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Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre, Gauteng, South Africa

“Living with World Heritage in Africa”




PICTURES ON FRONT COVER: TOP: Basari, Sénégal ©Sébastien Moriset; Central Africa, Garamba National Park, DRC; Lakes of Ounianga, Chad ©Centre National d’Appui à la Recherche.MIDDLE: Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania; Ghana, Asante Traditional buildings, Abirim shrine priestess ©UNESCO, Sébastien Moriset, West Africa, Togo, Koutammakou, the Land of the Batammariba.BOTTOM: Southern Africa, Ilha de Mozambique, Mozambique; Central Africa, Cameroon, Dja Faunal Reserve; Egypt, Saint Catherine Area ©Ourplace World Heritage Collection.



26-29 SEPTEMBER 2012

Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre, Gauteng, South Africa

Day 1: Wednesday 26th September 2012

Registration08:00 – 09:00

REGISTRATION OF DELEGATES[venue: Conference Hall: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 and 7]

Plenary Session 1

Colloquium: African Ministers [venue: Conference Hall: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 and 7]

Programme Director: Hon Edna Molewa, Minister of Environmental Affairs (South Africa)Rapporteurs: Hammady Bocoum and Prof George Abungu

09:00 – 11:30 Session 1 Roundtable discussion by African Ministers on the Conference Theme: Living with World Heritage in Africa

The African Ministers colloquium is a platform to discuss experiences with World Heritage, role of com-munities, challenges and opportunities in achieving sustainable development while protecting/conserving World Heritage property in Africa. Sustainable development should contribute to contemporary socio-economic needs without compromising the future of World Heritage Properties in Africa.

The Ministers colloquium will deliberate on the following issues:a. What is the experience with World Heritage Properties in your country?b. What role do World Heritage Properties play in your country?c. What are the challenges in dealing with World Heritage properties in your country?d. What are the opportunities that exist for World Heritage properties in your country?e. What is the role of local communities at the World Heritage properties in your country?

11:30 – 11:50 TEA/COFFEE BREAK

Plenary Session 2

Official Opening [Venue: Conference Hall: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 and 7]

Programme Director: Hon Dr Joseph Phaahla, Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture (South Africa)Rapporteurs: Mr Frederick Kofi Amekudi and Mr Fundisile Mketeni

11:50 – 12:00 Background to the Conference Hon Minister of Arts and Culture (South Africa): Mr Paul Mashatile

12:00 – 12h10 Remarks by AU Remarks from AU representative: Prof Sozinho Francisco Matsinhe

12:10 – 12h20 Remarks by UNESCO Deputy Director General of UNESCO: Mr Getachew Engida

12:20 – 12:40 Key note address His Excellency, the Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa: Mr Kgalema Motlanthe

12: 40 – 13:00 Statement in support of the Government of Mali by the African Ministers Read by 1. Hon Kazenambo Kazenambo, Minister of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture (Namibia) 2. Hon Maurice Kouakou Bandaman Minister of Culture and Francophonie (Côte D’Ivoire)

13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH BREAK


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Parallel Session 1

Colloquium: World Heritage and Sustainable Development in Africa[Facilitated Parallel Discussions]

14:00 – 16:00 Sustainable Development & Poverty alleviation (including Sustainable Tourism)[venue: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 and 7]

Programme Director: Hon Boubacar Hamadoun Kebé, Minister of Tourism (Mali)

Resource person: Ms Martine Tahoux Touao

Rapporteurs: Kassim M Omar and a/Félicité Soumahoro and Baba Keita

World Heritage and Extractive Industries (Venue: CYCAD 1 & 2)

Programme Director: Hon Mr Godfrey Oliphant, Deputy Minister of Minerals (South Africa)

Resource persons: Mrs Fleury and Mr Bheki Sibiya

Rapporteurs: Teresa Steele and James Wakibira

14:00 – 14:15 Remarks: Hon Chief Edem Duke, Minister of Culture and Tourism (Nigeria)

Remarks: Hon Bavon N’sa Mputu Elima, Minister of Environment and Tourism (Democratic Republic of Congo)

14:15 – 16:00 Facilitated discussions on Sustainable development and poverty alleviation: Vodacom, African Develop-ment Bank (ADB), Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) Open Africa, Uganda Safari, Protea Hotels, Southern Sun Hotels, DBSA, Africa Union, Sun Hotels, Econet, Vodacom, Tourism Sector, MTN, SAFRICOM

*RIO +20 Recommendations: sustainable development

Facilitated discussions on World Heritage and extrac-tive industries: ICCM, South African Chamber of Mines, Uranium One Inc., Total Ltd Uganda, Mantra Tanzania Ltd, Anglo American South Africa, Shell South Africa, Statoil Norway, Coal Of Africa, Société des Mines de Fer de Guinée, BHP bulletin, Debswana, Tullow Oil Uganda Operations (Pty) Ltd, Coal of Africa.

*Recommendations of the Maropeng Experts Meeting

End of programme/Cultural performances/Exhibitions


Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre, Gauteng, South Africa

Plenary Session 3


Venue: Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre, Gauteng, South Africa Conference Hall: CYCAD 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7

Programme Director: Mr Sibusiso Xaba, Chairperson of the African World Heritage Fund

18:30 – 18:35 Welcome Remarks, Executive Mayor of Ekurhuleni, Gauteng (South Africa): Cllr Mondli Gungubele

18:35 – 18.45 Address by Hon Minister of Arts and Culture (South Africa): Mr Paul Mashatile

18:45 – 18:50 Message from the Patron to the African World Heritage Fund: Mr Phuthuma Nhleko

18:50 – 20:30 Gala dinner and entertainment

20:30 Vote of thanks, HE Mrs Khalid Toum: Minister of Culture (Algeria)


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Day 2: Thursday 27th September 2012

Parallel Session 2

Parallel Academic Seminar

Programme Director: Hon Boubacar Hamadoun Kebé, Minister of Culture (Mali)

Parallel Sessions

World Heritage and Sustainable Development [venue: CYCAD 1]

Session Chair: Hon Chief Edem Duke, Minister of Culture and Tourism (Nigeria)

Resource person: Mr Fundisile Mketeni

Rapporteurs: Lazare Eloundou and Albino Jopela

World Heritage and Local Communities [venue: Conference Hall: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 and 7]

Session Chair: Hon Walter Mzembi, Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry (Zimbabwe)

Resource person: Yusuf Abdallah Usman

Rapporteurs: Collins Chipote and Abellah Salih

World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism [venue: CYCAD 2]

Session Chair: Rev Dr Cosma Wilungula Balongelwa

Rapporteurs: Morongwa Ramphele and Komlan Agbo

08:00 – 08:15 Evolution of cultural policies and their impact on sustainable development strategies on the African continent: Lupwishi Mbuyamba, OCPA

Managing Expectations or Creating wealth among World Heritage Communities in Africa: A Dilemna: Prof George Abungu

World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism: Ole Soe Eriksen, Nordic World Heritage Foundation

08:15 – 08:25 The right to sustainable develop-ment for (indigenous) peoples in Africa in the frame of the convention on cultural heritage: Beatriz Barreiro Carril

Involving communities: for better conservation, management and enhancement of World Heritage Sites: Corinne Forest

World Heritage and Tourism in South Africa: Thabo Manetsi

08.25 – 08:35 Sauvegarde du patrimoine mondial et aménagements des terroirs: quels enjeux pour l’Afrique : Hamady Bocoum

Stratégie de gestion participative durable : cas de la Ville histo-rique de Grand-Bassam: Camara Maimouna

Médias et Patrimoine en Côte d’Ivoire: Marie-Laure N'Goran

08.35 – 08:45 Culture and Conservation – conflicting or complimenting values; lessons from Rwenzori World Heritage Site in Uganda: Arthur Mugisha and Kule Walyuba

Living with World Heritage in Cairo: Agnieszka Dobrowolska and Jaroslaw Dobrowolska

Rock art tourism in the uKhahlamba Drakensberg World Heritage Site: obstacles to the development of sustainable tourism: Benjamin Smith and Melanie Duval

08:45 – 08.55 Towards a strategic frame-work to optimally manage the relationship between mining and ecotourism destinations: Annemie de Klerk and Prof Ernie Heath

Patrimoine mondial et com-munautés, exemple des cercles mégalithiques de Sénégambie: Aminata Ndoye

Le rôle des communautés locales dans la gestion du patrimoine culturel des sultanats des Comores: Toiwilou MZE HAMAD and Abdousalam ISSA

08:55 – 09.05 World Heritage, Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation: A disconnect? - Answers from Island of Mozambique, Mozambique: Albino Pereira de Jesus Jopela

Twinning Seychelles’ World Heritage Sites for sustainable financing and community economic development: Matthew Harper

Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism: The case of the Ankobra Gold Route in the Western Region of Ghana: Frederick Kofi Amekudi


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09:05 – 09.15 Le label « PatrimoineMondial » en Afrique : entre l’illusion et la désillusionCas de la Républiquedémocratique du Congo: Placide Mumbembele Sanger

Quelle participation des populations locales riveraines à la (co)gestion des biens du patrimoine mondial : analyse des expériences des biensnaturels et mixtes de l’Afrique francophone: Djah F Malan

L’implication des communautes de la villehistorique et archeologique de MbanzaKongodans la mise en place du plan de gestion du site: Ziva Domingos

09:15 – 09.25 Cultural heritage preservation as the fourth pillar of sustainable development and poverty alleviation:Osun-Osogbo sacred grove as a case study: Makinde Olakunle

Macuti town and community involvement in the conservation of Mozambique Island: Solange Macamo

Management Challenges and Tourism Development around the Victoria Falls World Heritage Property: Mudenda Macmillan

09:25 – 09.35 Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining to World Heritage Property: Diza Josifero

Heritage and local communities; the experience of Swaziland: Temahlubi Dudu Nkambule

Linking Local Communities and the Tourism Benefits of World Heritage: A Tanzanian Experience: James V Wakibara and Beatrice M Kessy

09:35 – 09.45 spo“The Interconnectedness of Transfrontier Conservation Areas and World Heritage Sites”: Werner Myburgh

Planning for sustainable development at national and world heritage sites in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Capacitating local communities for the tourist market: Shawn Berry and Cecilene Muller

World Heritage and Local Communities: the Case of the Rabai Kayas: Patrick O. Abungu

09:45 – 10:00 Discussions Discussions Discussions

10:00 – 10:30 TEA/COFFEE BREAK

Parallel Session 3

Academic Seminars (continues)

World Heritage and Sustainable Development (continues)[venue: CYCAD 1]

Session Chair: Hon Mohammed Amine SBIHI, Minister of Culture (Morocco)

Resource person: Dr Esther Moobolah-Goagases Rapporteurs: Dr Godfrey Mahachi and Ms Laura Robinson

World Heritage and Local Communities (continues)[venue: Conference Hall: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 and 7]

Session Chair: Maurice Kouakou Bandaman, Minister of Culture and Francophonie (Côte D’Ivoire)

Resource person: Dr Mourad Betrouni

Rapporteurs: Mr Sibusiso Buthelezi and Dr Youssouph Diedhiou

World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism (continues)[venue: CYCAD 2]

Session Chair: Hon Prof Nkandu Luo, Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs (Zambia)

Resource person: Dr Idle Farah

Rapporteurs: Prof Benjamin Smith and Mrs Temahlubi Dudu Nkambule

10:30 – 10.40 Development of the Mount Nimba Project; implications of ICMM commitments and challenges in Africa: Andrew Mackenzie

Community-based tourism and poverty alleviation at Koussoukoingou, Republic of Benin: Hermione Boko-koudakossi

From Past to Present (World Heritage and Local Communities (the role of local communities in the nomination process, in the day-to-day management of properties and in the conservation of sites): Linda Kanyemba


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Hon Maurice....


10:40 – 10:50 The Challenge of Ensuring Conservation Sustainability of a Swahili town in the Modern Economy: the Case of Lamu World Heritage Site: Kassim M. Omar

Le tourisme, facteur de dével-oppement local: Soumahoro Félicité

Local Community Approach in the Management and Conser-vation of Chongoni Rock Art World Heritage Site in Dedza, Malawi: Oris Chapinga Malijan

10:50 – 11: 00 Versune valorisation de la palmeraie de Marrakech: Mounir Akasbi

Mapungubwe Cultural Land-scape with or without Com-munities?: Tshimangadzo Israel Nemaheni

Does the World Heritage Con-vention consider communities or states?: Ochieng' Nyamanga

11:00 – 11.10 World Heritage and Sustainable Development in Ethiopia: World Heritage Promotion versus Commodification in Gondar: Bantalem Tadesse

Le patrimoinemondial, com-mevecteur de développement et de réduction de la pauvre-tédansnos sites : cas du Pay-sageCulturel des Chutes de la Lobé, Kribi, Cameroun: Suzanne Pulchérie Nnomo Ela

Challenges of living with a world heritage site: A case study of Kasubi Tombs: Rose Nkaale Mwanja

11:10 – 11:20 Telling the Story of Sites and Communities through the Development of Key Performance Indicators: June Taboroff

Re-thinking development con-trol within the world heritage spectrum to enhance com-munity beneficiation: A Case study of the Vele colliery mining project dispute adjacent to Ma-pungubwe World Heritage Site: Lithole Khathutshelo Donald

Documentation of Intangible Cul-tural Heritage On a Site Record: Keletso Gaone Setlhabi

11:20 – 11: 30 Dilema in new thinking between development and management of World Heritage Properties: Eliwasa Maro

Sustaining local communities in contested heritage landscapes – Le Morne Cultural Landscape World Heritage property, Mauritius: Karel A Bakker and Francois Odendaal

St.Katherine’s World Heritage Site, South Sinai: Theconservation of the Bedouin high mountain orchardgardens and the roles of tourism and tradition: Bryony Dunne

11:30 – 11:40 Managing development while protecting World Heritage OUV: some insights from Australia: Dean Knudson

“CidadeVelha through the eyes of the local community – From the colonial Estado Novo until today”: Vera Félix Mariz

World Heritage and Local Communities: Challenges and prospects: Sozinho Francisco Matsinhe

11:40 – 11:50 African Ancestors and World heritage: RJ Clarke and KE Mafora

“Elmina’s World Heritage sites and the local community”: David Honka

Accessibility to heritage sites by local communities - the case of the Leya People of Mukuni Village in Livingstone, Zambia: Terry Simioti Nyambe

11:50 – 12:00 Sukur Cultural Landscape in Nigeria :- A pointer to the importance of Sustainable De-velopment: Victoria Nwakaego Okoloagu

Patrimoine mondial et commu-nautes locals: Claudine–Augee Angoue

Heritage as an opportunity of development for local communi-ties: Fort Jesus World Heritage Site in Kenya: Mbarak Abdulgadir Abdallah

12:00 – 12:15 Comments: IUCN Comments: ICCROM, Mr Baba Keita, Director of EPA

Comments: ICOMOS, Ms Laura Robinson

12:15 – 12:45 Discussion Discussion Discussion

12:45 – 14:00 LUNCH BREAK



Plenary Session 4

Colloquium: World Heritage and Local Communities [venue: Conference Hall: CYCAD 1,2, 4, 5, 6 and 7]

Programme Director: Hon. Lazaro Nyalandu, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism (Tanza-nia) and High Commissioner from Egypt

Rapporteurs: Dja Malan, Andrew Zaloumis, Carolina Castellanos, Ole Soe Eriksen and George Abungu

14.00 – 14.20 Opening Remarks: Who is Community?: Dr Webber Ndoro, Director African World Heritage Fund

14.20-15:30 Facilitated Roundtable discussions for community representatives

1. Nigeria: (Sukur and Osogbo): Mrs Adedoyin Talabi Faniyi and Mr Toma Ibrahim.2. South Africa (nature/culture): Representatives of the South Africa delegation3. Ghana (Fort Apollonia and George Oppong-Asante Traditional Building (Edwinase)): Awulae Annor

Adjaye III andGeorge Oppong4. Kenya (Kenya Lake Systems and Lamu World Heritage sites): William Kimosop andRaya Famau Ahmed 5. Norway (Roeros): Erlend Gjeldsvik and Vanja Horven

15:30 – 16:00 TEA/COFFEE BREAK

Plenary Session 5

Colloquium: World Heritage and Local Communities (continues)[venue: Conference Hall: CYCAD 1,2, 4, 5, 6 and 7]

16:00 – 17.20 Facilitated Roundtable discussions for community representatives (continues)

6. Botswana (Tsodilo/ Makgadikgadi): Xomae Xing and Bolesitswe Goabaone7. Uganda (Bugunda Tombs and Rwenzori National Park): Eng Moses Kaima and Kule BC Sylevest8. Zambia (Victoria Falls): Patrick Malake9. Namibia (xxxx)10. DRC (Parc National de Kahuzi Biega (PNKB)): Ms Adolphine Biyuya South Kivu11. Morocco (Ksar des Aît Ben Haddou and De Volubilis): Aît Auguer Hassan and Abdelajalil Badi12. Algeria (M’Zab Valley and Illiz): Yousef Baba Nedjarand Samir Phillipon13. Tanzania (kilwa Kisiwani/Songo Mnara and Ngorongoro): Abdalah Ahmadi Maulidi and James


17:20 – 17.30 Summary of recommendations: Roeros Conference (Norway): Inger : Erlend Gjeldsvik and Vanja Horven


Programme Director: Ms Nosipho Ngcaba, Director General of Environmental Affairs (South Africa)

17:30 Cultural Performance followed by Informal Dinner Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre, Gauteng, South Africa


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Dr Ahmed Ali Morsi, Counsellor to the Minister of Culture (Egypt)
Please add a block 19:30 Ministerial Private Dinner hosted by Hon Paul Mashatile, Minister of Arts and Culture (South Africa)


Day 3: Friday 28th September 2012

Parallel Session 4

Parallel Discussions: Developing Recommendations

Programme Directors: Ambassadors of Uganda and South Africa to UNESCOResource persons: Mr Sibusiso Xaba and Director, UNESCO Cluster Office (Namibia)Rapporteurs: George Abungu, Georges Muamba, Carolina Catellanos and Ole Soe Eriksen

World Heritage and Sustainable Development [venue: CYCAD 2]

Session Chair: Hon Maurice Kouakou Bandaman Minister of Culture and Francophonie (Côte D’Ivoire )/alternate Mrs Fleury

Rapporteurs: Teresa Steele and Keletso Gaone Setlhabi

World Heritage and Local Communities [venue: Conference Hall: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 and 7]

Session Chair: Hon Mama Ama Tutu Minister of Culture (Cameroon) /alternate Gaogakwe Phorano

Rapporteurs: Frederik Kofi Ame-kudi and Aicha El Beloui

World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism [venue: CYCAD 1]

Session Chair: Hon.Séraphin Moundounga Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Scientific Research, Innovation and Culture (Gabon) /alternate Claudine Augee Angoue

Rapporteurs: Ziva Domingos and Adolphine Biyuya South Kivu

8:00 – 10:00 Facilitated Group Discussions Facilitated Group Discussions Facilitated Group Discussions

10:05 – 10:30 TEA/COFFEE BREAK

Parallel Session 5

Parallel Discussions: Developing Recommendations (continues)

10:30 – 11.30 Finalization of group recommendations

Finalization of group recommendations

Finalization of group recommendations

11:30 – 13.00 Harmonisation of Conference recommendations and resolutions byChairpersons/Rapporteurs/Secretariat

11:30 Video on SA World Heritage Sites

Plenary Session 6

Plenary Session - Presentation of Conference Recommendations

Programme Director: Ambassador of South Africa/Ambassador of Senegal to South Africa/Ambassador of Norway to South Africa

Item Presenter/Speaker

14.00 – 14.30 Conference Recommendations Carolina Castellanos and Teresa Steele

14:30 – 14.45 Adoption of Recommendations Programme Director

14:45 – 15:00 African position paper for the 40th Anniversary Celebrations

George Abungu

15:00 – 15:30 Adoption of African position paper Programme Director

15:30 – 16:00 TEA/COFFEE BREAK

Plenary Session 7

Conference Closing Ceremony

Programme Director: HE Elizabeth Paula Napeyok, Permanent Delegate of Uganda to UNESCO and Chairperson of Africa Group.

Item Presenter/Speaker

16:00 – 16.05 Welcome HE Elizabeth Paula Napeyok

16:05 – 16.10 Remarks Department of Environmental Affairs (South Africa)

16:10 – 16.20 Remarks Representative of Communities

16:20 – 16.30 Remarks Representative of State Parties /AU


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Programme Director: HE Elizabeth Paula Napeyok, Ambassador of Uganda to UNESCO
Comma after the name in all three columns
Change /alternate to Resource person:... in all three columns
Programme Directors: Hon Mamahele Radebe, Minister of Tourism, Environment and Culture (Lesotho) and Hon Agnes Akiror Egunyu, Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage (Uganda)


16:30 – 16.50 Remarks Director, UNESCO Office in Windhoek (Namibia)

16:50 – 17.00 Debriefing on the African Position Paper Coordinator: George Abungu (Kenya)

17:00 – 17.20 Official closing of the Conference Hon Paul Mashatile, Minister of Arts and Culture (South Africa)

17:20 – 17.30 Vote of thanks Martine Tahoux Touao (Côte D’Ivoire)


19:00 – African Farewell Dinner (Courtacy of the Government of South Africa)

Day 4: Saturday 29th September 2012 Optional Programme

Optional Tour to the Maropeng Visitor Centre in the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site, Gauteng Province

Delegates are encouraged to register on arrival for this optional programme

08.30 – 09:00 Departure for the site

09.00 – 10:00 Travel to the sites

10:00 – 12.30 Tour of the site


13:30 – 15:30 Tour of the site

16:00 – Departure from the site







26 - 29 SEPTEMBRE 2012Hotel et centre de conférence Kopanong, Gauteng, Afrique du Sud

Jour 1: Mercredi 26 septembre 2012

Enregis-trement08:00 – 09:00

ENREGISTREMENT DES DELEGUES[Lieu: Hall de conférence : CYCAD 4, 5, 6 et 7]

Session plénière 1

Colloque des ministres africains [venue: Hall de conférence: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 et 7]

Président de séance: Hon Edna Molewa, Ministre des Affaires Environnementales (Afrique du Sud)Rapporteurs: Prof. Hamady Bocoum et Prof. George Abungu

09:00 – 11:30 Session 1 Table ronde par les ministres africains sur : « Vivre avec le patrimoine mondial en Afrique »

Le colloque des ministres africains est une plate-forme pour discuter des expériences concernant le patrimoine mondial, le rôle des communautés, les défis et les opportunités en matière de développement durable associé à la protection/conservation des biens du patrimoine mondial en Afrique. Le développe-ment durable doit contribuer aux besoins socioéconomiques sans compromettre l’avenir des biens du patrimoine mondial en Afrique.

Le colloque des ministres va discuter des questions suivantes :

a. Quelle expérience des biens du patrimoine mondial avez-vous dans votre pays ?b. Quel rôle les biens du patrimoine mondial jouent-ils dans votre pays ?c. Quelles sont les difficultés concernant les biens du patrimoine mondial dans votre pays ?d. Quelles sont les opportunités qui existent pour les biens du patrimoine mondial dans votre pays ?e. Quel est le rôle des communautés locales sur les biens du patrimoine mondial dans votre pays ?

11:30 – 11:50 PAUSE SANTÉ

Session plénière 2

Ouverture officielle[Lieu: Hall de conférence: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 et 7]

Président de séance: : Hon. Dr Joseph Phaahla Vice-Ministre des Arts et de la Culture (Afrique du Sud)Rapporteurs: M. Frederick Kofi Amekudi et M. Fundisile Mketeni

11:50 – 12:00 Contexte et objectifs de la conférence

Hon Ministre des Arts et de la Culture [Afrique du Sud) : Mr Paul Mashatile

12:00 – 12h10 Allocution (Union Africaine) Représentant de l’Union Africaine : Prof Sozinho Francisco Matsinhe

12:10 – 12h20 Allocution (UNESCO) Directeur General adjoint de l’UNESCO : Mr. Getachew Engida

12:20 – 12:40 Discours d’ouverture Son Excellence le Vice Président de la République d’Afrique du Sud : Mr Kgalema Motlanthe

12: 40 – 13:00 Déclaration de soutien des ministres africains au gouvernement du Mali Lu par

1. Hon Kazenambo Kazenambo, Ministre de la Jeunesse, du Service National, des Sports et de la Culture (Namibie)

2. Hon. Maurice Kouakou Bandaman, Ministre de la Culture et de la Francophonie (Côte d’Ivoire)

13:00 – 14:00 PAUSE DÉJEUNER



Session parallèle 1

Colloque: Patrimoine mondial et développement durable en Afrique[Discussions modérées]

14:00 – 16:00 Développement durable & réduction de la pauvreté (y compris le tourisme)[Lieu: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 et 7]

Président de séance: Hon Boubacar Hamadoun Kebé: Ministre de la Culture (Mali)

Personne-ressource: Mme Martine Tahoux Touao

Rapporteurs: M. Kassim M. Omar & Mme Félicité Soumahoro & M. Baba Keita

World Heritage and Extractive Industries (Lieu: CYCAD 1 et 2)

Président de séance: Hon. Godfrey Oliphant, Vice ministre des ressources minérales (Afrique du Sud)

Personne-ressource: Mme Fleury & M. Bheki Sibiya

Rapporteurs: Mme Teresa Steele & M. James Wakibira

14:00 – 14:15 Réflexion liminaire: Hon Chief Edem Duke, Ministre de la Culture et du Tourisme (Nigeria)

Réflexion liminaire: Hon. Bavon N’sa Mputu Elima, Ministre de l’Environnement et du Tourisme (République Démocratique du Congo)

14:15 – 16:00 Discussion modérée sur le développement durable et la réduction de la pauvreté: Vodacom, Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD), Banque de Développement de l’Afrique Australe (DBSA), Open Africa, Uganda Safari, Protea Hotels, South-ern Sun Hotels, Union Africaine, Sun Hotels, Econet, Secteur du tourisme, MTN, SAFARICOM

* RIO +20 Recommandations : développement durable

Discussion modérée sur le patrimoine mondial et les industries extractives: ICCM, Chambre des mines d’Afrique du Sud, Uranium One Inc., Total Ltd Uganda, Mantra Tanzania Ltd, Anglo American d’Afrique du Sud, Shell Afrique du Sud, Statoil Nor-vège, Coal of Africa, Société des Mines de Fer de Guinée, BHP bulletin, Debswana, Tullow Oil Uganda Operations (Pty) Ltd.

*Recommendations of the Maropeng Experts Meeting

Fin de programme/Performance culturelle / Expositions


Hotel et Centre de conférence Kopanong, Gauteng, Afrique du Sud

Session plénière 3


Lieu: Hotel et centre de conférence Kopanong, Gauteng, Afrique du Sud Hall de conférence : CYCAD 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 et 7

Président de séance : Mr Sibusiso Xaba, Chairperson of the African World Heritage Fund

18:30 – 18:35 Allocution de bienvenue, Maire d’Ekurhuleni, Gauteng (Afrique du Sud) : Cllr Mondli Gungubele

18:35 – 18.45 Allocution par Hon. Ministre des Arts et Culture (South Africa) : M. Paul Mashatile

18:45 – 18:50 Message par le parrain du Fonds pour le patrimoine mondial africain : Mr. Phuthuma Nhleko

18:50 – 20:30 Diner de Gala et détente Offert par la Ville d’Ekurhuleni (A confirmer)

20:30 Remerciements HE Khalid Toum : Ministre de la Culture (Algérie)



Jour 2: Jeudi 27 septembre 2012

Session parallèle Session 2

Séminaire académique parallèle

Superviseur: Hon Boubacar Hamadoun Kebé, Ministre de la Culture (Mali)

Sessions parallèles

Patrimoine mondial et développement durable [Lieu: CYCAD 1]

Président de séance: : Hon Chief Edem Duke, Ministre de la Culture et du Tourisme (Nigeria)

Personne-ressource: Mketeni Fundisile

Rapporteurs: Lazare Eloundou & Albino Jopela

Patrimoine mondial et communautés locales [Lieu: Hall de conférence Hall: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 et 7]

Président de séance : Hon. Walter Mzembi Ministre du Tourisme et de l’Industrie Hospitalière (Zimbabwe)

Personne-ressource: Yusuf Abdallah Usman

Rapporteurs: Collins Chipote & Abellah Salih

Patrimoine mondial et tourisme durable [Lieu: CYCAD 2]

Président de séance: Rev. Dr Cosma Wilungula Balongelwa

Rapporteurs: Morongwa Ramphele & Komlan Agbo

08:00 – 08:15 Evolution of cultural policies and their impact on sustainable development strategies on the African continent: Lupwishi Mbuyamba, OCPA

Managing Expectations or Creating wealth among World Heritage Communities in Africa: A Dilemna: Prof George Abungu

World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism: Ole Soe Eriksen, Nordic World Heritage Foundation

08:15 – 08:25 The right to sustainable develop-ment for (indigenous) peoples in Africa in the frame of the convention on cultural heritage: Beatriz Barreiro Carril

Involving communities: for better conservation, management and enhancement of World Heritage Sites: Corinne Forest

World Heritage and Tourism in South Africa: Thabo Manetsi

08.25 – 08:35 Sauvegarde du patrimoine mondial et aménagements des terroirs: quels enjeux pour l’Afrique : Hamady Bocoum

Stratégie de gestion participative durable : cas de la Ville histo-rique de Grand-Bassam: Camara Maimouna

Médias et Patrimoine en Côte d’Ivoire: Marie-Laure N'Goran

08.35 – 08:45 Culture and Conservation – conflicting or complimenting values; lessons from Rwenzori World Heritage Site in Uganda: Arthur Mugisha and Kule Walyuba

Living with World Heritage in Cairo: Agnieszka Dobrowolska and Jaroslaw Dobrowolska

Rock art tourism in the uKhahlamba Drakensberg World Heritage Site: obstacles to the development of sustainable tourism: Benjamin Smith and Melanie Duval

08:45 – 08.55 Towards a strategic frame-work to optimally manage the relationship between mining and ecotourism destinations: Annemie de Klerk and Prof Ernie Heath

Patrimoine mondial et com-munautés, exemple des cercles mégalithiques de Sénégambie: Aminata Ndoye

Le rôle des communautés locales dans la gestion du patrimoine culturel des sultanats des Comores: Toiwilou MZE HAMAD and Abdousalam ISSA

08:55 – 09.05 World Heritage, Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation: A disconnect? - Answers from Island of Mozambique, Mozambique: Albino Pereira de Jesus Jopela

Twinning Seychelles’ World Heritage Sites for sustainable financing and community economic development: Matthew Harper

Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism: The case of the Ankobra Gold Route in the Western Region of Ghana: Frederick Kofi Amekudi



Jour 2: Jeudi 27 septembre 2012

Session parallèle Session 2

Séminaire académique parallèle

Superviseur: Hon Boubacar Hamadoun Kebé, Ministre de la Culture (Mali)

Sessions parallèles

Patrimoine mondial et développement durable [Lieu: CYCAD 1]

Président de séance: : Hon Chief Edem Duke, Ministre de la Culture et du Tourisme (Nigeria)

Personne-ressource: Mketeni Fundisile

Rapporteurs: Lazare Eloundou & Albino Jopela

Patrimoine mondial et communautés locales [Lieu: Hall de conférence Hall: CYCAD 4, 5, 6 et 7]

Président de séance : Hon. Walter Mzembi Ministre du Tourisme et de l’Industrie Hospitalière (Zimbabwe)

Personne-ressource: Yusuf Abdallah Usman

Rapporteurs: Collins Chipote & Abellah Salih

Patrimoine mondial et tourisme durable [Lieu: CYCAD 2]

Président de séance: Rev. Dr Cosma Wilungula Balongelwa

Rapporteurs: Morongwa Ramphele & Komlan Agbo

08:00 – 08:15 Evolution of cultural policies and their impact on sustainable development strategies on the African continent: Lupwishi Mbuyamba, OCPA

Managing Expectations or Creating wealth among World Heritage Communities in Africa: A Dilemna: Prof George Abungu

World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism: Ole Soe Eriksen, Nordic World Heritage Foundation

08:15 – 08:25 The right to sustainable develop-ment for (indigenous) peoples in Africa in the frame of the convention on cultural heritage: Beatriz Barreiro Carril

Involving communities: for better conservation, management and enhancement of World Heritage Sites: Corinne Forest

World Heritage and Tourism in South Africa: Thabo Manetsi

08.25 – 08:35 Sauvegarde du patrimoine mondial et aménagements des terroirs: quels enjeux pour l’Afrique : Hamady Bocoum

Stratégie de gestion participative durable : cas de la Ville histo-rique de Grand-Bassam: Camara Maimouna

Médias et Patrimoine en Côte d’Ivoire: Marie-Laure N'Goran

08.35 – 08:45 Culture and Conservation – conflicting or complimenting values; lessons from Rwenzori World Heritage Site in Uganda: Arthur Mugisha and Kule Walyuba

Living with World Heritage in Cairo: Agnieszka Dobrowolska and Jaroslaw Dobrowolska

Rock art tourism in the uKhahlamba Drakensberg World Heritage Site: obstacles to the development of sustainable tourism: Benjamin Smith and Melanie Duval

08:45 – 08.55 Towards a strategic frame-work to optimally manage the relationship between mining and ecotourism destinations: Annemie de Klerk and Prof Ernie Heath

Patrimoine mondial et com-munautés, exemple des cercles mégalithiques de Sénégambie: Aminata Ndoye

Le rôle des communautés locales dans la gestion du patrimoine culturel des sultanats des Comores: Toiwilou MZE HAMAD and Abdousalam ISSA

08:55 – 09.05 World Heritage, Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation: A disconnect? - Answers from Island of Mozambique, Mozambique: Albino Pereira de Jesus Jopela

Twinning Seychelles’ World Heritage Sites for sustainable financing and community economic development: Matthew Harper

Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism: The case of the Ankobra Gold Route in the Western Region of Ghana: Frederick Kofi Amekudi

09:05 – 09.15 Le label « PatrimoineMondial » en Afrique : entre l’illusion et la désillusionCas de la Républiquedémocratique du Congo: Placide Mumbembele Sanger

Quelle participation des populations locales riveraines à la (co)gestion des biens du patrimoine mondial : analyse des expériences des biensnaturels et mixtes de l’Afrique francophone: Djah F Malan

L’implication des communautes de la villehistorique et archeologique de MbanzaKongodans la mise en place du plan de gestion du site: Ziva Domingos

09:15 – 09.25 Cultural heritage preservation as the fourth pillar of sustainable development and poverty alleviation:Osun-Osogbo sacred grove as a case study: Makinde Olakunle

Macuti town and community involvement in the conservation of Mozambique Island: Solange Macamo

Management Challenges and Tourism Development around the Victoria Falls World Heritage Property: Mudenda Macmillan

09:25 – 09.35 Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining to World Heritage Property: Diza Josifero

Heritage and local communities; the experience of Swaziland: Temahlubi Dudu Nkambule

Linking Local Communities and the Tourism Benefits of World Heritage: A Tanzanian Experience: James V Wakibara and Beatrice M Kessy

09:35 – 09.45 spo“The Interconnectedness of Transfrontier Conservation Areas and World Heritage Sites”: Werner Myburgh

Planning for sustainable development at national and world heritage sites in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Capacitating local communities for the tourist market: Shawn Berry and Cecilene Muller

World Heritage and Local Communities: the Case of the Rabai Kayas: Patrick O. Abungu

09:45 – 10:00 Discussions Discussions Discussions

10:00 – 10:30 PAUSE SANTÉ

Session parallèle 3

Séminaire académique (suite)

Patrimoine mondial et développement durable (suite)[Lieu: CYCAD 1]

Président de séance: Hon Mohammed Amine SBIHI : Ministre de la Culture (Maroc)

Personne-ressource: Esther Moobolah-Goagases Rapporteurs: Dr Godfrey Mahachi & Laura Robinson

Patrimoine mondial et communautés locales (suite)[venue: Hall de conférence CYCAD 4, 5, 6 & 7]]

Président de séance: Maurice Kouakou Bandaman, Minister of Culture and Francophonie (Côte D’Ivoire)

Personne-ressource: Dr Mourad Betrouni

Rapporteurs: Mr Sibusiso Buthelezi & Dr Youssouph Diedhiou

Patrimoine mondial et communautés locales (continues)[venue: CYCAD 2]

Président de séance: Hon Prof Nkandu Luo, Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs (Zambia)

Personne-ressource: Dr Idle Farah

Rapporteurs: Prof Benjamin Smith & Mme Temahlubi Dudu Nkambule

10:30 – 10.40 Development of the Mount Nimba Project; implications of ICMM commitments and challenges in Africa: Andrew Mackenzie

Community-based tourism and poverty alleviation at Koussoukoingou, Republic of Benin: Hermione Boko-koudakossi

From Past to Present (World Heritage and Local Communities (the role of local communities in the nomination process, in the day-to-day management of properties and in the conservation of sites): Linda Kanyemba



10:40 – 10:50 The Challenge of Ensuring Conservation Sustainability of a Swahili town in the Modern Economy: the Case of Lamu World Heritage Site: Kassim M. Omar

Le tourisme, facteur de dével-oppement local: Soumahoro Félicité

Local Community Approach in the Management and Conser-vation of Chongoni Rock Art World Heritage Site in Dedza, Malawi: Oris Chapinga Malijan

10:50 – 11: 00 Versune valorisation de la palmeraie de Marrakech: Mounir Akasbi

Mapungubwe Cultural Land-scape with or without Com-munities?: Tshimangadzo Israel Nemaheni

Does the World Heritage Con-vention consider communities or states?: Ochieng' Nyamanga

11:00 – 11.10 World Heritage and Sustainable Development in Ethiopia: World Heritage Promotion versus Commodification in Gondar: Bantalem Tadesse

Le patrimoinemondial, com-mevecteur de développement et de réduction de la pauvre-tédansnos sites : cas du Pay-sageCulturel des Chutes de la Lobé, Kribi, Cameroun: Suzanne Pulchérie Nnomo Ela

Challenges of living with a world heritage site: A case study of Kasubi Tombs: Rose Nkaale Mwanja

11:10 – 11:20 Telling the Story of Sites and Communities through the Development of Key Performance Indicators: June Taboroff

Re-thinking development con-trol within the world heritage spectrum to enhance com-munity beneficiation: A Case study of the Vele colliery mining project dispute adjacent to Ma-pungubwe World Heritage Site: Lithole Khathutshelo Donald

Documentation of Intangible Cul-tural Heritage On a Site Record: Keletso Gaone Setlhabi

11:20 – 11: 30 Dilema in new thinking between development and management of World Heritage Properties: Eliwasa Maro

Sustaining local communities in contested heritage landscapes – Le Morne Cultural Landscape World Heritage property, Mauritius: Karel A Bakker and Francois Odendaal

St.Katherine’s World Heritage Site, South Sinai: Theconservation of the Bedouin high mountain orchardgardens and the roles of tourism and tradition: Bryony Dunne

11:30 – 11:40 Managing development while protecting World Heritage OUV: some insights from Australia: Dean Knudson

“CidadeVelha through the eyes of the local community – From the colonial Estado Novo until today”: Vera Félix Mariz

World Heritage and Local Communities: Challenges and prospects: Sozinho Francisco Matsinhe

11:40 – 11:50 African Ancestors and World heritage: RJ Clarke and KE Mafora

“Elmina’s World Heritage sites and the local community”: David Honka

Accessibility to heritage sites by local communities - the case of the Leya People of Mukuni Village in Livingstone, Zambia: Terry Simioti Nyambe

11:50 – 12:00 Sukur Cultural Landscape in Nigeria :- A pointer to the importance of Sustainable De-velopment: Victoria Nwakaego Okoloagu

Patrimoine mondial et commu-nautes locals: Claudine–Augee Angoue

Heritage as an opportunity of development for local communi-ties: Fort Jesus World Heritage Site in Kenya: Mbarak Abdulgadir Abdallah

12:00 – 12:15 Commentaires: UICN Commentaire ICCROM: M. Baba Keita, Directeur EPA

Commentaire: ICOMOS (Mme Laura Robinson)

12:15 – 12:45 Discussion Discussion Discussion

12:45 – 14:00 PAUSE DÉJEUNER



Session plénière 4

Colloque: Patrimoine mondial et communautés locales :[Lieu: Hall de Conference : CYCAD 1,2, 4, 5, 6 & 7]

Président de séance: Hon. Lazaro Nyalandu, Vice-ministre des Ressources Naturelles et du Tourisme (Tanzanie) et Haut Commissaire pour l’Egypte

Rapporteurs: Dja Malan, Andrew Zaloumis, Carolina Castellanos, Ole Soe Eriksen & George Abungu

14.00 – 14.20 Réflexion liminaire: Qui est communauté? Dr Webber Ndoro (Directeur, Fonds pour le patrimoine mondial africain)

14.20-15:30 Discussion modérée pour les représentants des communautés locales

1. Nigeria: (Sukur et Osogbo) : Mme Adedoyin Talabi Faniyi & M. Toma Ibrahim2. Afrique du Sud (nature/culture) : Représentants de la délégation sud-africaine3. Ghana, Fort Apollonia et George Oppong-Asante Traditional Building (Edwinase) : Awulae Annor

Adjaye III & George Oppong4. Kenya (Kenya Lake Systems and Lamu World Heritage sites) : William Kimosop & Raya Famau Ahmed 5. Norway (Roeros); Erlend Gjeldsvik & Vanja Horven

15:30 – 16:00 PAUSE SANTÉ

Session plénière 5

Colloque: Patrimoine mondial et communautés locales (suite)[Lieu: Hall de Conference : CYCAD 1,2, 4, 5, 6 & 7]

16:00 – 17.20 Discussion modérée pour les représentants des communautés locales (suite)

6. Botswana (Tsodilo/ Makgadikgadi): Xomae Xing & Bolesitswe Goabaone7. Ouganda (Bugunda Tombs and Rwenzori National Park): Eng Moses Kaima & Kule B.C. Sylevest8. Zambie (Victoria Falls): Patrick Malake9. Namibie (xxxx),10. RDC (Parc National de Kahuzi Biega (PNKB)); Mme Adolphine Biyuya South Kivu11. Maroc (Ksar des Aît Ben Haddou & De Volubilis); Aît Auguer Hassan & Abdelajalil Badi12. Algerie (M’Zab Valley & Illiz); Yousef Baba Nedjar& Samir Phillipon13. Tanzanie (kilwa Kisiwani/Songo Mnara & Ngorongoro); Abdalah Ahmadi Maulidi & James Moringe

17:20 – 17.30 Résumé des recommandations de la conférence de Roeros (Norvège): Inger H. & Erlend Gjeldsvik & Vanja Horven


Présidente de séance: Mme Nosipho Ngcaba, Directrice Générale des Affaires Environnementales (Afrique du Sud)

17:30 Performance culturelle suivie de diner informelHotel et centre de conférence Kopanong, Gauteng, Afrique du Sud



Jour 3 : Vendredi 28 septembre 2012

Session parallèle 4

Discussions parallèles : Développement des recommandations

Superviseurs: Ambassadeur d’Ouganda et d’Afrique du Sud près l’UNESCOPersonnes-ressources: M. Sibusiso Xaba et Prof. Alaphia Wright, Directeur du bureau multi-pays UNESCO - Namibie]Rapporteurs: George Abungu, Georges Muamba, Carolina Castellanos et Ole Soe Eriksen

Patrimoine mondial et développement durable[Lieu: CYCAD 2]

Président de séance: Hon. Maurice Kouakou Bandaman, Ministre de la Culture et de la Francophonie (Côte d’Ivoire)

Personne-ressource: Mme Fleury

Rapporteurs: Teresa Steele & Keletso Gaone Setlhabi

Patrimoine mondial et communautés locales[Lieu: Hall de conference : CYCAD 4, 5, 6 & 7]

Président de séance: Hon. Mama Ama Tutu, Ministre de la Culture (Cameroun)

Personne-ressource: Gaogakwe Phorano

Rapporteurs: Frederik Kofi Amekudi & Aicha El Beloui

World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism [Lieu: CYCAD 1]

Président de séance: : Hon. Séraphin Moundounga, Ministre de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique, de l’Innovation et de la Culture (Gabon)

Personne-ressource: Claudine-Augée Angoue

Rapporteurs: Ziva Domingos & Adolphine Biyuya

8:00 – 10:00 Facilitated Group Discussions Facilitated Group Discussions Facilitated Group Discussions

10:05 – 10:30 PAUSE SANTÉ

Sessionparallèle 5

Discussion parallèle : Développement des recommandations (suite)

10:30 – 11.30 Finalisation des recommandations des groupes

Finalisation des recommandations des groupes

Finalisation des recommandations des groupes

11:30 – 13.00 Harmonisation des recommandations et résolutions de la conférence parPrésidents/Rapporteurs/Secrétariat

11:30 Présentation vidéo sur les sites du patrimoine mondial en Afrique du Sud

Session plénière 6

Session plénière - Présentation des recommandations de la conférence

Président de séance: Ambassadeur d’Afrique du Sud / Ambassadeur du Sénégal en Afrique du Sud / Ambassadeur de Norvège en Afrique du Sud

Rubriques Intervenants

14.00 – 14.30 Recommandations de la conférence Carolina Castellanos & Teresa Steele

14:30 – 14.45 Adoption des recommandations Président de séance

14:45 – 15:00 Déclaration de position africaine sur les célébrations du 40e anniversaire

George Abungu

15:00 – 15:30 Adoption de la déclaration de position africaine

Président de séance

15:30 – 16:00 PAUSE SANTÉ



Session plénière 7

Cérémonie de clôture de la conférence

Président de séance: HE Elizabeth Paula Napeyok : Déléguée Permanente de l’Ouganda près l’UNESCO / Présidente du Groupe Afrique.

Rubriques Intervenants

16:00 – 16.05 Bienvenue HE Elizabeth Paula Napeyok

16:05 – 16.10 Allocution Département des Affaires Environnementales (Afrique du Sud)

16:10 – 16.20 Allocution Représentants des communautés

16:20 – 16.30 Allocution Représentants des Etats Parties /Union Africaine

16:30 – 16.50 Allocution Directeur, Bureau multi-pays UNESCO à Windhoek (Namibie)

16:50 – 17.00 Compte rendu verbal de la déclaration de position africaine

Coordinateur : George Abungu (Kenya)

17:00 – 17.20 Clôture officielle de la conférence Département des Arts et Culture : Hon Ministre, M. Paul Mashatile

17:20 – 17.30 Remerciements Martine Tahoux Touao (Côte d’Ivoire)


19:00 – DINER AFRICAIN D’AU REVOIR (Offert par le gouvernement d’Afrique du Sud)

Jour 4 : Samedi 29 septembre 2012 - Programme optionnel

Visite optionnelle du centre de Maropeng, site du Patrimoine Mondial au Berceau de l’Humanité, Province de Gauteng

Les délégués sont invités à s’enregistrer dès leur arrivée sur ce programme de visite optionnelle

08.30 – 09:00 Départ de l’hôtel

09.00 – 10:00 Voyage vers les sites

10:00 – 12.30 Visite des sites

12:30 – 13:30 PAUSE DÉJEUNER

13:30 – 15:30 Visite des sites

16:00 – Fin de visite




PICTURES :TOP: Basari, Sénégal ©Sébastien Moriset; Central Africa, Garamba National Park, DRC; Lakes of Ounianga, Chad ©Centre National d’Appui à la Recherche.MIDDLE: Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania; Ghana, Asante Traditional buildings, Abirim shrine priestess ©UNESCO, Sébastien Moriset, West Africa, Togo, Koutammakou, the Land of the Batammariba.BOTTOM: Southern Africa, Ilha de Mozambique, Mozambique; Central Africa, Cameroon, Dja Faunal Reserve; Egypt, Saint Catherine Area ©Ourplace World Heritage Collection.

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