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Leveraging Technology For Better Interoperability: Harnessing The Power Of FHIR & BlockchainODH, Inc. | November 2017

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Welcoming Remarks

Industry Overview

FHIR & Blockchain

Panel Discussion

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Monica E. Oss

Chief Executive OfficerOPEN MINDS

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Michael Jarjour

President and Chief Executive OfficerODH, Inc.

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Data Sharing

Payer Push For “Integration” & “Pay For Value”

New “Business Model” For Providers Requiring

A Complete View Of Consumers

Changing Health Care Landscape

Reimbursement Based On A

Fee-For-Service Model

Provider Business Model Limited To Transactional Encounters

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Fee-For-Service (FFS)

Case Rates & Bundled


Capitation & Population Payments



Transition From Pay-For-Volume To Pay-For-Value Across All Payers

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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Hospital Does Not Typically Share Patient Data

Hospital Cannot Electronically Send Patient Health…

Hospital Cannot Electronically Receive Patient Health…

Difficult To Match Or Identify Patients Between Systems

Extra Cost Incurred To Send/Retrieve Data

Cumbersome Work Flow To Send Information From EHR…

Those Receiving Summary Of Care Records Do Not Find…

Difficult To Find Provider's Electronic Address

Other Providers Have An EHR, But Are Not Capable Of…

Intended Recipient Does Not Have An EHR Or Other…

Provider Perspective: Barriers To Accessing & Sharing Data

Percent Of Hospitals Reporting Issues When Trying To Electronically Send, Retrieve, Or Find Patient Health Information With Other Care Settings, 2014

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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Inadequate Funding For Substance Abuse

Patient Engagement

Inadequate Funding For Public Health Programs

Health Record Interoperability

Difficulty In Coordinating Care Across Organizations

Inadequate Funding For Social Service Programs

Inadequate Funding For Behavioral Health

Top Responses

ACO Perspective: Barriers to Addressing Social Needs

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Lack of Care Coordination = Poor Outcomes & Higher Costs




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Integrated Care Coordination is required

NEEDED: coordinated care model across medical, behavioral, and social systems




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Data Supplies The 360° View Which Drives Insights To Action

Physical Health Data

Pharmacy Data

Behavioral Health Data

Claims Data

Social Determinant


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INTEROPERABILITY: The Key To Better Outcomes



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Executive, Technology and Product Development

ODH, Inc.

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What Are FHIR & Blockchain?

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources

• Created by HL7 International

• A standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically

• Comprised of modular building blocks (“resources”) which can be easily assembled, and are suitable for use in a variety of contexts


• Digital ledger technology, originally created for Bitcoin and finance

• Transactions are logged publically and in chronological order

• Each is time-stamped and connected to the one before it

• Transactions cannot be deleted, changed, or otherwise modified – but can be distributed and shared via encryption and network verification

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This issue…

Created overly complex value chains

Middlemen created to address the lack of trust

More and more added over time, each building their own systems

The blockchain…

Moves this issue of assurance to the network

Shifts solutioning to the network, collaborators build together

Eliminates unnecessary steps in the value chain

Tackling the lack of assurance

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Patient Care Value Chain

– 1 MPI per party

– Typical value chain = 5 to 6 parties involved

– Conservative cost for each: $4 million

1 MPI per network

Parties maintain the ledger

Solutions developed on the marketplace leveraging a single MPI

Significant savings

For Example

Today Marketplace (on the blockchain)

Envision a day when we have a shared MPI ledger across networks!

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>75% of payers and ~20% of hospitals are in process of or thinking about deploying blockchain

61% of healthcare organizations are identifying use cases for blockchain

60% of healthcare companies identified an inability to collaborate and create a network as an impediment to blockchainintroduction

57% of healthcare survey respondents believe blockchain will be transformative in healthcare industry

76% of healthcare survey respondents said their top leadership is committed to blockchain adoption

98% of healthcare professionals expect >2.5% of healthcare jobs to be automated as a result of blockchaintechnology

Increased Relevance of Blockchain in Healthcare


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Cryptocurrency is just data…

There is a lot of hype, but the fundamentals of the Blockchain are real

– Technology is proven, its scaled

– Bitcoin price has surpassed $7,400

– 300k plus transactions per day

– Market Cap closing in on 120B

Blockchain for HealthCare – Hype or Real?

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Two Pieces Of The Puzzle




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Two Pieces Of The Puzzle

Provides the assurance that

a record is complete,

up-to-date, and accurate.

Unified language to place and consume

health information in a modular format,

on and off chain.

FHIR Blockchain

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Transparency, patient data portability


– Indelible record

Health care data at this scale would be invaluable to health care

– Implications for improving delivery of care

– Implications for improving creation of new medications, services

No one “owns” the data

– Removes the need to request data from one user in order to access it

Great Opportunity, Great Potential, Great Benefits

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Requires adoption of the technology

– Some are still having trouble with adoption of HL7

– Raises questions as to how to get everyone to adopt FHIR standards

No one “owns” the data

– Raises questions about patients having control over their health data

Record is unchangeable

– Patients seek second opinions, and not all who deliver care agree on how to do so

– Once information (for example, a diagnosis) is on the chain, it doesn’t come off


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Blockchain + FHIR

Supporting value-based care (established working group with Hashed Health consortium)

Care gaps ledger (Negative changes in SDoH, Insights to take action on)

Critical diagnosis ledger

FHIR-based resource key ledger

Examples In Practice

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The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.The second best time is now. – Chinese Proverb

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John Falsetti, Director of IT, Maryville Academy

Daniel Paolini, Chief Information Officer, DBHIDS

Rakesh Mathew, MS, MBA, CPHIMS, Program Manager, HSX


Monica E. Oss, Chief Executive Officer, OPEN MINDS

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