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Page 1: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.


April 9, 2014

Page 2: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.


Listening for lectures (continued).

- Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas

- Note taking: Using symbols

Page 3: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Announcement: Quiz 2

Quiz 2 will be held next Wednesday (April 16)


- Listening for lectures

TEXTBOOK: chapters 1 - 3

Page 4: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Note Taking

Tip 1: Only write the most important words.

You do not have time to write a word-for-word transcript of a lecture.

You do not memorize every word you hear in a conversation. The same goes for a lecture.

Write only the words that contain important meaning for the lecture.

Page 5: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Note Taking

Word types you usually don’t need to write:

Pronouns – our, your, my, he

Helping verbs – be, have, do

Determiners/articles – a/an, the, this, these

Prepositions – in, at, under, behind

Conjunctions – and, but, so

Page 6: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

p.7 Exercise 7

Professor says:

In the past, the electronics market consisted mostly of men.

My notes:

In past, electronics market mostly of men.

Page 7: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

p.7 Exercise 7

Professor says:

Almost a third of the new and more innovative electronics are being sold to women.

My notes:

Almost third new more innovative electronics sold to women.

Page 8: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

p.7 Exercise 7

Professor says:

Businesses have only recently noticed the change in their customer base and are beginning to create new strategies to try to appeal to women.

My notes:

Businesses recently noticed change in customer base beginning create new strategies try appeal to women.

Page 9: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Note taking – Informal outline

Organizing your notes into an informal outline:

- Helps you remember information

- Helps you organize the lecture notes

- Lets you see importance of information

- Lets you see relationships between pieces of information

Page 10: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Lecture My notes

Page 11: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.


> Emotional appeals in ad.

- messages to create feeling about product

e.g. soft drink ad people laughing at partyholding soft drink.

e,g,2: car ad well-dressed person driving expensive car beautiful scenery

- Have good feeling about product

Page 12: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Topic: Advertising (causes of increase in advertising)

> Number of ads are increasing

- Avg. person sees 3000 ads/day.

- Increasing number of new kinds of ads

> New types of advertising

1. Advertisements in public places which previously had no ads

- Ads in elevators, parks benches, schoolsi.e. shoe company logo on school books

2. Ads that don’t seem like ads

- hidden ads i.e. celebrity who wears a t-shirt with a company’s

logo.- Companies pay celebrities to wear their products

- More cost effective than commercials

3. Product placement - Company pays to have products appear in movies and TV shows. i.e. actor drinks brand of drink in movie.

> Ads from advertise’ perspective

- New types of advertising has been good for advertisers- People complain but new types of ads still successful

- In traditional ads, audience can avoid (i.e. TV commercials)- Innovative ad approach (i.e. hidden ads) can get more consumers’ attention- If consumers don’t are not aware of advertising, companies less likely to lose consumers

> Reasons for increase in new adverting

1. Spread of new kinds of entertainment. - Since 1990s, many cable channels (i.e. CNN, ESPN) - More channel choices meant consumers could avoid TV ads more easily - As a result, advertisers looked for new places for ads.

2. Technology - Development new technology led to new ways to advertise

i.e. ads at baseball games that are only viewable on TV.

Page 13: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Topic: Advertising (causes of increase in advertising)

> Number of ads are increasing

- Avg. person sees 3000 ads/day.

- Increasing number of new kinds of ads

Page 14: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

> New types of advertising

1. Advertisements in public places which previously had no ads

- Ads in elevators, parks benches, schoolsi.e. shoe company logo on school books

2. Ads that don’t seem like ads

- hidden ads i.e. celebrity who wears t-shirt with company’s logo. - Companies pay celebrities to wear their products

- More cost effective than commercials

3. Product placement - Company pays to have products appear in movies and TV shows. i.e. actor drinks a brand of drink in a movie.

Page 15: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

> Ads from advertise’ perspective

- New types of advertising has been good for advertisers

- People complain but new types of ads still successful

- In traditional ads, audience can avoid (i.e. TV commercials)

- Innovative ad approach (i.e. hidden ads) can get more consumers’ attention

- If consumers not aware of advertising, companies less likely to lose consumers

Page 16: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

> Reasons for increase in new adverting

1. Spread of new kinds of entertainment. - Since 1990s, many cable channels (i.e. CNN, ESPN) - More channel choices meant consumers could avoid TV ads more easily - As a result, advertisers looked for new places for ads.

2. Technology - Development new technology led to new ways to advertise

i.e. ads at baseball games that are only viewable on TV.

Page 17: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.
Page 18: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Lecture discussion

p. 21: Discuss 1, 2, & 3.

Page 19: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Lecture questions (p. 19)

Try to answer these questions using your lecture notes.

- Check the answers on the course website (“Files” section)

Page 20: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Unit 2: Sociology

Chapter 3: Work habits in the U.S.

Page 22: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Multitasking: Doing several things at once.

1. Does this picture give the true idea about work in modern, developed countries (like Korea, or the U.S.)?

2. How does multitasking affect you personally?

Page 23: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Lecture language:

Transitioning to a new idea:

Let me start with modern work place activities.

I want to focus on lunchtime behavior at modern corporations.

Page 24: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Signal the end of one idea and beginning of the nextSignal the end of one idea and beginning of the next:

Now that we have talked about modern workplace activities, let’s talk about how longer hours affect family life.

That’s enough about modern workplace activities. Let’s go to the next point.

Let’s move on to after work activities for employees of large companies.

Page 25: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

p. 27 Exercise 4

Page 26: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

p. 28 Exercise 5

1. b

2. c

3. a

Page 27: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

p. 28 Exercise 6


Transition lecture language:

New idea:

first, let’s look at…

the family that I used in my study

Page 28: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

p. 28 Exercise 6


Transition lecture language:

New idea:

let me start with…

the example of the grandmother

Page 29: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

p. 28 Exercise 6


Transition lecture language:

New idea:

now, let’s move on to talk about…

the trend that we see these days

Page 30: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

p. 28 Exercise 6


Transition lecture language:

New idea:

OK, now that we’ve talked about… let’s talk about…

the differences in work and leisure between the generations.

Page 31: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Note-taking: Using symbols

Using symbols lets you take notes more quickly, which allows you to follow the lecture better.



# work hours @ final exam time.

Professor said:

The number of work hours increases at final exam time.

Page 32: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

Some common symbols

Page 33: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

p. 29 – Exercise 8

Sample notes using symbols

NOTE: Before checking the next slide, complete Exercise 8

in your book.

- If your notes are slightly different from the samples, that is OK.

Page 34: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

p. 29 – Exercise 8

Sample notes using symbols

Page 36: LISTENING SKILLS April 9, 2014. Today Listening for lectures (continued). - Listening strategies: Transitions between ideas - Note taking: Using symbols.

HomeworkCheck the website.

1. Do background reading on p. 25 & vocabulary exercises on p. 26

2. Watch the chapter 3 lecture and take notes using:

- informal outline style - symbols (where possible)

3. Answer questions on p. 31

Deadline: Tomorrow (11:59 pm)

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