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I now feel the need to finally spill my guts allover you, you do after all deserve to know exactly why I have had to peel you off my body and mind, like a parasite who has been feasting on me for much too long.


For a long time we were Siamese twins, now I am standing here alone with my blood warm, thick and slowly running down my skin making me feel insanely alive. Once I cared for you so deeply, here I am dragging my post other half’s eyelids open with my yellow fingernails, spitting him right in the eye, then smiling with relief.


Moving right on to the worse times. Especially those when I woke up from an excruciating pain in my chest, as if you overnight had transformed into a 400 kg beast, sitting on top of me. It felt as if you were set to crush my ribcage which would stab the organs it once was protecting and continue on to cut through my spine as if it was made from shit.

I guess what I am trying to say is that we have grown apart. It is time to explore new habits and addictions, for you to be a legless parasite to someone else. I do not regret our time, we grew up together and regrets are as useless as foul excuses. I do wish I had taken action sooner, ever since I started realized you are just no doing it for me anymore.


We had plenty of good times too my darling, don’t get me wrong! You were always by my side on glorious adventures, leaving pieces of you allover my pieces. We set cities on fire and ecstatically inhaled whatever chance crossed our path until we turned grey and shriveled up, carrying on to our next destination.


I know that you will not be far away when I should need you. Maybe we will see each other now and then. If the urge should strike me and I won’t be able to resist sucking on you for a bit, it will merely be a short lived, sappy reunion between two old friends. It will have to stay very occasional and casual so I won’t fall back into my old, familiar pattern.


FBYou have made me wonder if familiarity is actually a friend, or just a foe, that will mutilate my dreams.

I have to admit, I haven’t always been faithful. In my defense, most of those times I was pretty wasted and just about anything would do at that point, instant gratification, that was all. No one ever tasted as good as you do.


Not a day will pass for many years ahead where I won’t think of you. When I hear the sound of a lighter and smelling whatever chemicals it is your kind exerts. Times when I spot a half of you lying wasted in the gutter, just like I used to waste you. When I hear someone coughing a nostalgic wave will drag me under water for a while and you will seem to have a damned, Gloria floating over you.


In the end I would like to admit that parts of me wish we could stay together forever but I just simply cannot afford you painting my insides with black, rot and death anymore.




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