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Life Span

Early & Middle adulthoodChapter 11 & 12

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Early Adulthood

• Age– 20 – 40 (early)

• Stable

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Physical Characteristics

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Height & Weight

• Physical growth – Complete

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Bone and Muscle development

• Peak bone mass– Age 35

• Injuries respond best to– Rest– Immobilization

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• 3rd molars• Gingivitis– Gum disease

• Dental visits– Q 6 months

• Oral care

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Cardiac System

• Cardiac output– Peak 20 – 30– Then declines

• Risk factors– Alcohol– Tobacco– h cholesterol diet

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Respiratory System

• Peak function– 20 - 25

• Vital Capacity– i

• Elasticity– i

• Risk factors– Smoking

• Health promotion– Exercise

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GI system

• Appetite– Unchanged

• Gastric secretions– (after 30)

• Basal Metabolic Rate– i

• Bowel management

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Integumentary System

• Acne– i

• Cancer– h

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Nervous System

• # neurons– i

• Brain size – i

• Reaction time (20 – 30)– h

• Visual acuity (25)– i– Presbyopia

• Hearing– Best at 20– Compensate

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What hearing loss typically is affected first as a person ages?

A. Low frequency tonesB. High frequency tones

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Reproductive system

• Peak capacity! • Infertility

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Assisting conception

• Ovulation ?• q other day• Deep penetration• No lubricants• Stay on back

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Developmental milestones

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Motor development

• Peak • Decline 30 – 60• Greatest strength– Back– Arms– Legs

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Sexual development

• Romantic Love

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Masters & JohnsonCycle of sexual response

1. Excitement2. Plateau3. Orgasm4. Resolution

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The psychosocial model identifies the task for young adults as what?

A. GenerativityB. Ego integrityC. IntimacyD. IdentityE. Industry

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What is the risk if a young adult does not fulfill the psychosocial task of this

stage of life?A. Role confusionB. IsolationC. InferiorityD. DespairE. Stagnation

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Psychosocial development

• Intimacy– Sexual – Emotional

• Introspection• Trust

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Choosing & Establishing a career

• Balance– ♂– ♀

• Sexual harassment

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Est. home & Family

• Family• Marriage

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Expanding social circles

• Similar life stage• Reciprocity• Compatibility• Respectability• Proximity

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Developing maturity

• Control & Restraint

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Cognitive development

• Objective• Wider perspective• Adult learners

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Moral development

• Less absolutes• Respect others• Religion

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• ♂– 2,700–3,000 cal/day

• ♀– 1,600-2,100 cal/day

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Sleep & Rest

• 7-9 hours• Insomnia

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Sleep Aids

• large meal at HS• Exercise afternoon• Routine• Relax• Bed for sex & sleep

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Exercise & Leisure

• 3-5 time / week• 30 minutes

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• Self & Family• Smoke detectors• CO detectors

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Health promotion

Men• Testicular exam

Women• Breast exam• Pap smear

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Exposure to carcinogens

• Tobacco• Alcohol• Chemicals• Viruses• Sun

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• Eye• Hearing• Work

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• 20-30% excess body weight

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• management

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Family Planning

• Birth control

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Middle Adulthood

• 40 - 60

Growth & development NOT

Decline & regression

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Height & weight

• Height– i– 1-4 inches

• Redistribution

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Muscle & bone development

• Osteoporosis

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• dermis– i elasticity

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Developmental milestones

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Sexual development

• Menopause– 45 – 55 year– Ave 51

• S&S– Irregular– Hot flashes– Palpitations– i strength– Facial hair– i vaginal secretions– Sleep disturbances /


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According to Erikson, what is the developmental task for middle adults?A. Ego integrityB. GenerativityC. IntimacyD. IdentityE. Industry

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Failure to achieve Generativity results in what?

A. StagnationB. DespairC. IsolationD. Role confusionE. poverty

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Est. & adjusting to new family roles

• Empty-nesters• Grandparents• Parent-child• Child-parent

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Est. economic security

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Maintaining Positive self image

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Evaluating & redesigning career

• Retraining

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Cognitive development

• Re-entry student

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Moral development

• Spirituality

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• Metabolism

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Sleep & rest

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Exercise & Leisure

• Remain active

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• Accident prevention• OSHA

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