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Low Power Magnetic Quantum Cellular AutomataRealization Using Magnetic Multi-Layer Structures

Jayita Das1, Syed M. Alam2, and Sanjukta Bhanja1

1Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL2Everspin Technologies Inc., Austin, TX

Abstract— In this paper, we report Magnetic Quantum CellularAutomata (MQCA) realization using multi-layer cells with tiltedpolarizer reference layer with a particular focus on the criticalneed to shift towards the multi-layer cells as elemental entitiesfrom the conventional single-domain nanomagnets. We havereported a novel spin-transfer torque current induced clockingscheme, theoretically derived the clocking current, and shown thereduction in power consumption achieved against the traditionalmechanism of clocking using magnetic fields typically generatedfrom overhead or underneath wires. We have modeled the multi-layer cell behavior in Verilog-A along with the underlying algo-rithm used in implementing the neighbor interaction between thecells. The paper reports the switching and clocking current mag-nitudes, their direction and the power consumption associatedwith switching and clocking operation. Finally, we present thesimulation results from Verilog-A model of switching, clockingand neighbor interaction. Low power consumption due to spintransfer torque current induced switching and clocking alongwith the reasonable Magneto-Resistance (MR) distinguishing thetwo energy minimum states of the device, make these devices apromising candidate in MQCA realization.

Index Terms— MQCA, Low power spin torque clocking, Nano-magnetic Logic, Non-volatile Logic, Spintronic, MTJ, Verilog-Amodel.


Cellular Automata involving field interaction for logic com-putation has been the alternative computing paradigm that of-fers interconnect-free design architecture, and hence, providesthe scope for realizing low power circuits in the nanometerscale regime. The Quantum-dot-cellular automata (QCA), acategory of Cellular Automata, uses Coulombic interactionamong electrons to realize logic functionality [1], [2], [3],[4]. However, QCAs have been fabricated and functionallyverified only in the cryogenic temperatures. Many interestingobservations related to energy dissipation in QCA can be foundin [5], [6], [7]. For example, energy dissipation increasedwhen the tunneling energy through the clock was enhanced.Also, energy dissipation was not reduced with scaling. In factwhen the cell size was 10 nm, average energy dissipation was12 µeV whereas energy dissipation for a 40 nm cell wascalculated to be 1.8 µeV . In spite of such low energy dissi-pation in the computing systems, ITRS roadmap [8], reportedreduced interest in Electronic-QCA due to power requirementsto achieve ultra-low temperature circuit operation.

Molecular Cellular Automata and Atomic Cellular Au-tomata are the other two offshoots of Cellular Automatainvolving field coupled computing. While both architectures

Copyright (c) 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must beobtained from the IEEE by sending an email to [email protected].

have displayed good promise for room temperature operations,research is still under progress to develop a stable structure ofthe molecules [9], [10], [11], [12]. The neighbor interactionamong similar cells is also a subject of study.

Magnetic Quantum Cellular Automata (MQCA), the lastmember of this family till date, has been the most extensivelyresearched phenomenon that has the ability to operate atroom temperature. They have been successfully employed todemonstrate various logic elements including basic logic gatesand horizontal and vertical wires. The two energy minimumstates by virtue of their shape anisotropy enables them torepresent stable binary logic. Switching between the statestakes place through an external phenomenon named Clock-ing. Interconnect-free low power logic has been successfullydemonstrated using MQCA.

Traditionally the building blocks of MQCA logic weresingle-domain magnetic nanostructures [19], [13]. Clockingand the peripheral circuitries for reading from and writinginto the logic were implemented using external fields thatrequired large current densities in the wires placed belowor above the cells [20]. The field, Hrequired for switchinga device of volume V is given by Eq. 1 where EB representsthe potential barrier between the two states and Ms, thesaturation magnetization. The field generated by a current-carrying wire of radius r is given by Hgenerated (see Eq. 1)where J represents the current density in the wire [21]. Fromthe two equations it is obvious, that as the dimensions scaledown, Hrequired increases and to support this the currentdensity J should increase [22], [23]. This results in largepower consumption in the peripheral circuitry, that is requiredto supply the desired field, although the switching of theindividual cells in MQCA are adiabatic in nature.

Hrequired =EBMsV

Hgenerated =Jr


In this paper, we therefore put forth a novel MQCA real-ization using multi-layer spintronic devices that are capableof being written, read and clocked using spin transfer torque(STT) current. The current requirement for each of theseoperations is order of magnitude lesser than the correspond-ing current required in field-induced operations. This alongwith the fact that the STT current scales down with devicedimensions motivated us to use these multi-layer cells aselemental cells for nanomagnetic logic computation. We utilizeinteraction between the free layers of the multi-layer devicesMagnetic Tunnel Junctions (MTJs) to compute and propagatelogic information. Using STT current for writing, readingand clocking the cells provides both controllability over theindividual cells in the logic and low power logic realization.

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TABLE I: Experimental Demonstration of Logic Components in MQCA,∗ indicates largest cells fabricated

Logic Implemented Shape and minimumSize of Nanomagnets


Numberof cells

Input Method Output Method

Majority Gate [13] Rectangular;135X70X30nm3

5 Through explicit neighbormagnets

Magnetic Force Mi-croscopy

Ferromagneticinterconnect [14]


16 Through explicit neighbormagnets

Magnetic Force Mi-croscopy

Antiferromagnetic in-terconnect [14]


64 Through explicit neighbormagnets

Magnetic Force Mi-croscopy

Fanout [15] Rectangular;200X100X40nm3

16 No input, energy minimum Magnetic Force Mi-croscopy

Majority withlines [14]


9 Through explicit neighbormagnets

Magnetic Force Mi-croscopy

Co-planarCrosswire [16]


10, 120∗ No input, energy minimum Magnetic Force Mi-croscopy

NAND/NOR [17] Rectangular;200 X 100X10nm3

5 Field induced Magnetic Force Mi-croscopy

AND/OR [18] Rectangular;150X60X40nm3


3 Through Explicit neighborinteraction

Magnetic Force Mi-croscopy

The cell sizes are accordingly chosen to enable integrationwith existing CMOS technology. The integration with CMOSfacilitates built-in read circuitry for reading the logic outputand providing currents for clocking and writing into the cells.

After a review of the existing work in MQCA in Section II,we have studied the suitabilities and the drawbacks of variouspossible cell elements for implementing MQCA in Section III.We have presented a detailed theoretical analysis of a novelclocking scheme that supports low power logic computation inSection IV and the requisite of a tilted-polarizer multi-layerdevice for supporting the clocking mechanism is put forth.Through our discussions we have elucidated the benefits of thetilted-polarizer architecture over other multi-layer architecturesand their suitability in low power logic implementation. Sec-tion V reports the first simulation model, to our knowledge, ofthe cell with the neighbor interaction modeled using a FiniteState machine. Our classification of cell into Horizontal andVertical Cells for generalization of the model is also discussedin the same Section along with the underlying algorithm thatdetermines the post clocking cell behavior. Section VI reportsthe current magnitudes and the power consumed during eachof the switching and clocking operations. The values sup-port the implementation of low-power logic using the tilted-polarizer multi-layer stacks. Finally, Section VII concludes ourreport.


Extensive research has been conducted in the field ofMQCA ever since its inception. The early works by Cowburnet al. [19] and Imre et al. [13] have demonstrated successfulroom temperature MQCA logic implementation and informa-tion propagation through ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic

coupling between single-domain nanomagnetic logic cells. Fordimensions within the super-paramagnetic limit to the single-domain limit (i.e. 10 nm to 100 nm), the nanocells havedemonstrated successful logic operation at room temperatures.Table I outlines the logic components that were effectivelyfabricated along with the shape and size of individual cells,their input feeding mechanism, and mechanism of reading theoutput of the logic.

However, as previously mentioned, clocking the cells re-quire the assistance of external magnetic fields generatedthrough current-carrying conductors [18], [24]. But the devicesstill suffer from power dissipation in the external circuits thatare used for clocking. Writing to the input cells have beenproposed and conducted through fields either generated byinput wires external to the logic [25] or by external MTJsin close association (1 nm) with the nanomagnetic cells [26].Reading the output of the logic has been effected with thehelp of output sensors that transport the signal to off-chipperipherals for data determination [27]. The peripheral cir-cuitries used in writing, reading and clocking are still a subjectthat has not been much explored. Feasibility of simultaneousclocking and reading through the above-mentioned schemesis still an open field of study that needs further attention.Recently a group of researchers have proposed a new all-spin logic device utilizing spin transfer torque current forwriting, reading and clocking the logic [28]. Logic executioninvolves spin injection from a ferromagnetic conductor to asemiconductor, in this case graphene. However, the injectionefficiency into semiconductors is still very low and the devicehas not yet been fabricated.

We have extended the existing MQCA architecture by

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TABLE II: List of symbols for equations

Symbols DescriptionP Spin-polarizing factor [29]s1 , s2 Unit vectors along the global spin orientation of the

reference and free layers respectivelyMs Saturation magnetization of the materialµ0 Permittivity of free-space|e| Electron chargeα Damping constantγ Gyromagnetic ratio~ Reduced Planck’s ConstantL,W ,d Length, Width and Thickness of free layerV ol Volume of free layerHk Anisotropy fieldHd Coupling field from reference layerHdx,Hdz x- and z-components of coupling fieldHeff Effective magnetic field on the free layer arising from

crystalline and shape anisotropy, demagnetization field,exchange field and external field which can be in theform of coupling from the reference layer

Mx,My ,Mz x,y, z-component of magnetization of free layerm, ep Unit vector in the direction of magnetization of free and

reference layer respectivelyDx,Dy ,Dz x,y, z-component of demagnetizing factor of free layerθ Difference in magnetization direction of free and refer-

ence layerGp, Gap Conductivities for fully parallel(θ = 0) and fully anti-

parallel(θ = 180) statesαp,βp,γp Direction cosines of tilted polarized reference layer

utilizing multi-layer cells MTJs to perform logic computationthat offers a solution to the challenges faced by the tradi-tional single-domain nanocells. The cells offer the ability toindividually switch and clock through STT current-inducedcurrent. However, the cell sizes are limited by the super-paramagnetic and single-domain limits and the underlyingCMOS technology. By choosing appropriate device architec-ture and dimensions, within the permissible thermal stabilityand single-domain limits, the switching and clocking currentscan be kept in the µA range and their durations in therange of few picoseconds, thus improving on the power andenergy dissipation faced by the earlier versions of MQCAs andsimultaneously targeting towards high speed logic realization.


Computing through magneto-static interaction among cellswas initially carried out using single-domain nanomagneticcells. The size of the cells gave them their single-domainproperty while their shape anisotropy rendered a distinct easyand hard axis to their magnetization. The magnetization ofthe cells always tend to align along any of the two easy-axesdirections in order to be in their energy minimum state. Thecells were taken to their energy maximum state (aligned alongany of their hard axes) using an external field in the directionof their hard axes. This phenomenon was used to suitably clockthe cells using an external field pulse. When the field pulsewas released, the cells settled along one of their two easy axesdirections under the influence of the neighboring cells. Eachof the two easy axes directions were employed to represent thetwo different binary logic states ‘1’ and ‘0’. Logic computationwas carried out using suitable placement of cells with thehelp of external field pulse to clock them. But this approachof logic computation using single-domain nanocells faced

serious challenges in their ability to demonstrate individualcontrol over cells during clocking. Therefore, a group of cellsalways required to be clocked together, hence, demandinggreater area for logic implementation. Moreover, the fieldpulses would require overhead or underneath wires and thecurrent requirement for clocking the cells was large [20] (inthe orders of mA). This posed a hindrance to the developmentof low power circuits using this approach, although the cellsthemselves underwent adiabatic switching. In addition, thelogic implemented using such elemental devices had to rely onexternal circuits to write to its inputs and to read its outputs.

The basic multi-layer stacks comprised of two ferromag-netic materials separated by a barrier and are referred asMTJs in literature. While commonly employed in memory,they offer a possible solution to the challenges faced bythe single-domain nanomagnetic cells. Like the single-domaincells, the ferromagnetic layers in the stack are also singledomain and possess distinct easy and hard axes by virtueof their size and shape anisotropy. Their dimensions below100nm, assists in the predominance of the spin-transfer torqueeffect on the devices over the magnetic field generated by thecurrent through the device [29]. The ferromagnetic layers areso fabricated that one of them has a larger coercive field thanthe other that renders it a behavior similar to a hard magnetin the field of interest, while the other layer behaves as asoft magnet in the same field regime. The layer with strongermagnetization is commonly referred to as the fixed layer orpinned layer or reference layer in accordance to its inclinationto retain its magnetization along a specific direction while theother layer is referred as the free layer owing to its abilityto easily switch its state of magnetization. However, thesedevices have the unique property to switch the magnetizationof their free layer under the influence of spin-polarized current.This unique property gives individual controllability over cellsduring switching as opposed to field pulses wherein a clusterof cells is unavoidably switched together. The property ofSTT current-induced switching is captured in Eq. (2) by theadditional term m×ep×m to the original Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. This term refers to the spin-torquegenerated by the current through the device, which either aidsor opposes the damping torque depending on its direction offlow.


dt= −γMsm×

(heff −




dt− JeG

Jpep ×m


where,G =

[−4 + (1 + P )3

(3 + s1.s2)

4P 3/2



Jp = µ0 ·M2s| e | d~


Table II defines the symbols used in the equations.The cells are described to be in their parallel state or logic

‘0’ when the magnetization of their free and reference layersare aligned in the same direction while they are in their anti-parallel state or logic ‘1’ when the magnetization of theirtwo layers are in opposite direction. A positive current, inthe direction from the reference to the free layer, switchesthe cell to its logic ‘1’ state, while a negative current in theopposite direction orients the cell to its logic ‘0’ state. This

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0 X



Free Layer




(a) Inplane Cell

0 X



(b) Perpendicular toInplane Cell

0 X




(c) Tilted-polarizerReference Layer Cell

0 X






(d) Clocked Tilted-polarizer Cell

Fig. 1: Various configurations of Multi-Layer Cells. (a) Inplane Cell: Both the reference and the free layers have their easy axis alongx-direction. Logic computation is not possible. (b) Perpendicular to Inplane Cell: The free layer has its easy axis along the x-direction whilethe reference layer has it along z which is perpendicular to the plane of the layer. Logic computation is possible but no read distinguishibilitybetween states. (c) Tilted-polarizer reference layer Cell: Cells with their reference layer aligned equally to the z and x-axis while theirfree layer have an inplane anisotropy along x-direction. Cells are capable of using neighbor interaction for logic computation. DistinctiveTMR separates the +x orientation of free layer from the -x alignment. STT current-induced low power clocking can be achieved. (d) Tilted-polarizer Reference Layer Cell when clocked: Low power STT current-induced clocking achieved using stationary states of the free layeraligned along y-direction.

property of switching between logic states through suitablecurrents (exceeding their threshold limit derived from Eq. (2))has been effectively used to write data into the new generationmemories. However, the cells need to be sufficiently distancedapart in a memory to prevent possible neighbor interactionfrom influencing the existing state of a cell. Once a logicstate is written into the cell, the cell retains its state till thenext switching current overwrites it. Therefore, these devicesoffer the potential to realize non-volatile logic when suitablyplaced so as to utilize the neighbor interaction to perform logiccomputation.

We realized that this neighbor interaction among multi-layercells could be suitably used to realize low-power, non-volatile,high-speed logic capable of integrating with an underlyingCMOS technology. In our effort to realize this novel thoughtwe first attempted using a multi-layer stack that has aninplane easy-axis in both the free and the reference layers,termed as Inplane Cell (see Fig. 1(a)). For our conveniencewe have chosen the easy axis to be along the x-direction.The magnetization of the reference layer is chosen to bealong the +x direction. The hard axis or energy maximumstate is along the z-direction, which is perpendicular to theplane of the structure. The y-direction represents a saddlepoint under zero field condition. The multi-layer device canbe sandwiched either directly between two horizontal wiresMetal1 and Metal2 sufficiently spaced to accommodate thedevice (see Fig. 2(a)) or between the source/drain of an un-derlying MOS transistor and an overhead metal line (Metal1)(see Fig. 2(b)). The device is switched between its two energyminimum states by applying suitable voltage pulses across itsterminals. Information propagation along a specified directionthrough neighbor interaction can be brought into effect byusing suitable clocking technique, which assists the deviceto cross-over the energy barrier separating its two energyminimum states. Unlike previously reported in nanocells [19],[13], [20] we propose to use current to perform the requisiteclocking, which would align the magnetization of the freelayer along the y-direction (saddle points). When released, thedevice is expected to align along any of its easy axes directionsdepending on the state of the neighboring cells. However, wehave observed through simulations [30] using LLG-simulation

suite [31], that in such a cell the coupling from the referencelayer onto the free layer has a stronger influence on decidingthe state after the clock is released. Therefore, this particularcell architecture was not found suitable to effectively utilizethe coupling from neighbors to propagate information.

Thereafter, we studied the device behavior of a stack witha perpendicularly polarized reference layer and an in-planepolarized free layer, termed as Perpendicular to InplaneCell (see Fig. 1(b)). The logic states in such a device arerepresented through the two easy axes directions of the freelayer. The perpendicular magnetization of the reference layeroffers no inplane coupling on the free layer which places thesedevices in better positions to realize logic through neighborinteraction. Post clocking neighbor interaction in these deviceshas been verified through simulation [30]. However, it canbe theoretically proven that these devices are inept to havetheir magnetization of the free layer oriented in the y-z planewith the sole assistance of a spin-torque current. Such amagnetization state in the y-z plane is sought after for clockingthe device. Moreover, such a device configuration suffers fromzero resistance difference between its two logic states andhence the inability to read the state of the output cells usingany readout schemes. Use of different architectures for theoutputs as in [32], [22] would result in an inhomogeneouslogic implementation that would increase the cost of logicfabrication.

A device architecture with a tilted polarizer referencelayer [33], [34] and an inplane polarized free layer, named asTilted-polarizer Reference Layer Cell (see Fig. 1(b)), offersa solution to all the challenges discussed above. In this paper,we would refer logic ‘1’ and logic ‘0’ states as the free layermagnetization along the ‘+x’ and ‘-x’ directions respectively.Such a cell can be clocked using a spin-torque current and theclocking state is realized through a stationary magnetizationstate (dM/dt = 0) of the cell when the magnetization of the freelayer is oriented along the y-direction (see Fig. 1(d)). It willbe shown theoretically in the next section that such a clockingwould require the reference layer to be tilted at 45 to the z-axis (out-of-plane) and to lie in the x-z plane (see Fig. 1(c)).The in-plane magnetization component of the reference layerprovides sufficient TMR to successfully read the cell, while at

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0 X






AB (Logic 0)(Logic 1)

(a) Through metal layers



0 X







(Logic 0)(Logic 1)

(b) Through MOS transistor

Fig. 2: Methods of feeding current to Multi-Layer Cells. (a) Usingmetal layers Metal1 and Metal2: Positive current I+ beyond acertain critical value, with electrons flowing from the free layer tothe reference layer, can switch the cell to the logic ‘1’ state (positionB). Negative flowing current can switch the cell to the logic ‘0’ state(position A). (b) Through MOS transistor: The cell is sandwichedbetween Metal1 and the MOS transistor, that feeds current to thecell. Switch to the logic ‘0’ state through a negative flowing currentI−, beyond a critical or threshold value, is shown.

the same time offers much less coupling onto the free layer sothat the neighbor interaction dominates in deciding the cell’sstate.


As discussed above, multi-layer devices can be switchedbetween their two logic states using STT current. They canalso be suitably clocked using STT current for specific deviceconfigurations. TMR between the logic states for certaindevice models can be used to read the device state throughintegration with a CMOS readout circuitry. In the followingsubsections we delve into a theoretical approach for the criticalcurrent estimation in switching, clocking and in effective TMRcalculation between the logic states of the tilted-polarizerreference layer cell.

A. Switching Current Calculation

The current driven switching in the multi-layer devicesoccurs through a transfer of momentum between the spin-polarized electrons constituting the current and those build-ing up the device magnetization. Depending on the currentpolarity, the spin-induced torque either opposes or favors thetorque induced by the damping component (see Eq. (2)). Fora multi-layer structure with tilted-polarizer reference layer andan inplane polarized free layer, the switching can occur eitherthrough multiple precession oscillations or through a single180 rotation of the magnetization of the free layer dependingon the magnitude and duration of the current pulse [32].Precession oscillations occur when the magnetization relaxesthrough several concentric trajectories before aligning with theenergy minimum direction. We have calculated the currentrequirements for a single precession magnetization reversal ofthe device under examination. As pointed out by Kent et al.in [32], the spin torque represented by m× (m× mp) causesthe magnetization of the free layer to rotate out-of-plane. Fora switch from logic ‘1’ to logic ‘0’, a positive current pulsefollowed by a negative one of appropriate durations is requiredto bring the free layer magnetization along ‘+x’ direction aftera traversal through an out-of-plane trajectory. The time of

switching would be in the order of T ≈ 1/(4γM) where γ isthe gyromagnetic ratio and M is the magnetization of the freelayer. The influence of the tilted polarizer reference layer onthe free layer can be rightfully included by the factor of 1/


to Heff in the switching current equation [35] of an InplaneCell. The critical current for switching is therefore given by

|Ic| =(




[αMs.V ol



(Hk +





η(θ) =p

1± p2 p =√

(TMR/(TMR+ 2)) (6)

± is for switch from logic 0 → logic 1 and vice versa.

Heff = 4πMs Hk (7)

The critical current pulse duration, td, for switching can beapproximated by [32]

td =1


Note that all the symbols used in equations are defined inTable II. For low energy applications the switching can beeffected using a single polarity pulse of shorter duration (≤td/2), but the magnetization is left to precess through severaloscillations before settling to the final state.

B. Clocking Current Estimation

According to spin-torque induced clocking, the clocking isperformed by using appropriate current to drive the cell to astationary magnetization state along the y-axis. The clockingcurrent can therefore be theoretically derived from Eq. (2)by substituting dm/dt = 0 (stationary) and equating the fieldcomponents along the x, y and z directions. The coupling fromthe underneath tilted reference layer is brought about by theaddition of the field term Hd to Heff where Hd is given by

Hd = −Hdxex +Hdz ez = −Hdαpex +Hdγpez (9)

Heff is given by [29]

Heff = Hd + HM + HAN (10)

where HM being the field due to demagnetization effects andHAN arising out of the crystalline and shape anisotropy ofthe free layer. During the clocking state HAN = 0 and HM =-Dy .My .ey owing to the presence of only the y-component ofmagnetization. Also from the fundamental constraint,

|M(r, t)| = Ms (11)

in the clocking state we have

My = Ms (12)

Therefore, when clocked, Eq. (2) modifies to

γMsm× ˆheff = γMsJeJpGm× ep × m (13)

where m = ey (14a)

heff =1

Ms[−Hdxex −DyMsey +Hdz ez] (14b)

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Equating the ez and ex terms gives











which mandates αp = γp (16)

i.e. the reference layer should have a tilt of 45 in itspolarization with the z-axis. Therefore, the device switchesto a clocked state with a current density of (See Table II forsymbol definitions)

Je =

(µ0 ·Ms· | e | ·d ·Hd

~ ·G


C. TMR EstimationA 45 tilt in the polarization of the reference layer provides

sufficient magnetization component along the x-axis or theeasy axis of the free layer. This inplane magnetization com-ponent gives the structure the sought-after TMR between itstwo logic states, enabling an on-chip CMOS readout circuitfacility for the device. Here we concentrate on deducing thetheoretical TMR estimation from existing literature.

The conductivity of the multi-layer device is given by [36]

G(θ) =1

2(1 + cos(θ))Gp +


2(1− cos(θ))Gap (18)

θ varies with current according to [37]

θ ∼ cos−1

Hdz − ( ~2eα

) [ g(π/2)Ms·V ol


4πMs + (Hk ±Hdx)/2


If G0 and G1 refers to the conductances of the device duringthe logic ‘0’ and logic ‘1’ states respectively (refer Figs. 2(a)& 2(b)), then

G0 =1

2(1 + cos(θ0))Gp +


2(1− cos(θ0))Gap (20a)

G1 =1

2(1 + cos(θ1))Gp +


2(1− cos(θ1))Gap (20b)

where θ0 = 45 θ1 = 180 − 45 (21)

The TMR can then be obtained from the above equationsthrough

TMR =G−1

1 −G−10




We have emulated the multi-layer cell behavior in Verilog-Aand have simulated it in Cadence environment. The Verilog-A code can be downloaded from Modelfiles. In the followingtwo subsections, we discuss the modeled device parametersand the algorithm for modeling neighbor interaction betweenthe multi-layer cellsA. Device Characteristics Modeling

In order to emulate the theoretical cell behavior, we havecoded Eqs. (5), (8) and (17) that describe the critical switchingcurrent, clocking current density, and critical pulse widthrespectively, in Verilog-A. The resistance dependence of thedevice as a function of the current is simulated by incorpo-rating Eqs. (18) & (19) in the model. The intrinsic deviceparameters used in the model are kept consistent with thevalues available in literature and are outlined in Table III.

Algorithm 1 Horizontal cell behavior1: if A and B and C = clocked then2: D = U U is undecided state3: else if A and B = clocked then4: D = C5: else if A and C = clocked then6: D = B7: else if A = clocked then8: if B = C then9: D = B and C B and C are in same logic states

10: else11: D = U12: end if13: else if B and C = clocked then14: D = notA15: else if B = clocked then16: D = C17: else if C = clocked then18: D = B19: else20: D = B and C + (notA) and (B xor C)21: end if




[0:1] [0:1]








Horizontal Information Propagation

(a) Horizontal Cell




[0:1] [0:1]










l In









(b) Vertical Cell

Fig. 3: Modeling neighbor interaction in a Horizontal and VerticalCell.(a) Horizontal Cell H and (b) Vertical Cell V : N, W , S andE represents the neighbors along the North, West, South and Eastdirection. A, B, C and D are virtual dual bi-directional magneticports that helps to communicate the state of a cell with that of itsneighbor.

B. Neighbor Interaction Modeling

We have employed a Finite State Machine to model the cellbehavior under the influence of its neighbors. An extension ofthe observation [38] that ferromagnetic coupling between ver-tical arrays of single-domain nanomagnetic cells exceeds theantiferromagnetic coupling that binds the cells in a horizontalarray for the same vertical and horizontal pitches, is used toemulate the behavior of a multi-layer cell in the associationof its neighbors. To personate the cell behavior in a horizontaland in a vertical array, we have developed two models ofmulti-layer cells – the horizontal cell and the vertical cell.While we have maintained identical stand-alone behaviors ofthe two models, the horizontal cell is used in a horizontalarray to propagate information via anti-ferromagnetic couplingand the vertical cell is used in a vertical array and operatesunder ferromagnetic coupling. The cell behaviors are howeveridentical when used with three active neighbors in a majoritylogic environment.

Fig. 3(a) shows a horizontal cell under the influence ofthree immediate neighbors placed to its north, west and southwhile the cell in itself influences the neighbor to its east. Eachcell apart from its two electrical inout ports labeled rf – the

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TABLE III: Device parameters used in simulation

Device Parameter ValuesDimension (L×W×d) 100×50×2 nm3

Ref. Layer coupling field, Hd 5000A/mDamping constant, α 0.01Saturation Magnetization, Ms 8e5A/mSpin-polarizing factor, P 0.4Anisotropy field, Hk 10Oe

free layer terminal and rp – the reference layer terminal, hasfour magnetic ports, one on each side. The magnetic ports,A, B, C, and D, are virtual bi-directional dual ports that wehave designed to either collect information about the state ofa neighbor or to inform an immediate neighbor about the stateof the cell. The underlying assumption that we employed inthe designing of the model is that the magnetostatic interactionfrom immediate neighbors — to the north, west, south and eastof a cell are only able to influence its state and that a cell hasno influence from neighbors located further away. The statesof a cell are defined as: Logic ‘1’-‘11’, Logic ‘0’-‘00’ andClocked-‘01’.

Fig. 3(b) shows a vertical cell with neighbors to its west,south and east. Algorithms 1 and 2 determines the behaviorof a horizontal and a vertical cell, respectively, right after theyare clocked. The algorithm involves bitwise operation of themagnetic ports. We have implemented the algorithm using aFinite State Machine (FSM).

Algorithm 2 Vertical cell behavior1: if A and B and C = clocked then2: D = U3: else if A and B = clocked then4: D = C5: else if A and C = clocked then6: D = not B7: else if A = clocked then8: D = C9: else if B and C = clocked then

10: D = notA11: else if B = clocked then12: D = C13: else if C = clocked then14: if A = B then15: D = not A A and B are in same logic states16: else17: D = U18: end if19: else20: D = C and (not B) + (notA) and ((not B) or C)21: end if

The model is generic and is able to simulate the behaviorof the cell under any association of neighbors. The absence ofa neighbor is emulated by pinning the relevant magnetic portto ‘01’. A horizontal wire and a vertical wire is simulatedby cascading horizontal and vertical cells respectively. Forhorizontal cells that build up a horizontal wire, the ports B andC are connected to ‘01’ respectively to indicate the absence ofneighbors in those directions. Similarly for vertical cells in avertical wire, the effect of ports A and B on each of the cells’V are invalidated by connecting them to ‘01’ respectively.Thereby, through proper arrangements and interconnectionsbetween cells we can realize any logic.


The Verilog-A model of the multi-layer device has beensimulated using Cadence Spectre for device dimensions of100 × 50 × 2 nm3. The device model has been integratedwith 22 nm predictive CMOS technology [39], [40], [41], [42]and the spin-transfer torque switching has been extensivelyverified.

Table IV states the values of critical currents for switch-ing and clocking, and the average and peak currents duringswitching (to both logic ‘1’ and logic ‘0’ states). The currentmagnitudes, so reported, are obtained through simulations ofthe Verilog-A model in the Cadence environment. Simulationresults of the switch to logic ‘1’ and logic ‘0’ states are shownin Fig. 4(a) & 4(b) respectively. The clocking of the devicehas been thoroughly tested using STT current under circuitconfigurations shown in Fig. 2(a). The post clocking neighborinfluence for neighbor combinations: N-logic ‘0’, W-logic ‘1’and S-logic ‘1’ are shown in Fig. 5.

The energy consumed during switching and clocking arementioned in Table IV. The values obtained clearly showsan improvement in power consumption over field-inducedclocking where current in the order of mA is required to flowthrough the top or bottom wires to produce the required mag-netic field. The clocking frequency for field-induced clockingis 108 Hz with 50% duty cycle and a clocking current of4mA [20]. For the planar cell dimensions of 100 × 50 nm2

and a pitch of 120 nm, field-induced clocking of >11, 000cells would require a clock wire length of ≈ 1.412 mmwith an overall resistance of 63.54 Ω. Since the clockingin STT current-induced clocking is implemented using astationary state in the y-axis, the clocking duration can befairly approximated to be 10 ps for a clocking current of170 µA. From Fig.6, it is evident that STT current-inducedclocking is more effective in energy consumption for up to11, 765 cells being clocked in the same clocking cycle.

As mentioned by Niemier et al. in [20], the underneath wireof 2µm wide by 0.2 µm thick by 4µm long was used to clocka line of cells. Such a clocking scheme would be suitable toclock a long interconnect. For our cell size of 100×50×2 nm3,such a clocking wire can clock approx. 32 cells that are ferro-magnetically coupled while maintaining a pitch of 120 nm.However, if the cells in two such adjacent clock zones need tointeract to realize any fundamental Boolean logic like majorityAND or OR, the clocking scheme fails since the minimumseparation between the adjacent cells (equal to the wire widthof 2 µm) is well beyond the maximum permissible separationbetween the cells over which they interact.

For a fully parallel (θ = 0) and anti-parallel (θ =180) conductance of (Gp = 2.82×10−3 mho) and (Gap =1.967×10−3 mho) respectively [36], a TMR of 28.83% isobtained with this device architecture. This TMR is sufficientenough to read the cell’s state correctly using a CMOS read-out circuitry. Therefore, such a multi-layer device, with STTcurrent-induced switching, clocking and a TMR distinguishingthe two binary logic states, is capable of building MQCA logicwith on-chip input, clock and output circuitry. Moreover, asseen from Eqs. (5) & (17), as the device scales down, the

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TABLE IV: Single cell critical current, critical pulse duration, average current and critical energy consumption in STT current-inducedswitching and clocking approach. The critical currents are obtained from Eqs. (5) & (17). The average current is obtained from the simulationsof the Verilog-A model in Cadence using a current pulse period of 40 ps with an ’On’ duration equal to the critical pulse duration as shownin Figs. 4 & 5. Such current pulses are justified for low energy applications [32].

Operation Critical Current Ic(µA)

Critical Current pulseduration td/2 [32]

Average Current Iavg(µA)

Energy consumed during switch-ing Ec=Ic×td/2

Switch to logic ‘1’ from logic ‘0’ 278.9 ≈10 ps 109.4 2.789 fJSwitch to logic ‘0’ from initial logic ‘1’ -216 ≈10 ps 85 2.16 fJClocked State (+y direction) 169.3 ≈10 ps 68.435 1.693 fJ

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06−2



4x 10


Time (in nanoseconds)







0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.060



Time (in nanoseconds)




e D





Switching Current On

Logic 1 Switch

(a) Switching to logic ‘1’ State from initial logic ‘0’ state

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06−5


5x 10


Time (in nanoseconds)







0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.060



Time (in nanoseconds)




e D





Switching Current On

Logic 0 Switch

(b) Switching to logic ‘0’ State from initial logic ‘1’ state

Fig. 4: STT current induced switching of the cell. (a) Switchto logic ‘1’ state from initial logic ‘0’ state through spin-torquetransfer effect from positive current. The transistor dimension usedis 194nm/22nm. (b) Switch to logic ‘0’ state from initial logic‘1’ state through negative current. The transistor dimension used is130nm/22nm.

current required for switching and clocking also scales downin proportion to the volume, making them ideal for targetinglow power applications.

In addition, the effect of stray magnetic fields on the freelayer of a cell is calculated. The fields originate from the freeand reference layers of neighboring cells, bit and source linesof its own and neighboring rows of cells and from its ownreference layer. For the above cell dimensions and an inter cellspacing of 20nm along both horizontal and vertical direction,the stray fields magnitudes have been 75Oe [43], which isrequired to switch a cell’s state under room temperature.


We have extended the existing MQCA implementation ide-ologies to target low power applications. The half-precessionswitch of the multi-layer cells paves the way for ultra-fastlogic development. This is the first work to report MQCAlogic with individual controllability over logic elements dueto STT current-induced switching and clocking. The multi-

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.060


2x 10


Time (in nanoseconds)






0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.060



Time (in nanoseconds)




e D





Clocking Current

Switched underneighbor influenceClocked

Neighbors:N−’0’, W−’1’, S−’1’

Fig. 5: STT current-induced clocking and post-clocking neighborinfluence on a Horizontal Cell. Neighbor states: N (logic ‘0’), W(logic ‘1’), S (logic ‘1’).

0 5000 10000 150000







Number of Cells clocked


gy c



on i



re c




ry (

in p



STT current−induced


Fig. 6: Energy consumption in the clocking operation (Iclk ·Vdd ·tclk)vs. number of cells in STT current-induced clocking (170 µA [32])and Field-induced clocking. The clocking frequency for Field-induced clocking is 108 Hz with 50% duty cycle with a clockingcurrent of 4 mA [20]. For the planar cell dimensions of 100 × 50nm2 and a pitch of 120 nm, field-induced clocking of 11, 765 cellswould require a clock wire length of 1.412 mm with an overallresistance of 63.54 Ω.

layer devices used for logic implementation eliminate theoverhead in cost arising from fabrication of current-carryingwires that initially provided the requisite magnetic fields forswitching. The multi-layer cells facilitate integration withCMOS technology which enables the development of on-chip readout circuitry. The tilted-polarizer reference layer cellsprovide sufficient TMR for an effective readout operationwhile at the same time providing low current clocking strategyand post clocking neighbor interaction. We have developed aVerilog-A model emulating the necessary behaviors, primarycell characteristics and neighbor interactions, that is the keyto simulating the proposed MQCA cell with CMOS circuitry.Thus, in this paper we have put forward a new dimension to theexisting MQCA architecture that enables future developmentsof ultra-fast low power logic blocks.


This work is partially supported by NSF Career Award CCF(0639624), NSF EMT/Nano CCF (0824838), NSF CRI (0551621)

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and USF Presidential Fellowship. The authors would like to acknowl-edge Mr. Daniel Prieto and Computer Science and Engineering forthe tool support of this work.


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Jayita Das received her Bachelors degree in Electronicsand Communication Engineering from National Institute ofTechnology, Durgapur, India in 2004. She has worked asScientist in Defense Research Development Organization,India in the field of VLSI Design. She is currently pursu-ing her PhD in the Department of Electrical Engineering,University of South Florida. Her primary research interestsare in nanomagnetic logic, device modeling, stochasticcomputing. She is the recipient of the USF PresidentialDoctoral Fellowship.

Syed M. Alam (M’ 04) received his B.S. degreein electrical engineering from the University of Texas atAustin in 1999, and the S.M. and Ph.D. degrees in electri-cal engineering and computer science from MassachusettsInstitute of Technology in 2001 and 2004, respectively. Heis currently a Senior Member of Technical Staff at EverspinTechnologies (a start-up from Freescale Semiconductor)working on research and development for various designaspects of standalone and embedded MRAM. His expertiseand research interests include emerging memory design andtest, 3D integration technology, thermal analysis, and signal

integrity. He has over 40 publications in refereed journals and conferences, and holdsfour US patents with eight more pending on the above areas. He presented several invitedtalks including tutorials at ISQED, ICCAD, and GLSVLSI. Dr. Alam has served on thetechnical program committees of DAC, ISQED, ICCAD, GLSVLSI, ISVLSI, and on theComputer Architecture panel for National Science Foundation. He is a member of SigmaXi Scientific Research Society.

Sanjukta Bhanja received her Bachelor degree in elec-trical engineering from Jadavpur University (1991) Calcutta,her Masters from Indian Institute of Science (1994), Banga-lore, India and Ph.D. in computer science and engineeringfrom University of South Florida (USF), Tampa in 2002. Sheis currently an Associate Professor with the Department ofElectrical Engineering, USF. Her primary research interestis in non-CMOS nano-computing, exploring novel statevariables, alternate computing paradigm with heterogeneousdevices. Dr. Bhanja is an Associate Editor of the IEEETVLSI. She has served on the Technical Program Commit-

tee of various IEEE and ACM conferences. She is currently the Emerging Technologytrack co-chair in IEEE DATE11 and has served as Technical Program Co-Chair of IEEEISVLSI, ACM GLSVLSI and as General Co-Chair of ACM GLSVLSI. She is a recipientof NSF CAREER Award (20072012), USF Tau Beta Pi Outstanding Engineering FacultyResearcher Award in 2007, USF 2008 Outstanding Faculty Research Achievement Award,2010 Florida Education Foundation (F.E.F) William Jones Outstanding Mentor Award,and USF 09/10 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award.

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