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Loveland Presbyterian Church The Lord’s Day

*Congregation Stands as Able


PRELUDE Holy, Holy, Holy arr., Mark Hayes

*CALL to WORSHIP Liturgist: O God, some of us are discouraged and long for your embrace.

Congregation: Wash us with your love.

Liturgist: Some of us are weary, weighed down by the desperation of this world.

Congregation: Wash us with your hope.

Liturgist: Some of us are anxious and seek refuge from the chaos around us.

Congregation: Wash us with your peace.

Liturgist: Some of us are restless, yearning for renewal and transformation.

Congregation: Wash us with your grace.

Liturgist: However we come into your presence, pour out your Spirit upon us!

Congregation: Let’s come to the waters of baptism, and worship God


*HYMN On Jordan's Bank The Baptist's Cry No. 10

PRAYER of CONFESSION (and silent confession)

Liturgist: Nothing can be hidden from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth, whose

wisdom and understanding are limitless, whose mercy is great. Trusting in God’s grace, let

us fully and truthfully confess our sin, so that we may receive pardon.

(Unison) God of grace, you claim us as beloved children, and in our baptism, call

us to follow you, but we do not always live this calling out. We stifle the gifts you

have given us rather than using them for your glory. We sidestep opportunities

to offer kindness and refuse to show love to our neighbors, especially our

adversaries. We pretend we can do nothing to further fairness and freedom in

our world and shy away from taking risks for the sake of the Gospel. Forgive us,

Lord. Wash us again in the waters of baptism, and through our faith transform

us by your grace, so that our words may further righteousness and our deeds

may be pleasing in your sight. We pray in the precious name of Jesus Christ, who

offers us new life today. Amen.


Liturgist: Those who fully and truly trust in God will renew their strength. They will run and

not get weary; they will walk and not grow faint. Having confessed all your sins, I now declare

to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.

Congregation: We are surely forgiven. Praise be to God!



CHILDREN’S MOMENT (Parents/Guardians are invited to bring infants & children to the chancel steps)

ANTHEM Down to the Water to Pray arr. Pepper Choplin Chancel Choir

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Saving God, source of our calling, your Word is full of power and glory.

Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us, so that we may receive your grace and

live as your beloved children; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

HOLY SCRIPTURE Acts 10:34-43 and Matthew 3:13-17 NIV

SERMON “The Meaning of Baptism” Pastor Jim

HYMN Baptized In Water No. 492

*AFFIRMATION of FAITH The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus

Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the

Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he

descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into

heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence

he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the

holy, catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the

resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.


Offertory Offertory Two - Luigi Bottazzo

*Doxology, *Prayer of Dedication


*HYMN Holy God, We Praise Your Name No. 460


POSTLUDE A Joyous Meditation - Marianne Kim Baptized in Water © 1982 Hope Publishing Company, CCLI License #11415788

This Week’s Servants 1/12/20 Pastor: Rev. James Goff Music Director: Michael Spresser Assistant Music Dir.: Tyler Smith Liturgist: Shirley Jones Welcomer: Rosanne Schaffer Coffee Fellowship: Coffee Bar Nursery: Dee Dee Benick Quest (9:15): Mary Frees Acolytes: Matty Benick & Sam Goff LPC Kid Town: Jan Pirtle Ushers: John Skinner, Jeff Jamison, Norm von Kampen, Jim Poe

Next Week’s Servants 1/19/20 Pastor: Rev. James Goff Music Director: Michael Spresser Assistant Music Dir.: Tyler Smith Liturgist: June Taylor Welcomer: Sears Family Coffee Fellowship: Coffee Bar Nursery: Rosanne Schaffer Quest (9:15): Jennifer Goff Acolytes: Liam Halpin & Sam Goff LPC Kid Town: Jen Motley Ushers: John Skinner, Jeff Jamison, Norm von Kampen, Jim Poe


January 14th ~ Norma Koerkel January 18th ~ Jo Funke

Anniversaries No Anniversaries

Joys and Concerns Prayers for peace, not war. Prayers for all who are suffering due to the devastating fires in Australia. Prayers for Karl Kadon recovering from a foot injury. Prayers for John Skinner who underwent carpal tunnel surgery. Prayers for the family & friends of Alex Garcia, 19 year old Milford graduate, who took his life on Christmas Eve. Prayers for Michael Isenberg’s family, Mike Hartle’s former co-worker, who passed away suddenly on Dec. 28. Prayers for Karen, friend of the Poe’s, who underwent a liver transplant surgery at Ohio State. Prayers for the family of Dotty King, who passed away Dec. 29, sister Judy Drake, sons Doug & Dana and families. Prayers for Jerry Thalheimer who has fallen twice and is experiencing balance problems. Prayers for Laura Pirtle who was in a car accident. She is home and doing ok. Prayers for Jackie Hartle who recently underwent eye surgery. Prayers the family of Jean Ackermann who went to her heavenly home Christmas morning. Prayers for Mike Hartle’s father Richard, who fell and hit his head Christmas night. Prayers for Arlie Hammons, 91, who was briefly hospitalized with a viral infection. Prayers for Darlene & Fred Ervin, in Florida for an extended period of time to help Darlene’s brother & sister-in-law. Prayers for Darlene Ervin’s brother, Jack Thompson and his wife, who are struggling with health issues and a

decision about moving to assisted living. Prayers for Carol Skinner, who is home and recovering after a recent hospitalization. Prayers for our homebound - Norma Koerkel, Gene Strand, and Sunni & Karl Kadon.

Please keep in your hearts and prayers all the sick and shut-ins of LPC. Please notify the LPC office of the progress and recovery of the individuals and loved ones named above.

Names will appear for 2 weeks unless the office is otherwise notified. Thank you.

January 12, 2020

360 Robin Ave., Loveland, OH 45140 • (513) 683-2525 • lovelandpresbyterianchurch.org

Office hours: Monday – Thursday, 9:00a – 1:oop

Baptism of the Lord

† Informational Meeting & Annual Meeting of the Congregation – Jan. 19 & 26

Please plan to attend two important upcoming meetings. On Sunday, Jan. 19, following worship, our

Session will host an informational meeting in preparation for LPC’s Annual Meeting of the

Congregation to be held on Sunday, January 26th, when we will be voting on Elders and the pastor’s

terms of call.

† Souper Bowl Sunday - Mark your calendars on February 2nd

All are invited to join us for a souper fun time! We will have our annual soup making contest/event

on “Souper” Bowl Sunday. We will share this event with Scout Sunday, which will give the scout

families an opportunity to participate. Details to follow. Also, please make soup, as our NEST

children are back to school and could use a warm meal. Any questions, see Hank or Leslie Westcott.

† Sign-up for our upcoming social events

Our next Pairs & Spares gathering is on January 19th, at 12:30pm, at Desha’s. Pairs & Spares

is a social group for everyone! The Women of Faith are gathering for a Movie Night - and light

dinner at Rose's private theater. February 22nd at 5PM. Please plan to bring an appetizer or

something for a light dinner. Please RSVP for both of these events on the Events page on our website.

† As a loving, praying, caring community we are blessed to have an active Prayer Chain available to

join you in praying for your needs and those of our community. In addition to calling, you may now

send your prayer requests by clicking on the PRAYING image on our website.

† Informational Meeting & Annual Meeting of the Congregation – Jan. 19 & 26

Please plan to attend two important upcoming meetings. On Sunday, Jan. 19, following worship, our

Session will host an informational meeting in preparation for LPC’s Annual Meeting of the

Congregation to be held on Sunday, January 26th, when we will be voting on Elders and the pastor’s

terms of call.

† Souper Bowl Sunday - Mark your calendars on February 2nd

All are invited to join us for a souper fun time! We will have our annual soup making contest/event on

“Souper” Bowl Sunday. We will share this event with Scout Sunday, which will give the scout families

an opportunity to participate. Details to follow. Also, please make soup, as our NEST children are

back to school and could use a warm meal. Any questions, see Hank or Leslie Westcott.

† Sign-up for our upcoming social events

Our next Pairs & Spares gathering is on January 19th, at 12:30pm, at Desha’s. Pairs & Spares is

a social group for everyone! The Women of Faith are gathering for a Movie Night - and light dinner

at Rose's private theater. February 22nd at 5PM. Please plan to bring an appetizer or something

for a light dinner. Please RSVP for both of these events on the Events page on our website.

† As a loving, praying, caring community we are blessed to have an active Prayer Chain available to

join you in praying for your needs and those of our community. In addition to calling, you may now

send your prayer requests by clicking on the PRAYING image on our website.

Thursday 1/16/20

6:00p Den 9 (Nisbet Hall)

7:30p Choir Rehearsal

Friday 1/17/20

No activities

Saturday 1/18/20

No activities

Sunday 1/19/20

9:15a Adult Bible Study (Parlor)

10:30a Worship & Praise

11:30a Informational Meeting (Nisbet Hall)

11:45a Mission (Parlor)

3:30p Lion Den 7 (Room 8)

This week at LPC

Announcements &

Sunday 1/12/20

9:15a Adult Bible Study (Parlor)

10:30a Worship & Praise

11:30a Membership Class (Parlor)

4:00p Den 1 (Nisbet Hall)

Monday 1/13/20

No activities

Tuesday 1/14/20

7:00p TY Board Meeting (Parlor)

7:00p Troop 888 (Nisbet Hall)

Wednesday 1/15/20

9:30a Chair Yoga (Nisbet Hall)

7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous (Nisbet Hall)

Thursday 1/16/20

6:00p Den 9 (Nisbet Hall)

7:30p Choir Rehearsal

Friday 1/17/20

No activities

Saturday 1/18/20

No activities

Sunday 1/19/20

9:15a Adult Bible Study (Parlor)

10:30a Worship & Praise

11:30a Informational Meeting (Nisbet Hall)

11:45a Mission (Parlor)

3:30p Lion Den 7 (Room 8)

This week at LPC

Sunday 1/12/20

9:15a Adult Bible Study (Parlor)

10:30a Worship & Praise

11:30a Membership Class (Parlor)

4:00p Den 1 (Nisbet Hall)

Monday 1/13/20

No activities

Tuesday 1/14/20

7:00p TY Board Meeting (Parlor)

7:00p Troop 888 (Nisbet Hall)

Wednesday 1/15/20

9:30a Chair Yoga (Nisbet Hall)

7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous (Nisbet Hall)

Announcements &

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