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Page 1: Little LDS Ideas · Place your finger in one end of the half-circle, and your thumb in the other, bend the half circle into a fortune cookie shape. Secure the ends together with another
Page 2: Little LDS Ideas · Place your finger in one end of the half-circle, and your thumb in the other, bend the half circle into a fortune cookie shape. Secure the ends together with another
Page 3: Little LDS Ideas · Place your finger in one end of the half-circle, and your thumb in the other, bend the half circle into a fortune cookie shape. Secure the ends together with another


You took something away from your little brother/sister. When your Mother asked what happened, you told her you didn’t know.

Your Mother asks you to clean your room, but you don’t feel like doing it.

Your friend invites you to the movies, but the movie that they want to see is one that you know you shouldn’t watch. You lie to your parents and say that you will be watching a different movie.

Your Mother asks you to clean your room, but you don’t want to so you don’t.

During Primary, you and your friend talk to each other, and don’t listen to the lessons.

Your brother/sister does something that makes you so mad that you call them a bad name.

It’s Fast Sunday. Even though it is hard to fast, you decide to fast for a friend that is very sick.

You choose to read your scriptures every day.

Your friend tells you that you can copy his/her homework. You know that that is cheating, so you tell them no.

During the Sacrament, you think of Jesus Christ and sit reverently.

Some of your friends are talking bad about someone in your class. You choose not to join them, and say something nice about the person.

You see someone drop $5 at the grocery store. You pick it up and give it back to them.

Your neighbor was in the hospital for a few days. To help them out, you and your family deliver dinner to them.

You wanted to do something special for your Mom, so you vacuum without being asked.

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