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Life’s Most Common Fears

•Fear of Loss•Fear of Failure •Fear of Rejection•Fear of the Unknown

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love

and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

Fear Is Placing Faith In The “______________”.Wrong Things

Moses answered, "What if they do not

believe me or listen to me and say, 'The Lord

did not appear to you'?"

Exodus 4:1

Why Do Your “What Ifs” Matter?

What You Fear Reveals What You Value The


What You Fear Reveals Where You Trust God

The ______.Least

I’m Not Trusting God With:

Facing The “What Ifs” Of Fear

Acknowledge Your Fear And Choose To _____


My slanderers pursue me all day long;

many are attacking me in their pride.

3When I am afraid, _________________. I will trust in you

4In God, whose word I praise, _____________; ___________________.

What can mortal man do to me?

Psalm 56:2-4

in God I trustI will not be afraid

Seek ____ Until He Takes Away Your



I _________________, and he answered me; he


Psalm 34:4

sought the Lord

delivered me from allmy fears

"I have never known more than fifteen

minutes of anxiety or fear. Whenever I feel

fearful emotions overtaking me

I just close my eyes and thank God that

he is still on the throne reigning over


and I take comfort in His control over all

the affairs of my life.”John Wesley

You will keep in _______________ him

whose _____ is __________, because he

_____________. Isaiah 26:3

perfect peacemind

steadfasttrusts in you

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