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Digital Strategy by Kevin Grupe

Company Target


Outdoor clothier based out of Maine. Normally selling to the 34-56 year old demographic.

Expand sales to 18-34 year old demographic.

Big Idea!


November 17th 2014, through January 1st 2015

Expected Goals

Successfully target 18-30 year old demographic

Continue to increase sales of Bean Boots

Increase sales of other LL Bean Outdoor Products


Set up LL Bean sponsored Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram accounts.

Create Google Adwords ads focused on specific keywords associated with the brand.

Contact prior customers through social media and email offering special “loyalty based” sales for returning customers.

Strategies Continued

Inbound Marketing techniques designed to cater creative content attractive to the 18-30 year old demographic. Offer sales and deals for new customers.

Pay fashion bloggers and influential social media accounts to promote brand content to their followers.

Budget and Implementation

A $1,000,000 campaign, only 1/40th of the total budget.

$2,000 a day on Google Adwords accounting for 839+ Clicks and 35k impressions.

$1,000 a day advertising on Facebook and promoted posts on twitter accounting for a combined 1,000+ clicks and 20k+ impressions.

Success Measurement

Increase sales and interaction with the 18-30 year old demographic

A 5% increase in revenue from the 2013 Holiday season.

Summary and Questions?

A combination of Social Media Marketing, Strategic Advertising, Creative Content, and proper implementation of Inbound Marketing Strategies will make this campaign a great success!


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