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Page 1: Lord of the Rings Inspired by the Galactic Centre
Page 2: Lord of the Rings Inspired by the Galactic Centre

Lord of the Rings Inspired by the Galactic

CentreS. Seymour Hedke July 09

As I was writing my book „THE GALACTIC CENTRE 2012 and the Great Waves Coming in December“, there were discoveries I had to cut out.

One of these was about a notably strong connection between the December position in the heavens of the Galactic Centre, and a much loved book I had read over and over in my childhood: Lord of the Rings.

I found that the book's author, the producer of the film and the actors were associated with this galactic force I had recently found, a force that had begun to make sense of another long time interest of mine: astrology.

The connection was quite obvious: all those involved in „Lord of the

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Rings“ had planets and placings, especially the planet Mars, in the sign Sagittarius ruling the month of December in conjunction with the Galactic Center as if they had been chosen by the galactic power to carry a message to us on Earth.

Of course most obvious was that the three parts of the film came out each December from 2001 to 2003.

The Galactic Centre is at present marking the end of a Great Year cycle on planet Earth and this is a time of great transformation as it approaches the winter solstice or 21st December position. We see this in the climate changes and natural disasters increasing now and it may well lead to a WW III. Peace was in fact destroyed in 2001 by the attack on the Twin Towers as Mars was conjunct the Galactic Centre. It led on to the Iraq War in 2003 as Mars again crossed the GC.

9/11 twin towers disaster 2001 Second

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Gulf/Iraq War 2003Both the disasters shown above also showed Mars conjunct the Galactic centre in a bow and arrow formation pointing to this area.

The story of Lord of the Rings was filmed during this time of real conflict on Earth, as Saturn transited opposite the GC and Pluto neared the GC. Even in the name „twin towers“ is paralleled in the second part of the trilogy called„The Two Towers“.

„Lord of the Rings“ was equally about a world in transition as ours is now entering and it was also threatened with destruction. In „Lord of the Rings“ there is great last battle against the forces of darkness, organized by Sauron of Mordor. Such a battle against the forces of evil is envisaged to come at the end of this age, as told in the Biblical Book of Revelation.

As I have discovered and shown in my book, transits involving the Galactic Centre, Pluto and Saturn such as came in the years 2001 to 3 and such as will come again from later in 2009 and through 2010 tend to cause wars and conflict.

For this reason and more, it was appropriate that this monumental story should be told at this time. According to some we are now approaching Armaggeddon, maybe it will come in December 2012- the date of the Mayan Prophecy and maybe it will begin before.

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Even before 2012 Mars, Saturn, and Pluto in Saturn's sign, may cause nasty risings and even wars beginning this August 2009.

Left Mars is opposite GC in August 2009 in a grand cross. A dangerous time of conflict may begin here.

and by December 2010 Mars will again conjunct the GC.

Right: chart for December 22nd 2010, Mars c. GC.

Though luckily here the square between Saturn and Pluto in Capricornconjunct the GC has passed, the square from Jupiter conjnct Uranus to Pluto. Mars and North Node conjunct the GC could cause a nasty explosive situation.

Right: December 29th 2010 again Mars c. GC, but Saturn is passed opposition to Jupiter and Uranus.

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Let us look and see how the astrological charts of J.R.R. Tolkien and others connect to the Galactic Centre.

Left J.R.R .Tolkien's natal chart: Mercury conjunct the Galactic Centre.

Tolkien's birth chart shows Mercury, planet of the story-teller and communication, conjunct the Galactic Centre with Mercury's sign of Gemini on his Midheaven with Pluto conjunct Neptune there. Many great writers live under such conjunctions and are born under these aspects1.

Yet as Tolkien was writing the story and at its end both transiting and progressed Mars were conjunct the Galactic Centre.

Right: 1954 Transit:- Mars conjunct Galactic Centre, for many months in this

year Mars moved back and forward through Sagittarius.

Mars was in Sagittarius for many months,

in the year Tolkien finished Lord of the Rings - 1954

1 The author of the recently filmed „The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe“ and „Prince Caspian“ was C.S. Lewis. He was born at this period too, with similar aspects and Moon in Gemini and wrote about another world las well – Narnia. The childen first reached this world by putting on magic rings.

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Left: Tolkien's chart progressed for 1954 as he finished„Lord of the Rings“

MARS conjunct GC

Mars and GC are in a T square to the two great planets: Jupiter and Saturn.Their opposition at the east and west angles, the angles of spring and fall equinoxes of the year suggest the battle

between good and evil that was the book's theme.

Further it reflects the aspect of 2009-10 (see the chart of August 2009) in which Saturn will again move over the Fall Equinox opposite Jupiter and Uranus moving from Pisces to Aries at the Spring Equinox, T square the Galactic Centre and Pluto. So the relevance of „Lord of the Rings“ to the time we live in is not over yet.

The Sun is conjunct Mercury in Tolkien's progressed chart and the Moon is in the sign of Mercuryl2 Gemini (the writer-messenger). The Moon is beginning to opposite the GC and helping to form a bow to the midheaven in Leo suggesting success and the achievment of a life goal.

Let us move on to look at the chart of the man that awakened this sleeping leviathon of a book to life (that brought the tears to my eyes to see on the screen)

2 Mercury has many names in myth, he is also associated with the EgyptianThoth and Hermes

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The producer of the film, Peter Jackson ,was born on 31st October

1961,3 with Sun conjunct Neptune in Scorpio, a Taurus ascendant and Moon

in Leo.

Peter Jackson progressed chart for 2002 (left) shows Sun, Mars, Mercury

and Venus conjunct GC

The grand cross suggests the immensity of the endeavour, as does Jupiter widely conjunct Saturn suggest its greateness, Jupiter is creating a half bow

to planets conjunct the GC.

Four bodies progressed in Sagittarius, and a sextile from the Moon in Aquarius emphasize the Galactic Centre. The Moon moved of course to

create a more exact sextile to the GC in the final year.

Ian McKellen - Gandalfp. Moon c. MC Sag. c. Galactic Centre.

Gandalf was played by Ian McKellen who had natally a Sagittarian ascendant 4loosely conjunct the Galactic Centre. At 62, in the year 2001, as the first part of

the trilogy came out, his Midheaven had moved into Sagittarius conjunct the

3 See www.astro.com database for natal chart.4 Ian McKellen natal 25th May 1939 21:30h. (WET/S) Burnley, GBE. S. Www.astrotheme.comgives 7° 04' Sag. Asc.

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Moon and the Galactic Centre. The GC was also trine Mercury and Saturn.

As the Moon progressed, it of course went over the Galactic centre.

This motion of bodies over the Galactic Centre often has a curious affect- it seems to open an abyss. Gandalf anyway falls down into a pit battling a fiery dragon in Moria. Myth has often portrayed the

Galactic Centre which was known about by earlier more southern cultures perhaps because more visible. They knew the

Milky Way in many forms but often as a sort of serpent dragon, even the self-eating Ouroboros dragon, the Ouroboros head and tail meet at the Galactic centre creating a ring and out of the end a beginning. The head of the fiery draon functions as a destroyer eating its tail but also as a womb birthing a

new age, life revives sfter a struggle, on a new, more highly evolved level.

A new beginning is what we can hope for from this transit of Pluto over the Galactic centre which began the year the film came out in 2001!

We are many of us battling monsters in the pit and can only hope that when this aspect is over in 2014 we will have survived the worst part of the


As the progressed Moon of Ian McKellen moved over the GC into Capricorn Gandalf the Grey is dead but Gandalf the White comes riding his

white horse Shadowfax, returning with renewed powers.

A similar story about a journey into a pit was told by a poet named Thomas Gray on the last transit of Pluto over the GC and winter solstice 250 years earlier. Thomas Gray was born on 26th December 1716 and in December

1761 he began his epic poem about the descent of Odin in to the

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Underworld: he wrote -

„Uprose the King of Men with speed

And saddled straight his coal black steed;

Down the yawning deep he road;

That leads to Hela's drear abode….“5

But what of the hero of our present tale „Lord of the



The true star of the show was however Frodo, played by Elijah Wood. His progressed chart as the first part of the trilogy came out showed a bow to the

two great planets Jupiter and Saturnand a bow to Neptune conjunct the Galactic Centre close to the Midheaven.

His picture travelled all over the world.

His Sun and Mars had progressed into Pisces ruled by Neptune, so we have a very Neptunian hero whose character is strongly influenced, and powers

drained, by carrying the ring of power. Injured by one of the black riders he also suffers recurrent pain. As the

journey goes on he becomes pale and listless and increasingly sensitive to 5 „The Descent of Odin“, Hela's abode was the abode of a terrible goddess one could asssociate with the GC

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powers others cannot see. It is difficult for normal happy people to understand the shadow our hero fell into.

His weakened pale body could remind one of someone sick with Leukemia or


AIDS and Neptune c. GC

1981 was the year that AIDS was first diagnosed, a sickness that weakens the immune system etc.This was the year Wood was born. Neptune is also about

magic and addictions, the ring has a sort of magical and addictive power

Frodo's friend and great support was Sam played by Sean Astin.

Right Sean's natal chart shows Mars conjunct the GC.

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By progression age 30 Sean Astin's chart showed a bow to the North Node with Venus in the sign of „the friend“. Or so I see Aquarius. The Moon

conjunct Mercury also suggest his role as friend and travel companion . Mars and Jupiter and Neptune are still loosely conjunct the GC but Mars in the

earthy sign of Capricorn is a more down to earth figure, in fact this mountain goat even carries his burdoned friend in the last part up the last steps of the

volcanic mount Doom.

Without Sam it would all have remained a dream. He reminds me a little of the strong figure of Ophiucus positioned just over the

Galactic Centre in the heavens.

Left: the Galactic Centre is surrounded by Sagittarius, the centaur archer, the Scorpio constellation and Ophiucus, who is carrying

and struggling with a great serpent.

The finder and carrier of the ring „the precious“ after Gollum was

Bilbo Baggins played by Ian Holm who was 80 in 2001.

Ian Holm's chart: Mercury , Venus and Mars conjunct the GC

Ian Holm was an interesting and youthful 80 year old character to

play Bilbo, held young by the

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ring. Bilbo loved his travels and adventures and this chart shows exactly the characteristics that Ian Holm's chart shows- where does reality end and

fiction begin! What perfect casting: Holm is a Sagittarius by progression with a trine to Jupiter. Mercury is also conjunct the GC, so he ( I mean his

character Bilbo) even wrote a book about his travels.

One of the most fascinating choices in the casting is that of Viggo

Mortenson for Strider, later Aragorn, the returned King.

Viggo Mortenson has natal Saturn conjunct GC close to a Sag.


I decided to write this article after looking at the chart of the King of Pop and

generally at the year 1958 when both these „kings“ were born.

Progressed chart of Michael Jackson at 50

Saturn c. GCMichael-Jackson-and-the-Galactic-


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Like the producer Peter Jackson, Viggo is born in October so that his progressed Sun moves into the royal and kingly sign of Sagittarius, just as

Jackson's did. He has a strong solar and Jupiterian influence, but Saturn in Sag. is better for a tramp, not usually a choice for a kingly role! Yet Viggo plays no ordinary king, he has been disguised most of his life as a poor traveller called Strider, he is the last of a royal line brought up by Elrond.

The city to which he will return - Gondor- has a white tree as its symbol. In myth the tree was a symbol also of the Milky Way whose root was the

Galactic Centre. In Norse myth Yggdrasil was such a tree. Sometimes the image of a tree and a monster- were


Mayan picture probably originally drawn by J. M. Jenkins, compared

here to the Milky Way. The Galactic Centre is at the base of both images. It is mouth of croc. and root of tree- yet a white tree is a nice idea more


At this time in our history, where we are reaching the end of a near 26,000 year cycle, when nearly all kings are gone from our world as also nearly all

gods, at a time when the Tropical Galactic Sagittarian Age and Vernal Pisces Age ruled by Jupiter in one or other guise, are ending and the end of the

world as we know it is coming- the poles melting at a phenomenal rate, for what do we dare to hope?

The Great Return? Some do await „the Return of the King“ as the last part of the trilogy was named. All over the world people have stories of the Return of

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a lost Golden Age ruled by a God-king , a King who has been here before and who is returning now- at the end of the world- a second coming. They

say he is Osiris, Vishnu in his avatar as Kalki, Jesus, Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan and many other names. There are some who await a New World Order and

some who await the Age of Saturn.Saturn was thrown from his throne by Jupiter many thousands of years ago, and although he has been called Satan, it seems that Saturn's fall brought

the end of the Golden Age. Viggo has Saturn in Sagittarius, what an appropriate figure he would be to signal the return of a long lost god-king –

Saturn – to his throne!Tolkien had Mercury at the winter solstice in the sign of Capricorn ruled by Saturn emphasizing this thought. The winter solstice is the

point where the age of Jupiter (Sag) changes to the age of Saturn. i

Was this a message sent to us of the coming return of Saturn to the throne? Indeed we are moving into the vernal age of Aquarius, which until recently

was ruled only by Saturn and as the tropical ages process while the constellations precess, we are moving into a Galactic Age ruled by Saturn.

Was the filming of „Lord of the Rings“ a kind of early fulfillment of the prophecy?

Viggo Mortenson as he is crowned king in the film has five bodies in

Sagittarius on the MC and a bow and arrow pointing at his Sun there

It is said that Saturn was a different kind of god-king. He was the only one to live on the Earth among his people as one of them and taught them about agriculture and other necessary things.

Viggo is certainly a more Saturnian kind of king in the film.Yet he combines all factors, the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn: for at the time of

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his being crowned in the film a bow forms to his progressed Sun in Sagittarius, perfect for the crowning of a king!

Another dream man, a Sagittarian archer in elf form, was Orlando Bloom - Legolas. I think Orlando has never looked better than in this role with his hair long and blonde and his

quiver on his back.

Orlando Bloom: Neptune right at the Midheaven in Sagittarius conjunct the GC. Also Mercury (planet of

elves) and Marsall c. GC

Right: Orlando Bloom progressed chart 2002

Ascendant and Saturn, Sun and Pluto form an arrow pointing at Neptune conjunct the GC

If you look back at Elijah Wood's chart you see that he too had

Neptune conjunct the GC, these are the dream-carriers. O and we can add another to their ranks: Arwen Evenstar or Liv Tyler.

Her progressed chart showed not only Neptune conjunct the GC but in 2003

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as she decides in the script to turn back to Rivendell to the man she loves, after a vision shows her future son, she has Moon conjunct Neptune conjunct

the womb of the galaxy: the Galactic Centre.

Her elven blood is in the summer sign of Gemini. And the bow to this sign is made by including Mercury. If elves existed truly then in the summer of the Great Year, in Gemini- or the Great Year month of June- Mercury himself is

rather elven or fairy like and many Geminian seem to

show th remnants of pointed ears!

Arwen Evenstar-Liv Tyler

has progressed Moon c. Neptune c. GC

Her name is now famous the world over, this royal elf

of Venusian beauty (Jupiter conjunct Venus in Gemini).The chart looks rather like the pendant she wore6which again is like the

winged Caduceus staff of Mercury.Unlike most of the other charts hers points up towards the Summer to the area that in the Great Year cycle represents the height of a Golden Age

before the Fall, when mortals mixed with immortals before the shadow fell. Tolkien was well read in the classics where mythologies were stored and his

story draws on our own ancient history.

6 http://www.tolkientown.com/popup_image.php/page/1/pID/395?osCsid=d7a084975e32db739584867a1f4bbe21

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In Liv Tyler's chart we see the Galactic Centre used as it should be, as the root7 of a beautiful flower that rises to its Venusian blossom above in the

summery sign of June. Yet there are two other bows, one to the fall – evening8 sign of Libra also ruled by Venus- that is both morning and evening star. Another bow points towards Saturn near the ascendant in Leo (love).

For love she is prepared to become mortal...Yet Saturn in Leo often represents a stern or forbidding circumstance often that circumstance is the


Her father Lord Elrond sees the matter differently and wishes her to leave with him and the elven folk

for the Grey Havens.

Elrond: Jupiter conjunct the Galactic centre

Jupiter is conjunct the Galactic Centre from

Capricorn ( Saturn's sign) in Hugo Weaving's chart, yet

this positioning is very fitting for Elrond. Jupiter is also planet of wise sages. A

rather more cautious, protective even pessimistic

7 The Galactic Centre area of the heavens is associated in India with an area called Mula- meaning root. Origin also of the word Muladhara- root chakra.

8 The Fall of the year is the time when dark forces win over light, when death comes to the world,the fall of the year is the same as the evening of the day in this sense. Venus leads the way of the Sun in its rising as morning star and in the evening is seen bright in the heavens as the evening star. In yearly terms the Sun rise is Taurus the Sun fall is in Libra (earlier the claws of the scorpion turned into weighing scales).

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attitude can be attributed to the added influence from Capricorn ( When one gets to be 6000 years old and with only one daughter wanting to throw her

immortality away for a mortal one can understand his concern).

More than any other planet, the influence of Mars conjunct the Galactic Centre is quite astounding in the film. Mars represents simple life energy and its struggles, the journey of the hero through all the good and bad of life. When Mars is found in the sign Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Centre one must remember that the GC is surrounded by some terrible constellations: the deadly Scorpio, Ophiucus struggling with his huge serpent and Sagittarius with his undoubtedly poisoned arrows. Then we will recognize that here the primal force is fighting its greatest battle ever. Mars is however the victorious spirit, the conqueror, faithful and true, and to a certain extent representative of Horus, Hercules and / or Jesus. Mars' glyph is the solar sphere with an arrow attached - he is the pure and fiery spirit struggling against the clutches of dark materialism.

The first day of filming was October 11th 1999 and Mars was in 26° Sagittarius, the Galactic Core was in 26° 50' Sagittarius. Cate Blanchett, who played the elven queen Galadriel, had natal Mars conjunct the GC oppposite elven Mercury in Gemini. Jean Rhys-Davis, who played Gimli the dwarf, had both Mars and the Moon in his natal chart conjunct the Galactic Centre. Dominic Monaghan, who was Merry in the film, had Mars, Neptune and the Sun all conjunct the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius.

For some of the other characters I have found no charts but I must now include the two baddies.

Andy Serkis was Gollum, in his earlier existence known as Smeagol . The

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chart of Serkis was at first disappointing for me until I accepted the importance of two often not much considered factors. First that Lilith was conjunct the Galactic Centre. In Hebrew myth she had been the first wife of Adam but became a demon. A film entitled „Lilith“ showed her rising from a muddy lake covered in grey slime and looking decidedly like a Gollum. In Serkis' chart she is in bad aspects to Pluto and Chiron.

In my charts of disasters shown in other articles, especially disasters connected to bad smells or that seemed to have been caused by some malicious intent, Lilith was strongly placed.

Even more significant than Lilith was the conjunction of the GC with the South Node called Ketu in Indian mythology. Ketu was created when Rahu , a dragon like demon, seeking to share the drink of the gods and gain immortality, disguised himself and tried to slip in to a feast as a god. He was recognized and cut in half yet as he had drunk, his two halves were immortal. His top half became the North Node of the Moon – Rahu, and the worm like tail end was Ketu which, because cut off from its mouth, had an insatiable immortal hunger or desire nature. Ketu was associated with the worst disasters (eclipses for instance).

The South Node was also in India considered to be „at home“ in the very position given to the Galactic Centre, at the beginning of the constellation Sagittarius, which is at present the end of the sign Sagittarius9.

9 In Vedic India the South Node is associated with 3° of constellation Sagittarius where the Galactic Centre is also at home and the area is considered to be the most disastrous in the heavens as the opposite area associated with the North Node and the Galactic Anti-centre is the most fortunate.

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That is where Andy Serkis' South Node was found, close to the winter solstice and just into Capricorn. This position in Capricorn I have found can

be even more disastrous.

Andy Serkis: Lilith, Moon and South Node conjunct

Galactic Centre

So we have two evil or unlucky and demonic signs conjunct the Galactic Centre. As the Moon also progresses over the South Node conjunct the Galactic Centre in Andy's chart, so his progressed aspects allowed him to slip well into

this role though we have a picture not just of evil but also of great suffering - Gollum is taken to Mordor and tortured and his seperation from his precious is torture enough.

Sagittarius is a sign associated with journeying, a restless sign, a mutable sign, Bilbo loved to travel (Mercury and Venus in Sag.) and the Fellowship of the Ring were bound in a long journey. But as the journey nears Mordor and Frodo's health weakens, we see the more Neptunian elements of suffering and the disastrous side connected to the South Node etc: through the ugly swamps filled with dead people, and unsure who to trust, with Smeagol leading, with his love of his „precious“ (Venus conjunct North Node) ending in his fall and unintentional self-sacrifice in the volcano Mount Doom as the

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Moon moved over the South Node in Capricorn (the mountain) Gollum's hunger for the precious led him to bite off the finger on which the ring was placed (South Node's hunger) and in this moment of getting what he longed for, he fell.

I believe that Capricorn, and Saturn its ruler, have a long forgotten meaning associated with the creation of a volcanic mountain of Paradise, some remember it as Eden and in the east it was Meru. Saturn was the Creator- the Architect and craftsman of the Earth, he was also known as the First Father, Ptah, Brahma, Oannes, Hephaestus.When he left his mountain left too.

Yet goats and other animals are still sacificed to the volcano deity in some parts of the world. It is interesting that Gollum's „sacrifice“ at the last moment saves the world from the gathering dark forces of Mordor and Sauron, while at the same time awakening the volcano to new life suggesting the new world being created, just as the end of our age will, I believe, be associated with volcanic eruptions necessary to create a new Earth.

The volcanoes are the true destroyer -creator, omega - alpha gods of our planet.

I see us having reached the end of a downward cycle as the Sagittarian Age of Jupiter ends in the next years and a Capricorn rising Age will begin and a new Earth will rise with it „ Atlantis“ „Mu“ „Lemuria“, the sunken continents at the equator will rise again. Volcanic gods will be needed and Saturn is such a god.

There is a fitting double personality in Andy Sergis' progressed chart-to play

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the split personality of Gollum and Smeagol: the good and peaceful Smeagol ever willing to help, is represented by the summer signs and the bow to Venus conjunct the North Node. However, the North Node may appear good but can lead to evil, usually through his tail and so as the Moon conjuncts the South Node, poor Smeagol fighting so hard against his shadow side Gollum, loses, and love for the master turns to greed for the Precious.

The other baddy, Saruman, is played by Christopher Lee, who loves such roles having been a vampire in his „childhood“, and he is really excellent at it.Interesting in his natal chart is that a Saturn conjunct Jupiter conjunct North Node bundle is placed right on the ascendant (east), but it is actually on the Fall Equinox axis of the west. So here east is west.

Good is associated with the east, Christ- Quetzalcoatl- said he would return from the east - and the ascendant represents the east where the Sun rises leading to day light or summer (good).

Yet we see here on the ascendant the planet Saturn ruling winter -dark and the signs of the west on the ascendant. Here we have a nice picture appropriate to Saruman's desertion from the side of good to that of „black magic“ , and to Sauron's - Saturn's dark side. He becomes a creator but a creator of evil monsters - the Orcs. Mars conjunct the Galactic Centre is found in his natal chart, suggesting again the hero's fight with the forces of darkness. Yet his character loses the fight.

80 years later as he plays the role of Saruman, Christopher Lee's progressed Mars is also conjunct the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius. How many such coincidences do you need to believe in the Galactic Power? It is hardly usual that a planet should 80 years later be in almost exactly the same

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place it was at birth. Lilith has moved to conjunct the South Node and create a grand cross to the GC twith Mars though, maybe that was why the actor decided to play Saruman the baddy.

Of course Mr. Lee has played many goodies too but this transit of Lilith to the South Node may have weighted the desire to play a great genius succumbing to crazed wickedness. A bow and arrow points to Jupiter but in the sign of the west – Libra.

The greatness of this chart with the natal Jupiter Saturn conjunction - gives him a giant and powerful presence - Saruman could have persuaded any lesser magician than Gandalf to follow him and the world would have been lost, again an ideal actor for the role!

Tolkien is the conductor of this great work sent to us by the Galactic Centre, and awoken with the enormous aid of Peter Jackson. Tolkien had, as we saw in his chart, the progressed Jupiter on the spring equinox, representing the east and Saturn on the fall equinox of the west.

These two giant forces of the two largest planets in our solar system opposed each other and T squared Mars conjunct the GC to meet in a final battle in his book in which the bad only serves at the end the return of good to the throne (Tolkiens Sun with Mercury is on the east side of the year in Pisces the side of the rising Sun- the sun increases- rises from the winter solstice to the summer solstice and so he believed in the victory of the good.

The eagles, birds of the Sun, save Sam and Frodo from the erupting volcano, and with a few wounds comes a new beginning, a time of Man is launched in Gondor with the crowning of the King Aragorn.

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Yet will the triumph of good and the new beginning be achieved so easily in real life for us? Is not perhaps now the time of Man actually almost over?

Saturn is a key figure to understand, for he is the marker at the winter solstice of transition from the end to the beginning. This is where the Galactic Centre is placed now – almost - and it is where Tolkien's Mercury was placed as he received the galactic message.

Saturn is the god who in earthly terms represents the Ring of power, Sauron , the volcano, Gollum and the weaknesses and failings of mankind, yet he is also Aragorn and the way to the future, he is all the players as servant of the Galactic Centre, Saturn is the good and the bad, he is omega and alpha, for with no end and disaster no new age can be born.

Certainly, whether you agree or disagree over the details of my analysis, one cannot deny the influence of the Galactic Centre in the charts of those involved in creating this film and one must truly consider that a deeper stronger message could not have been given. Also that this message was intended and not given by us but by a greater cosmic power.

I imagine that more people have seen this film than have read the ancient epics or sacred texts of our elders or the Bible from cover to cover. Yet this work found no following amongst the professors of the university where I studied: no one that mentioned this book on his or her reading list would be accepted for study there, as I was told in 1979.

Yet the times are changing and this amazing work was meant to be and has survived now reaching a wider audience than any of the other books on their

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high-nosed reading lists!


S. Seymour Hedke 8 July 2009

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iThis will undoubtedly take another 500 odd years of earth changes to complete. I suspect that Saturn rules the ascending phase of the cycle from winter solstice to summer solstice Jupiter took over for the last descending half of the Great Year.

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