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Page 1: link.springer.com978-1-349-11303-3/1.pdf · The Late Baroque Era MUSIC AND MUSICIANS 1671 Scipione a.ffricano (1664) by Francesco Cavalli (1602-76) inaugurates the Teatro Tordinona,


Page 2: link.springer.com978-1-349-11303-3/1.pdf · The Late Baroque Era MUSIC AND MUSICIANS 1671 Scipione a.ffricano (1664) by Francesco Cavalli (1602-76) inaugurates the Teatro Tordinona,

The Late Baroque Era


1671 Scipione a.ffricano (1664) by Francesco Cavalli (1602-76) inaugurates the Teatro Tordinona, Rome. Tragidie-ballet, Psychi, by Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-87) and Moliere (1622-73) (with Philippe Quinault and Pierre Corneille), given in Paris. Pomone, by Robert Cambert (c1627-1677), given in Paris.

1672 Heinrich Schutz (87) dies, Dresden. Jacques Champion de Chambonnieres (c70) dies, Paris. Lully acquires ownership of the Academie Royale de Musique. John Banister (c1625-1679) presents first known concerts where admission is charged, in London. Los celos hacen estrellas (earliest surviving zarzuela with music), by Juan Hidalgo (c1614-1685), given in Madrid.

1673 Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704) and Moliere collaborate on Le malade imaginaire, Lully and Quinault on the first tragidie en musique, Cadmus et Hermione, both given in Paris.

1674 Giacomo Carissimi (68) dies, Rome. Pelham Humfrey (c27) dies, Windsor. Lully's Alceste performed in Paris. A new Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, opens in London.

1675 Matthew Locke (c1621-1677) and G. B. Draghi (c1640-1708) compose music for Shadwell's English version of Lully's Psychi (1671).

1676 Cavalli (73) dies, Venice. Lully's Arys given, Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Thomas Mace (c1612-cl706) publishes Musick's Monument in London.

1677 Cambert (c50) dies, London. Locke (c55) dies, London. Pope Innocent XI bans theatre and opera in Rome. Lully's Isis stirs controversy at premiere at Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

1678 Giovanni Maria Bononcini (c36) dies, Modena. Teatro S Giovanni Grisostomo opens in Venice. Opera house in the Gansemarkt, Hamburg, opens. Thomas Britton institutes weekly musical meetings, open to the public, in London. Carolus Hacquart (c1640-?1701) and Dirck Buysero collaborate on De triomfeerende min (earliest Dutch opera) in Amsterdam.



1671 Emperor Leopold I promises neutrality if France attacks Holland as long as Louis XIV does not invade Spain or the Empire.

1672 William of Orange (later William III of England) elected Stadholder of Holland. Third Anglo-Dutch War, (-1674): English defeated at Texel in 1673 and withdraw with gains in 1674.

1673 Emperor Leopold I declares war on France after allying with the Dutch.

1674 John Sobieski elected King of Poland after defeating the Turks at Korzim in 1673. Triple Alliance of Austria, Holland and Spain, later joined by the papacy and Brandenburg, against the French.

1675 Turenne's death and Conde's retirement bring an end to French military victories and expansion.

1676 Denmark declares war on Sweden but defeated by Charles XI at Lunden.

1677 William of Orange marries Princess Mary, elder daughter of James, Duke of York, brother and heir of Charles II of England, a declared Roman Catholic.

1678 Peace of Nijmegen ends the Franco­Dutch war (begun 1672). France returns all Dutch conquests and repeals Colbert's anti-Dutch tariff ofl667. France makes peace with Spain. Popish Plot (-1679), an alleged conspiracy, leads to the passing of the Test Act in England, the exile of James, Duke of York, and the Exclusion Crisis (an attempt to exclude James's succession).

Page 3: link.springer.com978-1-349-11303-3/1.pdf · The Late Baroque Era MUSIC AND MUSICIANS 1671 Scipione a.ffricano (1664) by Francesco Cavalli (1602-76) inaugurates the Teatro Tordinona,

Chronology, 1671-1750



1671 William Wycherly 1671 Gottfried Wilhelm 1671 Pierre Puget (1620-(1641-75) writes Love in a von Leibniz (1646-1716) 94) begins the Milo of Wood and The Gentleman begins work on his Crotona (-1682) for Dancing Master. calculating machine. Versailles.

1672 The Synod of 1672 Otto von Guericke 1672 Willem van der Jerusalem, the most (1602-86) describes his Velde (1611-93) and his important modern invention of the vacuum son ( 1653-1707) settle in Council of the Eastern pump. Isaac Newton England and paint Church, repudiates (1642-1726) establishes maritime scenes. movement towards the existence of distinct accommodating coloured rays in white Calvinism. light. Jacques Marquette

and Louis Joliet explore north of the River Missouri, near modern Chicago (-1673). 1673 Edward Pierce

(c1635-95) executes a 1674 Nicolas Malebranche 1673 Christiaan Huygens marble bust of Sir

(1638-1715) publishes La ( 1629-95) solves the Christopher Wren. recherche de Ia viriti, which problem of the compound 1674 Baciccio (Giovanni tends towards pantheism. pendulum and states the

laws of centrifugal force. Battista Gaulli, 1639-

1675 Philipp Spener Leibniz works towards 1708) paints the illusionist Adoration of the

(1635-1705) publishes the discovery of Name of Jesus on the Pia desideria, aimed at differential and integral ceiling of II Gesu, Rome

fostering a revival in calculus (-1675). (-1679), and the nave

German Protestantism vault, a masterpiece of (later known as the 1674John Mayow (1641-

Baroque illusionist Pietist movement). 79) describes respiration,

decoration. and recognizes the 1676 Sir George Etherege existence of oxygen. 1675 Pedro Roldan (1624-

(c1634-1691) writes his 1675 Royal Observatory, 1700) completes the

comedy The Man of Mode. Greenwich, founded, with reredos for La Caridad,

1677 Jean Racine (1639- John Flamsteed (1646- Seville. Franc;ois

1719) as Astronomer Girardon (1628-1715) 99) writes his last

Royal. begins the monument to tragedy, P!Udre, before Richelieu in the church of abandoning the theatre to

1676 Ole Remer (1644- the Sorbonne, Paris. become historiographer

171 0) demonstrates the Christopher Wren (1632-to Louis XIV.

first proof of the finite 1723) builds St Paul's

1678 Ralph Cudworth velocity of light. Cathedral (-1709).

(1617-88), a 'Cambridge 1677 Liberal Bruant Platonist', publishes The (d635-1697) completes True Intellectual System of the Hotel des Invalides, the Universe, arguing that Paris. the only real source of knowledge is Christianity. 1678 Rene de La Salle John Bunyan (1628-88) (1643-87) explores the publishes the first part of Great Lakes of Canada The Pilgrim's Pro ress. (-1679).


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The Late Baroque Era


1679 Johann Heinrich Schmelzer (c1620-1680) becomes first Austrian-born Habsburg Kapellmeister of this century. Henry Purcell (1659-95) succeeds John Blow (1649-1708) as organist at Westminster Abbey, London. First opera by Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725), Gli equivoci nel sembiante, given in Rome.

1680 Schmelzer (c60) dies, Prague. York Buildings (housing a public concert room) erected in London.

1681 Lully appointed sicretaire du roi. Christoph Bernhard (1628-92) appointed Dresden Hofkapellmeister. Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) publishes op.l in Rome. Opera du Quai du Foin (later Theatre de Ia Monnaie) opens, Brussels.

1682 Murder of Alessandro Stradella (37), nr Genoa. Draghi appointed Viennese Hofkapellmeister. 53-part Missa salisburgensis performed in Salzburg.

1683 Lully composes his De pro.fundis in Paris. Purcell's [12} Sonnata's of III Parts published, London.

1684 Nicolo Amati (87) dies, Cremona. Alessandro Scarlatti appointed viceregal maestro di cappella and music director of the Teatro S Bartolomeo, Naples. Johann Kuhnau (1660-1722) appointed organist at the Thomaskirche, Leipzig. Heinrich Biber (1664-1704) appointed Kapellmeister at Salzburg.

1685 Juan Hidalgo (c70) dies, Madrid. Carelli's op.2 published, Rome. Lully's &land given, Versailles. John Playford (1623--86) publishes The Division Violin, London.

1686 Playford (63) dies, London. Giovanni Legrenzi (1626-90) appointed maestro di cappella at St Mark's, Venice. Lully's Armide given and Marin Marais (1656-1728) publishes his first volume of Pieces de violes, Paris.

1687 Lully (54) dies, Paris. Constantijn Huygens (90) dies, The Hague. Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre (c1666-1729) publishes first collection of Pieces de clavecin and Jean Rousseau (1644-?cl700) his Traiti de la viole, in Paris.



1679 Sweden signs peace treaties with Brandenburg and Denmark, regaining most of her lost territories. King Charles II of Spain marries Marie-Louise of Orleans.

1680 Death of Ferdinand I, Elector of Bavaria; succeeded by his son Maximilian II Emanuel.

1683 By the League of the Hague, the Emperor Leopold I and King Charles II of Spain join the existing Dutch-Swedish alliance against France. Siege of Vienna (by the Turks) relieved; Turkish armies defeated at Kahlenberg by John III Sobieski of Poland and Charles of Lorraine.

1684 Treaty of Regensburg ends five years of French legalistic and diplomatic aggression.

1685 Death of Charles II of England; succeeded by his brother, the Roman Catholic James II. The Duke of Monmouth, Charles's illegitimate son, leads an unsuccessful rebellion. Revocation of the Edict of Nantes causes widespread emigration of French Huguenots. The Protestant Great Elector of Brandenburg withdraws from his alliance with France.

1686 The League of Augsburg formed between the Habsburg emperor, Spain, Sweden, Saxony, the Palatinate and Brandenburg against Louis XIV.

1687 Battle of Mohacs. Turks defeated by Charles of Lorraine. Diet of Pressburg ratifies the Hungarian crown as hereditary in the male Habsburg line.

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Chronology, 1671-1750



1679 Olaus Rudbeckius 1679 Edmond Halley 1679 Antoine Coysevoix ( 1630-1702) claims (1656--1742) publishes his ( 1640-1720) works on a Sweden as the lost catalogue of the stars of relief of Louis XIV for Atlantis in At/and eller the southern hemisphere the Salon de Guerre at Manhem. as observed in St Helena. Versailles. Charles

1680 The Comedie Denis Papin (1647-1712) Lebrun (1619-90) paints

Fram;aise founded in demonstrates that the scenes from the life of

Paris. Cesar-Pierre boiling-point of water Louis XIV for the

Richelet (1641-98) depends on pressure. Galerie des Glaces,

publishes his Dictionnaire Versailles ( -1684).

franfois, compiled on 1680 Jean Picard ( 1620-philosophical principles. 82) states that the pole- 1680 Jules Hardouin-

star varies its position. Mansart (1646-1708)

1681 Jean Mabillon works on Les Invalides,

( 1632-1707) writes De re 1681 Publication of work Paris (-1691).

diplomatica, putting by Giovanni Borelli palaeography on a (1608-79), explaining 1681 Rombout Verhulst

scientific footing. John muscular movements (1624-98) completes the

Dryden (1631-1700) according to laws of monument to Admiral de

publishes Absalom and statics and dynamics. Ruyter in the Nieuwe

Achitophel (-1682), an Kerk, Amsterdam.

allegory about the 1682 Nehemiah Grew Exclusion Crisis. (1641-1712) publishes 1682 Artus II Quellin

Anatomy of Plants, noting (1625-1700) works on the

1682 Thomas Otway that stamens are male rood screen of Bruges

(1652-85) writes the organs. Cathedral; his son Artus

tragedy Venice Preserv'd in III (1653-86) completes

blank verse. The first monument to Thomas

German learned Thynne in Westminster

periodical, Acta eruditorum Abbey, London. Carlo

(-1782), founded. Fontana (1634-1714) designs S Marcello a!

1684 Giovanni Marana 1684 Newton's Principia Corso, Rome. (1642-93) publishes demonstrates the law of L 'espion dans les cours des gravity. 1683 Wren builds St princes chritiens, the model James's, Piccadilly, for Montesquieu's Lettres London. persanes. Pierre Bayle (1647-1706) founds the Nouvelles de Ia Ripublique 1685 Claudio Coello des lettres. (1642-93), of the Madrid

1686 Bernard le Bovier, school, paints Charles II Sieur de Fontenelle Adoring the Host (-1690), (1657-1757), writes 1686John Ray (1628- an outstanding example

Entretiens sur Ia pluraliti des 1705) produces Historia of Baroque illusionism.

mondes, which popularized plantarum (-1704), listing scientific enquiry. all known plants in


1687 Sir Hans Sloane 1687 Christian Thomasius (1660-1753) visits

(1655-1728), appointed Jamaica (-1688) and at Leipzig, was the first collects c800 new species 1687 Sir Godfrey Kneller German academic to of plants, which he later (1646--1723) paints The lecture in the vernacular. catalogues. Chinese Convert.


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The Late Baroque Era


1688 Carlo Pallavicino (c48) dies, Dresden. Charpentier composes David et jonathas for the Jesuit College de Clermont, Paris.

1689 Michel-Richard de Lalande (1657-1726) appointed surintendant de la musique de la chambre at Versailles. Carelli's op.3 published, Rome. Giovanni Battista Vitali (1632-92) publishes his contrapuntal tour de force, Artifici musicali, in Modena. Jean-Henri D'Anglebert ( 1635-91) publishes Pieces de clavecin (incorporating a treatise on accompaniment and table of ornaments). Kuhnau's Neuer Clavier-Ubung, i, published, Leipzig. Purcell's Dido and Aeneas given, London.

1690 Domenico Gabrielli (c40) dies, Bologna. Legrenzi (63) dies, Venice. Fran.;ois Couperin ( 1668-1733) offers Pieces d'orgue to the Paris public. Wolfgang Caspar Printz (1641-1717) publishes first history of music in German, in Dresden.

1691 Gartentheater in Herrenhausen opens in Hanover. Purcell's semi-opera King Arthur given, London.

1692 Teatro Capranica opens in Rome. Marais' Pieces en trio published in Paris (the first engraved French trio suites). Purcell's The Fairy Queen given, London.

1693 Johann Kaspar Kerll (65) dies, Munich. Couperin appointed organiste du roi at Versailles. Opera house in Leipzig opens. Charpentier's Midie given, Paris. John Lenton (d ?1718) writes The Gentleman's Diversion (earliest violin tutor) in London. Public concerts inaugurated in Edinburgh.

1694 Andre Campra (1660-1744) appointed maitre de musique at Notre Dame, Paris. Carelli's op.4 published in Rome. Alessandro Scarlatti's Il Pirro e Demetrio given, Naples. La Guerre's Ciphale et Procris (only tragidie en musique by a woman) and the regent's Philomele given, Paris.



1688 Death of Frederick William, the Great Elector; his son Frederick III succeeds as Elector of Brandenburg. Louis XIV begins the War of the League of Augsburg by invading the Palatinate. Glorious Revolution in England (-1689): after the birth of a son to James II, the Whig lords invite William of Orange to invade England; James II 'abdicates', and William and Mary proclaimed joint monarchs.

1689 Peter I, joint Tsar of Russia since 1682, overthrows his sister Sofia and becomes sole ruler.

1690 Battle of the Boyne: William III defeats James II, who had invaded Ireland with French support.

1692 Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria, becomes Governor of the Spanish Netherlands.

1693 Liege besieged by French troops in the presence of Louis XIV, who begins tentative overtures for peace.

1694 Death of Queen Mary; William III continues to reign alone.

Page 7: link.springer.com978-1-349-11303-3/1.pdf · The Late Baroque Era MUSIC AND MUSICIANS 1671 Scipione a.ffricano (1664) by Francesco Cavalli (1602-76) inaugurates the Teatro Tordinona,



1689 The English Parliament passes the Act of Toleration granting freedom of worship to all dissenters except Roman Catholics and Unitarians.

1690 John Locke ( 1632-1704) publishes his Essay Concerning Human Under­standing, attacking the Platonist conception of 'innate ideas' and arguing that all ideas come from experience. The Accademia dell' Arcadia founded in Rome, around Queen Christina of Sweden (d 1689), was the last manifestation of the pastoral tradition and the earliest inkling of the Enlightenment in Italy.

1691 Claude Fleury (1640-1723) begins the Histoire ecclisiastique in 20 volumes (-1720), the first large­scale history of the church.

1694 Dictionnaire de l'Acadbnie Franr;aise published, with a supplement by Thomas Corneille, Dictionnaire des arts et sciences. The Double Dealer by William Congreve (1670-1729) published, concerning social pressures on love and marriage.

Chronology, 1671-1750



1690 Papin devises an engine operated by a steam piston. Huygens describes the wave theory of light and establishes the fundamental laws of optics. Leibniz writes his Protogaea (published 1749) explaining the probable evolution of the Earth.

1692 Posthumous publication of General History of the Air by Robert Boyle (1627-91).

1693 Halley compiles data for calculating distances from the sun.

1694 Rudolph jacob Camerarius (1665-1721) writes his famous letter De sexu plantarum, on sexuality in plants.



1688 Carlo Antonio Carlone (d 1708) designs the monastery of St Florian, Austria (-1705).

1689 Meindert Hobbema (1638-1709) paints The Avenue at Middelhamis.

1691 Andrea Pozzo (1642-1709) begins his illusionist ceiling decoration Allegory of the Missionary Work of the Jesuits in St Ignatius, Rome (-1694).

1692 Luca Giordano (1634-1705) paints the ceiling of the grand staircase in the Escorial (-1694).

1693 Jose Churriguera (1650-1725) designs the High Altar of S Esteban, Salamanca (-1700), giving his name to an extravagant style of architecture.

1694 Wren begins Greenwich Hospital.


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The Late Baroque Era


1695 Purcell (36) dies, London. Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706) appointed organist at the Sebaldkirche, Nuremberg, and Jeremiah Clarke (c1674-1707) at St Paul's Cathedral, London. Collasse's Ballet des saisons (precursor of opera-ballet) given, Paris. Georg Muffat (1653-1704) publishes Florilegium primum in Augsburg. Purcell's The Indian Qpeen given, London.

1696 Couperin granted a coat of arms. The orchestra at S Petronio, Bologna, disbanded for five years and the performances of G. A. V. Aldrovandini's comic opera Gl'inganni amorosi scoperti in villa (in Bolognese dialect) censored. Il triorifo di Camilla by Giovanni Bononcini (1642-78) given, Naples. Printz's influential treatise Phrynis Mitilenaeus, oder Satyrischer Componist published in Dresden and Leipzig. Purcell's Choice Collection of Lessons for harpsichord published in London.

1697 Campra's L'Europe galante given, Paris. Reinhard Keiser (1674-1739) arrives in Hamburg. August II sets up royal chapels in Warsaw and Dresden (united in 1720 in Warsaw). Purcell's Ten Sonata's in Four Parts published in London. Estienne Roger (c1665-1722) opens music-printing firm in Amsterdam.

1698 Charpentier appointed maitre de musique at Sainte Chapelle, Paris. Johann Joseph Fux (1660-1741) appointed court composer to Leopold I in Vienna. Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709) publishes Concerti musicali op.6 (containing two early solo violin concertos) in Augsburg. Muffat's Florilegium secundum (with treatise on bowing and ornamentation) published in Passau.

1699 Antonio Caldara (c1670-1736) appointed maestro di cappella at Mantua.



1695 William III leads an army in Holland and captures Namur from the French. End of press censorship in England.

1696 Death of John III Sobieski, King of Poland.

1697 Election of August II of Saxony to the Polish throne. Treaty of Ryswick ends the War of the League of Augsburg Death of Charles XI of Sweden; succeeded by his son Charles XII. Peter the Great visits Prussia, the Netherlands, England and Vienna (-1698); on his return he instigates a vast programme of reform.

1698 Death of Ernst August, Elector of Hanover; succeeded by Georg Ludwig, the future King George I of England.

1699 Treaty of Karlowitz signed by Austria, Russia, Poland and Venice with Turkey.

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Chronology, 1671-1750



1695 Pierre Bayle's 1695 Grew isolates Dictionnaire historique et magnesium sulphate critique (-1697) published, ('Epsom salts'). used by anti-Christian Deists and philosophes in France and England.

1696 Death of Mme de 1696 Andreas Schluter Sevigne (b 1626), whose (cl660-1714) works on letters describe Paris the bronze equestrian under Louis XVI with monument to the Great charm, wit and great Elector at Schloss powers of observation. Sir Charlottenburg, Berlin John Vanbrugh (1664-- (-1708). 1726), dramatist and architect, produces The Relapse, with great success. John Toland (1670-1722) publishes his classic Christianity not Mysterious, which argues against revelation and the supernatural.

1697 Charles Perrault 1697 Nicodemus Tessin ( 1628-1703) publishes the younger ( 1654--1 728) Contes de ma mere l'Oye, a begins the royal palace in collection of fairytales. Stockholm.

1698 Jeremy Collier 1698 Thomas Savery 1698 Hardouin-Mansart (1650-1726), a non-Juror, (cl650-1715) patents his works on the Place publishes Short View of the water-raising engine. Vendome, Paris. Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, attacking Restoration dramatists.

1699 Gottfried Arnold 1699 William Dampier 1699 Leonardo de (1666-1714) begins the ( 1652-1715) explores the Figueroa (cl650-1730) Unparteiische Kirchen- und coastlines of Australia begins S Luis, Seville Ketzer-Historie, important and New Guinea (-1701). (-1731). Sir John for German Protestant Vanbrugh (1664--1726) mysticism (-1700). designs Castle Howard,

Yorkshire (-1726).


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The Late Baroque Era


1700 Draghi (c65) dies, Vienna. Blow appointed first Composer of the Chapel Royal and John Eccles (c1668-1735) Master of the King's Musick, London. Corelli's op.5 violin sonatas published in Rome. Kuhnau's satirical novel Der musicalische Quack-Salber and his Musicalische Vorstellung einiger biblischer Historien (programmatic keyboard sonatas) published in Dresden. A contest for the best setting of Congreve's masque The Judgment of Paris held in London, with prize won by John Weldon (1676-1736); Eccles, Daniel Purcell (d 1717) and Gottfried Finger (c1660-1730) also competed.

1701 Kuhnau elected Kantor of Thomaskirche, Leipzig. The first dictionaries of music, by Sebastien de Brossard and Tomas Baltazar Janovka, published in Paris and Prague. La purpura de la rosa by Tomas de Torrej6n y Velasco (1644-1728), the earliest New World opera, given, Lima.

1702 Giovanni and Antonio Maria Bononcini (1677-1726) visit Berlin. Keiser appointed director of the Theater am Giinsemarkt, Hamburg, and Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) of the Leipzig Opera. The Danish Royal Opera House opens in Copenhagen. Sebastian Duron (1660-1716) appointed maestro de capilla at the Spanish court. Fran~ois Raguenet (c1660-1722) publishes Paralele des italiens et des frant;ois in Paris.

1703 Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) appointed maestro di violino at the Ospedale della Pieta, Venice. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) takes up organ post at the Neukirche, Arnstadt. George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) moves to Hamburg.

1704 Charpentier (c59) dies, Paris. Muffat (50) dies, Passau. Biber (59) dies, Salzburg. Lalande appointed maitre de la chapelle de musique at Versailles. Jeremiah Clarke and William Croft (1678-1727) jointly appointed organists of the English Chapel Royal.



1700 Death of Charles II of Spain; Louis XIV's grandson Philippe of Anjou designated his heir, to the chagrin of Austria. Crown Treaty between Leopold I and Elector Frederick III of Brandenburg, who is recognized as King of Prussia.

1701 War of the Spanish Succession (-1713): Britain, the Netherlands and Austria form the Grand Alliance against France, who is supported by Bavaria, Cologne, Savoy and Portugal; the war is fought in Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain.

1702 Death of William III; succeeded in England by his sister-in-law, Anne. In the Northern Netherlands the States­General under Heinsius takes control. John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722), takes William's place as the political and military leader against France.

1703 Portugal and Savoy join the Grand Alliance against France in the War of the Spanish Succession.

1704 Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy defeat the French and Bavarians at Blenheim. Gibraltar captured by the British. Election of Stanislaus Leszczynski as King of Poland at the instigation of Charles XII of Sweden.

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Chronology) 1671-1750



1700 Don Quixote ( 1605) by 1700 Pierre Le Mayne 1700 Giovanni Viscardi Cervantes translated into (1661-1706) establishes (1647-1713) designs the English by Peter Anthony the first European Mariahilfkirche, Motteux (1660-1718). settlement in Louisiana. Freystadt ( -1708). Enrico Congreve's comedy The Berlin Academy of Zuccalli (1642-1724) Way of the World Science founded, with begins the palace at produced. Leibniz as president. Schleissheim, Munich


1701 Daniel Defoe (1660- 1701 Jethro Tull (1674- 1701 Hyacinthe Rigaud 1731) writes The True-born 1741) invents the seed- (1649-1743) paints his Englishman, a popular drill. classic state portrait of satirical poem attacking Louis XIV. English prejudice against William III.

1702 Defoe is imprisoned 1702 Wilhelm Romberg 1702 Jakob Prandtauer for writing The Shortest (1652-1715) first (1660-1726) designs Way with Dissenters, which prepares boric acid. Melk Abbey (-I 714). attacked the High Church.

1703 Christoph Dientzenhofer (I 655-1722) builds St Nicholas,

1704 Antoine Galland Prague (completed by his

(1646-1715) translates son, 1750).

the Arabian Nights into French, the first translation into any 1704 The north front of European language 1704 Newton's Optics Chatsworth, Derbyshire, (-1717). Jonathan Swift published, defending the begun by Thomas Archer (1667-1745) publishes emission theory of light. (1668-1743). Pozzo, now The Battle of the Books and John Harris (1667-1719) settled in Vienna, paints A Tale of a Tub, publishes the Lexicon the ceiling of the garden celebrated satires on technicum, the first palace, Liechtenstein learning and reli ion. g scientific encyclopaedia. (-1 707).


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The Late Baroque Era


1705 Bach goes to Liibeck to hear Buxtehude play. Vivaldi's op.l trio sonatas published. Handel's first opera, Almira, given, Hamburg.

1706 Pachelbel (52) dies, Nuremberg. Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) arrives in Paris and publishes his first book of Pieces de clavecin. Handel travels to Italy. Jean-Baptiste Morin (1677-1754) publishes the first book of French cantatas in Paris. Bononcini's Camilla (1696) given (in English), London.

1707 Buxtehude (c70) dies, Liibeck. Bach appointed organist at the Blasiuskirche, Miihlhausen. Handel's oratorio Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno performed in Rome, and his opera Rodrigo in Florence. Alessandro Scarlatti's Il Mitridate Eupatore and Il triorifo della libertii given, Venice.

1708 Blow (59) dies, London. Bach appointed Weimar court organist. Handel's La Resurrezione performed in Rome. A new court opera house is built in Vienna.

1709 Torelli (50) dies, Bologna. Collasse ( 40) dies, Versailles. Agostino Steffani (1654-1728) appointed Apostolic Vicar of North Germany, at Hanover. A comic opera, Patro Calienno de la Costa (in Neapolitan dialect) by Antonio Orefice (ftl708-34), given, Naples.

1710 Bernardo Pasquini (72) dies, Rome. Handel travels to Hanover and then to London after performances of his Agrippina in Venice. The Teatro Marsigli-Rossi opens in Bologna. Campra's comic opera-ballet Les fltes venitiennes given, Paris. /daspe, by Francesco Mancini (1672-1737), given, London.

1711 Michel Pignolet de Monteclair (1667-1737) publishes Methode facile pour apprendre a jouer du violon (first French violin tutor) in Paris. Handel returns to Hanover after performances of Rinaldo, London. Vivaldi's L'estro amwnico op.3 published in Amsterdam.



1705 Death of Emperor Leopold I; succeeded by his son Joseph I, whose brother is recognized in Catalonia, Valencia and Aragon as Charles III of Spain.

1706 Marlborough defeats the French at Ramillies and conquers the Spanish Netherlands. French also defeated at Turin and driven from Piedmont by Prince Eugene.

1707 Act of Union between England and Scotland to form Great Britain, providing for the Hanoverian succession and a single parliament.

1708 Marlborough and Prince Eugene defeat the French at Oudenaarde: Charles XII defeats the Russians at Holowczyn and invades Ukraine.

1709 Charles XII defeated by Peter the Great at Poltava and exiled to Turkey. French defeated at Malplaquet by Marlborough and Prince Eugene.

1711 Death of Emperor Joseph I; succeeded by his brother Charles III of Spain, as Emperor Charles VI.

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Chronology, 1671-1750



1705 Vanbrugh's comedy 1705 Halley (correctly) 1705 Vanbrugh begins The Confederacy produced predicts the return in Blenheim Palace for the in London. I 7 58 of the comet last Duke of Marlborough.

seen in 1682. Posthumous publication of Ray's Historia insectorum, which broke new ground in entomology.

1706 Adversarium anatomica by Giovanni Morgagni ( 1682-1771) published.

1707 E. W. Tschirnhausen ( 1651-1 708) discovers the hard-paste porcelain process.

1708 Gian Vincenzo 1708 Georg Stahl (1660- 1708 Giovanni Pellegrini Gravina (1664--1718) 1734) publishes his (1675-1741) begins writes Della ragione poetica, influential Theoria medica painting his finest works a treatise defining poetry vera. at Kimbolton Castle. as form of rational Camillo Rusconi ( 1658-knowledge and claiming 1728) produces the for it a civilizing power. statues of apostles in St

John Lateran, Rome (-1718).

1709 Abraham Darby 1709 Johann Friedrich ( 1678-1717) uses a coke- Bottger (d 1719) first uses fired furnace to Tschirnhausen's process manufacture iron at for making hard-paste

1710 George Berkeley Coal brookdale. porcelain; the famous

Meissen factory founded (1685-1753) produces A soon afterwards. Treatise Concerning the Principles if Human 1710 Jakob Christoph Le Knowledge, arguing that Blon (1667-1741) invents material objects affirmed three-colour printing as real are only perceived using separate engraved ('Esse est percipi'). metal plates. 1711 Joao Ludovice

(1673-1752) commissioned by John V

1711 Anthony Ashley to build a convent at Cooper, 3rd Earl of Mafra in Portugal Shaftesbury (1671-1713), (-1770). Johann writes Characteristics of Dientzenhofer ( 1663-Men, Manners, Opinions and 1726) builds his Times, in opposition to masterpiece Schloss Hobbes. Joseph Addison Pommersfelden, (1672-1719) and Richard Franconia (-1718). Steele (1672-1729) Matthaus Poppelmann produce The Spectator, (1662-1736) builds the which helped create a Zwinger, Dresden new image of polite (-1720), for the Elector of behaviour. Saxon . y


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The Late Baroque Era


1712 Marc'Antonio Ziani (c1653-1715) appointed Hofkapellmeister in Vienna. Handel settles in London.

1713 Corelli (59) dies, Rome. Andre Cardinal Destouches (1672-1749) appointed inspecteur general of the Academic Royale de Musique, Paris. Couperin's first book of Pieces de clavecin published in Paris. Johann Mattheson (1681-1764) publishes Das neu-eriJJfnete Orchestre in Hamburg. Maria Margherita Grimani becomes first woman composer to have an opera, Pallade e Marte, performed at the Hoftheater in Vienna.

1714 Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) appointed maestro of the Cappella Giulia in Rome. Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762) arrives in London. Corelli's op.6 concerti grossi published in Rome. Bach begins his first cycle of sacred cantatas in Weimar. Vivaldi's violin concertos La stravaganza op.4 published in Amsterdam.

1715 Fux appointed Hofkapellmeister in Vienna. The Three Choirs Festival (Gloucester, Hereford and Worcester) founded.

1716 The Opera-Comique opens at the Foire St Laurent, the Nouveau Theatre Italien at the Palais-Royal and the Comedie-Italienne at the Hotel de Bourgogne, in Paris.

1717 Fran<;ois Francoeur (1698-1787) appointed leader of the Vingt-quatre Violons and Couperin ordinaire de Ia chambre pour le clavecin in Paris. Bach completes the Orgelbiichlein at Weimar before being appointed Kapellmeister at Cothen. Handel is in residence at Cannons, Edgware; Water Music performed at a royal barge party on the Thames.

1718 Maurice Greene (1696-1755) appointed organist at St Paul's Cathedral, London. Handel's Acis and Galatea and oratorio Esther performed at Cannons.



1713 Death of Frederick I of Prussia; succeeded by his son Frederick William I. Treaty of Utrecht ends the War of the Spanish Succession. Philip V recognized as King of Spain. France recognizes the Protestant Succession in Britain. Emperor Charles VI reveals his Pragmatic Sanction, guaranteeing the Habsburg succession, male or female, in the provinces of the Austrian monarchy; after 1717 his heir is his daughter Maria Theresa.

1714 Peace of Rastatt. France recognizes Habsburg territories in Italy, Austria gains the Spanish Netherlands and the Electors of Bavaria and Cologne restored. Death of Queen Anne of England; succeeded by the Elector of Hanover as George I, great-grandson of James I.

1715 Death of Louis XIV; succeeded by his five-year-old great-grandson Louis XV, under the regency of the Duke of Orleans. First Jacobite Rebellion, the 'Fifteen': Scottish supporters of the Pretender 'James III' (son of James II) defeated at Sherrifmuir and Preston.

1718 Peace of Passarowitz ends the Austro-Turkish war. Quadruple Alliance between France, Austria, England and Holland against Spain's seizure of Sicily; Spain defeated by an English fleet, under Admiral Byng. Death of Charles XII of Sweden; succeeded by his sister Ulrica Eleanor, who in 1720 abdicates in favour of her husband, Frederick l, Prince of Hessen-Kassel.

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Chronology, 1671-1750



1712 Biblioteca Nacional, 1712 Thomas Newcomen Madrid, founded by (1663-1729) erects the Philip V. The Rape of the first well-documented Lock by Alexander Pope steam engine. (1688-1744) published.

1713 Scipione Maffei 1713 Posthumous (1675-1755) writes his publication of Ars tragedy La Merope, which conjectandi by Jacques attracts a wide European Bernouilli ( 1654-1705), a audience. treatise on probability.

1714 Gottfried Wilhelm 1714 Gabriel Daniel 1714James Gibbs von Leibniz (1646-1716) Fahrenheit (1686-1736) (1682-1754) builds St writes the Monadologie constructs a mercury Mary-le-Strand, London (published 1720), the thermometer. (-1717). only systematic account of his metaphysical doctrines.

1715 Alain-Rene Lesage 1715 Brook Taylor (1685-(1668-1747) begins Gil 1731) establishes the

1716 Joseph Effner ( 1687-Bias, a picaresque novel calculus of finite much admired in France differences. 1745) builds the and England (-1735). Pagodenburg, a pavilion

with a chinoiserie interior in the Nymphenburg park, Munich. Johann Fischer von Erlach (1656-1723) begins the Karlskirche, Vienna. Sir James Thornhill (c1675-1734) paints scenes from the life of St Paul in the dome of St Paul's Cathedral (-1719).

1717 Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684-1721), a key figure of Rococo art,

1718 Abraham Demoivre submits The Embarkation (1667-1754) publishes his for Cythera to the Doctrine of Chances on Academie; the term 'fete probability, which later galante' is coined to leads to the notion of the describe it. Robert de normal distribution Cotte (1656-1735) builds curve. Friedrich the early Rococo Hotel

1718 Accademia de Hoffmann (1660-1742) de Bouvallais, Paris. Scienze, Lettere ed Arti publishes his Medicinae founded in Palermo, rationalis systematicae Sicil . y -1720.


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The Late Baroque Era


1719 Bononcini recruited by Handel for the Royal Academy of Music in London. Dresden court theatre opens with Giove in Argo ( 1717) by Antonio Lotti (c1667-1740). Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf ( 1695-1777) establishes printing and publishing firm in Leipzig.

1720 Domenico Scarlatti and Carlos de Seixas ( 1704-42) take up appointments at the Portuguese court. Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739) publishes satire on Italian opera, It teatro alia moda, in Venice. Bach completes Clavier-Biichelein in Cothen. Royal Academy of Music opens in London with Porta's Numitore and Handel's Radamisto. Leipzig Opera closes.

1721 Telemann appointed Kantor of the Hamburg Johanneum and music director of the main city churches. Marcello publishes his satire on castrato singers. Il jlagello dei musici, in Venice. The Comedie-Italienne in Paris becomes the Comediens du Roi. Bach completes the presentation copy of the six Brandenburg Concertos in Cothen.

1722 Kuhnau (62) dies, Leipzig. Rameau settles in Paris and publishes his Traiti de l'harmonie. Telemann appointed music director of the Hamburg Opera. Bach publishes first volume of Das wohltemperirte Clavier in Cothen. Mattheson founds Critica musica, the first periodical devoted to music.

1723 Bach appointed Kantor and director musices of the Thomaskirche, Leipzig; his Magnificat performed there. Pier Francesco Tosi (c1653-1732) publishes his Opinioni de' cantori antichi e moderni in Bologna. Fux's Costanza e Fortezza and the Melodrama de Sancto Wenceslao by Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679-1745) performed in Prague in coronation celebrations of Charles VI.

1724 Domenico Sarro ( 16 79-1 7 44) becomes the first to set an original Metastasio libretto, Didone abbandonata, Naples. Bach begins his second cycle of church cantatas; his Stjohn Passion performed at the Leipzig Nicolaikirche. Handel's Giulio Cesare in Egitto given, London.



1720 Peace between Quadruple Alliance and Spain. Philip V and Charles VI renounce claims to Italy and Spain, provided that Charles allow Philip's son to succeed in Parma, Piacenza and Tuscany. 'South Sea Bubble' disaster ruins thousands in England. In France, John Law's Mississippi Company fails, producing national bankruptcy.

1721 End of Great Northern War: by the Treaty of Rystad, Russia acquires Livonia, Estonia and other lands from Sweden but restores Finland to Sweden.

1723 Louis XV attains majority.

1724 Treaty of Constantinople between Turkey and Russia, against Persia.

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Chronology) 1671-1750



1719 Defoe writes /Wbinson 1719 Porcelain factories Crusoe, claimed as the established at Vienna first English novel, highly and Venice. Balthasar influential and widely Neumann (1687-1753) imitated. Baron Ludwig rebuilds the bishop's Holberg (1684-1754) Residenz at Wiirzburg publishes Peder Paars, the (-1744), with its famous first great Danish classic ceremonial staircase and a brilliant satire on (1735). contemporary manners.

1720 Christian Wolff 1720 Lady Mary Wortley 1720 Johann Lukas von (1679-1754) writes his Montagu (1689-1762) Hildebrandt (1668-1745) early Enlightenment introduces smallpox begins the Upper treatise on ethics, inoculation to Britain. Belvedere, Vienna Vemiiriftige Gedanken von der (-1723). Menschen Tun und Lassen.

1721 Charles Louis de 1721 Narciso Tome Secondat, Baron de (cl690-1742) designs the Montesquieu (1689- Transparente (-1732) in 1755), publishes Toledo Cathedral, a anonymously his satirical sacramental chapel Lettres persanes. without walls.

1722 Rene Reaumur 1722 Gibbs begins St (1683-1757) publishes Martin-in-the-Fields, L'art de convertir le fer forge London (-1726). en acier, which leads to the establishment of steel-

1723 Pietro Giannone making in France.

(1676-1748) publishes the Storia civile del regno di Napoli, identifying the

1723 Fischer von Erlach church as a retrogressive force. Voltaire (1694- begins the Hofbibliothek,

1778) publishes La Vienna (completed by his

Henriade, an epic poem on son Joseph). Effner

the career of Henry of completes Schloss

Navarre. Lodovico Nymphenburg, Munich. Muratori (1672-1750) Nicholas Hawksmoor

begins publishing the (1661-1736) builds Christ

monumental Rerum Church, Spitalfields,

italicarum scriptores, which London (-1729). assembles Italian historical documents 500-1500 (-1750). 1724 Herman Boerhaave

(1668-1738) publishes his 1724 Pietro Metastasio Elementia chemiae (-1732),

(1698-1782) writes the the authoritative manual libretto Didone of chemistry for a abbandonata. centur . y


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The Late Baroque Era


1725 Alessandro Scarlatti (65) dies, Naples. Anne Danican Philidor (1681-1728) inaugurates the Concert Spirituel, Paris. The Caecilienbriiderschaft founded in Vienna. Bach completes Clavierbiichlein, ii (for his wife Anna Magdalena), in Leipzig. Fux's Gradus ad Parnassum published in Vienna. Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' concertos published in his op.8 in Amsterdam.

1726 Lalande (68) dies, Versailles. Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1733) visits Paris. The Concert Italien founded in Paris. The Academy of Vocal Music founded in London. Couperin's Les nations published in Paris.

1727 Quantz visits London. Faustina Bordoni ( 1700-81) and Francesca Cuzzoni (cl698-1770) argue violently on stage in London. Philidor inaugurates the Concert Franc;ais and Evrard Titon du Tillet (1677-1762) publishes biographies of French composers, in his Description du Parnasse Fran~ois, in Paris. Bach conducts early version of the St Matthew Passion in Leipzig.

1728 Steffani (73) dies, Frankfurt. Marais (72) dies, Paris. Quantz appointed flute teacher to the future Frederick the Great. Johann David Heinichen (1683-1729) publishes his Der General-Bass in den Composition. The Beggar's Opera (ballad opera by Johann Christoph Pepusch and John Gay) given, London. Handel's Royal Academy dissolved.

1729 LaGuerre (c62) dies, Paris. Pietro Antonio Locatelli ( 1695-1764) moves to Amsterdam, Domenico Scarlatti to Seville. Handel and J. J. Heidegger launch the Second Royal Academy of Music, London. J. S Bach becomes director of Leipzig Collegium Musicum. Lalande's grands motets published posthumously in Paris.

1730 Alessandro Grandi (?44) dies, Bergamo. Leonardo Vinci (c40) dies, Naples. Johann Adolf Hasse (1699-1783) invited to Dresden as Hofkapellmeister. Marguerite-Antoinette Couperin succeeds her father as ordinaire de Ia chambre pour le clavecin, becoming the first female instrumentalist to hold a court post, at Versailles.



1725 Louis XV breaks his engagement to the Spanish Infanta and marries Maria Leszczynska of Poland; Spain, offended, draws closer to Austria. Death of Peter the Great; succeeded by his wife Catherine I, who is succeeded by Peter II in 1727.

1726 Cardinal Fleury (1653-1743) becomes Chief Minister of France.

1727 Death of George I of England; succeeded by his son George II.

1729 Treaty of Seville: Spain joins England, France and the Netherlands to promote Spanish interests in Italy and to suppress the Austrian East Indian Company.

1730 Death of Peter II of Russia; succeeded by Anne, daughter of Ivan V. Death of Frederick IV of Denmark; succeeded by his son Christian VI.

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Chronology, 1671-1750



1725 Giovanni Battista 1725 St Petersburg 1725 Lord Burlington Vico (1668-1744) Academy of Science (1694-1753) builds publishes Principti di una founded by Empress Chiswick House, based scienza nuova, a philosophy Catherine I. Posthumous on Palladia's Rotonda. of history using language publication of Historia and ritual as key to coelestis Britannica by historical understanding. Flamsteed, which forms

the basis of modern star catalogues.

1726 Swift publishes the 1726 John Harrison 1726 Georg Bahr ( 1666-satire Gulliver's Travels. (1693-1774) devises the 1728) builds the Frauen-James Thomson (1700- grid-iron pendulum. kirche, Dresden (-1741). 48) begins The Seasons (-1730), one of the most popular and influential English poems. 1727 Giovanni Battista

Tiepolo (1696-1770) decorates the Udine archbishop's palace with a fresco cycle (-1728).

1728 Ephraim Chambers 1728 Vitus Bering (1681- 1728 Still-life paintings by (d 1740) publishes his 1741) leads the First Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Cyclopaedia, the first true Kamchatkan Expedition Chardin ( 1699-1 779) English encyclopedia. to determine whether gain him entry to the

Asia and America are Academie. The Rococo connected by land. pilgrimage church of Harrison designs the Steinhausen ( -17 51) built marine chronometer. by Dominikus

Zimmermann ( 1685-

1729 Academia de Buenas 1729 James Bradley 1766) in Bavaria.

Letras, Barcelona, ( 1693-1762) discovers 1729 John Wood the elder founded. that the apparent (c1705-1754) begins

seasonal shifts of the stars building Queen Square, arise from the annual Bath, in Palladian style shift in the earth's orbit. (-1736).

1730 Matthew Tindal 1730 John Hadley (1682-(1655-1733) writes the 1744) and Thomas 'Bible' of Deism, Godfrey (1704-49) Christianity as Old as independently design the Creation. reflecting quadrant, the

ancestor of the modern sextant. Charles Towns-hend (1674-1738) intro-duces cro p rotation.


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The Late Baroque Era


1731 Hasse marries Bordoni and they arrive in Dresden. Public concerts inaugurated in Stockholm. Bach's first part of the Clavieriibung published in Leipzig. The opera Calandro ( 1726) by Giovanni Alberto Ristori (1692-1753) given, Moscow.

1732 Lodovico Giustini (1685-1743) publishes Sonate da cimbalo di piano e forte in Florence. The comic opera Lo jrate 'nnamorato by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710-36) and Hasse's Issipile given, Naples. Monteclair's controversial sacred operajephti given, Paris. John Frederick Lampe ( cl 703-1 7 51), Henry Carey (1687-1743) and Thomas Augustine Arne (1710-78) organize a season of 'English operas after the Italian manner' in London. Handel's E:do and Sosarme and his oratorio Esther performed in London. Titon du Tillet's Le Pamasse Franfois published in Paris. Johann Gottfried W a! ther ( 1684-17 48) publishes Musicalisches Lexicon (first German music dictionary) in Leipzig.

1733 Couperin (64) dies, Paris. Nicola Porpora ( 1686-1768) appointed director of the Opera of the Nobility in London. Pergolesi' s La serva pad rona given as intermezzo to his II prigonier superbo in Naples. Rameau's Hippolyte et Aricie given, Paris. Handel's Orlando (and later Arianna in Creta) and oratorio Deborah performed, in competition with Porpora's Arianna in Nasso, in London. The Kyrie and Gloria of Bach's Mass in B minor performed, Dresden. Telemann's Musique de table published in Hamburg. Locatelli's L'arte del violino published in Amsterdam.

1734 Fire destroys the royal music library in Madrid. Bach's Christmas Oratorio performed in Leipzig. Handel plays organ concertos between the acts of his oratorios, and his concerti grossi op.3 published, in London.

1735 Eccles (c67) dies, nr London. Greene succeeds him as Master of the King's Musick. Rameau's Les Indes galantes given, Paris. Handel's Ariodante and Alcina given, London.



1731 Charles VI seizes Parma and Piacenza. European war averted by Treaty of Vienna between England, Holland, Spain and Austria.

1733 Pragmatic Sanction guaranteed by the Diet of German Princes, but the Electors of Saxony, Bavaria and the Palatinate refuse to recognize it. Death of August II of Saxony and Poland. War of Polish Succession: Elector August III of Saxony recognized as King of Poland by Russia and Austria, but France supports Stanislaus Leszczynski.

1735 Treaty of Vienna (ratified 1738): Charles VI receives Parma and Piacenza, while Don Carlos succeeds in Naples and Sicily (but not in Spain). Stanislaus renounces claim to Poland and receives Lorraine, after Duke Francis Stephen of Lorraine (future husband of Maria Theresa) has received Tuscany on death of present Grand Duke.

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Chronology, 1671-1750



1731 The Gentleman's 1731 Reaumur establishes Maga<;ine (-1907) started his thermometric scale of by Edward Cave (1691- 0°-80°, using an alcohol 1754) in London. thermometer.

1732 Johann Christoff 1732 Nicola Salvi (1697-Gottsched (I 700--66) 1751) designs the Trevi publishes the literary Fountain, Rome (-1762). periodical (-1744) Niccolo di Nazzoni (d Beytriige zur Kritische 1773) builds S Pedro dos Historie der deutsche Sprache, Clerigos, Oporto (-1750). an attempt to establish a single German educated language.

1733 Pope begins his Essay 1733 Stephen Hales 1733 The Asam brothers on Man (-1734), a series (1677-1761) publishes his build the church of St of moral and Haemastaticks, on the John Nepomuk, Munich philosophical poems. physiology of circulation, (-1746).

and measures blood pressure. Charles Dufay (1698-1739) differentiates between vitreous and resinous electricity.

1734 Reaumur's Mimoires 1734 William Hogarth

pour servir a l'histoire des (1697-1764) paints A Rake's Progress (-1735).

1734 Voltaire's Lettres insectes (-1742) published. Franc;ois Cuvillies ( 1695-philosophiques, inspired by 1768) creates the his stay in England, Amalienburg pavilion in attacks the abuses of the the Nymphenburg park, ancien regime in the name Munich (-1739). of tolerance and liberty.

1735 Carl Linnaeus ( 1707-1735 Equestrian

monument to William III 78-) introduces a binomial in Queen Square, Bristol, system of scientific commissioned to Michael nomenclature for plants Rysbrack (1694-1770). and animals. Benoit de William Kent ( 1685-Maillet (1656-1738) 1748) designs Holkham publishes his influential Hall, Norfolk (-1759), ultra-neptunian theory of the ultimate English the earth. Palladian achievement.


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The Late Baroque Era


1736 Pergolesi (26) dies, Pozzuoli. Caldara (c65) dies, Vienna. Bach appointed honorary Dresden Hofkomponist. Pergolesi composes Stabat mater at Pozzuoli. Bach's revised St Matthew Passion performed at the Thomaskirche, Leipzig. Handel's Atalanta and Alexander's Feast performed at the newly designated Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London. Monteclair's Principes de musique published in Paris.

1737 Antonio Stradivari (93) dies, Cremona. Monteclair (69) dies, St Denis. Telemann visits Paris. Lorenz Christoph Mizler von Kolof (1711-78) becomes the first German lecturer on music, at the University of Leipzig, and founds a monthly magazine, Neu-erbffnete musikalische Bibliothek. Johann Adolph Scheibe ( 1708-76) publishes critical remarks about Bach in the first issue of Critischer Musikus in Hamburg. Teatro S Carlo built in Naples. The Opera of the Nobility and the Second Royal Academy both close in London.

1738 Mouret (56) dies, Charenton. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-88) enters the service of the future Frederick the Great. Domenico Scarlatti and Seixas ennobled; Francesco Corselli (cl702-78) appointed Spanish court maestro de capilla. Mizler founds the Korrespondierenden Sozietat der Musicalischen Wissen­schaften in Leipzig. The Fund for the Support of Decayed Musicians (The Royal Society of Musicians) founded in London. Michel Corrette (I 709-95) publishes L'icole d'Orphie and Telemann his Nouveaux quatuors, in Paris. In response to Scheibe (see 1737}, J. A. Birnbaum publishes a defence of Bach, in Leipzig. Handel's organ concertos op.4 and Domenico Scarlatti's Essercizi per gravicembalo published in London. Luigi Madonis (cl690-cl770) publishes 'symphonies' in St Petersburg.

1739 Marcello (53) dies, Brescia. Keiser (65) dies, Hamburg. Rameau's Dardanus and Les fltes d'Hibi given, Paris. Handel's Saul, Israel in Egypt and Ode for St Cecilia's Day performed, London. Bach's third part of the Clavieriibung published in Leipzig and Mattheson's Der vollkommene Capellmeister in Hamburg.



1736 Russo-Turkish War (-1739), in which Charles VI allies with Russia.

1737 Death ofGian Gastone de' Medici, the last Grand Duke of Tuscany; succeeded by Francis Stephen of Lorraine, hence duchy passes into the Habsburg family.

1738 Treaty of Vienna ratified. France recognizes Pragmatic Sanctions.

1739 End of Russo-Turkish war, which had weakened Charles VI. Russia becomes a rival in the Balkans, and his enemies in the West gather to break up the Habsburg monarchy on succession of Maria Theresa ( 1740).

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Chronology, 1671-1750



1736 Joseph Butler (1692- 1736 Anders Celsius 1752) writes Analogy of (1701-44) joins an Religion, a defence of Academie Fran-.aise Christianity which expedition to Lapland to discredited the Deists. measure the arc of the

meridian. Leonhard Euler ( 1707--83) introduces analytical methods into mechanics.

1737 Manuscripts of Jan 1737 The Salon Swammerdam (1637--80) established as a biennial on insects published as event in Paris. Gibbs Biblia naturae. designs the Radcliffe

Camera, Oxford (-1749).

1738John Wesley (1703- 1738 Daniel Bernoulli 1738 Louis Fran-.ois 91) begins his evangelical (1700--82), son of Jacques Roubiliac ( 1702/5-62) journeys throughout Bernoulli, publishes his executes statue of Handel Britain. Papal Bull, In Hydrodynamica. Ichthyologia for Vauxhall Gardens, eminenti, issued by by Peter Artedi (I 705- London. Clement XII against 35) published, the first freemasonry. systematic study of fish.

1739 Interior of the 1739 Samuel Richardson pavilion added to the

(1689-1761) writes his Hotel de Soubise, Paris, influential epistolary completed by Germain novel Pamela. Boffrand (1667-1754).


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The Late Baroque Era


1740 Carl Heinrich Graun (1703-59) appointed Kapellmeister and C.P.E. Bach court harpsichordist to Frederick the Great. Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) appointed a singer at the Stephansdom, Vienna. Handel's concerti grossi op.6 and James Grassineau's A Musical Dictionary published in London. The allegorical Difense de la basse de viole contre les entreprises du violon et les pretentions du violoncelle by Hubert Le Blanc published in Amsterdam.

1741 Vivaldi (63) dies, Vienna. Fux (c80) dies, Vienna. Quantz accepts Berlin court appointment. Bach presents copy of the Goldberg Variations to Count von Keyserlingk in Dresden. Handel travels to Dublin for charity concerts. Artaserse, the first opera by Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-87), given, Milan. Handel's last opera, Deidamia, given, London. Rameau's Pieces de clavecin en concerts and Corrette's cello method published in Paris. Bach's fourth part of the Clavier­iibung published in Nuremberg.

1742 Seixas (38) dies, Lisbon. Frederick the Great builds an opera house at Sanssouci in Potsdam; a new court opera house built in Mannheim. Handel's Messiah performed, Dublin. C. P. E. Bach's Prussian Sonatas published in Nuremberg.

1745 Fran~ois Rebel (1701-75) and Francoeur appointed joint directors of the Academie Royale de Musique, Paris. The Musikalische Gesellschaft oder Akademie founded in Cologne and the Grosses Concert in Leipzig. Handel's Samson and Messiah performed, London. J.-J. Rousseau's Dissertation sur la musique modeme published in Paris.

1744 Bartolomeo Giuseppe Guarneri 'del Gesu' (46) dies, Cremona. Campra (83) dies, Versailles. Francoeur succeeds Fran~is Collin de Blamont (1690-1760) as surintendant de la musique de chambre at Versailles. The Opera-Comique closes in Paris. Handel's Semele and Joseph performed, London. C. P. E. Bach's Wiirttemberg Sonatas published in Nuremberg.



1740 War of Austrian Succession: Prussia, France and Bavaria against Austria and England (-1748). Death of Frederick William of Prussia; succeeded by his son Frederick II ('the Great'). Death of Emperor Charles VI; succeeded by his daughter Maria Theresa. Death of Empress Anne of Russia; succeeded by her great-nephew Ivan VI, an infant of three months. Death of Pope Clement XII; succeeded by Benedict XIV.

1741 Empress Elizabeth usurps the Russian throne.

1742 Charles VII of Bavaria elected Holy Roman Emperor. Prague occupied by Bavarian and French troops.

1743 Maria Theresa crowned Queen of Bohemia. George II is the last European monarch to ride into battle at the head of his troops, at Dettingen. Mme de Pompadour becomes Louis XV's mistress and for over 20 years influences French politics and diplomacy.

1744 Frederick the Great invades Saxony.

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Chronology, 1671-1750



1740 Completion of A 1740 Dijon Academy of 1740 Palace of Dos Aquas, Treatise on Human Nature Science founded. The Valencia, remodelled by David Hume (1711- circumnavigation of the (-1744). 76). Louis, Duke of globe by Lord Anson Saint-Simon (1675-1755), (1697-1762) in the composes his Mimoires of Centurion (-I 7 44) . Louis XIV (-1750).

1741 First German 1741 Stockholm Academy 1741 Summer Palace, St translation of a of Science founded. Petersburg, begun by Shakespeare play (Julius Bartolommeo Rastrelli Caesar), by Caspar (1700-71). Wilhelm von Borck (1704-47).

1742 In Cartas eruditas 1742 Celsius proposes a 1742 Jacques Dubois (-1760) Benito Feijoo centigrade thermometer. (1693-1763), a leading (1677-1764) contributes representative of the to the intellectual Rococo, becomes a emancipation of Spain. master cabinet maker.

Hogarth paints Marriage ii Ia Mode (-1746). Diana Resting after her Bath by

1743 The Mourning Turtle 1743 Copenhagen Franc;:ois Boucher (I 703-Dove, poems on the death Academy of Science 30). of her husband by founded. Hedwig Charlotta 1743 The pilgrimage Nordenflycht (1718-93), church of Vierzehn-published. heiligen begun by

Neumann. Capo-di-Monte porcelain factory established in Naples.

1744 George Berkeley (1685-1753) publishes 1744 The Abbey of Siris, a scientific and Ottobeuren, the philosophical meditation. masterpiece of Michael Third edition of Vico's Fischer (1692-1766), Scienza nuova, the first begun. Zimmermann survey of the social begins the pilgrimage evolution of mankind. church of Die Wies.


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The Late Baroque Era


1745 Antoine Forqueray (c73) dies, Mantes. Zelenka (66) dies, Dresden. Gluck visits London. The Gentlemen's Concerts founded in Manchester. Rameau's La princesse de Navarre and Platie given, Versailles. Frederick the Great builds a small theatre for comic operas at Sanssouci in Potsdam. Handel's Hercules and Belsha,z;;ar performed, London.

1746 Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710-84) appointed organist of the Liebfrauenkirche, Halle. A public opera house opens in Dresden.

1747 Bononcini (76) dies, Vienna. J. S. Bach plays for Frederick the Great, improvising on the king's theme {which inspired the Musical Offering), at Potsdam. Mme de Pompadour builds a theatre in the Petits-Cabinets and Rameau's Lesfltes de l'Hymen et de l'Amour given, Versailles. Handel's Judas Maccabaeus performed, London.

1748J. G. Walther {63) dies, Weimar. J.-N.-P. Royer and Gabriel Capperan assume direction of the Concert Spirituel, Paris. Rameau's ZaiS and Pygmalion given, Paris. The Operalnia opens in Warsaw. Handel's joshua and Alexander Balus performed, London. The Holywell Music Room opens in Oxford.

1749 Louis-Nicolas Clerambault (72) dies, Paris. Destouches (76) dies, Paris. The Academie Royale de Musique is taken over by the City of Paris. Rameau's NaiS and :&roastre given, Paris. The Musikiibende Gesellschaft founded in Berlin. Handel's Susanna and Solomon and his Music for the Royal Fireworks performed, London.

1750 J. S. Bach (65) dies, Leipzig, leaving the Art of Fugue unfinished.



1745 Death of Charles VII of Bavaria; succeeded by Maximilian III Joseph. Maria Theresa's husband, Francis Stephen of Lorraine, elected Holy Roman Emperor. Second Jacobite Rebellion (-1746): Prince Charles Edward Stuart attempts to gain the English throne but is defeated at Culloden (1746).

1746 Death of Philip V of Spain; succeeded by Ferdinand VI. Death of Christian VI of Denmark-Norway; succeeded by Frederick V.

1748 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ends the War of Austrian Succession, with Austria having lost Silesia to Prussia.

1749 Maria Theresa unites Austria and Bohemia after the death of the Bohemian Chancellor, Kinsky.

1750 Death of John V of Portugal; succeeded by Joseph I. Britain joins Austro-Russian alliance, hostile to Prussia.

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Chronology) 1671-1750



1745 Invention of the 1745 Chelsea porcelain 'Leyden jar' for storing factory, the first in electricity by Pieter van England, established. Musschenbroek ( 1692- Sanssouci palace, 1761). Potsdam, begun by

Georg von Knobelsdorff (1699-1753).

1746 Albrecht von Haller 1746 Antonio Canaletto (1708--77) publishes his (I 720-7 5) arrives in pioneering work on London. human anatomy.

1747 Samuel Johnson 1747 St Andrew's (I 709-84) begins his Cathedral, Kiev, begun Dictionary of the English by Rastrelli. Strawberry Language (-1755). Hill, Twickenham, begun

by Horace Walpole (1717-97) in the Gothic style.

1748 Montesquieu 1748 Osmosis discovered 1748 Lancelot publishes De !'esprit des by Abbe Nollet ( 1700- ('Capability') Brown Lois, the first great 70). Discovery of the ( 1716-83) plans his first synthesis of political ruined city of Pompeii. independent landscape economy. Der Messias garden design, at (-1773) by Friedrich Warwick Castle. Gottlieb Klopstock (1724-1803) appears anonymously, inaugurating a new era in German poetry.

1749 The History of Tom 1749 Publication of the Jones, a Foundling by first volume of Histoire Henry Fielding ( 1705-54) naturelle, in which establishes the novel of Georges Buffon ( 1707-88) action in England. differentiates the sciences

of anthropology, geology and archaeology.

1750 Tiepolo commis-sioned to decorate the archbishop's palace at Wiirzburg. Robert Andrews and his Wife painted by Thomas Gainsborough

1750 Giittingen Academy ( 1727-88). Battersea of Science founded. Enamel facto set u . ry p


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Abbas II, Shah of Persia, 44 7 Abell, John, 204 Aberdeen, 25 Academy of Ancient Music, 52 Achenbach, 456 Ackhermann, Christopher, 458 Adami, Andrea, 48 Addison, Joseph, 143

Rosamond, 143, 359, 381 Adelaide, Konigin aus ltalien, 284 Adlershelm, Christian Lorenz von, 274 Adlung, Jakob

Anleitung zu der musikalisclum Gelahrtheit, 246 Musica mechanica organoedi, 246

Aemilie Juliana, Countess of Rudolstadt, 249 Aeneas, 283 Agrell, Johan Joachim, 400 Agricola, Georg Ludwig, 247 Agricola, Johann Paul, 308 air de cour, 7 Aix-en-Provence, 143 Alarico, 217 Albanese, Antonio, 184n7 Albani, Giovanni Francesco, 40 Alberoni, Cardinal, 419 Alberoni, Count, 419 Albert Anthon, Count of Rudolstadt, 248 Alberti, Pietro, 134 Albinoni, Tomaso, 25, 70, 77, 85, 90, 405-6

Concerti a cinque, 305 Concerti da chiesa, 305 Inconstanza schernita, L', 105 Pimpinone, 103 Veri amici, I, 305

Albrecht V, Duke of Bavaria, 296 Albrici, Vincenzo, 216 Aldrich, Henry, 373 Alewijn, Abraham, 401, 402

Boertige en ernstige minnezangen, 402 Zede- en Harpgezangen, 401

Alexander VII, Pope, 41 Alexander VIII, Pope, 40, 53 Alexey Mikhailovich, Tsar of Russia, 443,

444, 446--7, 457 Algarotti, Francesco, 461 Ali bert, Antonio d', 55


A1ibert, Giacomo d', Count, 53 Aliprandi, Bernardo, 306 Alkmaar, 394

Laurenskerk, 396 Alletsee, Johann Paul, 320 Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, 35 Allon, D., 54 Almeida, Francisco Antonio de

Pazienza di Socrate, La, 429 Risa di Democrito, La, 430

Altenburg, 232, 243, 247 Altenburg, Michael, 230 Altieri, Emilio, 40 Amadei, Filippo, 368

Muzio Scevola, 368 Amadio, Giovanni, 112 Amati, 21 Amberg, 308 Amelia, Princess of England, 375 Amigoni, Jacopo, 421, 422 Amor fa l'uomo cieco, 284 Amsterdam, 394, 401, 402, 404

collegium musicum, 398, 401 music publishing, 25, 27, 149, 402, 403-7 Nieuwe Kerk, 395, 396, 403, 408n3 Nieuwezijdskapel, 396, 408n3 opera, 281, 398-9 Oude Kerk, 395, 396, 408n3 Stadsschouwburg, 398, 400 Wester Kerk, 396, 408n3

Ancelet Observations sur la musique, les musiciens, et les

instrumens, 151, 176 Ancients and Moderns, 18-19, 79, 131 Anders, Hendrik, 399, 401

Boertige en ernstige minnezangen, 402 Hollandsche minne- en drinkliederen, 402, 406 Verscheide nieuwe zangen, 402

Andreyev, Andrey, 444 Andromaca, L ', I 08 Anerio, Giovanni Francesco, 436 Anet, Jean-Baptiste ('Jacques'), 24, 138,

139, 140, 145, 159, 161, 178, 180, 181, 185nl5

Anhalt, 245 Anjou, Duke of see Philip V, King of Spain

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Anna, Empress of Russia, 440, 452, 455, 45 7 Annaberg, 256 Anne, Princess of England, 374, 375, 378 Anne, Queen of England, 365 Anne of Austria, 129 Ansbach, 12, 313, 317 Antier, Marie, 143, 173, 180, 181 antiquarianism, 79-84 Anton Ulrich, Duke of

Brunswick-Wolfenbiittel, 13 Antwerp, 185nll, 403 Ape!, Dietrich, 258, 266, 268 Apraksin, Admiral, 455 Aquilani, Cavalier, 62 Araia, Francesco, 457, 460, 461, 462

Forza dell'amore e dell'odio, La, 461 Aranjuez, 422 Ardespin, Melchior d', 298, 303 Ardore, Prince, 113 Arendsz, Thomas, 398 Argenide, 284 Ariosti, Attilio, 233, 234, 25ln8

Tito Manlio, 367 Aries, 143 Arne, Susanna, 380, 381 Arne, Thomas Augustine, 379, 380, 381,

382, 388 Alfred, 387 Blow, blow thou winter wind, 387 Rosamond, 143, 381 Rule Britannia, 387 Where the bee sucks, 38 7

Arnhem, 398 Arnold, Georg, 315 Arnold, Samuel, 33 Arnstadt, 13, 212, 245, 247 Arrigoni, 377 Arsinda d'Egitto, 97 Arsinoe, L', 218 Arteaga, Stefano, 105--6, 107--8 Aschenbrenner, Christian Heinrich, 241, 242 Astarto, 105 Asturia, Princess of, 173 Attalo, re di Bitinia, 105 Aufschnaiter, Benedict Anton, 308 Augsburg, 318-19

Collegium Musicum, 318 music publishing, 260, 310, 319 St Anna, 318

August, Duke of Saxony, 236, 241 Augustinians, 13, 310 Augustus II ('the Strong'), King of Poland

see Friedrich August I ('the Strong'), Elector of Saxony, King of Poland

Augustus III, King of Poland see Friedrich August II, Elector of Saxony, King of Poland

Auletta, Pietro locandiera, La, 122

Aumont, Duke d', 143, 153, 173


Aureli, Aurelio, 283 Alceste, 281

Austria, 324--54, 435 counterpoint, 340 librettos, 336 opera, 333-42 sacred music, 327-33, 342-4 trumpets, 338

A verne, Mme d', 176 Aversa, 95, 96 Avignon, 143 Avison, Charles, 382 Ayen, Count of, 159

Bacchus and Venus, 450 Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 34, 200, 461 Bach, Heinrich, 245 Bach, Johann, 245 Bach, Johann Aegidius, 245, 247 Bach, Johann Ambrosius, 245, 247 Bach, Johann Bernhard, 247 Bach, Johann Christian, 245 Bach, Johann Christoph, 246, 247 Bach, Johann Ernst, 246, 247 Bach, Johann Nicolaus, 245 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 2, 13, 16, 23, 32,

34--7, 146, 200, 201, 205, 212, 227, 231, 235, 242, 244--5, 247, 250, 254, 262, 266, 270, 273, 274, 277--80, 278, 286-90, 292nl5, 320, 461

An Wasseljliissen Babylon, 200 Art of Fugue, 35, 261 canon BWV1076, 278 cantata no.215, 289 chorales BWV651--8, 280 Christmas Oratorio, 279, 285 Christ unser Herr zumjordan Kam BWV7,

283 Clavieriibung, 262, 263 Erwiihlte Pleissenstadt, 264 flute sonatas, 261, 287 French Overture BWV831, 29, 262 German Organ Mass, 262 harpsichord works BWVI052-65, 287 Herr Christ, der einige Gottessohn BWV96,

279 inventions, 85 Italian Concerto BWV971, 29, 262 Lass, Fiirstin, lass noch einen Strahl BWVI98,

271 Magnificat, 279 Mass in B minor, 8, 34, 35, 279 Musicalisches Gesang-Buch, 243 Musical Offering, 262 organ concerto BWV594, 27 partitas, 261 Preise dein Gliicke, gesegnetes Sachsen

BWV215, 288 printed editions, 262, 318 StJohn Passion, 279


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The Late Baroque Era

St Mark Passion, 279 St Matthew Passion, 35, 279 Sanctus BWV232, 279, 318 Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht BWV211, 287 Sie werden aus Saba allem kommen BWV65,

279 Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied BWV190,

279 Vergniigte Pleissenstadt BWV216, 263 viola da gamba sonatas BWV1027-9, 287 Vivaldi concertos, 27, 244, 287 Was mir behagt, is nur die muntre Jagd, 242 Wohltemperirte Clavier, Das, 34, 280, 287,

289 Bach-Gesellschaft, 35 Backer, Jan Janszoon, 395 Bagniera, Antonio, 135 Biihr, Georg, 29ln10 Balbi, Giovan Battista, 99 Ballard, Christophe, 144, 148, 150, 166,

185nl7 Receuil d'airs serieux et ii boire, 145, 152 Receuils d'airs italiens, 148

Ballatri, Filippo, 303 Bamberg, 313, 315 Banister, John, 141 Banz, 319 Barante

Fontaine de sapience, La, 131 Barberini, 43, 48, 61 Barberini, Urbano, Prince of Palestrina see

Palestrina, Urbino Barberini, Prince of

Barbier, Edmond-Jean-Fram;ois, 173, 179 Baron, Ernst Gottlieb, 248 Bassani, Giovanni Battista, 317 Batte!!, Ralph, 363 Battiferri, Luigi, 34 7 Bauderon de Senece, Antoine, 130 Bauer, Johann, 260, 261 Baussen, 152 Bavaria, 12, 296-323 Bayreuth 13, 235, 313 Beccau, Joachim, 194 Beer, Johann, 241 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 2, 33, 34, 36, 350,

402 Behr, Samuel Rudolph

Art de bien danser, L ', oder Die Kunst wohl zu Tanzen, 292n21

Bellotto, Bernardo, 221 Bembo, Antonia, 137

Ercole amante, L', 137 Bencini, Antonio, 42 Benda, Franz, 234, 314, 439 Benedict XIII, Pope, 40 Benedict XIV, Pope, 42 Benedictines, 309, 310 Benisch, Emanuel, 403 Berchtesgaden, 312


Berenstadt, Gaetano, 171 Berge, Gottfried, 458 Berlin, 33, 231, 232-4, 25ln8

Charlottenburg, 233 Kapelle, 232, 233, 234, 25ln5 Lietzenburg, 233 Royal Opera House, 235 Singakademie, 35

Bernabei, Ercole, 10, 298, 304 Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio, 299, 301, 304,

306, 309 Eraclio, L ', 303 Jahrmarkt, Der (La Fiera), 303 Segreto d'Amore, II, 303 Venere pronunba, 30 I

Bernacchi, Antonio Maria, 303 Bernardelli, Tarquinio, 285 Bernasconi, Andrea, 307 Bernburg, 231 Bernhard, Christoph, 201, 217, 218, 247 Bernier, Nicolas, 135, 136, 151, 156, 157,

170, 177, 178 Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 63 Berry family, 138 Berry, Duchess of, 135 Berry, Duke of, 163, 169 Berselli, 225 Bertolli, 380 Besov, Tomila Mikhailov, 444 Bestuzhov, 455 Betterton, Thomas, 356-7 Beuf, Jurriaan, 408n3 Beyer, Johann Franciscus, 242 Bianchi, II Bianchi, Angioletta, 11-12 Bickham, George

Musical Entertainer, The, 385 Bidloo, Goverd, 399

Bacchus, Ceres en Venus, 399 Birckenstock, Johann Adam, 248 Blamont, Fran~ois Colin de, 135, 156, 170,

175, 177, 178, 179, 185n21 Festes grecques et romaines, Les, 170, 177 Retour des dieux sur Ia terre, Le, 179

Blankenburg, Quirinus Gerbrandszoon van, 396

Apologie des femmes, L ', 396 Clavecimbel en orgel-boek der gerformeerde

Psalmen, 397 Elementa musica, 396

Blavet, Michel, 140, 178, 180, 181 Sonates italiennes, 140

Bleyer, Georg, 248, 456 Lust-Music, 249 Zodiacus musicus, 249

Blois, Mile de, 135 Blow, John, 363, 364 Bodenschaft, Erhard

Florilegium portense, 210, 273 Boesset, Claude Jean-Baptiste, 133

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Boetius, C. F., 259 Boetius, Johann Adolph, 260, 261 Bohemia, 435 Bohm, Georg, 13, 200 Boileau-Despeaux, 129 Boisregard Andry, Nicolas de, 133 Boivin, Fran<;ois, 78, 140 Bologna, 8, 24

Accademia Filarmonica, 24 S Petronio, 24

Bonaccorsi, Abbe, 62 Bonavide, Francisco de, 95 Bongiovanni, Ferdinando, Marquis, 61 Bonn, 308 Bonnet, Jacques

Histoire de la musique et de ses iffets depuis son origine jusqu' ii present, 133

Bonnet-Bourdelot, 133 Bonneval, General, 186n43 Bononcini, Antonio Maria, 44, 234 Bononcini, Giovanni, 44, 55, 57, 171, 233,

234, 343, 345, 368, 374, 375, 377 Almahide, 359 Camilla, regina de' Volsci, Il trionfo di, I 03,

359, 369 Meslanges musique latine, franroise et italienne,

152 Muzio Scevola, 368 Poryphemo, 234, 25ln8

Bonporti, Francesco Antonio, 85, 143 Bontempi, Giovanni Andrea, 6

Dafne, 2!7 Paride, Il, 217 Teseo, 217

Boraggine, 119 Bordoni (Hasse), Faustina, Ill, 227, 303,

368 Borghese, Marcantonio, 112 Borosini, Francesco, 343, 345, 348 Boschi, Giuseppe Maria, 171, 223, 225 Bose, Caspar, 268 Bose, Georg, 268 Bostel, Lucas von, 194 Bourbon, 13~ 417, 418 Bourbon, Duke of, 176, 178 Bourbon, Philippe, Duke of Orleans see

Orleans, Philippe Bourbon, Duke of Bourgeois, Thomas-Louis, 150, 170

Divertissement du roi, Le, 167 Boxberg, Christian Ludwig, 282 Boyce, William, 379, 382, 387

Adieu to the Spring Gardens, The, 385 Chaplet, The, 387 Solomon, 38 7

Bracegirdle, Anne, 35 7 Brahms, Johannes, 36 Brandenburg, 230--53 Brandenburg, Prince of, 218 Brandenburg-Ansbach, Margravine of, 218 Brandenburg-Prussia, 12


Kapelle, 242 Brazil, 441, 427 Breitkopf & Hartel, 35 Breitkopf, Bernhard Christoph, 260, 262,

268 Breitkopf, Johann Gottlob Immanuel, 260 Breunich, Michael, 441 Briegel, Wolfgang Carl, 230, 247 Britton, Thomas, 23, 362 Brockes, Barthold Heinrich

Fiir die Siinden der Welt gemarterte und sterbende jesus, Der, 206

Harmonische Himmels-Lust, 26! Bronnemiiller, Elias, 402 Bronner, 198 Broschi, Carlo see Farinelli Brossard, Sebastien, 144-5, 148, 150

Dictionnaire de musique, 15-16, 143, 151 Bruce, General, 455 Brunswick, 13, 195 Brunswick-Wolfenbiittel, 12, 13, 196 Brussels, 140, 185nll, 299, 302 Brydges, James, Duke ofChandos, Earl of

Carnarvon, 366, 379 Buchner, Johann Poly karp, 243 Bu!Iardin, Pierre-Gabriel, 140, 146, 221, 287 Bukofzer, Manfred, 2 Bulgarelli-Benti, Maria Anna ('La

Romanina'), Ill Bulgaria, 435 Biilow, Hans von, 36 Biimler, Georg Heinrich, 320 Burckhardt, Jakob, I Burgundy, Marie Adelaide of Savoy,

Duchess of, I 79 Burgundy, Louis, Duke of, 136, 159, 163,

164, 166, 169, 179 Burney, Charles, 101, 105, 106-7, 114, 192,

403 Busoni, Ferrucccio, 36 ·Buttstett, Johann Heinrich, 246

Ut, mi, sol, re, fa, la, tota musica, 246, 261 Buxtehude, Dieterich, 13, 209, 210--12

Allerschrecklichste und allerfreulichste, Das, 212 Castrum do/oris, 212 Himmlische Seelenlust auf Erde, 211-12 Templum honoris, 212 Wacht! Euch zum Streit, 212

Buysero, Dirck, 399 Triorrifeerende Min, De, 399 Vryadje van Cloris en Rnosje, De, 402

Byng, Admiral, 97 Byrd, William, 373

Caccini, Giulio, 5 Euridice, 5 Nuove musiche, Le, 5

Caesar, Johann Melchior, 319 Ca!Iarelli, 57, Ill, 124 Caldara, Antonio, 10, 41, 46, 55, 59, 63, 70,


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The Late Baroque Era

77, 90, 186n43, 332, 334, 336, 339, 343, 344, 346, 350

Abisai, 59 Adriano in Siria, 336-7, 338 Cristo condannato, 343 F'orza dell'amici:;;ia, ovvero Pilade e Oreste, La,

348 Giunio Bruto, 3 Giuoco del quadriglio, 344 joaz, 343 Missa sanctificationis Sancti Joannis

Nepomuceni, 328 Sirita, 223

Calderon de Ia Barca, Pedro, 412, 413, 416, 423

Purpura de Ia rosa, La, 413 Callieres, Fran<;ois de

Histoire de Ia guerre nouvellement declamee entre les anciens et les modemes, 413

Camargo, Marie-Anne Cupis de, 147, 180, 183

Cambert, Robert, 129, 147 Camerloher, Joseph Anton

Clemenza di Tito, La, 306 Camerloher, Placidus von, 308 Camillo generoso, 218 Campra, Andre, 23, 135, 144, 153, 157-8,

166, 170, 171, 177, 185nl7, 185n21, 440

Cariselli, 158 Carnaval de Venise, Le, 15 7 Europe galante, L', 137, 141, 142, 154, 157 Fetes venitiennes, Les 154, !58, 184nl motets, 156 Oifeo nell 'iriferi, 15 7 Tancrede, 179 Telephe, 167

Canaletto, 70, 78, 79, 86-7 Candi, Giovanni Pietro

Amanti generosi, Gl', 102 Cafiizares, Jose de, 418 cantata de camera, 48 cantatas, 7, 16, 21,48-50, 119, 151 Cantionale sacrum, 246 Capece, Caelo Sigismondo, 47 Capranica, 55 Capranica, Pompeo, 61 Capricornus, Samuel, 210 Caproli, Carlo, 51 Capua, Rinaldo di, 51, 431 Caracciolo, Prince, 112, 113 Carasale, Angelo, 99, 101 Carestini, Giovanni, 57 Carey, Henry

Amelia, 380, 381 Cariati, Prince of, 98 Carignan, Victor-Amedee-Joseph of Savoy,

Prince of, 146, 171, 181, 183 Carissimi, Giacomo, 15, 48, 144, 155, 237,

298, 307


Jejte, 58 Carl Albrecht, Elector of Bavaria (Emperor

Charles VII), 302, 305-6 Carlo IV, Duke of Mantua, 217 Caroline, Princess of England, 375 Caroline, Queen of England, 378 Carpsow, Johann Benedict, 274 Castellane, Marchioness de, 177 Castellini, Teresa, 421 castratos, 18, 31, Ill, 134, 184n7 Castrucci, Pietro, 24, 52, 366 Castrucci, Prospera, 366 Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, 235 Cavalieri, Emilio de', 5 Cavalli, Francesco, 77, 155, 237

Egisto, re di Cipro, L', 134 Scipione affricano, 53, Ill

Cavazzoni, Marc' Antonio, 77 Cazzati, Maurizio, 210, 237 Cecchi, Domenico ('II Cortona'), Ill Cecchini, Pier Maria, 98 Celentano, Domenico, 117 Celie, 146 censorship, 7 5 Cerda, Luigi Francisco de Ia, 95, 119 Certain, Marie-Fran<;oise, 150 Cervetto, Giacobbe, 366 Cesari, Giovanni Antonio, 208 Cesarini, Francesco, 42, 44 Cesarini, Carlo Francesco

Giunio Bruto, 3 Chalon, Johannes, 408n3 chamber music, 24 Chantilly, 134, 137 Chareau, Antoine, 407 Charles, King of the Two Sicilies, 96, 10 I,

108, 122 Charles I, King of England, 141 Charles II, King of England, 141, 146, 14 7 Charles II, King of Spain, 95, 97, 148, 300,

413, 414 Charles III, King of Spain see Charles, King

of the Two Sicilies Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, Emperor

of Austria, 95, 122, 250, 325, 326, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 334, 336, 338, 339, 340, 347, 349

Charles VII, Emperor see Carl Albrecht, Elector of Bavaria

Charpentier, Marc-Antoine, 134, 135, 144, 157, 184

Celse Martyr, !57 David etjonathas, 157, 182 Epitaphium Carpentarij, 157 Medee, 134, 137, 144 Philomele, 135

Chartres, M. de, 159 Chasse de Chinais, Claude-Louis-Dominique

de, 180 Chateauneuf, Abbe de

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Dialogue sur la musique; des ancients ii Monsieur de ***, 139

Chedeville, Nicolas, 9lnl4 Chelleri, Fortunato, 314 Chevalier, Leopold, 208 Chiaveri, Gaetano, 218, 29lnl0 Chiavi, Gennaro delle, 108 Chinzer, Giovanni, 400 Choin, Mile de, 161 Christian, Duke of Weimar, 242 Christiane Eberhardine of

Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Electress of Saxony, 219, 271

Christina, Queen of Sweden, 8, 24, 43, 46, 48, 51,53

Chrysander, Friedrich, 33 Cibber, Mrs see Arne, Susanna Cibo, Alderamo, Cardinal, 42 Cideville, Pierre Robert Le Cornier de, 168,

183 Clarke, Jeremiah, 363

Island Princess, The, 35 7 classicism see antiquarianism Clayton, Thomas, 363, 371

Arsinoe, Queen of Cyprus, 358, 360 Rnsamond, 143, 359

Clement IX, Pope, 43, 53 Clement X, Pope, 40, 43 Clement XI, Pope, 9, 40, 41, 43, 44, 47 Clement XII, Pope, 40, 43, 55 Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas, 140, 150, 159,

161, 173,305 Orphic, 181

Clermont, Johannes, 408n3 Cliveden, 387 Cochereau, Ja<tques, 163 Cockuyt [Cocquu], Jacobus, 401 Colista, Lelio, 51 Collasse, Pascal, 129, 164-5, 195

Naissance de Venus, La, 165 Saisons, Le, 165 Thetis et Pilie, 165

collegia musica, 14 Collins, Samuel, 457, 458 Colloredo, 326 Colonna, 8, 43, 56 Colonna, Carlo, Cardinal, 43 Colver, Johann, 403 Compiegne, 141 Conde, Prince of ('Monsieur le Prince'), 137,

169 Congreve, William, 356

Judgment of Paris, The, 357 Semele, 359

Conradi, Johann Georg, 195 Schone und getreue Ariadne, Die, 195

conservatories, 10, 32 Contarini, Marco, 77 Conti, Prince of, 177, 180


Conti, Princess of, 135, 138, 148, 156, 159, 161

Conti, Francesco, 336, 345 Ammalato immaginario, L ', 342 Istro, L ', 223

Conti, Michelangelo dei, 40 Contini, Giambattista, 56 Corelli, Arcangelo, 9, 10, 25, 41, 44, 46, 47,

51, 130, 138, 139, 145, 150, 405, 406 Christmas Concerto, 138, 178 concerti grossi op.6, 9, 25, 52, 57, 114, 405 trio sonatas op.l, 24, 25, 52, 405 trio sonatas op.2, 24, 25, 52, 405 trio sonatas op.3, 24, 25, 52, 150, 405 trio sonatas op.4, 24, 25, 52, 405 violin sonatas op.5, 24, 151, 405

Corneille, Pierre, 438 Inconnu, L ', 173

Corneille, Thomas, 144 Corradi, Giulio Cesare, 283 Corradini, Francesco, 420, 421, 422 Corselli, Francesco, 420, 422, 425 Corsini, Lorenzo, 40 Corvo, Nicolo

Patro Calienno de la Costa, 119 Coryat, Thomas, 71 Costanzi, Giovanni Battista

Componimento sacro, 58 Cothen, 13, 200, 231, 234, 245 Couperin, Fram,;ois, 133, 148, 152, 153, 155,

159, 180, 184, 185n21 Apothiose de Corelli, 130, 175 Art de toucher le clavecin, L ', 175 Concert instrumental sous le titre d'Apothiose

compose ii la mimoire immortelle de !'incomparable Monsieur de Lulli, 130, 175

Concerts royaux, 175 Goiits-riiinis, Les, 175, 179 Le{on de Tenebres, 175 Nations, Les, 150, 175 Pieces de clavecin, 152, 175 Raphaile, La, 155 Sonades, 150 suites for bass viol, 175 Traiti de viole, !52

Couperin, Marguerite-Louise, 163 Coupillet, Nicolas, 137, 166 Courland, Duke of, 458 Covens, Jan, 407 Cremona, 21 Crescimbeni, G. M., 48 Cristofori, Bartolomeo, 9lnl6 Croatia, 435 Croft, William, 363, 371, 388

Te Deum, 371 Crowne, John

Calisto, 146-7 Crozat, Antoine, 137, 181 Crozat, Joseph-Antoine, 155


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The Late Baroque Era

Crozat, Pierre, 155, 177 Criiger, Johannes, 232 Cuzzoni, Francesca, 171, 177, 207

D'Aquin de Chateau-Lyon, Pierre-Louis Siecle litteraire de Louis XV, !51, 153, 156,

184 Dachau, 303 Dagincour, Fran,.ois, 143 Dall'Abaco, Evaristo Felice, 300, 301, 305,

405 Concerti a piu instrumenti, 305

Dalliker, J. R., 22 Dall'Oglio, Domenico, 459, 462 Danchet, Antoine

Cariselli, 158 Sacre de Louis XV. .. , Le, 174

Dancourt, F. C., 163 Dandrieu, Jean-Fran<;;ois

trio sonatas, !50 Dandrieu,Jeanne, 140 Dangeau, Marquis de, 155, 159, 162, 163,

168 Danoville

Traite de viole, !52 Danzig [Gdansk], 449 Daquin, Louis-Claude, 153 Darmstadt, 139, 235, 247 Dathenus, Petrus, 396, 397 David and Goliath, 450 De Beze, 396 Deichel, Anton, 308 Denner, Johann Christoph, 318 Dennis, John

Essay on the Opera's after the Italian Manner, 19-20

Rinaldo and Armida, 357 De Rano, ll9 Descoteaux, Rene, 159, 163 Deshayes, Therese Boutinon, 182 Desmarets, Henry, 129, 133, 145, 148, 165,

415 Cum invocarem, 166 Didon, 166 Iphiginie en Tauride, 166

Desmatins, Mile, 143 Des Planes, Jean-Antoine see Piane,

Giovanni Antonio Desrosiers, Nicolas, 401 Dessau, 231 Destouches, Andre Cardinal, 23, 153, 155,

165, 166, 170, 171, 172, 179, 180, 182, 184, 186n31

Amadis de Grece, 167 Callirhoe, 167 Carnaval et la Folie, Le, 158, 167 Elimens, Les, 167, 170, 173 /sse, 141, 164, 166 motets, 156 Omphale, 167


Stratagemes de l'Amour, Les, 179 Telimaque, 167

Devrient, Eduard, 35 Dieupart, Charles (Fran<;;ois?), 147, 360, 363 Dikte, Theodorus, 403 Diletsky, Nikolay, 446, 448

Idea grammatikii musikiski!JI, 445--6 Dillingen, 319 dissonance, 15, 30 Dmitry, Metropolitan ofRostov [Danill

Savvich Tuptalo], 450 Dolgoruky, Grigory, Count, 455 Dolgoruky, Jakob, Count, 455 Domenico, Gianpaolo di

Lisa Pontegliosa, 97 Dominique

Comidiens esclaves, Les, 180 Dommaille, Bernard, 398 Donauwiirth, 312 Dordrecht, 395 Doring, Christian, 266, 286 Dornel, 173 Draghi, Giovanni Battista, 349 Dresden, II, 20, 26, 74, 140, 216-29, 222,

224, 234, 237, 247 Frauenkirche, 29ln!O Hofkirche, 218, 271, 29ln!O Kapelle, 216, 217, 218, 219-20, 228, 233,

274 Zwinger, 218, 221, 226

Drese, Adam, 243 Drese, Johann Samuel, 244, 248 Drese, Johann Wilhelm, 244, 245 Drinkman, Gerrit, 406 Duchesse, Louise-Fran<;;oise de Nantes, La,

160, 169 Dumanoir, Guillaume, 414 Du Plessy, 152 Durante, Francesco, 32

Prodigi della Divina Misericordia verso li devoti del glorioso Sant'Antonio da Padova, Li, ll8

Durastanti, Margherita, 50, 171, 223, 225 Duron, Sebastian, 414, 425, 426 Dusseldorf, 308, 399 Dutch Reformed Church, 395-7 Duval, Fran<;;ois, 136, 151

Ebeling, Friedrich, 403 Eberlin, Daniel, 24 7 Eccles, Henry, 143 Eccles, John, 357

British Enchanters, The, 359 Loves of Mars and Venus, The, 357 Rinaldo and Armida, 35 7 Semele, 359

Eck,Johann, 270 Ecuiers, Miles, 173 Effier, Johann, 246 Egedacher, 3ll

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Eichstatt, 308 Eisel, Johann Philipp

Musicus autodidactus, oder Der sick selbst informiererule Musicus, 246

Eisenach, 232, 243, 245, 247-8 Eisenberg, 241 Eisenhut, Thomas, 320 Elford, Richard, 363 Elice, 97 Elisabeth Christine, Empress of Austria, 97,

98, 106, 114, 326, 333, 334, 381 Elizabeth, Empress of Russia, 452, 462 emotion, 4, 5, 19, 30 Engelbrecht, C., 335 Engelbrecht, M., 191 England, 355-92; see also London

amateurs, 14, 23, 25, 52 chamber music, 23, 362 choral music, 33, 34 concerti grossi, 52 concertos, 25 concerts, 14, 23-4, 361-3, 373, 384-7 music criticism, 19 music publishing, 14, 25, 33-4, 48, 78,

372, 381-2, 389nl8, 390n48 music societies, 25, 33, 373 musicology, 372 opera, 6, 14, 15, 19, 32, 147, 171, 225,

358--61, 365-70, 377-8, 379, 380-l, 384

oratorios, 15, 23, 24, 372 patronage, 14 pleasure gardens, 23 sonatas, 25 style, 19, 146 theatres, 23, 147, 355, 356--61, 362 Three Choirs Fesitval, 33

English Consort, 52 Ensenada, Marquis of, 426 Erdiidy, 326 Erfurt, 232, 245, 247 Ericeira, Francisco Xavier de Meneses, 4th

Count of, 430 Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich, 13, 249

Plejades, oder Das Siebengestirne, Die, 249 Siegene Unschuld, Die, 249

Ermini, Margherita, 457 Ernhorn, 448 Ernst I, Duke of Saxe-Gotha ('the Pious'),

246 Ernst August, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, 244,

245 Ernst August, Elector of Hanover, 232 Erthel, Sebastian, 310 Escorial, El, 422 Estrees, Marshal d', I 76 Estwick, Samson, 373 ethnomusicology, 84 Euler, Leonhard

Tentamen novae theoriae musicae, 459


Evora Cathedral, 427 Evreux, Countess d', 177 &io, 105

Faggioli, Michelangelo Cilla, 119

Fago, Francesco, 117, 124 Te Deum, 116

Falari, Marie Therese, Duchess of, 171 Falb, Remigius

Pastorellae symphoniae, 311 Falckenhagen, Adam, 314 Falco, Michele

Lollo pisciaportelle, 119 Oratorio per la festivita del glorioso S Nicola

vescovo di Mira, 117 Paz;:.ie d'amore, Le, 98

Falconi, Felipe, 425 Fantasia, Rosalia, 457 Farinel, Jean-Baptiste, 146 Farinel, Michel, 146, 148, 414 Farinelli [Carlo Broschi], 111, 124, 421, 422 Fasch, Johann Friedrich, 235, 243, 254, 282

Berenice, 235 Lucius Verus, 235

F. D. S., Abbe, 436 Febiarmonici, 98 Fedeli, Giuseppe

Temple of Love, The, 147 Fedeli, Ruggiero, 234, 237 Federico, Gennaro Antonio

Locandiera, La, 122 Serva padrone, La, l 05

Fehling, Carl Heinrich, 222, 224 Feijoo, Benito

Musica de los templos, La, 426 Feind, Barthold, 194 Fenelon, Abbe

Telimaque, !53 Fenton, Lavinia, 370 Feo, Francesco, 32

Arsace, 17 For;:.a della virtU, La, 121 Gloria, 116 Martiro di Santa Caterina, 11, 118 Morte del Giuste e del Peccatore, La, 114

Ferdinand II ('the Catholic'), King of Aragon, 94

Ferdinand VI, King of Spain, 96, 420 Ferdinand Maria, Elector of Bavaria, 297,

298,309 Fernandez Pacheco, Juan Emanuel, 95 Ferrandini, Giovanni Battista, 306 Fesch, Willem de, 400 Feste di cupido, Le, 218 Festing, Michael, 379, 383 Feustking, Friedrich Christian, 194 Finalis, Ivan, 448 Finger, Gottfried, 357

Loves of Mars and Venus, The, 357


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The Late Baroque Era

Finta schiava, Lll, 284 Fiocco, Pierre Antonio, 299, 398 Fiore, Angelo Maria, 138 Fiorenza, Nicolo, 114 Fischer, Johann, 139 Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand, 139, 34 7,

399 Fischer, Johann Philipp Albrecht, 403

Kort en grondig onderwijs van de transpositie, 403

Fischer von Erlach, Johann Bernhard, 330, 334, 337

Fleischer, David, 263 Fleischhack, Johann Adolf, 240 Flemming, Paul, 240 Fleury, Cardinal, 177 Florence, 56-7, 96

Camerata, 4 Florimo, Francesco, 123 Foggia, Antonio, 10, 156 Fontainebleau, 134, 137, 162, 163, 164, 167,

168, 169, 171, 179 Chapelle de Ia Trinite, 178 Salle de Ia Comedie, 171

Fontana, Carlo, 56 Fontana, Giovanni Battista, 347 Fontenelle, 18, 136 Forkel, Johann Nicolaus, 34 Forner, Christian, 241 Forqueray, Antoine, 136, 139, 140, 151, 160,

163, 180, 185n21 Forster, Christoph, 241, 250 Forster, Kaspar, 237 Forstmeier, 234 fortepiano, 79, 91n16 Fortsch, Johann Philipp, 139, 195 Fossa, Johannes de, 296 Foucault, Henry, 137, 149, 150, 151 France, 129--89; see also Paris

air de cour, 7 ballets de cour, 7 cantatas, 151, 152 castratos, 111, 134-5, 184n7 choruses, 7 concerts, 23, 159, 177 connoisseurs, 19 dance, 7, 159, 180 dancing-masters, 146 motets, 156 music criticism, 18--20 music publishing, 25, 144, 148, 149, 151}-3 musical instruments, 154-5 musicians, status, 153 opera, 6, 7, 21-3, 131, 138, 154, 155,

167--8, 171, 173, 180, 183 orchestras, 18 patronage, 6 sacred music, 155--7 singers, 111, 134-5 sonatas, 151, 152-5


style, 16, 17-18, 132, 146, 158, 181, 195 suites, 151 Te Deum, 157 tenors, 111 transcriptions, 151 women composers, 151

Franciscans, 13 Franck, Johann Wolfgang, 195, 232, 313

Drei Tdchter Cecrops, Die, 313 Francke, August Hermann, 244 Francoeur, Franc;ois, le cadet

Pyrame et Thisbi, 180, 186n43 Frankfurt, 6, 14, 24, 205, 206, 211, 256, 257,

260, 269 Collegium Musicum Frauenstein, 205

Frederick, Prince of Wales, 374, 375, 375, 378, 385, 387

Frederick Christian, Crown Prince of Saxony and Poland, 89

Frederick Henry, Stadholder of the Netherlands, 393

Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, 216, 232-3, 233, 234, 314

Freeman, John, 362, 363 Freiberg, 256 Freising, 308 Freschi, Domenicho, 210

Helena rapita da Paride, 398 Ritratto della Gloria donato all'Eternita, 11, 77

Frescobaldi, Girolamo, 34 7 Freundt, 311 Freylingshausen

Geistreiches Gesangbuch, 460 Friedrich, Margrave of Bayreuth, 314 Friedrich I, King of Prussia, 232 Friedrich II, King of Prussia see Frederick

the Great Friedrich III, Elector of Brandenburg see

Friedrich I, King of Prussia Friedrich III, Elector of Saxony ('Frederick

the Wise'), 257, 270 Friedrich Anthon, Prince of Rudolstadt, 249 Friedrich August, Prince Elector of Saxony,

74 Friedrich August I ('August the Strong'),

Elector of Saxony, King of Poland, 216, 218, 219, 220, 227, 228, 266, 271, 291n9, 439,440,452,457,460

Friedrich August II, Elector of Saxony, King of Poland, 222,223,227, 228, 266, 271, 439

Friedrich Christian, Elector of Saxony, 228 Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg

('Great Elector'), 232 Friedrich Wilhelm I, King of Prussia, 232 Frischmuth, Leonard, 396, 403 Fritsch, Ahasverus, 248, 249 Fritzsch, Christian, 208 Froberger,JohannJacob, 319,347 Fuchs, Johann Gregor, 265--6

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Fuerst, 451 Fugger, 256, 257 Fuhrmann, Martin, 289 Fiirstenfeld, 311 Fiissen, 320 Fux,JohannJoseph, 311,327,332,336,344,

346, 347, 349, 350, 376 Angelica vincitrice d'Alcina, 341, 342, 348 Corona d'Arianna, La, 338 Costanza e Fortezza, 186n43, 338, 339, 340,

344, 348, 457 Elisa, 336, 338 Enea negli Elisi, 337 Fede sacrilega nella morte del Precursor S

Giovanni Battista, La, 343 Gradus ad Pamassum, 332, 340, 350 julo Ascanio, re d'Alba, 338 Messa di San Carlo tutta in canone ('Missa

Canonica'), 328 Missa brevis, 333

Fuzelier, Louis, 175 Festes grecques et romaines, Les, 177

Gabriel, 443 Gabrieli, Andrea, 4, 77 Gabrieli, Giovanni, 4, 77, 216 Galan, Cristobal, 412 Galant style, 16, 203 Gal bert de Campistron, Jean

Achille et Poliene, 165 Gallas, Johann Wenzel, Count, 59 Galliard, Johann, 360, 373, 374, 388

Calypso and Telemachus, 369 Galli-Bibiena, Alessandro, 336 Galli-Bibiena, Antonio, 336 Galli-Bibiena, Carlo, 314 Galli-Bibiena, Ferdinando, 99, 108, 336, 341 Galli-Bibiena, Francesco, 108, 335, 336 Galli-Bibiena, Giuseppe, 314, 336, 339, 341,

348 Gallot 'le jeune', 140 Galuppi, Baldassare, 384 Garrick, David, 387 Gascoigne, Bernard, 146 Gasenkruch, Timofei, 44 7 Gasparini, Francesco, 11, 24, 42, 44, 48, 55,

57, 63, 84, 124 Gates, Bernard, 376, 379 Gatti, Theobaldo di, 136

airs, 148 Coronis, 136 Scylla, 137

Gay, John Beggar's Opera, The, 369, 370

Gazeta de Lisboa, 429 Gebel, Georg, 250 Geilfuss, Carl Georg, 400 Geminiani, Francesco, 25, 53, 178, 366, 374 Genest, Abbe

Divertissements de Sceaux, Les, 170


Gentili, Giorgio, 70 George I, King of England, 192, 366, 367,

371 George II, King of England, 369, 372 George III, King of England, 371 Gerber, 139 Gerer, Johann Baptist, 319 Gerhardt, Paul, 232 Gerlach, Carl Gotthelf, 286, 291 Germany, 190--323; see also Dresden,

Hamburg, Leipzig, Lubeck architecture, 263-8 book publishing, 260--1 cantatas, 201, 209, 273 collegia musica, 13, 24 composers, 207 concert halls, 207 concerts, 14, 24,207,211-13,305 dancing-masters, 146 festival books, 13 folk music, 197 Gesellscha.ftslieder, 240 librettos, 198, 274, 282 lieder, 197 monasteries, 309-11, 319-20 music criticism, 20 music publishing, 35-6, 211, 259-62, 274,

319 music treatises, 246, 261 musical instruments, 312 musicians' guilds, 239 musicology, 36, 320 opera, 6, 13, 14, 194, 196, 199, 217, 218,

227, 241, 249, 281-4, 313 opera houses, 194, 217, 218-19 oratorios, 209, 212, 309 orchestras, 233 organ music, 13, 199-201, 236, 311, 319 patronage, 12-14 periodicals, 193 popular music, 197 sacred music, 13, 201-4, 207, 209-12, 249,

272-80, 298 singers, 213nl9, 291nll, 303 Singspiel, 317 style, 15--16, 20, 216

Gerstenbiittel, Joachim, 201, 202 Gervais, Charles-Hubert, 135, 177 Gesualdo, Carlo, 30-Ghezzi, Pier-Leone, 104 Ghignone, Giovanni Pietro see Guignon,

Jean-Pierre Giai, Giovanni Antonio

Adriano in Siria, 89 Gian Gastone, Grand Duke, 96 Giannettini, Antonio, 317 Giesken, Abraham, 403 Gleditsch, Johann Caspar, 284 Gletle, Johann Melchior, 319 Gluck, Christoph Willibald, 308, 384


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The Late Baroque Era

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 269-70 Goldmann, Nicholaus

Civil-Baukunst, Die, 268 Goldoni, Carlo, 121 Golikov, Count, 455 Golitsi:n, 448 Golitsi:n, Dimitry, Count, 455 Golitsi:n, Peter, Count, 455 Gorczycki, Grzegorz Gerwazy, 439 GOrner, Johann Gottlieb, 286, 291 Gotha, 230, 232, 235, 241, 243, 246-7, 248 Gothaer Schulmethodus, 246 Gottorf, 238 Gottsched, Johann Christoph, 260 Graaf, Jan Jacob de, 408n3 Grabus, Louis, 146 Graf, Christian Ernst, 250 Graf, Johann

violin sonatas opp.l-3, 250 Grande Hautbois, 145 Grandi, Alessandro, 210 Granja, La, 422 Granouillet de La Sablieres, Jean, 129 Granville, George

British Enchonters, The, 359 Jew of Venice, The, 388n4

Graun, Carl Heinrich, 13, 186n43, 234, 314, 320

Tod Jesu, Der, 207 Graun, Johann Gottlieb, 234, 241, 314 Graupner, Christoph, 196, 235, 254, 274,

282 Grave, Abbe, 173 Gravelot, H. F., 385 Graz, 348 Greber, Jakob

Amori di Ergasto, Gli, 358-9 Greco, Gaetano, 114 Greek plays, 4 Greene, Maurice, 371, 373, 375, 376, 378,

382, 383, 388 Florimel, or Love's Revenge, 3 79 Phoebe, 379

Gregori, Johann Godfried, 449 Comedy of Artaxerxes, 449

Grenoble, 143 Grimaldi, Nicolo ('Nicolini'), Ill Grimani, 88 Grimarest

Traiti du recitatif, 131 Grooth, Johann Nikolaus de, 307 Gross, Henning, 260 Grosse, Johann Christian, 238 Grossi, Carlo, 237 Grossi, Giovanni Francesco ('Siface'), Ill Grullo e Moschetta, 213 Grunewald, Gottfried

Ungetreue Schii.ffer Cardillo, Der, 282 Guardi, Francesco, 78 Guicciardi, Francesco, 223


Guichard, Henry, 129, 148, 414 Guido, Giovanni Antonio, 136 Guignon,Jean-Pierre, 138-9, 140, 146, 177,

180, 181 Guillemain, Louis-Gabriel, 145

quartet sonatas, !52 Guise, Duchess of, 134, 135, 150 Gumpelzhaimer, Adam, 318 Gusmao, Alexandre

Pazienza di Socrate, La, 429 Gutovsky, Simon, 447, 449, 458

Haarlem, 394 Habsburg, 324-54,326, 393,411,416,417 Hacquart, Carolus, 399

Triorrifeerende Min, De, 399 Haffner, Johann Ulrich, 318 Hague, The, 394, 399

collegium musicum, 400 Felix Meritis Society, 400

Hall, William, 362 Halle, 231, 235-9, 241, 460

Francke Foundations, 236 Kapelle, 237 Marienkirche, 238 University, 238

Hamburg, 190, 191-208, 238, 256 Akademische Gymnasium, 193 cantatas, 202-4, 205 Catharinenkirche, 200, 203 Cathedral, 213nl9 collegium musicum, 24, 204-5 concerts, 14, 24, 202, 204-8, 233 Drillhaus, 204, 206, 207 Gansemarkt theatre, 194, 196, 198, 200 Hof von Holland, 207 Jakobikirche, 199, 200-1, 203 Johanneum, 193, 199, 202 Johanniskirche, 199, 207 Kaiserhof, 207 Kampe concert hall, 207 Kantorei, 201 Michaeliskirche, 203, 207 Nicolaikirche, 199-200, 203 Niederbaumhaus, 204 opera, 6, 14, 196-9, 198, 201, 202, 241,

242,281 organ music, 13, 199-201 Patriotische Gesellschaft, 193 Petrikirche, 203 sacred music, 34, 201-4, 205, 213nl9

Hamilton, Mary, 449 Hammerschmidt, Andreas, 210 Hampton Court, 371 Handel, George Frideric, 10, 14, 32-4, 35,

41, 63, 182-3, 196, 207-8, 225, 231, 235, 236, 238, 303, 320, 362, 371, 373,383,383,386,387

works and performances, 25, 14 7, 34 7, 365, 366, 368, 378, 380, 386, 400

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Acis and Galatea, 33, 366, 379, 380 Admeto, 368 Agrippina, 57 Alexander's Feast, 33, 382 Amadigi di Gaula, 198, 367 Cluzndos anthems, 366 Concerti Grossi op. 6, 57, 382 Dietro l'orme fogaci, 51 Dunque sara pur vero, 51 Esther, 23, 366, 379 Fiir die Siinden der Welt gemarterte und

sterbende Jesus, Der, 206 Giulio Cesare, 342, 367 Italian cantatas, 51 Jubilate, 365, 376 Judas Maccabaeus, 386 King sluzll rejoice, Let Thy luznd be

strengthened, The 3 71 Messiah, 32, 33 Music for the Royal Fireworks, 384 Muzio Scevola, 367, 368 My heart is inditing, 3 71 0 numi eterni, 51 operas, 56-7 organ concertos, 381 Pastor folo, II, 361 &damisto, 369 Resurrezione, La, 10, 45, 60 Riccardo Primo, 369 Rinaldo, 198, 361, 367 Rodrigo, 57 St Cecilia Ode, 33 Solomon, 386 Tamerlano, 199, 341, 367 Te Deum, 365, 376 Teseo, 361 Vespers of 1707, 42, 44 Zadok the Priest, 3 71

Hanover, 12, 146, 233, 281, 282, 302 Haro, Gaspar de, 95 Harrer, Gottlob, 280, 292n15 Hart, Philip, 387 Hasse, Faustina Bordoni see Bordoni

(Hasse), Faustina Hasse, Johann Adolf, 13, 55, 57, 89, Ill,

207, 227-8, 315, 421, 440, 441 Arrighetta e Cespuglio, 105 Artaxerxe, 213 Cantico di Ire fanciulli, II, 228 Carlotta e Pantaleone, 105 Clemenza di Tito, La, 452, 462 Cleofole, 227 Dorilla e Balanzone, 105 Grilletta e Porsugnacco, 105 Larinda e Vanesio, 105 Lucilla e Pandolfo, 105 Merlina e Galoppo, 105 Miride e Damari, 104 Scintilla e Don Tabarano, 105

Haussmann, Elias Gottlieb, 278


Haverkamp, Everard, 408n3 Havingha, Gerhardus, 396, 403 Hawkins, John, 362 Haydn, Joseph, 2, 34, 350

Creation, The, 33 Seasons, The, 261

Haydn, Michael, 350 Haym, Nicola, 360, 363, 372-3, 374 Hebenstreit, Pantaleon, 139, 241, 248 Heermann, Johann, 232 Heinichen, Johann David, II, 20, 74, 90,

223, 235, 243, 250 Angenehme Betrug oder Der Karneval in

Venedig, Der, 282 Flavio Crispo, 227 Gara degli Dei, La, 223 General-Bass in der Composition, Der, 20, 30,

74 Hercules, 282 Paris und Helene, 251n19 Serenata fatta sulla Elba, 224, 225

Heitmann, Johann Joachim, 200 Hellendaal, Pieter, 400 Hemmings, Elizabeth, 362 Hempel, Susanna Regina, 263 Henrici, Christian Friedrich see Picander Henrietta, Duchess of Marlborough, 3 77 Henrietta Maria of France, 141 Henriette Adelaide of Savoy, Electress of

Bavaria, 298 Hertel, Jakob Christian, 240--1 Hertel, Johann Christian, 241, 248 Hertel, Johann Wilhelm, 248 Hesse, Ernst Christian, 139 Heudelinne, Louis, 151 Heumann, G. D., 316 Heus, Joan Philip, 399 Hidalgo, Juan, 412, 413, 414

PUrpura de Ia rosa, La, 413 Hieronymites, 13 Hill, Aaron, 361 Hiller, Johann Adam, 33 Hindemith, Paul, 36 Hirschberger, Albericus, 311

Philomena Cisterciensis, 312 Hochbruker, Jakob, 312 Hochzeit des Lamms, Die, 211 Hockh, Carl, 235 Hoffmann, E. T. A., 34 Hoffmann, Melchior, 254, 282, 283, 286 Hogarth, William, 382 Hohenzollern, 313 Hohmann, Christian Gottlieb, 263 Hohmann, Peter (i), 262, 263, 265 Hohmann, Peter (ii), 263 Holzhauser, Theresa, 237, 238 Hoorn, Jacobus van, 408n3 Hotteterre, Jacques-Martin ('le Romain'),

145 Traiti de viole, !52


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The Late Baroque Era

Hotteterre, Louis, 149, 185n21 Hotteterre, Nicolas, 149, 185n21 Hiie, 152 Huebner, Johann, 452, 460 Hughes, Francis, 363 Humfrey, Pelham, 141 Hungary, 435 Hunold, Christian Friedrich, 194 Hupfeld, Bernhard, 400 Hurlebusch, Conrad Friedrich, 208, 395, 403

150 Psalmen Davids, De, 397

ldropica, La, 98 Ingolstadt, 310 Innocent X, Pope, 44 Innocent XI, Pope, 40, 41, 43, 53 Innocent XII, Pope, 40, 41, 43, 55 Innocent XIII, Pope, 40, 43 Innsbruck, 310 instrumental music, 21-9 intermezzos, 55--6, 103-5, 119 lpermestra, 213 Isabella Farnese, Queen of Spain, 96, 416,

420, 421, 425 lstomin, Karion, 448 Italy, 39-128; see also Naples, Rome, Venice

academies, 47-8, 51, 78-9 antiquarianism 79-84, 86-7 arias, 78, 109 cantatas, 7, 16, 43, 48, 114, 119 capelli musicali, 41-2, 115 castratos, 18, 31, 111, 134-5, l84n7 censorship, 75 chamber music, 23 comedies, 115 composers, 21, 32, 124 concertos, 9, 25-9, 51-2 concerts, 9, 11, 24, 77 conservatories, 10, 32, 77 finales, 121 intermezzos, 55--6, 100-5, 119 librettos, 16, 60, 75, 101-7, 120, 198 modernism, 79-80, 84-6 monody, 5 music publishing, 25, 75, 76-7, 91nl3, 148 musical instruments, 41, 68, 71-2, 79, 85,

110 opera, 5-6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 27, 32, 43, 53-7,

81-2, 88, 147, 198, 217, 218, 360, 419-22

opera houses, 99 oratorios, 9-10, 16, 43, 57-60, 71-3, 76,

117 orchestras, 9, 21, 109-10 patronage, 8-12, 39, 43-7 piffari, 68 sacred dramas, 118 sacred music, 4, 8, 41-3, 155 serenatas, 43, 60-3, 76 sinfonias, 85


singers, 31-2, 111, 134-5 singing, 5, 31-2, 81 sonatas, 85 stage designs, 107-9 style, 5, 16, 19, 20-1, 29, 31, 68, 109-11,

123, 132, 158 tenors, Ill theatres, 53-7, 88, 98-101 trio sonatas, 24, 51, 69, 85

Jacquet, Elisabeth-Claude see LaGuerre, Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de

James II, King of England, 147, 161, 167 Janson, Forbin de, Cardinal, 62 Jansz, Broer, 62 Jarzt:bski, Adam, 437 Jena, 232, 242, 247, 288 Jesuits, 13, 309 Johann Adolfl, Duke of Saxony, 236, 241 Johann Adolf II, Duke of Saxony, 241 Johann Ernst, Prince of Weimar, 244 Johann Ernst III, Duke of Weimar, 244 Johann Friedrich, Margrave of Ansbach, 313 Johann Friedrich, Prince of Rudolstadt, 249 Johann Friedrich I, Elector of Saxony, 270 Johann Georg, Duke of Saxony, 241 Johann Georg I, Elector of Saxony, 239,

242, 247 Johann Georg I, Duke of Eisenach, 245 Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony, 216,

217, 247 Johann Georg III, Elector of Saxony, 216,

217, 281 Johann Georg IV, Elector of Saxony, 216,

218 Johann Wilhelm, Duke of Saxony, 247 John II Casimir, King of Poland, 438 John III Sobieski, King of Poland, 438 John IV, King of Portugal, 428 John V, King of Portugal, 417,428,430,431 Jommelli, Niccolo, 32, 105 Jose I, King of Portugal, 432 Joseph, Prince-Bishop of Augsburg,

Landgrave of Hesse, 319 Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, 3, 97, 248,

326, 334, 345 Joseph II, Emperor, 325, 326 Joseph Clemens, Elector of Cologne, 300 journal de Trevoux, 175 journal des Sfavans, 133 Juvarra, Filippo, 3, 44, 45, 47, 56

Kassel, 146 Kayser, Margaretha Susanna, 208 Keiser, Reinhard, 13, 195-8, 198, 199, 204,

274, 342 Almira, 241 Basi/ius, 195 Claudius, 198

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Entdeckte Verstellung, Die, oder Die geheime Liebe der Diana, 197

Fiir die Siinden der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesus, Der, 206

Kempten, 310, 320 Kerll, Johann Kaspar, 298, 319

Antiopa giustijicata, 30 I Cantiones sacrae, 298 masses, 298, 304

keyboard suites, 17 Kiel, 198 Kiev, 445 Kindermann, Johann Erasmus, 317 Kinsky, 326 Kittel, Johann Christian, 246 Kleiner, Salomon, 330 Kleinknecht, Jakob Friedrich, 314 Kleinknecht, Johann Stephan, 314 Kleinknecht, Johann Wolfgang, 314 Klein Vogtsberg, 263 Klopstock

Messias, Der, 207 Klosterneuburg, 331, 35In19 Klotz, Matthais, 311 Knobelsdorff, Georg Wenzeslaus von, 235 Kniipfer, Sebastian, 272 Kobelius, Johann August, 241 Kober, Augustin, 263 Koch, Michael, 263 Kohler, Johann, 260, 261, 262 Konarski, Stanislaw, 441 Konig, Johann Ulrich von, 194 Konigslow, Johann Wilhelm Cornelius von,

212 Konigsmark, Aurora von, Countess, 219 Konigsperger, Marianus, 310 Koning, Nicolaas de, 408n3 Konink, Servaas de, the elder, 399, 401, 402

Athalie, 402 Boertige en ernstige minnezangen, 402 Hollandsche minne- en drinkliederen, 402, 406 Verscheide nieuwe zangen, 402 Vryadje van Cloris en Roolje, De, 402

Konink, Servaas de, the younger, 402 Kordes, 198 Korf, 461 Kothen see Cothen Krakow, 291n9, 436, 438, 439

Rorantists choir, 441 Krauter, Philipp David, 318 Krebs, Johann Ludwig, 243 Kremberg, James, 198, 362 Krieger, Johann Gotthilf, 242 Krieger, Johann Philipp, 237, 240, 241, 242 Kroner sisters, 207 Kriigner, Johann Gottfried, 260, 261, 262,

267 Kuhnau, Johann, 254, 262, 266, 270, 276,

279, 280, 282, 285 keyboard works, 261-2, 276


Musicalische Quack-salber, Der, 276 Musicalische Vorstellung einer biblischer

Historien, 261-2 Kiihnel, Heinrich Gottfried, 242 Kiihnel, Johann August, 244 Kunst, Johann, 450, 457 Kunzen, Adolf Carl, 212

Absalon, 242 Moses in seinem Eifer gegen die Abgotterey in

den Wiisten, 242 Kunzen, Johann Paul, 242 Kurz, Kaspar, 311 Kusser, Johann Sigismund, 13, 139, 195,

313, 317 Kytch, Jean Christian, 383

La Barre, Michel de, 148, 149, 185n21 flute suites, 151 trio suites, 149, 150

La Bruyere, Jean de, 129 Caracteres, ou Les moeurs de ce siecle, Les, 154

La Coste, G. J. de, 407 Lacoste, Louis de

Philomele, 170 La Ferte, Duchess of, 157, 169 La Fontaine, 129, 153 La Fornara, Francisco Antonio

['Francisque'], 184n7 Lageman, Hendrik, 403 La Guerre, Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de,

133, 137, 140, 148, 151, 153 Ciphale et Procris, 151

Lainez, Alexandre Zaire, 161

Lalande, Michel-Richard de, 133, 153, 156, 166, 175, 177, 185n21

works and performances, 159, 162, 163, 172, 178

Cantiques spirituelles, 161 De profundis, 159, 181 Elimens, Les, 167, 170, 173 Folies de Cardenio, Les, 173 1nconnu, L', 173 Mirtil et Milicerte, 164 motets, 156, 159, 178, 180 Serenade en form d'opera, 137 Te Deum, 159, 175

Lallouette, Jean Fran<;ois, 129--30, 145 Lambert, 15 La Mesangere, Mme de, I 77 Lammerhirt, Hedwig, 245 Lammerhirt, Maria Elisabeth, 245 La Motte, Antoine Houdar de, 136, 154, 182

Europe galante, L', 157 Lampe, Johann F., 360

Amelia, 380, 381 Britannia, 381 Dione, 381

Lampugnani, Giovanni Battista Amor vuol in giusto, 439


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The Late Baroque Era

Per goder in amor ci vuol costanza, 438 Transito di B. Casimiro, 439

Lanckisch, Friedrich, 260 Landi, Gioacchino, 420 Lang, Franz

Theatrum a.ffectuum humanorum, 309 Langenheim, Johann Christian, 260 La Porte, Jean-Fran,.ois de, 156 La Poupliniere, Alexandre-Jean-Joseph Le

Riche de, 175, 181 Lassus, Roland de, 30, 296, 310, 393 Lassus, Rudolphe de, 296 Latilla, Gaetano, 105 La Tournieres, Robert de, 149 Laurenti, Laurentius, 403 Laurentiis, Giacinto de, 99 La Vigne, Philipp, 146 Law, John, 173 Lebegue, Nicolas-Antoine, 143 Le Blanc, Hubert

Difense de la basse de viole, 138-9, 150, 158, 178, 186n27

Le Cene, Michel-Charles, 78, 402, 406 Le Cerf de La Vieville, Jean Laurent, 131,

143-4 Comparaison de la musique italienne et de la

musiquefra11foise, 18-21, 131-3, 134, 143-4, 155, 158, 161, 184, 186n31

Le Chevalier, Amadee, 399 Leclair, Jean-Marie, l'aine, 139, 145

sonatas opp.4, 7, 8, 146 Trio op.2, 152

Leeuw, Cornelis de, 403 Leeuwarden, 398 Lefort, 448 LeGrand, Nicolas Ferdinand, 401, 402,

406-7 Verscheide nieuwe sangen, 402

Legrenzi, Giovanni, 11, 77, 155, 237 Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 195 Leiden, 394 Le!pzig, 6, 200, 231, 235, 254-95, 258

Ackerleins Hof, 265 Barftisserkirche see Neue Kirche book publishing, 260 Borse am Naschmarkt, 264 cantatas, 273-4, 277-8, 292nl8 Collegium Musicum, 13, 24, 205, 277,

280, 281, 285-90, 291 Durchgangshoj, 266 Gewandhaus concerts, 255, 257 Gross-Bosischer Garten, 268 Johanniskirche, 268 Klein-Bosischer Garten, 259, 259, 268 Messe, 256-62 music publishing, 211, 259, 261-2, 274 Neue Kirche, 268, 270, 271, 272, 276, 277,

280, 285, 286 Nikolaikirche, 271, 273, 274, 276, 286, 289 opera, 199, 218, 241, 281-4


opera house, 14, 218, 281, 283 Paulinerkirche, 268, 270, 271, 272, 274,

279, 286 Petrikirche, 271, 272, 276 Romanushaus, 265 sacred music, 271-80 Schauspielhaus, 284 Thomaskirche, 259, 267, 270, 272, 273,

276, 279, 284, 286 Thomasschule, 205, 254, 255, 263, 266,

267, 270, 272-3, 276, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 285, 286

Zimmermann's coffee-house, 286 Leipziger Post-Zeitungen, 262 Le Maure, Catherine-Nicole, 180, 181 L'Enclos, Ninon de, 140 Le Notre, Andre, 175 Leo, Leonardo, 32, 88, 103, 105, 431

Bajazete imperador de' Turchi, 97 Miserere mei Deus, 116 Mpeca scoperta, La, 98 Oratorio per la Ss Vergine del rosario, 117 Santa Chiara a L 'lnfedelta abbattuta, 118

Leoldo und Elona, 303 Leopold, Duke of Lorraine, 164, 166 Leopold I, Emperor, 303, 326, 331, 343 Le Riche, Fran,.ois, 147 Le Riche, Paisible, 14 7 Le Rochois, Marie, 141, 144, 153 Leuttner, Georg Christoph, 305 librettos, 16, 75, 9lnl3, 101-3, 105-6, 120,

336 Lichtensteger, G., 202 Likhachev, V., 448 Lilius, Franciszek, 43 7 Linike, Johann Georg, 233, 241-2 Linsen, Berend Hendrik, 408n3 Lisbon

Academia da Trinidade, 431 Bairro Alto theatre, 431 Mouraria theatre, 431 opera, 420, 428-31 Patio das Comedias, 430, 431 royal chapel, 428, 429 Seminario da Patriarca!, 428 Teatro Novo da Rua dos Condes, 431

Lister, Martin Journey to Paris in the Year 1698, A, 141-3,

160, 167-8 Liszt, Ferenc, 231 Literes, Antonio, 418, 425 Lithuania, 436, 446 Livorno, 95, 96, 137 Locatelli, Giovanni Battista, 208 Locatelli, Pietro Antonio, 53, 146, 402, 407

Arte del violino, L ', 402 XII concerti grossi op.l, 53, 402

Loeillet, Jacques, 140, 301 Logroscino, Nicola, 32, 124

Clommetella correvata, 121

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Lohner, Johann, 316 Triumpherende Treue, Die, 316

Lomonosov, 452 Lonati, Carlo Ambrogio, 51 London, 14, 355-92

Academy of Vocal (Ancient) Music, 23, 373, 375-7

Appollini Philo-Musicae et Architecturae Societas, 374, 379, 387

At the Sign of the Carelli's Head, 25 Barker's dancing-school, 23 Castle Tavern, 373 chamber music, 23, 362 Chapel Royal, 355-6, 363, 364, 371, 374,

376, 377, 378, 379, 387 Clarke's dancing-school, 23 concerts, 14, 23-4, 361-3, 373, 384-7 Covent Garden, 147, 377, 386, 389n18 Crown and Anchor Tavern, 23, 379 Crown Tavern, 373 Devil Tavern, 376 Dorset Gardens Theatre, 355, 357 Drury Lane Theatre, 147, 355, 356, 357,

358, 359, 360, 361, 386, 387 Dutch House, Kew, 375 Haymarket (Queen's) Theatre, 147,

358--9, 360, 361, 365, 366, 367, 377, 386, 389nl8

Bickford's Room, 23, 147, 362 Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre, 147, 356-7,

369, 370, 377, 381, 389n18 Little Theatre, Haymarket, 379, 380, 381 Marylebone Gardens, 387 music publishing, 14, 25, 372, 381, 387 music societies, 24, 33, 373 opera, 6, 14, 15, 32, 147, 171, 225,

358--61, 365-70, 377-8, 379, 380--1, 384

Opera of the Nobility, 375, 377-8 patronage, 13 pleasure gardens, 23 Queen's Arms Tavern, 373 Queen's Head Tavern, 374 Ranelagh Gardens, 387 Royal Academy of Music, 366-7, 369,

374, 377, 384 Royal Academy of Musick, 146 Stjames's Palace, 364, 371 St Paul's Cathedral, 355, 363, 364, 365,

371, 376, 379 Sir Richard Steele's Great Room, 23 Stationers' Hall, 361, 364 Theatre Royal, 146 theatres, 23, 147, 355, 356-61, 362 Vauxhall Gardens, 383, 384, 385, 387 Villiers Street Hall, 23 Westminster Abbey, 33, 355, 363, 378 Whitehall, 146 York Buildings, 361, 362, 363, 386

Longhi, Pietro, 81, 82


Loon [Luhn], Johann, 443-4 Loon [Luhn], Melchert, 443-4 Lorenzani, Paolo, 138, 155

airs, 148 Nicandro e Fileno, 138 Orontie, 138 Serenade en form d'opira, 138

Lorme, Jean-Louis de, 404 Lorrain, Luigi de, 1()() Lotti, Antonio, 11, 74, 77, 89, 223, 225, 313,

375-6 Ascanio, ove"o Gli odi delusi dal sangue, 223 Giove in Argo, 223 Teofane, 223, 224

Louis, Duke of Burgundy see Burgundy, Louis, Duke of

Louis XIII, King of France, 7 Louis XIV, King of France, 6, 7, 17, 95,

129, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 141, 147, 156, 157, 159--63, 160, 164, 167, 168, 173, 218, 413, 415

Louis XV, King of France, 136, 136, 138, 160, 171-3, 172, 174, 176, 179

Louis de France ('Monseigneur'), 136, 156, 160, 163

Loulie, Etienne, 135, 150 Louvain, 403 Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg, 315 Lowe von Eisenach, Johann Jakob, 242

Sonaten, 242 Lubeck, 208--15

Ahendmusiken, 211-12 Aegidienkirche, 209 Catharinenkirche, 209 Jakobikirche, 209 Marienkirche, 209-10, 211, 212 opera, 212-13 organ music, 13, 211 Petrikirche, 209

Lubeck, Vincent, 13, 199-200 Ludaemilie Elisabeth, Countess of

Rudolstadt, 249 Ludwig Friedrich, Prince of Rudolstadt, 249 Luise Dorothea Sophie, Princess of

Hessen-Kassel, 251n9 Lulier, Giovanni Lorenzo, 63

Santa Beatrice d'Este, 52 Lully, Jean-Baptiste, 7, 15, 17, 19, 21,

129-34, 141, 150, 153, 163, 168, 185n21, 195

works and performances, 140, 143, 146, 150, 161, 165, 167, 185nll, 185n17, 399, 405, 440

Achille et Polixene, 164, 165 Alceste, 135, 147, 161, 164, 184nl Amadis, 399 Armide, 129, 131 Arys, 143, 147, 164, 167, 169, 399 Ballet de Ia rail/erie, 13 7 Bourgeois gentilhomme, Le, 164


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The Late Baroque Era

Cadmus et HermioTUJ, 147, 161, 399 Hommes illustres, Les, 132 Isis, 146, 164, 398 Persie, 399 Phaeton, 164, 173 ProserpiTUJ, 163, 399 Psychi, 137 Roland, 131, 164, 169, 399 Te Deum, 129 Thisie, 147, 164, 172 Triomphe de Bacchus et de l'Amour, Le, 164,

399 Lully, Louis, 129

Alcide, 134 Luneburg, 13, 200, 242

Michaelisschule, 200 Lustig, Jacob Wilhelm, 403

Idee van't clavier, 403 Muzykaale spraakkunst, 403

Luther, Martin, 270, 283 Luynes, Duke of, 179 Lyons, 143

Maccioni, Giovanni Battista Arpafestante, L', 297

Maculani, Marquis, 61 Madame see Palatine, Elisabeth Charlotte,

Princess Maddaloni, 96 Madonis, Luigi, 138, 459, 462 Madrid, 148, 415-22

Alcazar, 421 Buen Retiro, 418, 421-2 Cafios del Peral, 419, 420, 421 Coliseo, 418, 421, 422 Cruz theatre, 420, 423 music publishing, 422, 424 Principe theatre, 420, 423 royal chapel, 416-17, 419, 424-5 theatres, 419-20, 430

Maes, Mlle de, 173 Mafra, 428 Magdeburg, 231, 235, 257 Maichelbeck, Johann Franz Anton, 319 Maine, Duchess of, 169-70, 177, l86n35 Maine, Louis-Auguste, Duke of, 160, 161,

169-70, l86n35 Maintenon, Mme de, 135, 140, 156, 160-l,

160, 169 Maison Royale de StCyr, 161 Majorano, Gaetano see Caffarelli Mancini, Francesco, 102

Amanti geTUJrosi, Gl', 102, 109 Engelberta, 103 Te Deum, 95 Trajano, 98

Mancini, Hortensia, 14 7 Mannelli, Carlo, 51 Mannheim, 320 Mantua, 146,217,346


Marais, Marin, 129, 139, 140, 149, 152, 153, 154, 157, 160, 180, l85n2l

Alcide, 134 AlryoTUJ, 162, 182, l84n1 Idylle dramatique, 133--4 Pieces de viole ( 1686), 134 Pieces de viole (1701), 135 trio suites, 150

Marais, Roland, 180 Marazzoli, Marco, 48 Marcello, Alessandro, 25, 74, 78, 79 Marcello, Benedetto, 25, 74, 78, 80, 81, 82,

84 Pianto e il riso delle quattro stagioni, Il, 87 Teatro alta moda, Il, 82, 86

Marchand, Louis, 140, 143, 146, 153, 170, l85n21

Marenzio, Luca, 436 Dolorosi martir, 373, 374

Maresca, Nicola Deana o Lo Lavenaro, Lo, 119

Marguetel de Saint-Denis, Charles, 147 Maria Amalia, Princess of Saxony, 96 Maria Anna, Archduchess of Austria, 344,

348 Maria Antonia, Electress of Bavaria, 299,

302 Maria Barbara de Braganza, Queen of

Spain, 417, 420 Maria Casimira, Queen of Poland, 8, 43, 46,

48, 56, 60, 438 Maria Josepha, Electress of Saxony, 218,

222, 223, 227 Maria Luisa of Savoy, Queen of Spain, 96,

97, 148, 414, 415 Maria of Modena, Queen of England, 161 Maria Teresa of Spain, Queen of France,

136, 136, 137, 413 Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, 326,

329, 344, 348 Marie Adelaide of Savoy, 164 Marie Anne Christine Victoire, Princess of

Bavaria, Dauphine of France, 133, 136, 140

Marie-Catherine-Sophie-Felicite Leszczinska, Queen of France, 136, 178, 179, l85n15

Marie-Louise of Orleans, Queen of Spain, 148, 413, 414-15

Marienberg, 256 Marinelli, Filippo, 117 Mariotgi, 59 Marly, 134, 162, 163, 167 Marot, 396 Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm, 403 Marseilles, 143 Martini, Giovanni Battista ('Padre'), 407 Martinitz, George Adam von, 95-6 Marx, Hans Joachim, 39 Mascitti, Michele, 136, 137, 171

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violin sonatas op.4, 305 Mathias family, 382 Mathieu, Nicolas, 155 Matho, Jean-Baptiste, 144, 166

Coronis, 163 Matteis, Nicola, 345 Mattheson, Johann, 30, 84, 193, 194, 196,

198, 200-1, 204, 213nl9, 246, 261, 332

Fiir die Siinden der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesus, Der, 206

Pieces de clavecin, 373 Wol-klingende Finger-Sprache, Die, 261

Matthysz, Paulus, 403 Matveyev, Artamon, 449, 460 Maupin, Mile, 140, 143, 163 Maurice, Stadholder of the Netherlands, 393 Mauro, Alessandro, 219, 224 Mauro, Domenico, 297, 302 Mauro, Gasparo, 302 Mauro, Tommaso de

Spellechia jinto razullo, La, II9 Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria, 296, 297 Maximilian I, Emperor, 256, 257 Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria,

138, 140-1, 169, 298-301, 302, 302, 303, 304

Maximilian III Joseph, Elector of Bavaria, 306,307

Mayr, Rupert Ignaz, 139, 305, 308 Mazarin, Cardinal, 7, 134 mazurkas, 437 Mazza, Hiacinte, 134 Meek, Joseph, 308 Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 248 Medici, Ferdinando de', Prince, 39 Medrano, Giovanni Antonio, 101 Meiningen, 232 Meissen, 257 Melani, Alessandro, 10, 46, 51 Melani, Atto, 134, 155 Mele, Giovanni Battista, 420 Milophiletes, itfylle en musique, 130 Mendelssohn, Felix, 35 Mendoza, Cardinal, 426 Menestrier, Claude-F,ranc;ois, 155

&presentations en musique anciennes et modernes, Des, It3

Mengel, Georg, 315 Menshikov, Alexander Danilovich, 448, 452,

453,455 Menus Plaisirsj 134 Mercure, 133, 175, 182 Mercure de France, 152, 178 Mercure galant, 133, 134, 144, 148, 151, 162,

167, 168, 169 Mercure historique et politique, 164 Merseburg, 231, 237, 239-41

Collegium Musicum, 239 Kapelle, 240-1, 250


Merulo, Claudio, 77 Metastasio, Pietro, 16, 55, 105-7, Ill, 228,

333, 336, 343, 420, 421, 421 Angelica e Medora, 113-14 Didone abbandonata, 55 Orti esperidi, Gli, 106-7

Metrano, D. G., 100 Meudon, 134, 159, 161, 163 Mezenets, Alexander, 445 Meu;otte, 119 Michael Wisniowecki, King of Poland, 438 Middlesex, Lord, 384 Midczewski, Marcin, 437, 446 Mikhail Fyodorovich, Tsar of Russia, 443 Milizia, Francesco, 101 Miloslavsky, Count, 448 Minato, Nicolo, 283, 429 Mingotti, Angelo and Pietro, 207, 213,

283-4 Minguet y Yrol, Pablo

&glas, y advertencias generales que enseiian el modo de tafier todos les instrumentos mejores, 424

Mira, Pietro, 460 Mittenwald, 3ll Mizler, Christoph Lorenz, 290, 320 Mocchi, Giovanni Battista, 307, 308 Modena, 146 modernism, 80, 8H Moliere, 129, 141, 179

Mirtil et Milicerte, 164 Molitor, Valentin, 310 Molter, Johann Melchior, 248 Monaco, Antoine Grimaldi, Prince of, 138,

155, 165, 166, 181 Mondonville, Jean-Joseph Cassanea de, 139 Moniglia, Giovanni Andrea

Teseo, 217 monodies, 5 Monseigneur see Louis de France Monsieur see Orleans, Philippe I Bourbon,

Duke of Montagu, Mary Wortley, Lady, 341, 348 Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de, 138, 145,

152, 180, 182, 184 Festes de l'iti, Les, 170 jephti, 182 Traiti de viole, 152 trio suites, 149

Montespan, Mme de, 136, 160, 197 Monteverdi, Claudio, 5, 15, 77

Oifeo, L', 5 Monti, 61 Montpellier, 143 Moreau, Jean-Baptiste, 144

Athalie, 161 Cantiques spirituelles, 161 Esther, 161 Zaire, 161

Morin, Jean-Baptiste, 136, 151


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The Late Baroque Era

Moritz, Duke of Zeitz, 242 Moritz Wilhelm, Duke ofMerseburg, 241,

242 Moritzburg, 227 Mortemart, Duke of, 178 Mortier, Pierre, 406 Moscow, 442-52

Jesuit school, 450 Kremlin, 443 organ music, 448 Red Square theatre, 448, 450, 457 School of Surgery, 450 University, 452

Mossi, Giovanni, 53 Motteux, Peter

Arsinoe, 389n5 Island Princess, The, 357 Loves rif Mars and Venus, The, 357

Mouret, Jean-Joseph, 144, 170, 175, 180, 186n35

Comidiens esc/aves, Les, 180 Festes (ou Le triomphe) de Thalie, Les, 170 Mariage de Ragonde et de Colin, Le, 170 Pirithoiis, I 71

Mozart, Leopold, 320 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 2, 34, 350, 402

Handel orchestrations, 33 ldomeneo, 303

Muffat, Georg, 52, 139, 308, 319, 346 Apparatus musico-organisticus, 346 Armonico tributo, 139 Florilegium primum, 139 Florilegium secundum, 139

Muffat, Gottlieb, 346, 347 Miihlhausen, 13 Munich, 296-307

Frauenkirche (Cathedral), 305 music publishing, 310 opera, 12, 32 Residenz, 300, 301 sacred music, 13 St Michael, 13 Salvatortheater, 297, 297, 301 Seminarium Gregorianum, 13

Murschhauser, Franz Xaver, 305 Musi, Maria Maddalena ('La Mignatti'),

lll musical instruments, 41, 68, 69-71, 72, 79,

!54 music criticism, I, 18-21, 28 music dictionaries, 1, 15-16 music publishing, 14, 25, 33, 35-6, 75, 76-8,

144, 148-52, 259-62, 372, 381, 387, 403-7, 422

Mylius, Wolfgang Michael, 247

Nageli, Hermann, 35 Nannini, Lucia ('La Polacchina'), 111 Naples, 8, 94-128

Cariati palace, 98


castratos, Ill Cathedral, 117 Chiusiano palace, 119 comedies, 115 Commedia Spagnola, 98 Congregazione degli Orefici, 117 conservatories, 32, ll5, liS, 124 Conservatorio dei Poveri di Gesu Cristo,

118, 124 Conservatorio della Pieta dei Turchini,

118, 124 Conservatorio di S Onofrio a Capuana,

124 Conservatorio diS Maria di Loreto, 124 librettos, 101-7, 120 musical instruments, 109 opera, 55, 97-lll, l!B-22 Oratorians, 118 royal chapel, 115 royal palace, 97, 98, Ill, 115 sacred music, 115-18 S Caterina a Formello, 117 S Diego, 116 S Maria della Verita, 115 S Paolo, ll7 Santa Casa degli Incurabili, 98 singers, Ill , 120 songs, 122 Teatro (della Commedia Nuova) dei

Fiorentini, 97, 98, 99, ll9, 121 Teatro della Pace, 99 Teatro del Vico della Lava, 99 Teatro Nuovo, 99, 120 Teatro S Bartolomeo, 97, 98, 99, 102, 104,

lll, 119 Teatro S Carlo, 100, 101, 108, 122 tenors, 111

Nassarre, Pablo, 426 Nataliya Kirilovna Naryshkina, Tsarina of

Russia, 449 Naudot, Jacques-Christophe, 180 Naumburg, 240, 242, 25lnl9, 257, 277 Navas, Juan de, 413-14 Neapolitan school, 123 Nebra, Jose de, 421, 425

Vzento es Ia dicha de Amor, 423 Nemeitz, Johann Christoph

Sijour de Paris, 173 Neri, Filippo, 57 Netherlands, 6, 393-410

collegia musica, 397-8 concerts, 399-400 music publishing, 78, 402, 403-7 opera, 398-9 organ music, 395-7

Neuburg, 307 Neue Zeitschrift for Musik, 255 Neumann, Balthasar, 314 Neumark, Georg, 423 Neumeister, Erdmann, 249

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Neumeister cantata texts, 203 Newcastle, 25 Nicolini, 359, 369 Nijmegen, 398 Nikon, 444 Noailles, Cardinal, 153 Noce de Veneviento, La, 97 Noordt, Sybrand van, 395 Normand, Marc-Roger, 146 Norwich, 24 Nuremberg, 237, 316-18, 316

music publishing, 260, 262, 318 Nymphenburg, 303

Oberaltaich, 310 Odescalchi, Benedetto, 40 Olearius, 443 Olivero, Pietro Domenico, 17 Oiiate, Count d', 98 opera, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,

19, 21, 23, 27, 32, 39, 43, 53-7, 81-2, 88, 89, 90, 97-111, 118-22, 147, 154, 155, 164-9, 171, 173, 180, 183, 194, 196-9, 198, 201, 202, 212-13, 217, 218, 225, 227, 241, 242, 249, 281-4, 300--1, 313, 333-41, 344, 348, 358-61, 365-70, 377-8, 379, 384, 398-9, 419-22, 423, 428-31, 436, 440, 442, 452,457-7

opera houses, 6, II, 88, 99 oratorios, 9, 10, 15, 16, 23, 24, 39, 43, 57-9,

71, 72-3, 76, 103, 117, 209, 212, 309, 372

orchestras, 16, 20, 25 Orefice, Antonio

Engelberta, 103 Gemino amore, 11, 121 Patro Calienno de la Costa, 119

organ music, 12-13, 20, 72 Orilia, Nicola

Lollo pisciaportelle, 119 Orleans, dukes of, 135 Orleans, Elisabeth-Charlotte of, 164 Orleans, Gaston d', 148 Orleans, Philippe I Bourbon, Duke of,

('Monsieur'), 135, 136, 140, 144 Orleans, Philippe II Bourbon, Duke of

Regent of France, 133, 135-6, 136, 137, 138, 141, 148, 151, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 166, 167, 169, 171, 172-3, 172, 175, 176, 177, 178, 186n35

Orpheus, 450 Orsini, Gaetano, 337, 346 Orsini, Pietro Francesco, 40 Osnabriick, 146 Ottobeuren, 319 Ottoboni, 8, 10, 43 Ottoboni, Pietro, Cardinal, 9, 10, 40, 43,

44-5, 48, 51, 55, 56, 59, 60, 63


Ouvrard, Rene, 155 overtures, 17, 21 Ovsonov, Boris, 444 Oxford, 25

Paccini, Antonio, 134 Pacelli, Asprillo, 4 36 Pachelbel, Johann, 246, 316

Musicalischeu Sterbens-Gedancken, 246 Pacieri, Giuseppe, 42 Padua, 78, 90

Scuola della Nazioni, 90 Pagano, Nicola, 119 Palatine, Elisabeth Charlotte, Princess

('Madame'), 135, 136, 169 Palestrina, Giovanni Perluigi da, 8, 41, 237 Palestrina, Urbina Barberini, Prince of, 61-2 Pallade veneta, 71 Pallavicino, Carlo, 217

Antiope, 217 Gierusalemme liberata, La, 21 7

Pallavicino, Stefano Benedetto, 313 Pamphili, 8, 10 Pamphili, Benedetto, Cardinal, 10, 43, 44-5,

50, 56, 59 pantaleon, 241 Pardo, El, 422 Parent, Michel, 401 Parfaict, Claude

Histoire de l'Acadimie Royale de Musique, 144 Pariati, Pietro, 336, 339, 343 Paris, 129-89

Acadimie FraTIIjaise, 131, 173 Academie Royale de Musique, 7, 129,

134, 136, 138, 141, 143, 153, 162, 163, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 173, 177, 180, 181

Ancien Theatre Italien see Comedie Italienne

Bibliotheque Nationale, 137, 152 Chapelle Royale, 137, 147, 156, 157 Comedie Fram;aise, 141 Comedie Italienne, 131, 173, 183 Concert Frant;ais, 180--1 Concert Italien, 177, 181 Concert Spirituel, 24, 138, 140, 145, 156,

177, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184n7 music publishing, 25, 144, 148, 149, 150--3 Notre Dame, 156, 158, 173 Nouveau Theatre Italien, 170, 171, 180 Nouvelle Comedie ltalien, 171 Opera, 138, 154, 155, 167-8, 171, 173, 180 opera, 7, 32, 105, 164-9 Opera-Comique, 171 Palais-Royal, 131, 135, 136, 157, 164, 169,

171 Saint-Cloud, 135, 141 Sainte-Chapelle, 135, 156, 173 Tuileries palace, 156, 171, 172, 177, 181

Partenio, Gian Domenico


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The Late Baroque Era

Tomaso Moro, 76 Pasqualini, 162 Pasquini, Bernardo, 44, 46, 48

oratorios, 10, 59 Pasquini, Giovanni Claudio, 348 Passau, 308, 310 Pastor fido, ll, 98 Patino, Carlos, 412 Patriot, Der, 193 patronage, 6-15, 39, 43-7 Paullinus, Johann

Philothea, 309 Pazzie d'amore, Le, 98 Pechuel, 277 Pecourt, Louis-Guillaume, 175 Pt'kiel, BartoYomiej, 437, 438

Audite mortales, 438 Missa Lombardesca, 438 Missa pulcherrima, 438

Peli, Francesco, 306 Pelissier, Marie, 180 Pellegrin, Simon-Joseph

jephte, 182-3 Pepusch, Gottfried, 233 Pepusch, Johann Christoph, 25ln6, 360,

362, 374, 382 Beggar's Opera, The, 369, 370 Venus and Adonis, 369

Pepys, Samuel, 141 Peranda, Marco Gioseppe, 216

Dafne, 217 Perez, David

Miserere mei Deus, 116 Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista, 32, 400

Flaminio, 11, 121 Olimpiade, L ', II 0 Prigioniero superbo, Il, I 05 Prodigi della Divina Grazia nella conversione e

morte di San Guglielmo duca d'Aquitania, Li, 118

Serva padrona, La, 105, 199, 341 Stabat mater, 116, 184n7

Peri, Jacopo, 5 Euridice, 5

Perrault, Charles, 131 Paraltele des Anciens et des Modemes, 131

Perrin, Pierre, 129 Perrucci, Andrea, 101-2

Vero lume tra le ombre, overo La spelonca arricchita per la nascita del Verbo Umanato, 11, 118

Peter the Great, Tsar of Russia, 447, 448, 450-1, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456

Petersen, David, 40 I Boertige en emstige minnezangen, 402 Speelstukken, 40 I Zede- en Harpgezangen, 401

Petrillo, 114 Pctris, Carlo de

Spellechia finto razullo, La, 119


Petzold, 277 Peyro,Joseph, 418 Pez, Johann Christoph, 305 Pezel, Johann Christoph, 261, 273, 285

Hora decima musicorum Lipsiensium, 284 Pezold, Christian, 140, 221 Pfeffel, P., 335 Pfeiffer, Johann, 314 Phalese, 403 Philibert, 163 Philidor, Andre Danican, 155, 166, 177, 180,

185n21 Cum invocarem, 166 Danae, 164

Philidor, Anne Danican, 24, 166, 177 Philip IV, King of Spain, 95,412 Philip V, King of Spain, 95, 96, 148, 166,

415, 416, 418, 424, 428, 429 Philips, lacob, 458 Piani, Giovanni Antonio, 138, 151 Piazzetta, 76 Piazzola sui Brento

Villa Contarini, 77 Picander [Christian Friedrich Henrici], 278 Piccoli, Francesco Maria

Orologia del piacere, L ', 77 Piccolomini, Pompeo, 117 piffari, 68 Pignatelli, Antonio, 40 Pillnitz, 227 Pircker, Marianne, 208 Pirna, 223 Piron, Alexis, 175 Pisendel,Johann Georg, 26, 74, 140, 221,

235, 254, 313, 318 Pistocchi, Francesco Antonio, 233, 313 Plainte de Priam, La, 165 Platenschlager, Friedrich, 458 Platti, Giovanni Benedetto, 314 Pluche, Nol-Antoine

Spectacle de la Nature, La, 133, 145 Pogenkampf, Hermine, 457 Pohle, David, 236-7, 240, 242 Pointe!, Anthony, 399 Poisson, Jean

Quatre saisons, Les, 225 Poitier, Louis de, 219 Poland, 435, 436-42, 446 Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco, II, 88, 237

Constantino pio, Il, 56 Costanza gelosa negl 'amori di Cefalo e Procri,

La, 299 Pollone, Dominichina, 208 Polotsky, Simon [Samuil Gavrilovich

Petrovsky-Sitnianovich], 450 Rifmotvomaya psaltir, 450

Pompadour, Mme de, 179 Pi:ippelmann, Matthaus Daniel, 218, 221,

224, 265, 266 popular music, 36

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Porpora, Nicola, 32, 55, 57, 88, 103, 227, 377

Amare per regnare, 98, Ill Angelica e Medoro, 113 Faramondo, 97 Flavio Anicio Olibrio, 109, Ill Orti esperidi, Gli, l 06

Porro, Giovanni Giacomo, 297 Porsile, Giuseppe, 343 Porta, Giovanni, 306 Portland, Earl of, 141 Portugal, 411, 427-34 Porzi, 284 Postel, Christian Heinrich, 194, 197 Powel, Charles, 362 Praetorius, Hieronymus, 210 Praetorius, Jacob, 119 Prague, l86n43, 250

Castle, 339 opera, 340, 344, 348

Praun, 348 Predieri, Luca Antonio, 343 Prentz, Johann Caspar, 308 Preobrazhenskoye, 449, 451, 458 Prevost, Frano;oise, 180 Prie, Marchioness of, l 77, l 78 prima prattica, 8 Printz, Wolfgang Caspar, 235 Proserpina, 440 Proskorowski, Jerzy, 444 Provenzale, Francesco

Schiava di sua moglie, La, 108 Priifening, 310 Prussia, 232-9 Public Advertiser, 33 Puccini, Domenico, 124 Purcell, Daniel, 357, 362, 363

Island Princess, The, 35 7 Jubilate, 363 Loves of Mars and Venus, The, 357 Orlando Furioso, 358 Te Deum, 363

Purcell, Henry, 355, 361, 362, 364 trio sonatas, 356

Quagliati, Paolo, 210 Quantz, Johann Joachim, 140, 179-80,

l86n43, 233, 234, 240, 314, 340, 344, 348, 439

Anweisung die Flote traversiere zu spielen, 140, 403

Sci sonate a .flauto traversiere solo, 261 Quantz, Justus, 240 Queensbury, Duchess of, 362 Quentin, Jean-Baptiste, le jeune

quartet sonatas, 152 Quinault, Jean-Baptiste

Armide, 131 Amadis, 399 Cadmus et Hermione, 399


Roland, 131, 399 Quinkhard, Julius, 404

Racine, Jean, 129, 144, 438 Athalie, 161, 402 Cantiques spirituelles, 161 Esther, 161

Raguenet, Frano;ois, 131, 132, 143 Difense du Paraltele, 132 Paralele des italiens et desfraru;ois, 18, 19,

131, 147, 155, l86n3l Raimondi, Ignazio, 400 Raitenhaslach, 311, 312 Rameau, Jean-Philippe, l, 144, 145, 175,

180, 181-2, l85n2l Dardanus, l Hippolyte et Aricie, 181, 182, 183 Nouveau systeme de musique thiorique, 182 Pieces de clavecin en concerts, Les, 152, 154 Samson, 182, 183 Traiti de l 'harmonic, l 7 5

Rameau, Pierre, 148 Ramler, Karl Wilhelm

Tod jesu, Der, 207 Rathgeber, Johann Valentin, 319 Re, Vincenzo, 100, 108 Rebel, Frano;ois

Pyrame et Thisbi, 180, 186n43 Rebel,Jean-Fery, 148, 151, 172, l85n21, 440

Caracteres de La danse, Les, 147, 170, 180 recitative, 5, 7, 114, 358 Regier, Balthasar, 310 Reiche, Gottfried, 273, 284

Vier und zwantzig neue Quatricinia, 262, 284 Reichsstil, 334, 339 Reims Cathedral, 174 Reincken, Johann Adam, 13, 200

An Wasseifliissen Babylon, 200, 201 Was kann uns Kommen an fur Not, 201

Reinhardt, Killian, 327, 329, 350n6 Rennes, Bishop of, 178 Reutter, Georg, 337, 343, 350

Forza dell'amicizia, ovvero Pilade e Oreste, La, 348

Rheinsberg, 234 Ricciotti, Carlo, 400 Riccoboni le fils

Comidiens esclaves, Les, 180 Rich, Christopher, 357, 358, 359, 361 Rich, John, 147, 369,377, 381 Richey, Michael

Hamburg Admiralty celebration, 206 Richter, Franz Xaver, 320 Richter, Johann Christoph, 221 Rieck, 234 Riemer, Johann Salomon, 284, 288-9, 290,

291 Riepp, Karl Joseph, 319 Rigaud, Hyacinth, 132, 168 Rijpelberg, Hendrik, 408n3


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The Late Baroque Era

Rinuccini, Ottavio Dafne, 217

ripienos, 52 Ristori, Giovanni Alberto, 441, 452

Calandro, 227, 452 Pazzo ne fo cento, ovvero Don Chiscotte, Un,

227 Ristori, Tommaso, 440, 452 ritornellos, 21, 28 Ritter, Christian, 236, 237 Rivali generosi, I, 97 Roger, Estienne, 27, 78, 149, 399, 403-7 Roger, Jeanne, 406 Rollig, Johann Georg, 235 Romagnesi

Comidiens esclaves, Les, 180 Romania, 435 Romanov, Alexis, 460 Romanov, Nataliya Alexeyevna, 451, 454 Romanov, Nikita, 443, 447 Romanus, Conrad, 265 Rome, 8, 39-65

academies, 47-8, 51 Accademia del Disegno diS Luca, 47 Apostolic Palace, 42 Arcadian Academy, 46, 47, 48, 56, 58 Arciconfraternita del Santissimo

Crocifisso, 58 Barberini palace, 61 Cappella Giulia, 41, 298 Cappella Sistina, 41-3 Capranica, 55, 56 Chiesa Nuova, 9, 58 Colleggio Nazzareno, 56 Collegio Clementine, 56 concertos, 52 Congregazione dell'Oratorio see Filippini Congregazione diS Cecilia, 9, 41, 47 Crocifisso, 9 Filippini, 57, 58 German College, 58 intermezzos, 55 opera, 5, 39, 43, 53-7, 110 oratorios, 9, 39, 43, 57-9 orchestras, 39 Palazzo Bonelli, 45, 50 Palazzo della Cancelleria, 9, 22, 44, 45,

51, 56, 58 Palazzo Zuccari, 56 Pamphili palace, 24, 44, 56 patronage, 8-9, 39, 43-7 Piazza del Popolo, 54 Piazza di Spagna, 60-2 Ruspoli palace, 9, 59-60 StJohn Lateran, 50 St Peter's, 42 S Carlo ai Catinari, 41 S Girolamo della Carita, 9, 58 S Lorenzo in Damaso, 44 S Luigi dei Francesi, 51


S Maria di Montesanto, 42, 43-4 S Maria Maggiore, 42 Seminario Romano, 56 serenatas, 43, 60-3 Sistine Chapel, 8, 9, 41 Strada Felice, 61 Teatro Alibert, 55 Teatro Argentina, 55 Teatro delle Dame, 55 Teatro Valle, 55 theatres, 53-7 Tordinona, 53, 55 Vatican, 39-43, 137

Roseingrave, Thomas, 382, 387 Rosenmi.iller, Johann, 243 Rosier, Carl, 401 Rosier, Maria Anna, 400, 401 Rosier, Maria Petronella, 401 Rospigliosi, Giulio, 43, 56 Rossi, Luigi, 48

Orfeo, 134 Rossi, Michelangelo, 34 7 Restock, 195 Rostov, 134 Rotterdam, 394 Roubiliac, Louis Fran<;ois, 383 Rousseau, Jean

Traiti de viole, 152 Rousseau, Jean-Baptiste, 1, 136, 154 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

Dictionnaire de musique, 1 Roussel, 152 Rovetta, Giovanni, 210 Royer, Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace, 138

Pyrrhus, 138 Zaiae, reine de Grenade, 138

Rozycki, Jacek, 438, 439 Rudolstadt, 232, 246, 248-50 Ruggieri, Giovanni Maria, 89 Ruspoli, 8, 10 Ruspoli, Francesco Maria, Marquis, 10, 43,

45, 47, 50, 56, 59-60, 346 Russia, 16, 435, 442-65, 459; see also

Moscow, St Petersburg bands, 451 folk music, 442 kanti", 446, 451 musical instruments, 338, 443 music publishing, 447, 459 opera, 442, 448-50, 452, 456-7 organ music, 447--8, 444 sacred music,333-6, 443, 455 skomorokhi, 442, 446

Sacrati, Francesco Finta paaa, La, 134

sacred dramas, 118 sacred music, 5, 8, 31, 41-3, 246 Saddumene, Bernardo

Noce di Venevento, La, 97, 121

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Zite 'ngalera, Li, 97, 120 Saggione, Joseph see Fedeli, Giuseppe Sainte-Colombe, M. de, 147 Saint-Evermond, Charles de Saint-Denis,

129 Saint-Germain, 134 Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 161, 164 Saint-Lambert

Traite de viole, 152 St Petersburg, 442, 451, 452--62, 453

Academy of Sciences, 459, 461 music publishing, 459 Winter Palace, 461

Saint-Pierre, Joseph, 314 Saint-Simon, Duke of, 161, 164, 168, 170,

176 Salicola, Margherita, 217 Salle, Marie, 147, 180 Salomon, Jean Fran,.ois

Midie etjason, 144 Salzburg, 139 Sammartini, Giovanni Battista, 29 Sandley, P., 54 Sanktpetersburgskiye vedomosti ('St Petersburg

Gazette'}, 461 Santa Clara, Abraham a, 311 Santurini, Francesco, 297 Sarro, Domenico, 48, 55

Alessandro Severo, 97 Berenice, 55 Oratorio per Ia festivit a di S Gaetano, 117 Partenope, 98

Sartorio, Girolamo, 281 Sartorius, Erasmus, 201 Sassano, Matteo ('Matteucio'}, Ill Saxony, 12, 216-29, 230-1 Saxony, Prince Elector of, 11, 140, 169 Scacchi, Marco, 243, 436, 437 Scarlatti, Alessandro, 9, 39, 41, 42, 44, 46,

47, 48, 49, 55, 57, 63, 109, Ill, 114, 227

AI fin m 'ucciderete, 49, 50 Ammore, brutto figlio de pottana, 119 cantatas, 48, 50-1, 152 Cor mio, deh non languire, 114 Equivoci nel sembiante, Gli, 46, 56 Giunio Bruto, 3 0 di Betlemme altera, 49 Oratori~ per Ia Passione, 60 oratorios, 9, 10, 58, 59 Py"hus and Demetrius, 359 Regno di Maria Vergine assunta in cielo, Il, 9 Trionfo dell'onore, II, 121

Scarlatti, Domenico, 39, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 57, 63, 417, 428

Essercizi, 382 Scarlatti, Pietro, 44

Clitarco, II, 105 Sceaux, 169-70 Schadeus, Abraham


Promptuarium musicum, 210 Scheibe, Johann Adolph, 254, 290 Scheidemann, Heinrich, 199, 200 Scheidt, Samuel, 231, 236, 238 Scheiffelhut, Jakob, 318 Schein, Johann Hermann, 210, 231, 235 Schelle, Johann, 254, 270, 273-5, 278

Lobe den Herrn, 275 Schemelli, Georg Christian

Musicalisches Gesang-Buch, 243 Schenck, Johannes, 399

Bacchus, Ceres en Venus, 399 Schiassi, Gaetano Maria, 421, 431 Schickele, Peter, 36 Schickhardt, Johann Christian, 405 Schiefe.rdecker,Johann Christian, 212 Schmetzer, Georg, 318 Schmid, Balthasar, 318 Schmidt, Johann Christoph, 439

Quatre saisons, Les, 225, 226 Schneeberg, 256 Schnell, Johann Jakob, 315 Schnitger, Arp, 199, 448 Schnitger, Franz Caspar, 396 Scholze, Johan Sigismund see Sperontes Schonborn, Friedrich Carl von,

Prince-Bishop of Wiirzburg, 314 Schonborn, Johann Philipp Franz von,

Prince-Bishop ofWiirzburg, 314 Schonborn, Lothar Franz von, Prince-Bishop

ofWiirzburg, 315 Schonborn, Rudolf Franz Erwein von,

Count, 314 Schott, 198, 286 Schrattenbach, Wolfgang-Annibale von, 97,

112, 123 Schreiber, Johann Georg, 258 Schiibler, Johann Georg, 262 Schumann, Robert, 35, 231, 255 Schiirmann, Georg, Caspar, 13 Schiitz, Heinrich, 216, 217, 231, 235, 238,

240, 242, 243, 274 Dafoe, 217 Symphoniarum sacrarum, 210

Schwarzburg, 232, 248 Schwarzmann, Rosina, 303 Scotland, 25 Scotti, Annibale, Marquis, 419-21 seconda prattica, 15 Seeon, 310 Seerieder, Philipp Jakob, 303 Selle, Thomas, 210 Seltendorf, Friedrich, 266 Semiramis, 284 Senaille, Jean-Baptiste, 146, !51 Senesino, 171, 223, 225, 368, 369, 374, 377,

380 Senft, Ludwig, 310 Serbia, 435 Seriman, Zaccaria


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The Late Baroque Era

Viaggi d'Enrico Wanton ... , I, 87 Serino, 119 Serqueira,Juan de, 414,418 Serre de Rieux, Jean de

Dons des enfants de Lalone, Les, 144 Sesostrate, Il, I 05 Seyfert, Johan Caspar, 318 Seyfert, Johan Gottfried, 318 Seyfried, Ludovica, 457 Shakespeare, William

As you Like it, 387 Tempest, The, 387

Shaydur, Ivan, 445 Sicul, Christoph Ernst, 260 Sigel, Rufinus, 310 Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland, 436 Silva, Antonio Jose da, 431 Simpson, Christopher, 30 Sixtus V, Pope, 53 Slovenia, 435 Smith, John Christopher

Teraminta, 381 Ulysses, 381

Somis, Cristina, 27 Somis, Francesco Lorenzo, 26 Somis, Giovanni Battista, 24, 138, 145, 178 Somis, Lorenzo, 26 sonatas, 24, 85, 150, 151 Sonderhausen, 232, 250 Sophie, 313 Sophie Charlotte, Electress of Brandenburg,

232, 233 Sorau, 248 Sourches, Marquis de, 163, 168 Spain, 411-27

estilo espafiol, 412, 414 music publishing, 422 opera, 419-22, 423 patronage, 148 sacred music, 423 style, 412, 414, 416

Spectator, The, 143, 193 Spener, Philipp Jakob, 249 Speront.es

Singende Muse an der Pleisse, 259, 259, 269, 272

Spiess, Meinrad, 319-20 Tractacus musicus, 320

Spitta, Philipp, 36, 278 Stachowicz, Damian, 439 Staden,Johann, 210,316 Staden, Nicolas von, 449, 458 Staden, Sigmund Theophil, 316, 317 Staehlin, Jakob von, 461, 462 Staggins, Nicholas

Calis to, 146 Stampiglia, Silvio

Trionfo di Camilla, regina de' Volsci, Il, 103, 107


Stanislaus Leszcziiiski, King of Poland, I 78, 185nl5

Stanley, John, 382, 387 concerti grossi, 38 7 organ voluntaries, 387

Stanzano, Tomaso Arsinoe, 389n5

Steffani, Agostino, 233, 299, 302, 305, 376, 377

Niobe, regina di Tebe, 301 Reggia dell'arminia, La, 301 Servia Tullio, 302

Steffani, Johannes, 272 Steinberg, Christian, 403 Stella, Santa, 74, 223 Stepanov, Melendy, 444 Stetten, Paul van, 318 Stieglitz, 280 stile antico, 42 stile choraico, 16 stile drammatico oder recitativo, 16 stile fantastico, 16 stile rappresentivo, 5 stile recitativo, 5 stilo ecclesiastico, 16 stilo hypochematico, 16 stilo madrigalesco, 16 stilo sinfoniaco, 16 Stolle, Philipp, 240 Stolze!, Gottfried Heinrich, 235, 243, 247,

313 Strada, 380 Stradella, Alessandro, 48, 53, 57, 155

Israel in Egypt, 57 oratorios, 10, 57

Stradivari, 21 Strasbourg, 320 Strattner, Georg Christoph, 244 Stravinsky, Igor, 28, 36 Strijcker, Dirck ('Teodoro'), 398 Stroganov, Count, 446, 448 Strungk, Elisabeth Catharina, 282 Strungk, Magdalena Anna, 282 Strungk, Nicolaus Adam, 217-18, 219, 276,

281-2, 283 Agrippina, 282 Alceste, 281 Antiope, 217-18 Nero, 282 Phocas, 282

Strungk, Philippine, 282 Stuck, Jean-Baptiste, 136, 137--8

Cid, Il, 137 Meleagre, 159

Sturm, Leonhard Christoph, 268 Civil-Baukunst, Die, 268

Stuttgart, 12, 246 Sully, Duke of, 157 Swaan, Jasper, 408n3 Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon, 199, 236, 398

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Swieten, Gottfried van, 34 Seasons, The, 261

Swiney, Owen, 389nl8 Szarzynski, Stanislaw Sylwester, 439

Tagliavacca, Giovanni Francesco, 134 Taglietti, 406 Tallis, Thomas, 373 Tartini, Giuseppe, 89, 400, 407 Tasso, Torquato

Gerusalemme liberata, La, 119 Taller, 193 Taubert, Gottfried

&chtscha.ffener Tanzmeister, oder Griindliche Erkliirung der Frantziisischen Tanz-Kunst, 292n2l

Te Deum, 115, 157, 222 Tegernsee, 310 Teixeira, Antonio, 431 Telemann, Georg Philipp, 14, 24, 84, 140,

196, 199, 202--S, 202, 225, 231, 233, 235, 245, 247, 248, 250, 254, 276, 283, 286, 320

Fiir die Siinden der Welt gemiirterte und sterbende jesus, Der, 206

Geduldige Socrates, Der, 199 Hamburg Admiralty celebration, 206 Harmonischer Gottes-Dienst, 203 jupiter und Semele, 282 Messias, Der, 207 operas, 199, 282, 313 Paris Quartets, 152 Pimpinone, 199 Satyren in Arcadien, Die, 282 Seliges Erwiigen des Leidens und Sterbens jesu

Christi, 207 Todjesu, Der, 207

Teresa Kunigunda Sobieski, Princess of Poland, 439

Tesi, Vittoria, 82, 83, 223 Theobald, Lewis, 369

Decius and Paulina, 369 Pan and Syrinx, 369

Theresa of Avila, 329 Thevenard, Vincent, 163 Thiele, Johann, 238, 240 Thieme, Clemens, 242 Thomasius, Christian, 237 Thomson, James

Seasons, The, 261 Thurin~a, 231, 243-51 Thymich, Anna Catharina, 281 Thymich, Paul, 281 Tieck, 35 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, 314 Tietz, Immanuel, 260, 261 Tigrane, 105 Titon du Tillet, Evrard, 130

Parnasse FraTjfois, Le, 131, 150, 153, 181, 184


Titov, Vasily, 446 Tolstoy, Leo, 455 Torelli, Giuseppe, 313 Torgau, 217, 218 Torres y Martinez Bravo, Joseph de, 422,

424-5 &glas generales de acompanar, 424, 426

Torri, Pietro, 299, 300, 301, 302, 304, 306 Abelle, 301 Andromaca, 302 Giacobbe, 30 l masses, 305 Merope, La, 302

Tosi, Pier Francesco, 345 Opinioni de' cantori antichi e moderni, 388

Toulon, 143 Toulouse, Louis-Alexandre, Count of, 138,

159, 160 transcriptions, 151 Tredyakovsky, Vasily Kirilovich, 460 Trinchera, Pietro

Ciommetella co"evata, 121 trio sonatas, 23, 25, 51-2, 85 Triomphe de Lully aux Champs Elysies, Le, 130 Trufaldines, 419 Tullio, Francesco Antonio

Cilia, 119 Tunder, Franz, 209, 211 Turin, 26, 146, 150

Teatro Re~o, 16 Turkey, 435 Turner, William, 364 Twickel Castle, 400 Tyers, Jonathan, 383, 384

Uffenbach, Johann Friedrich Armand von, 59, 140, 206

Uhlhorn, Johannes, 408n3 Ukraine, 435 Ulderica, L ', l 05 Ulft, Simeon van, 408n3 Urban VIII, Pope, 43 Utrecht Colle~um Musicum Ultrajectinum, 398,


Vaccaro, Domenico Antonio, 99 Valeno;a, Marquis de, 429 Valentini, 359 Valentini, Giuseppe, 143 Valesio, Francesco, 46, 50, 61-2 Valls, Francisco

Missa scala aretina, 423 Vanbrugh,John, 358,359, 360-l Veer, Pieter van der, 406 Velazquez, Diego, 412 Velten, Johann, 281 Venice, 8, 66-93, 243

academies, 78-9 antiquarianism, 79--S4


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The Late Baroque Era

arias, 78 cantatas, 81 censorship, 75 concerti grossi, 25 concertinas, 25, 85 concertos, 25, 85 concerts, 11, 24, 26 conservatories, I 0, 24 Grand Canal, II, 12 librettos, 75, 91nl3 modernism, 80, 84--6 music publishing, 75, 76--8, 9lnl3 musical instruments, 68, 71-2, 72, 79 opera 6, 11, 27,81-2,88, 89, 90, 217,218,

227 opera houses, 6, 11, 88 oratorios, 7 I, 72-3, 76, 103 Ospedale degl'Incurabili, 10, 71, 72, 74 Ospedale dei Derelitti ai SS Giovanni e

Paolo (Ospedaletto), 10, 71, 72, 74 Ospedale dei Mendicanti, 10, I I, 71, 72,

74, 76, 84 Ospedale della Pieta, 10, II, 26, 27, 71,

72, 74, 124 patronage, 10-12, 74 pif.fari, 68 sacred music, 4, 64-74 St Mark's, 11, 67-70, 69, 74, 84, 346 S Maria Gloriosa de' Frari, 70-1 serenatas, 76, 77, 81 singing, 81 Teatro di S Angelo, 88, 102 Teatro diS Cassiano, 88 Teatro diS Giovanni Grisostomo, 88, 303 Teatro di S Salvatore, 88 theatres, 87, 88 trio sonatas, 69, 85

Venturini, 25 Veracine, Francesco Maria, 68, 221 Verloge, Hilaire ('Alarius'), 140 Vemiin.fftler, Der, 193 Verocai, Giovanni, 459 Verona, 299 Versailles, 6, 135, 143, 159--64, 166, 167,

168, 169, 171, 177, I 79 Chapelle, 134, 137, 156, 157, 159, 164

Vetter, Andreas Nicolaus, 246 Victorinus, Georg, 296 Vienna, 3, 33, 324-54

Augustinerkirche, 329, 331 Dorotheerkirche, 331 Favorita, La, 223, 331, 337, 341, 342 Hofkapelle, 331, 332, 334, 345, 346, 347,

348 Hoftheater, 335 Karlskirche, 330, 330, 331, 334, 338 keyboard music, 331 Knights' Chamber, 325 Laxenburg, Schloss, 331 Michaelerkirche, 331


Minoritenkirche, 33 I opera, 3, 12, 333-42 sacred music, 327-33, 342 Schonbrunn, 337 Stephansdom, 329, 347, 350, 351n19

Villeneuve St Georges, 163 Villequier, Mme de, 143, 159 Villers-Cotterets, I 7 5 Vilnius, 436 Vinaccesi, Benedetto, I 02 Vinci, Leonardo, 32, 55, 88, 103, 104, 124

Alessandro nell'lndie, 306 A rtaserse, I 08 Cecato fauzo, Lo, 122 Didone abbandonata, 57 Festa di Bacco, La, 97 Pubblio Cornelio Scipione, 97 Zite 'ngalera, Li, 97, 120

Vingt-quatre Violons, 141, 146, 151, 168 violins, 21, 24, 25, 85 Virgil

Aeneid, 103, 119 Visee, Robert de, 160, 163 Vitali, Giovanni Battusta, 356 Vittori, Loreto

Galatea, 98 Vitztum, General, 455 Viva il amico del re, I 55 Vivaldi, Antonio, 11, 25, 55, 70, 74, 78, 80,

85-6, 124, 400, 405 concertos, 26-9, 73, 85-6, 244 concertos op.3, 85 concertos op.7, 27 concertos op.8, 8 7 Estro armonico, L ', 27 Juditha triumphans, 76, 91 operas, 25

Viviani, Augustino, 439 Per goder in amor ci vuol costanza, 4 38

Viviani, Giovanni Bonaventura, 462nl vocal music, 4--6, 8, 31, 110 Voet, Joannes Eusebius, 397 Vogler, Johann Gottfried, 282, 286 Voltaire, 168, 183, 184

Epftre a Madame de Fontaine-Martel, !58 Samson, 182, 183 Siecle de Louis XIV, 183

Volumier, Jean Baptiste, 221, 234 Vorotinsky, 443

Wackenroder, 35 Wagenseil,J. G., 318 Wagner, Gotthard, 310 Wagner, Richard, 231 Walch, 312 Walker, Thomas, 370 Walsh, John, the elder, 78, 366, 382 Walsh, John, the younger, 382 Walther, Johann Gottfried, 244, 246

Musicalisches Lexicon, 16, 274, 275, 276

Page 55: link.springer.com978-1-349-11303-3/1.pdf · The Late Baroque Era MUSIC AND MUSICIANS 1671 Scipione a.ffricano (1664) by Francesco Cavalli (1602-76) inaugurates the Teatro Tordinona,

Warsaw, 219, 227, 243, 436-42 ballet, 440 bands, 439, 441 Castle theatre, 436, 440 Cathedral of St John, 44 I Collegium Nobilium, 441 opera, 436, 440 Operalnia, 440

Wartburg Castle, 270 Wassenaer, Unico Wilhelm van, Count, 400 Watteau, Antoine, 134, 154, 154 Weber, C. F., 454, 456 Webern, Anton, 36 Weckmann, Matthias, 204 Weedon, Cavendish, 364 Weigel, Christoph, 318 Weigel, Johann, 262 Weihenstephan, 310 Weimar, 13, 232, 243-5

Kapelle, 231, 242, 246 Weinberger, Veit

Lisimen und Calista, 303 Weiss, S. L., 221 Weissenfels, 12, 231, 233, 236, 237, 238, 239,

240, 241-2, 243, 277 Neu-Augustusburg, 241

Weldon, John, 363 judgment of Paris, The, 357

Wening, Michael, 297 Wentzel, Johann Friedrich, 220 Werlin, Johannes

Rlzitmorum varietas, 311 Werner, Georg, 266, 267, 268 Weyde, General, 455 Wideburg, Christoph

Verniigte Sehnsucht der liebenden Sulamith, Die, 204

Wtener Zeitung, 325 Wiennerisches Diarium, 325 Wiesentheid, 314 Wilcke, Anna Magdalene, 242 Wilcke, Johann Caspar, 242 Wilhelm, Margrave of Bayreuth, 313 Wilhelm IV, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, 243 Wilhelm V, Duke of Bavaria, 296 Wilhelm Ernst, Duke of Weimar, 244, 245 Wilhelm Heinrich, Duke of Saxony, 247, 248 Wilhelmine, Margravine of Bayreuth, 314 Wilhelmine Amalia, Empress of Austria, 326,

347 Willanow, 438, 440 Willer, Georg, 260 William II, Stadholdet of the Netherlands,

394 William III, King of England and

Stadholder of the Netherlands, 355, 356, 363, 371, 394

William IV, Stadholder of the Netherlands, 394


William V, Stadholder of the Netherlands, 394

William the Silent, Stadholder of the Netherlands, 393

Willing, Johanna von, 457 Witt, Christian Friedrich, 247 Wittelsbach, 296 Wittenberg, 195 Witvogel, Gerhard Fredrik, 403

Zangwysen van de CL Psalmen Davids, De, 397

W-ladyslaw IV Vasa, King of Poland, 436, 441

Wolfenbiittel, 238, 240, 242 Wolff, Christian, 237 Wolff, Johann Heinrich, 263 WO!fflin, Heinrich

Renaissance and Baroque, 1 women composers, 151, 152 Wiirttemberg, 12 Wiirzburg, 314-15

Residenz, 314

Yaguzhinsky, P., Count, 448, 454 York, 25 Young, Talbot, 373

Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm, 236, 238-9 Zaghini, Giacomo, 208 Zambeccari, F.M., Ill Zamora, Antonio, 418

Viento es la dicha de Amor, 423 Zanetti, Anton Maria, 82, 83 Zappi, G. B. F., 48 Zarlino, Gioseffo, 77 Zawalski, Fedor [Bogdan], 444 Zedler, Johann Heinrich

Universal-Lexikon, 260, 263 Zeiler, Gallus, 320 Zeitz, 231, 237, 239, 240, 241, 242-3

Kapelle, 241, 242 Michaeliskirche, 243

Zelenka, Jan Dismas, 186n43, 221, 235 Zelia, 262 Zelle, 440 Zeiter, Carl Friedrich, 35 Zeno, Apostolo, 80, 105, 336, 343 Zerbst, 231, 234-5 Ziani, Marc'Antonio, 346, 347 Ziani, Pietro Andrea, 237

Fatiche d'Ercole per Deianira, Le, 398 Zinzendorff, Prince, 113 Zubov, A., 453 Zurich

Shoemakers' Guild, 22 Zutphen, 398 Zweerts, Kornelis, 399, 401

Boertige en ernstige minnezangen, 402 V erscheide nieuwe zangen, 402


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