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Life is What You Make it. 2013

Author: Caitlyn Rymel

Rymel Publishing Huntsville Middle School

May 10, 2013

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Acknowledgements I am grateful for everyone who made this book possible; first I would like to thank my teachers for giving me this project, also I would like to thank them for giving me an opportunity to write

a book for this assignment.

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Table of Contents Acknowledgements Page # 2

Part 1 Page #

Biographical Sketch 1

Here 2 Having Fun Being Young 3 Growing Up 4 Not Wanting to Leave 5

Fears of Moving up 6

Part 2 Page #

Biographical Sketch 7 Symbols 8 Life Without Rules 9 The Survival 10 Be Yourself 11 Don’t Judge 12

Part 3 Page #

Biographical Sketch 13 D-Now 14 One Smart Baby 15 Greatly Thankful 16 Mother Nature’s Worst 17

Kidnapped 18

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Part One

Part one is mostly about growing up. It’s about the things in our world that we haven’t quite

seen or figured out yet. Also, it is about having fun now while you’re young and still can and once you finally get use to something and some people then that thing changes or the people

change. For instance, like school and grades you’re in and moving to a different part of your school. When those things start to change you know you’re moving to another stage in your


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We are here

Here in a world of mysteries

Mysteries unknown Unknown to all of us

Us in this world

World that is unpredictable Unpredictable to amazing things

Things one day we’ll discover

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Having Fun Being Young

One day there were two girls who went to the mall and afterward were going to go to the movies. They had a hard time deciding which movie to watch to they just went ahead and

decided to pick a movie later. So they shopped for a little while and got tired and went to the food court to sit down for a few minutes. They were on Facebook and one of them started singing “ sorry for party rocking,” and the other one copied her only with different words;

“sorry for pooping on your lawn.” Both of them got quiet for a second and stared at each other and started laughing. The one that said the regular version said, while still laughing, “what the crap?” And then the one that mixed up the song said “sorry I was thinking of a dog!” This was the time that me and my best friend Cheyenne Campbell had one of our best laughs together.

P.S. She was the one who sang the real version of the song and I made up the remix of it.

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Growing Up

Growing up, the theme is being scared about growing up and being on your own to make your

own mistakes. You’ll find out things on your own instead of hearing somebody else experiencing that. You won’t really have anybody that you can hear like if you’re not even

trying to listen. You can’t always make your mom or dad or relatives do everything for you as you get older. They can’t grow up for you; you have to do it on your own. It’s your turn to do your job in life. Also, as you grow older, you’re expected to do more things on your own and

take responsibility for everything that you do. That means when you do something and you’re in trouble for it but they don’t know who it is , you need to fess up and tell them the truth and

that you did it instead of letting everyone else take blame for it. No matter the situation, always tell the truth. And if you don’t start doing things on your own you can’t learn from your own

mistakes you’ll be learning from others mistakes. So growing up might be scary, but it’s something that everyone has to do at one point.

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Fears of Moving Up

I don’t want to go to the high school… I know I’m just afraid of the classes and teachers. Also

the homework is going to be a lot harder too and I’m probably going to fail. Plus I’m going to miss the teachers here next year, well at least most of them anyway. But most of all I’m going

to miss being on the top, the big dogs of the school because when we go to high school, we’re back to the bottom, and won’t get back up until like four years. But mainly, I’m afraid of what

my grades are going to be next year because next year I won’t get another chance to get my grades up and I won’t even be able to turn work in late unless I was absent. So if I have bad

grades I will have to run in basketball, when I run in basketball I’ll get behind on the other stuff I’m supposed to be learning when I’m running. If I get behind on that stuff then I’ll lose my spot

as a starter. Also I haven’t been working as hard as I can work for my spot, but, I’m going to during off-season and next year. I really don’t want the seventh graders to take my spot next

year if they play up. But hopefully all of us eighth graders work really hard, I mean as hard as we

possibly can, so they can see that we are a good enough to win games and work as a team without them. Plus everyone on our team is really good now… But I guess we will sometimes

need some help, maybe. So my goal is to work hard all off-season and next year so when it’s time to play I will still have my spot and that the seventh graders will only have to help us in a

few games. But coach said that it’s not about us it’s about the Eagles and who were representing. And when we put a jersey on were not a name we’re a number.

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Not Wanting to Leave

I love middle school now… And right when I actually start to like it and we have to leave it! What’s up with that? I am so not ready to go to the high school. There’s more people and older meaner people. Right not in middle school were on the top! I don’t want to leave. At the end of

the year I actually start getting use to everything and everybody. I’ve even actually gotten to like the seventh graders and made friends with them and now I’m not going to be able to see

them because we are going to move to the high school next year. It really sucks a lot! I just really don’t want to leave middle school, especially not to go to the high school.

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Part Two

This part is like how life is and how life would be in other ways like having no rules. It is also about how some people are not very nice and just makes fun of people just because of how

they are dressed or how they smell or look, yet they have no idea. They have no clue to how their life is. They might not have a choice on what they can wear or how they smell or look.

They judge people without knowing what’s on the inside, how they truly are. They just judge by what they see on the outside. Also it is about being yourself and don’t listen to anyone’s

judgments’. If you like you and how you are and how you look then you can just care less what others think of you, that’s what I do, and what you think is the only thing that matters.

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If I was a symbol I would want to be a good symbol. I would want to be a symbol that meant peace, hard work, and working together. I would want to be a symbol that everyone wants,

something people value, what they want like everyone wants expensive things, iPod’s iPhones, and other things. I want to represent good things in life. Like if somebody had like the conch

shell in Lord of the Flies but it represented the things I wanted it to they would be powerful. Not like a superhero powerful but like and everyone go with them they know what to do kind of powerful. So the people who had my symbol they would be able to make people work hard,

work together, and have peace with each other. They could make a good team out of anybody and give them strength and confidence in themselves.

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Life Without Rules

What is the purpose of rules? What would life be without those rules? Well you’re expected to follow a lot of rules. The purposes of those rules are to keep people safe and to do the right

things. I think life would be different without any rules. I would be able to go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted, and sometimes I wish life had no rules. But if you don’t have rules then

nothing is stopping you from doing bad things or making bad decisions. Also there would be a bunch of crazy people in the world if we didn’t have any rules, there would be drunk drivers all

over the roads and then there would be a lot more deaths from drunk drivers then there already are. Some of the rules we are expected to obey are; safety rules, bullying, and talking


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The Survival

We were on our family said to just go have fun when it started getting dark. When we tried to start the engine on the boat but it wouldn’t start! All it did was make a “click click click.” Me

and my cousin Bailie, looked at each other in worry. We tried all we could to get it to start but it just wouldn’t. And now the water was picking up on the waves and we had no way to control

the boat. We were exhausted from trying and just wanted to go home and sleep. We decided to wait until the morning to see if we could find out what was wrong with it, at least then we’d

have some light. Once we awoke the next morning the boat no longer shook with the waves. We were not on the water anymore, we had hit an island and nobody else was there but us.

About six months went by and still nobody arrived to find us and save us. The next week we heard a strange sound and looked up and seen a helicopter. We were getting saved! They lifted

us up and flew us back to our safe homes, and we all made a deal that we would never go sailing ever again.

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Be Yourself

People put masks on like they act different when their around the people they hang out or

friends and family then they do with people they don’t know or don’t have anyone to hang out with. They say that they act the same when they’re with people they don’t know. But usually

people are more themselves when they are around people they don’t know because they don’t care if they don’t like them or see them the real way they are. But when their with their friends

they don’t act themselves because they want them to like them so they don’t act like they really are.

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Don’t Judge

Groups choose to accept some into their group and also reject some into their group because of their popularity and what they look like. And sometimes they don’t let you in just because of

someone you’re going out with or who you hang out with. Which people shouldn’t do that to others; they shouldn’t judge them by what they wear, how they smell, look, or even act they

should be fair to everyone because everyone is them in their own way. But sometimes that just happens, people judge without knowing, like some people say nerds can’t hang out with cool

people because “nerds aren’t cool.” But really none of it is true. Just because their smart doesn’t mean they’re not cool. So don’t judge people unless you know all about them. Actually

just don’t judge people unless you’re 100% perfect yourself, which nobody is perfect. So you have no room to judge anybody.

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Part Three

Part three nothing has to do with like being common so their all different. Because at first, it starts out as an awesome church camp then goes on to a baby that can open doors with credit

cards. Next, it tells about being thankful and that no matter what the situation, there will always be something to be thankful for. After that there is a little story called “Mother Nature’s

worst!” It’s about a storm that has practically every kind of weather you could think of in it. Then in the last part of this is kind of like a mystery story, kind of fun but scary mystery story.

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One time I went to a church thing kind of like a church camp I guess and in one of the games you had to run and get stuff for your game and but you had to go in a section where the stuff you needed was in there but you had to try to get out without getting shot by a paintball. And some people came back with a lot of paint on them from the paintballs and some people came back with no paint on them because they got in and out with our stuff without getting shot. But

this was really fun.

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One Smart Baby

One time me, my sister, and my mom went over to my aunt’s house, My little cousin, Isaiah, who is only one and almost two, was trying to get into his moms room. The door was locked from the inside so he couldn’t open it. My sister tells him to hurry and open the door. So he

goes to the table in the kitchen and grabs a credit card and puts it between the door hinge and the doorway where the knob is and slides it down and opens the door. Once that door opened

he was really happy and started clapping for himself. Who knew babies could be so smart?

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Greatly Thankful

What I’m most thankful about is all of my family actually getting together and not arguing at thanksgiving. Most people think you’re supposed to be thankful for the food you get. But really

it’s to be thankful for the things like friends and family in your life, even the people you might not get along with too well. Especially thanks to God for putting the people in our life in there.

Without him we couldn’t be anything or anyone.

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Mother Nature’s Worst

As the wind picked up, the trees shook furiously, even some gliding slowly closer and closer to the ground until they hit that cold, soaking wet surface. Mother Nature destroying the houses

with her power of lightning and thunder making trees fall to their death. The lights in all the houses flicker on and off like in a horror movie. Some people are rather scared of Mother

Nature’s powers thinking they might bring them to doom and loss of shelter. People scream terrified, coming out of their homes, people see nothing but all the forest knocked down al l

around them. All the trees are gone and dead.

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I didn’t know exactly where the train was going. After paying my fare, I simply stood on the

platform waiting for it to whisk me away to somewhere, anywhere, but here and that’s when it happened. She had found me and knew I wanted to leave. She knew I would get on that train.

She knew she could catch me there, simply because I had no place to run or hide. Suddenly, I began to wish I had just stayed there, at home, where it was safe. And on the train nobody to

know that she was someone who would hurt me. Someone who could kill me. Someone who I was afraid of. She got me. She drug me off the train. Back to her cellar where I had finally

escape after a year there. It is nearly impossible to escape there this time. That somewhere is where I am now, still.

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