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Page 1: Logos September 26, 2015 - Bahamas Conference · should we start teaching children about tithe and ... financial stewardship is through giving in ... September 26, 2015 - Maranatha

THE LOGOS Connected:  Growing  in  Christ                                                        “Year  of  The  Pastor”  


A Weekly Publication of the South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Editor: Joan M. Scavella Sunsets: 7:02 p.m. |Volume 20, Number 39 | September 26, 2015


I have been asked this

question many times, in different

situations and

locations: “When

should we start teaching children about tithe and offering? The fact that this question is asked frequently suggests an interest on the part of many parents and Christian educators who desire to give children proper training in this very important aspect of their spiritual development. I remember my struggle in understanding the concept of returning tithe and offering. The year was 1979. I was ten years old. It started with receiving monies from my parents; usually a quarter to drop in the offering bag during the offertory. I would slip the quarter between two fingers; quickly open my hands to give the impression that I dropped the money in the bag, only saving it to buy candy. Before the offering was lifted, Malachi 3:8 was usually read by either Elder James Sands or Elder Henry Moncur, “Will a man rob God… yet ye have robbed me in TITHE and offering….” In childlike ignorance I would say, “Dey talkin stupidness! How could a man rob God? How could you go to heaven and pull a gun on God and rob Him? What is TIDE and offering? Isn’t TIDE the bleach or something that you wash clothes with? I’m poor, why does God need my quarter? If God made the whole world, why couldn’t He make His own quarter?” All manner of questions were popping up in my head. I asked my mother to explain what TIDE and offering was and how is it that we are robbing God who lives in heaven where we can’t go. After she explained her understanding to me, I realized that it’s Tithe and not ‘tide’. I also realized that the scripture said that once you returned God’s tithe and offering He would bless you and make you RICH. Here we go again, questions started popping again, “Why are we so poor?” I’m thinking of getting a job to return my tithe and offering so God will make me rich, I’m tired of being poor. It was summer. I had just graduated from primary school. Brother Gary Knowles from the Bahamas Conference visited my church and promoted their Student Colporteur program. Standing four feet one inch, I convinced my parent to let me apply for the summer job to which they agreed. Patrick, Dwayne, and I, along with my brother, Ricardo and two cousins

presented ourselves at the conference for the interview. The others were accepted and I was refused because of my height. Heartbroken, I began to cry. Pastor Neville Scavella saw me crying and intervened on my behalf telling Brother Knowles to give me a chance because of my determination. He then took us to his office and explained in detail that when we sold our books we would have to return 10% of what we made to God and to give an offering. He also told us that in addition to returning our tithe and offering, we would have to give him a dollar each day for savings of which he would return to us at the end of the year. From that day to present, I have faithfully returned a tithe and offering and I am no longer ‘poor’. In the words of Pastor Erika Puni, “The issue in Stewardship Education for children is not whether we should do it or not: it is about “when”, “how”, and “what” is the best way to do it. A splendid way for children to learn about financial stewardship is through giving in Sabbath school or morning service. They may not know the difference between tithe and offering at this time. However, this practice and our modeling through our own physical giving on a regular basis will communicate to them the importance of giving as an act of worship. How soon should we begin teaching children? In my view, we can start with them as soon as they are able to hold something in their hand. Parents that give their children ‘allowance’ should explain and teach them the concept of tithing on their ‘allowance’. Children are quick learners, and they can be taught to learn that money is a gift and blessing from God and with this blessing they are expected to return a portion of it to God as a matter of reverence and love for Him. -Mr. Dwight Brown, Stewardship Director; Hillview Seventh-day Adventist Church


An offering for Seventh-day Adventist education will be taken today, September 26, 2015. Give a liberal offering to our school. -Administration

ATCU PRAYER INITIATIVE The prayer focus of the Atlantic Caribbean Union (ATCU) for September 27 – October 3, 2015 is: Pray for an Appreciation of God’s Church. -Pastor Peter Joseph, Prayer Coordinator

HEALTH SUMMIT - 2016 All persons interested in travelling to Orlando, Florida to attend a health summit on January 13 - 17, 2016, may contact Nathelyn LaCroix at telephone 323-0610 or email [email protected]


Join us tonight as we open the third big week of the Good News Gospel Explosion with singing evangelist, Claudius Morgan. The campaign is underway at the Queen Elizabeth Sports Centre, adjacent the golf course. Services are held Sundays, Tuesdays Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. Sabbath celebrations will start at 9:00 a.m. Bring the entire family, your friends and neighbours… let us search the scriptures together, listen, and respond to the good news that will change hearts and convert minds to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. -Pastor Lynden Williams, Coordinator

RETIREES ASSOCIATION The South Bahamas Conference Retirees Association (SoBCRA) will hold its Annual Retreat on Sunday, October 18, 2015, at the Casa Al Mare' on Yamacraw Road. All retirees are invited to attend this important function of the year. For additional information, please contact Pastor N. E. Scavella (364-1460) or Pastor John Carey (324-0470). -Pastor John Carey, President; South Bahamas Conference Retirees Association


Second Quinquennial Session of the

Atlantic Caribbean Union Mission Notice is hereby given that the Second Quinquennial Session of the Atlantic Caribbean Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists will be held at the Centreville Seventh-day Adventist Church, Fifth Terrace, Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas during December 6 - 7, 2015. Registration for all delegates will begin at 1:00 p.m. and continue until 4:00 p.m. on December 6. The first meeting of the business session will be called at 5:00 p.m. The Union Mission Session is called to: 1. Receive reports from the officers and various departments. 2. Elect departmental directors to serve for the next five-year term. 3. Elect the officers for the Turks and Caicos Islands Mission.

Page 2: Logos September 26, 2015 - Bahamas Conference · should we start teaching children about tithe and ... financial stewardship is through giving in ... September 26, 2015 - Maranatha

4. Transact such other business as may be properly placed before the delegates. All duly appointed delegates are invited to be present at this Union Mission Session. Leonard A. Johnson, President Peter Kerr, Secretary


The CHAM department has postponed Reading in the Park that was scheduled for this afternoon, September 26, 2015. Further updates will be given after the crusade. -Mrs. Joan Scavella, CHAM Director


Note the Change of Venue! *Very soon our churches will all converge on the upper level of Fort Charlotte for another Community Services and Pathfinders Exhibition. This event will take place on Monday, October 12, 2015. *If your church is planning to sell food on October 12 at the exhibition site, the community services leader in each church is asked to indicate the church’s intention by emailing Pastor Craig Williams at [email protected] -Pastor Craig Williams, Community Services Coordinator

HEALTH EXPO A Health Expo is scheduled for Sunday, September 27, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at the “Good News Gospel Explosion Campaign” at the Queen Elizabeth Sports Centre. Come, have your pressure, glucose and cholesterol checked. You would also receive vital information on preventative tips that can enhance your overall health. It is free. Come along and bring a friend.

THE PUBLISHING MINISTRY The Publishing Ministry is restructuring its department to bring improvements to the life and ministry of colporteurs. We believe that the publishing ministry is a positive step which will reinvigorate our literature evangelists whose unquestionable zeal has been a major force in the promulgation of the Three Angels Messages throughout The Bahamas. The Publishing Ministry Department is seeking interested persons whose desire is to become Literature Evangelists and who are committed to making this ministry a spiritual and professional career. Applications are available at the South Bahamas Conference or from the Director. -Pastor Kent Price, Publishing Director

PRAYER RETREAT A prayer retreat is scheduled for October 30 - November 1 at the Bahamas Youth Camp. Space is limited, so register early. For additional information, call Elder David Knowles at 425-1191 or Sister Ali McIntosh at 524-1798/423-2709, * Elder Keble Dawkins is the chairman for the Prayer Retreat while Sister Karen Moss serves as the secretary. You can reach Elder Dawkins at 455-0276 -Sister Ali McIntosh, Prayer Team

SCHEDULE FOR ATV53 Friday Night 7:00 - 7:15 News Update 7:15 - 7:30 Music/and Nature Videos 7:30 - 8:00 Voices 8:00 - 9:00 Hope Sabbath School 9:00 - 9:30 Around the Conference 9:30 - 10:00 Adventist Spotlight Sabbath Afternoon 3:00 - 3:15 News Update 3:15 - 3:30 Fillers 3:30 - 4:00 Around the Conference 4:00 - 4:30 Adventist Spotlight 4:30 - 5:00 Voices


The South Bahamas Conference expresses deep sympathy to Brother Reginald Gibson, Sisters Barbara Wilson, Linda Gibson and the extended family on the passing of Sister Orville Gibson. She

was a faithful and supportive wife, mother, and most of all, a servant of God. We pray that as the family reflects on her life they will find comfort in the mighty Saviour who kept her in His Word, even in difficult times. -SBC Admin.

Winning Your Marriage Conference is coming to Nassau on November 20 - 22, 2015 with lead presenter, Pastor Howard Simon from the North Caribbean Conference of SDA, St. Croix, USVI. Other presenters include, Pastor Peter Joseph, Mrs. Patrice Williams-Gordon, Pastor Barrington Brennen, Dr. Pansy Brown, Pastor Larry Green and Pastor Asha-Dane Duncan. WINNING YOUR MARRIAGE is for all married couples regardless of race, nationality or religion. Stay tuned for further information on location, schedule and financial gifts. This is a South Bahamas Conference event. -Pastor Peter Joseph, Family Ministries Director


Experience a full day of life-altering, Holy Spirit inspired and interactive fellowship, hosted by the South Bahamas Conference Women's Ministries Department. Sister Rhonda Corrodus, of the Southeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, has been hand-picked as the vessel God uses to bring insights on the theme, "If He can use anything...He Can Use Me!" This conclave will be held at the Berea Seventh-day Adventist Church on Sabbath, October 24, 2015 from 9:30 a.m. to sunset. Women of all ages are invited to bask in "The Soaking" of the Holy Spirit. Please prepare yourselves for this awesome experience. -Mrs. Jacqueline Gibson, Women’s Ministries Director


September 26, 2015 - Maranatha & Redemption October 3, 2015 - Grants Town & Adelaide October 17, 2015 - Good News & Bethel –WM


The South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is looking for a hard-working, dedicated person to serve in the media department. Under the supervision of the Communication Director, the individual will undertake duties related to various aspects of media. A knowledge of website design will be an asset to the organization. MINIMUM CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS: • Is a practicing Christian. • Holds professional qualification, preferably

a bachelor’s degree in radio and television production from an accredited institution.

• Possesses excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

• Understands and is committed to the distinctive qualities of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring that all aspects of his/her operations support the conference’s vision and mission. Candidates may download the application form from the conference website at southbahamasconference.org and submit the completed application form along with the following:

1. copies of professional degrees 2. an audio and video production created

by the applicant 3. resume and cover letter

to: THE CHAIRMAN, SEARCH COMMITTEE OF MEDIA PERSONNEL, 135 Tonique Williams-Darling Highway, Nassau, Bahamas or mail the completed application form, copies of professional degrees, and resume to THE CHAIRMAN, SEARCH COMMITTEE OF MEDIA PERSONNEL, P.O. BOX N-356, Nassau, Bahamas no later than September 30, 2015. The committee reserves the right to reject the application of any or all applicants. -Office of the Secretariat, South Bahamas Conference


YOUTH AWARD BANQUET The Youth Ministries Department announces its Award Banquet under the distinguished patronage of Pastor and Mrs. Paul Scavella at the Melia Resort, Nassau Beach on Sunday, December 20, 2015. Tickets are available at the conference office. -Pastor Larry Green, Youth Ministries Director


Website: http://southbahamasconference.org

Have a Blessed and Wonderful Sabbath!


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