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Page 1: LIVE AUTHENTICALLY€¦ · live authentically the basics of human design  linda bissin-copp


W W W. A L I G N W I T H H U M A N D E S I G N . C O M


Page 2: LIVE AUTHENTICALLY€¦ · live authentically the basics of human design  linda bissin-copp

L I N D A B I S S I N - C O P P | W W W. A L I G N W I T H H U M A N D E S I G N . C O M


Have you ever asked yourself?

How do my relationships always end up the same?How do I have the same conflicts at work no matter what the job?How can it be that people just don’t “get” me?What should I do with my life?How can I feel so energized by some people and so drained by others?How can I get along better with my spouse? How can my kids be so very different than I am?How can my kids be so hard for me to handle?How can this all be happening to me????

We have all been conditioned by different influences in our lives, including our parents, friends, romantic relationships, work, religion, and society in general. We have lived up to, or in rebellion from, the expectations and rules of others. Through this conditioning process, often, we have forgotten who we really are. We may wonder what our purpose is, what makes us happy, strong and content.

All of us have a design, like a piece of unique human artwork. Human Design is based on elements of Astrol-ogy, the I’Ching, the Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra system, and quantum physics. It is imbued with the art of connection; connection with your true design so you can connect more deeply with others.

Human Design is not about changing yourself; it is about transforming the way you see yourself. I suggest you read and reread this Human Design resource and other information I share with you many times. Under-standing Human Design comes in waves; you will find that you understand more each time you read, then experience your design in action, and read again. It will be as though a new depth of learning opens to you each time you read these resources, and each time we work together.

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Some people I have worked with say that learning Human Design is like coming home to their self, uniting with a part inside that they have always known existed.

Human Design will help you understand your areas or patterns of challenge, and your design areas of wis-dom. Your Human Design chart will reveal why you are with the people you are with. Your journey with your Human Design will bring you a reawakening to who you really are.

Human Design will help you know yourself at a profound yet functional level. This is a level of self-awareness that you can take daily actions congruent with who you are. Living your Human Design will empower you and reveal your special gifts and talents it will help you gain insight on working with your true nature and not against it. It will help you flourish in your full potential.

You will not need to change who you are to be content. The Chart itself is like a Treasure map of who you were really designed to be.

Through living your Human Design, you will have a clear strategy for making decisions. You will see how your life begins to work more cleanly and clearly than you would have imagined.

So, are you ready to learn your Human Design?

Are you ready to have the quality of life that you dream of?Are you ready to truly understand yourself with appreciation and compassion?Are you ready to give up struggle and create peace and joy in your life? Are you ready to love and experience passion in your work? Are you ready to have finances that feel vibrant and aligned with your life? Are you ready to have love, understanding and compassion in your relationships?Are you ready to live your life the way you were designed to live?

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The Human Design System is a powerful system of

knowledge, encompassing elements of astrology,

the I’Ching, Kabbalah, and the Chakra system.

Human Design illuminates aspects of your

personality and the basic motivations that puzzled

you or confounded others.

Human Design provides a framework for

understanding human life, and speaks to your

strengths, talents, gifts, and vulnerabilities.

Understanding your Human Design can instill

confidence, make your life easier and help to restore

a sense of purpose and meaning.

Please remember that Human Design is not about changing who you are. It is a system to help you

understand and see yourself the way you were truly designed to be.

Human Design will empower you, give you specific information about your particular makeup so that you

learn to trust yourself again, know what will work best for you and give you an opportunity to reassess what

is most important in your life.

Understand that Human Design is not a belief system. You do not have to believe in anything. Simply look at

your basic four aspects of Human Design with me: your type, inner authority, strategy and profile. Understand

your inner authority, and operate from your unique strategy and see the changes in your life.

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In 1987, there was the death of a star, know Supernova 1987A. Scientists all over the world viewed this event through telescopes. On the Spanish island Ibiza, Ra Uru Hu watched the death of Supernova 1987A. For an eight-day period he was instructed by a “Voice” to write down specific information and to introduce the knowledge he received to the world. This formed the basis of the Human Design Chart and Human Design System.

Ra Uru Hu studied the information for two years, and began teaching, and interpreting charts for others. For sixteen years, he traveled and shared the Human Design system with the world, and brought his unique teachings to the United States for the last time in March of 2003.

Though Human Design had a metaphysical origin, the system shows amazing accuracy in describing the personality traits of individuals. Because of that, scientists have worked very hard over the last few years to validate the system.

In April of 2000 social scientist and psychotherapist Dr. Eleanor Haspel-Portner statistically validated some central aspects of The Human Design System. Dr. Haspel-Portner and her husband Dr. Marvin Portner con-tinued to work to prove the scientific validity and Value of Human Design Analysis for applications in modern medicine, psychotherapy, and personal coaching.

They continue to discover new aspects of the system and new applications of Human Design for Healing and personal growth. Human Design has grown tremendously in the United States during the last few years and will continue to grow in recognition as more people discover its usefulness for everyday decision-making.

How can Human Design help you?

It is an instrument for personal growth,

discovery, and knowledge, giving you a path

to self-realization, mastery, and health for body

mind and spirit. You will be able to live a satisfied,

more productive life by living your individual

Human Design.

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The complex system of Human Design initially comes down to 4 basics: your type, inner authority, strategy for decision-making, and your profile. If you learn and honor your Human Design, you will find that you are able to access your inner wisdom and live your life in a profound way.


No type is better than another, it is all energy. Learning your type is important as the basis of decision-making. If rely on your inner authority to make your decisions, you will make the right decision, and you can undo conditioning of the past.


Manifestors (approximately 8% of population) are an energy type and can initiate action. It is the type that can actually respond to Nike’s directive: “Just Do It.” The other types actually do not have this capacity and are out of alignment with their self when they try to act like a Manifestor.

Manifestors create a stir wherever they go. They affect other people with their energy and their actions; people around them will often resist the Manifestor’s actions. To ease this resistance, the Manifestor strategy is to first inform others before acting. They do not ask permission. The strategy is to first inform and then take action. This strategy will create more trust and lessen the resistance in the people around them.

The Manifestor would do well to learn to be kinder and more thoughtful of their impact on others. When a Manifestor is not living their design, they are dealing with the theme of anger. You can imagine how a person who is energy filled and designed to take action would experience anger if separated from this natural way of being.

Manifestor Inner Authority: Emotional solar plexus, Splenic, or Ego.

Manifestor Strategy: To inform others before acting. Without asking for permission, simply letting others, who would be affected by their actions, know in advance of their intentions.

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Generators (approximately 37%) and their sub-

type Manifesting Generators, (approximately 37%

of the population), are the largest of the four Type

groups. We will look at each of them separately.

Generators are also energy types however their

strategy is wait. They are not designed to initiate

action. Their inner authority is the sacral, and they

can rely on their gut reaction. They can rely upon

the (yes) and (no) responses that come from the


Generators are the workhorses of the world once

they learn wait and respond to what comes to

them. Following their “wait to respond” strategy, Generators are the builders of the world. Trying to follow

“Just Do It” will put the generator into a fight against the tide; they will meet with great resistance experience

frustration, wondering time and again why everything has to be so hard. And it is simply because they did not

wait to respond.

By learning to wait to respond to what comes to them, generators will have smooth sailing for exerting their

amazing ability to get things done. The resistance in their life and their own frustration that comes from not

living their design will dissolve.

Generator Inner Authority: Emotional Solar Plexus, Sacral, Splenic, or Ego.

Generator Strategy: Wait to respond.

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Manifesting Generators (approximately 37%) They should listen to your inner authority and be ready to change your mind at any time that your inner authority tells you a “no” or “yes.” What you did was right up to the point of a “no” and to protect yourself from the anger and frustration that come from not honoring your type, you must be willing to change your direction when your inner “yes” turns to “no.”

Learning to use your strategy will prevent unnecessary waffling on decisions. This is a difference with the Generator who, once hearing a “yes” from the inner authority, can spring into action with a certainty of direction. A Manifesting Generator needs to listen inside and change in mid-stride. The Manifesting Generator who listens to their inner authority can take great action like a Manifestor. Listening clearly to their inner authority can look like this for the Manifesting Generator:

Other: “Would you go rollerblading with me Friday?” Manifesting Generator: “Hmmm.” (listens inside to inner authority and finds a clear yes) “Yes, I’d like that.” Friday afternoon arrives, the other knocks on the door and the Manifesting Generator answers. They sit, have a warm conversation, and then get ready to go rollerblading. The Manifesting Generator gets to the door, listens to their inner authority which now informs “NO” and says, “I’ve really enjoyed our chat, but I am not going to go out rollerblading after all.”

It is clear what a challenge that can be: changing direction can be difficult for everyone involved. However, the more the Manifesting Generator listens to their inner authority, the more success they will experience and the less anger and frustration. Pause, listen to your inner voice of certainty, inform others, respond, check your inner voice, continue if it is a yes, and listen for any change of direction in the form of “uh-huh” or “uh-uh” and inform others about any change.

This way, the Manifesting Generator is free to exert the full energy of their Manifestor component. Life becomes more complicated when we do not live our design. When you live your design, people around you will trust you more. They can count on the Manifesting Generator to be all in, as long as they have the freedom to honor their inner authority of how they feel, coming from the Emotional Solar Plexus. To live their design, they must be free to change direction as necessary. The Manifesting Generator will recognize the freedom needed to operate with their inner authority and unique strategy, and then they can accomplish anything and be a joy to others.

Manifesting Generator Inner Authority: Emotional Solar Plexus, Sacral, Splenic, or Ego.

Manifesting Generator Strategy: Respond, inform and then act.

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Projector’s make up approximately 22% of the population. They are not energy types and are not here to

work in the traditional way. They need to be invited and recognized, and then they can help the other types

manage their energy and feel understood. The Projector strategy is to wait for the right invitation.

The right invitation draws the Projector in and recognizes their specialness. Projector’s are the managers, the

guides in Human Design. Bitterness is the response when a Projector does not wait for the correct invitation

and to be recognized for their unique contribution.

Projector Inner Authority: Emotional Solar Plexus,

Splenic, Ego, Environmental, or None

Projector Strategy: To wait for an invitation or the

energy of an invitation. Once they are recognized

and invited, the projector is here to know and

guide others. They are not here to work a regular


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Reflectors (approximately 1%) are completely

undefined (more about areas of definition in

Human Design later!) and they emit and

experience energy. The reflector is wide open

to others around them. They can feel the hopes,

dreams, disappointments, emotions, experiences

of everyone they are in contact with. Others will

try to draw the reflector into their lives.

The strategy of the Reflector is to witness the experience of others without attachment, and to reflect back.

“Reflect without absorbing” could be a helpful good mantra. When a Reflector does not honor their Human

Design, the theme is disappointment and disillusionment.

Reflector Inner Authority: All centers are open. They have Environmental Authority.

Reflector Strategy: Wait 29 days for Clarity before responding.

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T H E N E X T L E V E L O F C O M P L E X I T Y :T H E N I N E C E N T E R S - O P E N O R C L O S E D ?

In Human Design, there are nine centers representing the workings of the mind, emotions, heart, and

intuition. In this area of Human design are found patterns, and rhythms that influence progress in life.

They are centers of energy. Understanding your nine centers will help you understand what is happening

inside you each day. I am including information on the nine center and characteristics of having a defined or

undefined center here as a brief review and a place where you can refer for reminders between sessions as

we work together. We will discuss the specifics of your individual nine centers so it has a deeper meaning for

you and is useful.

In each of the nine centers, each person is defined, meaning that they will have an area of stability and

consistency in the way they respond in that area or the way they process information/energy, or undefined,

where they will be malleable and open to the influence of those who are defined in this area. Undefined

areas provide the opportunity to recognize external influences, utilize one’s design, and reflect back what is

witnessed for the awareness of other.

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The Head or Crown Center is the center of understanding and inspiration. It is one of the pressure centers, applying pressure on finding the meaning of life. This is never an inner authority. It is a tool that can argue for or against your inner authority. Use it as a tool and look to your inner authority for decision making.

When you have a defined Head Center it puts pressure on you to understand in a specific way. It puts pressure to understand ideas, and communicate them in a coherent way.

The person with an undefined head or Crown center will have their inspirations, thoughts and questions come from outside of themselves. This person can be in a meeting and feel the pressure

of all the thoughts and ideas and feel great inspiration, only to find that when they leave the meeting, they have no sense of what they were so fired up to do. Or they may find that they are always acting on others’ ideas. In following human design, the strategy for the person with the undefined crown would be to recognize what is coming from the outside and use the gifts of an undefined Crown to take complex ideas and refine the in simplicity to share.


The Ajna is the research and processing center, because the Ajna Center along with the Crown or Head Center, function to help understand information. This is the center some cultures call “The Third Eye.” It is an interpretive center and should not be used for making decisions. The Ajna is the research center. It is there to take in information. It is NOT designed to make decisions. It is here to be wise about knowledge. Like the Crown center, the Ajna is a tool and not an inner authority. Rely on your inner authority for your decisions.

With a defined Ajna Center, the mind is alight with comparing, con-trasting and processing information. There will be a consistent way of processing information and approaching problems.

With an undefined Ajna Center, like Albert Einstein, there is the free-dom to look at things constantly in unique ways. Such flexibility! Solving problems can have a new approach each time. This person can struggle with belief systems and this person needs to remember that information can be written down- it does not need to be decided on. Another challenge is, as there is a tendency to be aware of what other people are thinking, recognizing other’s thoughts from one’s own. Learning to be engaged with others and fully present with one’s own thoughts when alone is one of the gifts of the undefined Ajna when living by Human Design.

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The Throat Center is the center of communication, though it is a gearbox rather than a motor. Nothing gets

done without communication and so this is a defined area for both the Manifestor and the Manifesting Gen-

erator. When the throat is defined, this person is here to speak and they are here to honor the energy of


A defined throat is not about demands; it is about sharing communication about the human condition. Later,

we can look at where a defined throat center is “connected” as this will affect the communication. As a pre-

view: when connected to the will center, the person will speak about themselves. When connected to the

emotional solar plexus, communication will be about feelings. When connected to the Ajna, communication

will be about thoughts.

An undefined throat center will talk in and amplify out. They may feel a pressure to speak as though they

get filled up with words and the words just spill out. They may blurt out things. They may be good at foreign

languages and impersonations. A person with an undefined throat needs to wait to be invited. If they initiate

talking, no one will be able to figure out why they are talking.

Things to ask yourself if you have an undefined throat:

Is this the right opportunity to speak?

Am I trying to impress someone by speaking?

If the person with the undefined throat feels pressure to speak, it would be wise to wait until the right person

invites them to speak and then their words will be valued.

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The G Center is the center of identity, and sense of direction in life

and love.

With a defined G Center, the person knows the direction to head in

life, who they are and what they are supposed to be doing in life.

They have a fixed way of experiencing love: consistent, reliable,

and predictable. With an undefined G Center, the person doesn’t

know who they are, what direction in life they should head. They are

here to become wise about love. Following their strategy and inner

authority will be the guide that can be trusted.

The positive sides of an undefined G Center are that many directions are open. In following inner authority

and living the specific Human Design strategy, this person will have the inner guide to successfully navigate

life, love and direction.


The Heart Center is the 4th of the motor centers. It is also called

the will center, or the ego-projected will center. This center is about

survival in the world with a flash of competition thrown in.

A person with a defined will center can do anything they set their

mind to. They will have a consistent way to access their power and

will. They have boundless energy to do anything and can even

change their mind and go in another direction. They can be willful

and energetic. This person will have a strong sense of self-worth

and value, even if it is exaggerated. They are certain of what they

should be paid. If balanced, the person with a defined will center will only take on promises they know they

can keep. If they operate in an unbalanced way, they will not fulfill their promises and will not be trusted.

A person with an undefined Heart Center may not know his or her own value, their material worth or how

much they should be paid. They do not have a consistent way of doing things. They may not have the energy

to fulfill the promises they make so it is best to not make promises if there is any doubt. This will prevent

mistrust from those around them and protect their spirits from being hurt. Where they work and where

they live is important to them. When undefined in the will center, watch carefully for signs and symptoms

that things are right in work and living situations. This person will feel it when they are moving in the right


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The Sacral Center is the center of life force and work energy. It is

also the center of reproduction and intimacy.

With a defined Sacral Center, the person partakes of what life of-

fers. They have a gut-instinct (don’t confuse that with an emotional

response) that they can follow. Knowing the difference between

an emotional response and their reliable gut instinct is important

because, once committed, the person with defined Sacral energy to

stay the course until the experience is completed.

With an undefined Sacral Center, those around you can influence the gut-response. This person is not meant

for the fast lane as there will be no consistent way to have access to work sustaining energy. This person

needs to rest more and be involved in less demanding, less stressful pursuits. To have a healthy and happy

life, it will be imperative to consciously live Human Design strategy.


The Emotional Solar Plexus Center is a motor center and very in-

tense as it is the fulcrum swinging between happiness and sadness,

guilt and innocence, pain and joy.

With a defined Solar Plexus Center, there will be emotional waves

from great joy to piercing sadness and it is best to sleep on things

before acting or making decisions so that emotional clarity can be

achieved. It is important to note that, as with all defined centers,

there is an influence on those around them who have undefined

centers. In following Human Design, responsibility for processing

emotions and the minimizing the negative impact on others can be a

sweet balancing act.

With an undefined Solar Plexus, this person can be influenced by the emotions and moods of others and an

important strategy is taking time and sleeping on things so that decisions made or actions taken have clarity.

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The Splenic Center is the center of instinct, intuition, and well-being

which gives you information filtering what is healthy or not healthy.

With a defined Splenic Center, the person has a spontaneous sense

of what is good for them or not. That is not a struggle or a temptation

to go after what is not healthy if they are living their design.

A person with an undefined Splenic Center is sensitive to the feelings

and experience of others around them. They may find themselves

with fears and holding onto to things longer than is good for them. It

will be important to be thoughtful of health and keeping the immune system in balance. The gift in flexibility

of an undefined Splenic Center can be combined with the wisdom to surround oneself with trustworthy

people who empower others to have a sense of direction and boundaries. Avoiding spontaneous

decision-making and taking time for clarity will also be beneficial.


The Root Center is a pressure center of life itself- adrenalin, and

drive. It determines how your body and mind feel pressure, and how

you go about processing the movement of energy through you.

With a defined Root Center, the person will feel pressure to process

the things that are going on in their life. Be grounded and grateful.

Put everything in “storage” and step away from it until the sense of

being grounded and grateful return.

With an Undefined Root Center, there is no internal pressure to process what is going on in life. Taking on

that task will create internal pressure. This person may tend to do things as fast as possible in response to

the life force pressure and would benefit from being conscious of their design and strategy and learn to tell

when they are feeling the life force pressure and ask their inner authority if it is correct for them to act or to

let the pressure flow through them.

There are three Awareness Centers: The Ajna, the Splenic Center and the Emotional Solar Plexus.

There are Four Motor Centers: The Heart Center, the Sacral Center, the Solar Plexus Center, and the Root

Center. The Throat Center acts as a gearbox rather than a motor.

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The profile points to what we are here to do- our life purpose. You reach your purpose by living your Human Design. The twelve Profiles are a combination of conscious and unconscious.


1/3 Investigator Martyr

1/4 Investigator Opportunist

2/4 Hermit Opportunist

2/5 Hermit Heretic

3/5 Martyr Heretic

3/6 Martyr Role Model

4/6 Opportunist Role Model

4/1 Opportunist investigator

5/1 Heretic Investigator

5/2 Heretic Hermit

6/2 Role Model Hermit

6/3 Role Model Martyr

1ST LINE INVESTIGATOR: looks deeply into things studiously and so gains secure foundation

2ND LINE HERMIT: wants to be left alone, must be called out or they’ll stay in and not be social

3RD LINE MARTYR: trial and error, must experience for self and so may go through many experiences with jobs, relationships etc. to discover what works for them

4TH LINE OPPORTUNIST: many connections, influential

5TH LINE HERETIC: others put a great deal on this person who has very attractive energy

6TH LINE ROLE MODEL: more detached from 30 to 50 and after 50, acts as a role model for others

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I briefly want to introduce another aspect of the Human Design chart: channels and gates. We will not cover

them in-depth here as I want first for you to focus on the four basics: type, inner authority, strategy, and to a

lesser extent, familiarity with your profile. When you are living your type, inner authority and strategy and are

familiar with your profile, we can move more in depth into your specific pathways, channels and gates. This

will give you even more information about your Human Design.

On the Human Design body graph, there are 9 centers, 36 channels, and 64 gates.

On the body graph, there are Channels that are various colors: white, red, black, and a combination diagonal

striping of red and black or white without color.

WHITE LINES are open. Here we take in and amplify energy out. Since we are amplifying the energy of the

world around us, we may be inconsistent in that energy.

RED LINES indicate unconscious personality traits that we are not aware of. In order to move forward in life, it

is important to become more aware of these traits.

BLACK LINES are those that we are conscious and aware of.

STRIPED LINES are those traits that we may be unconscious of until later in life.

CHANNELS are between two centers. When there is color in the channel coming from two adjoining centers,

and no white is present, then the centers at both ends are defined (have color). Again, when a channel is fully

colored, it becomes a connection between gates and defines the centers at each end. There are 32 possible

channels. A channel brings together the energy of two centers and a third energy is created.

GATES on the Human Design chart that are activated, are circled in purple. There are 64 Gates, correlating

with the I’Ching hexagram. Each gate is a type of behavior or energy. If a gate is open or undefined, there is

no consistent way of experiencing that energy. It is through our open gates, channels and centers that we

experience our greatest impact of conditioning in our life. However, it is also through this openness that we

experience our greatest learning and wisdom.

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Q U A N T U M A L I G N M E N T C O A C H / M E N T O R


[email protected]

Your Human Design chart contains so much information about you.

The information I shared in this ebook is just the beginning.

I encourage you to seek a HUMAN DESIGN READING. In this reading you will

receive a 1-hour personal reading outlining your personal Human Design

chart to include type, strategy, and the major themes of your unique design,

a MP3 recording, and as a bonus I’ll send you the digital copy of

Abundance By Design.

Some of the benefits of having the Human Design reading:

• Make decisions that are correct for you in all areas of your life• Learn to align with your authentic self, the way you are designed to be

• Develop and sustain supportive relationships

Do you want a better life? Do you want it now?

If your answer is yes, then why wait?

Find out who you are today and what strategy you should follow to get what

you want out of life. I invite you to start on a new path today by contacting

me at [email protected] or visiting www.alignwithhumandesign.com/

services in order to purchase your Human Design Reading.

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