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Locations costumes and props

This is Nicole's house we picked this because it was a central place for us all to meet and the perfect location for out thriller. On our day of filming there we dressed her house up to set our scene and used a few different rooms. They worked perfectly because it was an empty house and we could have free run of all the rooms.

This is the hall way we used for the first scene, it was ideal because we could put the camera on the tripod in many different places so that we could get the best possible angle.

This is what we used to take over the characters mind an enchanting brain washing TV screen. This conforms to the thriller genre because it builds mystery and tension. It doesn't tell the audience what’s happening but shows some kind of abnormality that is happening. We used this make a good link between the young girl and the male character Jeremy.

We used a woods near Callum's house for this part of the thriller this was the perfect location because it had walk way and trees surrounding it making it look like Nicole was the focus of the image and that nothing stood in her way. These woods blocked out some of the light and there were not many shadows. This adds to the effect we wanted to create and sets the ideal scene.

This is the room we filmed Nicole drawing and being possessed, we laid out some objects to make it look like a child’s room. These included coloring pencils and teddy bears, they dressed the scene and made it look like a natural environment for a child. We also used this room for the character Jeremy’s room where he planned his attacks and other criminal things.

This is how we dressed the room for Jeremy’s work room. We laid out some classic novels to make it look like he had been writing his plans out and also reading up on how to do certain things with his attacks. We closed the blinds and had a small reading lamp turned on to make it look like he did not want to be

disturbed. This conforms to the thriller genre because as the antagonist he would want to be left alone and not want people to find out about what he was doing and his plans. We used the little doll on the table as the voodoo doll; this added a real sense of unease and tension. It looks like a child’s toy which makes it creepier.

This is Nicole’s second costume, it was a plain white dress to begin with but we covered it in paint to make it look like she had been involved with a murder. This costume works well and conforms to the thriller genre by showing her innocence and vulnerability. Also white shows that she is the good person but trapped by the villain to commit evil things. For the blood we used water based red paint and smeared it on with a tissue and our hands, there was no real method just to make it look as natural and convincing and possible.

We wrote on Nicole’s arms messages like ‘kill’, ‘die’ and ‘help’ all these were to show that she had been possessed and she was her own person. This conforms to the thriller genre because it adds suspense and mystery to why she did that and how. In the footage you do not see her write on her arms so how did it get there?

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