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Page 1: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Louisa Casely-Hayford


Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility

Page 2: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


ISIS a CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility

• ISIS is the worlds leading pulsed Neutron & Muon source situated at the CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. ISIS supports an international community of around 1600 scientists in a range of scientific disciplines.

• Currently ISIS produces about 700GB of combined Neutron & Muon data each year and this figure is set to rise with the addition of a new target station.

• The ISIS Metadata Catalogue (ICAT) is a twenty year back catalogue of experiments conducted at ISIS it contains approximately 3GB of metadata which references 3TB of data.

• In order to maximise the value of data produced from the facility, it must be fully searchable.

• To address this problem, e-Science is developing numerous software solutions and ontologies are seen one of these useful approaches.

Page 3: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


Why Ontologies are a useful solution?

• Ontologies offer a powerful means to formally express the nature of a domain.

• To share common understanding of the structure of information among people

• To enable reuse of domain knowledge

• To make domain assumptions explicit

• They provide central controlled vocabularies that can be integrated into catalogues, databases, web publications and knowledge management applications

• Ontologies will facilitate searching of data by category and grouping of data into keywords across studies

Page 4: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


Building an Ontology

• Defining terms in a domain and relations between them.

– Defining concepts in the domain (classes)

– Arranging the concepts in a hierarchy (subclass-superclass hierarchy)

– Defining which attributes and properties (slots) classes can have and constraints on

their values

– Defining individuals and filling in slot values

• Involves collaboration between domain experts and ontology builders.

• Ontologies are expressed in a formal language and developed within an editing environment.

Page 5: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


A Protégé-OWL Ontology

• Classes• Individuals• Properties

A class is a concept in the domain - a class of People - a class of Pets - a class of Countries

A class is a collection of elements with similar properties.

Instances of classes- America can be an instance of the class Country.








Class Person

Class Pet

Class Country




Page 6: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


Building of the ISIS Facilities Ontology

• The ISIS facilities ontology is based on keywords in the ISIS Metadata catalogue (ICAT).

• Over 10,000 keywords housed in ICAT and many are synonyms.

• Keywords in ICAT were grouped into 5 main categories:

1. Datafile name2. Instrument3. Investigation title4. Investigator 5. Year

Examples of keywords in these five categories are:

• HRP00145.RAW - a datafile name.

• HRPD - a High Resolution Powder Diffractometer one of the many instruments used in experiments at the ISIS facility.

• Hydrazinium - an investigation title, chemical names and compounds were used as investigation titles of experiments in ICAT.

• 1986 - the year in which a particular experiment was conducted

• JINR (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) - the name of an investigator.

Page 7: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


ISIS Facilities Ontology Hierarchy

Page 8: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


Class ISISExperiment

Class DataFile

Class Year



Class Instrument

Class InvestigatorHRP00145.RAW


Pete Jones


Class CrystallographyGroupExperiment


HydraziniumClass InvestigationTitle



Protein Crystallography GroupExperiment

ISIS Facilities Ontology

Page 9: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


Page 10: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


ISIS Online Proposal System

• Scientists can submit applications for beamtime at ISIS through an online application form which is known as the ISIS Online Proposal System

• The ICAT(Metadata catalog) not only holds the 20 year back catalog of data, but will also hold data from approved proposals and data generated from experiments conducted at ISIS

• Three separate modular ontologies for Sample, Investigator and Experiment are being developed to mark up the Proposal system

• These ontologies are partly based on the proposal system database schema

Page 11: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


Sample, Investigator and Experiment Ontologies

Sample Investigator Experiment

Page 12: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford



• Consensus on Concepts modelled in the ISIS Facilities ontology, was achieved through a series of interviews with domain experts.

• During the design and creation process, there was a difficulty in sharing current versions of the ontology with our collaborators at ISIS.

• This is because to view the hierarchical structure of the ontology, scientists would have to download and install Protégé locally.

• The Ontology Maintainer was developed to facilitate the community in remotely viewing current versions of the ontology.

Page 13: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


Screen Shot of OntoMaintainer

Page 14: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


Benefits of OntoMaintainer

• It is easily accessible because it is available over the web

• Allows domain experts to contribute towards the maintenance of the ontologies

• Encourages collaboration between domain experts (scientists) and ontology builders by allowing members of the community to be involved in the development and maintenance of ontologies

• Makes collaboration between domain experts and ontology builders more efficient

Page 15: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


Future Work

• Completion of Sample, Investigator, Experiment and ISIS Facilities Ontologies

• Ontology Maintainer will be improved through the addition of properties to enable relationships between individuals in classes to be shown.

• Graphical view of hierarchies of the ontology will be added to the user interface of the Ontology Maintainer.

• Tree hierarchy will be made more dynamic through automatic updating of classes.

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Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford



• Ontologies to mark up the ICAT back catalogue and new approved studies submitted through Online Proposal System to improve the search and navigation of data and search of concepts across scientific disciplines.

• Ontology Maintainer will facilitate the process of creating and maintaining ontologies by providing a means of getting feedback directly from domain experts.

• Major challenge scope, modularity and integration of ontologies.

Page 17: Louisa Casely-Hayford e-Science Ontologies & Ontology tools for the CCLRC Neutron & Muon Facility.

Presenter Name

Facility NameLouisa Casely-Hayford


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