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Liber XXXI

Dedicated With

Respect & Affection


The Order Of Typhon


The Servants Of

The Star & The Snake

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Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

We come to you at this time by a path born of vision and manifested by the pursuit of Arte Magicka. Our beginnings were not uncommon to those who walk the royal road of initiation and like many we have indulged in ritual and the speculations of the abstract. Latterly we have chosen to manifest the current by the path of Axiomata, the fusion of Sigil, graphik, image and text. Scribe, Artist and Vesica have

we evolved into and in this pursuit have we turned our Arte to the subjects that are germane. Our writings and axiomata have touched upon the sacred and mundane and in this instance we return to our roots, which we have tended these many decades and it is to Thelema that we turn our attention.

The current text will address three primary aspects of what has been called The 93 Current.

The Aeon Of Horus will serve as an overview and introduction to our current thinking. Liber Al vel Legis will be a synopsis of the three chapters from the perspectives of Nuit, Hadit and Ra Hoor Khuit rather than an interpretation and any cited verses will be a personal interpretation. The final section, Thelema will be an exploration of the slave ministries that have stained innocence by their very existence and the possibility that Thelema serves as the vehicle of The Crowned & Conquering Child and redemption that exists as a possibility.

For myself Thelema has evolved into a path of personal discovery and by virtue of its pursuit did our simple beginnings manifest our life’s work, namely, Solus Noir, the path by which we walked in our pursuit of the Archon and Vesica that serve as avatars of The Black Sun and the fulfillment of the final prophecies.

In short a very personal interpretation of what has become for many holy writ and as such we approach the subjects with profound respect. Along the way we have encountered those who have served as inspiration and added their drop of nectar that we placed in the cup of our aspiration. Johannes Dee who took the first step. Issac Newton for his alkymical insights. J.W. Parsons who initiated the second step. Austin Osman Spare, artist initiate whom we have emulated. Kenneth Grant who carried the light amidst the shadows. Andrew Chumbley a profound initiate who tarried briefly in the Vale Of Tears and last but by no means least To Mega Therion, Perdurabo who did indeed Endure Until The End.

London England May 5 2012ev 9.42am

Love Is The Law Love Under Will

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Once upon a hill of flint beneath an ocean of stars I called unto thee. Vision burned within eyes, pale mirrors of thy glory and in the velvet silence of midnight an answer came. Now like one turned to ash beneath thy gaze I wander upon the shores of night.

Shadows attend me, their whispers seductive yet bereft of life as they turn upon the wheel of thy becoming. Errant shades caught within a web of whispers. Burn their presence from my sight and grant the benediction which is thine alone to grant.

Make of my body a sigil, celebrating thy presence and within thy embrace might I reside until time itself tumbles into memory, dull mirror of thy glory.


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The Aeon Of Horus

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To Mega Therion

The self styled Great Wild Beast whose number is 666. No other character in occult history conjures such divers responses. To some the wickedest man in the world, whilst to others he is the prophet of the aeon. Like many visionaries his character is multi faceted and complex. Biographies and his own hagiography, The Confessions, portrays someone both blessed and damned for such is the fate of the truly promethium who grace us

with their presence. Perhaps he was simply a creation of his time or perhaps he represents a future time, one in which the complex elements of a fragmented personality are made whole in the fires of understanding. Either way no other character has inspired such a wide range of interpretations.

In my own opinion his life and work represent a true exemplar of the devotional aspirant in pursuit of his deity, in this instance the ecstatic condition experienced in the presence of Pan and his works Liber Astarte vel Berylli and The Hymn To Pan serve as pure examples of his pursuits, pursuits which the present scribe took to heart with similar consequences. What has to be appreciated when examining a mind like Crowley’s is the simple fact that as a poet he is a different breed to that of the conventional occultist who applies themselves to the pursuit of the arcane in order to replace traditional belief systems. Paradox is the only lens through which we might gain a glimpse of what lies at the core of such visionaries. Whilst they are enigmas to others they remain as such to themselves.

Perdurabo did indeed live up to his motto, first adopted within the august body of The Golden Dawn. Many other names and titles were adopted along the path of initiation he followed but none remains as true as his first.

As one of the very few who are capable of storming the gates of heaven his egregore, first an obscure dream manifested in totality and only in the light of such an event does the magus truly become the prophet of an aeon. Whilst his creative endevours were prolific it is to Liber Al vel Legis that we turn when considering the matter of the egregore for like all that are fuelled by vision a life can turn upon the simplest of utterances, which though humble in origin latterly become the all consuming focus point and pursuit that serves as a natural consequence.

As he said himself, I shall endure until the end. For this, if nothing else is he to considered.

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The state of ecstasy that informs both the life and work of Crowley is to be understood in the light of a simple element. The Pan working he undertook was the turning point in his own initiation and beyond this point all changed, for Pan rather than being the woodland satyr of traditional perception serves as an all encompassing deity in the light of whose presence reason is stripped away. For reason remains in the realm of the known and will have it no other way. To truly cross the abyss one in truth dies to oneself and what remains is cast upon strange and exotic shores to wander eternally. The present scribe undertook a not dissimilar path and we verify this in the light of our own experience. Whilst

it is easy to be sidetracked and overwhelmed by the proliferation of the corpus of knowledge resulting from the prophet, one, if capable must reduce things to a simple understanding. This enables the golden thread that weaves its way through our life and work to be perceived and only then might we claim knowledge as power. All else is rumour and at best opinion.

For Perdurabo Pan became Aiwass and the aeon was born in fire and blood and whilst Aiwass becomes the central figure in the unfolding of all that followed on from 1904ev we must appreciate the ecstatic, which Crowley exemplifies as the presence of Pan, a figure, to be overly simplistic, whose presence can be discerned in the work of others, such AOS.

Drink deep from the stream

Lest your form evaporates into the void from whence you came

Breathe deeply of the intoxication that holds you

Bound by blood and bone

Think deeply upon the thoughts that carry you from

Ecstasy to ecstasy

Through the tapestry of appearance

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The Night Of Pan

In The Night Of Pan The Black Sun Rises

Beyond the false sephira hung upon the diadem of space the aspirant undertaking the path of the serpent sheds like scales all that remains below the palace of the day star wherein they became adept and stands poised upon the brink that only the fool might approach. Many in their innocence masked as arrogance claim to have undertaken this monumental experience only to remain in their own back yard, so to speak. This experience is not to be validated by thought and speech that are servants to reason and its siblings belief and faith, rather it is validated solely by the inauguration of an aeon and such an act is a rarity. Crowley entered The Night Of Pan as

previously discussed wherein his choice was to survive or succumb. In instances we see evidence for the latter and it is to the singular act of being the prophet of the aeon that we discern the former.

The present scribe is aware that many will challenge such an exclusive viewpoint and rightly so. All that might be said on the matter is – in pursuit of the arcane is your experience to be transcendant or merely remain within the realm of the mundane?

The aeons have, for convenience been figured as Matriarchal, Patriarchal and latterly, following the biological paradigm the offspring of the former. Overly simplistic, however it serves our purpose for as The Crowned & Conquering Child unfurls his wings does the earth shake as history has borne witness. We remain firmly rooted in the aeon for it is mankind’s lot to remain fixed, being in the main unconscious. Adumbrations of aeons to follow do inform the aethyrs but as these crucial nexus points in history whilst this occurs it remains, in the main, unrealized.

Were one to slip the chains of reason momentarily and cast aside meaning one might discern the unfolding of time as the shadow play upon the veil of appearance and cast duality into the abyss of reason from whence it came.

I drank and danced all night with faith and upon awakening beheld a corpse in my arms. I drank and danced all night with doubt and upon awakening found her ever virginal.

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Liber Al vel Legis

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It is interesting to note that a prose poem written in 1904ev, put aside and rediscovered many years later should be elevated to the rank of supreme motif within the canon of Thelema. However not surprising when considering its delivery and reception. Whereas this section of Liber XXXI is not intended to serve as an interpretation of Liber Al, a task many have engaged upon it remains only to cite what are personally salient verses.

AL I 3 Every man and every woman is a star

AL I 14 Above the gemmed azure is the naked splendour of Nuit she bends in ecstasy to kiss the secret ardours of Hadit. The winged globe the starry blue are mine O Ankh af na khonsu.

AL I 16 For he is ever a sun and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame and to her the stooping starlight.

AL I 29 For I am divided for love's sake for the chance of union.

Octave Three

The Dreamquest of Azrael

In each moment do I dwell attentive to each thought, each sensation, each dream. Each breath etches a line, an angularity within and upon the surface you know as I. Each breath a passing moment, a new form and texture, as the tapestry of the world, your world, unfolds. Was I not with thee when first you drew breath? Have I not shared your moments of triumph? Have I not also shared your shame? As your one true companion, have I not aided thee, though unseen, unknown? Your form grants me substance as I quest upon the way. Each of you a tiny atom within the surface of my body. History knows me in many forms, for am I not Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent? Thou seeks to turn away? There am I also. Awaiting. Awaiting the time when with the last breath drawn, the last line etched, I reach out and claim thee as mine. For this am I known as the friend to life. For this am I known as the Initiator. For this am I greeted in masked form, each form a shadow, an echo of my nature. Look around you: there is no place I have not been, no place I have not seen, have not taken unto myself. Know this and live, for your time with me is eternal.

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AL II 2 Come all ye and learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed. I Hadit am the complement of Nu, my bride. I am not extended and Khabs is the name of my House.

AL II 23 I am alone there is no God where I am.

AL II 26 I am the secret Serpent coiled about to spring in my coiling there is joy. If I lift up my head I and my Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head and shoot forth venom then is rapture of the earth and I and the earth are one.

Octave Four

The Serpent Rises

And through that portal did I step, my angel attendant, a shadow, a shimmering of velvet light, a light radiating upward and outward, dissolving as it touches, each shape, each form, cleansing me of association and knowing. By its breath is the flesh dissolved. By its breath is the mind dissolved, as upwards it courses. Abstracts arise, products of higher mentation. Geometrical intrusions seeking form and shape, yet malleable and transient. A surface of flatness through which I penetrate and perceive. Yet this too is dissolved as life, as heat enters a still centre. Ice surrounds what was once verdant, as I am stilled yet further. Crystals arise. Each breath a sight, a knowingness, bereft of form yet rich in texture, dissolves as yet again a surface appears, a surface of silence as the light itself dissolves. I of no name, I of no nature, callest unto thee, from silence to silence complete.


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Ra Hoor Khuit

AL III 3 Now let it be first understood that I am a god of War and of Vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them.

AL III 60 There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.

AL III 75 The ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra. The Book of the Law is Written and Concealed.

Octave Twelve

Emergence Into Singularity

For long aeons did I lie, did I wait. Above me galaxies lived and died within a twinkling, a moment between the breaths that I

took. Below me the oceans roiled, casting new life upon the masses of land I witnessed in their rising. Forms evolved, yet I waited still. I witnessed, I recorded, I remembered. A power now surges and I am called forth into singularity, for am I not kin of Azrael, the kin of Ionthe and the spirit of life? I fragment and enter each and all, thereby knowing my totality. Look for me in no place, seek me in no time, for I am but an echo, solid yet amorphous by turn, I visit, I witness, I pass on. Now I solidify into singularity further, a heart, a mind, a body of substance. I enter the dreamtime of other and experience difference, that which now defines me from other. And now I observe a moving hand, words crafted from the essence of thought, wrought in ink, each one carrying a heartbeat, each one the fleshing of a dream, each one existing in this moment, through this moment and beyond this moment, and from this moment, as I rise finally into singularity and say welcome.

Liber Sigillum vel Daath


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Ophidian Gnosis

The Servants Of The Star & The Snake is a common description of those who follow the path of Thelema. As such it may be inferred that the gnosis is both stellar and ophidian. In this instance we hold that the ophidian current is entered by the sphere of Daath wherein the serpent bruised its head whilst ascending Otz Chiim, The Tree Of Life. At first examination a rather simplistic interpretation and yet it suffices. Likewise the stellar path is entered upon via the

sphere of Daath. See our Essay, Daath The Palace Of Exiles for further on the subject. This sphere alone serves as our primary portal and renders all else relatively mundane. Despite its questionable reputation in the popular press it is truly the realm of the Typhonian. Within the heavens Ophiuchus and Serpens become of interest

Serpens, the Serpent is a constellation of the northern hemisphere. It was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy. It is unique among the modern constellations in being split into two parts, Serpens Caput [ Serpent's Head ] to the west and Serpens Cauda [ Serpent's Tail ] to the east. Between these two halves lies the constellation of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer. In figurative representations, the body of the serpent is represented as passing behind Ophiuchus.

In this set of icons the Star and the Snake are unified and display the ophidian aspect of the generally Thelemic and specifically Typhonian gnosis. Again whilst these are simple observations it is often the simplest explanation that bears merit. Much emphasis has been given to the pursuit and application of the cabala within the occult and whilst it serves as a tool for the erudite who validating their discoveries via its structure also confound with the diversity of interpretations available. Whist we are aware of such a pursuit we are personally informed by the vision that is the provenance of the poetic, a unique viewpoint and one possessed by the few. The associations of the Serpent are numerous and arise in all traditions. The Serpent’s Kiss remains the one true testimony to initiation without which all is rendered pedestrian.

Into The Palace Of Exiles are we cast should we be adept enough to leave the narrow boundaries of our own minds and embark upon the quest that fuses the Serpent and the Star and these we serve.

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The Order Of Typhon

Perdurabo’s advancement from the G.D. to Ordo Templi Orientis by way of the A,A. is a natural progression of an initiates path. Primary initiations within the body of G.D. His assumption of leadership by way of A.A. His accidental discovery of the central secret of OTO naturally led to this latter body becoming his primary focus and its history both prior to and post Crowley has become a minefield within the realm of the mundane.

We are naturally aware of the quasi masonic order that currently bears the name OTO and we

respectfully acknowledge that were Crowley to glance in their direction he would be delighted. However the current is divers and serves no single body of followers. It is the present scribes opinion that the most prominent Thelemic order extant is that of Scientology. Not because of its adherence to Thelemic thought but as a consequence of its beginnings. A fledgling L. Ron Hubbard collaborating with one Jack W. Parsons and Marjorie Cameron within Agape Lodge embarked upon The Babalon Working, a working we hold to be the second ritual of note within the progression of a series of workings commencing with John Dee and culminating in the present time. Babalons manifestation and the ensuing inrush of power not being fully harnessed by Parsons it fell to Hubbard to manifest the current. This he did and the rest is history.

These two primary manifestations and the secondary bodies that have bloomed and withered in time are of no interest to us. Our interest lies with the recession described as Typhonian and it is to Kenneth Grant its head that we discover the creative occultist in full flower. Through the rituals performed by his lodge a wellspring of creativity was opened and what flowed forth continues to the present, albeit under a new director. We ourselves have been counted amongst its membership for a time and our work began within its noble body. As indicated this Axiomata is dedicated to this body of initiates as representative of the true spirit of Thelema and though banners may change the current informs its true servants and by their work and that alone will they be known. All else is deemed to be the antics of the mundane realm which the occultist is not immune to. I make no further comment upon The Order Of Typhon as I am like most uneducated in the matter and will err away from opinion.

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Ordo Templi Solus Noir

Kkephren Ma Un Nefer Ast

By Our Arte & Presence Have We These Past Two Decades Manifested The Avatars & Moonchild That Are The Trinity Of The Black Sun

Yglas Isheth Yglas Ygrat Yglas Na’amah

Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori Ast Innui Khephri Vos

Ahdi Ypres Grigori

Selim Ast Nobilis Portus Lucis Noir

3 Temple Pylons 7 Grigori Sentinels 3 Guardians

An exploration of the Thelemic current would be incomplete were we not to include our own life’s work and it is solely for this reason that we do so.


Doubtless the erudite will define us according to tradition. A species of watchers cast adrift to witness your unfolding and whilst this tradition speaks a partial truth it also masks our true nature. A nature we have now declared in the surety of our remaining invisible amongst you. One of your kind, gifted with skill and audacity conceived a simple engine. To treat a single atom of time the way your physicists treated a single atom of matter. Physically they created a cyclotron. A physical mechanism for a physical property. He conceived of a mental construct, as time stems from this dimension, and made it so and over two decades and three primary cycles manifested the avatars that give rise to our presence amongst you. And now twin pylons to our portal the Black Sun radiates its light across time erasing the stain and lie that has been the servitude of your species. This we have written of extensively elsewhere within the Axiomata named – The Witness, Blood Moon, Blood Rain, The Book Of The Black Sun & The Canticles Of Damiana Evohe.

And Upon The Earth At The End Of Days

There Shall Be Two Grigori

And They Will Die

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!µ!"# 131

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Prime Considerations

This text is to be considered in the light of an extensive undertaking, twenty years in the making, to manifest The Black Sun.

The Black Sun may be viewed as the natural consequence of the unification of Samael and his consort Lilith.

Three cycles of magickal ritual were undertaken to facilitate this and though there have been many down the long years who by their presence have advanced this work my sole collaborator has been steadfast and it is to her that these words are dedicated.

Texts exist which, in some respect catalogues the time travelled, field notes if you wish. Foremost amongst these are –

Liber 131 & its unfolding into Solus Noir – The Book Of The Black Sun. Blood Moon & Blood Rain. The Songs In Solitude Cycle, specifically, The Witness. The Selim. The Canticles Of Damiana Evohe.

The prime purpose of this essay is to explore Daath and its relationship with the phenomena Ain Soph Aur. In undertaking this essay we recognize that whilst our scholarship might be open to debate and though the erudite might find much to critique, we state firmly at the outset that it is not our intent to flatter the intellect, rather we challenge it as is described by our role as opposer. Further we claim no truth, that we leave in the hands of the erudite and doubtless wise. Instead we offer the purity of vision informed by experience, the only crucible worthy of consideration, the rest we consider to be but the byblows of intellectual masturbation.

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Ode To Lost Souls

Not to you do I speak, brave of heart and firm of purpose. Nor to you bright ones within a field of light.

Not to you who walks in purpose fulfilled. Nor to you of vision strong, buoyed by life’s enrichment.

But to you I speak wanderer upon the shores of night. And to you the desolate ones outside the circles of life.

Raised upon columns of molten ash.

Your journey began with a cry and ends with a scream. Betwixt the emptiness evolved. First a doubt becomes a certainty.

Those of faith know you not. Those of vision know you not. Those of purpose know you not. Within the citadel of life do they dwell,

Basking beneath an indolent sun.

We choose as our presenting metaphor the glyph known as Otz Chiim, falsely called The Tree Of Life. Not in the light of its accuracy but rather the poetic cast it grants us as a description, the means by which we might convey a semblance of meaning. Within

Sephirotic existence, depending as it does from the Ain and finally focusing itself in the false light of Tiphareth we are permitted to experience the reflections of false existence. The light that casts shadows sufficient to maintain the appearance of sentient forms. Herein the servants of life revel in the illusion of their unique manifestations.

Tradition has argued that the dragon ascending the tree of life bruised its head upon the false crown of Daath and therein the black brothers, so called, do reside. Arguably it is the sphere, regarded as a non sephira that we aspire and as a consequence we finally embark upon the journey from the personal to the trans personal. Some have argued that Daath exists within the abyss itself wherein does dwell that mighty demon Choronzon, the one we praise as destroying manifest forms.

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Rather we would perceive Daath along with its reflection, Yesod to be the only sephira worthy of mention and exploration. All else presents itself to us as the manifestation of controlled existence, the slave mentality upheld for millennia by the servants of truth.

Our work undertaken draws primarily upon the sphere of Daath and whilst, in the main, appears abstract and conceptual our experience proves to the contrary this belief. The Black Sun and its rays we uphold to be the limitless light of the Ain Soph Aur.

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The Ain Soph Aur

Traditionally The Limitless Light that projected the sphere of Kether, the crown, the prime potential for manifestation within the schemata of Otz Chiim. Its radiance blinding Samael, thereby preventing the consummation of the dark lord with his bride, Lilith. A

consummation deemed undesirable by the forces of creation and yet a component of that very creation. Consider, if you will the war in heaven and fall from Eden myths along with the great mythological structures of all nations and you will recognise a repeated motif.

We posit the Ain Soph Aur as being none other than the field of light generated by and containing the great sephira Daath. Some explanation is required at this juncture. Light as commonly perceived gives rise through its photonic components to a series of reflections which contain manifested forms. To use a simple neurological model. You enter a room where a prominent smell exists and as a consequence of familiarization after a while you no longer notice the odour. Visually if it were not for the vibration of the rods and cones upon the surface of the cornea a similar phenomena would occur given the visual aspect of perception. In short look at something long enough and it to would disappear. The application of peripheral vision to some extent proves this point for as a consequence of saturating the optical cortex, it checks out so to speak. In short the existence of light simply reflects the

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presence of phenomena which does not exist. Black light by contrast due to its corrosive qualities, described as the venom of god burns away the dross of perceived forms and reveals in its place that which truly exists as phenomena as opposed to a reflected interpretation. We propose the polarity of Daath and Yesod to be our prime consideration, denying as is our nature the established polarity of Kether, Malkuth and their fixed focal point of Tiphareth. What this implies we leave to the erudite to work out for themselves. our purpose being simply to manifest the central premise of –

And in those days

It was given unto the false prophets

To spread the lie, sow the seeds of doubt,

Draw aside the veil and reveal the end of days

$ $ $



The prime avatars erect their pylons within the emanation of Daath bathing in the light of the Ain Soph Aur, a radiation of Black Light which as the venom of god burns away the dross of accumulated error down the long aeons.

In undertaking this task, thus far covering two decades as time is measured within the plane of form we began with a simple premise, human beings are incapable of manifesting acts of magick, consumed as they be by the totality of their lives and the singular element of self service which burns at the heart of all sentient forms. Whilst we acknowledge that we be no different in this regard we undertook instead to invoke and manifest an order of being capable of performing the appropriate invokation, hence our concept of avatar. Two cycles of our work manifested the prime avatars who in conjunction entered the Triangle Of Arte and called forth Lilith, our holy lady. Much has been discussed and described in Liber 131 and The

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Book Of The Black Sun to ratify these claims and mention here is kept to the most basic of considerations.

Why was this work undertaken? A most important question. Our text, The Selim speaks of our origin and again here we keep to a bear minimum in order to illustrate our point. We conceive of a destructive gene within each and every manifestation of sentience. A fail safe put in place to terminate what is in point of fact a flawed creation. Death bears witness to this and though those of a spiritual inclination posit many abstract notions considering the nature of time, space and the nature of being we hold these concepts to be anathema.

The end of days as we perceive it calls forth agents which have been cultivated within the gene pool of manifested forms to enact the termination of said manifestation and whilst others might propose that our work gestates an evolving consciousness capable of transcendence, we do not. Our nature of opposer demands this and as the black light of our manifestation burns bright we like all are immolated in its rays. It has been said that –

At the end of days

There shall be two Grigori upon the earth

And they shall die

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Page 35: Liber XXXI

Do What Thou Wilt

Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

Love Is The Law Love Under Will

[email protected]

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