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English Year 1

In-house training:

Examples of lesson plan:

Unit 2 – All About Me

Phonics : /s/, /ae/,/t/, /p/

Vocabulary : sat, ant, tap, pat

Focused constructs: K1 – K3

Day 1: Listening & Speaking

Learning standard 1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs.

Learning objectives 1. Sing a song with correct pronunciation.2. Make the action for the phonemes /s/, /ae/, /t/

and /p/ in the song.

Phonemes /s/, /ae/, /t/, /p/

Day 1: Listening & SpeakingTeaching & learning stages: Teaching & learning activities:

Set induction Teacher introduces the song.

Presentation Teacher teaches the pupils to sing the song.

Practice 1. Teacher draws the pupils’ attention to the phonemes /s/, /ae/, /t/ and /p/ in the song.

2. Pupils do possible actions for the phonemes with the teacher’s guidance.

Production Pupils sing the song again with actions.

Closure Teacher says out the phonemes randomly and pupils do the actions.

/s/ /ae/ /t/ /p/

Day 2: Reading

Learning standard 2.1.1 Able to identify and distinguish the shapes of the letters in the alphabet.2.1.2 Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable.

Learning objectives 1. Match at least ¾ small letters to the capital letters correctly.

2. Write the initial sound of at least ¾ words correctly.

Phonemes /s/, /ae/, /t/, /p/

Vocabulary i. satii. antiii. tapiv. pat

Day 2: ReadingTeaching & learning stages: Teaching & learning activities:

Set induction Teacher revises the previous actions of the phonemes.

Presentation 1. Teacher teaches new vocabulary (sat, ant, tap, pat)2. Teacher draws the pupils’ attention towards the

shapes of the small and capital letters.

Practice 1. Pupils do the actions of the phonemes and say aloud the words with the teacher’s guidance.

2. Pupils match the small letters with the capital letters with a partner.

Production Pupils write the initial sound of the words individually.

Closure Teacher says out the words randomly and pupils do the actions.

Construct 1: Match the small letters to the capital letters correctly.









Construct 2: Write the initial sound of the words correctly.

ss aa tt pp

a t n t

a t a p

Day 3: Writing

Learning standard 3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words.

Learning objectives 1. Rearrange the letters to form the correct words

Vocabulary i. satii. antiii. tapiv. pat

Day 3: Writing

Teaching & learning stages: Teaching & learning activities:

Set induction Teacher revises the previous vocabulary.

Presentation Teacher shows picture cards to teach the meaning of the vocabulary.

Practice 1. Teacher conducts spelling game with the pupils.2. Group activity:

i. Pupils rearrange the letter stripes to form the correct words.

ii. Pupils match the words to the correct pictures, then paste them onto a paper.

Production Pupils rearrange the letters to form the correct words individually.

Closure Teacher shows picture cards randomly and pupils spell the words.

Construct 3: Rearrange the letters to form the correct words.

t a p n a t

s t a a t p

Day 4: Language Arts

Learning standard 4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on:b) action song

Learning objectives 1. Produce a mini book of the vocabulary learnt.

Vocabulary i. satii. antiii. tapiv. pat

Day 4: Language Arts

Teaching & learning stages: Teaching & learning activities:

Set induction Teacher asks the pupils to sing the previous song.

Presentation Teacher recalls the previous vocabulary learnt with the pupils.

Practice 1. Teacher shows a mini book and demonstrate the steps to produce it.

2. Group activity:i. Teacher distributes the materials and pupils

produce their mini books.

Production The groups present their mini books in front of the other classmates.

Closure Pupils sing the song again with actions.

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