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Page 1: Lore ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit...Premier’s Debating Challenge . Over the last week, eight students from Griffith Public School have competed in the first

Newsletter Griffith Public School

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

NEWSLETTER TERM 3 WEEK 5 Principal: Miss Jude Hayman Coolah Street, Griffith NSW 2680 T 6962 3199 F 6962 3451 E [email protected]

Term 3 2015 Calendar *Please note dates from week to week as there are occasionally some changes.

Week 5

Monday, August 10th Koori Eye and Hearing Screening

Tuesday, August 11th Koori Eye and Hearing Screening

UNSW Maths Test

Friday, August 14th 2.15pm K-6 Assembly

Week 6

Thursday, August 20th Yr 6 Transition to HS

Week 7

Friday, August 28th Dad’s and Donuts

P&C Father’s Day Stall

2.15pm K-6 Assembly

Week 8

Thursday, September 3rd Yr 6 Transition to HS

Friday, September 4th CARNIVALE

Week 9 Intensive Swimming Lessons

Wednesday, September 9th P&C Meeting 7pm

Friday, September 11th 2.15pm K-6 Assembly

Week 10 Intensive Swimming Lessons

Thursday, September 17th Yr 6 Transition to HS

Friday, September 18th Last day of Term 3

Term 4 Tuesday, October 6th Students return to school

Spelling Bee Finals Congratulations to all the students who participated in our school spelling bee held last Wednesday. Everyone represented our school with pride and tried their best and supported each other during the process. Congratulations to our winners; Stage 1, Lara Martin and Darrell Connellan, Stage 2, Sophia Kelsey and Joe Tora and Stage 3, Marabelle Matini Popole and Ma Agnes Anonuevo. The Stage 2 and 3 finalists will now compete at the regional finals held on Tuesday 8th September at Griffith East Public School.

Thank you to Mrs Kitchingman for reading the words and being a judge, Miss Hayman for judging, and Mrs Sarkis for being timekeeper. Thank you to Mrs Lemon for organising the Spelling Bee once again this year. Congratulations to our beautiful audiences for supporting our great spellers. It was wonderful to have family members come along and support the spellers.

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Tuesday, 11 August 2015 Term 3 - Week 5

Premier’s Debating Challenge Over the last week, eight students from Griffith Public School have competed in the first round of the Premier’s Debating Challenge. The GPS team debated against teams from Hanwood Public School and Hay Public School. The students, Jock Lander, Susan Rangiuira, Mary Magdalene Puleholoto-Nosa, Maraea Connellan, Lili Henderson-Clark, Sasha Halliburton, Jabez Tietie and Vanessa Parker, competed as two teams. Griffith Public School students won three debates, and each judge commented on how much they were improving and how willing they were to take and use advice to improve their debating skills. Unfortunately, they did not qualify to move on to the next level of the competition. A number of Year 5 students helped us on Thursday, when GPS hosted the debates, by acting as timekeepers and chairpersons, and we hope

these students will be interested in debating next year. Congratulations to all students on their efforts and behaviour over the two days of competition. Thank you to Mrs Brown for organising and judging the debates. Zone Athletics Carnival Congratulations to our students who qualified and participated in the Zone Athletics Carnival last Friday. Miss Browne and Mrs Sarkis were very impressed with everyone’s efforts and behaviour. Congratulations to Joshua Low and Mele Tuitufu who have qualified to compete at the Riverina Carnival. Thank you to Michelle McIntosh who volunteered her time all day on Friday to help run the girls’ shot put. Carnivals cannot run without the assistance of volunteers and community members. Thank you to Miss Browne for her behind the scenes organisation in the lead up to the event and to Griffith East PS for running this year’s carnival.

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Tuesday, 11 August 2015 Term 3 - Week 5

Choir Our wonderful choir has been invited to sing to the residents of the Scalabrini Village. We will be taking half of the choir this week and the other half in Week 9. We are looking forward to serenading the residents and then enjoying afternoon tea with them. Students should have received a note about this last week. If you have any queries about this, please see Mrs McWhirter.

Enrolments for Kindergarten 2016 Is your child, or a family member, coming to our school next year in 2016? Children must be 5 before July 31st, 2016, to be eligible to begin school. Please collect an enrolment from the office ASAP to assist with our planning for next year. Carnivale Food Bowls We are holding a food fair as part of our Carnivale celebrations on Friday, 4th September. All 14 countries that take part in our concert will be offering parents, children and friends, a sample of traditional food from their country. Food bowls will cost $6.00 each. Everyone who would like to participate in the food fair (including children of Griffith Public School) will need to buy a food bowl. You will visit each food stall and reuse your food bowl each time you collect a food sample. Order forms for the Carnivale Food Bowls are attached to this week’s newsletter.

There will be more order forms available from classroom teachers and the front office. Be quick to order so you don’t miss out! Intensive swimming-last week to enrol! Intensive Swimming notes went home in week 2. The cost is $45 for each student and swimming begins on Monday 7th September through until Friday the 18th September. Notes and money must be paid to the front office by this Friday, 14th August. This is a really good opportunity for your child to have great swimming lessons at a very reasonable price. Stage 2 Excursion Students in Years 3 & 4 received information last term about the excursion to Junee and Narrandera in Term 4. This overnight excursion is always a highlight for students. If you would like your child to attend, please return the permission note with a deposit of $50 to the office as soon as possible. If you would like more information please contact Mrs Parisotto. Stage 3 Excursion All students attending the Stage 3 excursion to Canberra have been sent home updated reminders about keeping payments up to date. Many thanks to parents for ensuring that they have met payment deadlines and helping significantly in the smooth organisation of such a complex excursion. The next payment of $100 is now due and will need to be paid by the end of Term 3 (Friday September 18th). Payments may be made at any time between now and the end of term and can be paid in several smaller instalments as long as the entire amount is paid by September 18th. We thank you for your cooperation. Next term there will be a smaller payment of about $30 to finalise all costs. Medical information and excursion details will be sent home later this term. If you have any queries about the excursion please contact Mrs Campbell. P&C News Thank you to the parents and teachers who ventured outdoors last Wednesday to attend our P&C meeting. We had a lot of things to talk about, and everybody’s time is greatly appreciated. Pie Drive: Hopefully you have started filling out your Pie Drive order form. Our pies are being

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Tuesday, 11 August 2015 Term 3 - Week 5

baked exclusively for us by Bertoldo’s Bakery – yummy!! If you need extra order forms, please ask at the school office. Reminder: forms and money are due back at school by the 21st August. Fathers’ Day stall: 28th August We will have a fantastic range of gifts to choose from, all for just $5! So save time and money this Fathers’ Day by supporting the P&C’s Fathers’ Day stall!! Uniform Shop: the P&C uniform shop is open every Thursday morning from 9:00 to 10:00. Come on in for jumpers, jackets, winter skirts, long pants and long-sleeved tops. Thank you to our dedicated team of helpers who volunteer their time each week in the uniform shop. Meetings: Our meetings are held in the staff room, just one Wednesday night a month during term and dates are always noted in the newsletter. Our next meeting will be on September 9th. Vanessa Clark, P&C President Jeans for Genes Day The SRC selected to participate in this year’s Jeans for Genes Day. Thank you to all who participated. $190.00 was raised.

School Canteen Wednesday 12th Cathy Thursday 13th Agnes Friday 14th Elena Monday 17th Elena Tuesday 18th Brenda Please order lunches by 9.30am. Chicken Burgers $3.50 Pluto Pups $3.00 Hot Dogs $3 Chicken Nuggets $3 Thank you, Brenda, Canteen Manager K-2 Assembly Awards Congratulations to the following students: KSI Jakoa Kelly-Carberry Losela Tuiaki Sharlee Van Zanten

KL Bobby Moore Luchia Adnum Madisyn Sarkis

KR Taimua Tuato Sila Mafi Chloe Corkery

1M Voni Ratuverebukui Katarina Halaapiapi Jaxon Tomkins

1S Lusiana Isaiah Kisa Nauer Layla Corkery

1D Mitchell Halliburton Renzo Agatep Langitoto Valeliano

2B Philip Aloniu Elizabeth Garside Aaron Browne

2M Demitri Samuelu Danny Vincent Bella Mafi

2L Fine Mafi Darrell Connellan Lena Adnum

Writer’s Award K Sharneaqua Little Yr 1 Langitoto Valeliano Yr 2 Lara Martin

Caught Being Good K Camillia Patterson Yr 1 Kizzy Moore Yr 2 Lemafoe Setefano

School Banking A reminder that school banking is every Tuesday. Please see the school office if you would like an application form to open an account for your child with the Country First Credit Union.

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Tuesday, 11 August 2015 Term 3 - Week 5

News from 2L 2L are learning about Turkey. The class have had lots of fun making Turkish pizzas from Turkish bread and certainly enjoyed sampling the final product. In art they have experimented with designing Turkish Mosaic tiles and have also created some beautiful silhouettes of Turkish sunsets.

News from 1S 1S are learning about Italy for Carnivale and last week went to Bertoldo's Bakery to watch gelato being made. They also got to see the bakers making delicious bread and cakes and were fortunate enough to bring some dough back to school which they baked and ate. YUM!

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Tuesday, 11 August 2015 Term 3 - Week 5

Griffith Netball Griffith Representative Netball selection day will be held for the following teams on SUNDAY, 6TH SEPTEMBER 2015:

9 am 12 years (born 2004) 10 am 13 years (born 2003) 11 am 14 years (born 2002) 12 pm 15 years (born 2001) 1 pm 17’s (born 1999 or 2000) 1 pm OPENS

All girls must bring a ball and a drink bottle. No representative clothing to be worn for tryouts. Nomination forms to be completed on the morning. Any questions, please call Karen Lewis on 6964 8712 or 0417 648714 Win a $5.00 Canteen Voucher Week 5 Give your newsletter to your parent or carer to read. Ask them to sign this slip and put it in the box in the front office. If your slip is drawn out at Friday’s assembly, you will win one $5 canteen voucher! Two slips will be drawn out at each assembly. Student / Family name: __________________ Parent / Carer Signature: _________________

Dads and Donuts At GPS we like to celebrate all the positive and wonderful things dads/grandfathers/uncles contribute to the lives of children. We will be having a day where dads can come in and have a donut and a cup of tea or coffee. It will be held on Friday, 28th August, at 11 am in the school hall. Please come along and share this wonderful opportunity where dads/grandfathers/uncles get to spend some quality time with their child/children.

Order some Bertoldo’s Pies and support the P&C

Family Size Pies $10 each-plain

Beef, Chicken, Pepper Steak, Apple, Custard

Order forms available at the school office. Last day for

ordering and payment is Friday 21st August for delivery at school

on Friday 11th September

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Tuesday, 11 August 2015 Term 3 - Week 5


The P&C are having a Father’s

Day Stall on


All children from K-6 will be able to purchase a gift from

the stall. There will be a variety of gifts to buy.

All gifts are $5.00 each.

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