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Page 1: LOCAL MISCELLANY. HOME NEWS, publish!...LOCAL MISCELLANY. RECENTGULLE! IT Hi., gmWtftf, orTBK D__-Mti d sitamhb naisToL.in.IONAL* OP MSTLI'S* ItiXi'LLD-OTULR flSAl BES OVK.RDVB. Tliedian:.l,*al



gmWtftf, orTBK D__-Mti d sitamhb naisToL. in


Tlie dian:.l,*al steamer BriBt-1 *-*fftV**d in nort fmBristol, Ent-land, yesferdav, eleven dav* overitn.On NoT*mb<W ".*. in Utitu.1* 43° north, loiif.itu<68* wtvtt, tho propel lor heraine disabled, Imf tlnature and extent of the accident tba captain widli~ncliDt*-(l to **r*tc yesterday. Au air ox mjatjeiaaaaaatl to parrada toa roaaoL Altar the aoeideito thc* pronellor the vessel wns put underfill uni

Pritl*y. when aVaiiit .*i,"i() iiiilfta northernsi ni San.Hook she wan taken in tow by thc steam*-Nawarth Castle, from New-Orleans for llevel. ai

broiif-heto thia port. CoaOB.I Symons, oi the liri*',reportf* tiial November IO, in latitude 11- OS oort

lon_itnile fil)0 15' west, signal* vv.-ie ina*!'- totb-we-maste-1 schooner-rigged steamer with lila,amoke-pipc, with a broad white hand around it. awhich Wiia what ai)|>c.iied to be a r»"*i star. IlriaaaiM, wa* beaded east. No oltoottoo waa pollotl'.c sicnals. Tba N'aw.irtli Castle waa I gnolh*at 2 p. m.. November IA aim lifter a c.uaiijtatioii i

tho two ear-tolas thc Brialol wa* taken i

tow. One o! the b-WBSfS I'iirlod. and lifter repsn.were made Ihe oilier bawsOT purled. Anotluhawser waa lukeii to the Bristol ncxi morning, anStain af I erward tl.e vvin.l nod nea Lc_an to ns, vi:

a lower baroaaetor. At 0 a. aa. If waa blowingstrong nile, with a violent .sea nnd heavy rain

Two hoiii-.s afterward i kalaataqaalla wara rn -t. anthen flit' wini vet red to tba niiiiliwe.s!, intT.-yauitoa tcrriiic gale at midnight, oaaaiof both foaseto labor l.e.ivti.v Ul the lilli,I doss Seas. j_b90 a. m.. Koreasbet 81. botb tow-lioaa wwijiarted. 1 lie Nawnrth Castle ItlfBialBBii I¦>..«> bj* a(lav. iiii-i tba vveiither having .delated al fm

down, **"__"**. were in t.i*" to ll) it a line io thc Brilol. in tba lirsi attempt the buoy find IBO f-Jth >n

of lin** wen lost, anti, tailing iu lae aeee-dstt*.apthe Navvailh Casi le BtoodO.' until (la. BL, Novellber 8., wbea Loafs Were lowered atnl fovv-lilKBtmte ia*t iik'iui. Tba loaaala nada slow progr***a-aiiist the DOttbweat Wind and sea, and roacheBtMid] Honk Weilliisduv io_!¦ I.The sioamsl;!!i lin betl.fle arrived from Cnr.li

yeet<* i, a* after a rough voyage of seventeen dayi'ou.iiiiit'ii* h«-ad srnit s and acas were cxi*cricno.during the pn-t tw. Iv.- .I.ivs.The Assyrian Mooan- Bl still nt -en. un,I vv$

ei-p'iitoo nv in,- ateaane.to Doune, ondef sail, la latfud*' I'.' liorili. loiilfltilili'-Iii vve-t. This would ii

dh.de tbat abe bad drifted about BOO miles mnerth vn e.-,, ru direction sinea she wa* algbtedN*vi miM r 7. I be De.bb tned io low her, but owmto ttie ueineii.ioiLs s*v oil v* _s nuable to get a havvacaboard ot Lei. As abe wa* ebie l*i sail, and thenlara nc* lo Ima*-**""-*-.**- tl.ii._i-i. the Dooaa left her.Tho Oteamebipa Vulnier and Henry Edye, froi

An, wt ip. and the I.'.-;.u.il tr*,in London, nie foiday-, oveidi..

Tfll BRlOEGKOO-a DID NOT COME.r.SACCoi'NT*ltl.:'. DlsAi-prvtiAN. "fl Of *. BBf

obx.aaa in vi.nh ni. arno Lari bbw-yobk i

GP.T MAItlllF.D.A fraitBtas K--::r.-li !i;h le-; ti made in flus ami otb.

attlee east of the Missuftppi for two months fiUn.'.. Bensea, s eil Ben of New-Orleans, who disn|p.-;,r tl in September. Mr. Renosh was forementhe ear-shops ol tbe Crescent City Btreol li.-*:lr.*in New-Orleans. ,.:,,l ;:i v n: i an ii ii bame-etrav!..!i be patented aud iutonded t,, put on tlimarket. Ib August he eame North to airange for ita manafsctnre aad to pla.I,.4 wi,low.,I motlier ia the linnie of hedoaghtei at New-| 1,1 vi-n. Cona. Mr. Reaeoh rt

nini',,-,1 With h'-r two or Ibbie w,,i.s and theset oat for New-Tork. He left this city Seatonbfll. to return boar- bywayof Cincinnati aud t-iLoins. Ile went away ti nm his room at Ko. llBl-ring-et.. in theafternoon, wuh tbe expfMsed iote; r uti of taking the half past four o'clock tranfor 1'iiil:.*:, illina, where he experted to meet a frienOt No. Lil'** Vni"-sf. Tiie friend waite,1 two dav*but Reusch dui not eenie. His trunk, packed wubis il,, lin s anil pies, nt.-, for his inn ridebride, leached N> w-oileans !>v expreaa, tanQi it* owner no word ever chip.-. Alter waitn*several weeka, hm friends telegraphed to lilbrother. Charles Reusch, wbo was in Europe, awli- r.-fiiiiaed proantlj to aid in the aeareh. A ajitoaBOtlC lmniny has h...ii made along the uti!ronto ol his prapuaedJourney, but oe true tins beeilound of tbe mianng man. He waa Ja*t seen u*>iiiidown Si.tiii.-t.. in th dir-, tn n ol t he .North Ri reicarrying a leather aatebel in which, antone othathings, wasaii iron model of his patent, and tbe eonelusion ba > been reached t bat he mei bia death beforbe left thc city, oi while e-*o*wing the tiv-i-. MiRena b waa thirty-two years old. He« isinperfecbeal th am ol correct babita. Eh** wore dark clothea- -.1 arri. I .-. gold watel nnd chain, and had abonB800 in bis pockets, lie waa engaged to Lemurn .1 immediateljr on bia return t*, New-Orleana tMip- El .-. i'.-etii liaseli nu estimable lady, to whoibe wa* much attached. Peal tor lils safety baillirie los aged m athel v.iv ill, Hts brother, wbowith Messrs. Goette, Miller A Co., No. ITU Worttet., edTera a reward for ant Informatioi aboul bifate. Superintendent Walling detailed olBcerayeiteida.v lo assist in the s.iioli.

. -»-¦

OUARDIRG THE WATEB I BO* i PRIYlLEGEflTbe Dock Commiss* m. rs reci ired a oommunica

tion reslerday from J. il. -tarin, protesting aaaiuette Park Department's proposition tn liceiern ct!* of a "0 and nun Pa uce


at the Batt.-ry. Ur. tstarin aaid thal in r*ona**-quenoe of t Ti*already in.m n *. and coustantl.1 iiicreasiugdemandifor dock room at that crowded parl ol tba water¬front, apace for the structure propoeec

,1 not be mi,-:i without detriment ttthi business interest* of merck, nts and shippers.Be alao aaid tint f tbe privileee asked for was anopen oue h.- deaired i i make application for a siiui*int i.iiviieue iii tin li., wy fweuty-fourth-et.,Noil, Kivii-, i.iiii Iwen tj tbiru-at., East River, anathal he would pay i ii ,ii, a large sam foi tbe "iiv-il- bo. rhe li, ard direct. ,1 the l ,t k ommiw ionentoll ii fotn that tbt pi nlege was objectionableui ti not ni their power to -runt.A c--lufuunii ii',on was itceived from General

Beek lers, claiming to be owners ol tbtwater front and land tinder water between Porty*n, ith aud i'l.T.-iir.s:-st-.. East Uirer, and protest¬ing agsiust tho construction *¦( '.:. ba .nieui -v.il!-,bulkheads and platforms in tbat viciuitj by tbeHock |ie)i,ittiiir-iit. Ihe contract for snch uni,rov.-m.-ni hus l,et'ii awareed and ibe w"ik alreadiin'gn-:. I e profeased owners ol tbe laud will asa1< an jan. m agaii it tbe l>o* '¦ Departm. nt.

rb* J v. Commiaaionera sc; upai! eeveiai-'i bull, beada f o' tbe ii-- oi tbe Pol oe Departmentfor dumping ne aud snow in tbe Ln-st ami HarlemitlVtis._

ALL-GER. DEFENCE BEGUN.Ths trial..! Elijah Al ligoi wnp continued in tbe

Court of (iin, mi Sesaiona yesterday. IiByrnes was hrs! ixaminedai to tue part he took iatin- itri*-i "f the prisoner, Richard Inri abroker ol No. 37 Wuliaiu-st., testilied tba! AuirtialBAIIiger call* dat lita office and told bim fha! bebod rt aired word from the Third National Bankthat certain aecaritlea whit h he bad ohtain, d loauaoiili.il been stolen, ll. s.;i;e: i.,.t, tai gol thoiufrom T. Colton Carter.Tbe prueeeut ont at ¦¦ Mr. Kiotamg, one

of ibo ooaiisel foi the prisoner, opened tho case fortba defenoe. He aaid tbat tbe defence would provetbat A 1 gel L-"i the se* uriii ¦ fiom a broker namedBoughton, wno w,:h auppo-edto bea manofgootl<h. in, t"> ..trul |i'i-ninii. nu \v!,i, was actina forT.Co ton Carter, ll* obtained tba loan irom ti..-Third National Bank, where be h.-iu baan knownfora, vii.! years, on thc securities in tbe regularway oi buaUMas. The tii-i will _;¦ eoutiooed on'1 Boadoy.

TAKING PA88AGZ POR PRANCE.iS-verai paraona .,l diatinction aail. ,i j esterdaj on

the steamship Canada, "i (h<- Prenofa Line, forJlavie. Before tbe departure ol tbe ateamei ih,-«le* -vs and the pier had much the bi pearanoe usualat i.'w* height <.! siiiiimi-r travel, a large number olth*- friends "I tbe partsengi ra iiem-.' present. Severalbn.-ii- fro a tbe Preach Bsa-sbip Magicieone ai .1 theion Dumont l/Urville carried t,, toe pier a largeBomber of tbe offl era "I thoae vessels, in full uni-foi ie. to v. itneas the depai lure ol the <. immandautot ibe ,*-,i lad ton, Admiral de Preycinet, and In*Bide-dacamp. Lieutenant A. P. Reculoux. Amongothers present were Chevuliei Edmond de iii,-mi,the Lu ,,. Co -so'-i;,- .,,,.. and M. de Bebian, gen¬aro] afoul of be line. John Bigelow, ex-Miniaier tor.ms, and lu* four dauahters, aud bully di Houza,Jiraziiian Consul to Baltimore, and bis wife werealso p-6-..-i amt on !!,*¦ I .milda.

A 1 .MIL. OP BEGGARS.J ¦", ll Milli,!, age el veil, nu Will 'Hu, lu,

bro:'i.-i. ageeeveo,were takenintoeustody yesterdaybv Olliit-l ('lllitnli. ol tbe Soi le ly lin il lr. va il,ono/Cru, ity to I ail Ireu, a lm found tb. m beirgiug ina rweuly-lbird Ut reel Cros-towu car. He looktlien. I.,-! tte ,Inst ceBlxby, at tbe ".orkville PoliceCoull, vvline they wei,- leniporarily commit tod,Tba pai en ts of these children are knowt to thety, w biota has bod much trouble -.-, il ii them. biJo. *, a ¦ i eh ren, tbo oldest ol a boin isteen yean .¦ age, a dib. fouubi I * -ht months.l,a-t Jii.-i,i ii lb ely bad lour ol tlie childreneommilt-d to the Catholic Protectory. I beparou a,tbrouga tbe Children's Aid Bociei i, .btained thc re-Icase of the children on ibe promi e v tbi wt regoii)-,' to Chicago, bal I- led i" ktep their a

ri'L'iLNji.v. ro ii.m: nM.f ONE AIM..1 lin An..-ii, aga ii: -.. wi off u faded on

1 ill .**,-,! v. l|*litli*.;. n id In ti.-.iv,-. _n .....;.11 .. iim,gIv - -i* : .ind wh t, Rouudamau HteinkampI bim why be begged, , _..,ii with only one arm. lue roundsman santhat be waa feigning, and, feeling under the empiysleeve, found ina ann suugiy tucki <i under ins coaLIn th** V.iik viii- Police ( ourl Ai i aa committedto ti e workhouse 101 (taloa Bootha a.s a ragraat,

A PISTOL BHOI PON a JiltlNK ol' LIQUORQaotgt Kiigore, fi taartoodei employed in a liquor

atoie ni Nu. 4!'."*. ,-*ci on" a V,., caused toe an it,XMadai cvcuiiig. oi I'aliick loucr, of .Ny. l-l i_a»i

Thirty fifth-et, on a charge of attempted felontoiassault. An examination of the oaso waa held i

the Yorkvillo Police Court yesterday, lt ws* showbf the testimony that Toner entered tbebar-roouand after taking a drink nf liutior. refused to psfor it. A quarrel ensued, and he drew and du.barfed a pistol. H.-alleges that bo did it emit t

taara tboaa present. Ho was held in .tl,OOO hafor trial.




The police, in accordance with renewed instill*lions, continued yesterday then nisa.l" airainat thl.-ii-ti.-s by arresting a aarabat "i deale*****. Offio*Leahy, of tba Poolta Precinct, B-'reigncd GeorgEdgar, of No. 168 Urand-at., Brooklyn, befora .lu.toe Patterson, al tbeTomba Police (oiut, on con

plaint ol George Bmitb, of No. ll Feit-ot., for dealtug in lottery policy at No. <!'"> Rcekman-et.. NewYork. Hail was nt-uned in (1,500.Hean King, of So. BOA Broadway, waa held 1

ffl.OOO bail tot trial al t_« Jefferson Market PolioCoori for Beling a ticket of the Kentucky .*--:atLottery, and Thomas Exnor, of No. 330Bower;was held in $1,000 hail for neilin"* aliclvclol thLouisiana Lottery.Barnool Wilson, ol No. 909 List Twenty-second

St.. and William Hush, ol No, 303 Bs il i'went*#tbird-at., were arraigned in the IforkviHe Polio

I, ('omi yoatordoy obargod witta tha violation of abI.->f en law in Bellina policy slips. They wen- bob.in $300 bail aorta ror trial.Willum ll. Halt, of No. 130 Weal Bivtoeotb-at

and George Chapntan, of No.73 Nirilh-avo, areaarraigned in tbe JefteraoB Market Police Coori bOflJooi Brennan ol tue Bixteoatta Precioet, who santhat bc bod arreatod thenl for running a poliey sho|iOn is'ing questioned l*v Justiee WandoU, he santhal one of tbe prisooore was buying and tin- otbeselling a alic His answer* weie vague and the caa,was dismissed. .Insii.-e VPa_dell called the attenlion ol Sergeant Williams of tl.e Cooli N*na(l, titba Lief that (Hiker iircnnau whs nor aobor. 'I lusergeant after conversing wno the officer saul thahe .in) noi mink lum intoxicated. No further actioimutts taken.C-oarat-Uriooer Nichols said yesterday that th.

Police Boord intended to suppress!he lottery tral'tl,lu the eily,if il could boaooompliabod hy legal BMBOaThe PoliosCaptaioaaw to be bold <o stuct _-*ooBotahility, and he (oinniis.s,oners hope, to reduce ttl.evil to a ninitnom at least, tho abiof obetaaloeucountered by tba police is tbo ind that andereanlouage, the lottery deniers refuse to accept moue}for the tickets tiiey sell, but take tin* nani,* and Mdraaa »r tho ecatoaaor and aaod tba "dakota by mailTbe boyer dropa i.is dollar io a box provided tothe porpooeaod thus cannot sw. ar that he paid ito anyone, wli.un lim polios cnn airest.


Hie statue of farragut. BBodellod bf Aiignafus BlGandc i, .'.ml .-nsf in taroura by Groot, of Pariswbich arrived bore io Joly, has been awaiting tb.completion of tin* pedestal l.*r ita erection in Madison nqnaM. This r*****~*Lesta] is to he a novelty, nd, iis believed, will be unique -,f it- bind in this bobotry. Pron the ai nal square block upon winch tinatatn vrili treat, a w lng will extend onl on each sidecurving around to tbe ironl nnd making tte form

a rbole, almoal that of a semi-circle. Prura omend to th*- other of these wings will be a distance o

1 sixteen feet. Tbe platform and seats running alon|p inside wings will he reached by a flight <i ttare*

st'-iis. 1 In-tlistan.. i'fiini lin -eal- to the top f tb(wings will i.e tom i>.*'. | in- siena, platform seatswing. Biid pedestal proper will all be of blue atone,On each aide of the base ol tba stalin- will appealfigure**, and tbo winga aud haae are to be iconwuh many linos repreeeoting (h.- notion of tin-water. At the ends of the wing*, m front, will ixcarved the figuresoi dolphii a.

the atatoe ia <*i heroic aim, being nine feet inheight, aa is n's. the pedestal noon which ii reataThe motive ol tbe work la to repr. teni a sailor stand¬ing on tbe de'-lv of hi ve el. Parragnt'a Irmly relface has ,-i look ot uteuaitj ns li his gate wete-;. adily fixed on -erne'linn; ahead <*! the \ easel, liewoore fall aniform. Tbo fact are firmly planted alittle diatanoe apart, as il io withstand therollingofthe slut). On the right side the coat below tin- belli- blown nwnv from ibe body tn the wind. Tbaright .iri-i banaa down bv thc aide, au*i the fingersare ii"* bed, Tho left arm la bent across tho body,anil tin- iiiiiid bolds ii pair ni ii ai inc gi..a < in the

! -nie is the -ivvord. Ihe niiilonn is thal "f tbeBrat Admiral, tba Link he! tl tay Parrngul atinatienfii. (hi the front *>f the gold-laced naval capappears an eagle lurrounding an anchor. Tb.aboulder-strapa and three wide chevrons on Hiesleeves indicate tbe rani.. he long double-breastedfrock coat with heavy bullion button is buttonedclose np to the throat, leaving risible a littleglimpse of the stock encircling the throat. Thesw,,i,l-l,ti: ha* a heavy buckle rn front boa ing oneagle surrounded by a wriv.t;..

.lu-t i.ei,nv the statue, m the upper edge oftbe vase, appears tbe nain. " David Glasgow Far*ragut," below which an nn*u\****atbed sword atondaont m bob! relief. Mn tin- nulli vv.o_,.i the aeini-

eircnlar pedeatal near tho butt) ia n baa-reliel rep*ty. Th -:- io*- sitting figure oi :¦

woman, ber bail blown out liv tbe wind, rbem.ni jiiii, lullv extended, re ts npon tbe right,knee, ti.e baud drooping slightly. The lefi bandrests npon the left leif, holding scroll. A enfolds-tic ni -ci i* iou, it , tbe statue,will occupy tho remaining apace ,,i the righi wing.lt willi., in i ipi ls throughout, somewhat in lbslr in tu si v lo On tbe left wing will be a bua-n 'iirepresenting ( ourage, ami au in inbody-lug tbo following facts in Parragut's life:Born ne.ii Knox, ille, Tens.. Jaly 5tB, i*nij Ml lahip-

i-iiiii, Dee, l7to. 1801; ilI sud 1'ua* te,March -p-i. l-ll; v-.'. Lienteuaut. 1619; Lieurensul,.!,,, 23d, lt*_5i C .u.i' i: .;..:..-,:. lilli. I- ! 1 Captain.H in ml - "¦: .': it11, of N.-u Uric ins, April23 h.l--o_; i:, ii-.v,iiiiii-,.!. .luiv in,h. 1862; Battle of

I '. ii. 186*1; Ve v.i.i.".ii, De ¦. 23 i,18*9*1 1 -dlllir.ll ol Li.- I *-

Isfl.i. i' ! .il Pom -noir'!.. ."¦ ,!.. Ail.'. 1 I li. 1 970.'Jh, ii-.-:.- of this Botni-cii ;...i pedestal will prob¬

ably be ulm -I .;- ol. i, and its height fromtba ground in the middle will ba__inefeiDESPERATE STRUGGLE WITH A BURGLAR.Petoi Harrington, a stonoeul ier, who says he li * es

in Philadelpbn wasm ned before J oatie* VV;deli at the Jefferson Market Polioe Conn yeetenlarcharged wuii burglary and felouioua assault.. im,, i Kenn v of the Eighth Precinct aaid ibai ... biliatandiag at f*ixteenth-at. ami renlh-ave., in ciii-/¦.n'p elotbeo, ni i p. m. I ne- lay, biaattention waa attracted by the loud chip

of a woman, who waa atrngoling wi i,man at, the entrance of IN,,. Bl Tenth-ave,,He immediately went to bet ami thermal]ran rapidii down ihe nv, nu 'lin- woman, Mrs.MeNiiiiiai-., told hun that the man taa attempted tcn! v away some ol ber clothes and jewelry, whichbc had secured tay breaking Into her apartment* in.¦oin!,-,uv vv iin ;i!,ii h.i ,'oungmnn whobad escaped,

.ei ni once eave haae to overlaidmau, whu concealed himself in a cel¬lar ii Thirte. til !i.r. and Teni 1,-nve. Kennywen! into the e.-liar, when ii dt_*peratcstruggle took place. 1 lie thi. refused :¦, nun*,and,drawing a pistol, attempt! d to sh ol 11 onie.,.".'. b«> threw n:i-..p. it o.i oe man ai tl tried t" wrenchi be v- in gi p. ll,, ie. ol tlir ti- *

attracted the attention of il iona- ( raw t, rd, ol S'o.5*07 West Ni; --."-iii h-p-.. v. li,. waa passing, and tiewent to the officer's assistance. The man a aa takenlol icustodi and gare bia nami as Harrington.

lira. McNamara appeared i, court yesterday andidentified im aa one ol Ibe men wi ., I attemptedto rob beroi property valued at$l_5. .* uongtheinterested spectators in the c, . I'onngman wi,,, waa taken to th b bj I '.. '-.-snspicionol being Harrington, arcot plice. Hegave bia name aa Henri Smith, of No. 330 Lj-iKnrty-sixtii-pf., and aaid be came into i mri to getwarm, and u. et ad Been il,.- prisoner before, ilewas not identified by Mi-. McNamara, and waa

led uni I oday, when a dang bi er oj thc com-plain a m. win i saw both thieve*.** ill testify. Haiton was held in dela ni I ol .- 1.000 bu on i ¦¦ chargeof burglary and in 93,000 on a charge oa.ssin)!, prt-feired bj tbe officer.

In bis poss. ai u. re found two silver watches,revel.il ina*."* Lev -, and a skeleton kev. Ile pier. I. 'I,n v. and saul iimi be waa not acquainted


Arthur MeCagney was ghol ann killed on tbauigbt "I November 17, in a liqu ir-sli pal Twenty-i.mill-!, and Nmtb-aye.. bi Prederich Hoi.uk.ilu- two men quarreliou about a woman. OffireiMet'shill parted iiiem early in !',- evening mdir eui a-.- ay -we.ii m. thal he woul

even"' witta Holbrook. Alon midnight tba twomen met in the liq '-'

.... < balleng. d

bis adversary, and atrucfc bim. A ngbt ensn. I,Holbrook drew a pistol and a ahol waa iii.-.!.Mci aguey ran into tlio buck room, crying tnaI io¬

was .-in,i. Holbrook followed him and the fightwas renewed. Fwo mon shots were fired while theiii.-i. were together. Ofticei McCahill waa called totbe place aud found McCagnei dying, lullhis eigar-st. ar-taj itood ilsmoking, He admittedpail! that he bad act-ed in s*'lf-di feuSuch was tbe atorj brought ou! yesterday at tbe

ii ,( ., pL Holbrook wup >--'-s ol, a jo -,'ii ei, nml lo¬ll, i, ii. at bis ri.. i in ii i, 11 io- i.iii acted ni soli ,..

Ibe jury tn tbe verdict ch i.,.i him with murder,aud in was otu.titted to tbs loni op:,, _<* nu mal.

Ll.Li HOS IS-I'i |,i, j .._),'I in- Na-, '-mi ,-i term ol he *.,. ena

and the (.'our! of Session con * ni.1

City Monday. I'he (JraudJun oas iu se tion onadav uni lound lil ie, ii indi. lin.ni.,. llwore found ll

I, in ip ml. ,.'... in i:, I onrl h *»*. ,.r«!I 1 ,.r 'I ('ii v foi fal ni, in . the rel m

snd Siipcrvi I* oemdefend ml np ,n ai tai (nm nr, pitail'l gi. Ve lu.nils ll. I Hr .iii, ¦! **¦ ,,','HI -,.,

im- trial Monday, al which tune tbe criminal bust-ba < -iiii will he lal ea np.

H FROM THU bl ' U HAKd DI Al I BRLiioiiu in.,, w.i-l cv. il at the Maritims l ¦

I -,, i,, oi nu- saddeu dealn.,,! Jaiuea M. iiiokf. ol Saud'a Point. Hi* doathi-uiici ii mn i -iio.-.4iiii on inc deawoabaka diaaater.

Mr. nicks was sixty-five year* old, and waa a meber of the firm of Hicks di Bril, ship chandler*No. 68 South-flt.


IND PRICKS t'NSATISlTAC I'O RV.The opening aalo of the American Horse Exeban

took place vesterviav at the new building of tcompany, at broadway and Fifti(-tb-st. The sto,to he iii*pop.-,| of eonsist-d of ten tborou***h-ibrood mares, aafeetad from the stable* of l-.dmuiTattersall and David Cowie, of diglum!, aapot BBfor Anni i,an hreeders. tay William K-sion, 1

general manager of the Kichsnge. They wern Mat anet on bv uenryDraper withoni resorvo. Animthose present were Pierre Lorillard, CW. Qriawol1 ¦'. Sherman. LoBIOBeiJ Kipp, Williani F.astou. B.r.ruee and .lames Franklin. The bidding, willi 0OT tWO except ions. WOO very slow, and pricu we

unsatisfactory to tho owners. Tho following salwere made:

The. property of T.d'uund TntUrtoU.So. 1, Viet,ii lu, I,av nniie. foaled in l"-73, liv King

Vii tor ont nf (Jcl.l Pea; lo W. K. Vamlerlilit.. $7.No. 2. CalpliurnlH, hfOWa m-*¦'.'. faur foara i'1'l.

bj- J ill ms dui of rhe Tesl; C. llutligat*-. 61No. 3. Malvina, bay mme, foaled ii. l"-.,~7, bv

Heottlsh Ctilof out of Mai.l of lin- (lien; P.la.lilliird. 1,0*

No. .. Dntiliii Balle, bay tuan- foal- .1 lu JS77. byKiii'.'lif oi Bl, Patrick out nf PssUtOl Jamesfranklin. Ol

No. n. Qaaen Maui], bay inure, foaled IS«"7, byMm areal aol af (_aeoa of the Yule.; Joi.u 8.Clark, Loxtagtoo, Kv. 8<

No. fi. vial,bu,ii, bay mare, loaletl l£75, !iy Ca tbe-,in,i ..ut ot Melodlotta; Jame* Praaklla. 8<

No. 7. Regatta, bay mare, footed 1878. br Kniiriitor tbe Garter obi or Hi nicy; 0. ff. Bowen dcOrt*. Parla, Kr. 8(

Prnprrtt/ nf Pariil ('mrir.No. 9. Aliena, bav mare, foal.**! l"*7.i. ny rtrnttl-h

('¦nef out nf Perdition 8 II. Bruce. 5<Nu. 9. CheSIBW mare, foale.! 187S, try KnowHley

oat otBat at tba Bewster. Toe ni-ding was

vary active, opening at 9600 and bom run¬ning np fS.OOO, af wliieli figure sale wa* madeto J, s. Clatfc, of _-**___gtoa, Ky.

No. ld. Iirv Toast, btowB mure, fooled 1878, bfBrown lireail out nf Carolina ; Charles Heed,of Suratuita. 6!

No. li. Blaea colt, two years old, hy (**oek of tbaWailt ont of Nivv Muon j, nat brokea and en-tliely untried, P. Hntrblsans. 2"

SI ILL BOPIHOTO GET THE PARK SITE.Tba CV tninittee oil Si'.-s of flin World's Fa

Commiaalon had a Meetingyretorday al the offic*nf tim Camni.alon. Wu TI7 Etroadwav, aod it w,-

efCpected that a further i-cjmrt would he hronglforward relative to thc paitn-ul.ti |.,,,ii.,ii ut C.-itra) Falk vt huh tba committee wines lo uer* unfor tin- puipo-e ot'tiie l.xhioition. No further r,

port wu** made, however, and in fact, theiwas no business before tin* m., img, so that afterdesultory couverdation it adjourned,k meeting of tho Executive Committee, was hel

directly afterward; nt whicfa aboul ten af thin min rs wen' preaeot. Nothing except roufinbutHnesa waa transacted, but os soon as this wifinlsbed there was an informal conversation iclativio the sile. and it WM stoled thutho I'alk ('oinmiHsiotiert hud rouiintitiirntetbeir willingnoss to receive tbe special 8ub-*Comniitt.-e on Sit.-s at their regular meeliagnext WedI'esiav. After tbe reli-onmtnittoa have attendsthia meetinc, it will report the result at tl"- week|meeting ol tin- Executive Conimlttoe, wbieh is hr!oil the sauts dav.

Aftoi Hu- meeriufl a Tbibcbk reporter bad ihfollowing conversation witta one ol tbe membere fltl:,- committe. :"Mas tin report of Ihe enp-nerr, sent t*> stirve.

Central i' u!* die i"-.-!i i, i*ived V"l ii,, not think i' h ,*.""Was it not io taara boan laid before tbo Pori

Coi.uni lionets for tbeir consideration prior to Itameeting on Wednesday nei V"1 believe s..; bur I do not think flus wil

he ilone now. In ail probability cur noa*luuie.- will r.urv tin- engineers' report v.itlit. and there will be ¦ regular diacuf-dmas to vtii.it part we u av bav-. i',, our tit-proposition Ibe Park ComtoiMioners may say¦ Well, you can't nave tba! ;' then they may _o >,i

and Kay : Voil cul'! lav,- thal *ite. either. lintii.it.' And rh.-ii we -li.-'ll taring forward the -sir. wili ive chosen, and ahoa that it does not material,]affect ibe improved portion of tbe Park, and would

j.iie Central Park in anv way. bm would henetti ii. And I think we -hail gel il," lie added aftca inns,-." Bul inppoae i bs Park Commissioner* refuse v ra

auvtro tion ol tue I'n il* the lira) placer*" [don'l think the) will do thai : they v.ill beal

ti* first.""What will von do if thc ParkCommi-tsionen

refin <. to allow the nae of any portion of tbe Park ".'" lint l cannot tell; thal will be tor tbo com¬

mittee io de.¦ When will tin- engineers rep -rt be received f" 1 iiim,,i toll; bav. uo idea, in fact.*'

. ¦?

TOO rOUNG TO BECOME A HUSBAND.lire. C. A Bat nea, ol N ,. .'. Broom, -at., Brooklyn,

went tn t lie Seventh Precin. 1 olic ut ion iii thalcity yeaterday to ask boo tbe marriage ol ber son,wh., ip under UL'*-. '')U'il be annulled, The .leiatlr<of thecasesbowtbstthe hov, Mr-. Barnes-eon bjh,-t iii-- marriage. James 1". Farrington, age seven-teen, wai married to Susan M. White Bundih Rev. 1'. A. Iliniei. ie,p: 'i ol ii,' . bri nan

ireh ol tbi Evangel, rbe youth reprcscntedto the clergyman thal be was orer twenty year- ,.i

to have in pan nts li v hag, and[ali r< -iijeut Mr. Hanni, who ha* uoi teen longin Brooklyn, notl ed thedifl renee in rbe ages olthe persona wishiug to be married, tne bride ap*peartng to be aeveral rears the older, and be askedadv ne fi .un th.- Rev. W. H. *-ii'ioii*i.,|. paslor ol snadjoining church, who thought the parties oldenough to gel married. Not i--.- inrvd, Mr. Hauierdesirod t!,- presence ol the girl's parenta, and hermother waa sent foi and became une ot the wit-ne-.¦,.'., of tbe c.mon*.*, wbich waa tben performed.

li was agreed bj the couple to k,<i, tbei,. ge a secret Irom I moth* r. bulfound a card In h. -¦¦¦- t, which w as wi ittcu

i-i, ano oi .1,: M io,:v l,, on tsuuday i vening, Bhe then iuvea*

i. she dc. ian*st I r non as n i k ¦--. ti M - Whil ,

nv,-lia* 10, boy baa bei forbidden :o leavebia bom nntil an effort io annul tbe mania

Leg il prodistal*.


PHYSICIANS Al DIRECT VARIAN! B.An i!,.|ii.-st was bold Tu.-s.lav rening by Coroner

i-iii.iii-, in Brooklyn,in tbo case ol Edward Hag-geriy, a glai mauufacturer, ol No. 20 i'bird dace,w lm ii- i,|"i,i ill* -ii,,! Imus,-ii whileexaivolver. October 23, and who died November ll.Contradictory tcatim*mj '.vat gu in li uoianiwho iitt ml I i.'in. Dr. II. J, Johnston said

il ti nde.l ilr. Haogertyfor seventeen div*.sixteenth day ho was un and die---I. It-

day aller iii. John tn! wa* called to consul! withother pbysii in-, rn bom .. Aid no d ti,.-*,

,| opening the pationt'a aknll to see if there,np,.-ii ot nus in tbe brain or lead poisoning.

Tbe patient complained of nothing except a sliybrno.,. ia in tbe flnaen*. Iv wi ti in id anyi,i.u ion from fear ol fatal effect! and a belief that

ni ,v rv was probable. Ho then went away and didliol nguiu see Slr. ll ,"'.', I v.

*!¦ lli.L-L" uv le-,:, ed that, beeiif'llliL',with Dr. Johnston's treatment, sin- .ali. i,. |,,.Corey. Dr. Corey testified tbat he found Mr. Hag-gerty, when he waa called in, November 8, in a

¦!,-' u,iip n id "Oi, and that thi won id iu hishead wa* discharging inatl r. ll. consulted wuhDr. I lo. L-e, .i'll! With Iii* l, sp lp Ll nee le ;:,,\ ,| ar Vii llfragment* of tbe akiill, which pressed upon tuebrain. Dr. Dodge's evidence ooutirmed the diag¬nosis. I'he verdict of tbe jory was death from tlieaccidental discharge of a pistol. Three pbyiWon mi the july.

A MINIBTER CHARGED WITH BLANDEB.At tbe (-{aeons County I ourl nos. ny. Judge Arm-

presiding. tbe suit >>i Samuel J. Hon ,nagainsl the Rev. W. W. Maguire for ilandei **.,-

begun. Horton liv*-. at Far R tckaway, where rn- ip

engaged in tbe coal busineaa. In I**.':'. Maguin.- ia pastni ,i ii.- Al. V. ( bun h ai thal place, olwhich Horton Wss a member. The complaint ai¬

nu! the defendant chanted I lonou with nus*appropriating monej thal bad been raised for Mr,Maguire's benefit, and with selling coal nt j¦.>11weight. Ibe plaintifl teal fled thal be waatried balor* a meetmg of tbe trnate*nt which Mag-ire presided, ami thu he.v.is diamiaaed from fellowship wuhIhe church. Sere il wittie ca testified to hearing

j,-,! slaud.. .¦ ii i*. Counsel for tbe de¬fendant asl.,-,! 1 il a non -ni!, on the ground th i! iivi a- a ni iv lb i-. d "'il m. i: i, e.11 om anil ni i.o uoili. ,.

waa shown, lin motion a idenied. Thedefendsnilost iliad in hm own behalf, -md in rebuttal severalwiini-v-i*. testified that th vould not believe bimliri.'- oath in a ca where be waa interested.J I, ob I Wood, i I'n Ru* ka miv. testified that he

ll en a mi ti ber ,*i ,. '.; thodist 'hunthirty yean Ata meeting ol the truatoea ol the

def. in 'i calli *l him a liar, he.-a.!. and I,-- would not believe bim audi r oath in a

.., re l <¦ v. ,4 n,ii i, n -I tm im,usid. i mi ni n--il np last v. nmg, and the ase ¦¦-. ul begiven to the jury Pndaj morning.

A REWARD I '., \ ll RD1 RKB...al ,i proclamation offering

¦ ,e!l-i,i il),

son ni I.,-v. ip-si. Noreuil"**] ll.

NEGOTIATING POli AS IROS PIER.l.l: ¦'¦ L.N -,'nt iii-

ii I... poi nebIron far i--. iii.* Nui'-i.ii ii,....-' rany,

,¦ on ran] « isorasn sedtbla wlnt.t Wltb,. ,. ,,! r.i, ii,to.,il) ) foi .ii, . "-' ball 111

r * o ,i ,i .. :. ,,: K I tbt ni i. .-*.,,nil.Ilie ll ., le !l,e ll, T. IK Irl

l,ui)0 lost. Buds br. hil nit.

Wu vi BOOTI It f-l'inm-r nf fute)t Hillil ,.io un I*. .i'- ) a- r. 'a ,," roan tban Well ..¦-, n I*- rv bsddon'l '"ill i, i've gal gOOd lilli i. I, WtS "ii j




W\mmW Ha**.Tba Earl of Airlie, the Fight linn.Lyon PLij-falr. M. P., of Kn-d-nil J. H. Dsvereox, of nota--rel, aa.l A. A T»lm«r*, ..r Bf- I»ul*...... v,,.York ll'rir-_ft***!*iiin JSnte* VV. rtiii-flSMfl. of III-BOl*.,/"""Jfttur (Jreffiiii-*) il-, Wlil«!B-v. of tilO ll.ls»l_n f,_f_tl'>!l *IV.'tiitiln--l4.il.Virieriu M0i,l ("_n_r*--mman I-*"P>_ Wff..¦sn,... oi VircUiiB.PtpA Attnue //.-«(_ bi M-rorCi._li-_ A (>1i«. of lev-d»ii_. ..Kotri BrvntnrUk Al \ I. lair

N'rwina!,,.f Lorn-* ni*.IP<r_tm,tr_f«r J..*.'-l*l--'*-i**or AL Kiu-r, ol V¦».._! i ..li.-.o

NEW-YOBK CITY.Tiger ukin muffiare thc latest novelty.The henche* have Leen removed from the parks.The KubiMpicrre cravat is aiuiply hcnimcd ou the

edges.Ma.1-st. romain* torn up. to th- annoyance of the

public.The stole collar has takou the place of tho fur boa

ao long worn.

P.ei/gai* haunt tho street corners in umi-mailylarge numbers.One of the telegraph pules lately crcted in Broad¬

way mpporta I'i*1 wir'-s.

Thermometers and street-bovs vvere slightly tm*Moved by t_~ milder weatbei jraal rday.Men win se wives hav e»e_ Biged I heir last win¬

ter's overcoats for plaator oaata ai" not happy.The custom of sprinkling the sidewalk in the

morning before sweeping has caused many falla thisweek.A Broadway laundry challenge* attention by

novel ironing macluuci. boodled hy pretty youngwomen.

The I'liion Kerrv Cu-ipanv will again apply to thoLegislature foroaothor slipadjoiaiog .South Ferryat tho Bat tory.The head of th* bird-of-paradise. mounted with

fail and wing leathers, is used for trimming eitherbonnets or bate.Grape sugar it* now powdered and mixo.l with yel¬

low sugars and sold hy grocers*, lt is not so sweetas pun- OOM sugar.Ex-President ('rant an.) bia family attended tba

performance ol "sharps and l-'lata " at Ihe __B_d_**dTheatre last evening.A museum is to ba built with .. front of fifty feet

in broad'.tr av and 130 lout in Niuth-st. 0. li. Bun-nell has seen led the property foi len yin-.

Ijioii the re,-eiiiineiidatioii ot tlie (.'liief-Lngiiieerof tin-Fire Departmen r, extra hydrants are to heplaced in (irt-one and First-sts., nnd -COOOd-aVO,

I.OfiINQ HIS t*('*I.P IB BROADWAY.An lu.'rm in tull war-pain! ami le it.iori is tho

latest a,.v,nis,.ii.- iie.,,11, m Broadway, His ecalpwas fa!.,u yesterday by some small b .vs, to tho in¬tense disgust ol tba warrior.

DBB-TB HF OOLUCOa BOCDRIBg,Thc Oinmian Society .; tbe College ol the City ol

New-York has received n challenge to debate withtin- Inn lum Sn.-iety ol lie 1'nr.ersily ol tho Cityof Now-York. Ir will ba aoeepted.

A BBIgg ll.'MI'AY THAI'-.The hotels are en,wile,I in-, uow with m-Ti-hauis

ami eibors purchasing holiday good.-. Dealers saytin* .leiiiaiiil to much greator than laal year evan, andpi'uiuia: s aclu it] beyond precedent.

nvi-iMi rt'M'S L'.p. v rm i-i h.A Ladlee* I!../.:!.- waa opened al tbe Sr. James

English Lutheran Church, in Fitteeotb-st., between>.,a,ml and Tbirrd-av-f*., veaterday, The object oftbe fair bi to roora a fumi for toa beoefitof thochurch.

* fl' lOYMAN ItTCOBMrtTl IB A SLIT.The suit ol tin* Kev. Maurine] 1». Burcbard :,_iiri*t

Samuel c.. i'ai i,rsi ii i, in the Marine < ourt, tore nverthe value ol fifteen -¦*.] 90 bondi of tbe Derby CoalCompany, r rolled yesterday in a verdict Lu Mi.Borehard forfpl.lOO.

OLLAl sr '("KS Og ( ;il.|s|V| *.S < ALU-.Cbrbumaa cards aro ihown In great variety in th"

w bolt "nh- bouses, rbe demand ii,i- tot.i is forband-painted leenes upon iv,,:,, m,»m and Mikcards. One establishment opens the seoson with abum;k nf 7.-).(»oo ot European make.

IIKt.li I ,!t *BOOTIB0 A MAB.At tbe Yorkville Police Court yesf-erdav, Jamea

fiv.-'ii-, in wh,,-" bar-room al First ave. andEighteenth *t there -vhs an affray .nesday night,waa held in $1.OIMI bail for shooting William Rig-DOJ ol' .No. M.'. I.a -i Elghteenth-st., in tue neck.

TO OPRH AT THB l-a ll. thu;;.A apecial meeting of tbe governor! ol tbe Stock

Exchange wiis -,-allet! yesterday to aol on a proposi-tion to postpone one hour thc opening of the Ex¬change on Friday. A quorum was do! present, andcons 'pn inly toa boord will beirln ita labors st theusual li mr.

DIMTOMSTXa IVMII.V BBBBAVBMEXT.Helen Maud Bud darguerite, twin daughters of

J. B. Colt, of this city, died of diphtheria, the oneM rn,lav and in- other Wedneeda] each in ihe tuttiyear of h age. Shortly before tbo birth <>i tbep.-iu-. .Mr. Colt toot three chUdrea by diphthong.He is now childless.

rill POI I' -lbMM) LOOK \l IL!'. TBCM.The: ara som,- mischievous imv i in Harlem who

need wat, hui.. One evening recently the] amusedtbemselvcs by attacbiug wire to the posts of tbeThird \v.nile Elevated K rad, at One-hnndred-and-p, v, ,.,,'iiiii-sL, at just tbe bombi from tbo groundto trip up pedestrians, Ona man fell and seriouslyinjured his la* e.

. RARORA ai. vivsr a f- if ( nv ¦.-.lt,.-,,,.- re Ferrie wss puton trial before Commie,

donen Fran th and Nichols yesterday, charged vt ithobtaining portset-aion, by improper means, ol a locketv., nil t!,i ie 11 A. Eilw arda, an English boy, claimedto hov. I'-nii'l ni .Mini'O'li-a v.-. Ferriaclaimed thalbe acted in good faith, ll,. Commissioners rei rvedtheir decision.

1 UK I'uVI l\LM Al I .iLVI-lf 1 ,,*M-i\r.Ari..** ::n,ii,tl meeting of tho Continental Tele-

praph Ci mpany yesterday hoard ofdiieei. reelected; ii eonsiafi ot J. W. Birk,a L Shaw. J. I. Hanna, Jame* (.. Smith andti,-oi.-i. If, Vv iii.,i:.Min. Vii. Kliuw was boa?n vice-

i.-.-:-ieiit : Mr. Williainaon, Ire arer, and Mr.Smith, general anperii tenden!.

,, .. j---.,--, .._i", M, f

W'.i.K or ini*. ctn wiaaiov,Thi City Mission, of No. 50 Hilde Honse, in the

last mon tu has, eh! 110 gosp meeting, with au al¬ic, ol 50,000. circulated 1*0,0*00 tracts,

and 11:1 -ci -. ..billilli'.1 llo temperance plcdg.aided HIO families at their humes. II.- receipts furtbe month were ffO.887 48; tbe expenditures,$4,04500; the Indebtedness remaining, -1 1,107 ;ni

BOOKLYM.The Hamilton Ferrj slip ia being thoroughly re¬

pairedThei -. tv. nt-,* ea of diphtheria reportedii.--.I.r. and seven dealh*.For the week ending Novemb I the deatha

vv. c. 2*91 birth 1214, niau luiThe weekli -uanda] itatemeni of tbe City

Ti. nrei diowi a balance November L'O, of$512,710 ii.;.

'ile total amount of taxes to be collected for thev..,! Iteginni na December l, in Kings Count i ia.**-¦_'. 1 (..!.'_'lli 87.

* fan srell reception to the Rev. I*. E. Field, thepastor oi Un, Puritan Congregational

t i,ni. h. I He-day evening, waa mode the ,-,-,¦¦ nm oftbe gift to him of $500 from the memberaoi thcchurch, Mr. Field goea to a _deakin church inI iii on a,.-ount ol threaten, d eouaumption.

JER8E. CITY.William Sh. tn, Bgeaixt*, liv ing al No. 7 I Gregory-

pt., who had lu en .ali -!.. .[.er at lb.' .Ni vv ai k-;i ve.crossi i fol th. Penusj iv tun Railroad for the lasttweiitv live real , was struck hi a passing tiamatinion yesterday and instant!j killed.George Hoffman an ex-member of the Union Hill

('on,mo Couti, il. waa loii11,1 <l.-a,l in e,i yesterdayrooming al hu hom,- at Maine-et. and New _ork-ave., Uuion Hill. A bottle labelled "poison'' was

., ,i chair near the bed. Hoffman was in ex¬cellent health when he retired, and i is thoughttimi be committed suicide,

NEWARK.Tbe Firal National Hank Building wm offered alimi' i 'lav afternoon, li" Iii hi ,.

.-'.; ..mai and bids were run up to(70,000, for whichhu ni tie- building was sold to John li, Ka ,-. aubjeclI. eoiilii mill nm bj the I ulled Stat! * C out.

.sTAil'.N ISLAM..Btapi.i ios..Tin- i-,ii i. Commissioners bare asked

tbe Board ol Supervisors for an additional appro¬priation.

"i 11 nv ii .li rhe Hi apani in oftenville has i",ii organised under tbe foremauship of(., ,i. -no-.'

I ...vi"- ;\--v ii i \ Mi'i-i Igged miniature abbatn ide bv I.o i, ma d win*

er contine il l_i< hm md i .i\ Jail,'i'- An mimi non tee"¦.il, tie- moue. '. |." ,,i!.

mother, ,i In needy circuiiiBi.au. -. Ketuhardt'a[athel i- an inmate ,,i the CHd >.nI¦,i -' and iSoidHome .-¦! *S wark, N. J.

Ni vv Iiiiii,i. !". .-.Mir Joseohine Show Lowell,of tba 8tate Board *'"ik iipt uti"it to tl

lUl v I","I hon -e. ll i,,t , ll, lt I'i.

105 mat. lin-. .e..- o -. nten ,1¦.ii bal n is * ei .,,1 ,. .,: v»,in im- pn -ul m'tn s, lu pi- vein diaordei arooi >¦

HUDMO.N i.'iv i.i:Eai ii: -ii h. --11 ¦. l, n

ol lc .¦ I, "ina r_ nf East! r for the preal i 87.000 OH ,,; 13

ritf.%.,! ||,r o| Latm.* s. .*-, -V Hoi -, il,-, ..1 ,i liter a 1,n.-i illueta,1 ,,. ls 1'.".. ibo it sign 1. v,hp.

1 io- Queens County im,ii. with headquurierii'at1 .t-ib lo 7\ IO ll u .., I 1.il, mu ., I,, Lave .1 meet




to-day, starting from Jerome Park, but owinithe severe frost it liss been postponed.




(iv rtstsrr nt***AWK.One effect of tho recent, action of the Tinpot

Government til (rermany against the rio.ialistsbe-u lo do away with tao only remaining organsthe party. Tho QoriontnaeUaaj appearedrnro under tho name of Vantblatt, and was subsequently BODpnin ar acain under itf pof November 9 swept offtbeeofiiji*Miii.il. Kditor*. reporlers anall received twenty-four boars'wive too countrv. ihe*.- personssimiiat opinions are expected to arrivoto-.iav by tie- steam ir bile-ia Irt aAmong them an*. Mr. Auer, an <i

Gorman Reichstag and one of the chief'ihe GmHckttgalnng: Mr. Diets, tha publish!Messrs. Praaet, Blues, Oedenbargi aud Hitbe editorial staff; and Mass, BanwanK.-utel, and Qi lota.The first Sociali

"foch: ofter the proclamation of tbe itawaa perbopa the mool proninenl and ceriboat known in Germany. Tbi* man ls WilbelK'.ni.e k,-. iii,- Berlin printer, who arrived beretthe steamer Qellert Friday. Konneeko, who ki nealntroal sixty years of atc wa* rather yoangwh*the revolution of in 18 brok.* oro. In Qtmany, bot be. nevertheless, eaponru-d tbe eonof the rev.itutioiiists with ardor, and canna e.-iiaiii ptoininciice in tlio party ol' reform. I1806 be waa appointed to represent Ibe iiitereateitbe iSoeialiatie population of Dudendorf-Magdehuiat the iii-eat Conoreaa at Eieeoaeb, For eeveive*m previous d.OO.oil ms had s|.ruiig un in ltranks of the Bftfiallata; aonaa *'f whom tte¦extreme pnnciplea of the revolutionists ol U*lwhile oilier* believed III a more ino'l'-l ate |«,,.i\Tba ohject of the Elaenanh Conoreaa wa* i

reunite tba conilictiiiir elcmerils ot the poriIt was at this meelina that Liebklic-cht UAS'imcd thviiiiial loadarahlp of tho Bocial-Dernoeroey. Nresult was achieved at the Coogreaa.other tbathat ol splitting the party more irromedioblthan In-forn. Ihe ono side bonoofortfa I**>tlio liane oi th.* ''General WorkmanI'fiion," while the other si.Io called Itself thEisenach Union. Eonneeke became a devotee onon.- of tim leaders of tbe lotter party, bis boarquarters being ai Bpoodan near Berlin. I'i.nu 187until the beginning of 1870 be tooj. no verj aetir[inrt iu the propagation of Socialietio theorkthroughout the Empire.A Tiububb reporter found Hie old man yesterda

in tbebooseofa friend inLewis-st, Koooecke isabort, slender man, bent witta ad van.iii- v> ai an

Buffering from a complaint engendered during thr.inti:,eniiii! be baa undergone. Bul his eyes sparkland his addresa i* mil of vivaeity, indieslive oi tlie I'lifhusiasl whom ueitber umnor trouble hnve bOCD able to calm. llspoke ot length in r.gar.1 to the present conditioiol' his country, but was with difficult, prev.-n;>upon to speak sboul himself. In February, 1878it appears, the police ol Berlin wera tuforiKnnnecke wa. a aobecriber to and a distr,hnioi .,f tha Gorman Kovolutiouarj abesFretkeU publiahed in London. Ilia le,on- waIii .iiiiy searched, and a number >.f cootes <.! tbii

i' pe bolt - fonnd, be was looked np for uiiml then expelled from Berlin. I- loving bia tamil*behind him, Konnccke wool to Huorrary, but tool.-ruled to rettie in Hamburg. lhere were rnmoana tot doing so without i.t-smg in tinmane of travel through Berlin. In thaiitv, where be remained Huton, night, Konneckiwaa id.nilli* .1, nml in-iiiii arrested, Durina-l\ week.-ii lenin'.!.ed in detention, and l cciVimaree prison tare. He was thou Lai-ennagistrate, who, iu cons-fjuence ol bia good anteledents, sentenced him io "only' six wooka* im-msonmeut al Plotsousee. _ rvmg a portio,i his I- in, Konni eke ri gained bia liberty, and waiilt.vveii to proceed on cia journey to Hamburgonere he received a hearty welcomirom tho Hoci.*t!ists vn general amrom tbe Uericktttfchtng in particular. Inatead ol¦eturning to bu old rocation .,1 printer, Konneckiion devoted bia time to tbe writing of revolutionari.amphlets, especially to the eomnositlon ot poetrjin political and Booie! subjects. These writing)Teated no little stu- in Government circles, a usontributed in o groot measure to ihe anbaeqnenllecrees, Eonnecke waa arreated tor the t-iird timemd waa incarcerated in the city ptisan i"i n*.ui)bree months before being brought tu trio). Tbeite waa formally a* anil ted.Th.- old veteran ol So. iaiism Intends to nbbl country only while the frontiera of hi* fatherand ore closed to him. Hiabeliel in tbo mtimatileltverance of Germany from what ba terms tbiyoke of Prince Bismarck " is Brm.Al Hie hint meeting of the New-York Countjledical Society, tbe preaident waa empowered i*ppoinl a oommittee, if neoew ary, f-i take action re-lardiuu th. n* uf .. part ol Central l'ark aa a sir.or the World's Fair. A resolution to that .il,,:,Sered bj Dr. Jacobi, emphasises th*; oeeesaity foini,ai.', ta**-aaons, of preserving toe poik intact oi jj.creation ground f,*r tbe people.


I a-a vrnu r,wi. 6 ..- Bon*au. 1-35 ICIo._fBlow.13a.17*

OSS SOU.ll epa ,-_'. .uv-.-J,.,,.(. vv * 11- rc r ii'.vv v ¦:

univ Hool... 1:111 (JOT. Jinan.!., li- il" ,4 .. -jj;v vfKK fO a iv -i- *i.

lutir Booti., lt-41Oot. i*mi)i _:0*3|Usll Gate. Ss.


101un: tanina"! pi' is-, *. ia. ruisn iusthict. i1' M.-Ki\pvit.i.K. N. V., Nov. US, IB-JO, '

In ii.tiil.il .ri e willi iv/ii iain, iis tile iron bunts nf '..nt if*i' u.i, aud ii uiaiie bivi, been takenul -.[.ar nu,e. p p ::, i,,eir p :n aa.

i ¦. i. m, .,,,.-. Hens .Viin .i r --. sUntil .!.:;¦


A um V KL',-¦.r Mitt' ter .-.. (Br), Uosre. Cardiff '.-allier. * inti* C Coia *',' , ,,. '.vu,.,,tl, ii.ai!,-r.,i. .ev _i .<

itt oa .i VV yiuiit.uil vt ie-ii _..,.an. I.ti.lae,p. Weal J -<ji.it. Vu, -v itii ititiiM-fun! pas-. li .tit..marte. Mallei, LSWSS, Pel, Wltb mdse to nj IJ,nulli

I. lii.nini. Wilmington, .\ c, ;( ,i.iv*. wittlite IO Will Y ivie A e.

I, -lo, Ld II /¦ Li¬la Vernon li Bron u .v -.

,.... a. alV" .V t'O,:,, f BoatOD), Kel'!. IIollO .lu'.v

in ,,, i.r,,. ,v .. ¦.. ...ii to Heubsui,-ii 1' P. ' "f Liverpool I, I t.iiilall. <¦ tb- nt Li 130

iniUe to vv ii Morgan.iiitrv doattro hi.it. ii 11_:.. ts inibrni, n, i>:ibtui M ti_,-4, mllUat lo .V ,v .'

lim i» iiii.i t vu, i-. i..i. cora 62 'lav*, wit- ni'.-, cargoi 'ai." bl ie* ".. [rani i lon -,, vv ii i-,.

to aiaater.Bar* a a lei ii Vu ,i .Nov.ti < ip. i'm- ii ei, iil)illa*t 10 lilli**!,. Live ,v CoBru v en!, e ..sui,, tarssn, iiavo- anya, in ballast to

,,.¦ -.-. QuI -nu. ni.ifl'i, L< bi , wiu. stij-ar to

vv ,v- i- Araairoo-f.-itu Aittiie ll,ll. .Iturr on, Di m.rain 3*J .la* .. BrttliSOSSf toii,,iv l.. ;,L. .V Ci).^'1 I,-' ' IS arrive.1 UM - .a t, LS.rllwtt lil nilli) lien*,'

*tr -vern.. (Bri, Ki ll, Hall S'or 4, wltb Bdse and a- !¦. -ai.I. p.li

ti On 17. Pslertno j:¦nu Nov -.*, I .or.:-,,iiii li, Mtwttua IO, 1-

lue i*> ile',,ii: wei to ..,, ,'i.-rr I-...iii..tit,neill lu- Ll.ta, ,'. Vi,n,., \ |,i. vv Ult Itttbioi. in.-, n ,r- \ i,m. ;,,..; ,. .¦ ,,

?ti '.ni '-in ia. iv ..., \,i.io,.. wini anise ami pm,1 '"ii :uii*ii .-t' ,i.

\f rbe if' ;-,vTii,i- vessels snell.red below csbm aa to tin-V I" i 1.

-tr I'.riHt. Hr,. Bi mon,lt. from tins',,|.*tr .Vtworn, t'aatia iBn, IIu ion, from Kew-Orison* wittlian fat lt, v al. vvhii-ii .t-riv,-I ,.1 me inn -ii with Uiatllaled si,-.mi,-lill IBU)! Hi law. nu., uti Ui.ti a in fm ;l suppl) of.1 betel,. j.r.,t.


i N.p'.i WIND.Al --ami, Book.Ugb- BWi r_0-_* aadijr. ai lid i '.ii.iii.ii.'.-ii!. (p. cloudy.

< li: tBED.itrsCltrot BrnasoUiBr). *vV%tklua, Urerpsol vu tatsiaiBU, .1.iloi ,1 !>i ile. Av.un. lu .ni iii VV,lim-iak A .ie.,.ii-.i-l Hires:, in Hetera. lliiaiol. \V n ,i,i'_,i"-ille .I SebrSBBB ap_,,w..V,,4||,, rllli'vni.v. <¦.'

Kubleweiti, iiituibtiru', vu I'lymouta -njrbOIII'K. Kn ii Inuit A: ,,. Aile.* (Br). >.. li p..ii. tv in .- ,,,iii. i'"iw" ,v e. fit ..I Bands, ll monia, llavsua au*¦"-eal.It V Va titri oe rp,ma, BltHUion, Bruce Pori.d..I 1' vue-. ,.ii, in. Da-rsett. asvanuab, lieu Youse-1,111'iL'i. -i,Mi.it Wepi ,.,m. Vu. Dui Douiiuion Ht Cn-

pu,,un;, 'i.al ital tlmore, ,:,i . v k Uulek',,,,-an-. BossrtA Mu-i-'ii Nereus, llaJieti Boatoa'I'lnioek. Mitiiiiuitan. Ki .iv. Norfolk, "l.l Li. mon mai >¦

imwiiier. mt I,-, cit* I". uBd Klelinionil. Old Dominioiie. lai, n li/, -ii,:'!,. Bon :,,,, ::., w ,., i-i |yu« ,. t ..

ei loni. Unwell, ii,unit,ore. .I a Ki ma,nap city oi Minnie,!, u ai,-ai, ilaire, Tim-i.i-, Dnahsm'a¦|ll.,'W ,V a.

t.p. Kakeds) (Nor). Kondsaa, Bilbos, liunii i-,iv,-,i-c.-ivt. Uti. iiavtaoo, yuteiipiovv n t,n ,,i,i^tp. j i' o ¦.,,,,.,... .:J.'Pii. i.v... . [oi ord .. -.,,, i..! * Cu¬

tt), I.iii.,!,-., h. Hi,I,. Inn, li Hilly* ,v I.figleaestBr , Diaucy, l'ort Kli-sltetli, >ti,,.,. w ((lim. Clanger JtoitiNorl. Koun-hnr-r, HxiuomJi Beubani

-IV,,ia. .. ,,: ll.ti.-':i, Woatpolt, I!,",rum. l»ie_ rlux _; Co Vu'Uti Br), Dye, ubarpuaaa, t inion. Kuv«Inn Koaask, il tn*-, Cbsrl.

bu, . de ii.-.-.

..nm Millet-lim Ka

l-'-le Jillie.

'' '' ! I' ',f, j ll'",i i,, .¦¦,,,. md .t loam t, l. ,. .


li, ll,,tel¦rp

IB. " ,1.H

to t-r-a5-Si6iaru»rsr*+ ^"^ .««_¦tnm^mmT"^ Wfl" *" C'°"'*1 on ^-hOBrlB. -u,«,. » , ... atIBCtf__AM_»l rt r#Mfr It'l*,'*-, (Hr. l.,l',"o,. 'r,.ri 11,11 m.,., _

en ttS txtl.li..--. »-.tl,l.p,of':',Sr,!,V ^ '"*" '!r:«**W, o,Kai* I.vnfNon, And ...,.,_ ,^

tow, wiora .mi.-I.,,i ,,,- ul. I...,. l,_,"_,7n' .I'**¦*"""-_wa. atramsfl. Mba bsa b eu ib-ckt-.. wr°-"irouBl.t^Jmm*, ni

-. >:-.-, PORT**NOV. .'l.-A..v.,i. pu |.,an,or(wn |Hf......_



a X


Icy. "'.*».A.W.


.. .| r-.tt ' -'"tip**.


Crane. 1 _.¦"!".rr.rrv N'BW i ri. "*>"*. t*_j

ll Arrive.!, .ft, ( itt ol !.«.__Into*"*. Vera Cruz; (Ii *-.liAI.IIUiUK. Nov SM.Ami

..'".I.. r.:. 'r-*l

*fr* Ki.iu (Oort, Jang r, Bremen '.-..., j_--__.M ir, 'i -itvpiiintii- r-r*t

J'liu viai-liu. Not, -': M-lie*", Mr* rt-.f - , ,.._.._j: bumi, Roasters--1 wss ****NA' al INTKLLIOKHCB

r.Rr.tWtllti BllKAKWV rm *-..-.-,-.¦po* ".ii. a,- Unit* .1 si , , ,!,;_, .,mutilation. :.,,,,.,., ,* * ¦>ife-l'nilcl SmteS rt" .;...:,' -t.irr\'n,_ .*!___to-day

/ ./ i.//.')' gfttjp 9mm, if ami. ur e.

Kidnky-Wout is n remedy which remo**--**Il Hi"!'.nt front Hie blood arel create* Ii'-af-r,v a. rioo i


'.IDXKY-W'iKTl«*n' batnors from tlie .

-rr oma. Torpi* kldnsy* ami t-r iea-1 io«*4*t_i aJDates, OuBSUpsttOO Biles are! *_¦-inn i:i-rn KtVXtl vv'r'»Ti"tlie snrent aad saleit rc.itp.t'.- o nae..[liocky Bou.taia .**»IMI'OKTANT ..Dim ion- to Kahili v: il-uts,

sag ravatsaMsMTa Utile treal wbea a friend,leo:,* ir, h.Pl KB ls bet-em nit vallie jh,;, -Iar. By raeann ol lt ao exwrtSues of twenty five y.-*r* ia nixing paach i« a.T..i.i)> _ttjfai.iuiiire. Hold be I'arL * 'lilford. Acker. Uerri.l iXtUn,an.l by grocer*, wine un Klunt* amt ornggtati evtrrwl)*-*.

Trip. IfAl i'.iw.iv Pb*.-| ti. onie *¦¦' --. ' iron-Fsa ia IBs Burke* VbtmntTem witt s iiia-n ,ii circle aroaad tb* po.i. ito amt tmii.at *» li »tnrnt rtie leal of tim Al*-.av* r, 'v i'otriwtat

voa.'>*er Mot! BOT Mill* tnt* hinda. A lit. <,r*ri,t I;,. jtjf,;. i.s.'s. prlcea. Ac, fr.--. McklMfev i-i , "" i.r->__!war nen: I'tutou-st. TI --. n i-i.-i.ii.j i, .-j.

'MD'S EXTRACT,.'. Cfl .,,.niion. i o' " fioatiand Carom*. y tkmm

IVOA LT* w:*.r: pott

Burns yy Colds aa. .m-*-**,and Y///>>

inflamnntions. *^x^AcctimuSations s-**_^>_>v -vp.*,.

Bf Ul. ?P KKHUmLunn**-,. Eyes oro' Throat * Chiibiai**..


For it.>ii*)tivi- sud .- -f CATABBII nm ma"vTAKltll (IKE. i MS4L

p>, iti'.Ci:. i-j.'..'., Ai.v- .,! ni p eparaiioi trnain UiM ol ;-. v.,'iii. .., r- ;it,'! i,r ,a

l-v.K-i.C. I'.vviv D i i Coi.' a '"ni*:..,: a: -,t.« wsbOb' "

.,- _.

I ¦******_.'-. Y.-" A fan ,' r-xnmnj

i'.t: bOnttI v V. 1*. Hr iff ,r. . Sii.ii.l-. inv,ii",i-i!e "

Dr. i. ¦¦ v "t J ¦. -¦¦ <iii' ol !a« BBbj ita i.v pracilcs."

.ton. .iv,, f uraiicua lat. secrettryof Wari ...¦_¦-of tn n-i ni-y. wroto aa far baekaa I8*ft _* --.a*.p, rli-.-iiy invaluable."Csiulet... l'""l' '". IX'KA.-1 lsso'.'l ',1,'ij ia t"jr'>,-nig

noun in ttie - -i'¬ll unsafe to ii--- ol with "-r ,'.ir.rka

lu-*!*! ,.ii !.-.iii_-*<)NI) is i;x : i;.-.i iiooas,-.. -nli-tltllte*.JO'11'- a -Nt-:w P-mrOUtl vvi-.ii II.-. :.-.-. r*uaBJp

noss, MM i'iti:!,-i..v])I_s.Read f)*_e« ll is. _] _ a

PONDI* *_*-TJCA-T CO_tPl.NV.It Wei-' lilla Stree'. New Tat*.

soto by si] DrnggBBs

Per* cns f nrai-.liiii- houses will find If ri'tvaatio itip.ii I mir n.h si vb s ol Folglofl .' ''iirraei,Also a few.Itletea <if miiistial ellar ..-lei- in I Ot___|Andiron*, andsofovibb

HALL, ^ICOLI.1 uWm,no*. ¦_«» anji n i'm* -i.*;.!:.".

.iiil'i .ti. aud .'I in ri." :.-¦¦ i.-i ot \ tislle ml W_t-iiiir a, v.'aoJa

nt nil ki.l-lS,t*J TO

S( 111,'VI.Krt. UAUTLBV A bKI *. >.

S»ffLorPositive Bargains



\o. J)21 Broadwa-f, cor. *M-4*ian i) BO. 161 l-l (' i iia\ .:..

ilav.-.'ii KMIII.i Hi.\ som." IL,H Pl IA si-.vlsi m.v N uni .i . i- \ \ i- !-.: *

il at nt tin*RAXDRBSOB '"ii BC1 .'"'.

puu of p|.V lil.p VA8-BVENin

ROY A I. our - "'.,¦A,


PORCELAIN LAMPS.Vd Union-square, \Xv-\, N- *.


B'.i OB t iivvi- v B -.*I47S«_- .7 > m.-. N- v-

. ¦.* ¦"»*".i.i at i!"i-.,p* lu ni ol ea ..

,!*..*I '-narie <

' 5,JSI ;-'*TJ,'r.**.__s

s I


. "I

ri * .-.i * -1'

OTIS I.LEVAfi".iiiOlli*. w,..,l»lfcU** A. C*»_ BA** _r-« .*'*>J_J_


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