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  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    Living As PeopleInfluence For Ch

    (Light And Salt

  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    Matthew 5:13

    “You are the salt of the earthwhat good is salt if it has lo

    flavor? Can you make it s

    again? It will be thrown ou

    trampled underfoot as wort

  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    Matthew 5:14-114 “You are the light of the world— like a

    hilltop that cannot be hidden.15 No on

    lamp and then puts it under a basket. I

    lamp is placed on a stand, where it gi

    to everyone in the house. 16 In the sam

    let your good deeds shine out for all t

    that everyone will praise your heaven

  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    Meaning:1. INFLUENCE - the power or capacity

    causing an effect.

    2. LIGHT - brightness, illumination, ex

    to truth.3. SALT - sodium chloride, preservativ


  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    I. Principles of Salt and A. Matthew 5:13 (Salt)

    a. If a seasoning has no flavor, It has no val

    b. If Christians make no effort to affect the w

    around them, they are little value to God.

    c. If we are to much like the world, we are w

    d. Christians should not blend in with everyo

    Instead we should affect others positively, jus

    seasoning brings out the best flavor in food.

  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    I. Principles of Salt and B. Matthew 5:14-16 (Light)

    a. Can you hide a city that is sitting on

    the hill? - its light at night can be se

    miles (v.14)

    b. If we live for Christ, we will glow li

    showing others what Christ is like (

  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    I. Principles of Salt and c. Open our mouth to share the word o

    - don’t allow sin to dim our light. 

    - share the goodness of God to our li

    others.- continue help and bless others and

    shut off your light from the rest of t


  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    II. Jesus the Light of the w

    (John 8:12)a. It means the darkness of evil never h

    never will overcome our extinguish G


    b. Jesus is the creator of life, and His li

    light to mankind.

    c. He remove the darkness of sin from o

  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    II. Jesus the Light of the wo

    (John 8:12)c. When we follow Jesus, the true lightavoid walking blindly and falling in

    d. He light the path ahead of us so wehow to live.

    e. He remove the darkness of sin from


  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    John 8:12

    Jesus spoke to the people oncand said, “I am the light of

    world. If you follow me, you

    have to walk in darkness, be

    you will have the light that le


  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115



    COME (Isaiah 60:1-5)

    a. Wake up and realize the dangerous cinto which some of us had been slee

    (Ephesians 5:14)

    b. True believers have been transformedarkness to light for slavery to freed

    guilt to forgiveness, and for the pow

    satan to the power of God.

    ISAIAH 60 1 5

  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    ISAIAH 60:1-51“Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shin

    to see. For the glory of the LORD rshine on you. 2 Darkness as black a

    covers all the nations of the earth

    glory of the LORD rises and appea

    you. 3 All nations will come to you

    mighty kings will come to see your r


  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    ISAIAH 4 “Look and see, for everyone is comin

    Your sons are coming from distanyour little daughters will be carrie

    5 Your eyes will shine, and your he

    thrill with joy, for merchants from arworld will come to you. They will b

    the wealth of many lands.

  • 8/19/2019 Living as People of Influence for Christ (.Pptx by Pstora Esther 11115


    Ephesians 5:1

    for the light makes everythvisible. This is why it is s

    “Awake, O sleeper, rise up

    the dead, and Christ will gi


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