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Page 1: LEVERAGING BIG DATA TECHNIQUES TO ENHANCE ...files.acams.org/pdfs/2017/Leveraging_Big_Data_Techniques...Big Data therefore refers to that data being collected and our ability to make



Margo Vakharia

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1 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 3

2 Big Data - What Is It? ........................................................................................................... 5

3 Big Data Possibilites For Audit Policies And Procedures ...........................................................10

4 Internal Controls................................................................................................................11

4.1 KYC/CDD....................................................................................................................11

4.1.1 Entity Analysis .....................................................................................................14

4.1.2 Additional Benefits ...............................................................................................15

4.2 OFAC Name Screening .................................................................................................16

4.3 Transaction Monitoring................................................................................................16

4.4 Case Management ......................................................................................................17

5 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................18


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The evolution of technology in recent decades has brought about unprecedented change for today’s

global workforce. The new reality is one of information overload, compounded by the constant onslaught

of new technologies and a continuous stream of new regulations. This spiraling cycle means that we have

a bigger workload than ever before with less time to complete it in. Couple this with the change

management challenges involved, not to mention cost considerations, and every professional would agree

that the issue of data management is one of the most significant in recent times.

When it comes to the use of innovative approaches to data management, it is global players such as

Facebook, Google, Uber and Airbnb who spring to mind. Such companies are at the forefront of designing

and managing how data is collected, used and stored, and so they should be. Unfortunately, the same

cannot be said for the audit, compliance and anti-money laundering (AML) industry, where instead we

see a muddled picture of policies, procedures, controls and regulations. The sheer volume of red tape,

investigations, monitoring, reporting and suspicious activity reports (SARs) brings us right back to a

situation where we are overloaded. AML and audit need to rise to the challenges presented by the digital

age and we can do this by innovating ourselves. We must modernize our organization in order to be ahead

of the game. Fighting the fire in keeping up with regulation is no longer good enough. We need to

revolutionize the way we work and we can do so by using the latest technologies and techniques. We

have the capability to make a huge impact in our current approach to tackling financial crime, but we just

need the will.

Finding a starting point for an overhaul might seem like a daunting task as we already have a lot on our

plate—customer due diligence (CDD), information systems, transaction monitoring, case management

systems and suspicious activity reporting. However, there is a simple starting point, and that starting point

is big data. A recently coined phrase, the concept of big data is getting a lot of exposure within large

organizations, particularly the financial institutions. In this era of information overload, big data

technology is key, not just to managing data, but to harnessing and exploiting the power within it.

With an incomprehensible amount of data now available all around us, both internally and externally to

our organizations, we need to have the tools to explore all possible sources to help us in the fight against

financial crime. It seems that we have become so caught up in complying with regulation that somewhere

along the way we have lost our focus. We spend so much time ensuring our own compliance (i.e., we are

ticking all the necessary boxes [of which there are many]) that we are left with less time to consider the

big picture. With so many different data sources, new and legacy systems to consider, the task just seems

insurmountable. This is why we need big data.

What exactly is big data and why has it received so much attention? Companies are increasingly finding

themselves with large volumes of information on their information technology (IT) servers and in their

databases that they do not know what to do with it or how to manage it. Despite the fact that these

masses of information are difficult to manage, many companies have realized they can use it in multiple

ways to their benefit, often providing opportunities for competitive advantage. A simple example is the

ability of large supermarkets to gather information on a customer’s purchases, analyze the data and then

use it to offer sales incentives tailored to a customer’s specific need.

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Consumers are oblivious to the extent to which they are sharing their personal information, even when

doing a simple grocery shop. Even those who try to restrict the amount of information they share about

themselves (e.g., by limiting their online presence), might not even realize that something as simple as

subscribing to a supermarket loyalty card can provide organizations with a massive amount of detailed

information about themselves. First, there is the standard information (date of birth and address)

provided on the form that needs to be completed in order to obtain a loyalty card. Second, the process

of accruing those store points allows supermarkets to gather enough information to build an entire profile

on their customers, including data on the products they prefer, how much money they spend every week

and their shopping patterns and habits.

Big data has a huge impact on consumers’ daily lives with some effects that they might not even realize.

Amazon makes suggestions as to what we might like to purchase, Netflix suggests what we might like to

watch, and the music we might like to listen can be suggested by the likes of Pandora. Big data is not just

limited to tailoring consumer preferences. For example, the music industry can now use big data to make

a budding artist into an instant success. Big Data can actually be used to pinpoint where that artist’s

potential fan base are located. This enables the record label to start promoting a specific artist in a

particular region. Success is not necessarily based on talent or chance, but on clever positioning and

marketing. Record companies are willing to invest in such targeted marketing because big data is arming

them with the knowledge that the odds are already in their favor and will ultimately lead to a healthy

return on investment. Although such predictions are still somewhat risky, it is a calculated gamble with

the odds in their favor. In addition, large media companies and big businesses are not the only ones who

are using big data. Many government agencies are using it too. For example, in law enforcement,

visualization software is being used to help predict where crimes are likely to occur and when. Such

technology enables the police force to proactively monitor a particular area at certain times. This is known

as predictive policing.i

What about big data in the business of AML? What value can it add? There a very large potential for

harnessing big data for AML purposes. It is simply a matter of adopting the clever techniques that other

industries are already applying and tailoring them to our needs. For example, predictive policing is one

technique that could be easily adapted to this industry. By utilizing information that is readily available

(e.g., internal data such as customer transactions and external data such as social media or geolocation

data), it could help in predicting where, when and how financial crime is likely to occur. At first it might

appear to be information overload (more data to research and investigate), but this is information

technology at its best. If it is utilized in the right way, it has the potential for huge paybacks including the

obvious reduction in financial crime rates, with the additional benefit of reduction in administrative

workload and of course the decrease in direct financial losses due to fraud. This paper will examine how

big data has the potential to change the anti-financial crime landscape and the AML audit process, and it

will outline the associated benefits, such as a complete picture of the customer. Consideration will also

be given to the implications for the industry if it chooses not to embrace big data, how the compliance

world might lag behind in terms of technology and the adverse effects on workload. The financial

implications will also be discussed with regard to enforcement actions. Enforcement actions are final

orders or conditions imposed in writing for violations of law, rules or regulations. ii

The paper will also look at KYC and CDD procedures and will discuss the concept of a 360-degree view of

the customer—a way seeing the entire customer picture, all made possible by big data. The discussion

will progress to predictive analysis and data analytics in relation to sanctions screening, transaction

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monitoring and case management for auditors. The challenges of Big Data and possible solutions will also

be debated, but to begin with there will be a non-technical overview of the concept of big data, how it

works, and some interesting examples of the technology and techniques already being used.


Big data can provide businesses with huge benefits, such as sales and marketing opportunities, improved

customer service and better operational efficiency. Data scientists analyze huge volumes of data and turn

it into useful business information by uncovering hidden patterns, relationships and trends. They analyze

many types of datasets including structured, unstructured, semi-structured, internal and external data.

The concept might seem quite daunting, especially for those outside the technology sector, but for the

purpose of this paper it can easily be broken down into simpler terms starting with a definition of big data


There are various definitions of big data, which have different interpretations depending on a particular

job role. A good explanation is from author and Big Data guru Bernard Marr, who articulates it succinctly:

“The basic idea behind the phrase 'Big Data' is that everything we do is increasingly leaving a digital trace

(or data), which we (and others) can use and analyze. Big Data therefore refers to that data being collected

and our ability to make use of it.”iii Marr’s research posits that “everything we do is increasingly leaving a

digital trace,” which is very apt for today’s world where we are increasingly leaving digital footprints,

usually unwittingly, everywhere we go.

The concept of information gathering is not new, but when we hear the term big data we can generally

take it to mean the amount of data an organization gathers, stores and manipulates, using technological

advances in capacity, processing, and general software development. In recent years we have progressed

very quickly in terms of computer storage capacity (Gigabytes, Terabytes or even Petabytes and beyond),

but big data also covers every single bit of data a company has stored—basically anything contained on a

company’s servers.

In the compliance/AML sector all available data is not being fully utilized, particularly external data. There

are, of course, some privacy concerns when accessing external data sources, which will be expanded on

later, but for now it is important to just stress the importance of utilizing all types of available data—

structured, unstructured, semi-structured, internal and external.

Key Terms and Concepts:

1. Data Science Data science is the process of extracting knowledge from data or changing raw data into information—a

simple concept. In reality there is a lot more to it, but such a detailed explanation is outside the remit of

this paper. However, there are some important concepts worth understanding. The terms we hear such

as data analytics and data mining can appear to have multiple meanings but specific definitions are not

required here, suffice to know that they are all part of the same process—turning data into business


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More relevant to this discussion is understanding the different types of data and the insights that can be

achieved by combining and cross-referencing different data types and sources.

2. Structured Data

Structured data is a type of data that is contained within fixed fields such as a database or a spreadsheet.

It is organiszed into a pre-defined format. Traditionally these structures or databases were modeled this

way because databases offered the best method possible for processing and analyzing data. Databases

are updated and manipulated by structured query languages, such as SQL. Essentially SQL is how an

administrator interacts with the database to update, retrieve and delete information. Databases, which

first came about in the 1970s are still typically used within the banking sector (e.g., Oracle, Sybase, DB2,

MS SQL Server).

3. Unstructured Data

Unstructured data is that which is not contained in a database. The term unstructured data is closely

related to big data. Examples of unstructured data include text files such as emails, books, blogs, or any

document that is text heavy. Photographs, videos and other sorts of images such as x-rays are also

considered to be unstructured data. Even PowerPoint presentations and social media posts are types of

unstructured data.

4. Semi-Structured Data

Semi-structured data is a cross between structured and unstructured data. It is the type of data that does

not reside in a database but it might have some structure which makes it easier to analyze.

An example of this would be a document or photo that contains meta data. Meta data is the descriptive

data about the file (e.g., , author, date created, location, etc.).

5. Data Lake

“A data lake is a storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its native format, including

structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. The data structure and requirements are not defined

until the data is needed.”v

6. Internal data is everything stored or accessible in a business; for example, sales data,

transactional data, customer record and HR data.

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7. External data is the myriad of information available outside an organzsation; for example,

websites, blogs, images and social media—Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

8. Social Media and Big Data

The amount of information publically available on the internet at present is astounding. Each year since

2012, Domo have published an interesting infographic on the amount of data that is created on the

internet every minute. Quite fascinating in itself, but even more interesting is the rate of increase. Domo

founder Josh James said “data is…constantly pouring out of our smartphones, smartwatches, smart TVs,

and countless other devices that are all connected—and it continues to proliferate at an astounding rate.”

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The above infographic presents the following interesting facts:

In 2012, YouTube users were uploading 48 hours of new video. In 2016, that number increased nearly tenfold to 400 hours.

The global internet population grew from 2.1 billion in 2012 to 3.4 billion in 2016—an increase of 62 percent.

Facebook users share nearly a quarter of a million photos every minute.

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Instagram users 'like' over 10 times that amount every minute—an astounding 2.5 million posts

per minute are liked.

833,333 users upload new files per minute to the file sharing website Dropbox.

Given the amount of external data publically available on the internet at any point in time, there is no

doubt that we should be harnessing at least some of it to assist us in the fight against financial crime and

in combating fraud. There are many examples of the technological capabilities in our world today. For

example, how smart phones really are smart, the internet of things , how objects are being manufactured

with the ability to communicate, smart carpets that can track movement of the elderly in their own homes

and detect falls, and how soon we might see giant fleeting advertisement projected into the sky (Echo

Technology).viii The important focus is that with technology advancing at such a rate, we really need to be

looking at how we are implementing the same technology in the world of compliance.

This ever-connected world we live in at present is all very interesting but it does also raise the issue of

privacy. Even though there is currently a lot of information publically available, there are still huge privacy

concerns for individuals and organizations. Data privacy is a hot topic at the moment, particularly in

Europe, as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) will come into force

on May 24, 2018. ixRecently, the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre (FINTRAC) in Canada

has been in the media spotlight for scrutinizing the social media posts of citizens whose financial

transactions came under their radar. Even though such posts are openly available, concern was raised by

privacy advocates who highlighted the possibility that social media users might not even realize that their

online content is being viewed. FINTRAC defended the practice, stating that government rules allow them

to collect certain information. Spokesperson for FINTRAC Renée Bercier made a valid point that “the

perpetrators of these crimes oftentimes have an online presence and actively use the web, including social

media, to connect with associates, to facilitate their activities, and, in the case of terrorism financing, to

even raise funds."x

Another interesting point highlighted in the article was that the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre had filed a

Privacy Impact Assessment with the Canadian Privacy Commissioner and listed social media posts as one

of the things it checks when looking into possible cases of fraud or scams. In Canada, Privacy Impact

Assessments (PIAs) are "used to identify the potential privacy risks of new or redesigned federal

government programs or services. They also help eliminate or reduce those risks to an acceptable level.

Virtually all government institutions, as defined in Section 3 of the Privacy Act, including parent Crown

corporations and any wholly owned subsidiary of these corporations, must conduct PIAs for new or

redesigned programs and services that raise privacy issues. Government institutions must provide

completed PIAs to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) and the Office of the Privacy

Commissioner of Canada (OPC)."xi

This same news agency also penned another article about the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) using big

data in a similar way by scrutinizing social media in order to catch tax cheats. It exposed details of how

the CRA planned to use Big Data, predictive analytics, and external data to help officials decide whether

or not someone has or has not paid their taxes. This is a good example highlighting the direction in which

things are taking with big data technology as an enabler.xii

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The concept of big data is exciting; however, it also has the potential to invoke anxiety in many. But

ultimately, what does big data mean for AML professionals? Petabytes of data from additional external

sources will add to the already staggering volume of data needed for evaluation by compliance. However,

even though data volume is on the increase, it is now much easier to manage that data. We are getting

better at analyzing it and extracting useful information. We are going through an age of immense

technological change and this is also possible within the anti-financial crime industry as well—a data

revolution. Detailing exactly how these techniques will improve each aspect of the AML is outside the

scope of this paper, but I will attempt to address some key areas with examples where such benefits can

be realized.

There has never been a better time to act, but we need to act quickly. We cannot afford to ignore it, nor

can we ward off the ever-increasing barrage of standards and regulation. Governance is a necessity, there

is no doubt about that, but if we work in a faster and more intelligent way, it makes sense that is what we

should do. There are also the financial implications for non-compliance. In December 2016, the Financial

Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) issued a $16.5 million fine to Credit Suisse in the U.S. for “failing to

properly implement an automated surveillance system to monitor money movements.” FINRA found that

Credit Suisse’s monitoring program for detecting suspicious activity was significantly deficient in two


The first issue arose because Credit Suisse had relied on its brokers to identify and escalate potentially

suspicious trading activity. Unfortunately, suspicious activity was not always reported as required. The

second was that Credit Suisse had failed to properly implement its automated monitoring system to detect

suspicious activity. FINRA discovered that “a significant portion of the data feeds into the system was

missing information or had other issues that compromised the system’s effectiveness.” In addition, Credit

Suisse had failed to use certain scenarios designed by the system to identify common suspicious patterns

and activities, and failed to adequately investigate certain activity. What is interesting about this

particular case is that not only can violations result in significant fines, but actual system deficiencies can

be investigated resulting in subsequent fines.xiv

How much money is invested in compliance areas? It is obvious that it is a growing industry. HSBC grew

their compliance department from 2,000 to 5,000 personnel in 2013, and to over 7,000 in 2015.xv But that

is growth—not investment. How much investment goes into these back office functions? It is a

contrasting picture of course when it comes to front office (the money making area) and that is because

it is a logical assumption that there is a better return on investment. But the tide may be turning. There

have been some very large fines related to enforcement action, which not only hurt the pocket but can

lead to a loss of reputation, so there should be sufficient motivation to invest in these type of functions.

It is not just inadequate monitoring and reporting that should be of concern. There are a lot of lacking

areas when it comes to data analytics, such as KYC. Compliance would appear to be antediluvian in this

respect. In the article “Why is internal audit not addressing the data analytics capability gap?,” author

John Verver, CPA CA, CISA, CMC, draws attention to the fact that while major firms are stating the

importance of data analytics within audit, there still appears to be a gap in putting the capabilities to work.

Verver highlights interesting findings in reports published in 2016 from the big four auditing firms where

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they have found very little use of analytics in audit. However, the hope is that within the next three to five

years, almost two-thirds of companies “expect to be using analytics in at least 50 percent of their

audits.”xviIt sounds positive.



The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision provides a forum for regular cooperation on banking

supervisory mattersxvii and in 2001, it developed good practice guidance on account opening and customer

identification requirements. Since then many different laws have been implemented in various countries

globally to ensure anyone handling financial transactions undertakes adequate CDD.

Generally, these guidelines and laws have served us well, providing a tick list of sorts to enable us to mark

off each due diligence check along the way, and at the same time providing tidy KYC/CDD documentary

evidence for the regulator. While there is no doubt that these measures have been helpful in catching

some criminals, we have so much information to hand in today’s world that we need to be doing things

more effectively. We actually have the capability to be working smarter and to be one step ahead of the

offenders. There is just so much data available online as people leave such a huge footprint particularly

with social media and smart phones. Therefore, it makes sense for us embrace big data and all that it has

to offer particularly in relation to external data. The explosion in technology is rapidly changing our

lifestyle and we have to keep up.

Many sources note that big data offers opportunities for marketers to upsell and cross-sell their offerings

and the marketing potential unleashed by big data is creating quite a storm. However, it is more difficult

to find the same level of enthusiasm for leveraging the same techniques and technologies in back office

functions and to use it to enhance the KYC and CDD processes. Big data and predictive analysis have the

possibility of making an immense impact in these areas and yet we have heard very little from the industry

in this regard. There are some advocates though.

Vamsi Chemitiganti of Horton Works provides an excellent overview of how KYC/CDD can be transformed.

He refers to the concept of Customer 360, which really is the holistic view of the customer according to

all available sources. In his blog post “How Data Science and Predictive Analytics Transform AML

Compliance in Banking & Payments,” xviii he discusses how big data and predictive analytics can help with

things like data collection and risk scoring, social graph analysis, behavioral modeling and customer

segmentation. He also comments on how transaction monitoring systems should be used in conjunction

with historical datasets, and particularly for customers under suspicion.

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Within banking there appears to be quite a fragmented view of the customer. This is simply because of

how business was done traditionally. Records were kept separately, often across products, lines of

business and geographies. Databases were detached and the limit in storage capacity did not allow for

centralized systems. We had, and still have, complex legacy IT platforms that prevent integration.

However, with the dawn of big data software frameworks such as Apache Hadoop, as well as major

advances in capacity management (data storage), this no longer needs to be the case. This view illustrates

how IT architecture might presently look in a financial organization. The cylinder shape represents a

database (DB).

Collection and analysis of basic identity information - view of customer across IT platforms, lines of business and


The advent of big data is not about getting rid of databases completely. The idea is to integrate them with

the new technology and to have a new single unified approach.

Data from new business channels such as mobile banking applications and social media can be interlinked

with legacy data systems. Big data software has the capability of providing enterprise-wide solutions for

capturing customer information. It is flexible enough to handle a wide range of data types and across

different jurisdictions. Having a 360 Customer view across products, regions and lines of business gives a

clearer view of client activity profile, as well as risk exposure. The customer should be an organization’s

number one priority, whether it is selling, marketing, enhanced due diligence or detecting fraud.

The possibilities with big data are endless and the capabilities are substantial. If we can master the 360

Customer concept, then it opens up all sorts of possibilities. Financial institutions can enhance our KYC

through data mining and we can cross reference data with other sources.

To illustrate the effectiveness of cross-referencing internal data with external data, Bernard Marr uses the

following example.xx The U.S. supermarket chain Walmart cross-referenced their sales data with weather

data and discovered some interesting facts. During extremely bad weather conditions, not only did

flashlights and other such emergency supplies sell well, but so did Pop Tarts. People were stocking up on

such convenience snacks as they were battening down the hatches in preparation for a big storm. In 2012,

just before Hurricane Sandy hit, Walmart stocked their stores with extra supplies of key items, a successful

strategy born from big data. Upselling Pop Tarts in bad weather might not sound like a big technological

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advance, and in-fact the science behind it does not appear complicated. Yet we cannot ignore that fact

that it is clever use of data—proving the point that we need to start being more clever with KYC. It does

not have be a case of “out with the old IT in with the new,” but it can be simple yet effective. 3D face

recognition software is another innovative way of utilizing technology in this industry – the capability to

cross reference face recognition with a central database of filed SARs. There are some areas of law

enforcement where there are already such systems in place. A database of offenders can now utilize photo

recognition software. What was considered futuristic and far-fetched when seen in detective dramas and

films not too long ago, is now actually fast becoming everyday reality.

We can now have the means to utilize sophisticated methods to cross-reference our internal data files

with external data. For example, a customer might have made a large cash withdrawal in Melbourne,

Australia that was just below the reporting limits, but at around about the same time his partner ‘checked

in’ with him on Facebook by posting a selfie of them both sipping champagne on a yacht in the Caribbean.

If such data was cross-referenced in real time this could flag an alert, due to the discrepancy in

geographical location. Of course there is always the possibility that the information on Facebook is not

quite the truth, but it illustrates the possibilities for red flag alerts—something that calls for further


Even more intelligent is predictive analysis, not just the capability of catching the criminal once the crime

has been committed but actually predicting what your customer is likely to do next. The prediction might

not be fully reliable, but it could present a red flag before an event to warrant extra screening or the

implementation of prevention measures. The opportunity to stop the criminal activity before it happens

should be given the serious consideration it deserves and should not be overlooked. The technology is

available and should be utilized as a matter of urgency.

Facebook is able to build a personal profile based on people’s ‘likes’ by analyzing which posts a person

likes or dislikes. From this data, Facebook is able to tell so much about a person’s personal attributes and

preferences. Even private information such as a person's sexual orientation, political affinity, religion,

intelligence, and emotional stability can all be determined by simple analytics.xxi Again, accuracy may not

be gained every time, but it gets close enough.

Big data is not just about analyzing information. There has been huge progress made in how we report

and display the results of the analysis. Data Visualization is one way in which we might illustrate customer

behavior. Graphs and heat maps can highlight connections and these are the kind of tools that are

particularly useful when it comes to fraud. The technology is available and we should be utilizing it to

detect patterns and trends, to uncover relationships across business lines and products, between people,

locations and events.

For example, advanced analytics company Ayadsi noticed that when customers were filling out online

claim forms fraudulently, they took longer than average to complete the form. The significance of the

length of time for form-fill was because it could identify in the first instance that it was a person

committing the fraud, not a robot. But also that the longer time spent on a particular page on an online

form is an indicator of ‘possible’ fraud.xxii Similarly this could be leveraged as a KYC technique—the speed

at which customers fill out online application forms against the average time taken, and the possibility of

cross referencing with response time for an average customer.

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4.1.1 Entity Analysis

Entity matching is the process whereby records from different systems are mapped to individuals or legal

identities. All business entities first need to be identified and then relationships between them defined.

This gives a very clear view of the customer’s profile and it can show for example the relationship between

customers, customer types, products and events. Previously it was impossible to link all the separate

types of data due to volume, processing power and storage capacity, but now with Big Data Software tools

such as Hadoop, MapReduce, and Big Table, uncovering these connections has never been easier or

quicker. Novetta is an example of a company that has harnessed the capabilities of Hadoop in conjunction

with its own analytics to help companies gain such customer insights. Below is their 360 degree view of

a person, organization, location, events and products.


From an anti-fraud perspective, seeing a customer from this viewpoint presents us with opportunity to

see the entire picture. We have a clearer view of relationships across multiple entities.

The orange section identifies relationships between customers. For example, who are they married to,

whether they have children, their family connections, same employer, etc.

In the dark blue it shows what products the customer buys or uses. In the case of banking, these products

might be current accounts, savings accounts, foreign currency accounts, private banking and so on.

Closer analysis could uncover connections across the business lines, between people, locations, events

and products. This view presents us with a clearer understanding of the customer and who they are

connected to and might highlight someone on a watch list or what organizations they are affiliated with.

Another section might show what medium they use to connect with us. Do they bank through an online

app on their smartphone, perhaps they use telephone banking or online banking through a browser?

How often does this customer make transactions? If a red flag is raised, we can also look at their

connections and whether there is any unusual activity in or around the same time by people they know?

This might identify a transaction or a pattern that could otherwise have flown under the radar. With time,

effort and financial investment, imagine what the possibilities could be. Collaboration between

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experienced AML professionals and developers would allow for the exploration of some of these



4.1.2 Additional Benefits

Cost is always a major issue for organizations, particularly when the investment required is not in a front

office/money making capacity. But in the area of big data, the benefits to both the customer and

organization can be realized in many ways. For example, improved customer onboarding experiences

across product lines (e.g., no extra form filling or repeat due diligence, more efficient account opening

process, and better level of customer service with a better understanding of customer). In terms of the

organization, sales opportunities can be identified based on demographic, customer type and customer


With the ability to tailor popular product to market segment, as in my previous example of the music

industry, there is huge potential here with sales data and marketing, resulting in a better return on


Over course there is potential massive savings to be had from the prevention of fraudulent transactions.

The Financial Times recently reported that in the U.K. alone the annual cost of fraud could be as high as

193 billion pounds a year.xxv

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In relation to sanctions compliance, watchlist screening is another important area particularly for financial


There are already a few watchlist vendors in today’s market with sophisticated turn-key solutions. They

use complex data analytics and data mining techniques to assist compliance departments in screening

against global sanctions list such as the Office of Foreign Assets Control, HM Treasury or U.N. watchlists.

These software tools can provide access to regularly updated lists that can include the names and

addresses of bank offices in sanctioned countries. Such products can support customized internal lists,

and can provide information on previously investigated and cleared entities, red flagging instances that

might warrant further investigation or audit.

To reduce the amount of false “hits,” these systems use “fuzzy logic” matching techniques. This essentially

allows the system to exactly match or closely match names. The system can allow a margin of error such

as misspelled, incomplete names, and to allow for nicknames or abbreviations.

The “hit” is then reported with a 0 to 100 matching score, which shows how close the match is to the

watchlist data. The system can be tailored to ignore matches lower than a certain score. It can also use

logic so as not to flag a false positive. For example, when other important data does not match, such as

date of birth, address, phone number, county of origin, etc., the software can be set to create result

records for false positives, but not report them as alerts, so that these records will be available for review

or auditing.

Algorithms can combine data types allowing for screening of both structured and unstructured data. Watchlist screening can be used to assess a customer's risk rating and it can be linked to the Customer 360 by using the entity analysis and cross-referencing approach. For example, if many false positives identify for a particular ‘related’ group of customers, it might actually turn out to be a genuine red flag. This type of analysis could also be reverse engineered. For example, when we analyze our false positives can we identify common customer traits, and is there any relationship or pattern in the types of products? Viewing information in this way would also be useful for determining risk (i.e., if this product or region is generating a lot of false positives for our customers, allow for an analysis of why this is occurring). The institution could then ask if it should weigh the risk score differently. Again, compliance professionals could conceive many suitable use case scenarios for these systems.


The relationships between entities provides valuable insight into how one customer might relate to

another or to an organization, location, event or product. By linking transactions between 360 customers

and watchlists, financial institutions will have even better capabilities to identify and track suspicious


Big data has enabled systems to search for new patterns across large amounts of transactions. Machine

learning technology means that systems can learn the transactional behavior of clients and discover

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transactional activity with similar traits or relationships. Again, entity analysis and the Customer 360

model comes into play here. Analysis can also be performed on false positive transaction alerts and can

predict potential fraudulent transactions before they even happen. Reducing the amount of false positive

is a massive benefit in terms of reducing unnecessary investigative work.

The ability to combine transactional data with historical data can help make decisions on whether or not

to file a SAR for a particular customer under suspicion.

Recent years have seen an increase in the volume of transactions, particularly with the dawn of contactless technology and mobile wallets.


The 2016 World Payments Report shows that global non-cash transaction volumes grew by 8.9 percent to $387.3 billion during 2014. The core theme of this report is the challenges and opportunities in transaction banking making a very interesting read. The graph below shows the increase in non-cash transactions worldwide.


4.4 CASE MANAGEMENT Case Management software provides institutions with end-to-end solutions for generating and managing

suspicious activity alerts through the entire investigative process right up to reporting and filing of

suspicious activity.

As discussed, leveraging the big data techniques allows complete case analysis both horizontally and

vertically. Horizontally, the relationships across geographical regions or lines of business can be fully

investigated. Vertically the customer relationships are analyzed, including watchlist screening.

Undertaking such an extensive investigation in this way could reveal behaviors, patterns or relationships

that might otherwise be missed. In turn, this would lead to more accurate filing of SARs and would also

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allow for risk-based decision making on whether to retain or to terminate an institution’s relationship with

a customer.


Technology is changing the way we live at such a rapid pace. It is having a huge impact on our personal

and business lives and most of us are not even fully aware of the extent of it. From a business viewpoint,

implementing big data technologies within the anti-financial crime and compliance sectors is essential if

we are to keep abreast of these changes. Innovation is required not only in front-office scenarios, but it

is also much needed in the back of the house. We need to keep up with the rapid pace of change, and we

also need to implement technology as a regulatory requirement. If we fail to do so, we might pay a hefty

price in the form of enforcement penalties and the loss of consumer confidence. Big technology firms

such as Google and online retailers like Amazon have been pioneers of big data, and now that the way has

been paved, we need to follow hastily in the same direction. The pace of change in the payments industry

and the dawn of mobile payments means that volume has significantly increased and as this trend

continues, there is no time to rest on our laurels. The capabilities of big data have been set out in this

paper from a compliance perspective, and by utilizing it as proposed to our advantage, AML and audit in

financial institutions will not only be guaranteed a smarter, faster way of working, but they will fulfil their

regulatory obligations efficiently and effectively.

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