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Page 1: LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1890/03_March/03-12-1890.pdf · nentof any law in Twregard to Sabbath ohBorranoe-WAsm.vnTON, March 5.—In boorthe Hou»e yeaterday


O n e Dollar a Year . O&ta* ia Train's Opera Rouse Block. T h r e e Cen t s P e r Copy

V O L U M E X X V . L O W E L L , M I C H I G A N . W E D N E S D A Y , MARCH 12. I WO. NUMBER 36.


• D a l l y S u m m a r y of W o r k D o n « In t h e S e n a t e a n d H o u s e .

I m p j r t . n t MrunrM and Itotnlalluu. COB-(Idxrr.l and I - a u . d by t h . Nm.oual

Liiw-Uiikrn—ContMlsd Elec-tion C«»M.

NEKATK. WiMniSGToN, March 4.—In tbo S«b-

kte yesterday a bill was paused flxlng the salaries of United Su»e« distr ict judjre* at Rl.ooo. HtlU wore introduced to repeal the limp and short-haul clause and the pooling mrctlon of the Inter-fitate coiamen-e act; Ut inquire into the advlnaliiUly of Increasine t j e du ty on imported hopB from eight oenta to twenty cent* fior poond.

WAIHIKOTUN. Mutch 6.—Moal of the time of the Senate yesterday was passed t a execut ive neiwlon diaouHHln; the ao-oounu published in t h e papers of mat-ters which worn under consideration in former executive sessions. A bill was passed approprlatinif jao.ooo for a mon-oment to coma.eiuarau- the ba t t le of Tren ton , N. .1.

WAHinjr-T<'«. March 0.—In the Sen-a te ye tUrday the bill appropriat ing flOO.OOO fur a public bui lding a t La-faye t t e , lud., was passed. Senator fitockbrldge uresenlod two remon-• t rances againsi any bill in regard to t h e observance of the Sabhuiii or the adoption of any reHoliiiion for the amendmen t of the const i tu t ion tha t would sanotlon legis lat ion npon the •ub}ect of religion. These remon-• t racccs onutam the Individual. algrva-turoe of HOH.87T c i t l t ens "fnim dlfforont Sta tes and Terr i tor ies as follows; Mich-igan. 41.447: Minnesota. '-"i.SM; Wiscon-•in, 30,750; Kansas. Hl.oT.V California. 80,428; Ohio, lU.IMRl.

WASH INOTOK. M a r c h ' . — i n t h e S o n -ate yosM-rdav hil ls wore introduced for a monument to J o h n Ericsson; for the punishment of oflicers and others select-ing jurors with reference to political af-flllations. Ililia wore passed giving a pension of ST.'i a month to the daughter of Major-Oeneral W. J . Worth, and In-creasing Ut SI no a uionth the pension of t h e widow of Major-ifeneral (i. K. War-ren. Isaac ClemenM was conflrmed as pension agent a t Chicago.

WAUDKCTON, Murob f ,—Bills were introduced Id the Senate yostarday ap-propr ia t lng tlOO.OOO for a public balld-tof a t Muskegon, Mich., and 95.fl!i.000 for the Improvement of the Mississippi rivar. The Hlair educational bill was f u r t h e r discussed. Adjourned to t h e 10th.

iiorsit. WAJHtHfiTON. March 4.—In the Rouse

yesterday bill), were Introduced appro-

rla t lng ttfi.ooo for a motiumeat to the vision of regulars on the Oet tysburg

bat t lef ie ld : to n - g u l a f the appoint ing of fourth-class poetniuston by emupetl-t l r e Written and personal examlnat ioa , and giving the Posiinaster-Oeneral the appoint ing power. Mr. O' lkmnel l pre-sen ted a peti t ion of the Seventh-Day Advent l sU protes t ing aga ins t the enaat-n e n t o f any law in regard to Sabbath ohBorranoe-

WAsm.vnTON, March 5.—In the Hou»e yeaterday a bill was introduood U> In-

i the du t ies on barley, barley malt , peas, hops, potatoes, hay, hides,

• g g s and apples, and to take the duty of! b inding twine. The consideration of t h e Arkansas contested election case of Poatheratotie va. Cute occupied near ly t h e ent i re day.

WA«HINOTOS. March 0.—In tho House yesterday tho contested election case of Fea the r s tone va. Cate from the F i r s t Arkansas dis t r ic t ociupled tho en t i r e session, resul t ing in the seat ing of t h e eon tes ter (Kcatherstone) by a vote of— yeas, 145: net's, 1»!>. Both gen t lemen most hi teres ted are Democrats. •

WAiaisaTON, March 7.—In ttio Bouse yesterday a peti t ion wa* presontSd ask-ing tha t two wommi be appointed on t h e world 's lair commit tee of lB9i Bil ls wer s passed for public buildings a t Lans ing , Mich., Clalosburg, 111., and Ashland, [Wis.

WAIHINOTOS. March 8.—In t h e O o u s e yesterday a bill was Introduoed placing ca rpsn tufs ' and Wacksnihhs ' tools and a l l agricihtural ImpleuiciiU on the f ree l i s t Tho d l r e c t - t a i bill proposing to repay (bc i t i t nns and S t a t e s the a m o u n t s ky them lespivt lvely paid under the di-rec t tax of *20.000,000 provider lor by t h e aot of August S. I Ml. was ft ' o rah ly reported

WA*HI>OTON, March 10.—The House •OMB favorably on qu i t e a number of appropria t ion bills Saturday,-all of t h e m fisr new public buildings or the comple-t ion of those In progress of oonstruotlon. Among the others were: Atchison, Kan . , f lOO/ ' t t : Springfield, Mo., S-V),000: La-"Saystte, Ind.. WO.OOO: Fremont , Neb. , •60,000, and the total was SI,820,000,

F R O M W A S H I N G T O N .

A Dall ; Kerord of E»riii« of (irnaral InterMt lo AIL

WARHIWOTON. March 8.—The House eommitU'o on terr i tor ies has completed i ts r epor tun the bill to admit Idaho Into t h e Cnlon and It will soon bo presented to the House, .lustioe Field of the United Status Supreme Court In an opinion af-firms the con^llt i i t lonulty of I be clause d i s f ranch is ing the Mormons. The re-por t is helm: held back until a minor i ty report , which. It Is understood. Itepre-aenta t ives Springer and Mansur will prepare, opposing the passage of the bi l l , can be drawn up. It Is said they favor an ounilbii* bill tha t will provide for the admission of Idaho aud other Ter r i to r ies at one time.

WASittNtiiox, March 5 . - T h e I "resi-d e n t has approved the bill to Increase t h e pensions of soldiers and sailors to ta l ly htflpjesa from Injuries received or by dlroose* contracted while In t h s service of tho United Stows

WASIIISCTO* March 8.—The Presi-d e n t has approved the agreements en-tered Into with the several bands of Chippewa Imlluns In Minnesota under t h e act of Congress approved Ju ly 14. 1889. About 4.000,000 acres are ceded to t h e Ooverninent under these agree-ments .

WAMHXOTOH, March B.—The Pres-iden t has approved the set providing for a r • i s ls tant Secretary of War.

WAHJFNOTON. March 7. — Kt ra L. S tevens , of this city, died yesterday a t Asbory Park. X. J . He was for nearly t h i r t y years chief clerk of the Indian depar tment , and originated the present sys tem ol schools for ludians.

WASHWIITO.S, March 7.—The Secre-tary of the Troasury purchased over §2,000.000 of Cnlted States bonds yeoter-day and thereby reduced the available s u r p l u s to about INIO.OOO

T H R E E B O Y S K I L L E D .

Frtghtful RmuII of an ripliMlon la a Fnrnlturr t a i lo ry at Kvanafllla, Ind. EVAKSVII.I.B, Ind.. March 8.—An ex-

plosion oecurred Friday at noon la the •hav ing or dust-room in the Armstrong fu rn i t u r e factory, which u t ter ly wrecked it. and then fire completed t h e wreck. Three boys -F red Sacks, Wil l ie Cheatham and lieorge C r a w f o r d -were In the dust-room eat ing their din-ne r and were burned to death . Thei r bodies were recovered later, but wore burned beyond recognition. Cbarlea Shelby, t h e enpineer, was blown twenty feet , and bad both legs broken and his bead badly cruHlied. Tho explosion was caused by the flame o! a lan tern coming In contact with the powder-like d u s t

D E A T H S F R O M D I P H T H E R I A .

An Ohio rami'] ' Nasrly Wiped Out Wy tha Dltaaaa-HU M'tnUar. Daad.

ZaVKSVIU.K, O., March 8,—John C McGregor, reading clerk of the House of Represeniativeh, died at noon Friday,

43 year*. This makes six mem-bers »f that family who have died of d iph the r i a in less than three works. David McGregor, fa ther of the deceased, is down with the disease and very low. Two of the remaining children sre not •xpected to survive more t han a few b o o r s McGregor Is one of twenty whose death has been brought about through the corpse of a child brought from Chicago which had also died from diphther ia .

T O L D O N H T S D E A T H - B E D .

A Murdar Mystery Twanfy-Four Yaars ' Old Claarad Up br a Cuufr.iloD.

NoHniK7o»VN, Pa., March 7.—At Lower Msrlon, Pa., twenty-four years ago Dr. Joseph l e v e r i n g waa shot down lu cold blood. Effor ts » trace the mur-derer were unavailing. J o h n G. Hen-derson, a wealthy and respected citlcen. who had never been suspected of any knowledge of the crime, died Tuos-«ay evening, but before breathing h is liibt confessed having killed the doctor. H K confession has caused ar much ex-ci temoni In :he place as was given rise to by the murder a t the t ime of its oo-ourronce. He gave no reason for tho deed,

Cold Waalbrr In tba Eaat. Br. JoHssut iuv . VL, March a — T h s

thermometer registered 80 degrees he-l o v xero yesterday morning. At Lyn-doSTille U Is 80 below, and a t the New Hampshi re exper imen t s tat iok at Han-over 14 below,

T n o r , N. Y., Mar ;h 8.—The tempera-ture a t Saratoga yost-<rUay morning fe l l t o U degrees below xero. In the Ad-irondacks the mercury ranged from 20 to SO below, and In th is city the ther-mometers record 6 below.


Thraa Hoya I)TOwnad. b t u x v u . L K , Tenn. , March H.—While

t r y l n r to cross t h e river at Johnson ' s Island, s ixteen miles aliOTe Tiero, the two sona of Wil l iam Maples and a son of Wil l iam Baker were drowned Thurs -day. They wpre In a frai l boat which oapsltod and the lads perished before he lp could reach them.

Cal t iTui l ied by t h . Cart. SACBAMUNTO, Cel., March 8.—A car

a t tached to an east-bound f re ight t r a i n eras derai led near Cisco Fr iday morn-Ing and seventy feet of anow sheds de-molished T h e car contained twen ty -one cat t le and twenty of these were kil led.

Haaa- Itall Lascaa. LARSINU, Mich., March 7.—Tho Mich-

Igan State Base-Ball Utague, consist ing of clubs a t Jackson, Grand Bsplds, F l in t , Lansing, Manistee and Muskegon, haTO signed ar t ic les Of qualified admls-• lou to Nat ional protection.

The Concord liBtsuohad. CHESTER, T'a,, March Hi.—Another war-

s h i p dest l nod to become a part of Uncle Baal's navy wal> baptized Saturday in t h e launching of tho United Sta tes gun-b r a t Concord a t Uoaoh's sbip-yard, on t h e Delaware river.

An Abaoonder SanUuced. IOAHON . O.. March 10.—A1 Graham,

UM absaoading audi tor of Warren Coun-ty, has been sentenced lo tho penl ten ttary for a term of eighteen years and t o pay a lino of 912(1,422.18.

•'GU, TVlllle w c have njut<>d you!" Blnoe you h a r e been a w a y , da r l i sg , I 've not had one acul t o send to the d rug-gist 's for m y Dr. Bull 's Cough S y r u p ; and when my cough sy rup is gone I feel like I bad lost my best f r iend.

M . P . - A NEW DISCOVERY. Weakness and deranged livers, s tom-

achs and bowel» should never be acted on by Irr i tants like oommon pills, b ran , etc. Mile's Pills cures liver com plain U constipation, etc., by a new m e t h o d . Samples free a t Yel tc r & Look's.

Old p a p e r s for sale a t Uila uftlce, So.

flovoral P e r s o n s L o s e T h e i r U v e a N e a r H a m b u r s r , N . Y.

FlflM-n O l h a n Ara l u j u r a l - ' n i . D l . a . t a r Caused by t h a i ' o l l l . lnn of T w o

Her t lou i of a l l r o k . n I ' t a -. r n x r r T r a i n .

CBCBIIKD TO PEATB. HAMm no, N. Y., March 7.—Train '

No. IS on the Lake Shore railroad from t h e West, due in Buffalo a t ftIO p. m., : av>d runn ing very fast to make up lost I t ime, broke in two near Bay View abont : 8:50 p. m. Thursday. The front p a r t j of the train, consisting of engine . | tender, snuiker and two day coaches i was quickly brought to a s tandati lL | T h e rea r half, composed of five heavy Pnl l tnans, came on down the grade and crashed into the second day coach. T h e Pul lman, being the heavier , l i f ted t h s day coach into the air. and they now Us one on top of t h e other, both hav ing telnscopod the first day coach. SI* porsons were killed and fifteen Injured. T h e t ra in parted some miles west of Hamburg, the coupling Vl» 'e« i i the last day coach and the Ilrst s leeper breaking. The first section w e n t on ahead and was stopped when Conductor Houghtal ing pul led t h e bell-rope. Most of those in the l a s t day coach were notified In time to leave, bu t those in tho first Pullman had no warning and the cars met and telescoped with terrific force. Tha Pul lman was completely buried beneath the o ther car. An engine wa* dispatched to Buf-falo for aid. J . E. Minnie, who had h is arm cot off, being taa«n along. I t was two and * half hours be-fore t h e p h y s t d a n s arrived. A « reck ing t ra in preceded the relief t ra in and t h e work of ext r ica t ing ih« impriAoucd scf -fs rers was bopuu. 'Hie killed are: Mr. 3. E. Stewart and Mrs. J . E. Stewart , Rochester: J Swan, sleeping-car portar, Salamanca: Mrs. J . D. Iiaucua, Saratoga Springs, skull fractured, died of i n ju r -les: John T. Power, Pittsfield, Mass., and John W Fiynn, Canton, 0 . Those

Mis. Cla ra l U r t n a M a k e , an Appeal f o r Aid for fl.ntin Nardy I ' r r .mi . In the Da-k o t a - .

WAMIINOTOV. March ID.—Miss Clara ; Barton, president of the A m n i c a a Ns-i t ional Association of t h e Red Cross, has ; been invest igat ing the s ta tement ccn-( cerning suffering and deat i tut lon among I the pioneer st '.tiers of North and Sonth

" 1 Dakota. She has ascer ta ined tha t there •HOT i s THE STIIEET. | 1* urgent necessity for Immeillate action, mother to a place of safe ty . Suddenly

CIIICAOO, March 8.—Patrick Crowe, an ^ D 0 W to the public for cash ' she happened to thlnl . tha t her Christ-Omaha desperado, ru ty lve r in hand, ran subscriptions large enough to meet 1 mas frock, in w hich she took so amnck through one of the l ivel ies t par ts e v p r v energencv . She h a s Information | pride, was In t h e h n m l n g house. of the South side las t evening j o s t a t t h , t ' t h e r e are i t least 8.000 people In I rushed pell mell into the building.

P a t C r o w e , a n O m a h n D e s p e r a d o , B u n a A m u c k In C h i c a g o .

Ohated ThrnnKh t h e S t r e e t , by a Mob, Ba Wi.nnd. Two Offiean and a f i t -

l ian—Ha Had I ' r r v l o u . l y Sho t a u d Robl iad a W o m a n .



A I . l t t l* Girl la l l r a r r r T o w n . h l p w i t h Mora Pturk Than San.r.

F. La:.£, /ho lives In Benver lown-ihlp. Bay Oohnty, has a l i t t l e girl 4 years old with more pluck t han discre-tion. Her fa ther ' s house took fire the other day and she was taken with he r

t h e busy t ime when the down-town • ^ m a n r w , 1 0 t h o U ( r h , h o v

•hops were pouring the i r fi*>ods of work- i ^gye provisions for t h e m s e l v e s need Ing people out on the s t reets . I f p o d f o r t h e , r ^ . r k . R. T Helgeson,

Before he was driven in to a corner be i S t n ^ Commissioner of Agriculture, had shot two policeman, a pr in ter and | w b o M > m i a P B W . i , o r n n d Forks, N. D., wounded himself, and had thrown a | ,.,5, u n d c r t u k P t h c dls tr ibutlor . of al l MoUon of t h e town between Adams f u n d g ^ ^ h l ! l a d f l r f , H ^ and Jackson s t reets and H a r k s t reet 1 and Michigan avenue Into a frenzy of T H E C R U E L F L A M E S .

exci tement . Devour a Caiiadlnn Mother and Har j Officer Isaac Llnvi l le , of the Central | cj.tiAroi.

d e t a i l was the first man to go down be-1 MOXTBEAU Can., March 10 . -Mrs . I fore the desperado's revolver. H e | Colerette, t h e wife of a I

' mas frock, in which she took so much She Her

fa ther saw her and tore a f t e r her. When he found h'-r in one of t h e rooms where he wa* groping ahont In t h e smoke he discovered her hair on fire, bu t she had got the frock. I t was clasped close to her h e a r t The fire In her hair was easily put out and a moment la ter f a the r and baby were safe outside the burn ing bouse.

dropped at No. 188 Clark s t ree t . Leaping past the officer Crowe fired

point blank a t the crowd in f ront of t h e place, the bul le t lodging In the arm of C. E. Colo, a printer . The crowd f f U back and the man dashed up the street , followed by a bowling mob. His chances for escape seemed good. He dodged abont corners and through alleys, event-ually reaching State s t ree t , between Adams and Jackson, all out of breath , but s t i l l desperate and with his revolver In nls hand It was her# Officer Briscoe tackled the madman—for tha t was what he was w hen he reached S ta te • t r ee t with a mob at hi* heels—and a f t e r

wealthy Canadian farmer , and her j seven children were bum)>d to death I Sunday in the i r home near Cote St. 1 Michael, five nules from this city. T h e : family lived in 1 large s tone house. At I

H e a l t h lo M l c h l c a n .

He ports U) the State Board of H e a l t h by fifty-seven observers In different parts of the S ta te ! .r the week ended on the 1st indicated tha t Inf lammation of the brain, puer|>cral fever, pneu-monia, cholera morbus an l typhoid fever increased, and Inflammation of

an early hour Sunday morning t h e building took lire, and before assistance could be given i t was horned to the ground. Colerette had l e f t the house to a t t end to his work about the farm, and on r e tu rn ing found the place in flames. He t r ied to -escuc i n , e a M , ' s 1 1 , o r t . v - , w o P l m c M -h is family, bu t was overcome by his horror and fainted. Be was terr ibly burned and may die of h is Injuries. The

the kidneys, membranous croup, cere-bro-splnal meningit is , dysenteny and pleurl t is decreased In area of preva-lence. Diphther ia was repor ted a t thirty-five places, scarlet fever at fifty-one, typhoid fever a t fifteen and

fire Is suppos d to have been caused by brief s t ruggle the offhnr was j ^ explosion of a can erf kerosene oil.

helpless w 1th a bul le t In his breast. The 1 - ' BIG F I R E AT D E T R O I T .

Injured a ie :

Hold for •C .000,000. PUILAIIE:.ruiA. March 7.—The s tory

t h a t a London syndicate bad about eom-plated negotiations for the purohase ef t h e buslneasof the four firms control l ing t h e manufacture of soda water and beer a p p a r a t u s la the United Sta tes Is oon-firmed. The amount of capital con-trolled by the .yndlca to is said to be b e t w e e n $8,000,000 a n d 89.000,000, a n d

$3,000,000 of this. It Is es t imated, will be used In the purchase of these four plants.

An Ex-ChaplalD of the Nanata Dead, GBRMANTOWN, Pa.. March 7,—Bov.

Clement M. Butler, D, D., died here Wednesday night , aged 80 years. Dur-ing his rectorship a t T r i n i t y Church, Washington, he was chaplain of the Uni ted States Senate and was an inti-mate friend of Wobster, Clay and Cal-houn.

A s ix Mall Mill llurnad. AWDRBBON, Ind. March 7.—The Amer-

ican wire, rod and nail mills of th is city were burned at V o'clock Thur sday night . The In^tl tutl t ion was the larg-esf of the kind In the Uni ted States, and t h e loss will reach 1100,000, part ial ly in-sured. About 300 men-are thrown ou t of e m p l o y m e n t

National Hata-naM Laugaa. CLEVELAND, 0., March 7.—The fol-

lowing clubs will comprise the Nat ional Base-Ball League tho coming season: New York, Boston, Cleveland, Chicago, Breoklyu, Philadelphia. Waablngton, Cincinnati , P i t t sburgh and Indianapo-lis.

Villain. UcatroyeU by EarthquakM. LONDON, March 8.—Several ea r th -

quaku shocks have occurred lu the Gov-e rnment of Kutals , Asiatic B u u l a . Three vlllagcu were des t ro jed .

AUBUBN, N. Y,, J u n e tt. F. E, C. MEDICINE Co.— I have been

a great sufferer f rom kidney difUculllrB for a number of years. H a v e taken al! kinds of remedies wi thout benefit till 1 heard of F. E . C. Kidney Remedy. I have taken two bottlos wi th mo«t g r a t -i fy ing results. 1 urn now eiittraly f ree f rom headache (from which 1 was n com;-jiiii sufferer), e n d believe the wornt forms of Kidnev diaease can certainly be cured by Its use.

MRH. CHAB. C . W U T K L B B . 114 Genesee Street .

To see Bmlth'i! jjooda and prices is to buy, fo r he will not be undersold.

iptcre came t f»w minn tM la te r and t h s man was lodftred behind the bars, whi le h is victims were removed to the i r homes or to the hosp i t a l

Crowe was endeavoring to escape ar-res t for shooting and robbing Annie Bali , an inma te a t 441 South Clark street , Thursday mornlntr. Ho bud held

A IIIbi* In t h r Himii./**# Diatrlrt Cbum* m |.o«. of Stfto.ooo.

Drni ' I IT. Mich , March 10.—At 8:18 Sunday evenimr fire was discovered In t h e rear of Pray 4 Hatty's six-elory fur-n i tu re factory, 118, 100 and 102 Congress s t reet west. The fire was on the fifth

JohBKrm Mvyrrt, Olnclniiai'. eat In h e e d : T. A CocBih. PhMadrlphta. aired M bead e a t : W. H. F l .h i r, bruised on nliln and lac: Jul ia I lea ley. Monton. Injured In bead, tnuy tnred rib. fracture of rtjbt anu: J, C A™ •trunc. Koohnster, out In bead and neck: J . D. Bascua, Baralu*. Hprloirc face and leg brulaad; W W Hrand., Churls ton, W, Va,. l e f t a rm brnkeo: Char lev lu-rto New York, ankle ipralned : H. K Ja -p i r . Kl Boutt Good irtn itroet. Itoctiester, ankle sjinilnodi U F. Baupt, VU Sumnet straet, RnCalo. vr ts t ba^iy e a t : O e o n n K. Allec. Bostoa. (grained leg: Henry HubHoh. Kochr-icr. lulured lb knee: Jvi lan SVKOI. New York C l t j , I n j u r r to K<l j a n a : Onorgt- S n o m p w D , ItocboKier, s l l gb t ! sprain cJ leg: Oeorge E Martin, Uolse City, L 1 T.. b r u i u ol oheat.

There wore about ninety people on the train, and aiiiong them waa a young j couple just s tar ted out In married life— j married just a week. In fact, and t h e • tory of their fa te Is Indeed a one. They were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ; paucus, of Saratoga Springs. N. Y., ;

and they were returning home from their honeymoon trip. The couple occupied a seat in the eoaoh and the br ide was pinned down when the crash ' e a s ) . She wa* f r igh t fu l ly in jured . ' being bruised In many places, while he r I skul l was terr ibly crushed. The bus-i band wasalso Injured about the body and legs, bu t his physical suffering w u noth-ing to the mental agony he suffered. T h e bride was roiled In b lan teks and lay strelcbed across two scats whi le a phyaician did what was possible t o save bar, bu t Mrs. Baiicns was doomed from the first Her husband acted in a heart-broken. dis tracted manner , cal l ing npon t h e doctors to save her and kiss ing her b l u s h e d and bleeding Hps. I t was wi thout avail, however, and the b r ldeo l a woek gave up her life as t h e relief t ra in approached the city about 8:80, o'clock Friday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Stewart , ol Boch-1 es ter , who occupied a seat In t h e coach, w e n kil led together . They had wi th them the i r l i t t l e IMnontbs-old girl , who waa thusorpbaned s t a s ing le blow. T h o l i t t l e th ing escaped wi thou t a eln gle ha i r of her head being Injured and was found clasped in tho arms of her mother , who was killed.

th* woman up at the point of his revolv- j fl()OT l ( .> f o r , . l h „ ^ ^ •r, •hot he r when she resisted, and had w o r ^ |111(j K t t i n t . d gn-at headwav aroong then eecaped with a »1.800 diamond star. t e r y dry n . i . v r l nK The place waa de-

i Rtroyed. as wns the Carroll A Hunt M I C H I G A N ' S P E A C H C R O P .

I t Hnf f . r . S a . a r r t y I l u r l n r t h a I t e r a n t Cold Wmilhrr.

KALAMAZOO. Mich.. March 8.—Inter-views with leading frui t-growers here who have large interes t* throughout the great peach belt, as well as infor-mation from Allegan and South Haven, Indicate tha t the aevere cold has dam-aged the peach nrop badly. The mild weather heretofore has brought out the buds to twice the site t hey should have been, and had the cold held off the crop would have been enormous. iFrulVgrowen. from the lake shore say

E i e r n t l r e C ' lemvnry.

Oevf-rnor Lure recently pardoned Dan-iel SnJMvan from State 's pri-.on. flulli-van was sentenced J a n u a r y K, 1665, for five years, i l l s crime was assaul t and a t t empt to k i l l The r.-asons for his pardon Sre, h i s y o u t h tho m s :5 s t t h c t i m e ot the sentencel . t h e apparent ab-sence of motive, as It was a d runken quarrel, and the belief of the pardoning board that he has been sufficiently pnn-l ibed. He bad signed a pledge to abstain from intoxicat ing drink and places where It is aold.

Soldier* - T l e m r Af ipa ln tmen ia .

Governor Lure baa appole'.ed Cnneral Will iam H. Wltt lnglrm. of Jackson, as

.Chair Company's e . t ab i i sbmen t . The s member of t h e manap-ing board of the Mlch igm Soldiers" Home in place of Genera ' Alger, who has resigned. The Governor also avpointed General Israel O. Smith, of ( trrnd Rapids, as member of t h e board In place of Colonel Samnel Wells, who resigned pending an inves-t igation of charges of receiving money for lobbying which had boon made against him.

W r M c m n Troop* .

During the rebel l ion Michigan troops

Osiler P r i n t i n g Company and Carroll's cigar manufactory, occupying two num-bers on the east , were also completely gutted.

S L A I N F O R H I S M O N E Y .

A G e r m a n ftealdent of f p k l n . III.. Ki l led . RUMHMI a n d T h r o w n I n t o t h e R * e r .

PEKIV I I I . March 10.-^A floater was found In the I l l inois river Saturday evening which was identif ied as t h e body of Be r u t Junghans , who arrived here last fall from Uermany. He was to i par t ic ipated In the follow ing engage-re turn to h is nat ive l and this week. H e 1 ments . anniversar ies of which occurred













I T tfcat. while i h c r ran not c^ imAle t b t t p p w r d to have p l en ty of n o n e y . to- • 1963—February 19. •a€ . . . . . .. . . . e.. ......nla. , i... i r n n . . i f . ' Si'i'iinf^ fu ' - i i l rv Ati>ii;vn Tnnn

I s T E W

Lumlier Yard. PREDHISm.


C H A . S . L A W - 2 - E R . , rKoriurroa or

N A T I O N A L HOTEL, Sear P., O H S M Depot.

f u l l damage ut present, they th ink the prospecta are fair for about one-half of a orop- An ent i re loss of the f ru i t orop th i s year means fa i lure and loss of fa rms to a great many of the f ru i t -f r o wera.

cording to people who knew him. ISy a ghastly wound In t h e back of the bead i t Is evident t h u : he was murdered for b is money, as none was found on him when his hodv was found.

Died an t h . SrafTolU. CKAIII.ESTLN, W. Va.. March I .—Fel ix

Kampf wan hanged yesterday morning. 1

T h e crime for which he suffered dea th was the murder of bis daughteV, Mary, ' aged SO, and bis son Will iam. He com-mi t t ed the deed because he t h o u g h t ' h is chi ldren had stolen from him. The eaecut lon was the first t h a t over took placc In Kanawha County.

An OiTar f u r Coal F i e l d . H r f u . a d , !

P a i n Guot , Mich., March 10.—Will-iam Chappell, of Sebewaing. Mich., has rsfesed sn offer of Sioo.ooo for his inter-e e t l n the coal fields of tha t placo. Sev-era l Eas te rn capi ta l i s ts have formed a Ojmfllcate and will make alT-eflort to purchase some of tho lands. Tha coal

Ali r - 'ham Uneolu** f u n a r a l . •

LONIION. Mareb K - Funeral Hervlcos over the remains of Abraham Lincoln, son of Mr. I tober t Lincoln, were held a t the residence ot Mr L iwoln , and were ccnducu'd by Rev. ,1 Among those present t h e members of t h e legation and the Consulate, e*oept Major Post, t h e mi l i ta ry uttaebo. They were all accompanied bv their wives. T h e coffin wafi hidden beiieath a mans of flower*. Af te r t h o servl.iea were con-cluded the body was placeil in the cst-aoombs In Kensal ' l - een Cemetery. The re were no ceremonies at the cem-etery.

V n n e r a l of u I ' e inu le ClnHt,

P n T s m n u . a Pa., Maieh 10 - The

L o w e l i . M i c h .

Monroi Gibson, y o ! au-e and was a genera l favori te , vere all American

is of a much bet tor qua l i ty than t h a t oi funera l of Miss Li jaie Kramer took the Hocking Valley.

Olad a t t h a Aire of IOS.

CLEVELAKD, O.. March 10.—Mary Oallaghan, aged 101 years, d ied here Sunday, She was born J a n u a r y 19, 1788, In Achlll parish. County Mayo, I re land, and came to this oountry In 1809. She oould not speak the EnglUh language.

The Indiana llaaa-fiall LeaKve-P r n u , Ind.. March 10.—IL T, Smith,

organlMr and secrelar j ' of the Indiana league, Saturday evening placed Peru on the Hat Tho league comprises the c i t i e s of For t Wayne. HlufTton, M u n d e , Anderson, Marion, Kokomo, Warsaw and Peru .

Uaalroyad Three Villagea. , ST. pETKUKUUKH.March 10.—Three TU-

lagee In .me Government of Kutaeb , Siberia, have been destroyed by an ear thquake . Tho shock was a fr ight-fu l one and many people wore ki l led.

Onlr Had Nil Wire. . HEW VOIIK, March 10.—In th is oily

Saturday John S. Eastman was sen t to jai l for five yoani for bigamy. His d x wives wore In court when t h s lontenoe was pronounced.

A Flanitlsh Orlma. EUCBAMEtrro, Cal , March B.—Charles

Freeman committed murder near this olty yesterday by holding t h e bead of b is victim In a t u b of wator u n t i l de s th resulted.

Threa Hoy. Uruwnad. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. , March 8.—By t h e

eapaizlng of a boat near th is olty yes-terday the two sons ot Wi l l iam Uaplee and a son of Wil l iam B a k s r wore drowned.

Ova/ a Unndrad Yanra Old. BAIVTIMOIIE. Md., March 8. — Mrs.

E l l i abe th Bands, widow ot one of t h o "Old Defenders," celebrated her 101st b i r thday a t hor homo in t h i s c i ty yoe-torday, ^

Murdered and Mutilated, Moscow, March lu.—Tho body of a

Bister ot Chari ty nomed Plutnlzky, a woman of 40 years, was found cut into smell ploces in a sack In t h i s olty yes-terday.

Secondary Syphilis was ent i re ly cured by Red Clover Tonic lu t h r ee months , n t h none of the a f t e r resultw snch a a r e left by mercury In such cases.

If you have any doubt ing physic ians , they can wr i te to m e and I will give them a full history of each cas".

Dr. W . H Y A R N A L L .

B o a t h e r n Colored f e o p l a W a n t e d .

J toaros , March 10.—An organized ef-f o r t is being made to Induce an exodus Of Southern colored people to New En-gland. The scheme finds Its motive in the lack of sol table domestic servants „ In New England and in the desire o t , to put. the body in the hearse certain original abolltiuniato to place - - - - -tho freedmen In a condit ion ef olvll l i b - ' A n K n ^ ' " 1 , r ' " S ' ,V ' ,T '-

place Sunday a f t e rnoon from t h e resi-dence of her brother Kmnl; in this olty. The young ladv was the heaviest wom-an living in PltMlmrj»h. Her wi^lght was pounds, l .er eollln was fivo toot nine inches long and twenty ' f ive Inches across, inside measuretnent. Seven s t rong inen found it a diilicult

•rty-K a r d a r a d to T h a l r H a d . .

KAKsasCr: v. Mo., March 10.—Charles WllUams and h i t IS-year-old son, l iving In t h e suburhe of Galena, Kan. , were found murdered in the i r beds Sunday • o r s l n g . Wil l iams was blind and bad k o t h o t b arms In a mine accident The n p p o s e d murderer was arrested a t Pres-oott. Ark.

A Sad Affa i r ,

MASOR CITT, I A , M a r c h B .—James Mo-Intosh, of Spiri t Lake , accompanied by two young ladles, daughte rs of J ames Evans, while dr iv ing on the Ice sctosa Eas t Okobo'l l ake Thursday drove Into an air-hole and all were drowned. The bodies were recovered.

Bualneaa P a l l u r a * .

N r w Ye-.A. March 8 .—Bnds t ree t s re-port B16 business ta l lurea In tho United State* dur ing the seven ' lays ended yes-terday, aga ins t 100 t h c previous seven days. The total of fa i lures In the United Sta tes January l to d a t e IsH.TMJ, against 5 , 9 4 8 I n 1 M » :

round Hint Llvluf. OUAUA. Neb,, March 10.—H. H. Cook,

who was inpposed to have committed suicide In th is c i ty th ree months ago, was on Saturday found to be l iving In Oklahoma. The sulcldo was Identified and buried as Cook.

r, IO u e 3U ; ia> e t i t t ) •iiv ft 4 4 ift ?. 5 IJ0

(*tU6 r «

CATHARTIC P I L L S A R E W H I P S To tho liver and bowels, bu t give no i t r e n s t h . The more vou tuRe the more you need. Mile's Pll is (K, P , ) positively • t rengthen, Tho longer t aken the less required. Samples f ree a t Ycl ter & Looks.

i M t a l He*.

Puii.AIIN.PIIIA, March 10.—Tho r teum-•hip Black Prince, from Mexico, which arrived In th is city yestonlay, reported the loss of hor second officer and three of hor crow In a storm.

A B r l d a c r o a m S u l d d e a .

CLEVKLAKn. G.. March B.—A few hours a f t e r ge t t ing married yesterday J o h n N. Hodgson, a bouk-keopor, shot liimsolf with a revolver, causing dea th ins tan t ly . No cause was known.

Hur led In HamL

PcRRSBtntn, Va.. March 8.—A sand-bank caved In near here yeaterday, kil l-ing Lewis Stewart , J o h n Dawson and Archer Griffin,

" A n d every shepherd tells bis tale, under the h a w t h o r n in the dale" and on such occasions every shepherdess takes cold, and "Uffere tor turer with neuralgia unti l some sensible, well Informed cftl-xen advises her to uae Bdvut iou Oil,

U u c k l a i i ' a A r n i c a Sa lva .

The Beat BALVK in the world for cuta, Hruisee, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum. Fe-ver Sores, Totter , Cliaiipcl Hands , Chll-blaina. Corns, and all Rltm Eruptions, and positively cureu Piles, or no pay re-quired . I t 1b guaranteed to g i r e perfect •a t isfact ion. or m o n e y refunded. Pr ice 25 cents per box. Fo r sole by H u n t & H u n t e r

CINCINNATI. March h.—At Lohanon, O., ex-Treasurer l.'olemun. who had been convicted ol embo» leme i i t , thu amount being fixed i4 919,600, was sontenosd to pay double the au .oum emliezzled. the cosIh of .prosecution, anil to l>e impris-oned in the pcn l t en t i a r ' two and one-half years.

T H E M A R K E T S .

Nrw YOKE. Murcb 10 LFtX STOCK—Ctoler Ktcers. M 00 ft 4 «}

Bhrep . S o n rLOCR-Good Ui Choice

Patent* WHEAT—No.* Ked II. o. b.i...

May CORN-No. S White OATB-No. * White RVK— W-Hieni POKK-Ncw Mens LARD-Pteam OHBKRE WOOL—Uomt-ai U-

CHlCAd'i. BEEVES- Rbipplmc Steers

Cow. Blocker. Feeder. Bmebers' fli-rers .. Bollz .

BOOB—I.lre- (iiKsl to Choice. BHBBH BlTrrEU —CieauieO'

flood to Choioe Dairy KOOB—Preali BKOOS1 COKS-

Hurl Belf-workluii Cnjokod

KWATOEB (pel bu I POKK-Meea UtKO-BtcaA n i O i m - W h c u t I'a tent,

Winter I'aients... llaketH' *W e 8 * . Biralahts... a r . ft4*5

GRAIN-Wheat. No. V caah 77sa 774 Com. Ko * K i . e Ss OatmNo Scaith. . m Hre. No. ScasU ... f fe 43ii Ilurlor. Na 3 Northwestern. * tg, 10

LUMI1ER-Common Iirensed Biding .. 17 00 f o r 50 noorimr u au e a i oo ''omiuou Hoards I'l OJ w IS 30 Kendnu 11 60 a u 00 Lath v m BhlnKhn SUO-ttlHO


BtooUem sua Feedeni * H) ft 41. B O O B - A l l Knul.-s S 85 n » W

Bulk 8 70 ft S IS BHEEP-II.SI 3 01 (sfi

Stwknrk and Feeders ... SOU S OMAHA.

OA'JTLE—Kelt 13 W Medium 3 a


- m .1 o BHfc B Ul, 0 4 75

| J f c tt 3 SO


In all diseases of tbe nasal mucou!1

tucinlimne the remedv used mus t bo umi-IrritatiiiK- The metllcul pnifession has been slow to learn this. Nothing satis-factory can he actomplihliet] wi th xlpuclon, Riiufts, powders or evrtngeH b e m u ' e they are all In- iuf ihp, Uo not thoroughly 'reach the affected slirfacee and Hlimild IK- nbanrtntaed as worse than

•failuren. A mul t i tude of persons who had fo r yeare borne all the worry and pain that ca ta r rh can inflict, test ify to radical cures wrough t by Ely's Cream Balm.

Tenn. , Second Cavalry; Anhnrn, Tenn. , j , Four th Cavalry. F e b r u a r y '!0, Liberty, | Tenn, , Four th Cavalry, IWIS—February r • . t i so. Town creek, s. i.". Twenty-third in-1 Y a r d a t r e a r of Tra in ' s H o t e l , fantry, Fehraary Bl. Wi lmington , N. j C.. Twenty- thi rd In fan t ry .

Swulloived I'Blia (ireen. I ln r th i Hylnr. a younp jrirl l ivinp a t !

Bath, oommltt.id suicide the o ther i n i j fht . 1 ho child was barely IS years :

lie- | comin(r piqued a t the action of hor i swee thear t in (roini,' to a party with an- ! other gir l she went to the pranary of | her home and swallowed a handfu l of i Par is preen which she found there . 1

Ttealh of KolM-rt Coz.

Robert Cox. of Wheat land. Hil lsdale , County, died ot the secondary effects of ] la prippe recently, aired 78 years. Mr. Cox was one of the first se t t le rs In t h o township ot Whea t land , and for more than fifty years had Is-en a res ident of t h a t township and on the farm on which he died. He was a meuibur of the Leg-i s la ture In 1801-a.






W e intend to sell all our Gloves and Mittens and have our stock closed out before Feb. i st, if we have to



u Calf Mittens from

Khorl hot Vc-tr.r Items. The Nor thern Asylum a t Traverse i

City haa USO pat ients . E T G . Detroi t has a new club called the ;

"For tv -n lnem," which Is compoxed of |

.. ! for the Balance of February, hold a mee t ing In Pe t ro i t April '.'4.

A post-oftlce has been established a t ( Gaskill , Bar ry County.

Mayor I 'omitock. of Big Rapids, is to erect a larpe hotel there.

The f r a m e fa rm dwel l ing of W. J . Crain. s ix mi les east of Vicksburg, was | burned t h e o ther a f ternoon.

Ktlward Wilson's l i t t l e IS-yoar-old i daughtoi was s tanding near a stove tbe o ther day In the family home near | Jackson when he r clothes caught fire i and sho was so badly burned tha t she died.

A full-blooded Turk recently applied ; for natural izat ion a t Jackson.

Mkgg'le "Woofllock, a Detroit girl , suf- i fered te r r fb ly wi th lock-jaw for twe lve HOP1 S k i n filflVPC. day . , b u t has recovered. n U b O M I 1 " ' O V C b ,

Frank Bummers, a 13-year-old F l i n t boy. Is In Jail lor robbinf David 8t:hu-bio's mea t marke t a t Clio of 8li!5.

A tr ia l ol the Sebewalnt,' coal proves 1 j ( It Is almost the same qual i ty as the rest j u lOVeS of tho coal mined In Michigan.

T b e Carp river furnace at .Marquette a f t e r a suHpension ot four years wont in blast the o ther nlpht .

The Ktate liar AsHoclatlon will be per-fected andj j rganlxed by J u n e 3.

T b e I 'atrons ot Indust ry at a recont moet lnp In F l in t at tacked the Xa'.ama-zoo insane asylum t rus tees fur contract-ing wi th Armour t Co., of Clilcapo, for beef, and would appeal to the Legis-la ture to stop the practice.

The brick barn of J ames S. Uptor. a t Ba t t l e Creek was burned by a r I t -oendiary fire recently with Its c o n t e n u . Including six tons of hay.

An lb-ynar-old sun ot S, Vigen t brok h i s lejr on a detecUve S t Ignace side walk. The fatbor sued the city for 810, 000 and secured a verdict recent ly for M,000.

T b e Michigan Phonograph Companv Is about to place alot machines around in public places In Detroit , and numer-ous aelectlons of music, speechos and reci ta t ions can be hoard simply by "dropplnp a nickel In tbe slot ." Tbe eyl lnders are to be chaiiKcd diiHy so there will In olonty of varietv

75c to $1 50 to 75c 20 to 75c

25c Up


Fimt Clam. Ilimnl and {tKinu-al Heaiumale Rate*

I j v e r j a n d I eed S t a b l e I n C ' ia i>eei lM-

T o I n v a l i d a n d W o u n d e i

S O L D I E R S ! f h e undersi imed at tbe request of many

Invalid Soldiers, has qualified and been admi t t ed to pract ice

in t h e

Interior Department, and ill the bu reaus the reo t and i t now

f t o is Proseeule Claims, for those thai may be enti t led to PEN-


M I L T O N M . P E R R Y .

M i l t o n M . P e r r y ,

A t t o r n e y & C o u n s e l o r a t L a w

Train's Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich.

S iKfiu l in tent ion piven t o Collections Conv. yanclng , Loans and Sale

of Reai Estate.

F R A N K C . ALGER, A t t o r n e y n t I ^ a w .

C o l l e c t i o n s G i v e n P r o : n p t A t t e n t i o n



C o l o n Kleelc. — | o W I X u H I C R

a i T i r

FOREMAN & TALBOT, PROP'S. Or lem for Ihunensen or Ilaci-acr left at Train "a

Vntel, HiivU Hnime or the bus llarn will receive prompl attention

A U E.LEE'S MEAT IMtlET On the Unmre. T-'Jl alwavn b» found the

uholevst cut* of Jlent. Flahaiifl I'oul-t n In their iieauinK. nt Prlora

Always It^nwunble,

J . E . L E E . - Lowell. Mich.

A. Fisher & Co.

Western Michigan

• Business College

^ I ,


f j p T H W ^


in M*MC



I'l-of. l . n l a e t t r ' a M a m n r j H.ratetn la C n - a l -IIIR if rv i ler lBt.-re«! thao e r r r In all p a r t , of t f l r oauntry. anil iT.-aonn wUhlag tn Improre their mwnnrj- rbooul aend for ht« pmapaetu* f r»- as a i l v r l l v " ! In another column.


iihepard-Harlirian Building, - Fountain St.



Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, Telecraphy, Pen-1 manship and Business Forms.

J . U . L E A N , L . , j . SUf panron-AL f o r s o m e ( r i e n d a t a distance.

C.H.PE ARSON & C2.^~ - • B A L T I M O R E . M a

Subscribe to the J O U R N A


Won il use KempV BulBiiin for t h e Uirant: and luiii^i. ii in cur ln j ; more caaeH o f ; iVNight, Cold*, As thma . B r « n e h i t » , | »

O m u p iinrt all Tlirtuit ond Lung Troubles n ' t h u i any other medielne. The proprie- , lor bae u u f h o r i u d any UruBgiBt t<> give i you ii Sample Bottle Free to convince you of the meri t of thw great r e m e d y . I Large Bottles 50c. and f l . I P I S O ' S R E M E D Y F O R C A T A R R H .

B e a t . Eunie tu l o u s e . C h o u p e s t . B e l i e f in i m m e d i a t e . A e U r e in c e r t a i n . 1 ' o r Co ld i n t b e H e a d i t LUH n o e i j u u l .

C A T A R R H J l i s u n O i n t m e n t , of w h i c h n Rmul l p n r t i d l o in u p p l l o d

t o t h e n o e t r i l a . P r i c e , BOc. So ld b y D r u m i H l o o r u e u t b y m a l L A d d r e a s , E . T . i U Z K i / r i H i ; , W u r r o n , P u ,

Page 2: LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1890/03_March/03-12-1890.pdf · nentof any law in Twregard to Sabbath ohBorranoe-WAsm.vnTON, March 5.—In boorthe Hou»e yeaterday


B u s i n e s s C a r d s . 1 1 . 0 W E L L J O U R N A L


— C H A R L E S Q U I C K .


j w ' \ZR-JV:,rrT;

C. McOAKHKLU M I».. Phi' VJ, HotiMa. CMBc* K HtlJ** Hi.

M . ^ u "

W Kb

Subscription $1.00 a Y«ai


Lr**l hlirrtiarmniU at »L

DEALERS. t, Hkrdnva. 8 loll*** lUrd«»

B . i L

j T ^ J



THERE U one thing it M well for u. til r in n nd when

f.* our township o Hi cere Mid thi that are are putting in men to look after

| our ictcmU aod to do our towmJiip bustnea* and it u to our intere«t—pcckrt-book lnlci*»l—to hare a man that know* enough to do the butinear. that can look after it a« though it were hi* own. A man w ho can do buiinei* for himarll


Abstracts o[ Title, Real Estate, Loan and General lntu.-ance Agwiu.


Bine, Tatemn, Clappertoa & COUNSELORS AT LAW.

GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 75 Lyon St, Court Block.

D r . E . D . M c Q U E E N , |U-Mrat T»U'rt»»rj San cB.

ilra4uai« <•( i-'euuSoVrt nniiT iWWv». Toroa

Attes£i te all Dixeuei tl Ecne» asi Sattli

and make i i do the township'ibusineMi>iicce(*fulljr. Ifjou wen- about to Mart a bank, or a More or any other businew. would you put a man in to manage that Ui«in.-?p that had been tucceasful for himself, or wouldn't it make any difference. Ttiia

perform the which they a:

inm* and ' rhould

•Do T •300.000.000 of Engliah money coming into Uie United States to buy mills. furnact« and brewcne* meant:-" asked Eh Perkins of the Bee man.

"No, what Joes it meaor" "It mean« that it is the last dying

i-queaJ of lb* free tradi-rs. Failing to get free trade In this country the English are bringing their manufactories here.

« j . | The CoatM tiirnad men have abandoned II\RV ; the'r thread mil's in Scotiaad and

5.000 men at work makmc thread NewJem-y.'

• •and "T e other da J." rootinued Eli, | met the agent of the English sybdicate

hk-h ha* just bought the latteries

S - P . H I C K S , Altornej.

Iniairance. MONEY M LOAN or REAL EST ATI SECURITY j TrrnU)0 ^ ^ U ^ ^ i

"What aie you bayli.

L O W E L L . M U ' H -

H E N R Y N. STONE, Insurance Agent,

Otticc with Bowne, Combs & Striker, LOWELL, MICH.

Gi H . H B K B B . R T ,

fine Soils. Overtcau Md Tncsers

P a C K H A M S


focr I aaked. "We are buying them becai

nek of payir.j* your sixty per ( kee tanff. We are gi.mg to with yoc Yankee* by bringing i factories over her* or buying y.

"That ia, ynu are going to immigrate here and make iron and flour aod cloth aod pottery. iat«*d of making thecn i England and Kending them hese^

"Bat Mippose we ge< free trade here; "Why, then well go back again and

set oor cheap labor to work and ship the manufactcred articles here

"This aetUed my belief on the tariff •jat-iiaB." Mid U:. "I'm f<* krt high tariff ull England cpnnk)e» factohes in erery town and liar America. I UD'^-OmiOia B<r.

S i F E t E :

Wl.fle w e w.Tr waiiing at the depot a small t"«-a in Arkanca*. a cokireJ «

I if an; oiW the doctor. Oae of

tLea pFur«d Ut he, and kbe rrJM !ht check aproo iii IK* haiidt in a fiu»I and asked if 1* waulJn t "jirt tmp ob« to d( cabin an' «ee what ai]ed Lei <' loan.' Be fuosd that he bad faje. a aid Li would p-. aud two or ihree of w«c.t akeig to aee • bat w» oould w«. . we drew Dear the catan li.» ootaan ha ed us and aaid.

"rceUnalldedcirtah he's had. an'I wiiliu" lu ailow dax 1 might htr toadt

jspme miaukefi WLen he * a« f urt tookct I gin him tun.iji aeed tea. Was oat ngU. doctaLT


s« of lb* Msnr That Oeeapird at DladrMburc, Md.

In the naval history of (he United 6talc* Stephen Decatur's name ranks on the flm page. On the ship Preble, be-fore Tripoli, a* a lieutenant, he won promotion, and his rise thereafter was •teady and brilliant The only tarnish In his honorable life n os his death at Bla-densburg. Barron, like Decatur, was an

In the United Stales nary. He had been suspended from service for five years before the war of 1213-14, Ucause his s'lip, the Clierapeake, ur prepared, was Umrded by the British ship Leopard. The tinge of cowardice naturally colored his life and rvflrcted all his acta. lie went ibroad, a broken man, and being In Eng-land when the * r broke i

lly detained during Ita continuance. On his return he applied for active ser-vice and a ship. Ills application met with mlstancv; he was despised by his fellow oflicen, and his absence from the country during her hour of need was se-rarely commented upon. Go«lp became busy, and It was reported to Barron Uiat Decatur was the foremort of his peraecu-tor*. Then there began a long corre-spondence between tlie two Mutual friends «idened the breach, M>1 at last Barron, stung to madneas at the imputa-tioo of cowaixlke .verywh upon him. challenged Dccatui

in the use of a t


I Was an fcUtaatl; Furalshed Booi

to be turned o' for a club house, it I there waa one sacred

> Manha!

the second floor on the avenue aide. It wa-i originally turnished in 1872. The carpets for the room were made In Europe and fitted like a glove. The furniture waa made in Paris and was of the most expensive kind.

There was a crystal chandelier in it whose prisms shone like diamonds. Mar-ble statues from Italy and Hue painting* were some of the costly adommenta. The original outlay for furnishing tlie room was 1.-10,000. Whom do you sup-poae it was so magnificentlv fitted uo for? None other than Ulysses H. Orant, then in the first year of his firm tern as prcaident of the United States.

It will be recalled that (Jen. Grant sent A. T. Stewart's name to tho senate for confirmation as sarretary of the treas-ury. It was then discovered that the constitutioo would not permit an import-er to take this place in the cabinet. But Mr. Stewart, appreciating the president's deal re to honor him. became from that

Gen. Grant This room, in hi* palatial mansion, was furnished expressly for the use of the president No matter how crowded the house might be, no person on earth except the general was to have


DafakUU; of ArUOcUl Uotan, and O

gold. Of couree, the wood buddliaa, a* they are called, are the oldest and moat unique. Good old buddha* can be had from flS to |33 Mizican. These are price* here. It Is always the beat way to figure that an nrticle costing, say, Mexican here will cost the purchaser gold landed In the United Slate*.—Voko-

had be n to him a pastime fi school day* up. lie uuheaitatingly * i the u>e i cepted Barron'* challenge, and with fas- j latch key to the mansion and a key to tidious nlceneas prepared his worldly ! the room were sent lo him, with the di-aflain. lie wrote his will, kissed his ; rections tliat whenever lie wanted to sleeping «ife good by, and rode out on come to New York and have a resting

-iw, chilly morning of March 23, 1 spell, this room would be at hi« dlspoeaL Gen. Grant, in the eight year* that ha i his death at the accursed

spot of Bladen*burg Great iwrsonages were tliey, who stood in that narrow gaily at the meeting. The American navy waa well represented. Great de-corum prevailed in the choice of corners and the tneaaur* of distance. The two principals, haughty, dignified, self pos-sessed e»er, observed in rilence the ar-rancemmt* made for the death of one. and the question must have suggested it-self. Which?

All being in readiuesa, the principals were placed hack to back; their crder* were to turn at the word "Preaeot," and not to fire before the word --One," nor after the woid •'Three-" Eight pacea distant from each other, they swung around at tha word ••Present. ' each aaw the fare of the other, the rising ran and the barren landscape: on* for the last time, but which?

At the cry "Oner each took deadly aim; to mias fire meant death.

"Twa' Both pidols were discharged simultaneously and both men fe.L Both men "ere wuanded in the hip: the tall which struck Decatur glanced upward, severing the blond vessel* in the abdo-men. His time had coma. Both men were hustled frota the field; Bairoe away from the dty and chance proaecu-tk-n. Dccatur back to hi* elegant home. He lingered far into the night and died in great agony. The affair created in-tense excitement all over the couctry. "A curse.! shamar said the few opposed to murder disguised under tlie come of the dueL ' I'Dfortunate in its resultal* exclaimed the many advocating the ooua. Barron suffered from hi* wounds for many mooUis and finally died in ISTI. faavitg gained nothing in life that clung to his came with the tenadiy of hi* rep ntauoL a* the slayer of Drcarar.—Gene Bile j in New York Star.

president, oo .pied it lime* than anybody except the Stewarts were aware of. Ostensibly he was at the Fi/lh Avenue hotel, but when the evening began to w ane and when wea-ried with the day'* caller*, he would slip

Two dimiruuve district boys IHH OA thf narrowest in the narrow Nassau Hreet sidemait. Th« halted, and in just Rich a pasauoa as lo •top the progreia of about eighty pede» trian* who were too proud U> be turned out into Ute ureet by any such ignoble impedim^it a* dittrict mesmger boy*

"Beilo. Jim." said tl* lagger of tbr two, "where yei goin"?"

" 'Plowii,' replied the emalltr chap ••flow's bii?" "Slow." "Same'th me. Say. boie ot. g-.rrroe s

puff fore ytrga' And tbt-n tbe lide chip beld oat a

grimy hand, between the itiamh and forefincer of which w as duulted ahem an inch >4 cigarctte. Tbe other grr iSeadied the Cnt

~ grtit saOrfaction. Each puff LrocgLt sucii

a Icok to tbe face of the owner of the oranrtle as u sera oo th* face of a child

Cream strawberries are the newest and sweetest things in the candy market Tbe luscious red berry ia first dipped In cold water and then plunged in too cream bath of rose, lemon, vanilla, orange or pistache flavor, the stem and little green leaf remaining. When dry the fruit boo bon is put into a little cap or bonnet of fluted paper and offered at the modest rate of $3 per pound. Another innova-tion of sweetness is tbe chocoUte candle, a beautiful brown stick, three inches loog. w ith a tuft of hard silk to represent the wick. Set in a papier mache candle-stick of white, pink or blue the confeo-tion is at once a table ornament, a favor and a dt-licious morsel of dessert. There are chicken*, egj-*. pipes and tenpin* of tweet chocolate tliat sell at ten each, and dainty little garden basketa of willow and crass filled with choooiau panilles, Inlied with lace paper and the cover tied down with a nbhon or wisp of straw. Judging from the display of sweetmeatr and the varioos design* that are cummg into thr Bixadmay. Madisno and Fifth avenue shops chocolate is the choice of fashion.—New York World.

There U rumor to the effect that tbe Turks have akoeexaped the discomfotta aod terrors of the-infloenza." Thi* re-lief from a distemper that ha* had tbe driiisM morid in IU gnp i* auntnted i tbe Turkish custom of anal* ays coven head. Tbe fex aod turtan term to be f«x*ecu« in some way from the microbe that sets iu ruitcr* sneezing and then ofu-n lands theoi ia the ooU grave. If this prove* to be true it will is all proha-hOity inovaae tbe number in thi* < try who have adupoi tbe skull cap prevM.iii-(^ cold* Man; speakers m-vanahly in cotng the platform, avosd the effects of draughts, have woi ti>e skull c-pi It is not <eTiaro«a:tal. but it is a saftvard agaimt catarrh, a tbe plaguts of Uu* chmate. Let as give tbe skull cap a *bow.—Botaoo TraveOtr.

B RED CtovKt «as sfllictrd i <>( Ensipela*

il/Mp ii"K ing ineU all the idi>f. M} neigh-

and said try Loose'* Extra< t of Bed r. A* lie had known of it* woik-•markable tun*. I told htm I had ope, that nothing would do nif any

good in thi* world, be insistrd, and tuk-ig hi* hat went to the drug store and

bottle and urged mo to try it. which 1 did. 'ten day* after


"You might aa well say. 'How long soe* a suit of clothes wear?"' was the re-jly. "It all depend* upon the quality of the teeth and the care of the person who , , use* them. If a woman bites thread wl'li her artificial molar* they are likely to be ruined In a week. On the other liand, I pin siciatu had used theii know persons who liave worn the aame weeks and I continued am set* for twenty yean, and have never I "or*, being by been compelled to have them repaired. } V"1" Bet* made of the best material and in the ' ' """ " "" " e»t manner *hould last a lifetime, with iroper care." "What i* the proper care of false

teeth?" "Both the plate and tlie crown* *hould

be removed from the mouth and deansed every night and morning."

"Do artificial teeth decay?" "No; they are all made of porcelain.

which is not subject to decay a* Tie nat-ural bone la But. at the aame time, por-•selain is more brittle than hone, aod hence an artificial tooth will not *tand many hard knocks."

"What is the difference in ttie durabil-ity of high priced and cheap teeth?"

"That is a difficult question. Cheap teeth are made of a material tliat bears the same relation to that of the lies! teeth that a common stone china pbte doe* to a Sevres vaf Cheap teeth look like glazed china, and that is about all that some of them are. Now, no long a* tbe glaze lasts, the teeth are as strong a* th«"> made of the costliest material; and I have known a set costing next to noth-ing to perform service for many year*. They are not quit* so brittle, in fact, a* those made of the finest porcelain. But tbe chief superiority of the latter lie* in their shape and appearance and In the exactitude with which they are fitted to

"What Is tbe best sort of plater "One made of gold. But black rubber

ia just about as durable, only it U harder to keep perfectly dean."

"Are complete seta of artificial teeth

1 did. for two bottl

onderful how 1 improve ued using it and to-day I I have been in years. Nu sipelaa has showi

"Who wear the most false teeth-men or women.*"

"Women, by long odds. I don't think the result ia due alone to vanity, how-ever, although that may have something to do with it The chief reason i* that the natural teeth of women are not a good and strong a* tbo*e of men. and therefore, have to be more frequent!; replaced by artificial teeth." — Bost»i Herald.

An English traveler in Brazil report* an ingenkiu* contrivance of the boatmen by which tbe current of the strei made to counteract the sea breeze blow, lug up tbe Bio Sac Francis: o

Thecanoe was carried down tbestream by tbe force ot the current, but i afternoon and during the greater part sf tbe night the sea breeze blew so strong as to impede our progress. The boat-men, however, adopted a plan to over-come this, which I have never seen else-where. nor even heard of. and I wil therefore explain it in a few word*

They landed at a place wliere trees grew in abundance; and in a short time cutoff a coosaderahle numberol braacun which they tied tightly together cords. Oae end of a long rope wa* mad* Ua round the middle of this bundle, while the other end wa* secured to thr

Tbe boatmea then steered for a part of tbe river where the current war strong and threw tbe bundle orerboard. This being heavy from iu green state, floaud just below tl.e surface of the w*tei ia this manner beine entirely oat of the in&esce of the wind, it received the whoi* f<*T» of tbe current, ard by thi*

rate little infer** to that by which we descended during thecalm of tbe day.-Yostb's Compaiaoa.

"Tbrr • — plenty <f people moUering

I h.M suffering humanity ai

ibe greatest and best bloud purifier it Htiatance. Yours truly.

HENRY MARVIN. N. B.—My daughter. Mis. Bis. op, o

Toledo, was afllicted almost as uidl' and your Bed Clover cured her. H. M. '

•e of said k


G O O D S !

L O W K L L J O U R N A L : W E D N E S D A V . M A R C H 1 2 , 181)0.



Bowne. Combs & Striker,

B A N K E R S , L o w e l l . - M i c h i g a n .

Transact a General Banking Bufintes and Ikhio Ural I* available in all

parts of the World.


Flanu! Will White i* quite tick. The Peck liny* weic convi Harry Hunter was home n Peter J. Coppens wa« in

day. Ella Wl'er ha* taken a u

P. Hick*' office. Mrs. Ware, of Lansing,

Halstead's la*t week. Mrs. R. Quick is recovei

(overe fit of sickness. C. Guv Perry was in town

sh irt time, on'hu.ineiw. March came in like a

hanging like ad to a rout What dealers are advert!

Hold-fast Rnblterv, in this p


Patron* of Industry held • ng in Union Hall. Sstutdu). nil was aildiessed by Dr. I

C. D. Jen


' M«'n- I.nanfroinnearHaMini ; of the surrounding c«

I There will he a mw

r. I o S f '

inge Mory of losa of ID-imryis Wheat, red, ... He- that told by Arthur Dow. who di-ap- | ^• u

K" pcared Aug.80 last from Littleton,N. IL, '••|l and was found by his wife In So-attle, I,

| Wash. At the time Dow disappeared | (-onl — ' •ting of those In- from Litth the M. E. church, chant there, havl

1800,000, on which I year, Dow wa*

nd strictly tem|)erate rell a I.Tu*

lartlett gotthecli MseMion of the P i 0. Heydlauff is

Toile Du'nordes Seersuekers,

lacrr sDi be soli si public'vcSu^ lo tbe blfbal bidder, st Ibe preraUes in lb. Township of Cuooe. la lbs < yuttj ut Kent, la said Wu-oo Ibe Mtb 4AJ of Apnl. A. L> l»). si I o cloc* ta tbe sJlemocc of thai Jjls. ihe folVw1 log

(10, West Constj «<K«SH I


V E R Y A T T R A C T I V E , C O M E and S E E T H E M



tbe l*Ji da) «f reOnttrj .

K**. A " T W I meuzsa wen (*•«, Admit J) BOB ATT OEIUJt fiuseW 1

Burlington Black Hose, This dye is Guaranteed to be


Does not crock nor turn green, and

Is Free From All Poisonous Substances.

Prices from 8c to 50c

The Best 2 5 c Hose in the Market.

E.R. COLLAR, - Lyon Block.

. L O W E L L

Business Men's Association.

Regular Meeting*! firrt Thurwhy in every month, it B. C. Smith'i rtore. A. VV. WEEKES, Pres.


je and Boston. Alsc several huusea and loU in the village of Lowell. Can rait all classes of customer*, tor

sTn fuKs . 2tr over West ft Co'a druy store.

New Milks C o w s . ^ S . ™ the highest price in cish. Drop a postal f . me and » will call at once.

J. K DA5inA Lowell. Mich.. P.O. Bo* 270.


Lyon Block, Lowell, Mich.

A Geaeral Bartking Butinea Conducted.

wai coMJCcncsre.

ths guest o ^ We offer

Plnnu! MIM tirace Wendover. of (id. Bapid

Gd. Rapids tno 1* very ill. of Saranac. was

ker. Ia*t Saturday.

. ' i x r / r c

mi that she was able to be around the house. The funetal is to Iw held at Bown* Centre, on Tumday. P. M.

William SueM. our ilmggist, spent the SalilMth in Grand Bapidi.

nil drunken men were seen on -eeUSaturday. Thi* is comething 11 usual here. would like to see our railroad ez-I. either north or south, this . hut we want it built of some more *ii>Mtan(ial thin "wind."

Kelley, of the Claik«ville Seml-wa* in town last week, in the

it of his school.

Lizzie Taben Frl'lay.

The Maple

,1 Grand U-lge. Herbert Graham, of Gd Bapid*. spent

Itiurday and Sunday with hi* parents.

, and other friends.

Found—two |«irs uf children's she (new), owner can have same by call I: at this office aod paying for this nou<

Mrs. W. G. Barnes, wife of Edit Barnes, of the Coopertrxllt Obtrrtr. visiting her brother. Bev. H. W. Powe

to wear Boots or Shoes and

This program will be rendered on Sat-nl 13. March IS. at the Union school

buildlug: n the teacher do to inrare in

the futurt a higher standard of political morality?—W. M. Hewi -

ding is "

Old Belial


PUtoo! Home mud. Old paper* »cents per 100, at thi*

Cedar Spring* will have no «lo.m* thi* yew.

Our good* are all standard makes. A. J Howk ft Son.

Mia* Emma Fletcher, of Oakfi-U. i* * kiting at A*a Fletcher *

Mrs. S. J. Powell, of Eockford. viaited at N. B Blain * last week. MIM A C. Carpenter, of Gd. Bapuls.

visited with Mus Carrie Clark last • eek. We b


It Is To Your Advantage! lor he tbret .«U ^ O

To b*iy your goxt* wl re TOO can BK tbe bat for the bwt mooey

^Furniture Retailed CTKV8 T KXKISSL

Dan Wood ha* rotd hi* Barber Shop HGto.Coppeosand wUlgi " " May 1st.

Tbe finest *4 pant* to measure ahomn in town fur the mooc Hmith's. _ Piano!

Where do the boys get those el Why at SmiUis. be has

lovely pattern*. E. Hatch returned. Saturday, from

fllesiV Peon., where he haa been *—*" tag a Ouur miiL

A. Howk ft Son are offering special inducements, that it will be wenh jr«ar while to took up.

Good tnan wanted: who nnderstando the care of stock and can milk and care for 10 or 12 cows, morning and night (XUf) D. E. smso.

Anyone visbing to read "Gliape"* of Fifty Year.." by MM* France* E Wil-Urf. can do SJ by paying leo cecl* to Mrs. W, Cox. librarian of tbe W . C. T.

image to boy « V. J. Howk i Hon.

{oblnson has a


No trouble, but a pleasure to sl-ow the ue imported and ilom*-stic givMl* w. ave in onr brand new spring styles a mith's. The next medal ronU-st i* cnmprMed f yiHing ladies and gentlemen. Tr.e

Everybody is invited to a warm »ug« -rial on Fi Ihy evening. March Udi. t e given at Mrs. Bancnift'*. under th

auspicc* of the Baptist Society. Th* BaptiM society will have a wan I gar (octal at the home of Mr. and Mr

A. Bancroft. Friday earning of in •eek. Everybody invited. Piaoo Tha 8

nd Mi Had a goud time, a* they ai< judging from the amiling face* of the

urty people presetlL Mr. and Mrs. B. G. FUnagan opened

their house last night to a lirge numt of their fneods Cards an.1 ooar

rustled old "Father Time." cood time was enjoyed by all-

Manila Hughson enu-nained a •« pant of friends at wbut last evenu r>night she entertains another furty pedri. her niufD« not being onmmodi •u-enough to acoorumodsie aJl at once.

, . received a n>py of Vol. I., No *. of the Lor*-1 Mail. puUuhed by Philo W. Rogers, at Clarksville. It is a seat sis column folio and has a g"*Jly quantity of local new* Success t<

The regular monthly m*etin< of the t>jw ell Teachers' Aasociation will be held

the High School room. Saturday,

Th* ire harre* U harvestine. J £.

John Beuter's i; morning, hi were stopped before

What n .ugl, Hoi

-Warren Mi Diarmid. it should be

.-M E.

Th* importance of language wor nm try tea«-hing.—Myrtie Tnimbh How to teach penmanship.- I

Iroiih Lesamn—Bevolutloiiary War.

Pi<*no :

The following programme has rentred for the lis*! day of il«e "I

..ickt Skule," to be given by the I nf the Shakespeare Club, lueaday the l?th inst. The (sirl* ..f the • holar*. teacher and school board will be taken

• of Lowell's and pronin •«wne and hav

wipe her little brother's nose.

ig—Forty Year* Ago

he wi laving a husinea* worth Butter, blcli he n-allzetl t2«,000 a t^g*,

church member, a Point"* tan, and enjoyed the Ap^« tire community. He Pou,lrJ

I tonn estimable ladv and had er*. Bge<l 8 and B. He dUap- . jne knew whither. Beward* d and detective* employed, [„ ,|1P rail. His wife and friend*, folluwl

after a montli of Inquiry, gave lilm up an l Ai for dead, opposing he bod met foul play. Appl He left hi* biuineM affair* in *uch good uni-t M condition that hi* wife's friends ioon . I.'"* Mralglitened tliem out.

In February Mrs. Dow wa* greatly pri»cd to receive a letter from her hu»-Uind dated Tacoma, Jan. 27. Ita lone Indicated mental incapacity. Mrs. Dow at once telrgraphed lo Mr*. Philip Wln-*or, a married .Uler In Seattle, te go to Tacoma aod take care of her husband. Then she Imnlod a train for Seattle. Philip Winaor went to Taomia and found the missing merchant. He looked w lid. His hair had grown dowu to his shoul-der* and hi* beard was long and un-kempt. He told a strange story. He

M C C A R T Y Pure Drugs,

WILL S E L I i S i r



.ring Ezvninj IOOI* of Kent C

nts for llrst ot

be gran;.-.

Wilki Orchestra. sk7. " . S- li -il call. Singing-Hy tU school. Bea-ling cUaees. Arithmetic clasa. Singing—By the school.



Speaking. Sj akmg. Song. Dialogue. Addms to tbe school board. Bt-maiks from school board. Closing song.

Minstrel* gave ooe of the finest, if not the finest, ezhibnioos of genuine negro min*trel*y. at tbe Opera Hoo-e last night, that was ever given in

The high expectation* eater-large and critical audi

. re than realiied. Tl ere was everv thing in tbe pertcrmance

lid that whei hallucination thai * N. H., would sell hi coal at a fabulously low rate. He weni there, but imagining lite man liad gone west followed. He lost all memory of his own name for aeveral months, which were perfect blank. He had checks and |t2S in his pocket.

When he got to Portland. Ore., Nov. 11, he came partly to his sense* and tried to buy a ticket to go home on the train. The |nee was $.'>9 and he had only $50. Ho remembered that he had relative* In Seattle and bought a ticket there, but on the train he relapsed again and lost all Idea of identity and remained at TVoma. He lias an indistinct Idea tliat he wa* an inmate of a hospital for many week*. He thinks he owes a large bill for medi-cal attendance, but tha imprtsaion b vague

in Tacoma. A short to his wife lie was seized with the grippe. When lie recovered from thi*. altliougb in debt, his mind ceemed to brighten. He realized who lie was and wrote to hi* wife, telling her he wa* in debt for board and medical attendance, and to*end him enough money to pay hi* way home. He was brought to Mra. Winsor's houae.

When his wife arrived the scene be-tween the long lust husband and wife can better be Imagined than described. Mr. D.w had brightened perceptibly, and hope* of recovery are entertained. The family were talkins about Maaunrv. when Mr. Dow r< marked: "Why. I am a Knight Tempbr I forgot all about it till this moiuenl. In my iroubles if I had known I would not liave wanted fori tbing. I would have been cared for and reatured to my wife and family; but I forgu tbe fact, too, » hen I failed to re-member my name. It is funny, but it seems to me I forgot everything. The

,,•• A barrel or Ohio L ime. . . .

sill i>e held A bushel of Clover Seed. .

lur.:l'i"'.'Mii A Stnokcil Ham, per lb

.nd grade* A Smoked Shoulder per lb,

must have One Pound of Tea Dust .

, Eight Pounds of Tea Dust. I of School SMITH. Try my Fine Tea

Granulated Sugar, in too II

r lb..

Or I lb*.

r K iml me af Judge.

found by ez| ' - idhtn Pile

•* of Velio* C Sugar 10 lbs

says: I'ure Buckwheat Flour per lb.

! Fine Family Syrup per pai l . . .

Dr.1 Fine Family Syrup per keg. . . give* i

New Maple Sugar per lb

' Vr ! A Cord of Wood, dcliv 1.00

I Toilet Articles,

^ Artists Supplies,

3>s Patent Medicines, . .081

Miscellaneous Books, ls School Books,

• 's Photograph,

.. .o, | Autograph and , °0 Scrap Albums,

o.j Prescriptions Carefully 801 Compounded.

111 a t



F a r g o S h o e s

P - for t h e # .

r a m i l y F A R C O ' S ^

"BoiTip" Sctiool Skoss

W . 8 , W i n e g a r s ,

Children Cry for Pitcher's Cast 1 am always ready to buy

L . „ . „ Or. Owen's Eledrl 'Bel l 1 Park, Beef, Beans, Hides, Pelts, „

Fars, Potatoes, Corn, Oils, 5

and anything else a farmer has to sell,

and Girls, 5: Hed. dO'4 •i.rt


SHOE STORE We take pleasure in an-

nouncing to the citizens ol

Lowell and vicinity, that we

have removed our stock of

Boots "Do you believe in a pre**censorship ••Firmly." •Whyr ' Becau#* it would be a good thing

seed the press censor to tea In."—Chatter.


CHAS. M c C W T Y , ^ L O W K L L , I 'VV

PtOWO>Baroa..HmOTStJ SL. -ar-

' I V x ,0,'E «SV.0 - . cu-Tr-ou.u, ...... J&> K S

- r t f > F A R C O ' S VS \ $2,50 Calf Shot " i C s , for Gmtiimtn,

F A R C O ' S

$ 2 . 5 0 UDIES'MOT o-r-qon cr Coat. Button.

T • T ^ ^ { ; : v ; , S . s e K


• ABOO;* Cb!,'V'vl.<;'io1rhl.

A. J . H O W K & S O N ' S — G R E A T

SLAUGHTER Ladies Fine Shoes, NEW Men's Fine Shoes,

TwoHnDdred Pairs

tain—1 Cy tbe L

and nrMhinc tocnticise. Tbe G..M B*i"i r«v» some <4 tbe finest btnd

ever beard. Tbe siniciag

HOLD IT TO THE UOHT. te man who tells you confidentially

, just what will cure your cold ia pre-scribing Kemp's Balsam this year. In lb* preparation of thi* remarkable medicioe for COUKIM and fold* no ex-pense t* ipared tr> combine only the best and purest ingredients. Hold a bottle of Kecrp'* Balaam to tbe light and look through it, notice tbe brif(ht, clear look; tben onoipare with other Large boules 1 and ft. Sample bottle free.

WALTEH H. HCMET Cancer of lap and Skin I

tirely cored with three r*-

Jurt twenty members of oor Xasonic L/sige went over to l^ke Odessa last We«li>es<]av. to a»st*t at tbe formal open-ing of a Ludgf tbere. Tbey expected Deputy Graad Master, J. Q Loo*, and paaiMy two 1 ' w -I he rei-eptioa cntonus'

off tbe cars tbeir onl) equalled by tbe espratson of their faca. a* tbey afterward* expiamed "dida't expect all of No . to ome

gtad they did.* The (irai l ' Sees tilled bV bovs froca No. M. ex-

ng tbe IL W. U. It. Jobn W. r.«», and Grand Secretary, Wm. P

Tbey uad a glonoa* twv. Oo« I midnight.

To tbe many kind and sympoihitiiig •ends and DeighU*v wbo *0 kindly «w*ed a* in our late berravemetf —

jmnc in tbe Post OSoe at Lowell, LURCT -.

LiMKfr—Mrs-Job* FVtcbtr. Mm Las itsotUds, Mi** Mataie Liuk«. i. Miat

:S»:>E Mxiau*. Mrs. Acsic Parfctr, MR. Mat) Stneak, IX.ia Scbr-J.

ELECTRIC BITTEBS. This remedy is becoming aod m

ular a* to need 00 special notice, wbo have used Electric Bitter* ting same>aog of praise.-A purer medici does not ex'st and it • iraaranleed do all that is dain-ed Electric Bitter* win cure all disease* of tbe liver ami liver and kidneys, will remove Pimples.

1 iK svrtetn and preve e all Malar; '

and Indigeatun try Electric Bitters— " astisfactioti ganranteed. or

refunded-Price M>c and $1.00 Hunt ft Hunters Drag

Irs 4s. A tiartaad, Oeo JL Or***. O- Jenney. D « Kiawy. Ctoa. U 2. M- A. s-nitb. G. btase* bei*rT.

Tnuowoa. J IL W< * i,moa. Wm W aArf fetsw* c'aisiog tbe abnse will please iy • Advem*>i' g«va dale of this

mceter refun SJ*1"

IS CUXSCMPnON IXCUKABLE? Entd tbe foUowini;: Mr. C. H. Morris.

Newark. Art. aays: -Was down witn Absceas of Lungs, and friends and physscians pruooanced me an Incnrable OrfMimpcive Began taking Dr King'* ICe-w Dbenrery for Cms

It is their Jewe Midd'ewan. Decatur. Ohio.

*avs; "Bad it not been for Dr. King ) New Dtmnery for CoMomption I WIMKS have <iiMi of Lone Trouble*. Waa Ki'en up by doc inefaeuof beaHh •• bottle* free at Hunt ft Doater'* Drag

Ifcc Halpin lay, to hi Kicfa. Tbe

.Wi bought Cleveland 8 . tbe

hi* fata balesbarv. Hich. Tbe firm. Kirby ft

1 clianged U> a JK.UJUC*

'It might have beta.' Dm I soaked bit feM is ben

It. as put a xx. OS-tar J poultaoe os oe hack of bis beck.

r ; He llaiiiifatliire Oar Otra Goods aad Gire CastoaBrs the BeneUt af It.

s t K s r ;

O f i C Our Pumiture Will Astonjsh You!

L O W E L L . M I C H .

Dm. be alien ed be f-h w changed <3- mnKard

bit bead lis dun cumplsirwa all tbe tnaonis', as'noa' lie ft*

^ or Lit fern, a poultice aa de giiaa.t.

No doui* faodits are fnqsesiti; in-terred «Lile life i* y« exbaexit. but tLi»

If ewybody ILtka. L-wHl. Lafaietu Are., Detnat, Mirb 3J»1)

Piano! We are glad

tbit tbeve will be oagemeot of Trai*'* Hotel

j«r. Joe MeZee harinc l«a«ed it for


Well Wall, if dure* been aiiv miKUke.

doas'1<4 <ia to de ole man. Jutt skip

will be liberally rewarded by mm» at tha JdCKSaL Ottoe.

W h y T h e L a d i e s G e t M a d ! ONE SEASON IS BECAUSE THEIB



Tha PraBdtBt sent is, yewerday. fa *Sneat**s,TI>C-BameoiCuL Geo. G

Bricn. Cor poMBaster at Grand B>{».1s Thu utiles ooe of tbe MM bitter com

Ujniinina Is under Barnom d(<eRV3Xied

«.and otrfto-: be earl and nefieci d to pa} ibr doty. Tbr lOufl

Uose ealladf lo advertise a fa aalr


CLARK & W/KEGAR so. u rather

B R E A K S U P O N E ' S D I G N I T Y

A ComUasentary Farewell H<> "ill ei<ra Prof. Fowler, bv hi* tniiiU of YEITER i- LOOK PIT*. Clock, of GtMmOe. Mde Mr

• dacaarWt the pMt wee*. Prof. Clock Hai, A fine Mocraane* CATARRH



is India are tbr scurji' teat reeryxhing. and

toy oolaUirwi shortly after nijt arrr-aJ

T h i s G r e a t N u i s a n c e C a n B e A v o i d e d .

BOBEamOS ft SON te*v jm€

H O L D F A S T R U B B E R .

impiH aod thetr friend* lamed. BJI, SOcetrta,

Patrick Keiley. adminsstrator. *o*d tbe UibCgingioihe Rxijia lav. Tbr isterest all

Altatmra. which wa* sold lo W. S. Kirt.r. of iLe Bna of Ki ^ ft S'ewan.of G.t-tt-arg.

Ibejeariingfil.y J. C. Collins, of UoaanJ C.tj .

India. 1 apokecd Uiesourjii.iii uuiMurae. J mannlacturer. WOBI oneof Ua* caBoally remarked. • Well, yea. I !j

"Wby. yea; Hit:"* ibe war Liad. See. so thtnn. 1 killed thirty tin* maro- I bm't bit came: 'Pal. Ma

Ing, and tbungbt a a poor monung fa York WecUy.

It is > Stayer. We Invite the U d i e s of Lowell teTry Them. Try the Cure

E L Y S C R E A M B A L M Ckuuiwt tbe N

InflunaDcm. Ht:

and Hearing.

ITBt•»rj.'f i_«p y«s=JisI?!t -—~r~J tba: laagsagc isasHBefiigi off DeocastKT. IMb. CJS abbey clmrcL t£ Ue loUM-rarivnas oart u to sa,* aasd T h e M a i l s . of AI BJ :ra Chaiterdoa wai

bffore JwtJg' Bur-fc. yesterday, and ate-besng. to

troserwUBj aucwney tina at be had belter do In

Detnil, G'dBmi i lUia i l t t «tHi houne I s-ery

j It dartnd uooa bole •ut. i the buuae four

uney mid autouly pulled tbe wiake out and tilled

d Itao-ned. took hits and ausde a curry of

y. v ^ r of tba Halftn stock: O. D S* ZZ w T P S T o i i i 1 > E-B ?

W. S Has. W« Jeec-p. E M H- W. Oreeo. Dr. S. B

A, H. Kortbudar and L D- Kinney Gowad iursds; A. H Goe i. Pana.J-J w S e - S i r . J. Lmckn- Cbwhriitge Oaf. Ind.: and CL&eedy and H C.Cluse.arf MiUersborg


POINT ton* te rails ounrj: WW. Madiqg

Pinaburp miu.ulwaun-rs doll bare bwa tunas and good

Ibe 'ife-.uuit.iLre (£ (MW. cd «lucb 30 labtr-—pin

itapr ' Jiifu'tenlrr' a'i? ureoss Landing lortUe puryoHeof dumg uaa ouma 10 tne nonor U laonaL The yccdsB^fed W T . r i Timea aoiue abcgying. Tbey Parted Ice b<une ^ Lmdmmsgmi that aa great

about C JJli c'cuck. Sen niumiut Mra. ^•'emir. a* William Pa* atiouid Eemiiey'»iwdy found a a hsriod is St. Paul a. wbils

wrti l.«r banaf. and iec* hmtiUly uuuigie.l In.iu tiy mg I bare rrottalj psrenaaed a part^lnd

Jetsn BsH. wt^b 1 will keep for stack

from the city of Jackson, lo

this village and have placed

tliem in the

O R T O N H I L L B L O C K , I


We have leased this build-!

ing for a term of years, and j

intend to make this store a;

jjcrmanent fixture in your

town. We have faith in

Lowell and its future prosper-

ity. and tliat a



it tbe ule, a:

Two HDDdred and F i i t j Pairs of Gray Bruther*. H. s. Bobinson ft , Gray Biothers, Drew & Selby,

F ^ . ^ . - a t o . L.P. H s Robinson & Cos, M - N ' b U N E S H O E S , K-•• and . her I-me Dongola aod Jrench • c I. e c U I ' »» James M-nn s 13.00 Shoe. Kal «io«. Ongmal Price frow M 00 to belt/ &. 3Cnwab. ! Uii.du.. IVrtKl, AC./* H VlKboes. Geo. tr, 0) I w.. a.lj. L P R.-W. Field. Tha)er aod

Only $ 2 . 0 0 . ' " r f ^ ^ ^ * -

One HuDdred Pairs

FINE DONGOLA 0<ld I.A*. first price from |2 50

Only $ 1 . 7 5

R E M E M B E R :

All Goods Are Warranted

i f r o n i $1 to l.cfl below Original Price


Look at Tbis.

sale of thi* kind an fortunate enough to KH the benefit b>- ! fore will rememU-r that what wc say in regard to the £••»!* and prices are

e ha.i a F r o m $ 1 . 2 5 t o $ I . 5 0 .

La ties Fine Shoe*, Genuine Dongola. warranted v-Hd throughewt. Cheap at f-.'.Vi per («ir. Price Until Sohl.

Onr Whole Stock of

WINTER GOODS Must go at *ome price.

Only $ 1 . 0 0 ! A Full Line of

NOT FICTION BostonRubberShoeCo.Goods Aim-ays on Hand.

DO NOT FAIL TO ATTEND THIS SALE. R e m e m b e r the Place, SIGN OF T H E BIG SHOE, at the

Old Reliable Boot Shoe Store.


will be appreciated by its PROTECTION of Customers From Overcharge. Adulterations and Mis-

citizens. We would be pleas- FREE TRADE for Ever)* One with the Merchant who Does Most for His

e d u , tuvc you cat, and - p R O H , B | T | O N of Monopolistic Rings, Inthtcd Values and Oppressive High

We are anxious to culti-

vate your acquaintance and it REDUCTION of the Peoole's Burden and Buyer's Bugber—Tax Profits,

will be a pleasure to show you

SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. BtaXMfcTH'ft PilX* are the ssfest snd

- for (ndig«»i».«.

tate of the Woud. TWy have been ia o* ia ih-n cwwnto for —Sf iy yesn. and tbe tooosknd* of unioipmcb-<bse testiwoial* frotn tbwe wbo have mcd ihem. and ibew o-Mtantly me sale, it Inotiotrosertibie < thai tbey perform all I hat is daimed Cor thews.

BBOMrru s Puxa are porefy vege-table. ahtbfBtely harmless and safe to

ke at any f a * 8o<d in every drag and moiictne store.

our goods and quote prices.

We make a specialty of


As candidates for your patronage, we invite an examination of our business record in support of our claim for

P a i r , S q L i a r e D e a l i n a . We promise for the future the best in quality, the most in quantity, and the lowest prices, to

all customers, without distinction of age or class, and behind our promises stands

O U R S P L E N D I D S T O C K O F and handle manufacturer's

lines exclusively. We shall

endeavor by honest fair deal-

ing and warranting all goods

sold, to be just as represented,

10 merit a Urge share of your - | j4£ FIXEST GOODS, patronage.

Yours Very Respectfully.


We Have Just Received an Immense Stock of Spring Goods.



HE. Y. HOGLE We invite Jaspectioa and (Examination of OUT Stock-

See the Styles. L o o k a t t h e Q u a l i t y . M a r v e l a t t h e P r i c e s .


Tbnafc. iBflimmalsoe _ Q W . K K I • M T O S . ' prryjralum tkat nmriaUf mauli* Q Xnr lo its origiaal oolor. U ia rnfers- >, —•

by iay Eye tit*'* drirrr a&d -7 proa-

" 'SR&JVSZ E L r - t - J t r, s. i . OM

Page 3: LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1890/03_March/03-12-1890.pdf · nentof any law in Twregard to Sabbath ohBorranoe-WAsm.vnTON, March 5.—In boorthe Hou»e yeaterday



s a k T N c

POWDER A b s o i u i o i y ? a r n .

Thl» powder nrrer tancfc A Mitnrl ..| pnr ly. Hn-ngth and whilotomi-iie™. Mor- .-.OB

•mlral limn the onllniiry klnd«. ind <•«( !.it b< •old In eo npelltlon wllh the mullltudr •>! low t u t . ilnirl weight uluni or ph<»iih»le p.>mleT«. •old only In can*. Koyai tUklnic I'uwilrr Co,

III Hi.. " - (# iS)

P INE NEEDL c iGA¥«i ims: E


Tfaeoe <;o.n1« C o n l a i n t h e Leave* o r Needle* o f l U e F i n e T r e e .

U M them for a pleasant s m o k o and

speedy relief for INFLUENZA, ACO T£



from ftdulteratlon, aa nothliiR Is ua. i l

In their raannfactum bul the BEST Of TOBACCO and FRESH FINE NEEDLES


P I K E N E E D L E C I G A R C O . F R E E H O L D , N . J .

H U M P H R E Y S ' D> HomiaxTi' s n n n c s are v irctiacall) aud

nraf Jllj pf»parr>l pnacrtpMou i M»d tm m»ny Tr»n U pel rate rcact IcewlUi rarnvkand Uirnrrr Ihlrtr jmrtotMbT thep»«ple. f.tr-y ilnjl. hpe-cUIr b a ipeeial core for the dtor

wllboal 1*1111

Fdleaaftfcr d 11*

of Inf AAU .

Pin. Illllnn Ooile

fCflCU*' milMU* huimtk

treaaed or Palnnt l I'rrlrdi . tea, too iTofuv prnatW .

ft OnPtk. Mmrnll llnathlu t k e a a , Kr.>li»Ui, KmmV.t • a i l s n , Kheanatlc ralst

P E C I F I C S . . - T a o T X T B e ^ T u ! ? Ilea. Bllad or llUrdliif .

l»hthalHr> or frire. nr W»a* F-j.-... i,lDlarnu.<v>k) iDtkellrail IBC O w i k , violent fooaha

M opprr-ed Brrathlnn pew'reea. Imnnlrf) llrarliw .4. a, Balarsetl OUDdt. HwelUw .Si DcMIJIy.i'hTikalw'takMai.ai

S- n«doiia • from Kldlnir

eblTTtr Vmlaid Weai rotuniaiT UMarfM. J,

ire l l a a l b . ('anker

Sold by Drocrlfta. or tent poatpald on reertpt

\ V V > A \ H \ \ \ Y , \ S

A \ ' v ^ \ : V \ 7 . V . \ . O A v .

v : \ I \ Y . S v ' w . t ' S . .

VETERISABT SPECIKirs -• f f laraeand <'at»

of Dr. flamiiliran' by a l l a w a e r a i

z r & z z v ' i

Sal DoouwUc Anhnju—Honm. trraint^ot and "ICattlr.Hheep,


. S a l v a t i o n C M l T r V u ' o B ^ i o .

. Allan'aOolaan Hair Wn> . tari>bn K>r< r.ln<b. MiBaalRin dnrhij.liMtlMlM MJI rDonui luMf Bau M wboffiak atid irtall. L __ UllulrrtM rlmlu. rullllr.ratf.i town. KKL i . W. ALUOt.rtt •. • w»*D AT.,I)niuii». Fati«l» i ) .

RtrsD4.r. rrvc..'.. aiurdnwdBl All' uTltMHUti.r.


» l e n afflltted with Throat aod I.UHK Troobl»».

Only Cla. a I lol l le at Kroftcl'i". "Zr-

JK ^ O R S ^

B L A N K E T S ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GCKOINtWITMOOT.THCS-a LA»ei M^nurd by Wn. ATKFS A rn.i'"rtA make tbe fatuous llome m a i l Dafcr KUucr.i


CW Conrttpondenls will jileatc mail

their communicationt to ihep trill reach

f hi* office not later than Tiienday morn-ing.

r r a a p o n .

S o m e o n e look poaecwion of J u d . Douck's hat a t the imrty in Lowel l T u e s d a y n i g h t and J u d . nnd to purchase a n e w o n e to wear h o m e .

H . A . U o l c o m h , Downc ' s ef f ic ient treasurer, w a s in Grand ttopiils last F r i d a * and sett led w i th the c o u n t y . H e w a s the first treasurer in tin- c o u n t y to clnso up accounts .

('. V. Kiegler has co l l ec ted all the taxes in th i s t o w n s h i p nnd w a s in H a s t i n g s last S a t u r d a y a n d set t led with the c o u n t y . H e has f o r m e d a conclu-sion t h a t it !• ?!'•• « dealrahle iob.

Home of the LoweU people are con-U-mplat ing a visit to Freeport in the near f u t u r e for the acquainted and enjoy: C o m e o n , g e n t l e m e n , ani l we wil l try nnd m a k e it pleasai .t tor sou.—Herald.

P i a n o !

purpose of g e t t i n g y m g a social dance .

E v e r y t h i n g in the latest ani l nobbiest s ty les of pant ings nnd auitlngw at Smith's . The m o s t fa s t id ious c a n n o t tail to be st.ited.

Weal I.owell I.lnka.

Married—At the res idence of the bride's parents, Mr. W . O. Jurv , March Ist, Mr. J o h n Kil tenger nnd Mlns Mary Jury . W e leel that w e h a v e lost a p n t e ami John has gained a great i/rize. S h e goes to her n e w h o m e w i l h tbe best w i s h e s of all. She received a n u m b e r of cos t ly presents.

Mrs E m m a Merriman ha* g o n e to Urandvi l l e , to visit bur sister, Profaasor Merr in ians wife. S h e has had t h e g n p p e and her vis i t has not tum<-d out as wel l as she ex | iec ted . for w e all k n o w the grippe is not pleasju.t .

Mr. Ale*. Onin's f a m i l y had qui te a f a m i l y gather ing , recently. A pleasant visit , w e understand, a n d all w e n t h o m e wel l pleased.

•Ve are glad to s ta te that J o h n Court's f a m i l y are around o n c e more , and we are m o s t hearti ly g lad of it.

W e ore very t h a n k f u l l o "Bo-peep" for her kindness to us, and hope we c a n l<ay the debt very soon.

P i a n o :

B e sure to call nnd see tbe e l egant s tock of N e w Spr ing G o o d s nt Smith's .

Kallaaaharch I.ocaU.

Rev . Gould, of Ion ia , preached an e x -ce l lent sermon Inst Saturday a l t e m o o n and on S n n d k y there was a large at tend-a n c e . Services c o n d u c t e d by Rev . Myers.

J a k e Mastenbrook m a d e a flying visit to Urand Bapida, Monday .

Art Sav fo ) is taTking of g o i n g to Mon-tana in Uie near fu ture .

Wi l l Goodsel l w e n t l o Greenvi l le Tues-d a y to visit h i s s t t ter . Mrs. E K . W r i g h t .

Mrs. Goulds is very ill w i th a relapse of the g n p p e . I t w a s t h o u g h t for a w h i l e that her recover}- wa.i d o u b t f u l . Inn all hope s h e m a y regain bi r former hea l th ,

A special school m e e t i n g w a s held last Thursdav e v e n i n g for t h e purpose of considering t h e advisabi l i ty of c o n t i n u -ing another m o n t h of school , w h i c h was carried by a v o t e of e l e v e n to n ine . It Is not y e t aettled w h e t h e r there wil l be a tchooi or not , an those o n the n e g a t i v e

| s ide say the m e e t i n g was not legal ly cal led. W e e x p e c t s o m e l ive ly t imes over it yet , as both s ides seem de fermin-od to carry their point and are qu i t e ntubbom. GVPSY.

P i a n o !

WANTED Men to take ..rJer» for Vuraery Htnek, on Salary or Conuubari-ta. I can make a micc^wful

SALESMAN of aay o«e who will work and follow my laatrnc-dona. Will fnmlah handumi'- oulllt frv.. and

By your aaiary or c<>innil*id<«i •••'rj week, rite for tennn at once, *. O. GHAHAM. Snrwrjman. Borlieat. r. N. \

Lowell & Hastings R, E. T I M E T A B L E :

S O L T H .

. « • Lowell. 7 « a a - Elmdalx.

Arrl»e at Fnwjort.

*:•& rn *411 r a S:IU r a

l<-STe Freepon. Arrirc at Elmdal-


T R A I N S N O R T H .

» « a a r a KM au i.K, r a lOiWaa «;<* r M

Ihr wrmrtil. •« l •« mi

i^ . • • «IU m d n » toiutt n t M la f t , l~Mj. a>aV»a. Oab "nu tana! a M I * MtJ wr a<

a^lk-^ar^rad/M. TWW-


are a l w a y s found w i t h a wi l l ing hand , ready l o do what t h e y can. and If t h e y depart from this p lace they take w i t h

wi shes of the Four t h e m t h e Corn ere.

best PL.TF.IT.

P i a n o !

husband, s even chi ldren and a large circle of grandchi ldren, b w l d e s a host of friends a n d neighbore, to m o u r n herloaa.

Charles L iv ings ton , of W e s t B o w n e . c losed a v e r y Buccesstul t erm of School in this district , Friday. The school pre-iday.

I sented h i m w i t h an e l egant plush photo Hchreiner iias an i m m e n s e stock o f ! graph a l b u m , as a token of their e s t eem.

e l e g a n t robes w h i c h h e wil l sell at cos t , i " e n g a g e d to t each the s u m m e r — term.

Ada l lama.

S a m Harris and w i f e , from Muskegon, are s | > e n d i n g a f e w d a y s at J, Headluy's .

Mien H a t t l e Nash, of Ionia , has been • lending n f e w d a y s w i th her cous in , ilrs. G i l Pardee.

The ladies of the Ba| i t is t church g a v e Near ly all the farmers w h o h a v e sugar an oys ter supper at Milton Foster's last liuxhes nre engaged im m a k i n g sugar .

A l ton Atoma.

Partiea are f i sh ing t h r o u g h the ire o n the mil! pond w i t h qu i t e good success .

The voters o f t h e T o w n s h i p of Vargen-ncs wil l be cal led u p o n th i s spring to vote upon the quest ion of bui ld ing T o w n Hal l .

W m . Madison, f r o m Aver i l , Midland Co. , is here v i s i t ing h is father, w h o is very sick.

Cl ins . Blaser has j u s t had about 100 cords of wood s a w e d .

Parties w h o h a v e been w a t c h i n g for the ice crop t h i s w i n t e r , improved the ir chance last w e e k a n d filled their bouses , if the ice w a s pret ty th in .

W e are g l a d to report Mr. Madison very m u c h bet ter .

Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Hoose . l i v ing w e s t of Greenvi l le , Tisited a t Mr. W i l l i a m Condon's last S u n d a y .

Mr. and Mrs. H a r v e y Sanford , of Fa ir Plains, vis i ted Mrs. 3'8. father . Mr. W m . B . Brown, March Ist and 2nd.

Ernest and Gert ie G o d f r e y are s p e n d -a week w i l h re la t ives a i Grt-euville, a n d m Doug las s t o w n s h i p , near S tanton .

Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tay lor , March 5th, a 9 pound girl .

A birthday party w a s g i v e n for Chas . Renoel ls , o n t h e e v e . of March the 5 th . w h i c h was a g e n u i n e surprise. T h e occas ion w a s a happy t i m e for ail pre-sent and Char l i e w a s presented w i t h several g i f t s f r o m s o m e of the fr iends present.

All tbe farmers are p-qiiested to l»e present at t h e U n i o n P . of I. m e e t i n g , at the A l t o n church , March I5th.

P i a n o !

Here's yemr c h a n c e ! Forman A Aldr ich have a f a r m of 100 acres , in So . D a k o t a . 12 mi les f r o m P l a n k t o n , a c i ty of 4,000 inhabi tants a n d the county seat : Uiere is a frame house , s tory and a ha l f , a f r a m e

, f r a m e barn, a n d a g o o d w e l l ; Is d se t t led c o u n t y . 80 acres i m -

proved and all g o o d tillabk- land, n o t a foo l of w a s t e l and on the farm a n d lies wi th in 80 rods of t b e river. T b e y wil l trade for a f a r m or o ther good property near LowelL

The Four Cornera.

These cool n i g h t s look as if w e w e r e g o i n g to g e t s o m e i c e a f t e r al l .

Mrs. H . W h i t e , of Saraoac , is v i s i t i n g in this v i c i n i t y .

Mrs. D. W . Calkins , w h o has b^en in qui te poor h e a l t h for s o m e t i m e , i s s o a s to be out a m o n g her fr iends a g a i n

A l t o is t a l k i n g of hav ing a street rail way . I t i s t o run f r o m the d e p c t east, to the croes road, past D . M. Sktdmore's boose . I t is to g o o n runners , a n d our depot a g e n t , L . O . , wi l l sell return tickela for tbe earn*

Eari CnrtisB looks l ike a l i t t l e boy aga in , SUKX, b e c o t off b i s m o u s t a c h e .

On W e d n e s d a y e v e n i n g last, over 70 fr iends a n d relatival dropped d o w n up o n Mr. a n d Mrs. Gordon for a surprise party. W e w o u l d rathei th ink i t was one, a s t b e y k n e w n o t h i n g of i t until tbey heard a rap a t t b e door , and to their Btnprise, t h e r e w a s t h e y a r d ful l of people. P l a y s a n d mukic w e r e tbe enter ta inment of t b e e v e n i n g , until about 11 o 'c lock, w h e n an e l e g a n t supper anil w a r m sugar w a s served . The re-mainder of t h e e v e n i n g w a s spent in Jokes Mid v i s iUng , unt i l about 1 o'clock, w h e n tbe c r o w d a i s p e n e d , l e a v i n g Mr. and Mre. G . a happy pair. Mr. a n d Mr-, i lordon m o v e d f r o m N a s h v i l l e , Barry c o v n t y , to th i s p lace , about e i g h t yenn. "go, U» her . father 's f arm. S i n c e tbe death of her father, a s t b e f a r m is lo c h a n g e Hands, tbey e x p e c t t o m o v e a w a y soon , a n d w e , a s a nelrhborfuxxl d o not o n l y lose, but w e wi l l m i s s onr ne ighbors a s w e w o u l d o n e of o u r fami ly . D u r i n g t b t aat e i g h t y e a r s UT . a n d Mm. it . h a v e been present a t tbe m o a t of onr circles , a n d a e ne ighbore t h e y are ex odtad h v none . D u r i n g s l c k n t s s tbey

Fr iday night .

J o h n Watson entertained a c o m p a n y of y o u n g people at h i s home, last Satur-day even ing .

Mrs. Henry Brmlfield was at Grand Rapids last Saturdoy, vis it ing relatives.

J o h n Wi lhey w a s nt Grand Rapids, on business, several d a y s (uU

Mrs. Hakey. w h o has lieen spending s o m e l ime "wlih her d i u g h t e r , Mrs. Charles Cole, wil l soon start for her h o m e in Ohio.

Mrs. Owen, f r o m Lowell , was here several de jd last w e e k .

P i a n o ]

If there u a b u s v man in t o w n , it is B. C. Smith , the tailor, and he is w i l l -ing to keep r ight on busying himsel f m a k i n g your c lothes .

A f a n n e r . l i v i n g near Lyons has al-ready sh mred a | iortion of his flock of sheep. If I h e s h e e p were not dead w h e n sheared, the n e x t pro|)er th ing to do wil l be to « nd the said farmer lo s o m e luna-t i c asy lum.

N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g the bad roads. F i l l Gibbons & Sayles h a v e o b l a m e j a fair supply of heading and s tave bolts, not e n o u g h lo supply the large probable d e m a n d they wi l l have for cooperage stulT, but more t h a n would be e x p e c t e d for such a winter . They have shipped i |Uile a little f r o m Lowel l by rail .

A couple of y o u n g s t e r s took a cold liath last Saturday at the head of the mil l pond. Tbey had been v i s i t ing Mrs, Transue's b a m . preeumably for t h e pur-

e of laj Ing in a supply of e g g s for ter, and w. re detected w h i l e m a k i n g

t h e visit. Thi' reason tbey look the Imlli w a s because t h e y were closely pursued and there was n o o ther way of escape.— IJOCIII.

P i a n o !

rarne l t I'olnta.

The surprise g i v e n in honor of Char-l e y Rennels' 17lh birthday, March 5th, waa a S'icceM. A large c o m p a n y was iresent. T h e Rev. Mr. Clinton, n u n Grand Rapids, and Miss E l t i e Ren-

nels , from A d a , were presant. H e re ce ived a fine book from Mr. Cl inton and a shaving set a s a reminder of what tnighi be, f r o m his brolbets and sister.

St . Pstr ick's d a y is to be d u l y observ-e d at the Cathol ic church.

Minnie Leseiter vis i ted fr iends here Friday and a t tended the party at Alton In the e v e n i n g .

Perry Campbel l , w i th b is c o u s i n John, spent S u n d a y w i t h S. D. N o r m a n .

Fdrmers, don' t forget the P . of I. As-sociation t h e 15th, at Al ton church. T w o good speakers and a good program.

Mis* 3. Misuer has been sj iending a few days w i t h Mrs. L. Carl. She re-turned to her h o m e in Grand RapMs on Monday.

P i a n o !

D a w n the River.

The last m e e t i n g of t h e Literary S o -ciety , held w i t h Mrs. F. Earnest , w a s largely a t t ended . The p r o g r a m m e was o n e of tbe beet, and all report an exce l lent t ime. T b e n e x t m e e t i n g will be at Theodere Carter's, Sa turday even ing . March 15th.

Miss Mae H a s t i n g s and Li l l ian Carter attended t h e Teachers e x a m i n a t i o n at Grand Rapids last week . ' May succees crown their efforts ."

Last T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g several of Mr. Duryea's scholars accompanied h im to his home, at Prof. Myers', in A d a . where t h e y w e r e most agreeably e n t e r tained.

The P . of 1. wil l g i v e a box social , at the res idence of Mrs. F. Earnest . Thurs-day e v e n i n g . March 20th. F i f t e e n c e n t s will buy a box conta in ing suppet for two. A l i terary p r o g r a m m e wil l be earned o u t , a n a have a jo l ly t ime, vited to a t tend .

We t h i n k i t is tbe u s u a l t ime for sugar parties, and wish s o m e one would have one. a n d invite us . D. T. R.

P i a n o !

1 every e f fort m a d e to ». All are cordially in

which , w i t h present indicat ions , prom ise« l o be a n abundant crop and of good qua l i ty . BRIDGET.

P i a n o !


Sooth L-i well I tern i .

Socials s e e m to be t h e order of the d a y .

W e s a w the correspondent of "Four Corners" m a k i n g tracks towards t o w n Sunday. Must be some attract ion d o w n that w a y .

Chas. Yoi ter has m o v e d o u his moth-er's f _ r m , h e h a v i n g rented it.

J o h n n i e Ri t tenger h a s returned wi th bis bride f r o m a visit w i t h relat ives in Ionia. J o h n n i e expec t s to build a bouse soon.

A v«ry not iceable i m p r o v e m e n t at E. P. S w e e t ' s is the c lear ing of a s w a m p . Would t h a t w e could say the s a m e of the o ther s ide of t b e road.

Mrs. Moses L iv ings ton passed f r o m lalior to reward March 3d, a f ter suf fer -ing for t w o weeks the tnjs t intense pain. Her a g e w a s 05 years. 11 months and 10 davs. S h e w a s married to Mr. L i v i n g -ston 48 y e a n ago, in P e n n s y l v a n i a , tbeir home be ing near tbe no ted J o h n s t o w n . Tbey c a m e l o Mlcbi^»a 24 y e a n a g o . when th i s part of the oountry W M near-ly ail woods , set t l ing on the farm t h a t lien o n tbe town l ine of l iowell a o d B o w n e , w h e r e by industry and e c o n o t n y they m a d e for t h e m s e l v e s the beaut i fu l homo where s h e d i e d . Their Union w a s blessed wi th 8 ch i ldren—2 sons a n d 0 rtacghtere, o n e of t h e dangbtere h a v i n g preceded her three y e a r s . S h e l eaves an aged bnsband , 7 chi ldren, 2*1 grandchi ld ren a n d a host of f r iends to mourn the ir loss. S h e w a s a k i nd a n d a f f e c t i o n a t e w i f e a o d mother, a n d an earnest c h r i s -tian. S h e ever h a d a kind w o r d a n d pleaoant smi le for e v e r y o n e . P e a c e t o her m e n • m e m o r y .

P i a n o !

B O - P K E P

g u e s s * a reality that S m i t h , the tailor, b a s t h e finest l ine of su i t ings , pant ings and o v -ercoat ings ever s h o w n in Lowel l , a n d he is m a k i n g tbem up for very l o w pnuen.

Locaa .

(Too late for last week.)

Eli Pardee, w h o b a s been v i s i t ing relati v t s and old fr iends here tiie pns i t w o weeks , returns to bis bom.- in Canastota , N. T . , to-day (Tuesday).

H a n s o m Miller is reported as b e i n g dangerous ly s ick w i t h L u n g F e v e r a t presen*. wri t ing .

T h e r e will be a w a r m sugar par ly a t Lev i Blough's , Wednesday e v e n i n g . March 12th. E e v e r y b o d y c o m e and bring his best girl.

T h i s place was shocked, Monday, by the a n u o a a a j m c n t of tbe d e s t n of Mre, Moses Livingston, w h o died at her h o m e , Monday morning , from the e f f ec t s o f a carbunc le on her neck. " G r a n d m a Liv ingston ," a s she w a s called by m a n y , was well k n o w n tbrougbimt th i s a n d t h e surrounding r lc in i t iee , and w a s m u c h bemved and n s p o c t c f l by all w h o s e g o o d for tune it waa to m a k a b e r a c q t u i n t a n c e , Shn wi l l be great ly missed by m a n y , a s her presence in t i m e s of s icknass was l ike that of s o m e minis ler iug a u g e l . so ready and wi l l ing was she u/ a d m i n i s t e r coadon to others. S h e leaves a n need

— r e w n n a a Visitor.

Miss Gert ie Collins and brothers Frank and J i m m l o , spent part of last week vis-ing frientla iii Couth Boston.

There w a s a very p leasant partv at Eil. D i x o n ' s Feb. 20th, D a n c i n g and l>edro w a s the program of t h e e v e n i n g ,

Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J . Robinson S u n d a y i-d in U r a n d Rapids w i t h their daughter , Mrs. G u y Perry.

There w a s a pedro party at W m . MIs-ner's last W e d n e s d a y e v e n i n g . Mrs. G. W. Crosby and Arthur S m i t h w e r e tbe c h a m p i o n players and wore awarded the best prixes.

Farmers w h o h a v e ice houses were lucky in g e t t i n g the ir Ice Fr iday and Saturday , in Miller's lake . T h e ice is of good qual i ty and a l n u t s i x inches th ick .

Orlando Odell h a s been very s ick for over t w o weeks w i th a second attack of La Gripiie. H e is n o w able to be around t h e house again.

A f e w d a y s a g o w h i l e Adelbert O.lell was t a k i n g a load of w h e a t to Lowel l , jjist as h e had got in t o w n b e d l s o o v e n d Mimetbing wrong w i t h o n e of h i s horses. H e hurried lo Mr. P e r r i n ' s h a n i and call-ed Dr. McQueen, w h o pronounced i t paralys is and said if h e had been 10 min-utes la ter his horse w o u l d not h a v e been worth a dollar. The horse is rapidly im-prov ing n o w and w e b e l i e v e i t tias been taken h o m e .

A short l i m e a g o a s D. 8. Blanding was returning h o m e f r o m t o w n , bis t eam g o t t n g b t e n e d at a yoke of o x e n that was be ing d n v e o in t h e road. The horses Jumped and turned s o qu ick ly that it threw Mr. B. out . I n fa l l ing o n e e f t h e l ines was j erked out of h i s hand, but h e kept the o ther one, by w h i c h b e pul led iHe horses i n t o the f e n c e and s lopped t h e m . T h e b u g g y w e n t over Mr. B. , but d id not seriously injure b i m . I t proved a l u c k y acc ident .

P i a n o t

Y o u c a n g e t t h e finest worsted pants for | 9 at B. C. Smith ' s .

Orattan Oathartaga.

"•Grandma" H o w a r d , our oldest i n -hab i tant , reached tbe a g e of 00 years. March Int. S h e is sti l l able to visit her ch i ldren .

Part ies and surprises the past week, l o o n u m e r o u s l o m e n t i o n . Winuir's "very touch" s e e m s to have aroused un usual act iv i ty .

MpHsrs, J Bergen and J. McGee, of Grand Rapids, nurchased five bead o f fat cat t le of H. Lessiter, a l s o four h e a d of W m . Lessiter, and e i g h t e e n fat sheep.

F . G . l ia i ley , oi Vernon , Mich. , visited H . Lessiter last week , w i th a v i ew of purchas ing Shropshire sheep. Al though heretofore ent ire s trangers , w h e n they m e t and learned they were from wi th in e i g h t mi les of e a c h o i h e r in Old England, t h e y were brothers r ight off, hav ing a m o s t happy visit . Mr. B. also violted our es teemed pioneer friend, Mr. C. Close , for the first l i m e , both hoping to m e e t again. Mr. B . returned h o m e March 8th, t a k i n g 13 Shropahire ewi w i t h h im, bred by Mr. Lessiter.

W e hear Mr. J . Myers, y e t in the Grat lan Hote l , wi l l take charge of the Nat ional Hotel , at Greenvi l le . Friends a l l jo in in w i s h i n g b i m success in m a k i n g tbe "Nat iona l" popular w i th the public.

Through the k indness of 8 . D. Norman, w h o , amid all the g a y e t i e s of last w e e k , did not forget the bible in junct ion , to v i s i t the s ick, c tc . , "Maud hsd a da l igbt fu l visit w i th Miss Jessie M i s o e r . o f Grand Rapids, s h e h a v i n g closed her w i r i e r term of school , a t A l t o n , r e t u h i -i n g to her G. R. h o m e to -day . March 10. W h i l e Miss M. c o u n t s tbe g o o d people at Alton and Grat lan a m o n g her beat friends, she in return bears w i th her their o n t i d e n o e and w a r m - b e a i u d fr iendship.

Last Friday "took l b s cake" for gather ings . A large party of W a s h i n g ton Club fr iends m e t a t W m . Less i ter* . I n the e v e n i n g the Ladies Soc ie ty be l l i a social at A s h l e y c h u r c h R<-ceipis, $9.18, "pret ty good."' Bes ides there were three dances in dif ferent place* Receipts u n k n o w n .

Mrs. J e n n i e D o n o v a n and her sister, Mis» G e n e v i e Cri ies , l e f t Gratlan for, K t l a m a z u o , March 3d, to l a k e posit ions in Hie I n s a n e A s y l u m , t o w h i c h they bad been ass igned b y t h e tJhmf Super-intendent .

Rev. Father C r u m l e y a n d other friends wil l ce l eb ia te March 17th, St . P a t r i c k ^ Day. b y m e e t i n g at the acboolbou-e near the Orat tan Calbol ic church . Dinner and interest ing literary exerc i ses ore a f w r t of tbe program.

In last week's b ir thday Item for Mr. and Mrs, H. Green, the p r i m e r m a d e u s say Mrs. Green waa 72 y e a n old. Mrs. 0 waa 02 years old F e b . 2 f tb , and Mr. G was 70 y e a n old, M t r c h Ist. A large company of f r iends assembled lo jo int ly celebrate both days , s o m e of w h o m h a v e been neighbore these 44 y e a n , w h e n i h e now beaut i fu l farms were a dense wilderness. If a n y o n e can ex tend sympathe t i c congra in lat ions it ia thes* old {•i'liie. rs, w h o h a v e paved t h e w a y to pristperfty w i t h u n c e a s m g toil , alap laid the l ^ n d a t i o n of an inheritance, not m a d e wi th hands , t o w h i c h we are s w i f t l y paming e v e r y year . Mrs. Green treated the g u e s t s l o a s u m p t u o u s re past, prepared by herself , and Mre Nelson H o l m t s presented the IHMI and hostess w i th a m a m m o t h cake, inscribed IL g i l t letter* w i t h t h e names and ages of both Mr and Mrs. Ureen, Tin-samples of c a k e received were del ic ious . Thanks. MACD


by local appl icat ions , a s they i s n n . t reacn the diseased portion of the ear. There is on ly o n e w a y to cure Deafness , and that is by const i tut ional remedies Deafness is caused by an inf lamed c o n -dit ion of t b e m u c o u s l in ing of the E u -s tachian Tulie. W h e n this tube gets inf lamed y o o h a v e a rumbl ing sound or imperfect hearing, and w h e n it is ent ire-ly ciueed D e a f n e s s is the m u l t , and nn less the i n f l a m m a H o n can be taken out and thin tube rentored to its normal con-dit ion, b e s r i s g wil l be destroyed forever; nine cases out of t en are caused Oy cfdarrh. w h i c h is n o t h i n g but an i n -flamed condi t ion of t b e m u c o u s auifac^a.

W e w i l l g i v e O n e Hundred D o l l a n for any case of D e a f n e s s (caused by catarrh)



I t Is a Pleee from the Vint Hallway Weal

af tha Alleglianlea—4 Falal Accident

cantaa the Maiiaaemenl to Snb.tltuta

. t o n * Power for Steam.

State Li lmir in i iThompsou, thruiigh the •agges t l im of CoL J o h n 0 . Hodges , of Laz ington , and the courtesy of Vlco Pres-ident M. 11. S m i t h of the Louisvi l le nnd Maohville rnilroad.wns put into possession of a relic for the s ta te l ibrary, which has a n interesting bit of h is tory attached to i k The relic consists of t w o large stones, each about four feet l^ng, e ighteen Inches v i d a and t w e l v e inclMN deep. On<jn£onc la hol lowed out o n the top, toe ful l l ength s i ths raMilla. a b o u t t w o and one-half inches w i d e naU t w o incheadoep. On tha e d g e of this chise led Indentation i s a fiat strip of bur Iron about t w o a n d one-half inches wide , fastened wi th iron spikes driven into dri l led' holea in Uio stone, Tha other s tone boa the bar iron fastened nt t h e e d g e of the outer surface. These i tonca are all that la l e f t of t h e Oral rail-road wes t of t b e Al l eghany mountains , and the second railroad ever buil t In th*

U n i t e d Stales .


The road had its beg inn ing In Lex ing-ton, Oct. 81, 1831, w h e n tbe "corner •tone" w a s laid with appropriate public detnonstrations. It w a s flnisbed to this c i ty , a d is tance of twenty -e ight mi l t s , in December, 1835, s tone t i l l s l ike a l ine of broad flat street curb ing in c i t ies , tak-i n g the p lace of w h a t Is n o w cal led string-ers, to w h i c h the rails w e r e fastened. T h e ordinary s tra ight or s l ight ly c u r v i n g l ines of t h e road w e r e constructed with plain flat s u r f a c e stones, but for t h e av-erage or heavy curvee. the s tones w i th a chlspled gut ter w a y in the center were Used as a double precaution to keep t b e flange of the whee l from J u m p i n g the

rails. ' The engineers of tha d a y c l a i m e d t h a t

the roJd w a s the safest and most sub-ptantial that could bo built , but i t w a s f o u n d that for a n y length of t ime tbe action of the m a c h i n e r y prwwlEg heav i ly against the e d g e of the s tone rendered It l iable to wear and crumble , requir ing constant attention at a great expense lo keep the road in good repair, Deapi le all th i s care and coat In t h e construct ion th i s road had t h e honor of tbe first rail-road acc ident in the Uni ted States . This acc ident occurred In March, 1888, a t a point about t w o miles t h e other aide of this d t y . From a report of T h o m a s S m i t h , president of the L e x i n g t o n and Ohio railroad, of w h i c h the Lex ington and Frankfort w a s a part, published In 1830 and reproduced by Col. John O. Hodges for h is March number of Ths Trades Journa l , the f o l l o w i n g excerpt i*

taken: ' 'Notwi ths tanding those precaut ions on

the occasions al lnded to , t h e flanges of the whee l s of the eng ine , w h i l e pass ing w i th t h e usual speed over an embank-ment , lost their hold upon the rails, and before the brake* could be used the en-g i n e and several cars, o n e of them con-ta ining a large n u m b e r of passengers, were upset and broken. T w o individu-als were ki l led and several wounded. It is probably not wi th in the scope of h u m a n Invention to devise a m e a n s of travel ing entirely free from all barard."


The locomot ive first used upon this railroad w a s built by Joseph Bruen, of Lex ington , in 1835. It had an upright boOct a n d t w o upright o y l l n d e n and lever beams, both attached to o n e axle , w i th crooks at right angles . Bruen g o t h U idea f r o m Thomas H. Barlow, who , it was c l a i m e d , bui l t the first l ocomot ive in the w o r l d at Lexington, 1820-27 Barlow bad a car for t w o pasaengers at-tached t o h i s locomotive , w h i c h had p o w e r t o ascend au e levat ion e ighty feet t o the mils- In May, 1887, it w a s opened for public exhibit ion in a large room over Joseph Bruon's mach ine shop, where a n oval track around the room waa con strncted. This was the first train in

Hern Ameriua. Gen. Leslie Combs tod D r . W. 8 . Chlpley rode in it at f i f ty

Its a trip Tha locomotive w a s after-w a r d exhlbi lnd ia Louisvi l le and other cit ies in t h e sooth.

The acc ident referred lo , " in conse-quence of t h e respectability of the suf -ferers and tbe novel ty of the occurrence ," d irected publ ic at tent ion s o s trong ly to it t k a t t h e c o m p a n y s u U a i l a ted b o n e for stsaas powev in t h e transportat ion of passengers. This p r i m i t i v e mode of con-s truct ing a n d conduc t ing a railroad w a s cont inued unti l 1848, w h e n a c h a n g e of o w n e r s h i p bKnight With it a c h a n g e f r o m atone To'wopden stringers and a return to Steam f r o m horse power. A n incl ined p k s t e t Arsenal E m . l o th i s d t y , w a s in nee wn t i l 1848, w h e n tbe tunne l w a s com-plelcd t o g i v s entrance t o tbe c i ty and

SKCtfao* w i * t b o l i v W c B o f t h e road t o LooisriMe, 4 part of w h i c h , f r o m the cen ter o f l o u k v i l l e to t h e Port land w h a r f , bad k m g been in tuooessfui oper-at ion .—Frankfort ( K y . ) Cor. Louisr i l l e


that w e c a n n o t c u r e by taking Hall 's Catarrh Cure. S e n d for circulars, free.

F. J. CREKKY A Co . . Toledo, O. l y S o l d by Druggists , 75c.

B L O O D V S . N E R V E S .

Great m i s t a k e s h a v e been m a d e In tbe world, b y suppos ing m a n y nervous troubles were d u e to bad blood. Thus headache , fits, dizxim-**. sleepless-tfew, e tc . ,are a i w a y n d u e t o weakness or irriuitinB o f t b e nerves of tbe bf l l lh; dyspepsia , pain, w i n d , etc. , t o weak-n s s w of the nervea of the s tomach;weak lungs is c a u s e ! by weakness o ' the parts; blllintunefsi, conni | iauOu. e tc . , tri weak nerves of the liver or bowels ; pains, irregularity, sterilty t o derange-m e n t of the u ter ine nerves . For all weakness . Dr. Mile's great nerve and brain food surpaaws all other remedies. Trial bott le free at Y e l t e r i Look's Drug

Th* Dfltd Slarlaa.

Capt. Mark Welch , late of BaUast , Me., w a s a n old t ime s h i p master , and m a n y a m u s i n g stories are told of h i s s e s Ufa. Capt . W e l c h bad a -great abhor-rence of tobacco , and dis l iked to Cnd t o baooo "quids" about the vesael's deck . Q n a a k h t h e found an I m m e n s e " q u i d ' 0 0 t b e quarter dack a longs ide the boos* , w b t o b bad tweu rcccs t ly painted. T h s c a p t a i n ca l l ed all hand* The w a t c h be-l o w turned c o t , a n d a s t b e n igh t was pleasant tbey could a c t Imagine w h a t t b e d i f f lmHy was. " G e t the w a t c h t a c U c , ( traps and a handspike , and be ing t b e m af t ," shouted the captain, Tbe c r e w obeyed in a m a z e m e n t " P u t a s trap around i b s m a t s boom and book o n t b e w a t c h tackle," said Capt. Welch . " W h a t la t o be done!" asked the mate . " S l i n g that dead marfaw ly ing there against t h e bouse and bot s t h im over-board," said t h e captain, point ing to the tobacco "qulJ." I t w a s done. N o more d e a d marines were found l y i n g about t b e deck* a f ter that .—Lewiston J o u r n a l

S H E T E L L S H E R F B I E N D 6 . GSKTIXHIK :—The Zoa-Phora w h i c h

s e n t m e s o m e t i m e ago , great ly ncf i l ed m e . so m u c h s o t h a t I h a v e

MAn v i s i t ing Some w h o I k n o w need it , a o d telllnc; t h e m about it . I u s e d to l ive in Michigan unti l 5 y e s r e a g o , nnd I • m o w t h e reputation of Z o a P h o r a there. Th i s is h o w 1 c a m e »« to ffcr 'or it. 1 n o w k n o w I f . w o r t h bv m y o w n e x -perience. I tiv;- near i h e N o r m s l School bare and room a g r e a t m a n y lady stu-dents . 1 learn of a g r e a t m a n y w h o need jns t such a fr i end a s Zoa-Pbora. I n e v e r lose a u opportuni ty to r e c o m -m e n d i t t o shem, because, y o u see , I be l i eve it wi l l d o all t h a t y o u c l a i m for it. Y o u r s respect fu l ly .

Mils. N . UcrcaiKSON. m So. I M . S t . Los Ange les , Cai .

P . fl.—Petroleum B a l m is g o o d , too. A box of U cured m y s o n of a Sa l t R l i e u m • o r e of a year 's s tanding .

DRt'jntTBKTOW—MQUOK I I A f i l T — i u a n t h * Werln thara la bat oue Our.,,

' c o f f c a with Aut t h e * DOWlade Of the psnda takfa* ll.effaet-

pesdr wTpatSHaiSt e t t e , Wbathar the

iipSflo* l |n !hdr t a or cof— wlihout their ktunrMxe, and to-day bell ere tbey quit drinking of their own free win. No harmful effect* nsultlnf from

C -

A H E R O I N E IN S H O R T S K I R T S .

Uttla «l ml*, t'orrlcan's Thlo Hhuulderi i ear a Heavy lluiden.

The i |i- l i hllil martyr doesn't wear a long •tint.' npnin from her chin to her heels i trry a s l inl low wicker basket nnd trot n l x n t all tiny In t h e jos t l ing , hiiny throng ol a New York shop, responding to mori' or KSH voc i ferous d e m a n d s for "eash ." Yet this is jus t what Is dono by n small iiiuiden w h o s e l i fe is ful l of as nohle. iinM'lINi devot ion a s ever earned a crown in the "noble nrmy."

Little Mamie Corrlgan looks abeut 10 years of age . She Is a frail creature, w h o nilght be pretty if her wan face did not carry a painful suggest ion of being half starved. S h e has big blue-grar eye*, shitiled with black lashes, anil a mass of sof t brown hair, brushed till It shines, b u n g i n g over thin shotiMers, which have a p i t i fu l , weary droop. For three months l i tt le Mamie bos been the c i ik-fauppoH of l-ee fntully. Herniother has been an Inval id for more I ban a year. Her fa ther was stricken wi th rheuma-t ism this winter , and there arc four brothers and sisters younger than the heroine of tbe cash basket i n d the white apron,

Mamie, w h o l e f t school lo become the bread winner , earns ^ a week. Early in the i i iorning she r ises lo prepare food for the fami ly before go ing to the store. Many a t ime , h o w e v e r , there has not been any breakfast to get , and the l i tt le o n e bas worked fas t ing until some of the j kind saleswotf len, d iscover ing the child's hunger , appeased it from their o w n j luncheon box . A f t e r the tired feet h a r e i tramped about all doy and carried the ! chi ld across t o w n to the top story of the | east s ide t enement at n ight , her work Is ' o n l y half done. S h e sweeps , c leans, | cooks and w a s h e s anil Irons, o f t en work- j I n g r a t l l near ly m i d n i g h t to m a k e the humble h o m e comfortable for her parents a n d tbe l i tt le ones .

" H o w d o you m a n a g e to do s o m u c h work, l i tt le one?" she was asked. And s h o answered very s i m p l y ;

" I love them." Sho w e n t on hurriedly, as i f to divert at tent ion: "I c a n wash and Iron pret ty w e l l for a l i t t leg ir l . See I did this apron." It w a s spotless and had a fine "gloss" on It.

" H o w o ld are you?" "I'm g o i n g on 15"—with a shy . startled

g l a n c e around. " Y o u don't m e a n lo say you are I t -

s u c h a iiiite!" " T h e cashes all h a v e to say they're 14

to get engaged ," put in a sa l e swoman w h o listened to the converwUon. The oame y o u n g w o m a n told h o w she had goDe to see l i tt le Mamie at her home one Sunday , and found only bread and water in tbo house, but the small place shone with neatness , hav ing lieen swept and •crubbed by t l ie smal l , rougliened Itands of the l i tt le cash girl. Hiihi'rto a rela-t ive . l i v ing at service , has helped pay the rent of their rooms, but n o w she is un-able l o g i v e iheni any more u^is tance , and so Mamie and a y o u n g e r brother, w h o 1ms j n s l s e c u n d u place as cash laiy, are the on ly support of tbe fami ly .

H i e truth of thi* pit i ful story was es-tablished by a visit to theehi ld 's mother. Mrs. Corrlgnn raid; "It breaks m y heart to have m y little il .iugbter drudge so. but w h a t e lse can we do? My husband would rather starve than ask for so much as a crust of bread in chari ty . And y e t the l i tt le om-s (Ihe younges t is 4) must be fed. I hojie to get oh m y feet so that Mamie need not work a f t e r the long day in tbe sbo|i . Of ten n o w it is midn ight before she can get to lied, and then she lias to get up very early. I bail to keep her at h o m e t w o d a y s o n c e when I was loo ill t o be a lone nnd m y husliand was helpless, and she was docked thirty-f ive cent* for e a c h day, and seventy cents is a good deal to mis* out of ^J."—New York World.


•OF T H E -

The I.ateat Fad of Ihe Dad*.

The latest fad a m o n g the dudes Is the assumptio-.i of violent red gloves . I say violent adv i sed ly , l iecause the shade Is jus t t h a t w h i c h m i g b l result If they bad been knocked over the bead by a police-m a n and thi-ir noses bail bled. It is a gory red. It Is a red that makes you trembie w i th fear, and I cannot but be-l i eve t h a t the Society for ths Prevent ion of Cruel ty to Animals will Interfere very short ly and insist that e v e n the lambs on W a l l street are fr ightened out of t b d r w i t s by see ing this riotous looking color o n Uie hands of men w h o m they had tbcugl i t a t least inoffensive, but w h o n o w present the appearance of be ing

Cre l i g h t e n w h o have dipped their ids In the blood of their vict ims. It

Is n o t a pret ty fa tMpn.—New York Let-


E I L E B T ' S D A Y L I G H T L I V E R P I L L S are a boon to snf fererefrom S i c k headaches . Sour S tomach , Torpid Liver a n d Indlgeat ion . Sugar -coMed , p leas a n t to l a k e r. i warranted to g o t h r o u g h b y d a y l i g h t .

E i L a w ' s E XTRACT OP T A B A W I L U CHEBRV ia a sa fe , reliable and p leasant remedy f o r O o o g h . Cold*. Bronchi t i s , A s t h m a , a n d all throat Iron We*; wi l l l e -l l e v e and benef i t cousnmpt ion . Try i t ai .d be c o n v m o o d . E v e r y bott le war-ranted; pr ice 60c. a n d o n e dol lar |>er bottle . Bold by a l l druggis ts . Prepared by t h e E m m e r t Proprietary Co. , Chica -go. HI.

D R . JAQUES* G E R M A N W O R M C A K E S destroy w o r m s and remove t h e m f r o m t h e s y s t e m . S a f e i . leasam a n d e f f ec t ive .

H A P P Y H O M E B L O O D P U R I F I E R » t h e P e o p l e s Popu lar Medicine for pur-i f y i n g t h e blood: p r e v e n t i n g or c u r i n g Dyspeps ia , Bi l l lousness , Headache . Dolls and all Fei-ers and Malarial Disea-se*

P r i c e 60c, and o n e dollar per bott le .

U N C L E S A M ' S N E R V E A B O N E L I N I M E N T wil l relieve Spra>ns,BruisM. Neura lg ia and R h e n m s t i s m . So ld by all druggis ts .

U N C L E SAM'S C O N D I T I O N f O W D E B w i n cure Distemper, C o u g h s , Colds, Fevers and m o s t of t h e diseases t o w h i c h Horsrs. Catt le , S h e e p , Hogs

• S o l d and P o a f t i y are s u b j e c t

"SBBi by all

[other* wi l l find Dr, Winchel l ' i T e e t h i n g Syrup j u s t the m e d i c i n e to h a v e i n the house f o r the ch i ldren; it wi l l c o r e Cottgha, Colds , Sore Throat , and R e g u l a t e tbe Bowels . Try i t


B l o o d n u i k e s a t r i p a r o u n d t h o b o d y

I n a f e w seconds , i f i iure , II rapafex

c u r r e n t w a s t e a n d k e e p s u p v i t a l i t y

I f filled w i t h K i d n e y a c i d p o i s o n , y o u

w i l l h a v e

S O U R T B L O O D , w h i c h wi l l c h a n g e all U i e fluids of t h o

• y s t e m , a n d g r a d u a l l y break d o w n

• v e r y v i ta l o r g a n a n d g i v e y o u a mul-

t i f n d e of u n y i e l d i n g disorder*. To

s w e e t e n t h e b lood , u s e t h e g i u i r a n t e e d

v e g e t a b l e a l t e r a t i v e


P E O P L E W I L L B U T 6 0 0 0 8 I F T H E T I M E S

A R E H A R D ,

If they can make a big saving. We have not the space to continue to quote prices.


You will find what you want and it will be

Cheaper Than You Ever Tliouglit It could be sold for.


Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats A N D F U R N I S H I N 6 G O O D S

Displayed in our Show Windows. Also the Big Bargains we Offer in Boots and Shoea This Stock will not last always,

N O W ' S T H E T H E T O T A K E A D V A N T A G E

of these Money Saving Offers.


S H E R M A N , T H E . J B . W B U E . R ,

L o a d e d f o r B e a r ! Not m u c h t ime l o t a l k , but lots to sell g o o d s .

• A N D O O O I D S I T h e | ' p r o p c r * t h i n g , " t h i s y e a r , is O L D S I L V E R , w h i c h w e h i v e in a

g r e a t v a r i e t y o f s t y l e s , a l s o N o v e l t i e s in O x y d i z e d G o o d s , F i a t W » T e i n

O l d S i l v e r , E t c h e d , P e a r ! H a n d l e d T a b l e a n d T e a K n i v e s , F r u i t K n i v e a ,

N u t P i c k s , S t er l ing S i l v e r P i e c e s , P l a t e s , S p o o n s a n d F o r k s , G o l d F i l l e d

H u n t i n g C a s e , S t e m W i n d W a t c h e s , $20 a n d U p ; C o l d F i l l e d O p e n F « c e

S t e m W i n d W a t c h e s , f f f a n d U p ,

And Anything Else in tbe Line of Fins Jewelry.

S H E R M A N , T h e J e w e l e r .

A . R . H E N D K J X ,


Steam & Hot Water Heaters S t e a m F i t t i n g a n d P u m p R e p a i r i n g .

IRTIFICIIL S T O W WILIS, FUfiGIW. £ A07 renoM IntwidlaK to lav walks, cartxtooe*. M

tfaloc of tliat icrt, will Qod It to th»lr l o l a m t IOR«( my

W A I I work a t LoweM L i v i n g S m m . o w l S a t -i s fact ion Kuarantt-cd. ( ] {



Bed Room Suits Cheap ! as the Cheapest, and we will g i v e

Astonishing Low Prices in Pailor Goods and Couches.

W E A R E H E A D Q U A R T E R S F O R T A B L E S A H D C n i m S ,


MATTRESSES AN9 SPRINGS IN ALL STYLE*, Cheaper t h a n tbey wern o v e r s o l d be fore .

A Pd!! L i o e o f C e n t e r T a b l e s a o d S t a n d s , F i c l n r c s a n d


---- • t . - m

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