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  • 8/10/2019 Long Short Australian Equities


    Auscap Asset Management Pty Ltd

    Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund

    Information Memorandum

    Offering to Wholesale Clients7 November 2012

    Auscap Asset Management Pty Ltd ACN 158 929 143 AFSL 428014

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    Auscap Long Short Australian Equities FundInformation Memorandum - 1

    Auscap Asset Management Pty LtdACN 158 929 143 AFSL 428014

    Auscap Long Short Australian Equities FundInformation Memorandum

    7 November 2012

    The Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund is an unregistered managed investment scheme.

    This offer is limited to wholesale clients as defined by the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

    This offer is only open to investors who receive this Information Memorandum in Australia and

    does not constitute an offer in any place in which, or to any person to whom, it would not be

    lawful to make such an offer.

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    This Information Memorandum contains information about the Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund ( Fund)

    and is dated 7 November 2012. This Information Memorandum is issued by Auscap Asset Management Pty Ltd ACN

    158 929 143 AFSL 428014, the trustee and investment manager of the Fund (Auscap or the Trustee). This

    Information Memorandum is intended solely for the use of the person to whom it has been delivered ( Recipient)

    for the purpose of evaluating a possible investment in the Fund. It is not to be reproduced or distributed to any

    other person (other than professional advisers of the Recipient).

    Offers made under this Information Memorandum are made exclusively to wholesale clients, as defined by the

    Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act). This Information Memorandum is not, and is not required to be, a disclosure

    document or product disclosure statement within the meaning of the Act. This Information Memorandum may not

    contain the same level of disclosure as those documents and has not been, and is not required to be, lodged with

    the Australian Securities & Investments Commission. This Information Memorandum is not a recommendation to

    invest in the Fund and may not include all of the information that an investor needs to make an investment decision.

    Auscap does not take into account the individual circumstances of any investor, nor does it give financial product

    advice. Accordingly, investors should make their own enquiries and obtain professional legal, financial, tax and

    accounting advice before making an investment decision. An investment in the Fund is subject to investment and

    other risks, including loss of income and capital invested. Investors should read carefully the Risks of Investing inthe Fundon page 13 of this Information Memorandum.

    The information in this Information Memorandum is up to date as at the time of preparation. Auscap may amend or

    withdraw this Information Memorandum at any time and may issue a new or amended information memorandum

    from time to time. A copy of the constitution for the Fund is available from Auscap. If you are unsure about anything

    contained in this Information Memorandum or have any questions, please contact Auscap at [email protected].

    Neither Auscap nor its respective affiliates, related bodies corporate, directors, officers, employees, representatives

    or advisors (Specified Persons) accepts any liability for any loss or damage suffered or incurred by the Recipient or

    any other person or entity however caused (including negligence) relating in any way to this Information

    Memorandum including, without limitation, the information contained in it, any errors or omissions however caused

    by the Recipient or any other person or entity placing any reliance on this Information Memorandum, its accuracy or


    Other than to the extent required by law, neither Auscap nor any of its Specified Persons makes any representations

    or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information contained in this

    Information Memorandum or any other information (whether written or oral) made available to investors in theFund, and each of such parties expressly disclaims any and all liability relating to or resulting from the use of this

    Information Memorandum or such other information by the Recipient. This Information Memorandum may contain

    assumptions, opinions, estimates and forecasts. Except to the extent implied by law, no representation or warranty

    as to the validity, certainty or completeness of any of the assumptions or the accuracy of the information, opinions,

    estimates or forecasts contained in this Information Memorandum is made by Auscap or any of its Specified Persons.

    Neither Auscap nor any of its Specified Persons guarantees any rate of return of any investment in the Fund, the

    meeting of the investment objectives of the Fund, the performance of the Fund or the repayment of capital.

    The Information Memorandum was last updated on 17 February 2014.

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    Auscap Long Short Australian Equities FundInformation Memorandum - 3


    Dear Investor,

    We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund.

    The aim of the Fund is to deliver strong absolute returns that have a low correlation to the

    performance of the Australian equities market.

    The Fund will concentrate primarily on fundamental long investments and short positions, while

    also utilising a multi-strategy approach to take advantage of short term market opportunities to

    increase returns, hedge the portfolio, protect capital and minimise volatility where prudent.

    Disciplined risk management is a key aspect of our investment process.

    As the investment team, we have over 20 years combined experience in long and short investing in

    financial markets in Australia, having previously worked at Goldman Sachs, Macquarie Group and

    Merrill Lynch.

    We believe that the market environment presents opportunities from both a long and short

    perspective and have designed the Fund to best take advantage of these conditions. We are each

    significantly co-invested in the Fund, ensuring the alignment of our interests with those of our


    Our objective is to build long term compounding returns for our investors. As portfolio managers,

    we will manage investor capital in a manner consistent with the investment strategy and the

    process outlined in this Information Memorandum.

    As principals of Auscap Asset Management, we intend to develop a leading funds management

    business that has a reputation for consistent outperformance, strong risk management, a positive

    culture and integrity.

    We look forward to welcoming you into the Fund.

    Kind regards,

    Tim Carleton Matthew Parker

    Principal & Portfolio Manager Principal & Portfolio Manager

    Auscap Asset Management Auscap Asset Management

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    About this Information Memorandum 2


    Welcome Letter from the Principals 3


    Contents 5


    Fund Directory 6

    5. Fund Overview 7


    Investment Manager 8

    7. Investment Objectives & Process 9


    Risks of Investing in the Fund 13

    9. Fees and Expenses 15

    10. Investing in the Fund 17

    11. Tax Considerations 22

    12. Additional Information 24

    13. Glossary 30

    14. How to Complete the Application Form 33

    A. Application Form 35


    Additional Application Form 49

    C. Redemption Request Form 51

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    Trustee & Investment Manager

    Auscap Asset Management Pty Ltd

    ACN 158 929 143

    AFSL 428014Level 24, 9 Castlereagh St

    Sydney NSW 2000

    Phone: +61 2 8005 8120

    Email: [email protected]

    Fund Administration & Unit Registry (Administrator)

    White Outsourcing Pty Limited

    Level 3, 99 Bathurst St

    Sydney NSW 2000

    Post: GPO Box 5482, Sydney NSW 2001

    Phone: +61 2 8262 2800

    Fax: +61 2 9221 1194

    Email: [email protected]

    Prime Broker & Custodian

    Citigroup Global Markets Limited

    Citigroup Centre

    Canada Square

    Canary Wharf

    London E14 5LB England

    Phone: +44 207 986 0454


    Ernst & Young

    Ernst & Young Centre680 George St

    Sydney NSW 2000

    Phone: +61 2 9248 5555

    Fax: +61 2 9248 5959

    Legal Advisers

    Henry Davis York

    44 Martin Place

    Sydney NSW 2000

    Phone: +61 2 9947 6000

    Fax: +61 2 9997 6999

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    Auscap Long Short Australian Equities FundInformation Memorandum - 7


    This is a summary of the key features of the Fund. Investors should read the entire Information

    Memorandum for full details before investing.

    Investment Vehicle Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund (Fund), an

    Australian domiciled unregistered managed investment scheme

    Investment Manager &


    Auscap Asset Management Pty Ltd

    Fund Administrator White Outsourcing Pty Limited

    Custodian & Prime Broker Citigroup Global Markets Limited

    Investment Strategy Long/Short equities, focusing on investments in Australia

    Investment Objective To generate strong absolute returns in excess of the Benchmark

    with low correlation to the Australian equities market

    Benchmark Reserve Bank of Australia Cash Rate

    Fund Holdings Typically 25-45 positions

    Investment Horizon 3 years +

    Investor Eligibility Wholesale Clients, as defined in the Act

    Minimum Investment $250,0001

    Minimum Additional



    Commencement Date December 2012

    Management Fee 1.5% of the NAV of the Fund, plus GST 2

    Performance Fee 15% of Outperformance over the Benchmark plus GST2

    Buy/Sell Spread 0.2% / 0.2%

    Entry/Exit Fee Nil

    Applications Monthly, due 5pm 3 Business Days before the end of the month

    Redemptions Monthly, with 1 months notice

    Valuations Monthly

    Distributions Annually

    1Auscap Asset Management reserves the right to accept lower amounts from wholesale clients2

    For further information, please refer to Section 9, Fees and Expenses

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    Auscap Long Short Australian Equities FundInformation Memorandum - 8


    Auscap Asset Management Pty Ltd (ABN 11 158 929 143) (Auscapor we) is the Trustee and

    Investment Manager for the Fund. Auscap is an investment management company founded in 2012

    and based in Sydney, Australia. Auscap holds an Australian financial services licence (AFS Licence

    number 428014). Auscap was founded by Tim Carleton and Matthew Parker (the "Principals"), whohave worked together for a number of years and have considerable experience in and knowledge of

    financial markets, particularly in Australian equities. Both Tim and Matthew are substantially co-

    invested in the Fund.

    Tim Carleton

    Principal & Portfolio Manager

    Tim has over 9 years experience in the financial services industry working in investment banking

    and equities portfolio management. Tim was previously an executive director within the

    proprietary strategies team at Goldman Sachs, responsible for managing a long short Australian

    equities portfolio using Goldman Sachs proprietary funds.

    Prior to joining Goldman Sachs in 2007, Tim worked at Macquarie Bank within the Investment

    Banking Group. He was involved in significant principal transactions using Macquarie Bank fundsand in advising ASX listed companies. Tim is a CFA charterholder, has a Bachelor of Laws (Hons)

    from the University of Sydney and a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance and Economics) from the

    University of Sydney.

    Matthew Parker

    Principal & Portfolio Manager

    Matthew has over 15 years experience in the financial services industry working within equities

    trading, dealing and portfolio management. Matthew was previously an executive director within

    the proprietary strategies team at Goldman Sachs responsible for managing a long/short equity

    portfolio using Goldman Sachs proprietary funds.

    Prior to joining Goldman Sachs in 2008, Matthew spent 9 years at Merrill Lynch Australia as a

    director responsible for managing a long short equity portfolio using Merrill Lynch Australiaproprietary funds.

    Auscap Team

    Auscap uses a dual manager approach to the investment and portfolio management decision

    making process. This involves both Principals collaborating to determine significant portfolio

    investments and positions. Auscap believes the dual portfolio manager approach has considerable

    benefits in terms of idea generation, investment decision making, utilising the Principals

    complementary skills and qualities, market coverage, accountability, portfolio risk management

    and business continuity. The Principals have considerable experience in equities portfolio

    management including: the use of fundamental and technical analysis; disciplined risk analysis and

    management; conducting their own independent research across market sectors and companies;

    and leveraging relationships across a broad network of analysts, brokers and investment


    Further, Auscap has engaged top tier independent service providers to manage the prime

    brokerage, custody, fund administration, unit registry, risk reporting, accounting, legal and audit

    requirements of the business (as discussed in section 12, Additional Information). This ensures that

    best practice principles are followed in all aspects of the investment and operational management

    of the Fund.

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    Fund Details

    The Fund is a wholesale Australian domiciled unregistered managed investment scheme. Auscap is

    Trustee and Investment Manager of the Fund. Citigroup Global Markets Limited has beenappointed as Custodian and Prime Broker. White Outsourcing Pty Ltd has been appointed to

    provide fund administration and unit registry services for the Fund. The governing rules of the Fund

    are detailed in the Funds Constitution, a copy of which is available upon request from Auscap.

    Auscap, in its capacity as investment manager of the Fund, is responsible for directing the

    investment of the Fund's assets in accordance with the investment objective and the investment


    Investment Objective

    The Funds investment objective is to generate strong absolute returns in excess of the benchmark,

    being the Reserve Bank of Australia Cash Rate (Benchmark), with low correlation to equity


    Investment Strategy

    The Fund utilises an investment strategy that seeks to deliver consistent returns in excess of the

    Fund Benchmark. The Fund is an Australian equities fund that focuses on fundamental long and

    short investments while utilising a multi-strategy approach to take advantage of shorter term

    market opportunities to increase returns, hedge the portfolio, protect capital and minimise

    volatility where prudent. Disciplined risk management is a key aspect of our investment process.

    The Fund is a high conviction fund and the combined portfolio will typically have 25-45 positions,

    investing primarily in stocks in the ASX200. The Fund may be net long, short or neutral depending

    on the strategies being employed by Auscap at the time. Auscap will allocate capital in accordance

    with expected performance and risk measures.

    The Fund may hold cash so that it is in a position to take advantage of market volatility and

    compelling investment and market opportunities as and when they arise.








    Sector Review



    Identify Catalysts

    Position Size

    & Target Return



    Earnings Revision


    Changing Industry






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    Auscap Long Short Australian Equities FundInformation Memorandum - 10

    Fundamental Investment Process

    The fundamental investment process involves the following steps, which may include:

    Recognising key macroeconomic variables including growth,

    inflation, interest rates, unemployment and availability of

    finance, and their influence on business and asset prices

    Understanding global trends and themes, geopolitical and

    business cycles, reserve/central bank policies

    Identifying structural attributes of a particular industry

    including key determinants of, and current dynamics

    affecting, sector profitability

    Determining the relative value proposition between sectors

    and industries

    Reviewing Government regulatory influence and risks

    Conducting quantitative and qualitative research into and

    evaluation of: mid-cycle earnings; return on capital and

    equity; sustainable competitive advantages; strength of

    company management; capital position; and competition

    Estimating fair value and ensuring sufficient margin of safety

    between valuation and purchase/sale price

    Identifying factors that will return a stock to fair value

    Maintaining an awareness of key corporate events, lead

    indicators, momentum, extremes in sentiment or security

    mispricing due to one-off incidents

    Utilising technical indicators to gain good entry into, and exit

    out of, core positions

    Determining appropriate position size given expected

    performance, risk characteristics and stock liquidity

    Initiating positions and setting target valuations

    Constantly monitoring, evaluating and re-assessing positions

    Disciplined risk management

    In order to maximise investor returns, Auscap will take into consideration tax and income benefits,

    including franking credits, that can be passed through to Australian investors.









    Position Size &

    Target Return

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    Opportunistic Multi-Strategy Investment Process

    The opportunistic multi-strategy approach will employ a number of strategies that aim to both

    enhance returns and reduce the volatility of the Fund. Strategies may include:

    Reducing market risk and exposure during periods when the

    market looks expensive, or during periods of uncertainty, to

    reduce the volatility of, and enhance the returns for, investors

    Hedging against specific industry exposures

    Purchasing protection to mitigate tail or event risk

    Recognising and taking advantage of discrepancies between

    investment community expectations and the economic

    reality/current circumstances

    Looking to benefit from company and industry momentum as

    a result of the change in the company outlook and anchoring

    of expectations

    Identifying crowded positioning

    Recognising industries with structural changes impacting the

    sustainability of earnings; barriers to entry; profit margins;

    cost of production; and/or capital expenditure requirements

    Identifying companies within industries that are undergoing

    structural adjustments due to: technological developments;

    product competition; development of substitute products;

    changing social attitudes/behaviour; and/or regulation

    Discovery and recognition of opportunities with respect to:

    company restructurings; spin-offs; asset sales; stock splits;

    and other corporate activity

    Understanding valuation outcomes that result from

    significant announcements

    Identifying value based on changing circumstances

    Dual listed arbitrage, which involves taking advantage of

    discrepancies between a security that is listed on multiple

    exchanges and at times trades at different prices Identifying arbitrage opportunities with respect to mergers

    and takeovers, with strict conditions for a risk-arbitrage to be

    considered favourable



    Earnings RevisionsCandidates








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    Risk Management

    Strong and disciplined risk management is a key focus for the Investment Manager. The Investment

    Manager will seek to monitor and minimise risk to reduce the volatility of returns. The riskmanagement process will include:

    Daily internal reporting of portfolio risk and liquidity measures;

    Monitoring of risk parameters with automatic breach notification by the Administrator;

    Calculating and monitoring risk via internal control systems utilising aggregate, sector and

    single name exposure and scenario analysis risk management tools;

    Focusing on liquid securities where there is less pricing and liquidity risk;

    A quarterly review of the risk management processes by the Auscap board; and

    Monthly reporting of Fund returns to investors.

    Fund Instruments

    Along with Australian listed equities, the Fund may from time to time have exposure to the

    following financial products:

    Listed futures (predominantly on listed equities, trusts, funds and indices)

    Foreign exchange and related instruments (such as forwards, futures or swaps)

    Foreign listed equities, including Australian dual listed equities, fungible equities, American

    Depositary Receipts (ADRs) and pooled investment vehicles

    Derivatives (predominantly exchange traded options on listed equities, indices and on

    occasion other assets)

    At times the Fund may invest in other financial products where the Investment Manager deems it



    Derivatives may be used by the Fund for hedging and non-hedging purposes such as:

    to manage particular risks;

    to implement an investment strategy in a cost efficient manner; as a substitute for direct investment in securities; or

    to reduce risk or gain exposure to other types of investments where appropriate.


    The Fund may be geared up to 200% gross long or gross short and up to 150% net long or net short.

    Gearing has the potential to enhance both returns and losses and its use may increase the risk

    profile of the Fund. As an illustration only, if we assume the Fund has $100m in funds under

    management, the Investment Manager could implement strategies that result in the Fund having

    up to $200m of gross long positions and up to $200m of gross short positions. However, the net

    position of the Fund (the delta of gross longs less gross shorts) could never exceed $150m net long

    or $150m net short. Auscap does not intend to utilise these percentage limits on a regular basis.

    Underwriting and Sub-Underwriting

    Auscap may identify investment opportunities that involve underwriting or sub-underwriting

    arrangements. Auscap may make such investments not for the purposes of providing underwriting

    but rather for investing in accordance with the investment strategy of the Fund. Should the

    Investment Manager earn a fee for underwriting services, these fees will reduce the fees it receives

    from the Fund in the following fee calculation period.

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    Auscap Long Short Australian Equities FundInformation Memorandum - 13


    All investments have an inherent level of risk. While Auscap has established risk management and

    investment processes that seek to mitigate the risks associated with the Fund, investment in the

    Fund carries certain risks. There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective

    and investors should fully understand and be capable of assuming the risks of investing in the Fund.In deciding whether to invest in the Fund, you should consider that you may lose some or all of your

    investment, the value of your investment may go down, you could receive little or no income and

    there may be delays in repayment. The key risks outlined below do not purport to be a complete

    explanation of all the risks associated with investing in the Fund.

    Market Risk

    Market risk is the risk that the market value of a security may move up and/or down, sometimes

    rapidly and unpredictably.

    Long and Short Equity Risk

    The Investment Manager will be engaged in the purchase and short sale of securities. This means

    that investors may lose money on long positions due to unpredictable drops in a security's value orperiods of below-average performance in a given security or in the securities market as a whole.

    Conversely, investors may lose money on short positions due to unpredictable appreciation in a

    securitys value or periods of above-average performance in a security or the securities market as a


    Management Risk

    Management risk is the risk that the Investment Manager's investment strategy could fail to

    achieve the Fund's investment objective and could result in a decrease in the value of an

    investment in the Fund. The Fund is subject to management risk because it is actively managed. In

    making investment decisions for the Fund, the Investment Manager will apply the Fund s

    investment strategy, but there is no guarantee that the Investment Manager's decisions will

    produce the intended result.

    Concentration Risk

    The Fund may invest a relatively high percentage of its assets in a limited number of securities, or in

    securities in a limited number of industries, which may cause the value of the Fund's investments to

    be more affected by any single adverse economic, political or regulatory event than the

    investments of a more diversified investment portfolio.

    Liquidity Risk

    Liquidity risk arises when investments are made in securities which are traded on an infrequent

    basis, or in securities which are not traded regularly on any financial market. Should the Fund hold

    illiquid securities then it may not be able to sell them at a fair price at the time it may wish to do so.

    Foreign Currency Risk

    The Fund may have exposure to foreign assets or assets with foreign currency earnings. These

    assets and earnings may be subject to currency fluctuations between the Australian dollar and the

    currency in which the investment is denominated which may cause the value of an investment in

    the Fund to fall. The Investment Manager will evaluate foreign exchange exposure of the Fund and

    may choose to undertake transactions that aim to reduce the impact of movements in exchange

    rates on the value of the Funds assets. However, there is no guarantee that the strategy will be

    successful or that currency risks will be mitigated. It may not be possible or practicable to hedge

    successfully against currency exposure in all circumstances. The cost of hedging is an expense that

    is borne by the Fund.

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    Borrowing and Leverage Risk

    The Fund may leverage its capital, in accordance with the investment strategy (as outlined on page

    12), because the Investment Manager believes that the use of leverage may enable the Fund toachieve a higher rate of return. In order to do so, the Fund may pledge its securities to borrow

    additional funds for investment purposes. The Fund may leverage its capital through the use of

    derivatives and short sales. Leverage can magnify both the gains and losses and investors may

    experience increased volatility in the value of their investments.

    Personnel Risk

    Key personnel of the Investment Manager, who are significant to the management of the Fund and

    its underlying portfolios, may become unable or unavailable to perform their role.

    Derivatives Risk

    Derivatives are used to adjust security and portfolio risk-reward profiles and, as a result, have

    various risks attached to them. The risk of using derivatives might include: the value of thederivative failing to move in line with the underlying asset; potential illiquidity of the derivative; the

    possibility that the derivative position is difficult or costly to reverse; the derivative not performing

    as expected; premium decay over time; capital loss; or counterparty risk.

    Counterparty Risk

    Counterparty risk is the risk that the counterparty to a transaction or contract (such as a broker or

    other agent of Auscap) may default on their obligations and that the Fund may, as a result,

    experience an adverse investment outcome or liability.

    Fund Risk

    Common risks associated with most managed funds include the risk that: the Fund may be

    terminated; the fees and expenses could change; or the Trustee, or the investment professionals,could change. The Trustee has the discretion to compulsorily redeem Units. In addition, the results

    of investing in the Fund may lead to different results compared with investing directly in securities

    because of income or capital gains accrued in the Fund and the consequences of other investors

    investing in, or withdrawing from, the Fund. As the Fund has no operating history, there is no basis

    on which to predict the future performance of the Fund or its underlying portfolios.

    Legal, Regulatory & Tax Risk

    Legal, regulatory and tax changes could occur during the term of the Fund, which may adversely

    affect the Fund and its underlying investments. The value or tax treatment of an investment, or the

    effectiveness of the Fund's trading or investment strategy may be adversely affected by changes in

    government (including taxation) policies, regulations and laws, or changes in generally accepted

    accounting policies or valuation methods.

    Withdrawal Risk

    If market events reduce the liquidity of a security or asset class, the generally applicable timeframe

    for meeting withdrawal requests may not be met. It may take longer to sell these types of

    investments at an acceptable price. In addition, if an investor or a group of investors seek to make

    large withdrawals, then selling assets to meet those withdrawals may result in a detrimental impact

    on the price received by the Fund for those assets. In certain circumstances it may be necessary to

    suspend withdrawals to allow sufficient time for liquidation of assets to meet withdrawals.

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    Auscap, as Trustee and Investment Manager, is entitled to receive management fees as listed

    below. These fees are applicable as at the date of this Information Memorandum. Auscap will give

    investors prior written notice of any variation of fees or charges by the Fund.

    Management Fee

    A management fee of 1.5% per annum (excluding GST) of the net asset value (NAV) of the Fund

    accrues and is payable by the Fund to Auscap monthly in arrears. The NAV of the Fund is the value

    of all its assets less all its liabilities.

    Performance Fee

    A performance fee of 15% Outperformance (excluding GST) is payable to Auscap. The performance

    fee is referable to the Series you have invested in. Outperformance is calculated as the amount by

    which the NAV per Unit of the relevant Series exceeds the High Watermark increased by the Hurdle

    Rate. The High Watermark means, until a performance fee for that Series first becomes payable,

    the Issue Price or otherwise, the highest NAV per Unit of the Series at the beginning of any

    Performance Period. The Hurdle Rate is the Reserve Bank of Australia cash rate.

    The performance fee is calculated and accrues monthly against the relevant Series and is paid in

    arrears at the end of each half-year (Performance Period). Any accrued performance fee payable

    in respect of the Units redeemed is calculated as at the Valuation Day on which the Units are


    Performance Fee and Series Accounting

    In order to ensure that Unitholders bear the performance fee according to the actual performance

    of their Units, having regard to the different dates and prices at which such Units were acquired, a

    new Series of Units will be issued in respect of each Subscription Day.

    As soon as practicable after the last Valuation Day in each Performance Period, all Units in all Series

    which have borne a performance fee in respect of the relevant Performance Period will normally beconsolidated into a single Series, being the oldest Series of such Class to have borne a performance

    fee in respect of the relevant Performance Period. The High Watermark for all Units of the

    consolidated Series will be the NAV per Unit of that consolidated Series as at the last Valuation Day

    in the relevant Performance Period, after payment of the performance fee. If a performance fee is

    not payable for a particular Series at the end of the Performance Period, the Series will not be


    Other Fees

    Buy/Sell Spread

    Apart from the initial application for Units prior to commencement of the operation of the Fund, a

    buy/sell spread of 0.2% is charged on all applications and redemptions for the costs of acquiring

    and selling assets of the Fund to issue and redeem Units in the Fund. This is paid into the Fund tothe benefit of other Unitholders. This amount represents the expected average brokerage, clearing

    and market impact costs incurred by the Fund to accommodate the issue and redemption of Units

    in the Fund. Please see the section on Unit Pricing under Section 10, Investing in the Fund, for

    further details.

    Application Fee

    There will be no application fee for applications for Units in the Fund for the life of this Information


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    Exit Fee

    There will be no exit fee for the redemption of Units in the Fund for the life of this Information


    Goods and Services Tax

    Fees and charges quoted in this Information Memorandum are subject to GST where applicable, at

    the rate applying on the date of the fee or charge, unless otherwise stated. The Fund may be

    entitled to claim back reduced input tax credits on some of its expenses as applicable in line with

    GST legislation.

    Commission Payments

    To the extent permitted by law, Auscap may pay fees, commissions and/or trailing commissions to

    financial intermediaries who introduce capital to the Fund. Some financial intermediaries may elect

    to rebate all or some of their fee or commission and waive any trailing commission as part of their

    fee arrangement with investors. Such independent financial intermediaries are not agents ofAuscap, and Auscap is not liable for their acts or omissions.

    Soft Commissions

    Auscap may have soft commission arrangements in place with brokers and counterparties it uses to

    execute transactions. Auscap may receive a benefit based on certain metrics, such as number of

    trades executed through the respective broker or counterparty. Benefits received may include,

    among other things: research and information services; portfolio risk and trade analysis; or

    particular trade execution capabilities. While the benefits of such arrangements are generally used

    to assist Auscap in managing the Fund, Auscap is entitled to retain, and is not accountable in any

    way, to the Fund nor to any Unitholders, for soft commissions.

    Other Fees and Expenses

    The Fund will pay out of Fund assets other ordinary direct expenses such as custodial,

    administrative, accounting, registry, legal, banking and audit expenses properly incurred in respect

    of the Fund. These represent the operating expenses and outgoings in connection with the start-up

    costs and day-to-day operation of the Fund. Extraordinary expenses, such as the costs of convening

    Unitholder meetings or defending a third party claim made against the Fund, will also be paid by

    the Fund.

    Fees Waiver, Deferral or Reduction

    Auscap retains the sole discretion to elect to waive, defer or reduce any fees from time to time. Any

    such waiver, deferral or reduction will in no way affect the right to receive any fees payable. Auscap

    retains the absolute discretion to rebate, waive, defer or reduce all or any part of any fees

    applicable to Units for certain Unitholders and/or pay all or part of such fees to third parties for

    services related to the placement of Units.

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    Who can invest?

    The Fund is a wholesale fund. Unless otherwise determined by Auscap at its sole and unfettered

    discretion, only wholesale clients within the meaning of section 761G(7) or 761GA of the Act mayinvest in the Fund. Accordingly, Auscap will only accept investments in the Fund from, and transfers

    of Units to, investors who satisfy the criteria set out below.

    Under the Act, an investor is a wholesale client if the investor satisfies one of the following criteria:

    (i) the investor invests an initial amount of $500,000 or more;

    (ii) the investor has net assets of at least $2,500,000 (the investor must provide the Investment

    Manager with a copy of a qualified accountants certificate dated within the preceding two

    (2) years that certifies the required net assets);

    (iii) the investor has earned at least $250,000 per annum (gross income) for each of the last two

    (2) financial years (the investor must provide the Investment Manager with a copy of a

    qualified accountants certificate dated within the preceding two (2) years that certifies the

    required level of income); or

    (iv) the investor qualifies as a professional investor within the meaning of the Act, which


    A financial services licensee;

    A body regulated by APRA;

    A body registered under the Financial Corporations Act;

    A trustee of a superannuation fund, approved deposit fund, pooled superannuation trust

    or public sector superannuation scheme which has net assets of at least $10 million;

    A person who has or controls gross assets of at least $10 million (including any assets

    held by an associate or under a trust that the person manages);

    A listed entity or related body corporate of a listed entity;

    An exempt public authority;

    A body corporate or unincorporated body that carries on the business of investment infinancial products, interest in land or other investments and invests funds received

    following an invitation or offer to the public under section 82 of the Corporations Act;

    A foreign entity that, if established or incorporated in Australia, would be covered by one

    of the above

    Auscap will accept investments in the Fund from investors who qualify as wholesale clients

    pursuant to any amendments to the Act and Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth) from time to


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    Minimum Initial Investment

    Applications, which must be for a minimum investment of $250,000, may be made only by written

    application using the accompanying Application Form. Auscap has absolute discretion to accept or

    reject any application. A confirmation advice of the Unit holding will be issued as soon as

    practicable following the determination of the applicable unit price. Auscap may waive the

    minimum amount requirement in respect of certain investors.

    Minimum Additional Investment

    Additional investments, which must be for a minimum investment of $100,000, may be made by

    completing an Additional Application Form. Auscap may waive the minimum amount requirement

    in respect of certain investors.

    Application Acceptances

    In respect of each initial and additional investment, an investor must qualify as a Wholesale client,

    as defined under the Act. Applications are accepted at the absolute discretion of Auscap. Rejected,

    invalid or incomplete applications will be returned to applicants as soon as possible. Interest is not

    payable on rejected application monies.

    Application Process & Cut-off Times

    Applications can be made by completing the attached Application Form, or the Additional

    Application Form for subsequent additional investments, and forwarding it to the Administrator.

    Applications will generally be processed on the first Business Day of each month ("Subscription

    Day"). The Issue Price will be based on the NAV of the Fund at the immediately preceding Valuation

    Day (see Unit Pricing below). Cleared funds must be electronically transferred into the Auscap Long

    Short Australian Equities Funds Application Account no later than 5pm AEST at least three (3)

    Business Days prior to the end of the month or such earlier or later time as Auscap may determine.The Fund will retain any interest earned on any application monies. Units in the same Class issued

    on the same Subscription Day will be in the same Series. Units issued on different Subscription

    Days will be issued in different Series.

    The relevant Application Form or Additional Application Form must be received by the

    Administrator no later than 5pm AEST at least three (3) Business Days prior to the end of the month

    or such earlier or later time as Auscap may determine. Initial Application Forms and relevant

    identification documentation must be sent as originals to the Administrator. The Administrator will

    not process any new applications until it has received a properly completed and signed original

    Application Form and originals or original certified copies of applicable identification

    documentation required under Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing


    For Additional Applications, a copy of the completed Additional Application Form must be sent,faxed or emailed to the Administrator (see Fund Administrator details in the Fund Directory). If

    Unitholders choose to send Additional Application Forms by post, facsimile or email, they bear the

    risk of such requests not being received. Neither the Administrator nor Auscap accept any

    responsibility or liability for any loss caused as a result of non-receipt or ineligibility of any mail,

    facsimile notice or email or for any loss caused in respect of any action taken as a consequence of

    such instruction believed in good faith to have originated from properly authorised persons.

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    Auscap Rights

    Unitholders may be admitted to the Fund upon such terms and conditions as are permitted by

    Auscap, without the consent of any other Unitholders, which terms and conditions may differ fromthose applicable to other Unitholders on matters relating to, without limitation, notice periods, fee

    waivers, rebates or reductions and information rights. New classes of Units in the Fund may be

    established by Auscap without the approval of the existing Unitholders. However, Auscap will

    provide existing Unitholders with written notice of any classification or reclassification of their

    existing Units in the Fund.

    Unit pricing

    When money is invested in the Fund, a number of Units are allocated in the Fund. Units in the

    initial Series of Units in the Fund are issued at an Issue Price of $1.00 (the Reference Series).

    The Issue Price of a Unit issued in a subsequent Series of Units in the Fund is calculated by

    reference to:

    the NAV of the Fund as apportioned to the Reference Series, including the deduction of anyaccrued performance fees;

    dividing the result by the number of Units on issue in the Reference Series to determine the

    value of each Unit in the Series; and

    adding the buy spread per Unit.

    The buy/sell spread (being an amount added to/deducted from application/redemption unit prices

    to account for transaction costs) will amount to +0.2%/-0.2%. The buy-sell spread will apply to the

    Fund for the life of this Information Memorandum to applications received after the

    commencement of the Fund.


    Any Fund income available for distribution, less expenses, will be distributed annually, as soon as

    practicable after each 30 June or otherwise as determined by Auscap. Where a Unitholder redeemsits units, Auscap may determine the amount of the Fund net income that is referable to those

    redeemed units. Where income is referable to redeemed Units, the redemption proceeds may

    comprise capital and income in proportions determined by Auscap pursuant to the Fund

    Constitution. Auscap will notify the Unitholder of the composition of the redemption proceeds.

    For Unitholders who remain invested at a Distribution Date, Auscap will calculate distributions

    referable to each Class and Series. Distributions will be based on the Funds income for that tax

    year, after taking into account any income that may have been distributed as redemption proceeds.

    Distributions will be automatically reinvested into the Fund. Unitholders may elect to have their

    distributions paid to them as cash, or change their existing distribution option, by notifying the

    Administrator, in writing, at least thirty (30) Business Days before 30 June. Units issued for

    reinvestment of distributions will be issued at the unit price applicable on the Subscription Day

    after the distribution entitlement arises. No buy/sell spread is applied in respect of such Units.Distributions may be made up of both income and capital.

    Auscap may in its absolute discretion accept or reject a written direction from a Unitholder and is

    not required to give any reasons. Auscap reserves the right to cancel distribution reinvestments.

    Unitholders will be notified if this occurs.

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    Transfer of Units

    Transfer requests should be made in writing to the Administrator. Auscap may require transfer

    documentation to be completed by the transferor including the completion of an Application Formand/or other documentation. Units must not be sold or transferred without prior written consent

    from Auscap, which may be granted, subject to certain terms and conditions, or withheld in its sole

    and absolute discretion. Units sold or transferred without such consent may be compulsorily

    redeemed by Auscap. Unitholders should consider the taxation implications of any such transfer of



    Partial Redemption

    For a partial redemption request, instructions must specify the amount of Units or the amount to

    be withdrawn. If a partial withdrawal request will result in the Unitholder holding less than the

    minimum investment amount, Auscap may treat the redemption request as a redemption in

    respect of all of the Unitholder's Units. Redemption requests in relation to the Fund may only bewithdrawn with Auscaps consent. Auscap may determine in its discretion a minimum redemption


    Redemptions Processes and Cut Off Times

    If a Unitholder redeems Units in the Fund, Auscap will, to the extent necessary, liquidate listed

    securities it holds as long and short positions in the Fund. Auscap will use the proceeds of the

    redemption in the assets to Fund the Unitholder's request.

    Redemption requests must be submitted and received by the Administrator by 5pm AEST at least

    one month ahead of the last Business Day of each month ( "Redemption Day"). Auscap has the

    discretion to allow redemptions at other times and with longer or shorter notice periods. The

    redemption price will be the unit price as at the Valuation Day immediately preceding the

    Redemption Day. If the original request is received by the Administrator after the deadline forreceipt of requests for any particular Redemption Day, it will be treated as a request for

    redemption on the next Redemption Day.

    Unitholders will only be able to redeem Units in the Fund if they have correctly completed and

    submitted the attached Redemption Request Form, and it must be signed by the Unitholder. The

    Redemption Request Form should be sent, faxed or emailed to the Administrator (see

    Administrator details in the Fund Directory). In normal circumstances, proceeds from redemptions

    will be available within twenty (20) Business Days after the redemption has been processed.

    Redemptions will occur by way of electronic funds transfer to the nominated bank account in the

    name of the Unitholder from which the application funds derived. Normal bank charges will apply.

    If Unitholders choose to send Redemption Request Forms by post, facsimile or email, they bear the

    risk of such requests not being received. Neither the Administrator nor Auscap accept any

    responsibility or liability for any loss caused as a result of non-receipt or ineligibility of any mail,facsimile notice or email or for any loss caused in respect of any action taken as a consequence of

    such instruction believed in good faith to have originated from properly authorised persons.

    Suspension of redemptions

    Auscap may suspend the redemption of Units and the payment of redemptions if it believes that it

    is in the best interests of Unitholders as a whole. Redemption requests received during a

    suspension period will be processed at the next Redemption Day after the end of the suspension.

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    Under International Financial Reporting Standards, investments are valued at fair value. Bid and

    offer pricing is considered to be representative of fair value for listed investments. The valuationpolicy of the Fund is that listed investments are valued at the last traded price. This may lead to

    minor differences in the Fund valuation compared with the valuation performed for International

    Financial Reporting Standards at financial year end.

    Unitholder Communication

    Unitholders in the Fund will receive correspondence as outlined below.

    Unitholder Receipt

    The Unitholder receipt will set out details of the Unitholder, Subscription Day, unit price, the Unit

    Series and number of Units the Unitholder holds in the Fund upon initial or subsequent application.

    Monthly Report

    A monthly newsletter will be available to all Unitholders discussing the performance of the Fund

    with disclosure of returns during the month.

    Tax and Distribution Statements

    A taxation and distribution statement will be sent to all Unitholders at least annually.

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    Investing in the Fund has tax implications, depending upon your particular situation. Auscap

    cannot give tax advice and we recommend that you obtain professional advice on the tax

    implications of investing. This Information Memorandum provides Australian residents with

    general information only, and should not be relied upon by you as it may not relate to yourparticular situation and tax laws may have changed since the issue of this Information


    Taxation of Distributions

    The Fund is resident in Australia for tax purposes. The Fund should not generally be liable for

    income tax, as it will distribute all the income of the Fund to investors each year. Your share of

    taxable income of the Fund for each year ended 30 June should be included as assessable income

    in your tax return for each such year, even if your distribution is reinvested as additional Units in

    the Fund in the next year. Distributions may represent realised gains on disposal of investments as

    well as dividend income.

    At the end of each year investors will be sent a tax statement that will indicate the composition of

    the income distributed. This will include details of assessable income, capital gains, tax credits andany other relevant tax information to include in your tax return.

    The Fund will seek to pass on any benefits of franking credits in respect of distributions including

    franked dividends from the Fund. Investors receiving distributions including franked dividends will

    be required to include their share of dividend income and franking credits in their assessable

    income. However, investors may be denied franking credits in respect of distributions on Units

    which the investor has not owned at risk generally for a continuous period of forty five (45) days

    (ignoring the days of acquisition and disposal).

    Your assessable income for each year includes net capital gains (capital gains less offsetting capital

    losses). Any capital gains distributed by the Fund may benefit from the discount available for

    shares held on capital account for 12 months or more. This discount is currently 50% for

    individuals, and 33.3% for complying superannuation funds. The discount is not available to


    Taxation of Disposal of Units

    If you dispose of your Units in the Fund (by way of redemption or otherwise) you may be subject

    to tax on any gain arising. A discount may be available on the capital gain on Units held for 12

    months or more by individuals, trusts or complying superannuation funds.

    Foreign Tax Credits

    Australian residents are required to include in their assessable income their share of any foreign

    taxes paid by the Fund. Investors will normally be entitled to a tax credit for foreign taxes paid by

    the Fund.

    Tax File Number

    It is not compulsory for investors to provide their Tax File Number (TFN) or Australian Business

    Number (ABN) if investing on behalf of an enterprise. However, if you do not provide a TFN or

    ABN then the Trustee is required to deduct tax from any income distribution payable to you at the

    maximum personal tax rate plus Medicare levy and any other applicable government charges.

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    Australian Goods and Services Tax

    GST should not be payable on the issue and redemption of Units in the Fund and the resulting

    income distributions to investors.

    Non-Resident Taxation

    Statutory deductions of Australian withholding tax and income tax will be made from distributions

    of Australian sourced taxable income for non-resident investors. The exact amount cannot be

    determined as the rate of withholding tax depends on the type of income.

    Non-residents will only be subject to capital gains tax in Australia on the disposal of Units where


    they have an interest of 10% or more and the Fund has more than 50% attributable to

    (either direct or indirect) Australian real property; or

    the Units are used in carrying on business through an Australian permanent establishment.

    Non-residents seeking to invest in the Fund should obtain tax advice in relation to their specificcircumstances.


    Under the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), certain foreign financial

    institutions(FFIs) are required to comply with requirements discussed below in order to avoid

    imposition of a 30% United States withholding tax on payments of US income or gross proceeds

    from the sale of particular US securities, commencing in 2014. Based on the guidance available to

    date, it appears that the Fund may be an FFI. In the future the Fund may have to obtain and

    disclose information about certain US and US-owned investors to the US tax authorities and the

    Fund may also request that you provide certain information about yourself in order for the Fund

    to comply with its obligations. To the extent that all requested information is obtained, this

    withholding tax should not apply to the Fund or its investors. Although the Fund may attempt to

    take steps to avoid the imposition of this withholding tax, no assurance can be given that the Fund

    will be successful.

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    Constitution of the Fund

    The Fund is governed by a constitution which binds the Trustee and the Unitholders of the Fund

    ("Constitution"). The Constitution sets out the conditions under which the Trustee operatesand the rights, responsibilities and duties of the Trustee in respect of the Fund. In particular,

    the right of the Trustee to retire and the ability of the Trustee to charge fees and recover

    expenses are included in the Constitution.

    The Trustee may alter the Constitution in certain circumstances if the Trustee reasonably

    considers that the change will not adversely affect Unitholdersrights. Otherwise, the Trustee

    must obtain Unitholders written consent, or approval by special resolution at a meeting

    convened for that purpose. The Fund may be terminated in certain circumstances stated in its


    The Constitution contains provisions limiting the requirement of the Trustee to compensate

    Unitholders. Generally, if the Trustee complies with its duties, it will not be required to

    compensate a Unitholder for the loss unless required by law. The Constitution also contains

    provisions regarding the Trustees liabilities and rights for reimbursement out of the Fund.


    The rights of a Unitholder in the Fund are outlined in the Constitution. Subject to the other

    terms of the Constitution and this Information Memorandum, these include the right to:

    withdraw Units;

    receive income and capital distributions;

    participate in distributions upon termination or winding up of the Fund; and

    call, attend and vote at Unitholder meetings.

    Each Unit a Unitholder holds in the Fund gives that Unitholder a beneficial interest in the Fund

    as a whole, but not in any particular asset of the Fund. Holding Units in the Fund does not give

    a Unitholder the right to participate in the management or operation of the Fund.

    Classes of Units

    The Trustee may issue different classes of Units and may determine the rights, obligations and

    restrictions which will attach to the Units within each Class.

    Transfer of Units

    Please contact Auscap if you would like to transfer Units. Auscap may refuse to register any

    transfer of Units by a Unitholder without providing any reason.

    Register of Unitholders

    The register of Unitholders is maintained by the Administrator or their affiliates.

    Period and Termination of the Fund

    The Trustee may terminate the Fund in a number of circumstances provided for in the

    Constitution including on written notice to Unitholders.

    Trustees Indemnity and Liability

    The Trustee is entitled to be continually indemnified against all expenses, losses and liabilities

    that are incurred as a direct or indirect result of anything done or not done under the Fund


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    Amending the Constitution

    The Trustee may amend or replace the Constitution in accordance with the Constitution.

    Limitation of UnitholdersLiability

    The Fund Constitution provides that a Unitholders liability to the Trustee is limited to their

    investment in the Fund. However, investors should note that the courts have not finally

    determined the extent of liability of Unitholders in unit trusts.

    Further Information

    Please contact Auscap if you would like a copy of the Constitution.

    Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws

    The Anti Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) (AML Law)

    regulates financial services and transactions in a way that is designed to detect and preventmoney laundering and terrorism financing. The AML Law is administered by the Australian

    Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC).

    Under the AML Law, the Trustee is required to:

    verify a Unitholders identity before providing services and to re-identify a Unitholder if

    they consider it necessary to do so; and

    keep a record of any documentation Unitholders supply relating to the verification of

    their identity for 7 years.

    The Trustee has implemented a number of measures and controls to ensure it complies with its

    obligations under the AML Law, including carefully identifying and monitoring Unitholders. As a

    result of the implementation of these measures and controls:

    transactions may be delayed, blocked, frozen or refused where Auscap has reasonable

    grounds to believe that the transaction breaches the law or sanctions of Australia or anyother country. Applications cannot be processed unless all the necessary information is


    where transactions are delayed, blocked, frozen or refused, Auscap is not liable for any

    loss Unitholders suffer (including consequential loss) as a result of its compliance with

    the AML Law as it applies to Auscap; and

    Auscap may at times require additional information from you to assist it in this process.

    Auscap has certain reporting obligations under the AML Law and is prevented from informing

    Unitholders that any such reporting has taken place. Where required by law, Auscap and/or the

    Administrator may disclose the information gathered to regulatory or law enforcement

    agencies, including AUSTRAC.

    Conflicts of Interest

    The Trustee has established internal policies and procedures to ensure that any conflicts of

    interest arising in relation to the Fund are adequately identified and appropriately managed.

    Where the Trustee considers that a particular conflict of interest is likely to have a materially

    adverse effect on Unitholders, it will seek to implement adequate arrangements to mitigate,

    prevent and/or minimise (where practicable) adverse effects on Unitholders.

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    Privacy Policy

    Privacy laws apply to the handling of personal information by the Trustee. The Trustee may

    collect personal information about a Unitholder from their Application Form to establish andsupport the ongoing administration of their investment in the Fund, comply with Australian

    taxation laws, the Act, AML Law and other laws and regulations. It will also be used to advise

    Unitholders of new developments relevant to their investment in the Fund. For legal and

    practical reasons, the Trustee will not be able to process an application or administer an

    investment without certain prescribed information.

    The Trustee may disclose a Unitholders personal information to external parties who provide

    services to the Trustee in relation to the Fund. For example, this may include the Administrator

    or its associates, related group entities or related bodies corporate, to the extent that any of

    these are involved with the Fund, or other parties such as providers of printing or postal

    services. Otherwise the Trustee will not disclose your personal information to any other

    external party unless required by law.

    Any personal information you provide to the Administrator will be collected and handled inaccordance with White Outsourcing's privacy policy, a copy of which can be found at

    www.whiteoutsourcing.com.au or posted / emailed to you if you contact White Outsourcing on

    +612 8262 2800 or [email protected]. By submitting paperwork relating to

    your investment you consent to your personal information being collected and handled by the

    unit registry in accordance with that policy.

    You may be entitled to gain access to your personal information held by the Trustee.

    Unitholders have the right to ask the Trustee to correct information about them which is

    inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.

    Unitholders who would like access to their personal information or who have questions should

    contact Auscap at the contact details specified in the Fund Directory.

    Authorised Representatives

    Appointment of authorised representative to operate account

    You may elect to appoint an authorised representative to operate your account. The relevant

    sections on the Application Form need to be completed, including the name and signature of

    the authorised representative, the signature of the Unitholder and the date. Only Unitholders

    can appoint authorised representatives.

    By completing and lodging the relevant sections on authorised representatives on the

    Application Form you release, discharge and agree to indemnify the Trustee from and against

    any and all losses, liabilities, actions, proceedings, account claims and demands arising from the

    Trustee acting on the instructions of your authorised representative.

    You also agree that any instructions of your authorised representative to the Trustee, which arefollowed by the Trustee, shall be a complete satisfaction of the obligations of the Trustee,

    notwithstanding any fact or circumstance, including that the instructions were made without

    your knowledge or authority. You agree that if an authorised representatives instructions are

    followed by the Trustee, you and any person claiming through or under you shall have no claim

    against the Trustee in relation to the i nstructions.

    Powers of an authorised representative

    An authorised representative can, among other things:

    apply for additional Units;

    withdraw all or part of your investment; and

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    enquire as to the status of your investment and obtain copies of any statements to which

    they are entitled.

    Withdrawal payments will not be made to third parties. If a company is appointed as anauthorised representative, the powers will extend to any director and authorised officer of the

    company. If a partnership is appointed as an authorised representative, the powers will extend

    to all partners.


    If you have any queries or complaints, please contact Auscap or the Administrator in writing.

    Please refer to the contact details on page 6 of the Fund Directory. We will acknowledge your

    query or complaint in writing within ten (10) Business Days. We will then give proper

    consideration to the complaint and advise you of the outcome as soon as possible.

    Service Providers


    The Trustee has delegated some administrative functions by appointing White Outsourcing Pty

    Ltd (Whites) to provide fund administration and unit registry services. Whites is a specialist

    provider of outsourced middle and back office administration and accounting services to over

    50 clients with around $20 billion of funds under administration. White Outsourcing will

    provide administrative services including:

    Fund accounting services including trade confirmation and reconciliation;

    regulatory and administrative services;

    compliance, performance and analytical services; and

    unit pricing and registry services.

    As administrator, Whites is contactable for all application and redemption forms. Their contact

    details are listed in the Fund Directory.

    Audit & Tax

    The Trustee has appointed Ernst & Young to provide tax and audit services for the Fund. These

    services include:

    annual audit of financial statements;

    review of income tax return; and

    review of net income calculations for distributions.

    These services will be provided after the end of each Financial Year.

    Custody and Prime Brokerage

    The Trustee has appointed Citigroup Global Markets Limited (CGML) as a prime broker under

    the terms of a Customer Agreement for Australian Prime Brokerage Services (the PB

    Agreement) and Citigroup Global Markets Australia Pty Ltd (


    ) as a cash lender underthe terms of a Customer Agreement for Australian Cash Loans (the Cash Loan Agreement),

    each of CGML and CGMA are wholly owned indirect subsidiaries of Citigroup Inc. The services

    which CGML will provide under the PB Agreement include various custodial services, securities

    lending and the clearance and settlement of securities transactions. The services which CGMA

    will provide under the Cash Loan Agreement include cash financing in connection with

    transactions under the PB Agreement. CGML and CGMA, in their capacities as prime broker and

    cash lender, as applicable, will have no decision-making discretion relating to the investment of

    the assets of the Fund and will not provide any investment advice in relation to the assets of

    the Fund.

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    Under the terms of the PB Agreement, subject to CGMLs right to utilise the same described

    below, CGML will identify, record on its books and hold on a segregated basis all investments

    (and collect any dividends and other payments in respect thereto) and other assets of the Fund

    excluding cash (collectively, the Assets) in such manner that the identity and location of theAssets can be readily identified at any time as the property of a customer of CGML and

    separate from CGML's own property. Accordingly, such Assets which have not been utilised as

    described below should be unavailable to the creditors of CGML. Certain Assets may be co-

    mingled with similar assets of other customers of CGML. Accordingly, the Fund may not have

    the right to the return of specific assets but to their equivalent.

    CGML may hold Assets with a sub-custodian, depository or clearing agent (each, a "sub-

    custodian") in one or more accounts identified as belonging to customers of CGML. CGML will

    identify on its books and records all Assets held by a sub-custodian as being held for the Fund.

    CGML has undertaken to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence in the selection of any

    sub-custodian. CGML will make appropriate inquiries periodically to satisfy itself as to the

    ongoing suitability of such sub-custodian to provide custodial services to the Fund.

    The Fund has authorised CGML at any time, without prior notice to the Fund, to transfer Assets(as defined above) to the Funds separate custody account with Citibank N.A., Hong Kong

    Branch (the Prime Custody Account). Securities that are transferred by CGML from the prime

    brokerage Custody Account under the PB Agreement to the Prime Custody Account shall be

    released from the security created by the Cash Loan Agreement upon such transfer and

    accordingly shall cease to be Secured Property (as defined below). The Fund has authorised

    Citibank N.A., Hong Kong Branch, as custodian of the Prime Custody Account, to accept

    requests from CGML to re-transfer Assets and assets of the Fund comprising cash from the

    Prime Custody Account to the prime brokerage Custody Account or Cash Account, as

    appropriate, in order to meet the Funds obligations or as otherwise permitted under the PB

    Agreement and Assets so re-transferred shall again become subject to the security interest

    created by the Cash Loan Agreement upon such transfer and accordingly shall become Secured


    The Fund acknowledges that cash received by CGML for credit to the prime brokerage CashAccount either from the Fund or on the Funds behalf will be collateral for the purpose of

    securing or otherwise covering the secured liabilities under the Cash Loan Agreement and full

    ownership in such cash will be absolutely transferred to CGML, and all right, title and interest in

    and to such cash will pass to CGML outright and absolutely for the purposes of covering those

    secured liabilities. Upon such transfer CGML will become obliged, subject to and in accordance

    with the provisions of the PB Agreement to re-transfer to the Fund an equivalent amount of

    cash. CGMLs obligation will be reduced to the extent that such cash is applied in accordance

    with the security and/or close-out arrangements provided in the PB Agreement and Cash Loan


    The Fund's obligations to CGMA under and in connection with the Cash Loan Agreement will be

    secured by a first fixed charge over the Customer s right, title and interest in connection with

    the Cash Account and the Custody Account and over certain other assets (together the

    Secured Property

    ). CGML will be entitled to sell, loan or otherwise use any and all Secured

    Property in the form of securities (securities so used being referred to herein as Utilised

    Securities) and selected by CGML in its absolute discretion [provided the value of the Utilised

    Securities shall not exceed 140 per cent of the Funds liabilities and obligations under the PB

    Agreement and Cash Loan Agreement from time to time] for its own purposes or the purposes

    of any third party, and the Fund will have a contractual right against CGML for the return of

    assets equivalent to the Utilised Securities. Utilised Securities may not, therefore, be

    recoverable in full in the event of CGMLs insolvency.

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    The PB Agreement and Cash Loan Agreement provide that CGML and CGMA will not be liable

    for any loss, liability or cost incurred by the Fund as a result of any act or omission of CGML or

    CGMA unless such loss, liability or cost is caused by CGMLs or CGMAs, as applicable, own

    fraud, gross negligence, or wilful default. Neither CGML nor CGMA shall be responsible for theloss, liability or cost which the Fund may suffer or incur arising from the negligence, wilful

    default or fraud of any third party (including any executing broker, bank, agent, custodian,

    investment exchange, depositary or clearing house, but subject to the obligations concerning

    the selection of such sub-custodian described above). Neither CGML, CGMA nor any third party

    which acts on their behalf, whether an affiliate of CGML or CGMA or not, nor its directors,

    officers, servants, agents or representatives, will be liable to the Fund, except in the case of

    fraud, for any consequential loss, liability or cost which the Fund may suffer or incur arising out

    of their acts or omissions, howsoever the loss, liability or cost is caused and regardless of

    whether it was foreseeable or not.

    The Fund has agreed to indemnify CGML, CGMA and any sub-custodian, nominee or agent

    appointed by it against any loss, liability and expenses (including without limitation the costs of

    any investigation or legal proceedings) arising out of or in connection with the PB Agreement or

    Cash Loan Agreement except where arising primarily out of its or, as the case may be, such sub-custodians', nominees' or agents' own gross negligence or willful default, all as more fully

    detailed in the PB Agreement and Cash Loan Agreement. The PB Agreement and Cash Loan

    Agreement will remain in full force and effect until terminated at any time by either of the

    parties upon 3 Business Dayswritten notice to the other. CGML and CGMA are paid service

    providers to the Fund and are not responsible for the preparation of this document or the

    activities of the Fund and therefore accept no responsibility for any information in this

    document. The Fund reserves the right to change the prime brokerage, cash loan and custodial

    arrangements described above by agreement with CGML and CGMA and/or, in i ts discretion, to

    appoint additional or alternative prime broker(s), cash lender(s) and custodian(s). The Fund

    may also utilise Citi and/or other brokers and dealers for the purposes of executing transactions

    for the Fund.

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    Act The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) as amended from time to


    Administrator The administrator appointed by the Trustee, which is WhiteOutsourcing Pty Limited as at the date of this Information

    Memorandum, responsible for providing fund administration

    and unit registry services.

    AFSL Australian Financial Services Licence

    Application Form The application form included in or accompanying this

    Information Memorandum relating to the purchase of Units

    Business Day A day other than a Saturday or Sunday on which Australian

    Banks are open for general banking business in Sydney,


    Class Refers to a class of units in the Fund

    Constitution The constitution governing the Fund, as amended from timeto time

    delta The notional exposure to a security or financial instrument

    given the current price of the security or underlying asset

    Distribution Date The day on which distributions from the Fund are paid

    and/or reinvested

    Financial Year The year ending 30 June

    Fund or Auscap Fund Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund

    Half Year The six month period finishing either 30 June or 31


    hedging Transactions entered into (usually opposite transactions

    within the same asset class or market) that protect against

    adverse price movements and limit the exposure to a

    specific risk

    High Watermark The previous highest NAV per Unit in a Series immediately

    after payment of a performance fee (or if none has been

    paid, the initial Issue Price of the Units)

    Hurdle Rate The Reserve Bank of Australia Cash Rate published monthly

    Investment Manager Auscap Asset Management Pty Ltd

    ABN 11 158 929 143 AFSL 428014

    Issue Price The price at which new Units are issued

    leverage/gearing Borrowing funds or securities to increase the amount of

    capital available for investment.

    long position Holding a positive amount of an asset in the expectation that

    the value of that asset will appreciate

    management fee Has the meaning as expressed in section 9

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    NAV The net asset value of a Fund, Class or Series as referred to

    in section 9

    NAV per Class The value of the assets less liabilities attributable to the unitsof the relevant Class

    NAV per Series The value of the assets less liabilities attributable to the units

    of the relevant Series

    NAV per Unit Has the meaning as expressed in section 9

    Outperformance Outperformance is calculated as the amount by which the

    NAV per Unit of the relevant Series exceeds the High

    Watermark increased by the Hurdle Rate

    Performance Period A period in which a performance fee has accrued

    Redemption Day The first day of the month where Unitholders are able to

    redeem Units based on the preceding Valuation Day

    Redemption Price The NAV per Unit on the last Valuation Day immediately

    before the Redemption Day, adjusted for the bid or ask

    spread (if any) as calculated under the Constitution

    Reference Series The first issue of Units in the Fund

    Series Unit valuation based on different Subscription Days

    short position Borrowing an asset and then selling it in the expectation that

    the value of the asset will depreciate. The short position is

    covered by buying back the asset, theoretically at a lower

    price (but may be at a higher price) thereby crystallising a

    profit (or loss). The borrowed asset is then returned.

    Subscription Day The Valuation Day on which Units are first priced and

    application monies accepted into the Fund

    Trustee Auscap Asset Management Pty Ltd

    ABN 11 158 929 143 AFSL 428014

    Unit or Units A Unit or Units in the Fund offered under this Information


    Unitholder or Unitholders Persons who are indicated on the register of holders as the

    holder of a Unit or Units in the Fund

    Valuation Day The last day of each calendar month on which the NAV is


    Wholesale Client Has the meaning provided in the Act

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    How to Invest

    To invest in the Fund you will need to complete and sign the attached Application Form. Please note that:

    The supply of Tax File Numbers (TFN) is discretionary. It is not an offence if you decide not to supplyyour TFN. If you do not supply your TFN, however, tax will be deducted from your income earned at the

    highest marginal tax rate (plus Medicare levy) and forwarded to the Australian Taxation Office. These

    deductions will appear on your statements. A form is attached for your convenience.

    Joint applications must be signed by all applicants. Joint investments will be deemed to be held as joint


    Applications under power of attorney must be accompanied by a certified copy or the original of the

    Power of Attorney with specimen signatures.

    The minimum initial investment in the Fund is $250,000 and the minimum additional investment is

    $100,000. All investors will need to qualify as a Wholesale Client. The Trustee may vary these minimum

    investment amounts from time to time.

    Application monies should be received by 5.00pm (AEST) three (3) Business Days prior to the last calendar

    day of the month by cheque or electronic transfer to:

    Account Name: Auscap Asset Management ATF Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund

    Bank: ANZ

    BSB: 012 006

    Account number: 836165921

    Application forms received and monies received 3 Business Days prior to the last calendar day of the

    month will receive the unit price that is calculated for the next Valuation Day. Generally this unit price will

    be available within 10 Business Days of month end. Please send completed Application Forms (and cheques

    if applicable) to:

    White Outsourcing Pty Limited

    Attention: Auscap Fund Unit Registry

    GPO Box 5482Sydney NSW 2001

    How do you qualify as a Wholesale Investor

    If you are applying for Units worth $500,000 or more you will be automatically deemed a Wholesale Client

    and no additional documentation is required. If you are investing less than $500,000 and you are an

    Australian Investor, additional documentation will be required to certify that you are a Wholesale Client in

    the form of one of the following:

    1. An accountants certificate certifying that the proposed Unitholder has:

    net assets of at least A$2.5million; or

    gross income for each of the last two financial years of at least $250,000.


    2. A statutory declaration that the proposed Unitholder:

    is a trustee of a superannuation fund within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry

    (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) with net assets of at least A$10 million;

    controls at least A$10 million (including any amount held by an associate or under a trust that

    the investing entity manages);

    is a manufacturer and employs 100 or more people, or the investing entity is not a manufacturer

    and employs 20 or more people;

    holds an Australian financial services licence; or

    is a professional investoras otherwise defined in the Corporations Act.

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    Please contact Auscap if you need us to assist you in providing the appropriate documentation to certify

    that you are a Wholesale Client.

    Regular InformationFollowing acceptance of your application, you will be sent an application advice. You should check the

    details on the advice carefully and contact the Administrator, White Outsou

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