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Anhang Fragebogen 1: China-Africa Relations and foreign-policy negotiations behavior Interviewter: Vertreter der Verhandlungsdelegation eines SSA-Staates Die ausgewählte Antwortmöglichkeit wurde unterstrichen: Frage. In the foreign policy agenda-setting of your country, which position does environmental policy take in comparison to other foreign policy issue areas? Antwort. Very high position / High position / Medium position / Rather low position / Low position F. How do you value the relationship between China and your country? A. Very good / Good / Satisfactory / Rather not good / Bad F. Which importance does the relationship to China have for your country? A. Very important / Important / Not important at all F. From your country’s perspective, how do you see China’s environmental policy-making in general? A. Is fully in line with my country’s environmental policy goal / Is mostly similar to my country’s environmental policy goal / Is slightly similar to my country’s environmental policy goal / Is not similar to my country’s environmental policy goal / I don’t know

A. Pustovitovskij, Strukturelle Kraft in Internationalen Beziehungen,DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-12693-3, © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2016

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334 Anhang F. How do you see China’s role in the climate-negotiations so far? A. Highly constructive / constructive / Less constructive / Not constructive at all F. In case of diverging goals or preferences toward China, do you believe that negotiating countries generally practice a “swap” of priorities by choosing between environmental issues and other potentially important foreign policy issues? A. Yes, I believe this is often the case / Yes, I believe this is sometimes the case / No, I believe it is not the case F. In case of diverging goals or preferences toward China, do you believe that African countries have practiced a “swap” of priorities between environmental issues and other potentially important foreign policy issues? A. Yes, swapping priorities is often the case / Yes swapping priorities is sometimes the case / No, swapping priorities is never the case If your answer to previous question is yes, please let us know if this practice happened sometimes in the past or if it still happening? Swapping priorities happened sometimes in the past / Swapping priorities still happening today

Page 49: Literaturverzeichnis - Springer978-3-658-12693-3/1.pdf · DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-12693-3, ... Literaturverzeichnis 289 Balaam, ... Research, NBR Special Report, 23. Chun, Zhang (2013).

Anhang 335 Fragebogen 2: China-Africa Relations and foreign-policy negotiations behavior Interviewter: Vertreter der Verhandlungsdelegation eines SSA-Staates Die ausgewählte Antwortmöglichkeit wurde unterstrichen: F. In the foreign policy agenda-setting of your country, which position does environmental policy take in comparison to other foreign policy issue areas? A. Very high position / High position / Medium position / Rather low position / Low position F. How do you value the relationship between China and your country? A. Very good / Good / Satisfactory / Rather not good / Bad F. Which importance does the relationship to China have for your country? A. Very important / Important / Not important at all F. From your country’s perspective, how do you see China’s environmental policy-making in general? A. Is fully in line with my country’s environmental policy goal / Is mostly similar to my country’s environmental policy goal / Is slightly similar to my country’s environmental policy goal / Is not similar to my country’s environmental policy goal / I don’t know F. How do you see China’s role in the climate-negotiations so far?

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336 Anhang A. Highly constructive / constructive / Less constructive / Not constructive at all F. In case of diverging goals or preferences toward China, do you believe that negotiating countries generally practice a “swap” of priorities by choosing between environmental issues and other potentially important foreign policy issues? A. Yes, I believe this is often the case / Yes, I believe this is sometimes the case / No, I believe it is not the case F. In case of diverging goals or preferences toward China, do you believe that African countries have practiced a “swap” of priorities between environmental issues and other potentially important foreign policy issues? A. Yes, swapping priorities is often the case / Yes swapping priorities is sometimes the case / No, swapping priorities is never the case (Der Interviewte kreuzte keine Variante an, schrieb jedoch “Not sure)

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