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Page 1: Living through architecture


Page 2: Living through architecture

CMYK Portfolioby Ana Carolina Siachoque

Page 3: Living through architecture
Page 4: Living through architecture


I’m an artist and architect, I have a degree on Architecture from the Pontifical Xavierian University and I’ve worked one year on the field. Some renders I did for Naska Digital and EKO ARK Companies were selected for publishing. I’ve studied and worked in big Architecture companies where I learned residential design, building proposals and urban projects.

I’m familiarized with the standard industry Software included AutoCAD, Revit (BIM), 3D Max, Adobe Suite CS6, Lumion and Sketch up. With my previous experience I’ve learned how to be efficient, and I’m fast learner. In addition participating in architecture competitions taught me how to work quickly, do specific and valuable analysis, and work in collaboration while improving my communication skills.

Architecture & Interior DesignAna Carolina Siachoque

[email protected](929) 365 7459 http://archinect.com/CMYKhttps://issuu.com/anasiachoque

Page 5: Living through architecture


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一䄀匀䬀䄀 䐀䤀䜀䤀吀䄀䰀

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䐀攀猀椀最渀 戀甀椀氀搀攀爀

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匀攀瀀 ⴀ 䐀椀挀 ㈀ 㔀

匀瀀爀椀渀最 ㈀ 㘀

匀甀洀洀攀爀 尀眀椀渀琀攀爀 ㈀ 㔀

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一䄀匀䬀䄀 䐀䤀䜀䤀吀䄀䰀

刀攀猀椀搀攀渀琀椀愀氀 䤀渀琀攀爀椀漀爀 䐀攀猀椀最渀

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䐀攀猀椀最渀 戀甀椀氀搀攀爀

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匀瀀爀椀渀最 ㈀ 㘀

匀甀洀洀攀爀 尀眀椀渀琀攀爀 ㈀ 㔀

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倀䄀刀匀伀一匀 匀䌀䠀伀伀䰀 伀䘀 䐀䔀匀䤀䜀一 ⴀ 一夀䌀

一䄀匀䬀䄀 䐀䤀䜀䤀吀䄀䰀

刀攀猀椀搀攀渀琀椀愀氀 䤀渀琀攀爀椀漀爀 䐀攀猀椀最渀

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䐀攀猀椀最渀 戀甀椀氀搀攀爀

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匀攀瀀 ⴀ 䐀椀挀 ㈀ 㔀

匀瀀爀椀渀最 ㈀ 㘀

匀甀洀洀攀爀 尀眀椀渀琀攀爀 ㈀ 㔀

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Workshop/ One married couple who lives on the upper West Side in a two bedroom apartment and are re-purposing their TV room/Home Office as a bedroom for their 10 year old son Jordan.

The room is designed as a stage, making just one huge space for performances, where all the furniture is included in this big piece. Sleep area for Jordan and at least one overnight visitor, study area for homework, general storage, casual seating area with some cinema chairs, soundproof wall and bedding storage.

PARSONS The New School, NYC. Children’s Room

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Floor Plan/ Children’s Room

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The company SIM associated with the state decided to construct an Office and Warehouse in the north of Bogotá, Colombia. As a Junior Architect I participated in the design and construction of plans.

EKO ARK Bogotá, Colombia SIM Offices and Warehouse

My full Job was making the 3D models for the presentation of the project, Using Sketch up, Luminon and Photoshop to realize this renders.

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For the construction of this project, I made full architectural details for the Offices and the Warehouse. I provided budget tables, materials, and specifications to the state.

EKO ARK Bogotá, Colombia SIM Offices and Warehouse

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The Memorial Museum contest was developed in summer 2015, I worked in a new experimental architectural office call MOBO making the elevations of the proposal, the building was supposed to be 328 ft. Including 6 huge exhibition areas, one above the other.

An auditorium its located On the second floor with the capacity to gather 500 people. RRight next to the auditorium is the library and a toy library for the children. The first floor is designed as an open space with a huge green inside área.

MOBO Bogotá, Colombia Memorial Museum

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This building was supposed to be on the center of the city, the most iconic and monumental expression of architecture in Bogota. That’s the reason of its height; it opens to the center, showing an amazing view of the mountains.

MOBO Bogotá, Colombia Memorial Museum

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The proposal develops one flexible and functional module, that has the capacity of adaptation to any landscape. As a human, thinking the design of architecture can be challenging, gathering information, analyzing and must end in a creative proposal.

Right now the residential design in Bogota is stuck on the market solutions, provoking several problems to the people who lives there. Market has left the architects outside of the equation and the most important fact is money.

THESIS Bogotá, Colombia Futuristic Apartments

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Research about the landscape transformation near the Airport. the main question of this research was how to change the activity of this zone, improve it and still keeping it characteristics.

URBAN SPOTS Bogotá, Colombia Designing Landscapes near the Airport

The design proposal took into consideration some highways that connected the entire project. The division of activities across the highways was developed according to how near they were to the city.

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The idea of the project was making small changes that would lead in the future to huge ones. Because of the size of the project it could not be all done at one, so the construction of the different equipment were distributed throughout 15 years.

This project was selected by the University for one of the best of the year /2012/

URBAN SPOTS Bogotá, Colombia Designing Landscapes near the Airport

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As a freelance, I usually work with computer softwares such as Photoshop, Premiere, Lumion, 3D Max, Sketch up, AutoCAD. This book was made as an special request and it is one of my biggest interest. On the next page you can find some interior renders, logo creation, Postal designs and Experimental Architecture.

FREELANCE Bogotá, Colombia Bicycle Book

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FREELANCE Bogotá, Colombia

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https://issuu,com/anasiachoque/docs http://archinect,com/CMYK 


siachoqueana@gmail,com(929) 365 7459


by Ana Carolina Siachoque


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