? First, it was Anglu, then Tony Zarb, now they realised that way back they had something about Tony Abela. Shame on you PN, Simon

    and PBO for trying to hide this enormous scandal from the people whom you are expecting to trust you once more!!

    Mario SciclunaFeb 19th, 10:57

    Huwa fatt kurjuz kif l-istess 4 esponenti tal-PN jibqaw ikarkru u jnewwhu fuq din il-bicca, fl-istess waqt li ser jibdew jitressqu l-Qorti llum stess l-allegati

    hatja li rcevew 'gifts' u 'commissions' minn fuq xiri ta' zejt mil-Enemalta! Bhal donnu l-manifest PN qed jigi skartat u qajla qed isiru mistoqsijiet dwarhu

    ghax qeghdin sfaccatament jaharbu u jippruvaw idawwru l-attenzjoni fuq issues ohra

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    Wally Vella-ZarbFeb 19th, 10:57

    So why did the PN and their informer not go to the police themselves? They too had all the information, plus an eye witness. Why wait till the the eve

    of the elections? By keeping it to themselves until this last stage it has lost all the fizz and their attitude and strategy will only impress their diehard

    supporters and no one else. The polls are consistently showing this.

    Chris FinchFeb 19th, 11:12

    Very good point. If they also had the information and did nothing, then they are in the same position as those they are accusing.

    Oliver GrechFeb 19th, 11:13

    You don't get it or what? The case was issued in a court case last week by an ex labourite. The PN only got the details after hearing the

    court case.

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 10:54

    It used to be "There are lies, damned lies and statistics"

    Now the improved adapted version would be "There are lies, damned lies and LP Leader J Muscat's statements"

    M GrimaFeb 19th, 11:06

    Oh dear doctor spare us Benjamin Disraeli, cause you're disrespecting the man to quote him in this context.

    I know of a better quote by a man who ruined the world:

    If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

    James McIntoshFeb 19th, 11:10

    Methinks you doth protest too loudly, look to your own party with the same "unjaundiced " eyes

    M GrimaFeb 19th, 11:10

    Wow dear Doctor, it's only 11.00 am and you're already all worked up. Take it easy as there are another 13 hours till midnight.

    Wally Vella-ZarbFeb 19th, 11:11

    Fortunately, intelligent people are not as easily impressed as you seem to be.

    Conrad V. BusuttilFeb 19th, 11:20


    Shouldn't you also include Tonio Fenech and Austin Gatt with your revamped dictum? It seems from the Farrugia case that they are no

    virgins either.

    Alfred VassalloFeb 19th, 11:54

    But there was always 'corruption, institutionalized corruption and wide spread corruption' and that's pn's legacy.

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    whatever they say or do.

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 13:39

    @M Grima

    The solemn declaration that Joseph Muscat did not know of the drug scandal in an LP club has been proved to be a lie indeed but it is not a

    lie big enough to be believed except by the hopelessly gullible and those who choose to pretend to be blind.

    Ms D. BorgFeb 19th, 10:51

    Mur avdalhom iz-zghazagh taghna f'idejhom. Creepy. Have you noticed how the PL has invaded all our internet sites. They are everywhere just like

    an alien invasion. It's nauseating.

    M FavaFeb 19th, 11:10

    Qabel tparla, qis kollox Ms Borg. Jien xbajt insib wicc Gonzi ma' kull webpage li nilloadja u l-apps li nnizzel fuq il-movile. Fuq din il-webpage

    stess hawn wicc Simon u Gonzi mal-genb, jekk tajt kas. Nauseating il-fatt li qed tnessew l-iskandli taghkom.

    Alfred VassalloFeb 19th, 11:56

    Bear it, dear Ms D.Borg. Just bear it!

    J MifsudFeb 19th, 12:53

    Ms D Borg....it's called Marketing and not invasion...perhaps the term is too difficult for you to understand.

    Ms D. BorgFeb 20th, 08:52

    @ J Mifsud

    It's more like overkilling than marketing ... but perhaps the term is too difficult for you to understand.

    Jo MifsudFeb 19th, 10:47

    Starting to get bored with these daily press conferences from PN, which are highly repetitive. Is this the way they want to convince undecided voters?

    If the PN is so proud of the achievements made in the past years why don't they emphasize those? Don't believe PN's image is so clean after all!

    I won't vote according to these issues, both sides have their own scandals. REALISTIC proposals pls!

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 11:03

    The PN press conferences are not "highly repetitive" of the same criminal activity - they are exposing serial interferences with the police

    duties to investigate crimes and bring offenders to justice, if the crime involves Labour Party clubs. Civic minded persons would not be

    "bored" with these disclosures and you shouln't be either. Civilised persons would be alarmed to the point of nausea.

    Lawrence ZammitFeb 19th, 11:06

    This last press conference shows that Dr Muscat can't be trusted, because there is blantant proof that he is not saying the truth. The true

    Dr muscat is now surfacing.

  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

    www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130219/elections-news/borg-olivier-says-muscat-knew-of-white-powder-case-despite-denial.458211 32/42

    M FavaFeb 19th, 11:12

    Yes Mr Francis. Let us all take your word for it, an evident PN tradionalist, over that of an apparent floating voter.

    James GrimaFeb 19th, 11:15

    @ Francis

    Yet I don't see you acknowledging the facts being brought to light in regards to the Oil scandal (which in realistic terms is quite more serious

    considering the allegations & the public money which has been wasted over the years).

    Now do tell me, and I quote you, are you not alarmed to the point of nausea that these things have been happening, so why do you have to

    be so biased?

    M FavaFeb 19th, 11:15

    Whilst drugs should not be taken lightly, neither should corruption, an allegation your party is swiftly deviating from. I remind you that new

    evidence is released about the oil procurement issue almost regularly. Yet you so conveniently swept that under the carpet when police

    investigations have rendered valid, unlike the PL club case.

    Jo MifsudFeb 19th, 11:39

    Mr. Saliba, I appreciate your detailed explanation but I decide whether something is annoying me or not! Please don't decide for me, that

    would be arrogant! I reaffirm that these press conferences are indeed highly repetitive. It would be better if they get it all out at once and get

    on with the proposals they have!!

    I beleive PN are just trying to divert the attention from their own problems.

    Joseph AquilinaFeb 19th, 11:46

    Does building a gas power station which we don't need sound to you as realistic? A gas power station which they said will cost 200million but

    facts show it will cost 600million sound realistic to you?

    Lejber is trying to give the image of the "good" guys, but then you look a little deep and you see they are still the same.

    Alfred VassalloFeb 19th, 12:02

    Francis Saliba M.D.

    ''would be alarmed to the point of nausea.''

    Just as the electorate was in 1994 when your 'great leader' gave that CONVICTED Drug dealer a presidential pardon as an appreciation for

    bringing to Malta all that white powder. Savvy Dr. Saliba??

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 12:39

    @ Jo Mifsud today, 11:39

    I did not decide for you. I described the expected reaction of "civilised persons" to the news that the LP leadership was indubitably

    concealing a case of drug trafficking in its club and recurrent obstruction of the police duty to investigate crime. You may chose to include

    yourself among those civilised persons, or you may refuse.

    Its your funeral, not mine.

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 12:43

    @ M Fava.

  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

    www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130219/elections-news/borg-olivier-says-muscat-knew-of-white-powder-case-despite-denial.458211 33/42

    Please do not take my word for it - or anybody else's. I would be happy if you were to use your brain and and to comment constructively.

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 12:53

    @ James Grima.

    I reserve judgement until after the case of the alleged oil procurement abuse is decided and until after the allegation of PN ministerial

    involvement is proved or disproved. I am not alarmed at all as yet because up to now I see only a thick smokescreen of dirty tricks LP

    propaganda unsubstantiated insinuations defaming Minister Austin Gatt.

    Francis Saliba M.D.Feb 19th, 13:04

    @ M Fava.

    I agree with you that corruption should not be taken lightly but only cases of proven corruption not malicious glib insinuations about alleged

    corruption that has not been proved. It has not been proved yet that there was a ministerial involvement in the oil procurement case. Up to

    now that is a dirty allegation intended to cause maximum damage before the case is proved either way.

    Francis Saliba M.D.

    Feb 19th, 13:12@ Alfred Vassallo

    it is only your brash opinion that the 1944 electorate was alarmed to the point of nausea because a convicted drug dealer was given a

    presidential pardon on proven medical grounds.

    J CauchiFeb 19th, 10:42

    Ya right P Borg you were going to Vote for PL and now you

    Changed your mind to vote for PN who put us

    In the biggest scandle of oil and who took 500 behind

    your back. Good decision making maybe youshould think again !!! !!! !!! !

    Joe CamilleriFeb 19th, 11:04

    Lejber have no knowledge on how to move Malta forward in a time of crisis

    it is inevitable that after 25 years lejber will be in government, however in my opinion it will be a mistake, the same mistake done in 1996, but

    i wouldn t try and persuade people now, people will realise the mistake they have done in 2 or 3 years time

    M FavaFeb 19th, 11:16

    I hate mentioning the past Mr Camilleri but the MLP managed to get Malta on its feet between 1971 & 1977. A fool is he who denies so.

    Conrad V. BusuttilFeb 19th, 11:23

    @ Joe Camilleri

    So in your opinion the PN are better at managing during crisis?

    Did you want to mean that they manage by crisis by any chance? Seems more plausible!

    anton cassarFeb 19th, 10:42

    Gidba fahxija.....Muscat ma kienx jaf b`dak li gara fil-kazin ta hat-Attard......Dan hu kaz totalment differenti.Filfatt Simon ma semmiehx Blokkok bojod

    imma trab abjad !

  • 7/29/2019 Letters Show Joseph Muscat Knew of 'White Powder' Case Despite Denial Times 19FEB13


    16/03/2013 Updated - Letters show Muscat knew of 'white powder ' case despite denial - PN - timesofmalta.com

    www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130219/elections-news/borg-olivier-says-muscat-knew-of-white-powder-case-despite-denial.458211 34/42

    Simon u PBO qed jippruvaw ihawwdu l-imhuh ghax l-kaz li qed jirreferu ghalih gara gol-kazin ta Hal-Safi.

    Ghalhekk meta staqsewhom l-gurnalisti ma riedux jghidu fejn...

    Norbert VellaFeb 19th, 10:54

    Din hija l-mistoqsija li qieghed insaqsi jien Anton. Ghax min kollox qieghdin jippruvaw biex ihawdu lin-nies. Naqbel mieghek perfettament

    M GrimaFeb 19th, 10:42

    Clutching at the proverbial straw will get you nowhere Dr. Busuttil. The people have decided that GonziPN is not credible and anything you and your

    party says are just a pack of non-sense.

    B. BorgFeb 19th, 10:42

    So yesterday we had to believe that the Ministry of Finance was informed by nothing less than the Secret Service of a rampant tax evasion abuse,

    and the Minister deeply concerned about the country finances wasn't actually aware. Today the PN are sure that Joseph Muscat knew but none of the

    letters were written by JM, and most probable all they have in hand are standard acknowledgement replies

    anton cassarFeb 19th, 10:51

    B.Borg...dan il-kaz m`ghandux x`jaqsam ma l-kazin ta Hat-Attard....dan kaz iehor gara Hal-Safi...thallix min jitmejjel bik !!

    Edgar GambinFeb 19th, 10:41

    Muscat's credibility is falling to pieces. Labour supporters are speaking about mud slinging by the PN. No dears this is not mud but drugs -BLOKKA

    BAJDA we are speaking about. And both Tony and Joseph knew about it and Joseph lied in front of the cameras as this would have damaged the

    Labour Party. To hell with the national interest.

    Chris FinchFeb 19th, 11:13

    It also seems the Nationalist party knew about it and did nothing too, apart from bring it up just before an election.

    M GrimaFeb 19th, 10:40

    What infantile arguments about a letter, which given the mud-slinging exercise being carried out by GonziPN, I and everyone else could have typed

    such a letter, inserting the appropriate date to make it look credible. Are these people for real? Do they actually think that they can divert the

    attention from the Enemalta Oilgate scandal which has rocked the foundations of the PN.

    James GrechFeb 19th, 10:39

    The way that this non-issue is being handled by GonziPN is ridiculous and insults the intelligence of the ppl. They talk about "proof", yet they do not

    produce all the evidence, but only bits and pieces. They then make assumptions over those bits & pieces to create false truths. All the time, the

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