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Local governments and the GBCA - 2011

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June 2010: 21 Local Government members of GBCA

November 2010: 31 Local Government members of GBCA

June 2011 target:

40 Local Government members of GBCA

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The business case - not compelling enough yet

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Leadership: they want to show it to their communities

…but they are not sure how far ahead of them to get…

…we need to give them a map

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Saving money is good: Green cities-training-education…

…but not a compelling reason to join…

…adding testimonials would be good

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Local Government Task Group

…needs to have an impact soon - 2011 is a big year…

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Direct involvement in new projects such as Green Star Communities…

…needs to advantage members, not everyone else in the beginning

….can (should) we link project development to membership?

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The development process needs to become seamless…

…from Green Star buildings to communities and new pathways…

Old rivalries (planning / building / sub-division) need to be forgotten

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Simple education and beginner level publications are needed - scaleable education from 15 minutes to 2 days and one page to 100 pages

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Fronting the Councils is important…

…a roadshow explaining all of this is a high priority using conferences and being smart about costs

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Certification costs too much

I am continually told:

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I am continually asked:

How do we know our impact is real?

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Compelling responses are needed based on data and sophisticated business case development

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We can continue to accelerate local government membership of GBCA but…

…we need to work on the business case and deliver on a leadership map, value, the task group, membership involvement in new projects, seamless development, simple education and two major concerns.

Welcome to 2011…

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