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Licensure Panel Discussion

Dr. Buck Conard

• Vice Chair, Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations, 2010-2011

• Huntington, West Virginia

[email protected]

• 304-360-0989 (cell)

Dr. Brian Kennedy


Traditional board exam

Regional boards/independent state exams

High stakes/snapshot




True Curriculum Integrated Format


Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE)OSCE is one part of the two-part

Canadian National Board Dental Examination. There is a written exam and the OSCE.

Minnesota offers the exam to their students after they demonstrate specific clinical competencies.

Simulators/virtual reality


Manual dexterity

Independent evaluation

Protection of the public


Are states boards comfortable, confident or satisfied with each school’s diligence in preparing the student for unsupervised practice?



64H-2000. Resolved, that the Association supports the elimination of the use of human subjects in the clinical licensure examination process by 2005, and be it further

Resolved, that the Association transmit this policy to all clinical testing agencies.


20H-2005. Resolved, that the Association supports the elimination of human subjects/patients in the clinical licensure process with the exception of the curriculum integrated format within dental schools, and be it further,Resolved, that the Association encourages all states to adopt methodologies for licensure that are consistent with this policy.


ADA Board of Trustees considered report and a proposed resolution from the 26S-1 Workgroup at July meeting

Forwarded Resolution 42 to the House of Delegates for consideration in Orlando

RESOLUTION 42-201042. Resolved, that a Request for Proposals

(RFP) process be initiated calling for the development of a model portfolio-style examination for licensure purposes designed to assess dental graduates’ clinical competence, including a complementary written/interactive examination to assess issues not deemed adequately addressed in the portfolio model such as ethics and professionalism, and be it further

RESOLUTION 42-2010 cont Resolved, that a new workgroup composed of

two representatives from the Board of Trustees, three from the Council on Dental Education and Licensure (one appointee each from the ADA, ADEA and AADB), one from the Committee on the New Dentist, and one from the American Student Dental Association be appointed to oversee the development and announcement of the RFP process in 2011 and consideration of the received proposals in 2012, and be it further

RESOLUTION 42-2010 contResolved, that the workgroup meet with representatives from the CODA to share with them their concerns regarding the accreditation of dental education programs and make recommendations that will restore confidence and trust in the processes used to evaluate these programs, and be it further

Resolved, that appropriate progress reports be made available to both the 2011 and 2012 House of Delegates.

ASDA Licensure Report

Naomi Sever

ASDA Vice President


What is a policy?

Merriam Webster definition:

A definite course or method of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future decision

A high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable procedures especially of a governmental body


How does ASDA set policy?

Board of TrusteesAdopt Interim Policies

House of Delegates from 1972 to 2010


What kind of policies does ASDA have?A-J, L-N policies organized by subject-matterLargest subject areas

A policies on Dental Education AdministrationE policies on Dental School Administration and

Student GovernmentI policies on Health Status and Health

Promotion/Infection Control72 total policies

Example Policy

N-1 Use of Recyclable Materials (1991)The American Student Dental Association supports

the use of environmentally safe and recyclable materials.

Why is it important that ASDA have policies?

The beliefs of our associationRepresentatives know how the members

stand on certain issuesIt does NOT have to agree with status quo

ASDA Licensure Policies

L-1Initial Licensure Pathways

L-2Foreign Dental Students

L-3Curriculum Integrated Format (CIF)

L-4 National Board of Dental Examiners


Part I pass/fail

L-4 Policy“….single exam that is secure and valid for

quantitative scoring.”


NBDE Part II Failure Rate

Joint Commission of National Dental Examiners

ASDA has 2 representatives that serve 2 year terms

Meet once per year in AprilJCNDE is NOT the ADA

Part III aka

Clinical Licensureaka

Board Exams

Clinical Licensure

What are the primary concerns about current formats?Ethics

Delayed TreatmentOver-exposure to x-raysClinical inability vs. Bad diagnosis and decision


High-stakes one shot examNot necessarily related to clinical performance

Clinical Licensure

Board Exams

L-1 Policy

ASDA supports “…universal acceptance of all and state clinical licensing exams.”


Alternative Licensure Pathways

Dental School

Graduates of dental school accredited by Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) program should be eligible without any further clinical examination

Alternative Licensure Formats

Portfolio Exam

Curriculum Integrated Format (CIF)Supported by both ADA and ASDA policy

Projected to be adopted by California this coming January

More details to come at Annual Session

Alternative Licensure Formats

OSCE (objective structured clinical exam)

Assess treatment planning and diagnostic skillsBased on the Canadian BoardsCurrently accepted only in Minnesota Must be a graduate of the University of Minnesota

School of DentistryMore details to come at Annual Session

Alternative Licensure Formats

Non-mandatory one year post graduate residency program

PGY1 (Post-graduate Year 1) mandatory for licensure in New York state since 2007

Alternative Licensure Formats

Non-traditional patient based clinical exam

Ethical, patient based examNot currently in existence

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