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My #LSCon session started with 10 quick hacks I could share before getting into the more involved hacks.

This is a decent online replication of what they saw.

I showed a tips slideshow for early arrivers to my session as they waited for others. It is just like advertisements or previews shown before the start of a film.

There are many opportunities to use “deadspace” in organizations.

One great example is an organization that changes screensavers monthly to deliver key training messages.

Get the write supportwith

No need to overexplain this.

If you support writing, explore what has to offer.


This will beon the test

If someone EXPECTS to be tested on something, they work harder committing it to memory, resulting in better recall.


The Compare option under the Review Tab in Powerpoint (2010 and above) allows you to accept or reject changes just like track changes in Word.

This, and many other great tips,are offered by Mike Taylor at www.miketips.wordpress.com

…but writing is better

’s & ’s are great…

Tweets and Pins are cool, but the physical act of writing activates more neurons, assisting in learning more effectively.


Yeah, some of the claims in the article aren’t solid (the key points are).Really want to know how the brain works?

Read “Brain Rules” by former LSCon keynote, John Medina.

Most people see a full closet…

Audiofiles see a recording


A closet with no ceiling fan or A/C vent will have virtually no ambient noise.

Clothes absorb sounds that could bounce off of hard surfaces.

These mirror the setup of most professional recording studios.

Create some buzz?

Add music or piggyback on a popular meme

Remember the “Deflategate” press conference?

Personally, I had zero interest.

Until it was Songified:


Never underestimate the ability of music to create some serious buzz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjE72Q8s8wo

Another way to create some buzz is to take a popular meme and make it your own.

Yeah, I’m grumpy. Someone just said mandatory training.

Need to transcribe audio?Give your phone mic a try.

A dead-simple trick that worked better for me than expected.

Play a recorded conference call or video, give your phone mic a try at transcribing.

You might be pleasantly surprised.

Rename the file as .zip……then unzip and release your goodies.

Do you get storyboards in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint?

Do you need to save out embedded images so you can develop in elearning tools?

Get all images, video, and audio from a Powerpoint or Word file*, just rename the file to .zip, and extract. All media files will be in a media folder.

Demo: https://youtu.be/sKimauoyFW8

*Requires Word or Powerpoint 2010 or above. Also works with Storyline v2.

Selecting the background OUTis often easier

than selecting the object IN

I often see this with newer users of Photoshop in seeing a picture like this*

* Object on fairly flat and consistent background of a contrasting color

The way we look at a problem is often the problem.

Most Photoshop newbies grab the magnetic lasso tool and try to select in the businesswoman from the background.

A pro would select the background OUT.

1. Select the object using Rectangular Marquee Tool (this will select some of the background)

2. Select the Magic Wand tool

3. Hold ALT while you click parts of the background you want to remove

A few clicks, and you are done!

Demo: https://youtu.be/M9DT_vPF0eQ

These were just the first 10 quick tips shared at my #LSCon session.

More tips with detail will continue to post at:


Please contribute at the site or to the hashtag #learnhacks on Twitter.

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