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Page 1: . LEVEL - DTIC · LIST OF FIGURES 4 INTRODUCTION 5 VISIBILITY DEFINITION 5 VISIBILITY CALCULATION 6 ... Visibility as observed by the human eye is a very complex parameter depend-ing

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Page 2: . LEVEL - DTIC · LIST OF FIGURES 4 INTRODUCTION 5 VISIBILITY DEFINITION 5 VISIBILITY CALCULATION 6 ... Visibility as observed by the human eye is a very complex parameter depend-ing



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Page 3: . LEVEL - DTIC · LIST OF FIGURES 4 INTRODUCTION 5 VISIBILITY DEFINITION 5 VISIBILITY CALCULATION 6 ... Visibility as observed by the human eye is a very complex parameter depend-ing




- ~~~ASL-TR- 002_______________4. TITLE (and Subtitle) S. TYPE OF REPORT &k PERIOD COVERED




Robert S. BonnerWilliam J. Lentz


Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory .-- AE OKUI UBR

White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002DA Task 612111H710011.A3

I I. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATEUS Army Electronics Research October 1979 %'

and Devel opment Command 13. NUMBER OF PAGES

Adelphi, MD 20783 2714. MONITORING AGENCY NAME &AODRESS(if different from Controlling Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of thie report)




Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abefrect entered In Block 20, It different from Report'


19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse aido If neces=and Identify by block num ber)

Ceilingf Visibility


20. ASSTRACT (Votm am - ,,rs shft H neceuayan idettlity by block numbter)

',-;The first experimental prototype (model-l) visioceilometer has been developed.It measures cloud height from 50 to 3000 meters with 10-meter accuracy andcalculates visibility from a sample volume up to 1 kilometer in length of thelidar return. It consists of a hand-held, battery-operated lidar which uses-the AN/GVS-5 laser rangefinder optics. Measurements of visibility in fog andcloud ceiling height in clear air and rain were taken at the fog dispersion tesfacility at Otis Air Force Base AFffMA. In relatively homogeneous fogs,

DD 1473 MornO* OF INOV SS IS OBSOLETE 1 __________________


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20.. STRACT (cont)

the visibility accuracy was comparable to standard transmissometers. Thecloud ceiling accuracy was also comparable to the standard rotating beamceilometer,(RBc).



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Cloud Ceiling Measurements 13 =

Visibility Measurements 14




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1. Receiver response for a visibility of 100 m 16

2. Operator view of model-i visioceilometer 17

3. Optics side of model-I visioceilometer 18

4. Block diagram of model-1 visioceilometer connected tominicomputer system 19

5. Response to input pulse with thermal decay(sloped baseline) 19

6. Calibration curve for model-I visioceilometer 20

7. Otis AFB experiment configuration 20

8. Experiment configuration for taking cloud height 21data at Otis AFB 21

9. Visioceilometer returns from hard targets 21

10. Visioceilometer cloud height return with indicationof rain immediately below the cloud 22

11. Visioceilometer cloud height return with rainimmediately above the sensor 22

12. Comparison of the AN/GVS-5 to the RBC 23

13. Comparison of the visioceilometer to the RBC 13

14. Linear least squares fit to backscatter return 25

15. Visibility measurement comparisons of thevisioceilometer, forward scatter meter, andtransmi ssometer 25

16. Portable visioceilometer (model-2) 26


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The importance of visibility to the Field Army has long been recognized.Electro-optic based weapon systems such as Copperhead have ceiling andvisibility requirements, but accurate measurements are often difficult.Standard airport visibility measuring transmissometers are bulky, heavy,and are bistatic devices. The difficulty of making measurements in thismanner for slant visual range is apparent. It is not always possible toplace devices at both ends of a meaningful path even for horizontal mea-surements. Lidars, or laser radars, offer a potential solution to theproblem of measuring visibility since they are monostatic devices whichcad probe the atmosphere irom one location. Recent advances in tech-nology enable the size of lidars to be reduced from large research devicesto instruments not much larger than a pair of binoculars.

In November 1975, tests were conducted at Randolph AFB, San Antonio, Texas,to evaluate the performance of the AN/GVS-5 laser rangefinder as a portable,hand-held battery-operated cloud height indicator.1 The laser rangefindermeasurements compared to those of the RBC for 63 hourly samples from28 November to 15 December 1975 produced a calculated linear least squarescorrelation coefficient of 0.77. A recommendation was then made to producea combined hand portable ceiling and visibility sensor in one package.With this in mind, a joint development effort2 was initiated with theLaser Division of the Night Vision and Electro-Optics Laboratory at FortMonmouth, New Jersey, to add visibility measuring capability to the range-finder. The result of this joint development and the subject of thisreport are the model-i visioceilometer and its evaluation at the Otis AFBFog Dispersion Test Facility.


Visibility as observed by the human eye is a very complex parameter depend-ing on many factors other than the obscuring medium. Before any use can bemade of a given measurement of visibility, it is important to select a def-inition which can be related to a variety of instruments as well as thehuman eye. For example, a standard airport transmissometer is said tomeasure visibility, but in actuality it measures transmission between twopoints. Under the same conditions it will indicate the same visibility atday or night even though the human eye might define the visibility as quitedifferent. Nevertheless, the transmissometer measurement of visibility can

1R. S. Bonner and R. Newton, 1977, "Application of the AN/GVS-5 LaserRangefinder to Cloud Base Height Measurements," ECOM-5812, AtmosphericSciences Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, NM

2Henry Saphow, Fred Kolylarz, Gunther Kaindz, and Earl Griggs, 1979,"The Visioceilometer (XEI) ANGMQ ( ) (Visibility and Ceiling Sensor),"draft report, US Army Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ


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be related to how far the eye can discern a standard target in daylightor how distant a given light may be seen at night. Middleton3 has definedthe meteorological range or visual range Vr to be

r in(O.02) (1)Vr

where 0.02 is a minimum contrast threshold for standard target detectionby eye and a is the extinction coefficient per meter.

The contrast threshold has been accepted by the World MeteorologicalOrganization and the US Air Force Air Weather Service for measurementsin fog as 0.05 which yields a visual range of

Vr _ -ln(O.05) (2)

For the purpose of this report, the visibility will be defined to be thevisual range as defined in equation (2) whether observed by the human eyeor measured by an instrument.


As the light from a lidar passes through an obscuring medium, the lightis both scattered and absorbed. The formula governing the energy receivedby the lidar receiver is given by the lidar equation

A r~2Pr(r) = Pt K CT $A(r) tc(r) exp [-2 cr(r)dr] , (3)2 r0


Pr (r) = power collected (from a given range r)

K lidar-system efficiency

r range

Pt = power transmitted

c = velocity of light

= pulse duration

A = receiver area

3W. E. K. Middleton, 1963, Vision Through the Atmosphere, Toronto Press,Toronto, Canada


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iB(r) = backscatter coefficient (m-')

t r) beam convergence factor

atr) =volume extinction~ coefficient

For the purpose of analysis, all of the constants and known functions canbe combined -o reduce the form of the equation to

J cr(r) drPr(r) : (r) e- 2 -rr, where r 0(4)

r r2 rrr

and is the combination of constants and known functions. In thissimplified formula, the energy returned to the receiver from a range ris proportional to the backscatter coefficient (r) at r and inverselyproportional to r2 .

At this point one has an exact equation with two unknowns which cannot besolved without further knowledge or assumption. if the transmissivity ismeasured, then 'Ur would be known, but this requires a double ended device

and negates the purpose of using a lidar. Assuming that only the singlelidar return is known, then the simpliest course is to assume a homogeneousatmosphere.

Following Viezee,4 the term S(r) is defined:

Pr(r) r-

S(r) = 10 login ( (5)Pr(r ) r2

where ro is a reference range and is constant. The derivative of S{r)

over the range of full beam crossover is then:

__ 1_ Oa(r)d 4.34 1 (r) 8.7 a(r) (6)dr '7-

4William Viezee et al, 1972, Slant Range Visibility Measurement forAircraft Landing Operations," AFCRL-72-DI54, Air Force Cambridge ResearchLaboratories, Bedford, MA


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When the backscatter coefficient B(r) is independent of range as in thehomogeneous scattering medium

a -- . m =slope (7)r 8.7A r

Then a is the slope of the plot of S(r) versus r and is obtainable

directly from the lidar returns. Viezee et al5 have used this relation

when < 0. A more complete discussion of the errors and limitations

on the technique is found in Viezee.6

To determine an accurate value of ar, a least squares linear fit is made

to the S(r) line to minimize the errors due to random noise and smallinhomogeneities. The closeness of the fit also indicates how valid thehomogeneity assumption is. This technique is readily adapted to computeranalysis and was used to process the Otis AFB lidar returns for comparisonto other visibility instrumentation.

MULTIPLE SCATTERING UIn the preceding analysis, the assumption was made that the lidar returnwas composed solely of singly scattered photons. In very dense fogs thismay not be the case. The parameters used in a study . performed to deter-mine the effects of multiple scatter in fogs on the model-1 visioceilometerare shown below:

Wavelength 1.061m Beam 1/2 angle 0.5 mr

Energy 10 mj Receiver size 2.857 an

Pulse length. 6 ns Receiver 1/2 angle 1.5 mr

Source size 0.8 cm Source-receiver separation12.065 cm

SW. Viezee, E. Uthe, and R. T. H. Collis, 1969, "Lidar Observations forAirfield Approach Conditions: An Exploratory Study," JA_, 2:274-283

eW. Viezee, L. Oblanas, and R. T. H. Collis, 1973, "Evaluation of theLidar Technique of Determining Slant Range Visibility for Aircraft LandingOperations," AFCRL-TR-73-0708, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories,Bedford, MA

7W. G. M. Blattner and C. M. Lampley, 1977, "Multiple Scattering Effectsfor Backscatter Lidar System at WSMR," Radiation Research Associates,RRA-47706, Fort Worth, TX


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Figure 1 shows the effects of multiple scatter in fog on the visioceilometerreceiver for a visibility of 100 meters. The three histograms are statis-tically derived results of multiple scattering calculations for single scat-tering, double scattering, and triple scattering. The sa'ooth curve is cal-culated from thp lidar equation by using the theoretical extinction andbackscatter coefficients used in the multiple scatter calculations. Boththe total and single scattering histograms agree well with the lidar equa-tion with the exception of the early returns which are much larger thanpredicted by the lidar equation. Since multiple scattering is most impor-tant for low visibilities, fjre I indicate; the .#aJative importance ofm~ul ti pl e Scatter; ng.

The important result to visibility calculations is the conclusion thatIultiple scattering will only affect the slope technique slightly for

low visibilities. In the 100- to 300-meter range for some fog models,the error in a least squares fit will be in the range of S to 10 percent.An important practical consideration is that both the peak height and thetime of the peak of the lidar return are very different from the singlyscattered return. The early returns are much larger than those predictedby the lidar equation, and these signals may overload the detector of the]idar and cause the later returns to be useless.


The model-I visixeiloeter (figures 2 and 3) is quite different fromresearch lidars in that it contains a complete transient recorder andprocessing electronics in less than 1 cubic foot. It is designed to becompletely automatic after the laser is fired and can be used with am-nimum of training. It can be used in lieu of observer estiamtes ofprevailing visibility at any weather observation station such as thoseof the Air Weather Service, Federal Aviation Agency, National WeatherService, and Navy. It can be used at remote airfields where cloud height Iand visibility measurements are required but where standard instruments Jare too 'inconvenient. Aiv applied tacticSal use for this type of instrismentwould be at Army Division Artillery meteorological sections in lieu ofvisual observations and ceiling balloons. At present, the Navy has noaccurate means of determining visibilit or cloud height from its shipsat sea. This device could provide a convenient means of making thesemeasurements.


The model] visioceilometer uses the haid-held, battery-operated AN/GVS-Slaser rangefinder as a laser source for the ceiling and visibility detector.The laser emits a single 1.06-micrometer pulse averaging 19 mllijoules in6 nanoseconds. The backscattered atmospheric return produced by the inter-action of the atmosphere and the laser pulse is detected in a 1.06-Microeterfiltered photoavalanche detector which is temperature compensated for con-stant gain. Lidar returns from up to 3 kilometers are copressed by a


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video logarithmic amplifier from four decades of input to two decades ofoutput with 35 megahertz bandwidth. The compressed return is digitizedto 12 bits by a 20-megahertz sampling rate transient recorder which has455 sample points. The digitized return is fed serially into a mini-computer which calculates visibility or cloud ceiling height (figure 4).


The heart of the visioceilometer is its transient recorder. The abilityto capture a single lidar p"lse return and digitize it for conversion tovisibility is unique in a hand portable device. To do this, a chargecoupled device (CCD) was chosen to slow the lidar return down to a rateat which a low power analog to digital converter (ADC) could digitize thereturn. The CCD allows the lidar return to be sampled at up to 20 mega-hertz and fed out at 44 kilohertz to the ADC. The 20-megahertz samplerate corresponds to a sample every 7.5 meters on the lidar return, and44 kilohertz corresponds to a reliable digitization rate in a 12 bit ADC.

Functionally, the CCD is a sequence of sample and hold circuits which pass

the sample input from the input to the next sample and hold as packets ofcharge. For this reason, the CCD is sometimes referred to as a "bucket

brigade." The main advantage of the CCD is its extremely fast acquisitiontime. In many cases it is limited only by the clock shift transition time

which may be as small as a few nanoseconds. The main disadvantage of CCDis that the signals decay through leakage of charge in the registers. Att eperatures above 230 Celsius the signal may decay away before it shiftsout of the CCD. This thermal decay is displayed as a gradual decreasingbaseline on the return signal plot (figures 5 and 9).

The CCD thermal decay can be separated from the lidar return, however,by a curve fit to the points beyond where the signal-to-noise ratiobecomes one. The fit is a polynomial of the form Pr(r) = a br + ci-where a, b, and c are constants. A fit is made to every lidar return fromsample 80 to sample 100, and the result is extrapolated over the entirecre to reove thermal decay.

in like manner, the system nonlinearities are reoved by a polynomial fitto a calibration curve. The calibration curve was obtained by measuring

the digital values produced by test voltages (figure 5). Figure 6 showsthe resulting calibration curve generated by making a ninth degree least

squares polynomial fit to the log of the digital output versus the voltageinput. Each sample point of the lidar return must be calculated throughthe ninth degree polynomial to obtain the actual lidar return independentof circuit nonlinearities. Both the calibration curve and decay curvefitting introduce unnecessary programing complications which Will beeliminated in the second experimental prototype visioceilometer (model-2).


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To properly evaluate the model-I visioceilometer and gain a data base onwhich to build improved visibility algorithms, a ceiling and visibilityevaluation system (CAVES) was constructed in a 32-foot van. The CAVESconsists of a Nova 3 minicomputer for data gathering and interfaces tovarious visibility and meteorological instruments. The main purpose ofthe Nova 3, however, is to automatically fire the visioceilometer, storeits lidar returns, and convert the returns to visibility. Real-time plotsof the lidar data also ensure the validity of the data,


In May 1978 an experiment was conducted at Otis AFB, MA, to comparethe performance of the model-I visioceilometer to that of a 152-meterpath transmissometer8 and to that of the EG&G forward scatter meter(FSM)9 ,10 for visibility determinations. In addition, cloud height mea-surement comparisons were made between the visioceilometer, the AN/GVS-5laser rangefinder, and the AN/GMQ-13A RBC. Figure 7 shows a top view ofthe relative positions of the instruments. Thk 2 between the trans-missometer projector and receiver was parall; -. he beam path of thevisioceilometer, separated horizontally by approximately 6 meters andvertically by approximately 2 meters. The EG&G FSM was located aboutmidway on the length of the path of the transmissometer, separated hori-zontally from the transmissometer path by 1 meter, and at thp same heightabove the ground as the transmissometer. For cloud height measurements,the visioceilometer was removed from the top of the Atmospheric SciencesLaboratory (ASL) van and placed 1 meter horizontally from the RBC receiverand at the same level above the ground (figure 8).

The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) provided several Knollenberg particu-late counters and transmissometers with their own instrumented van10 whichwas located approximately 7.5 meters from the ASL van. The size distribu-tions from these particle counters can be used with Mie theory to calculatea theoretical extinction and backscatter coefficient against which thetransmissometers and lidars can be compared. Even more important is thedata base for comparisons from which improved future designs of lidarscan benefit.

8C. A. Douglas and R. L. Booker, 1977, "Visual Range: Concepts,

Instrumental Determination, and Aviation Applications," FAA-RD-77-8,AD A 041098

9Wayne S. Hering ane E. B. Geilser, 1978, "Forward Scatter Meter Measure-ments of Slant VisuI Range," AFGL-TR-78-0191, Air Force GeophysicalLaboratory, Hanscom AFB, MA

10Wayne S. Hering, H. S. Muench, and H. A. Brown, 1971, "Field Test ofa Forward Scatter Visibility Meter," AFCRL-71-0315, AD726995, Air ForceCambridge Research Laboratories, Bedford, MA



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On 17 May 1978 data were collected during the period 0651 to 0726 localtime frorm the visibility instruments described in the experiment descrip-tion. This fog was at least 60 meters thick at 0651 because forwardscatter meters mounted at 61 meters on towers near the experiment wereindicating 0.15 kilometer visibility. The visibility decreased at the61-meter level until the end of the sampling period where it was 0.09kilomete-. Winds were 1 to 2 miles per hour for the entire sampling

-period o-,.r the entire vertical interval from 3 to 61 meters.

Wind data were recorded on 17 May 1978 from an instrument located within10 meters of a line between the transmissometer projector and detectorand halfway between them. The anemometer was approximately 3 metersabove the surface. The data are shown in table l.


Speed SpeedTime (inph) Dir Time (mph) Dir

0651 2 227 0709 2 2050652 2 232 0710 1 2140653 2 224 0711 2 2100654 2 210 0712 2 2150655 2 215 0713 2 1980656 2 218 0714 1 1870657 2 220 0715 1 1960658 2 194 0716 2 2030659 2 196 0717 2 2150700 2 202 0718 1 2080701 2 185 0719 1 1970702 2 190 0720 2 2080703 2 191 0721 2 2410704 2 201 0722 1 2330705 2 193 0723 2 2210706 2 199 0724 1 2230707 2 208 0725 1 2340708 2 202 0726 1 201


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On 24 May 1978 cloud height data were taken with the visioceilometer, theAN/GVS-5 laser rangefinder, and the RBC during the time ini;erval 1724 to1757. The data from the RBC were transmitted to an osciloscope whosetrace was recorded on video tape. In this manner a per:naiient record wasmade of each sampling of the cloud base by the RBC. The video tapas werelater scanned for the RBC data and were reduced manually. Data from the __

AN/GVS-5 were recorded manually by observing the display in the eyepieceof the instrument and recording it on paper. The visioceilometer datawere automatically stored in the computer system for later reduction.


Cloud Ceiling Measurements

By using the experimental setup described in figure 8, a comparison wasmade on 24 May 1978 at Otis AFB between several standard cloud heightindicators and the model-I visioceilometer. The RBC1 1 is used at manyairports and is the standard against which these comparisons were made.The ASEA type QL-1210 ceilometer12 is a multiple pulse lidar for use upto 1000 meters with chart recorder output. The AN/GVS-5 rangefinder is asingle pulse lidar for use in ranging solid targets from 100 meters to 10kilometers. Its ayplication to cloud measurements has been discussed inan earlier report.

Several visioceilometer lidar returns from hard targets are shown infigure 9. In every case the range to targets agreed to within 10 meterswith the AN/GVS-5 laser rangefinder which was previously calibratedagainst measured distance targets and was as accurate as the measureddistances. The dropout occurring from points 62 to 64 is caused by aninternal fault in the CCD chip which is eliminated in processed data bythe minicomputer. The slope of the lidar return is a combination of CCDdecay and visibility attenuation. In visibility data, the CCD decay iseliminated by a second degree curve fitting to the tail of the return.In cloud height or target data, there is no need for this processing, soraw data curves are presented.

11G. L. Trusty and T. H. Cosden, 1979, "Optical Extinction Predictionsfrom Measurements on the Open Sea," NRL Report 8260, Naval ResearchLaboratory, Washington, DC

12R. S. Bonner, SFC R. W. Carroll, and SP5 D. R. McWilliams, 1976,"Ceilometer, Type QL-1210, Ceiloskop, and Videograph B," Foreign MaterielExploitation Report AST-1740A-096-76, White Sands Missile Range, NM

1R. S. Bonner and R. Newton, 1977, "Application of the AN/GVS-5 LaserRangefinder to Cloud Base Height Measurements," EC0M-582, AtmosphericSciences Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, NM


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° !-

Figures 10 and 11 are typical stratus cloud returns as measured by thevisioceilometer in light to moderate rain. In figure 10, there is littleor no rain striking the ground in the area around the lidars, but infigure 11 there is light to moderate rainfall near the ground. This isshown by the series of sharp spikes in the return below 155 meters.

The visioceilometer could distinguish easily between rain and cl, "s byits reaction to the rain (small width pulses) and its reaction to "hecloud base (wide pulse). However, the AN/GVS-5 laser rangefinder -ro-neously indicated thc distance to the rain since it contains simple 2'I-criminator circuits which look for a threshold. Three types of errorswere observed with the rangefinders:

I. Low range indications due to rain.

2. No range indication due to weak return or below minimum rangecapability signal.

3. High range indication due to signal attenuation and cloudpenetration.

These errors may cause the indicated cloud height to be in error by afactor of two to three. A comparison of the cloud heights as measuredby the RBC and the AN/GVS-5 laser rangefinder is shown in figure 12.Zero values indicate no return or below minimum range after repeatedlaser firings.

The RBC can also distinguish between rain and clouds, but a human inter-pretation is required which may vary greatly between observers. Never-theless, the visioceilometer followed the RBC trace to within 120 metersmaximum and 0 meters minimum separation as can be seen in figure 13 whichis the same block of data as figure 12. No data were taken during theperiod between 1704 and 1720 minutes on the RBC. Most of the disagreementoriginated in uncertainties in human interpretation of the RBC display,and the visioceilometer is believed to be accurate to +10 meters for cloudceilings.

Visibility Measurements

An example of the slope analysis of a single lidar return is shown inthe processed lidar return of figure 14. The initial rise of the lidarsignal is caused by the gradual overlap of the transmitter and receiverfields of view. The lidar return is set equal to zero at point 40 wherethe signal-to-noise ratio becomes one due to a detector thresholdnoise problem. A linear least squares fit is shown superimposed onthe return, which is essentially what is shown in equation (5). Theslope of the fitted line is inversely proportional to the visibility.Note that the steeper the fitted line, the lower the visibility.A nearly horizontal fitted line corresponds to clear air visibil-ity. If the slope of the line is positive, the fog is increasing in


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density quickly and the slope technique will not work. The extremelyI close fit of the return to a straight line indicates that this fog sampleis very homogeneous and the assumptions are valid for the slope fit.

Figure 15 shows a plot of the visibility obtained during an episode offog at the Otis AFB fog dispersion facility. The three lines correspondto visibility as calculated from the visioceilometer, a 152-meter pathlength transmissometer (AN/GMQ-lO), and the EG&G forward scatter meter.The dashed line indicates periods when no data were taken on one or moreof the comparison instruments.

7Te f3rward scatter meter has a time constant of 50 seconds on the output,and the transmissometer has a time constant of 10 seconds. This reducesthe actual variability of the fog by averaging out the fluctuations. Thevi!ioceilometer, however, makes its measurement in about 5 microsecondsand records a virtually instantaneous value of the visibility. For thisreason, the visioceilometer shows more variability with time than therange instruments. This characteristic of the visioceilometer is morerealistic in displaying the spatial and temporal variability of the fogsthan the long time averaged devices.


The model-I visioceilometer is presently being updated with a new CCDcircuit. The new CCD circuit will not contain the dropout at points 62to 64 and will be operited in a differential mode to eliminate the thermaldecay problem. The transient recorder power will also be strobed to pro-long battery life in the updated model-l.

An engineering design analysis has recently been concluded to determinethe best design for an improved model-2 visioceilometer. The currentmodel-I prototype weighs 16 pounds and measures 12 inches long by 11-1/2inches wide by 7 inches high. The new model-2 visioceilometer should be

= both smaller and lighter and have less power consumption. In addition,the model-2 will be in two packages connected by a cable (figure 16).The optical unit will be housed in an AN/GVS-5 case and weigi about 5pounds. The transient recorder and microprocessor will be rr-used in aseparate case about the same size as the AN/GVS-5 and weigh less than 6

-pounds. These study estimates of the weight are expected to be reducedquite significantly in the final visioceilometer.

Improved algorithms for visibility inversions based on the Otis AFB testdata have been developed and will be installed in the model-2 visio-ceilometer. They are currently operational in the CAVES minicomputerand will be used with the improved model-I visioceilometer to gatherfurther data for future refinements.


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1to- 5 0PRIMARY



10-60 50 100 150 200

RANGE R (in)Figure 1. Receiver response for a visibility of 100 mn.


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Figure 2. Operator view of model-i visioceilometer.

1 17

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Figure 3. Optics side of model-i visioceilometer.


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u M.'.. %\i IT M -

M3Ii . 1% A I kini Vl-IIA~TV

Figure 4. Block diagram of model-i visioceilometer connectedIto minicomputer system.U


zo I-_



n.-D .0 600 eboR~? r t*NE 7

Figure 5. Response to input pulse with thermal decay(sloped baseline).


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Figure 7. Otis AFB experiment configuration. _


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Figure 8. Experiment configuration for taking cloud height data at Otis AFB.



Figure 9. Visiocei-lometer returns from hard targets.

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Figure 10. Visioceilometer cloud height return with indicationSof rain immediately below the cloud.

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aimmediately above the sensor.


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Figure 13. Comparison of the visioceilometer to the RBC. z


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Figure 14. Vsblinea eastsquare fopaion tof cster rioeurn.

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Figure 16. Portable visinceiloneter (rnodel-2).



_ _ _ _ _ _n 4

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7. 77


1. Bonner, R. S., and R. Newton, 1977, "Application of the AN/GVS-5 LaserRangefinder to Cloud Base Height Measurements," ECOM-5812, Atmo:ohericSciences Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, NM.

2. Saphow, Henry, Fred Kolylarz, Gunther Kaindz, and E;rl Griggs, 1979,"The Visioceilometer (XEI) ANGMQ ( ) (Visibility and Ceiling Sensor),"draft report, US Army Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ.

3. Middleton, W. E. K., 1963, Vision Through the Atmosphere, TorontoPress, Toronto, Canada.

4. Viezee, William, et al, 1972, "Slant Range Visibility Measurementfor Aircraft Landing Operations," AFCRL-72-DI54.

5. Viezee, W., E. Uthe, and R. T. H. Collis, 1969, "Lidar Observationsof Airfield Approach Conditions: An Exploratory Study," JAM, 2:274-283.

6. Viezee, William, L. Oblanas, and R. T. H. Collis, 1973, "Evaluationof the Lidar Technique of Determining Slant Range Visibility for AircraftLanding Operations," AFCRL-TR-73-0708, Air Force Cambridge ResearchLaboratories, Bedford, MA. -

7. Blattner, W. G. M., and C. M. Lampley, 1977, "Multiple ScatteringEffects for Backscatter Lidar System at WSMR," Radiation ResearchAssociates, RRA-47706, Fort Worth, TX.

8. Douglas, C. A., and R. L. Booker, 1977, "Visual Range: Concepts,Instrumental Determination, and Aviation Applications," FAA-RD-77-8AD A 041098.

9. Hering, Wayne S., and E. B. Geilser, 1978, "Forward Scatter MeterMeasurements of Slant Visual Range," AFGL-TR-78-0191, Air Force GeophysicalLaboratory, Hanscom AFB, MA.

10; Hering, Wayne S., H. S. Muench, and H. A. Brown, 1971, "Field Testof a Forward Scatter Visibility Meter," AFCRL-71-0315, AD726995, AirForce Cambridge Research Laboratories, Bedford, MA.

11. Trusty, G. L., and T. H. Cosden, 1979, "Optical Extinction Predictionsfrom Measurements on the Open Sea," NRL Report 8260, Naval ResearchLaboratory, Washington, DC.

12. Bonner, R. S., SFC R. W. Carroll, and SP5 D. R. McWilliams, 1976,"Ceilometer, Type QL-1210, Ceiloskip, and Videograph B," ForeignMateriel Exploitation Report AST-1740A-096-76, White Sands MissileRange, NM.



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Dr. Frank 0. Eaton Naval Weapons Center (Code 3173)Geophysical Institute ATTN: Dr. A. ShlantaUniversity of Alaska China Lake, CA 93555Fairbanks, AK 99701 C

Sylvania Elec Sys Western DivCommander ATTN: Technical Reports Library

US Army Aviation Center P0 Box 205ATTN: ATZQ-D-MA P o 0FoTT Rucke, A L3Mountain View, CA 94040Fort Rucker, AL 36362

Geophysics OfficerChief, Atmospheric Sciences Div PMTC Code 3250Code ES-81 Pacific Missile Test CenterNASA Point Mugu, CA 93042Marshall Space Flight Center,AL 35812 Commander

Commander Naval Ocean Systems Center (Code 4473)ATTN: Technical LibraryUS Army Missile R&D Command San Diego, CA 92152ATTN: DRDMI-CGA (B. W. Fowler)

Redstone Arsenal, AL 35809 Meteorologist in ChargeKwajalein Missile RangeRedstone Scientific Information Center PO Box 67

03ATTN: DRDMI-TBD APO San Francisco, CA 96555US Army Missile R&D CommandRedstone Arsenal, AL 35809 Director

NOAA/ERL/APCL R31CommanderRB3-Room 567US Army Missile R&D Command Boulder, CO 80302ATTN: DRDMI-TEM (R. Haraway)Redstone Arsenal, AL 35809 Library-R-51-Tech Reports

NOAA/ ERLCommander NA/RCommande 320 S. Broadway

US Army Missile R&D Command Boulder, CO 80302ATTN: DRDMI-TRA (Dr. Essenwanger)Redstone Arsenal, AL 35809 National Center for Atmos Research

Commander NCAR LibraryHQ, Fort Huachuca PO Box 3000ATTN: Tech Ref Div Boulder, CO 80307Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613 R. B. Girardo

Bureau of ReclamationCommander E&R Center, Code 1220

US Army Intelligence Center & School Denver Federal Center, Bldg 67ATTN: ATSI-CD-MD Denver CO 80225Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613

National Weather ServiceCommander National Meteorological CenterUS Army Yuma Proving Ground W321, WWB, Room 201

ATTN: Technical Library ATTN: Mr. QuirozBldg 2100

Washington, DC 20233Yuma, AZ 85364

° -__ I

Page 31: . LEVEL - DTIC · LIST OF FIGURES 4 INTRODUCTION 5 VISIBILITY DEFINITION 5 VISIBILITY CALCULATION 6 ... Visibility as observed by the human eye is a very complex parameter depend-ing

Mi Assistant for Atmos Sciences Director, Systems R&D ServiceOfc of the Undersecretary of Defense Federal Aviation Administration

for Rsch & Engr/E&LS - Room 3D129 ATTN: ARD-54The Pentagon 2100 Second Street, SWWashington, DC 20301 Washington, DC 20590

Defense Communications Agency ADTC/DLODLTechnical Library Center Eglin AFB, FL 32542Code 205Washington, DC 20305 Naval Training Equipment Center

ATTN: Technical LibraryDirector Orlando, FL 32813Defense Nuclear AgencyATTN: Technical Library Det 11, 2WS/01Washington, DC 20305 ATTN: Maj Orondorff

Patrick AFB, FL 32925HQDA (DAEN-RDM/Dr. de Percin)Washington, DC 20314 USAFETAC/CB

Scott AFB, IL 62225DirectorNaval Research Laboratory HQ, ESD/TOSI/S-22Code 5530 Hanscom AFB, MA 01731Washington, DC 20375

Air Force Geophysics LaboratoryCommanding Officer ATTN: LCB (A. S. Carten, Jr.)Naval Research Laboratory Hanscom AFB, MA 01731Code 2627Washington, DC 20375 Air Force Geophysics Laboratory

ATTN: LYDDr. J. M. MacCallum Hanscom AFB, MA 01731Naval Research LaboratoryCode 1409 Meteorology DivisionWashington, DC 20375 AFGL/LY

Hanscom AFB, MA 01731The Library of CongressATTN: Exchange & Gift Div US Army Liaison OfficeWashington, DC 20540 MIT-Lincoln Lab, Library A-0822 PO Box 73

Lexington, MA 02173Head, Atmos Rsch SectionDiv Atmospheric Science DirectorNational Science Foundation US Army Ballistic Rsch Lab1800 G. Street, NW ATTN: DRDAR-BLB (Dr. G. E. Keller)Washington, DC 20550 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005

CPT Hugh Aibers, Exec Sec CommanderInterdept Committee on Atmos Science US Army Ballistic Rsch LabNational Science Foundation ATTN: DRDAR-BLPWashington, DC 20550 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005

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Director CommanderUS Army Armament R&D Command ERADCOMChemical Systems Laboratory ATTN: DRDEL-PAO (S. Kimmel)ATTN: DRDAR-CLJ-I 2800 Powder Mill RoadAberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010 Adelphi, MD 20783

Chief CB Detection & Alarms Div ChiefChemical Systems Laboratory Intelligence Materiel Dev & Support OfcATTN: DRDAR-CLC-CR (H. Tannenbaum) ATTN: DELEW-WL-IAberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010 Bldg 4554

Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755CommanderHarry Diamond Laboratories Acquisitions Section, IRDB-D823ATTN: DELHD-CO Library & Info Service Div, NOAA2800 Powder Mill Road 6U09 Executive BivdAdelphi, MD 20783 Rockville, MD 20852

Commander Naval Surface Weapons CenterERADCOM White Oak LibraryATTN: DRDEL-AP Silver Spring, MD 209102800 Powder Mill RoadAdelphi, MD 20783 The Environmental Research

2Institute of MIATTN: IRIA Library

Commander PO Box 8618

ERADCOM Ann Arbor, MI 48107ATTN: DRDEL-CG/DRDEL-DC/DRDEL-CS2800 Powder Mill Road Mr. William A. MainAdelphi, MD 20783 USDA Forest Service

1407 S. Harrison RoadCommander East Lansing, MI 48823ERADCOMATTN: DRDEL-CT Dr. A. D. Belmont2800 Powder Mill Road Research DivisionAdelphi, MD 20783 PO Box 1249

Control Data CorpCommander Minneapolis, MN 55440

ERADCOMATTN: DRDEL-EA Director2800 Powder Mill Road Naval Oceanography & MeteorologyAdelphi, MD 20783 NSTL Station

Bay St Louis, MS 39529CommanderERADCOM DirectorATTN: DRDEL-PA/DRDEL-ILS/DRDEL-E US Army Engr Waterways Experiment Sta2800 Powder Mill Road ATTN: LibraryAdelphi, MD 20783 PO Box 631

Vicksburg, MS 39180

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Environmental Protection Agency Commander

M-teorology Laboratory US Army Night Vision &R-search Triangle Park, NC 27711 Electro-Optics Laboratory

ATTN: DELNV-L (Dr. Rudolf Buser)US Army Research Office Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703ATTN: DRXRO-PPPO Box 12211 CommanderResearch Triangle Park, NC 27709 ERADCOM Technical Support Activity

ATTN: DELSD-LCommanding Officer Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703US Army Armament R&D CommandATTN: DRDAR-TSS Bldg 59 Project Manager, FIREFINDERDover, NJ 07801 ATTN: DRCPM-FF

Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703CommanderHQ, US Army Avionics R&D Activity Project Manager, REMBASSATTN: DAVAA-O ATTN: DRCPM-RBSFort Monmouth, NJ 07703 Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703

Commander/Director CommanderUS Army Combat Surveillance & Target US Army Satellite Comm AgencyAcquisition Laboratory ATTN: DRCPM-SC-3

ATTN: DELCS-D Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703

CommanderCommander ERADCOM Scientific AdvisorUS Army Electronics R&D Command ATTN: DRDEL-SAATTN: DELCS-S Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703

6585 TG/WEUS Army Materiel Systems Holloman AFB, NM 88330Analysis Activity

ATTN: DRXSY-MP AFWL/WEAberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005 Kirtland, AFB, NM 87117

Director AFWL/Technical Library (SUL)US Army Electronics Technology & Kirtland AFB, NM 87117

Devices LaboratoryATTN: DELET-D CommanderFort Monmouth, NJ 07703 US Army Test & Evaluation Command

ATTN: STEWS-AD-LCommander White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002US Army Electronic Warfare LaboratoryATTN: DELEW-D Rome Air Development CenterFort Monmouth, NJ 07703 ATTN: Documents Library

TSLD (Bette Smith)Griffiss AFB, NY 13441

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Commander Naval Surface Weapons CenterUS Army Tropic Test Center Code G65ATTN: STETC-TD (Info Center) Dahlgren, VA 22448APO New York 09827

CommanderCommandant US Army Night VisionUS Army Field Artillery School & Electro-Optics LabATTN: ATSF-CD-R (Mr. Farmer) ATTN: DELNV-DFort Sill, OK 73503 Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

Commandant Commander and DirectorUS Army Field Artillery School US Army Engineer Topographic LabATTN: ATSF-CF-R ETL-TD-MBFort Sill, OK 73503 Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

Director CFD DirectorUS Army Field Artillery School Applied Technology LabATTN: Met Division DAVDL-EU-TSDFort Sill, OK 73503 ATTN: Technical Library

Fort Eustis, VA 23604CommandantUS Army Field Artillery School Department of the Air ForceATTN: Morris Swett Library OL-C, 5WWFort Sill, OK 73503 Fort Monroe, VA 23651

Commander Department of the Air ForceUS Army Dugway Proving Ground 5WW/DNATTN: MT-DA-L Langley AFB, VA 23665Dugway, UT 84022

DirectorDr. C. R. Sreedrahan Development Center MCDECResearch Associates ATTN: Firepower DivisionUtah State University, UNC 48 Quantico, VA 22134Logan, UT 84322

US Army Nuclear & Chemical AgencyInge Dirmhirn, Professor ATTN: MONA-WEUtah State University, UNC 48 Springfield, VA 22150Logan, UT 84322

DirectorDefense Documentation Center US Army Signals Warfare LaboratoryATTN: DDC-TCA ATTN: DELSW-OS (Dr. R. Burkhardt)Cameron Station Bldg 5 Vint Hill Farms StationAlexandria, VA 22314 Warrenton, VA 2218612

CommanderCommanding Officer US Army Cold Regions Test CenterUS Army Foreign Sci & Tech Center ATTN: STECR-OP-PMATTN: DRXST-ISl APO Seattle, WA 98733220 7th Street, NECharlottesville, VA 22901

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Dr. John L. WalshCode 5560Navy Research LabWashington, DC 20375Cmer N 80


CommanderUS Army Dugway Proving GroundATTN: STEDP-MT-DA-.M (Mr. Paul Carlson)Dugway, UT 84022

1Commander= US Army Dugway Proving Ground

ATTN: STEDP-MT-DA.T(Mr. William Peterson)

ADugway, UT 84022


CommanderUSATRADOCATTN: ATCD-SIEFort Monroe, VA 23651


CommanderUSATRADOCATTN: ATCD-CFFort Monroe, VA 23651

CommanderUSATRADOCATTN: Tech LibraryFort Monroe, VA 23651I

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1. Lindberg, J.D., "An Improvement to a Method for Measuring the Absorption Coef-ficient of Atmospheric Dust and other Strongly Absorbing Powders,ECOM-5565, July 1975.

2. Avara. Elton, P., "Mesoscale Wind Shears Derived from Thermal Winds," ECOM-5566,July 1975.

3. Gomez. Richard B.. and Joseph H. Pierluissi, "Incomplete Gamma Function Approxi-mation for King's Strong-Line Transmittance Model," ECOM-5567, July 1975.4. Blanco, A.J.D and B.F. Engebos, "7Ballistic Wind Weighting Functions for TankProjectiles " ECOM-5568. August 1975.

5. Taylor, Fredrick J.. Jack Smith, and Thomas H. Pries, "Crosswind Measurementsthrough Pattern Recognition Techniques," ECOM-5569, July 1975.

6. Walters. D.L.. -Crosswind Weighting Functions for Direct-Fire Projectiles," ECOM-5570, August 1975.

7. Duncan, Louis D., "An Improved Algorithm for the Iterated Minimal InformationSolution for Remote Sounding of Temperature," ECOM-5571, August 1975.

8. Robbiani, Raymond L., "Tactical Field Demonstration of Mobile Weather Radar SetANiTPS-41 at Fort Rucker, Alabama," ECOM-5572, August 1975.

9. Miers, B., G. Blackman, D. Langer, and N. Lorimier, "Analysis of SMS/GOES FilmData," ECOM-5573. September 1975.

10. Manquero, Carlos, Louis Duncan, and Rufus Bruce, "An Indication from SatelliteMeasurements of Atmospheric C02 Variability," ECOM-5574, September1975.

11. Petracca, Carmine, and James D. Lindberg, "Installation and Operation of an Atmo-spheric Particulate Collector," ECOM-5575, September 1975.

12. Avara, Elton P., and George Alexander, "Empirical Investigation of Three IterativeMethods for inverting the Radiative Transfer Equation," ECOM-5576,October 1975.

13. Alexander, George D., "A Digital Data Acquisition Interface for the SMS DirectReadout Ground Station - Concept and Preliminary Design," ECOM-5577, October 1975.

14. Cantor, Israel, "Enhancement of Point Source Thermal Radiation Under Clouds ina Nonattenuating Medium," ECOM-5578, October 1975.

15. Norton, Colburn, and Glenn Hoidale, "The Diurnal Variation of Mixing Height byMonth over White Sands Missile Range, N.M," ECOM-5579, November 1975.

16. Avara. Elton P., "On the Spectrum Analysis of Binary Data." ECOM-5580, November1975.

17. Taylor, Fredrick J., Thomas H. Pries, and Chao-Huan Huang, "Optimal Wind VelocityEstimation," ECOM-5581, December 1975.

18. Avara, Elton P., "Some Effects of Autocorrelated and Cross-Correlated Noise on theAnalysis of Variance, "ECOM-5582, December 1975.

19. Gillespie, Patti S., R.L. Armstrong, and Kenneth 0. White, "The Spectral Character-istics and Atmospheric C02 Absorption of the Ho.YLF Laser at 2.05,am."ECOM-5583, December 1975.

20. Novlan, David J. "An Empirical Method of Forecasting Thunderstorms for the WhiteSands Missile Range," ECOM-5584, February 1976.

21. Avara, Elton P., "Randomization Effects in Hypothesis Testing with AutocorrelatedNoise," ECOM-5585, February 1976.

22. Watkins, Wendell R., "Improvements in Long Path Absorption Cell Measurement."ECOM-5586, March 1976.

23. Thomas, Joe, George D. Alexander, and Marvin Dubbin, "SATTEL - An ArmyDedicated Meteorological Telemetry System," ECOM-5587. March 1976.

24. Kennedy, Bruce W., and Delbert Bynum, "Army User Test Program for the RDT&E-XM-75 Meteorological Rocket," ECOM-5588, April 1976.

_ _ _ -

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25. Barnett, Kenneth M., "A Description of the Artillery Meteorological Comparisons atWhite Sands Missle Range. October 1974 - December 1974 (PASS' -Prototype Artillery [Meteorological] Subsystem)," ECOM-5589, April 1976.

26. Miller, Walter B., "Preliminary Analysis of Fall-of-Shot From Project 'PASS'," ECOM-5590, April 1976.

27. Avara, Elton P.. "Error Analysis of Minimum Information and Smith's Direct Methodsfor Inverting the Radiative Transfer Equation," ECOM-5591, April 1976.

28. Yee, Young P., James D. Horn. and George Alexander, "Synoptic Thermal Wind Cal-culations from Radiosonde Observations Over the Southwestern UnitedStates," ECOM-5592, May 1976.29. Duncan, Louis D.. and Mary Ann Seagraves. "-Applications of Empirical Corrections toNOAA-4 VTPR Observations," ECOM-5593, May 1976.

30. Miers, Bruce T., and Steve Weaver, "Applications of Meterological Satellite Data toWeather Sensitive Army Operations,"ECOM-5594, May 1976.

31. Sharenow, Moses, "Redesign and Improvement of Balloon ML-566," ECOM-5595,- June, 19716.

32. Hansen, Frank V.. "The Depth of the Surface Boundary Layer," ECOM-5596, June: i 1976.

33. Pinnick, R.G., and E.B. Stenmark, "'Response Calculations for a Commercial Light- _

-Scattering Aerosol Counter," ECOM-5597, July 1976.34. Mason, J., and G.B. Hoidale, "Visibility as an Estimator of In rared Transmittance,"IECOM-5598, July 1976.35. Bruce. Rufus E., Louis D. Duncan, and Joseph H. Pierluissi, "Experimental Study of

the Relationship Between Radiosonde Temperatures and Radiometric-Area

Temperatures." ECOM-5599, August 1976.36. Duncan, Louis D., "Stratospheric Wind Shear Computed from Satellite Thermal

Sounder Measurements," ECOM-5800, September 1976.37. Taylor, F., P. Mohan, P. Joseph and T. Pries. "An All Digital Automated Wind

Measurement System," ECOM-5801, September 1976.38. Bruce, Charles, "Development of Specrophones for CW and Pulsed Radiation Sources,"

ECOM-5802, September 1976.39. Duncan, Louis D., and Mary Ann Seagraves,"Another Method for Estimating Clear

Column Radiances," ECOM-5803, October 1976.40. Blanco, Abel J., and Larry E. Taylor, "Artillery Meteorological Analysis of Project Pass,"

ECOM-5804, October 1976.41. Miller, Walter, and Bernard Engebos," A Mathematical Structure for Refinement of

Sound Ranging Estimates," ECOM-5805, November, 1976.42. Gillespie, James B., and James D. Lindberg, "A Method to Obtain Diffuse Reflectance

Measurements from 1.0 to 3.0 pm Using a Cary 171 Spectrophotometer,'ECOM-5806, November 1976.

43. Rubio, Roberto, and Robert 0. Olsen,"A Study of the Effects of TemperatureVariations on Radio Wave Absorption,"ECOM-5807, November 1976.

44. Ballard, Harold N., "Temperature Measurements in the Stratosphere from Balloon-Borne Instrument Platforms, 1968-1975," ECOM-5808, December 1976.

45. Monahan, H.H., "An Approach to the Short-Range Prediction of Early MorningRadiation Fog," ECOM-5809, January 1977.

46. Engebos, Bernard Francis, "Introduction to Multiple State Multiple Action DecisionTheory and Its Relation to Mixing Structures," ECOM-5810, January 1977.

47. Low, Richard D.H.:'Effects of Cloud Particles on Remote Sensing from Space in the10-Micrometer Infrared Region, " ECOM-5811, January 1977.

48. Bonner, Robert S., and R. Newton, "Application of the AN/GVS-5 Laser Rangefinderto Cloud Base Height Measurements," ECOM-5812, February 1977.

49. Rubio, Roberto, "Lidar Detection of Subvisible Reentry Vehicle Erosive Atmospheric* Material," ECOM-5813, March 1977.

50. Low, Richard "D.H., and J.D. Horn, "Mesoscale Determination of Cloud-Top Height:Problems and Solutions," ECOM-5814, March 1977.

Page 38: . LEVEL - DTIC · LIST OF FIGURES 4 INTRODUCTION 5 VISIBILITY DEFINITION 5 VISIBILITY CALCULATION 6 ... Visibility as observed by the human eye is a very complex parameter depend-ing

51. Duncan. Louis D., and Mary Ann Seagraves" Evaluaton of the NOAA-- VTPR ThermalWinds for Nuclear Fallout! Predictions." ECOM-5815. March 1977.

52. Randhawa, Jagir S., M. lzquierdo. Carlos McDonald and Zvi Saipeter, "StratosphericOzone Density as Measured by a Chemiluminescent Sensor During theStratcom VI-A Flight." ECOM-5816. April 1977.

53. Rubio, Roberto. and Mike lzquierdo, "Measurements of Net Atmospheric Irradiancoin the 0.7- to 2.8-Micrometer Infrared Region," ECOM-5817, May 1977.

54. Ballard. Harold N., Jose M. Serna. and Frank P. Hudson Consultant for ChemicalKinetics, "'Calculation of Selected Atmospheric Composition Parametersfor the Mid-Latitude. September Stratosphere," ECOM-5818. May 1977.

55. Mitchell. J.D.. R.S. Sagar, and R.O. Olsen, "Positive Ions in the Middle AtmosphereDuring Sunrise Conditions," ECOM-5819. May 1977.

56. White, Kenneth 0., Wendell R. Watkins. Stuart A. Schleusener. and Ronald L. Johnson."Solid-State Laser Wavelength Identification Using a Reference Absorber,"ECOM-5820, June 1977.

57. Watkins, Wendell R., and Richard G. Dixon. "Automation of Long-Path AbsorptionCell Measurements," ECOM-582 1, June 1977.

58. Taylor. S.E., J.M. Davis, and J.B. Mason, "Analysis of Observed Soil Skin MoistureEffects on Reflectance," ECOM-5822. June 1977.

59. Duncan, Louis D. and Mary Ann Seagraves, "Fallout Predictions Computed fromSatellite Derived Winds," ECOM-5823. June 1977.

60. Snider, D.E., D.G. Murcray, F.H. Murcray, and W.J. Williams, "Investigation ofHigh-Altitude Enhanced Infrared Backround Emissions" (U), SECRET,ECOM-5824, June 1977.

61. Dubbin, Marvin H, and Dennis Hall, "Synchronous Meteorlogical Satellite DirectReadout Ground System Digital Video Electronics," ECOM-5825, June1977.

62. Miller, W., and B. Engebos, "A Preliminary Analysis of Two Sound RangingAlgorithms," ECOM-5826, July 1977.

63. Kennedy. Bruce W., and James K. Luers, "Ballistic Sphere Techniques for MeasuringAtomspheric Parameters," ECOM-5827, July 1977.

64. Duncan, Louis D., "'Zenith Angle Variation of Satellite Thermal Sounder Measure-ments," ECOM-5828, August 1977.

65. Hansen, Frank V., "The Critical Richardson Number," ECOM-5829, September 1977.66. Ballard, Harold N., and Frank P. Hudson (Compilers), "Stratospheric Composition __

Balloon-Borne Experiment," ECOM-5830, October 1977.67. Barr, William C., and Arnold C. Peterson, "Wind Measuring Accuracy Test of

Meteorological Systems," ECOM-5831, Nbvember 1977.68. Ethridge, G.A. and F.V. Hansen, "Atmospheric Diffusion: Similarity Theory and

Empirical Derivations for Use in Boundary Layer Diffusion Problems,"ECOM-5832, November 1977.

69. Low, Richard D.H.. "The internal Cloud Radiation Field and a Technique for Deter-mining Cloud Blackness," ECOM-5833, December 1977.

70. Watkins, Wendell R., Kenneth 0. White, Charles W_ Bruce, Donald L. Walters, andJames D. Lindberg, "Measurements Required for Prediction of HighEnergy Laser Transmission," ECOM-5834, December 1977.j

71. Rubio, Robert, "Investigation of Abrupt Decreases in Atmospherically BackscatteredLaser Energy," ECOM-5835. December 1977.

72. Monahan, H.H. and R.M. Cionco, "An Interpretative Review of Existing Capabilitiesfor Measuring and Forecasting Selected Weather Variables (EmphasizingRemote Means)," ASL-TR-0001, January 1978.

73. Heaps, Melvin G., "The 1979 Solar Eclipse and Validation of D-Region Models," ASL-TR-0002. March 19718.

Page 39: . LEVEL - DTIC · LIST OF FIGURES 4 INTRODUCTION 5 VISIBILITY DEFINITION 5 VISIBILITY CALCULATION 6 ... Visibility as observed by the human eye is a very complex parameter depend-ing

74. Jennings, S.G., and J.B. Giilespie, "M.I.E. Theory Sensitivity Studies - The Effectson~~~4 Jenntings andan Absorptio oefct PrI : nlsso h

of Aerosol Complex Refractive Index and Size Distribution Variationson Extinction and Absorption Coefficients Part fl: Analysis of theComputational Results," ASL-TR-0003. March 1978.

75. White, Kenneth 0. et al. "Water Vapor Continuum Absorption in the 3.5um to 4.0umRegion," ASL-TR-0004, March 1978.

76. Olsen, Robert 0., and Bruce W. Kennedy, "ABRES Pretest Atmospheric Measure-ments," ASL-TR.0005, April 1978.

77. Ballard, Harold N., Jose M. Serna, and Frank P. Hudson, "Calculation of AtmosphericComposition in the High Latitude September Stratosphere," ASL-TR-0006,May 1978.

78. Watkins, Wendell R. et al, "Water Vapor Absorption Coefficients at HF Laser ave-

lengths," ASL-TR-0007, May 1978.- 79. Hansen, Frank V., "The Growth and Prediction of Nocturnal Inversions," ASL-TR-

8 Sml0008, May 1978.E80. Samuel, Christine, Charles Bruce. and Ralph Brewer, "Spectrophone Analysis of Gas

Samples Obtained at Field Site," ASL-TR-0009, June 1978.81. Pinnick, R.G. et al., "Vertical Structure in Atmospheric Fog and Haze and its Effects

on IR Extinction," ASL-TR-0010, July 1978.82. Low, Richard D.H., Louis D. Duncan, and Richard B. Gomez, "The Microphysical

Basis of Fog Optical Characterization," ASL-TR-0011, August 1978.83. Heaps, Melvin G., "The Effect of a Solar Proton Event on the Minor Neutral

Constituents of the Summer Polar Mesosphere," ASL-TR-0012, August 1978.84. Mason, James B., "Light Attenuation in Falling Snow," ASL-TR-0013, August 1978.

85. Blanco, Abel J., "Long-Range Artillery Sound Ranging: "PASS" Meteorological Appli-cation," ASL-TR-0014, September 1978.

86. Heaps, M.G., and F.E. Niles, "Modeling the Ion Chemistry of the D-Region: A caseStudy Based Upon the 1966 Total Solar Eclipse," ASL-TR-0015, September1978.

87. Jennings, S.G., and R.G. Pinnick, "Effects of Particulate Complex Refractive Indexand Particle Size Distribution Variations on Atmospheric Extinction andAbsorption for Visible Through Middle-Infrared Wavelengths,"ASL-TR-0016,September 1978.

88. Watkins, Wendell R., Kenneth 0. White, Lanny R. Bower, and Brian Z- Sojka, Pres-sure Dependence of the Water Vapor Continuum Absorption in the 3.5- to4.0-Micrometer Region," ASL-TR-0017, September 1978.

89. Miller, W.B., and B.F. Engebos. "Behavior of Four Sound Ranging Techniques in anIdealized Physical Enviroment," ASL-TR-0018, September 1978.

90. Gomez, Richard G., "Effectiveness Studies of the CBU-88/B Bomb, Cluster, SmokeWeapon" (U), CONFIDENTIAL ASL-TR-0019, September 1978.

91. Miller, August. Richard b. Shirkev. and Mary Ann Seagraves, "Calculation of ThermalEmission from Aerosols Using the Doubling Technique," ASL-TR-0020,November. 1978.

92. Lindberg. James D. et aL. "Measured Effects of Battlefield Dust and Smoke on Visible,Infrared, aid Millimeter Wavelengths Propagation: A Preliminary Reporton Dusty Infrared Test-I (DIRT-I)," ASL-TR-0021. January 1979.

93. Kennedy. Bruce W.. Arthur Knighorn. and B.R. Hixon, 'Engineering Flight 'Testsof Range Meteorological Sotunding System Radiosonde," ASL-TR-0022,

Februarv 1979.94. Rubio, Roberto, and Don Hoock. 'Microwave Effective Earth Radius Factor Vari-

ability at Wiesbaden and Balboa," ASL-TR-0023. February 1979.95. Low, Richard D.H.. "A Theoretical Investigation of CloudlFog Optical Properties

and Their Spectral Correlations." ASL-TR-0024, February 1979.

Page 40: . LEVEL - DTIC · LIST OF FIGURES 4 INTRODUCTION 5 VISIBILITY DEFINITION 5 VISIBILITY CALCULATION 6 ... Visibility as observed by the human eye is a very complex parameter depend-ing

96. Pinnick, R.G., and H.J. Auvermann, "Response Characteristics of Knollenberg Light-'Scattering Aerosol Counters," ASL-TR.0025, Febrary 1979.

97. Heaps. Melvrin G., -Robert 0. Olsen, and Warren W. Berning, "Solar Eclipse 179,Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory Program Overview," ASL-7R-00126 February

98. Blanco, Abel 3., "Long-Range Artillery Sound Ranging: 'PASS'GR-8 Sound Ranging Data,"ASL-TR-0127. March 19719.

99. Kennedy, Bruce W., and Jose M. Serna, "Meteorological Rocket Network SystemReliability," ASL-TR-002, March 1979.

100. Swi-ngle. Donald M., "Effects of Arrival Time Errors in Wegted Range Equation Solutionsfor Linear Base Sound Ranging," ASL-TR-0029, April 1979.

101. Unistead, Robert K., Ricardo Pazia, and Frank V. Hansen, 4'KWIK: An Algorithm forCalculating Munition Expenditures for Smoke Screening/Obscuration inTactical Situations," ASL-TR-0030, April 1979.

102. D*Arcy. Edward M.. "Accuracy Validation of the Modified Nike Hercules Radar." ASL-TR--103. Rodr 0031, May 1979.CrswdSeo,"ALT-321M.Rodiguz.Ruben, "Evaluation of the Passive RemoteCoswnSeor"A -T032

May 1979. _

104. Barber, T.L.. and R. Rodriguez. "Transit Tilme Lidar Measurement of Near-Surface Windsin the Atmosphere," ASL-TR-0033, May '1979.-

105. Low, Richard D.H., Louis D. Duncan, and Y.Y. Roger R. Hsiao, "Microphysical and OpticalProperties of California Coastal Fogs at Fort Ord," ASL-TR..0034. June 1979.

10e. Rodriguez. Ruben. and Will iam J. Vechione, "Evaluation of the Saturation ResistantCrosSwind Sensor- ASL-T-035, July 1979

107,Ohmstede. William D.. "The Dynamics of Material Layers.- ASL-TR-0036. July 1979-= 108. Pinnick, R.G.. S.G. Jennings, Petr Chflek. and H.J. Auvermann "Relationships between 111

Extinction. Absorption, and Liquid Water Content of Fogs," ASL-TR- I37August 19'79

109. Rodriguez, Ruben, and William J. Vechione, "Performance Evaluation of the OpticalCrosswind Profiler," ASL-.TR-0038, August 1979

110. Miers. Bruce T.. "Precipitation Estimation sigSatellite Data" ASL-TR-0039. September1979

I.Iickson. l)wDav . and Charles M. Sonnenschein. aHlcpe Rebt Wind Seso Ssemi- l~escription." ASL--TR-t -0 September 1979

112. Heaps. Melvin G-. and Joseph M. Psimerl, "Validation of the Dairchem Code, I: QuietMidlatitude Conditions." ASL-TR-0041. September 1979

I Ma Wnner. Robert S.. and WVilliam J. Lentz- "T he Visioceilometer: A Portable Cloud Heightand Visibility Indicator." ASL-TR-0042,. October 1979

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