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Page 1: L´Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique ... · EPHW 2006, and interviews were conducted on CBC and lo-cal papers. • In Nova Scotia, the Premier, Dr. John Hamm, officially

Ca na dia n In st it ut e of P ubl ic H e a l t h I nspe c t or s L´ Inst it ut c a na die n de s ins pe c t e ur s e n sa nt é pu bl i que C a n adi an Ins t i t ut e of Pu bl i c H e al th Ins pe c tor s

L´ I ns t i t ut c an adi en d es i ns p ec te ur s en sa nté p ubl i q u e

Vo lume 2 , Issue 1

Spr ing 2005

Check out CIPHI’s 2005 Annual National

Salary Survey at http://www.ciphi.ca/


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I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

EPHW Recognition 3

BOC Member Profile 4

Exercise Best Effort 2005 - Keep the Soldiers Healthy ...


CIPHI Hosts IFEH Council Meeting


Announcements 9

Continuing Education Information


Membership Application 11

Environmental Public Health Quotes


Correction Notice 12

In Memoriam 13


Canadian Inst i tu te of Pub l ic Heal th Inspectors L´ Inst i tu t canadien des inspecteurs en santé publ ique

Wow! Have you ever seen so much hype and publicity in your entire career in regards to the celebration of our profession? If so, I’m willing to eat my shoes! From sea to sea to sea, our profes-sion received unprecedented support from the municipal, provincial, fed-eral govern-ment and cor-porate sup-port in pro-moting Envi-ronmental Public Health Week (EPHW) 2006.

The Na-tional President, Claudia Kurzac, kicked things off by issuing a media release in De-cember. Shortly there after, Dr. David Butler Jones, Chief Public Health Officer for The Public Health Agency of Canada issued a me-dia release praising the importance of the

week. He stated, “The work that you do each and every day to pro-tect and improve the health of Canadians is greatly appreciated”.

• In British Columbia, the provincial govern-ment proclaimed EPHW 2006, 2 health regions posted the event on their website and a display booth was set up at a local mall.

• In Alberta, newspa-per media conducted local interviews, CBC Calgary radio broad-casted an interview with an inspector in French, and the provin-cial Department of

Health and Wellness issued a press re-lease sup-porting EPHW 2006.

• Saskatche-wan Branch President, Ken Cross continues to enjoy the limelight as he conducted an interview with CTV Regina. The TV station re-ceived such a posi-tive response from viewers they are looking to have Ken

back to do another segment! In addition, the Saskatchewan gov-ernment issued a Cer-tificate of Recognition of EPHW 2006 and the Mayors of Yorkton and Melfort proclaim the week.

(Continued on page 2)

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• In Manitoba, the provincial government proclaimed the week, and the Chief MOH posted a supportive statement on the provincial health website.

• In Ontario, members in Oxford County conducted week long radio spots promoting the profession.

• In New Brunswick, the Minister of Health proclaimed EPHW 2006, and interviews were conducted on CBC and lo-cal papers.

• In Nova Scotia, the Premier, Dr. John Hamm, officially pro-claimed EPHW 2006.

Overall, five provinces had provincially declared EPHW 2006, huge interests from media in broadcast of both TV and radio, local print media, and tremendous recognition at all levels of governments and the private sector. Wow! To imagine that 4 years ago no one had even heard of EPHW or knew what we did. We have come a long way. Job well done everyone and let’s keep the momentum moving forward!

(Continued from page 1)

Nova Scotia Premier, Dr. John Hamm, is presenting Nova Scotia Branch President, Bruce Morrison, the provincial proclamation of Environmental Health Week 2006.

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Protecting the Health of Canadians


H E A L T H W E E K 2 0 0 6


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Protegéons la santé des Canadiens National Newslet ter

Profession: • Job Title: Regional Manager, Health Protection and Environmental

Services • Employer: Vancouver Island Health Authority • School Alumni: BCIT 1988 • Interest: In regards to my commitment to the BOC I believe our national

certification process is unique worldwide and I would like to see it grow into a model that could lead the way for other associated organiza-tions. I also support current national and provincial initiatives regarding core competencies and core functions for professionals, including the development of defensible measurable outcomes for the activities un-dertaken by certificate holders. All of this will enable us to be recognized as valuable partners with other public health professionals and to maintain and enhance our profile in an increasingly "resource challenged" environment.

Personal: • Interest: Hobby farm, home renos, hot tubbing, having more fun, world peace • Family: Married to "Rick the Renovator"; personal slave to assortment of furred and feathered crea-

tures. • Favorite TV Show: Shamelessly devoted to Coronation Street


Profession: • Job Title: Public Health Inspector and SK Branch President • Employer: Sun Country Health Region • School Alumni: BCIT 1989 • Interest: SK Branch President and all its duties. NEC/BOC rep and En-

vironmental Health Foundation Committee Trustee Personal: • Interest: Enjoy spending time with my wife, family and granddaughter.

Hunting, fishing, traveling and putzing in my yard. • Family: Married to Lorraine, 3 step kids and 1 granddaughter • Favorite TV Show: CSI and CSI Miami

Ann V. Thomas, Chairperson

Ken Cross, NEC Representative

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Protecting the Health of Canadians

Profession: • Job Title: Chief Medical Health Officer • Employer: Vancouver Coastal Health • School Alumni: University of Alberta, University of Toronto, University

of British Columbia • Interest: Environmental Health, Communicable Disease Control Personal: • Interest: Writing books (just published my 20th Book—"Everything they

didn't teach me at Ryerson and BCIT"), military medals and decorations, military (Honorary Colonel 12 Field Ambulance and 29 years in the naval reserve)

• Family: Wife (real doctor in the family), three sons, one daughter, three granddaughters

• Favorite TV Show: Corner Gas

Profession: • Job Title: Manager, Health Protection-Vancouver • Employer: Vancouver Coastal Health • School Alumni: Royal Roads University 2003, BCIT 1983, UBC 1981 • Interest: Leadership/Management Personal: • Interest: Playing and coaching ice hockey • Family: Wife - Jane, very young sons - Christopher 16, Stephen 13 • Favorite TV Show: Who has time for TV?

Profession: • Job Title: Defence Attaché for Health Affairs Canadian Embassy, Washington • Employer: Department of National Defence • School Alumni: University of Ottawa, University of British Columbia, University

of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine • Interest: Trop Med, Travel Med, Diving and Hyperbaric Med, Public Health Personal: • Interest: Kayaking, hiking, mountain biking, cycling, scuba diving, chess, history, travel • Family: Married, two sons ages 21 and 16 and a schnauzer

Richard A. Taki, NEC Representative

David Carpenter, Sitting Member

John Blatherwick, Sitting Member

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Protegéons la santé des Canadiens National Newslet ter

Profession: • Job Title: Manager, Healthy Environments Di-

vision (Food Safety and Special Events) • Employer: Toronto Public Health • School Alumni: Ryerson University • Professional Interest: Board of Certification -

Continuing Education and core competencies Personal: • Personal Interest: My dog, painting & stained

glass (art) • Favorite TV Show: CSI and Lost

Substitute photo submitted

Suzanne Lychowyd-Shaw Sitting Member

Profession: • Job Title: Regional Manager Food Safety, West-

ern Region NS • Employer: NS Dept of Agriculture & Fisheries • School Alumni: Ryerson 1976 • Interest: Food handler education, food safety

continuum from primary production to con-sumption, advancing the cause of public health inspection and working towards PHI becoming a recognized profession.

Personal: • Interest: Running, kayaking, learning to down

hill ski, trail development for recreational multi use, local history

• Family: Son, daughter, and three step daugh-ters, all in university or working in their career of choice

• Favorite TV Show: House and CSI

Mark Durkee, Sitting Member

Raegan Morton, the second from the left, was select to be the face of an environ-mental public health professional by the Manitoba Government and General Em-ployees’ Union. Raegan is a graduate of Cape Breton University and has been working for 2 years in the Winnipeg sub-urbs office. You may recall that Raegan was also the runner up for the leading role in the TV series Kitchen Crimes airing on Food Network TV.

Submitted by: Stéfane Gravelle, MB Branch

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Protecting the Health of Canadians

… And as happy as possible under the circum-stances. That was the mission for preventive medi-cine technician Sergeant Torsten Schulz on Exer-cise Cooperative Best Effort 2005 held at the Yavoriv Training Centre outside L’viv, Ukraine from June 19 to 30. More than 1,100 soldiers from 27 countries participated in the NATO/Partnership for Peace/Mediterranean Dialogue exercise. The Cana-dian contingent, headed by Major James Price of 2RCR from CFB Gagetown, included 23 2 RCR sol-diers, eight public affairs officers, a staff officer, a CIMIC officer, a physician assistant and a preven-tive medicine technician.

Sgt. Schulz is based with 11 CF Health Services Centre at CFB Shilo. During the exercise, he teamed up with Cpl. Dave Ja-kowyszyn, an environ-mental health techni-cian from the United Kingdom.

Sanitation and hygiene were major issues for the pair.

“The condition of the barracks was pretty awful when we arrived,” Sgt. Schulz said. “We spend a lot of time explaining what needs to be done to the lo-cal staff and teaching them how to clean properly.”

Water quality was also an issue. The local municipal water supply is contaminated with high levels of in-dustrial chemicals, so bottled water was a must for the exercise participants, and even that had to be tested to make sure it met NATO standards.

The Canadian contingent came equipped with mos-quito nets, which proved very useful given the hun-gry critters at Yavoriv.

Stray dogs were also a problem. “We have to be concerned about bites, and there is also the possi-bility of rabies,” Sgt. Schulz explained. Local MPs

were tasked to run the dogs off the camp.

The two technicians conduct a tour of the base every morning, checking to make sure that the food service facilities are up to snuff and resolving is-sues in the barracks for the soldiers. Clean show-ers and toilets are a constant concern.

The medical centre for the exercise was headed by LCol. Javier Alfaro of Spain and LCol. Vladimir Libinskiy of Ukraine.

Even with more than a thousand soldiers

on location, there were very few injuries or medical problems.

“We owe you,” LCol. Alfaro told the Canadian and UK techs near the end of the exercise. “The medi-cal mission would not have been the same without you. I am very proud of your work.”

Eric Cameron is a communications advisor at NDPAO Calgary. He worked in the Press Informa-tion Centre for CBE 05.

Submitted by: Stéfane Gravelle

Source: http://www.army.dnd.ca/LFAA_HQ/b_effort_05/healthy.htm

Exercise Cooperative Best Effort 2005 - Keep the Soldiers Healthy ...

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On October 8 & 9, 2005, CIPHI, CIPHI BC Branch and Vancouver Coastal Health hosted The Interna-tional Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) council meeting at the Wosk Centre for Dialogue in Vancouver. The council members were very impressed with Vancouver and Canadians in general. They were also most impressed with the Westin Bayshore, the site of the 2010 IFEH World Congress & CIPHI Annual Educational Conference. Front row (Lt to Rt): Michael Halls (Hon. Secretary - Scotland), Jerry Chaka (President - South Africa), Colm Smyth (President Elect - Ireland) Second row: Shaari Ahmad (Malaysia), Claudia Kurzac (Canada), Kia Regner (Sweden), Danny Wee (Malaysia)

Back row: Isobel Stout (New Zealand), Jan Homma (Netherlands), Bernard Forteath (Scotland ), Hans Hohenleitner (Germany), Ray Ellard (Ireland), Steen Fogde (Denmark), Ina Lenzing (Germany), Kati Gruenwald (Germany), Peter Davey (Austrailia)

Missing: Nick Losito (Canada), Steven Cooper (Hon. Treasurer - CIEH)

CIPHI President, Claudia Kurzac, receiving a plaque from the IFEH President, Jerry Chaka, as a thank you for hosting the council meeting.

CIPHI Hosts IFEH Council Meeting

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Protecting the Health of Canadians


If you have an announcement (birth, engagement, wedding, in memoriam) you would like to share please forward particulars and photo (optional) to:

[email protected]


Stephen and Sarah Nunn (Leeds Metropolitan ’99) are ecstatic to announce that on January 15, 2006, between 12:50am and 1:00am, the arrival of (left to right) Heather Louise (4 pounds and 14 ounces), Matthew John (3 pounds and 9 ounces) and Andrew Philip (3 pounds and 9 ounces). Andrew and Mat-thew are identical twins. Everyone is doing fine.

Mike (Ryerson ’95) and Jennifer LeBlanc (Ryerson ’95) became proud par-ents to Madeline Emma (7 lbs 12 oz) on January 23, 2006, at 5:04pm. Mom, Dad and Nicolas are doing fine.

Mary and Dan Moreau (BCIT ’78) are pleased to announce that Tyler has joined them to form a family. He was born on October 17, 2005, and was adopted into the Moreau home on November 17th. This picture depicts his first day at the office!

Tammy and Chris Kelly (Ryerson ’97) are pleased to announce the birth of Codi Lynn (6 lbs 5 oz) to the family. Codi was born on February 19, 2005 at 12:58pm.

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Continuing Education Information

The CIPHI Core Competencies Working Group is developing a Q & A document which will be posted on the CIPHI website to assist members in understanding core competencies as well as continuing pro-fessional competency. Check the website at http://www.ciphi.ca/corecomp.htm for regular updates.

Core Competencies

Thinking of going back to school for your masters degree? Would one of those choices be in public health? Short on cash-o-la? Check out the Public Health Professional Master's Awards Program: CIHR - Institute of Population and Public Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada. The maximum amount awarded for a single award is $17,500 per annum, for up to 2 years (full-time status) and up to 4 years (part-time status). If you are interested or thinking that you may be eligible check out the website at http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/30092.html for further details.

Submitted by: Merry Turtiak, CIPHI AB

Public Health Professional Master's Awards Program

Helen Heacock is a permanent part-time instructor in the Environmental Health Program at BCIT. Ms. Heacock teaches statistics, epidemiology as well as the research methods and applied research pro-ject courses. Although her background does not include training in public health she has a gradu-ate diploma in Occupational Health (McGill University), MSc in ergonomics (University of London) and a PhD in Epidemiology (University of British Columbia).

Ms. Heacock is evaluating whether BCIT's Environmental Health Program should change the creden-tial's name from Bachelor of Technology to something else; such as Bachelor of Applied Science (Ryerson University), Bachelor of Environmental Health (Concordia University), Bachelor of Technology in Public Health (Cape Breton University), or Bachelor of Applied Technology in Environmental Health and Safety (Lambton College, Ontario).

One of the issues behind this desire to change credential name is for greater recognition outside of the public health domain. The school acknowledges that PHIs/EHOs recognize the credential, but what if students wish to pursue careers outside of public health, or if they wish to apply for graduate school? Each year, a handful of students ask one or more of the faculty in the Environmental Health Program at BCIT for letters of reference to graduate programs. BCIT wonders if graduate schools un-derstand that BCIT's BTech encompasses Environmental Health. BCIT is trying to identify former stu-dents who have gone on to graduate work and ask them if they thought the credential name hindered them in any way when applying for graduate school, or if PHIs/EHOs with the BTech credential found themselves having to explain the degree when they applied for employment outside of public health.

If you have experienced or believe that the BTech has been problematic in attaining employment or in securing a place at graduate school because the degree name may not accurately reflect the material covered in the program then Ms. Heacock would like to here from you. Please direct your responses to [email protected].

What is in a Name?

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Photo Credit: Toronto Public Health

Awards Committee Chairperson, Phi Phan, presents the Alexander Officer Award (not the Alex Cross Award as was printed in the December 2005 Vol.1 Issue 4 CIPHI National Newsletter) to Ken Cross who

is accepting the award on behalf of the Saskatchewan Health’s Provincial West Nile Virus Program.


Editorial Policy

The Editor is authorized to publish this Newsletter on a quarterly bases or as deemed appropriate. The objective is to keep the Institute’s membership informed of local and national events that are of interest and of importance to them. The Newsletter encourages submissions of articles, pictures and announcements. The Editor reserves the right to reject articles, announcements, letters, advertisements, and other items that are not consistent with the goals and purposes of the Institute. The National Executive Council has the authority to provide general direction respecting the content of the Newsletter and in consultation with the Editor, to set policies regarding administrative matters of each issue. The Editor shall have the general authority to select material for publication in the Newsletter. Views, comments or positions within the contents of the Newsletter are those of the Editor, Editorial Staff or the author and does not necessarily reflect those of the National Executive Council, the Insti-tute or its’ membership. The Newsletter is only produced in an electronic format and is distributed to the membership through their respective Branch President or designate.

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Protecting the Health of Canadians


On January 8, 2006, William Kent of Edmonton passed away at the age of 88. He is remembered by sister, Evelyn; brother, Paul (Wanell); sons, Terry and Barry (Merja); granddaughter, Miranda (Terry) and grandson, Chris (Amy); great-grandchildren, Claire and Henry Newton and Adiya Kent; and special friend, Aurora. William was predeceased by his loving wife, Elizabeth; bothers and sisters, Nick, John, Mike, Wilfred, Jennie, Steve, and Harry. He served his country as a veteran of WW II followed by a lengthy career with the City becoming Edmonton’s Chief Health Inspector. In lieu of flowers, friends who wish may make a memorial donation to the Canadian Diabetes Association, Suite 1010-Royal Bank Bldg., 10117 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5J 1W8.

Source: Edmonton Journal, January 12, 2006

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We are on the Web www.ciphi.ca

Since 1934, the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) has been committed to the advancement and promotion of

environmental public health in Canada.

CIPHI advances the profession, science and field of environmental public health through certification, advocacy, education and set-

ting standards. We protect the health of Canadians and represent environmental public health professionals across Canada.


BTW, if you think internal politics and lousy management only happens in the cities, think again. Stupidity and incompetency knows no

municipal boundaries.

nfok, 2005

I was asking a restaurant owner about his cleaning schedule. My question: "When do you clean this?" His answer: "When you tell me to."

Rosemarie Arndt, 2005

Inquiries, correspondence or article submissions should be forwarded to:

CIPHI National Newsletter

[email protected] Editor & Design Victor Mah Alberta Associate Editors Adam Stokowski Alberta Alex Law British Columbia Andreas Oertel Manitoba Heather Richards Ontario Jacqueline Treen Saskatchewan Jennifer Kennedy Nova Scotia

PO Box 75264 15180 North Bluff RD

White Rock, BC V4B 5L4 Canada

Canadian Inst i tute of Publ ic Heal th


Phone/fax: 1-888-245-8180 Phone: (604) 543-0935

Fax: (604) 543-0936 E-mail: [email protected]

Health Protection: Cornerstone of Public Health

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