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Page 1: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs

• In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between lone pairs and bonding pairs. Lone pairs on average are located closer to the central atom than bonding pairs. Why? Coulombs law would suggest that the magnitude of electron pair repulsions will vary and be strongest when two lone pairs are involved.

Page 2: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Order of Lone Pair Repulsions

• The magnitude of electron repulsions follows the order

• Lone pair : lone pair ˃ lone pair : bond pair ˃ bond pair : bond pair

• We attempt (as does nature!) to place the lone pairs so as to minimize repulsive interactions. We maximize the angles between lone pairs and other pairs where possible.

Page 3: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Class Example

• 3. Draw Lewis structures for SF4, IF5 and ClF3. Determine the shape of each of these molecules and which, if any, of these molecules are polar.

Page 4: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Single and Multiple Bonds – Strengths and Lengths

• We have drawn Lewis structures with single, double and triple bonds. The Lewis structures do reflect physical reality (at least when properly drawn!). Multiple bonds between a given pair of atoms (e.g. C and O) are shorter than single bonds. Multiple bonds between a given pair of atoms require more energy to break than do single bonds.

Page 5: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

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Page 6: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

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Page 7: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Bond Energies and Enthalpies of Reaction – ΔH’s

• Bond energies can be combined to calculate very crude values for heats of reaction. Care must be taken to use bond energies for single bonds, double bonds or triple bonds as appropriate. Often one must draw Lewis structures to decide what types of bonds to consider. ΔH values calculated in this way are very approximate since bond energies for a particular atom pair vary between molecules.

Page 8: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Bond Energies

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FIGURE 10-16

•Some bond energies compared

Page 9: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

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Calculating an Enthalpy of Reaction from Bond Energies.

ΔHrxn = ΔH(bond breakage) + ΔH(bond formation)

≈ BE(reactants) - BE(products)

Does this equation look familiar?

Page 10: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

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Page 11: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Class Example

• 4. Use bond energy values from Petrucci in order to calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2 NH3(g). Compare this crude ΔH value to that calculated from tabulated heat of formation data.

• Key ideas: Bond breaking is an endothermic process. Bond formation is an exothermic process.

Page 12: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Class Example

• 5. Draw a Lewis structure or OPCl3 using (a) four single bonds and (b) one double bond between P and O. Assign formal charges to all atoms in both structures. Which structure is more reasonable? Determine the shape of the molecule. Is this molecule polar?

Page 13: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Chemical Bonds – Molecular Orbitals

• The electronic structures of atoms and molecules have many features in common. Individual atoms usually possess unpaired electrons. These atoms are often chemically unstable. Two such atoms (or more!) can combine to form molecules with (usually) no unpaired electrons. The process involves the formation of chemical bonds and is highly exothermic.

Page 14: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Chemical Bonds – Energetics (Homonuclear Diatomics)

• H(g) + H(g) → H:H(g) ΔH = -436 kJ• N(g) + N(g) → :N:::N:(g) ΔH = -946 kJ• Note on signs: The above reactions are highly

exothermic. Energy is released when the atoms combine to form molecules. The bond energy tells us how much energy is required to break a mole of bonds (usually!). The bond energy of the bond in N2 is +946 kJ mol-1.

Page 15: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Atomic and Molecular Orbitals

• In isolated atoms most electrons are found in pairs in a number of different atomic orbitals. When atoms combine valence shell electrons are rearranged. Two electrons from different atoms can, for example, “pair up” to form a single covalent bond where the bonding molecular orbital is associated with more than one atom (and often more than two atoms!).

Page 16: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Molecular Orbitals – Wave Properties of Electrons

• We will need to consider the wave properties of electrons when discussing molecular orbitals. By analogy to constructive and destructive interference in conventional waves we will see atomic orbitals combining constructively to form bonding molecular orbitals and combining destructively to form anti-bonding molecular orbitals.

Page 17: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Bonding Theory Objectives

• A detailed bonding theory should account quantitatively for experimentally observed molecular shapes, bond distances, electrical polarity, bond strength and so on. It should also have predictive capability. A quantitative treatment is reserved for higher level courses. In a qualitative manner we begin by reminding ourselves that coulombic interactions (between particles with wave character) are key. Simplest example – the H2 molecule.

Page 18: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

What a Bonding Theory Should Do

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Page 19: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

The H2 Molecule – Coulombic Interactions

• In physics you may already have calculated the size of coulombic forces and associated potential energies. For static point charges this is a simple exercise. For a group of charged particles in rapid motion (and wavelike!) life is more complex. Nevertheless the charged particles are “capable” of finding the lowest energy configuration. Why?

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Page 20: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Energy of interaction of two hydrogen atoms plotted for internuclear separations from zero to infinity


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Page 21: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Valence Bond Theory• Provides a simple picture of covalent bond

formation from overlapping atomic orbitals (each containing one electron). One assumes that both core electrons and lone pair valence shell electrons keep the orbital locations that they had in the separated atoms. The valence bond method does account for some common valences. We’ll consider O, S and N atoms reacting with H atoms.

Page 22: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Reaction of O, S and N with H Atoms

• The complete electron configurations for O, N and H are:

• Oxygen 1s22s22px22py


• Nitrogen 1s22s22px12py


• Hydrogen 1s1

• We can “pair up” all electrons if O combines with two H atoms and N combines with three H atoms to form H2O and NH3 respectively.

Page 23: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Reaction of O, S and N with H Atoms

• The complete electron configurations for S could be written as

• Sulfur 1s22s22p63px23py


• Again, we can “pair up” all electrons if S and two H atoms combine to form H2S. The valence bond picture suggests that all bond angles in H2O, NH3 and H2S should be 90o. This is close to the value seen in H2S (92o) but significantly underestimates bond angles in H2O (105o) and NH3 (107o).

Page 24: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Bonding in H2S represented by atomic orbital overlapFIGURE 11-3

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Page 25: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

The Methane “Problem”

• The ground state configurations for C can be written as 1s22s22px

12py1 Using the valence

bond picture and the concept of paired electrons in molecular orbitals we might expect C to react with H atoms to form CH2. The CH2 molecule does form but is unstable (a transient species). However, carbon “happily” reacts with H to form the methane, CH4.

Page 26: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Methane and Hybridization

• By experiment, as previously discussed, methane has a regular tetrahedral geometry – four equal bond distances and all bond angles of 109.5o. The regular geometry of methane and its ability to form four bonds can be explained using the concept of hybridization. How have we explained carbon’s tendency to form four bonds previously?

Page 27: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Methane and Hybridization – cont’d:

• In the hybridization picture we imagine methane being formed from C and H atoms in three steps. In the first step we take a ground state C atom and excite one electron (from the 2s orbital) to form the lowest lying ( or first) excited state.

• Carbon Ground State: 1s22s22px12py


• Carbon Excited State: 1s22s12px12py


Page 28: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Methane and Hybridization – cont’d:

• In the second step we imagine “combining” the single occupied 2s orbital and the three occupied 3p orbitals in the excited to form four equivalent sp3 hybrid orbitals (each containing a single unpaired electron). In step three the “hybridized C atom” reacts with four H atoms to form a CH4 molecule. The process is represented on the next few slides.

Page 29: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals

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Page 30: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

The sp3 hybridization schemeFIGURE 11-6

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Page 31: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Bonding and structure of CH4


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Page 32: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Organic Compounds and Structures: An Overview

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•Representations of the methane molecule

Page 33: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

Organic Chemistry

• The next two slides illustrate what starts to happen when two or more sp3 hybridized carbons are linked. The chemistry of carbon is infinitely varied and organic compounds are part of all of living things, important energy sources, key pharmaceuticals and so on.

Page 34: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

The ethane molecule C2H6


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Page 35: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

The propane molecule, C3H8


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Page 36: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.
Page 37: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.
Page 38: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.
Page 39: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.
Page 40: Lewis Structures –Bond Pairs and Lone Pairs In Lewis structures with five or six pairs of electrons around the central atom we need to distinguish between.

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