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Page 1: Looking back: open data for development camp

Open Data for Development Camp

12 and 13 May, 2011 Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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Coordinating #oddc

1700+ chat messages450+ emails400+ hours

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#oddc on Eventbrite

23 early birds 72 regular tickets 32 developer tickets 127 tickets online

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#oddc on Twitter

948 tweets in one monthbeating #iati and #opendata

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#oddc data and apps

9 data sets and apps presented 6 first releases of data 4 applications and APIs built

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The Netherlands of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Dutch development sector as a whole, are committed to transparency and innovation on the basis of open data and IATI

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a next step in a cooperation process between Dutch government and NGOs on the basis of a shared ambition

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AwarenessConnecting different actors around potential benefits

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International networkingOrganisations and people in the North and in the South dedicated to transparency

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