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Page 1: Locust Attack: DC B’la Chairs Meeting, Discuss Various ...epaper.himalayanmail.com/admin/paper/1590770442Page 2.pdf · HIMALAYAN MAIL NEWS JAMMU, MAY 29 Director Horticulture Kashmir,


Director HorticultureKashmir, Mr. Ajaz AhmadBhat visited district Budgam& inspected various develop-mental activities started bythe department.

The Director inspected fruitplant nursery Footlipora andinstructed concerned officialsto follow strictly the SOP re-lated to Covid-19.

The Director also in-structed Chief Horticultureofficer Budgam to ensure dis-tribution of PP kits, face

masks and gloves amongnursery and other field staff.He emphasized to develop de-partmental nurseries as amodel on scientific lines sothat people are benefited byproviding quality plant mate-rial.

Later, the Director presidedover an officers’ meeting atBudgam wherein Horticul-ture Development Officerswere instructed to remainavailable for orchardists oftheir respective areas in orderto provide timely technicalguidance.

JAMMU, MAY 29:With a recent surge inCOVID-19 cases across thecountry following substan-tive relaxations in move-ment of people via air andrail routes under Lockdown4.0, it has become all themore imperative to be ag-gressive in contact tracingand surveillance, Chief Sec-retary, B V R Subrah-manyam said this while re-viewing the COVID-19mitigation efforts in theUnion Territory with allDeputy Commissioners andChief Medical Officers, hereover a video conference.

Financial Commissioner,Health & Medical Educa-tion Department, DivisionalCommissioner,Kashmir/Jammu and Di-rector, Health Services,Kashmir/Jammu were alsopresented during the inter-action.

At the outset FinancialCommissioner, Health gaveout a brief regarding thestate of readiness and theCoronavirus case scenarioin Jammu and Kashmir. Itwas revealed that with11835 tests per million pop-ulation, Jammu and Kash-

mir is highest in the coun-try. The doubling rate of17.2 days and recovery rateof around 44% in the UnionTerritory are also more thanthe National average. Fi-nancial Commissioner alsogave an account of availabil-ity of logistics including Per-sonal Protective Equip-ments (PPE), Ventilators,Nebulizers and RealtimePCR Machines among oth-ers.

Appreciating the efforts ofthe health workers and ad-ministration across all dis-tricts in dealing with theCOVID-19 pandemic, ChiefSecretary said that 48% ofall positive cases in theUnion Territory, being con-tacts, indicate highly ag-gressive contact tracing and

surveillance. Whereas, trav-ellers from different parts ofthe country amounting to32% of the total positivecases can be attributed tothe stringent policy to sam-ple, test and quarantine ofeach incoming individual tothe Union Territory, ChiefSecretary added.

Emphasising the need tomaintain a stable Coron-avirus situation in theUnion Territory, Chief Sec-retary directed the Divi-sional/Deputy Commis-sioners to judiciously utilizethe enhanced testing capac-ity through a rationale allo-cation among the districts.

Highlighting the successin identifying suspect casesamong the populationthrough the health audit-

‘Swasthya Nidhi’, Chief Sec-retary asked the DeputyCommissioners to makebest use of this initiative inorder to identify sympto-matic persons who requiretesting. He also directed theDeputy Commissioners topromote utilization of Aar-ogya Setu App amongst thepopulation.

Attributing the recentspike in cases in some dis-tricts to the influx of trav-ellers from outside J&K,Chief Secretary directed theconcernedDivisional/Deputy Com-missioners to ensure thatvery stringent movementpolicy remains in force torestrict any kind of non-es-sential inter-state move-ment.

The HimalayanMail 2JAMMU SATURDAY MAY 30, 2020NEWS

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Subrahmanyam Fridaychaired the 1st meeting ofthe Apex Committee of JalJeevan Mission (JJM),J&K.

Financial Commis-sioner, Finance Depart-ment, Financial Commis-sioner, Health & MedicalEducation Department,Principal Secretary, Infor-mation Department, Com-missioner Secretary, JalShakti Department, Secre-tary, Planning Develop-ment & Monitoring De-partment participated inthe meeting.

Principal Secretary,School Education Depart-ment and representativefrom Department ofDrinking Water and Sani-tation, GoI also attendedthe meeting through videoconference.

At the outset, Commis-sioner Secretary, Jal ShaktiDepartment gave a de-tailed presentation to themembers of the Apex Com-

mittee outlining the profileof Jal Jeevan Mission, atime bound programme toensure ‘Har Ghar Nal SeJal’ in rural households.

Under the Jal JeevanMission, a total of 10.3 lakhhouseholds will be coveredat an estimated outlay ofRs. 10,644 Crore in the 3Phases. In this regard, a re-vised action plan, targetsand time lines for comple-tion of the mission in aphased manner was givenout in the meeting. DuringPhase I, 2.3 lakh house-holds will be provided withFunctional Household Tap

Connection (FHTC) in thethree districts of Reasi, Sri-nagar and Ganderbal byMarch 2021. In Phase II,3.8 Lakh households willbe provided with FHTC in7 districts of Bandipora,Doda, Kulgam, Poonch,Samba, Udhampur andPulwama latest by Decem-ber 2021. In Phase III, 4.1lakh households will becovered in the remaining10 districts of Anantnag,Budgam, Baramulla,Jammu, Kathua, Kishtwar,Ramban, Rajouri, Kup-wara and Shopian by De-cember, 2022.

The Apex Committeealso discussed and ap-proved the Annual ActionPlan of Jal Jeevan Mission.It was conveyed during themeeting that an allocationamounting to Rs. 680Crore has been earmarkedas central share for J&Kunder JJM for financialyear 2020-21.

The Department was di-rected to take up speedyimplementation of worksunder the Jal Jeevan Mis-sion so that the pro-gramme is completedmuch before its scheduledtarget date.

Chief Secretary directs that the Jal Jeevan Mission should beimplemented rapidly: Chairs the 1st Apex Committee Meeting of JJM

Aggressive contact tracing, surveillance imperativewith recent spike in Coronavirus cases: Chief Secretary

HIMALAYAN MAIL NEWSJAMMU, MAY 29On Day 5 of resumption

of operation of domesticflights in the Union Terri-tory of Jammu and Kash-mir, 16 flights with 1652passengers on board todayarrived at Jammu and Sri-nagar Airports.

A total of 303 passengersaboard 6 regular commer-cial flights and 01 Pawan

Hans flight arrived at theJammu Airport while 9flights with about 1349 pas-sengers on board landed atSrinagar Airport today.

After arrival, all the pas-sengers were tested for theCOVID-19 virus and trans-ported to their destinationsat both the airports amidstrict observance of all nec-essary preventive proto-cols.

The Government hasmade elaborate arrange-ments for the arrival,screening, sampling andproper transportation ofthe passengers to the quar-antine centers taking spe-cial care of guidelines andStandard Operating Proce-dures (SOPs) prescribed bythe Union Ministries ofCivil Aviation and Healthand Family Welfare.

Domestic Flights operation; Day 516 flights with 1652 passengers

land at Jammu, Srinagar Airports


Ganderbal, Shafqat Iqbal,today, visited various rationstores in the district to mon-itor the free ration distribu-tion to Migrant labourers forMay and June under AtmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.

On the occasion, the Assis-tant Director Food Civil Sup-plies and Consumer Affairsinformed the DC that thereare 663 families comprising

1083 souls of migrantlabourers in the district. Hesaid 109 quintals rice, and 6quintals or both Urd andMoong dal, are being dis-tributed among the familiesfor the month of May andJune under Atma NirbharBharat Abhiyan. He saidthat 66% of ration under thisscheme is already distrib-uted among the beneficia-ries.

The DC said that the dis-trict administration has al-

ready taken slew of mea-sures to ensure that foodgrains reach every corner ofthe district during this pe-riod. He said that theprocess of the distribution offree ration for the month ofMay and June under AtmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyanshall be completed in thisweek.The Deputy Commis-sioner was accompanied byADC, Farooq Ahmad Babaand other officers of districtadministration.

Free ration distribution continues inGanderbal among beneficiaries under ANBA


In a significant move to prevent theprobable locust attack on the agricul-tural crops in the district, DeputyCommissioner Baramulla Dr G NItoo today chaired a meeting of vari-ous concerned officers to discuss var-ious measures and to devise an ac-tion plan in this regard.

Meeting was attended by ChiefHorticulture Officer, Chief Agricul-ture Officer, President Fruit MundiSopore, President Fruit growers as-sociation, representatives of pesti-cides/fertilizers association andother concerned functionaries.

On the occasion, a comprehensivediscussion on the subject was heldwherein DC stressed upon the con-cerned stakeholders to put in place aviable mechanism so that any kind ofeventuality is averted. He stressedupon the pesticide dealers to ensuresufficient stock of requisite chemicalsso that farmers may not face any in-convenience.

Meanwhile, various issues werealso discussed during the meetingwhich includes regulation on rateand quality of pesticides, ban on early

ripening chemicals and others vitalissues of public importance.

Speaking on the occasion, DC di-rected the concerned agencies to en-sure the ban of spurious pesticides inthe market and unregistered dealersso that necessary action may be ini-tiated against them.

Dr Itoo further said that a viablemechanism shall be formulated sothat marketing of early fruit varietiesis not affected during the present cir-cumstances. He assured the fruit

growers of every possible assistance atthis critical juncture. He said thatservices of cold storage owners shallalso be utilized for the purpose.

The meeting informed by ChiefAgriculture Officer that a refrigera-tor van with the capacity of 90 quin-tals will be facilitated for the trans-portation of early fruit to themarketing points. He also added thata control room has been establishedin coordination with horticulture au-thorities.

Locust Attack: DC B’la Chairs Meeting,Discuss Various Measures for its Prevention


District DevelopmentalCommissioner BandiporaRavinder Kumar Friday in-spected several locations ofmain market Bandipora inorder to take review of theimplementation of variousCOVID-19 related advisoriesespecially the fresh guide-lines issued with regard toopening of shops.

He was accompanied byAssistant CommissionerRevenue Reyaz AhmadBeigh, Nodal Officer MehrajWani, President Trade Fed-eration BandiporaShamshad Ahmad, civil so-ciety members and other se-nior officers and officials.

On the occasion, DDCstressed on shopkeepers toresume their business as perthe given guidelines, followall the guidelines and pre-cautions in view of the pan-demic and urged the peopleto use masks and social dis-tancing for their own wellbeing.

While interacting with theshopkeepers, he urged themto maintain personal hy-

giene and ensure that theyare regularly washing orsanitizing their hands andalso ask the same to the cus-tomers.

According to the order is-sued on May 25, the busi-ness establishments havebeen classified in two cate-gories –Essential-I and Es-sential-II. He said all the Es-sential-I category shopsincluding medical shops,bakery, milk, vegetable,fruit, meat and poultryshops shall remain open

daily from 9am to 5pm whilethe Essential-II shops shallremain open on alternatedays to avoid rush in themarket. All the shops shallremain closed on Sunday.

Tea stalls, eateries, restau-rants shall operate kitchensonly for home delivery offood items while barber andsaloons shall continue to re-main closed.

The DDC expressed grati-tude of the people for cooper-ating with the administra-tion in observing lockdown

and the other guidelines, Hesaid it was because of thesupport of the people thatBandipora till date has beenable to successfully fight thecorona virus pandemic Hesaid a small mistake canagain put is in trouble andhence we need not to lowerthe guard as the war contin-ues. He appealed them tofollow all the requisitenorms and guidelines per-taining to COVID-19 pan-demic so that the risk isavoided.

DDC visits Bandipora Market to inspectimplementation of fresh guidelines

Director Horti takes stock ofdevelopmental activities at Budgam


A programme was organised byseva Bharat under the leadershipof Mrs Rita David Social workerand dry ration was distributed tothe needy people at Prem nagarjammu in the presences of Mrs

Ritu Choudhary Honble corpora-tor the prominent person Presentin the distribution programmewere Rev. Shoukat Peter PresidentJ&k joint Churches fellowshipjammu, Rev. Polas Gill Coordina-tor Seva Bharat, Camres DravidBabbloo President All india Masih

seva Dal, Titus Gill Vice PresidentAll india Masih seva Dal, ShashiSotra, The Ration was given isthose poor needy people whosework has been stopped due tocovid-19 lock down the social dis-tance was maintained during theprogramme.

A programme was organised by seva Bharat

JAMMU, MAY 29:Otherwise left with no workto do in view of the ongoinglockdown, the coaches ofthe J&K Sports Council(JKSC) have been deputedon the Airport duty to assistthe medical and securitystaff.

On regular day-long duty,the team of the JKSC staff isled by the Secretary JKSC,Dr Naseem Javaid Chowd-hary.

The team included seniorHockey coach, DalbirMehta, Athletics coach,Gurcharan Singh andSwimming coach, VikasSharma as also other staffmembers of the Jammu of-fice of the JKSC.

"We feel proud to be partof the working teams to ahelp people in tough timesof pandemic when everyoneis fighting the deadly virusdirectly or indirectly," Dal-bir Mahta told SAN.

Sports Councilstaff on

Airport duty

SRINAGAR, MAY 29:Chief Engineer, Distribu-tion, KPDCL on Friday in-formed that power supply of33kv lines of STD 1st shallremain shutdown in orderto carry out necessary stabi-lization works and branchcutting of trees. In this re-gard, he said, the powersupply from 33kv lines ofHabak Bamk, HabakHazratbal, Habak Zakuraand Burzahama to receivingstations of Owanta Bhawan,Umer Hair, Ahmad Nagr,Habak, Hazratbal, Zukur,Burzhama, shall remain af-fected on may 31st from9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

While power supply from33 kv lines WanganporaBAMK, Wanganpora Khan-yar, Wanganpora Soura toreceiving stations of BAMK,Kathidarwaza, Khanyar,Rainawari, Soura andZoonimar shall remain af-fected on 1st June from9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Power shutdown inSrinagar

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