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, 1"-

. --".----,--.--~~---.~-.~------ --- ----,-. · .. cc* lt~~:~~~ LOGAN Y-ALLEY HERl\Lti--' ----

VOL. IX. NO. 49.


]), W. Brltt(ln, Co. Tl't'a~urer, \Vnrnc, '1'. J. Steele. Co. Clerk, Waync E. Ma.rtln, Co. JudJ(c. Wayne. A. S. ?rIhl(lr, Shcrl:[t, W!l.},llC' , J. ti. Hake. Co. Hupt.. WllVIH'.

~1. '-iJ: ri~~~t. ~~r~~~;~~~'Yl~~~lYIlC. ~·.'ir.'6~f1~~~' ~~. CO~.l'r. ~~:~k~fi~'ld. A. T. Chllpln, ,," 'Vn~'n{'.


ATTORNEY~lr-IAlf, Wayne, Neb.

,ViIl practice In tl1e 1), o!'. and Rlnte Court~.


Attorneys-at-Law, Wayne, Neb.

AIHO Notary Pllbllc. Col1('ctiom 1\ ~pcdalty

W. A. LOVE, M, D.,

Physician and Surgeon, WAYNK, ~EBHASKA.

H. B. CILAWFOlm, W. t', \'l'i(IIlTMAN. Old(llJt rC81(1eD~ pbr- Lat.(! "I !:It.. Lou\~.

81c1nn!1) lJ),ol..ognn


WUJ promptly attend to call1ll day or night. or culls by letLer or telegra.ph. or· fiee always opeD, one door north ot Logall VIl;Ill!Y~-


A A.,WELCH. ,,81>:ttor:l1ey at Lavv,

Wayne. Neb. H.EFEREN1:}:S: (ieo. 'v. PICIl.!>lUlts, .JIH}gc

ot the A.vpellll.te Court, 2d Ill. D!8t.. Rock

~~~r:r.; tOI~' Iw.enAis~.~d~Ol~~ot~ili ;(:j~~l~: ~:~~~:l1'ge<;o~~t~1 . ,1W(~YleOIl~ e~;~~ ui'~' 'd~l;k Henry Co., 111., Ca.ml.Jridge; T. }<'. MIl­christ, ~tale'!> Attorn('y, Henry Co., Ill., Galva; ,J. M. Brown, Circuit ("[t'rk, 81urh Co, Ill., Toulon: Fir~t "Satioll,l.l Bllnk. (hl~" ___ ~ __ 0 0_0._


BORED W E.LLS also keep on ha;ld n lull ~tock 01


School Books, District Books, Blank Books, Webster llnd Wor-0cster'B J)]oU()DllriCfI, Writing DCRkB, AllmIDs, Gold Peoa, Hla­Llouery, Ibud Batchelll, Pocket­hookll, Orgnns, Accordions, Vio-

l~:~' ~~~t~l~l~~" S;"[!~Gi~c&~'dc~f~: 1'1f,lIchlne Oil. Ap;ent ror Taiotor liro!!.' Rehool Books, alBa tor Ivh!O[), Blu.lwman. 'I'ayl .... r &. C ..... 's Sc_h09l Books. ~I.~. I)AVIES, MAIN SnumT. W A YHE, ""S Ell


Millinery and Notion Honse. Silks, Satins, Velvets',

Fll[NGEh(r~~li·s~}~~lfil;RS. PLUMES, TIPS,

And all tho lending styles at

:I\l.i[XLLXN"EB. Y, At all tlme~. Valencelnof's, li\llpure! Tor-

ch()n and Hilk .';pllnfsh Lu,dles'

an:~~hW:~en~;IO~~~CY._c;- .• " .. ~-.-

Cor&.e.ts; Po

q.ln; OF HAIR AIBO a full )tne at

Lactfes' Fi'eJBwelry. SOLK AGK"T FOR

Mme. DlHIlulesftR8liall13 P41It~rns, Iml)roved. \\'heeler & \\'ilson

SEWINC MACHINES. Headquarters for Sewing Machine Supplies.

MRS,-~!. 1'. AHERN. "·ll.yne, Ncb.

Wood and Iron Pumps whkh h' wHi ,ell", 'OW", th' low,st, lIe Wayne, Dixon and Cedar Bounties,

18 alllo agent for the

Challenge Wind· Mill. Clive me n (mil, or addres~ me by jdter,


L. L. ALLEN. Merriman & McMakin,

llOllSr., Si[n and Carria[e Painter~, :J GRAINERS, CALCIM[NERS,

Paper JEJ:a.:l1gera. GltAINING and



M~~,~Oliv~~y,SeCOnd Street, east of


Come One ~ Come All ! ----.-~"""'"""---

We desire-to eay to our frieD-dB ~nd em­to.~e+s thltt we a.re now prt'pllred to med ~~~~':'~t~haen~o~~~I~:arry,n btock ~econd

Improved an(t Unimproved

Farms for Sale (;OOJ) TNVRSTlIfENT!l!

lhr.ASONABUC PureES..!! LONG 'rImus! r !

Low jN'I'EREST8!! !!

For Information IlS 10 tbe Land.':!, call on or Ilddrlre.8

Undly & Gamble, Wayne. Neb.




H, G. L ,M. D ..

Physician and Surgeon, Wayne, Neb. Office on Mllln street Dcnrly opposite

Court Hou~o. Looal ~urgeon at C,. I't. p" 1'11. & O.




ALL WORK WARRANTED. Ma{;}liJiesfiepaired

furnIshed tor nil IDscblnell.

Safe or Combination Locks deaned or repaired. Store ono door north

at the Logan Vallev Bank.

Wayne, Nebraska. --~--------c--

Valley Logan

Gcean SCEamErS. Write Insun~nce in the

I'hwnix, Hartford, Conn. PIHl'nix, Brooklyn, N. Y ~orth American, - Pililadelphm, Pa (701 man, - Freeport, Ill. MUtUld Life, New York.

,JORN T. RRES<:l.Um; Ex·Co. Trells. D, C. PATTE HS01'>4_, Att'y-at-Lllw.


Real Estate Brokers.

A number 01160 and SO·aCre tllrm!~ For further p!(,rtictllars tn regard to these

·01" a.ny lll.ods, 01'

If IOU want to mOllgageyour farm, If IDU want tosellJllilr I4rm,

If 10U::lunUnelit1!iur Jmri; If you wanl to buy a farm, _

Cali on or address us;

-~ 1'0 ye blo!:lsom» on the trees,"

lie would twitter, trill and coo, I

And singing 8!Ly: "Sueb »onll,"l1 all thelle Arc not as sweet aa you,

Fo:ryou Arc blooming melodies The eyes-may Hlden to I"

-[James Whltcomb...lUley.


RII DI~llth and the Arm,. of the ]'otomac.

on thClr camps ;mrned[;ut~Ir, and not allow II. man Co

wa.s the first. word spoken.

wlt.hdrew. t~~!~a~;~o~):te ~~~~t~a well to bear ~ny blow but this. Their loyo for Lhe ~roslderrt waS" something marvelous. After eu.ch great success or grent reverse, he ha.d beon aeeus­Lamed to come out to see them. That honeat, homely face showing how h('~w­ily bore the terrible burden that had come upon him-of 8e~tliDg the "irre­pressible contlict" which for a ceutury. had to be managed by compromises­tlulot look at infinite sadno~s In the eyes that rested on these m6n 118 the only instruments with which to fulfill his

shrunk from the sacrifice, Fltrange hold of the soldiers'

the cowardly, brutal his_words of gentlenoss

as the breath of the must stir

would take

flwllll and annk. Ills body WIl.8 not ro· NEWS OF THE WEEK. Incomph'to, Incorrect and unralr. Undrr covered_ Ihc clrcumllllLOC('1I he teel~ Inclined to keep

A PASTORAL LETTER,' LOGAN --.!AI~L~Y H~RALD At·a firo in·,. Blable Itt I.,incoln, on

__ lJy IUUtALU PUBLISHING co_ ~~CB:~~:~~eborscs werelJurned todcatb.

W-.4.l:N.E. - .. _,. """IlR 'n ri d I I 711 Id t! d ""======~'~*~""'~;":";;;;-I "·~·;I·g,,- all',. _yca!_._o_.a~ _ .. 0' --------------J---~- men,ted, lett hOwo at PnWDCe City anO:

'rho depot n.t ])nkoln. Cltywaabrokcn GENERAL. tbe report ~('cret fur the present at tcast, III Which nn ArcbbUhop Gf\'e~ Timely

'WnruIng to HIli PE-up16, Into a fow Illghts ago and bu:n~larb:ed to the and may eonclude to order a re-examina·

~mo~t ~~::;~~:~~~~~;~~:~~i:~l;T:b~O~f"~i1~n~,e~'~in!$~~e~u:n~i~te~diS~t~.~re~.:.f~or.1~1~,o~n~0:rl:h~e:ac~w~u~n~u~.~~~~~~~~<~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~;:~~. NEBRASKA ItATTEItS. wLl.n,~cl'c(l OJI tl~9. rnIJr'p~d track. 'l'be cun­non ~)(\11 train ran ovor'and.;kllledher.

sOllle, clg:rs which wore taken from an ex- C"nnda, anlncrellBe ot 13 over the pre- Ar('hbishop Gi~bonB' of BaltitnOl':~ ~;~b~!O:kc;n.afe~c~e~~r~u:::a:fn!o~~w:':: Mdln~ w~ek. ~~nt~:~!o~nr:a:o:=;~ the forfeiture ~ur:e;~=;t ;:~~~y~a;t ~:~! the ~ttell~" A young but giddy girl, not ovor 18

yenrs 01 age, came to Dlalr some time ngo as n permnueut fixture In a woll-known bagnio_ It Was Mcert:l.inod that !the tJ,o.d been lod astrny at bor former homo, near Mtssourl Valley, Iowa, and that. she was about to Increase the population of the

She calted reUgloU8 procuress. The usul rfl* suits of o.n a.ttempt to prevent a btrth tol" lowed. She gradnally 'PRssed down lo­ward death'9 !loor, Il.lld wben the (lnd Hll­~l'Oaob6d--ibe_.ao.nt fur a olcl'gy.m.a.n .. thero WllS a death-teu I'epentance SCfno,

s:::::.~.nln". The pmo", 0' porsong...who. pled abort1Qn willllkeiv ...'b aud .b~.!!K.b_t_!..o tl!tlHce.

-";A-mmnnmrod-Meeow-fl.ftrHv-iijg nOAr

Frl\nKlin, left Etuddenly II tow uays !Iogd', ntoor mOJ1gaglng 11 t..earo twice. A wQrklng tor him was lDiHlilug 80mo Umc ~fIloro McCowan lon, RUU now 1\ newlv ml~de grn.vo"bna ho'on tound wblch is ~\ll)­poeau to t'lOtftu.tn the mlsKlng man, who hlui n large sum ot monoy In his posllcslllon, )I.,OOWl\b Is Iltupected.

During a thun'der storm the granary 311-q'it01'olIOltIlC of Je-Ilu l..undgrcn~ t!overnl mll,oll SQuthealit of W ost 1'olnt. woro struck by rltgbtnlbg and thoir contoutll, eon-8~~llgQ~1!;~o.flJ and.macbinery, 10taiLY lie­st,rovou. ;rbc 10s8 Is ill I1lo nmj{tiUmlootl ot$1,4OO.

A little spn of Chris, .Jneouinson, Nc­brAllka. CIty,. plunl'\'od n.IIUok loto the mouth -of·abee..hlyo. Tho bec!:!, reaent1ll~ thl~ in­tl'U:81on Into their dOlllalll. Immediately cov~ crell the little follow (Lud tltl]n~ l~im flcverD­Ir. Thel.oy Is very low,

~eputy Sheriff AWOlernmn, of BoonE' c0'4-nty, is guining quito 1\ roputatlon aH lUi ~l!.~~B(lPut. A tew woeks Hlnea be cti.P­turai;1 n. Coiilpin:y- oTTlrlllhTi Rc:hoII\TS who bn.4 rnn aW1\Y from the school at Genoa. Last Frldn.y he rocelved n tolegram t1l1lt flv:!' more hR.d ru~ n,w!lt,_ l!o IItllrtod mit and etrtkftijFtholT trail tonOW6(1 . mid O!lp­tllredlthem Ilonr O'~oll City. They W('TO

enU"oed,a.way by an old huck I~nd IoIqUaw wbo we'l'e down visiting lile school.

ABPlo b'oas of boaring size lmd IlgC

QX'9.scnerallY weUloaded wltb young fruit, My~r.·VCry-troUa.ble gentlcmall who receutly vlalood one ur 'Olay county III ol'oharda, sn~'" tha.t .pme trees ILre flO hOllvlly loudetl thuL somo of the fruit wlll bllve to he knocked ottto prevont the lImhs'" tram breakl[l~ dOWn. Who uyo Nebraska. cannot rulHo 11111t, nnd 1rult too a~ tInc as growl< t

with a gang of ceMe.tl In gotttng il.way with oonsiderable In tb,Wilyof money lUlU va.luables.

-Tile Brownvillo Granger snys the ciU. ZElf1ij of that platle are determined to !letl Ie tb~~On.l-qWlll.tlo.n I!Hb8t point In (l pmcticul 1\n~ posltlvo lUannor. Coni e~pert!l troUl llUnols,hl\vo l'oeen1ly boon looldllg over the .gr~uud thore, llnd they decide tbat IndlcR­tlou!:J are tn.vornbl0 tor 00[1.1, Illld IU'e roady to,I!~(lCJ&d to bmdn88a. A meetlllq' of thQ (I!Uzon8 Of iBrown'fllle was beld nt the opera bou~h, when it was (leclded to mise 8u1il­ct~n~'mGne~ to make n thorough Investiga. ti~n-.'-


A min 'w [1.1, touu~l along --tbe tr-aclt one and ono-hnlt mileFJ eaflt of Arapahoe, shot through the hreast and deau. Nothlllg wns on hljj perllon Ly which he could be ldenUfied,


Tho fl'ult. prospmlt In C1reoloy coullty ill 11110. The Indltmtlonr. tor wild trul-t8 nre

• " m~~d!eEI!~:~~:d~~:~~da.g:rr:~~~~ Secretary FrelinghtlJsen communi- tlon ot the cler~y to lho tact tb~t the ~llienll" The Odell Optic [mys the old Otoe Ordway, of Dakota, on the ground that the emu to the bOUl~e eommlttee~ on uppropll· SCU>!OD is nt baud, and the arcll!Jb.b~p: \,t,h1.ll>

reservation 1f! fast settling' up wltb good... grand Jury hIlS no Jurisdiction ovor all al. Iltlona and torelgn .Ilttalrh, at o.loll1t mc(l!llIg, advtsc~: live And go·abead,mcn, and in Il. lew ycar~ Jegcd oflentle oC the executive, so tar 1l.8 hill cletalls of tbe plunH ot the !I.dmlliistrutioll In Experience ba!> IIhown that pJcn!.cs uJl . more the old' 'refolene" will be known only oillclal o.ct.8 ure conccrneu. reflpecL to tbo NlcaruguA waterwl~y' lIe excunloD1I are Il. frClluent oeea)"loo ot ~can~ to thelle wbo reall. tbe history 01 Ncbrll8ka. The project of holding in St. ~Louls a ~:t.Iu the unWlUal methods auoptcu for mnk- uul an(l dlsHlpation, and that eV(ln lrumc

.J F, Mead in the Yurk cuunty both Amcrictln and Mexican I Of.{ tbese nraUcrJ:! known 1.0 I.:Ongrcs6 wcre which arc undertaken under tbe uUbpi<:CI! o!' I takE!n for" renl reasonfl, "and allked tbat the chureh can escape t.be ~t'gma ot· H.e.cn~r.-

1746-47 Is crmUally I mlg-bt he ree,'lnd un- r alHl ul~e(lIfkation only by tbe prudent tOni" , of the pa..tor. No.

pecuniary I Il.mt!M'lIlent~ fltID (,ODl~WllHlltc tor a IilIlKll'l1

~In Of ~C(,IHJ ot dl"',rder, anEI I nel'd nOL a(t~1; lb!l.1 n M'und/II, tllr "om Ilclng l-i.ull&te~, !iII

nl1Uflul~lIy favora.ble, thc treell aod villell lieHit"1trm'1l.1IY-llmdcd. ···Mleh, .. '.'Ke •. Uu,<,",c j.~lli.'>rJl"'K"!!t-""" tlmates hi!! Cl'Op ot IIIT1lwborriell Ilt 4.00:) the event. quart!i, and III guuranteed 21) cent-s per At a meeting of tho stockbotders of C']U!l-rtlor all ot them. tlla Lincoln d"rlvlng park company, o.n

IIf"Eiivolhn-·a.l·c,op,· ...... ', A-n- Arntl nt ~~r;~I~t~~ ~'~~:;~~t~l t~:~l::g:r:~~~:~~_

'--rlm-vniuntimt -sf You ;;!i~:::;1:,~t~~· !:~or¥u~~' '~M;)~O~"~."'~~'":;':'d~o~n~'b~'~.~:'~~~i,;~~~~~~~ YCllr. according to 1110 levy l"treUDtly mntJe-, I It! :J.:.\,IiSO.(I(17, agnlnllt$2,474,214lallt yco.r, and making lIuoh other

The wife of J([Luffmnn, who Wfl,H nc'('es~o.ry to putTlHl grounds In ~o, Illhapc

klllcll by throwing bhnllelt In tront of nn tor drlvln~_ (l1l,Q:ln6!1.t \\'Isner, hall roade a dom:LUll tOf Thc ereumery business at 'Vianer l~ the proporly Idt hy the tl.eeeo.FJed, To this pa)ing well. The four roUlel! which blwe demand the brother d('wurs, all be holdl! hc('n operated 110 far thll! year have L" ..... ---"-~"'yminl> have in!1il'wd grol~t dum* tb[l.t the wlte r:lU aW!ly from lwr hu~banu very lIucce~8.,d, aDd II new olle la to he Cft- ago to crop II In (' .. IHornla, Although ,Tunc with another nUln, wbluh 80 n:!'rected him tublilibetl. mlnll iro not lln\l~uu.1 In that Rtute, never th .. t he bel'ame demented , resulting In his __ ~.~ durin/-{ IiOY }eaf "IDce l~'W have they oeen Hulcttlnl dcath, A DASTARDLY DEED, ~o beavv as thll'! year,

Otto Islpr, of l.ln('01n, ~L boysixyen.rs The B,&:M,"Cnlluon nall" Train Wn' ... ked HIJ.~!~~tU~~~~~~~n!I:~)~;°!l~~; II~{I::I: ;!.to~~~::;lih~~aJ~'yt~~:~:.g ~g'ht 00 ~l ~g(D. rnteH tll.tween all ~tatlons on their Lno not

the heat, set In, untl to Have tho boy'li We The WOI'~t u.cchlent that-e\'er occurt'('o on ~)v.er t,.w.o 4undred mllell upart In OIUCI' to Illllj)llllUOn hecame OACCI\!IUn'. !l Nebro.~ka rall['()[uj t-oo-k pluuc on (b" U, A enable PTlflic.s livioh"il.long th-e Irnc Lo"t.i.1:e

The bruelitca of OmnhlL l\rG about to M, one mil,' w{'~t 01 Hllbboll on the nlg}IL ~~~!tlsn, Fourth oC Jul')' ('olel,mti<lnH at other

put. up a ~Hl,OOO chmdl, llR' .ng I~ IIcaUoj! or the lith, TIle truck a~ that point ap- It is (JOi('iall," ,'liMed that. fl nwetilw capllelty of tltlOut thrCll hundreu. llroachcR a 1,rfd,.;'e 11"() tect long und torty '"

A young mlln named BottumJ(jY hllH ~;~~n~:II!~I;II:'~r~~DI~~~, n:~e:I~'/~;-~I(~;' m~I~: ~~J1~b~I~)I~II;~(/:I~~!:~~~r::~I(;I'~I,I~o:'~::~E'hr~~~ been "dolrl~" tbelmmmnce COIDll:,t.nh,'!I at an hourt-_lLotl wa,~ throv.a trom tbe trn.ck Will be held 1I00n In :S-ew York, Ylco Papillion b, 1·('t\lInln~ to the rer>ldrnt nA'('nt In the mlutlle (It tbe brld~e, Tb!' eng-Ine, I'reMhlrllt Atkhll! )\tnt('~ that lJ!Ilon will for~Cil nppllcl~t!on .. fllld recelvlnK hili prcml"1 baJ.;gage car aud HmoklD!-!; car TllII acrO~H pfohnhly tenuO! hi,.. re~jlOJatloll !Lnd tbat tim!> for thE> AanlO, .He Wll~ tracked tn.Otoe on the tics, lelt the em'JRnkDlC'llt I,D t'harlp" J<'mnl'!'l Adllm~ wHI be cbosen eouul"-l1-llc1-nalJb.c.d In q.!l!£!lLiI. _____ .U.l!""-".' u. w_ tbe cnli ot tile blldge, l~nJ rollctl prosldl'lIt. Tbl' pnrnln~M of th(' company

n, c. (),Br.!g4,ljt- tolegfo.ph editor of over twice Lefol'e -renclililp; tlIn-tmttmn, P'r tur Mu.y ... ti!9ugh not t\llly m:uJc up, .... 111 the Omaha B(;o, WllS 1~~HlLultcd II tew nighLII teot Lolow, "rhl! bl~!-!:KllKo ear WaH toulldllt !lnW I tt IH ('Iltlm~tell, .. huw- II J~crri~fl-or a.!C..!!l!.Y two unlmown men .nllU !love-rely In- the hottom, under the ,..moker, smll~bcd tu from $2:iO,[.00 to *:!I)() ,000 net. lured I~~l-tbo ben.l1~ tllcccij, 'll.lw·--OU16r coa.chc.M ll.ud BICC-Pllr;:l .. H- __ T.h.esourt of appeals nt. FrankfOlt,

Ing ('HI) lb,,~e t')Mtlvltl"H WlllCb Il~e und'er~--'

bk('n under toe j'lter('ht.~ or cbarlty and re~-• IIl(lOn, the htatuLcll [Jt tbll (Uoce~e rcqulrli! ... T.h.fJ ganbon U'~f(:nllt;ll tb(' tnwrr fo~ l1L!l ,OU an aw ~c, tbat 1Ir, Intoxl~n.i

Into tbo cltv, \\hcre tlH'~ Imml'dlatclv m!l~ '!~I'~ awl tbat tue I!a. .. ~~~~)~-~~!~~­~l1cr('(II,I'l(MJ men ot lill' Itllrrl~on, and ;l,IWW! I ellee I,tnd cOlln",'I, Hl:wu!tl contribute to the of thc m!lle population. 'rbi' women all'\ I malnteb"mee <l! decorum and order. You; dlldren w('re Hpared, Tbc ~tory III belle\Cu I con,!!regatlOll 8hou!d be al~o admQIlfBbt-dr hy Major Hlchcner, f that vall!!, excur8ion~, and plen!e!! held an~

A Frcneh squadron of clght men.()f· der the mana~ement <It Catholic llocietil~l!!. war Bnd two torpedo boat'! has II.lTived at haH no eecie"·1l.lItic'l] ~an, LIon whatever Talll0er, and there is consternation amonF un]CkH appro\ed hy thp. pa~tor the bl<lor~. The sultan has forbidden the ~ _____ • _ - ~

Illi:l'tl!,g~ Inland ot 2,000 ri.fles. : The Moorg are "reatly Ineense('fl\g­\'vruz:ln, who Is helleved It"llion.

ALI I~ I.mloon


J\ H.,., pit .. " "r"","'r,·,l TI"'I" h) l1i"'-"I"(IOJII ... .., J'II""""II" 1'111'"".

On the lil!l I~ 4!I'(lWd ~r l'N;plc-gflth"­erf'(1 III 1I1l1J!mEi, hllll, In E)'~worlh, )f('_

TIle n{ejltlun commtu()c. pr.'ceded b~ 1'10.

band ol'mulolc, preccded Blaine, Lo..:.an

~Iltll~~all:l~;,o:~t::e ~;~:~;;p~o:l ~httC~ ~~::i~~ lllllltlreth ~[Jakjflg haod~ with [he illu"trlou III­

wOlln(ied man pulnted Ollt. tu(' sokllpr, l'llt \r~ltor~, !.,.ter tbf' p'lpula, e ,",cnt to the

~~~~I~~lt;~'O;:'~~h~~·(:h~~~~I~~;:nl~;~~:~akP~;:~ r('~ld('ncf', \\brrr Blame and LO~lln were

eOIl~lll for an ottll:er In clvlllnn dre~~, ~"~'f'I~:'\::!d II/oi!~~',r:~~e;~ ~f,t;l~r~:~ :~:::~;II

(~'llnt'ILne, Bordeaux, , bl'lIr;.;(' W lloos(lvelt, United Statea con· lIul, u.1)(1 hl~ wlf(' w(lre present. A Wrench Hol(}ll'r lirp.ll a pil!lol ,It the Americans. The bullet II L~~(1d throuo.:h It )ose\'elt's hat, con· tlillfld hl~ head !lnd knol;k('t\ him oyer, The

a.:;!!ln..t-J whom be uad a gTlI 1..,e, The C'llll' he had mao)' cau"c~ fur J!flal /!:r!ltltuJe I .. ~Ial\llf'r at H<l-=rdeallx nak- -olfreieiI lln irr" tile Pf'OlllP 01 ~[dlle rM mnny TC:tT'll -for­'llllry, theIr fri('udbhlp, ~upport :Iud 'l'~nfhl('nce:

Tbe Flgllro ('lJrrespol1df'llt at l{l)me lmt lJC oe\f'r WI~"I proroundly touched ~I~

GI~~:'~: ::;~i!~~'~ !:~WI~~::~~lt~~:~~~ b~leOn~l~ :p~~rlpne~:I~'~d.lo_n,o,,~~.C e!):~:!g~nHW~:~~d~~s I:::~~:; :'~~:;l:~~Ct~:d cat~e O~cc~~C! Illemien, hi 11th' L .. , nephew of (ioYernor Crittenden, ot Mls-

~~~I~~o ~:I:h~(}l~~~!:; ~~u ~Ib:~ ~:~: th: Engineer Alt'x Stntlrt wn~ tbrown tmm ~o\lrl, cbarged wltb anu lIentenced to the

8ocket. ~l::~b ~l:~~:;~m:!lle,i. L~~,I~~u:~~~~\' ~~{~ ~:'I~~~:~l;;~h:o:r(~~~~~gto~ r~~:~~~I, Ille/{ul

A youg man nnmed Albert Stauffer, his skullfmclured ILnd Is tatally Injured, lV, A, Cooper, ~ well known banker

, fmttt·t!:t.'ffi;!. \he he hlHI Heem 4g the manwr In \\ll1.1ib.JULh.J.u American IIIlnlllter th('f(' to act III 1'(,n"E'rt rf'ccnUy Il('en rr('d\'('d hy all ('jasgefl., 1J.ntl.~ ~ _ wab tbe minlMterli of En\:iland, A\lkltla ,Lnd I hc mlg"ht Hay Idl IHrticlI, In til!.' slale or Sl~llin In an eUort 10 obtain from the Ita!lnn Mnillc, He bad to recoj.:nfzL', be!Jlue~ tbb mlnillter ot foreign atr,dr'i a mllig-atinn nr trlcn(l~blpof hi ... own po!ltlcal llHRocialcJol. the (leclslon oC the cO\lt~f cellAJ.tioll 10 l' - tbe cour(e~~ and kll)(ln('~ ... lllltlU]\<.,..tlld by

gllru to propcrtleA or the proplIgan£hi, ' tbmH' wbo bad In parI hccn 011l!uheU to him Ilvln!-!; 'nhf'lut f'1~ht miles I!outh of Hum. Conductor Ifnt Lyman had \)olb legs urokrn ot M<lotrosc, Pa,. W:l~ ~hot lit three times

~~~~t~ p~~~:II~::cI~i~:t~~~d;b~~ II:. ~,(t ;~~(~ ~~:;~)~~~,kll~~. I:: ~~:~~~i~II~~os::;~r~r~~I~ hy ,J\J~ejlb Drinker, also !L well kno\\ II clll-Tht'Times' Berlin correspundent S:l)S polltieally Wb,lte\'er m,LY be the irNI~ ot

comb, II. uei!-!;hborlng yotmg nlan. The o.c' wllre IDJuieu, two perbBp~ flltally, 'l'be /\'n of DlDgba.mpton, Two of the three

chlent look pillcu Ilt tbo hO\lIjo ot youn!~ Iir8lliILn H~aIJ In the cab uutl went tei ~~~~f!k~~'~~Ir:(~~I~~'eIY\~I~I~~r b~r:.~elt,urvne, Stauffer's fatber, wbllo the were Ilt- the LoHolll 01 l'le ditch uulnJurod,

tlle Uermdn goverlllllentH lollo",in'~ AIllt'f- tue pending- campal/(ll, ot which it wuuhi kit's example In the malter of appOllltlll!! Indeed lie unbecomlnl!; t<lr blm t'l bpeak. ho a S\lcce~~or to :Mr. Sal'/!;'pnt, being \I] no could sar that bl tbe peolJle ot ~Iainc he hurry to fill the vaeancv at Washingtoll 0(" 1Ja~, 1lJ thl~ ~upreme Cri-I~ in hit; public ctlHloned hy.the return or lIerr Von Eiseo- Cllreer, Leen alreadv bUbtalned tn a manner d-cckQ1'l It. I .. understood that g'ive8 bim tbe ~o~t inten~c "atislacllon.

tbe iorc- lIo wont to nubbell for help, Physician.. The ,E3stl:!rn Hallrond CUn1\.HlI;y IUl~

hurtles alll} tho lhieves.

r'ostoffic 0 ohtlllge8 in NebraskA. dur* lug IlHl week ending ,June 14, 1884: Estl\b­lub(ld-Atbell~, Cuming clmnty, Wm. H,

I Bordolmx-, Sioux OOUllty, Peter n. ; pell, Cheyenne cQ'mtj', O'Nctli. POllt-

Hll!nllh'()Il~ J\pddl'nt on tll1'l CllllldNI Ron,l In PClIlulylvlutln.

By ('ollision between between an ex-

l'u.mtlcll road, on thl,) 13th ..... Englneets 1'1101-mel' alll Ihxtt'r, Conductor Snlltu, Bag:­lta.gt'Illu.llter Vaughn, ~1!l11 Agent Wy ie 'an(} Flr01ll1l1l Harbor ..... erc killed allum.my per-

of the

ot the repuhllca!l national convention, Ing bia attention calle{l to an Interview In the Cb~o Timell with George B. Benton regal'ulng HOIl, Chu.ch Howe, IJ. delf'g-Ilte from }/'ebmskll. on tbe committee to notify candidates of tbelr nomination, nnd the t,"",,,,;""ln..s-:ot:.!. S, Harwood In his plnco,

:ll.lne at Akron, ohio, cau~lng an rxploHlO1l ",ays thnt tbe facts are not proper1v RtlltCU, wblch instantly killeu Perry Peck, f4!;etl If I, antl that Uvon tbc reccptlon of a It'ttcr I~ml ~11'~btly InJurrd ~e\er,d oth('r huh. from ,JUtlge Thllrbton, chalrmall of tbe ~E'­

It IS IL8serte(1 that thc Grand Trunk Lra~J..a ueleg-u.tlon, and ~tatomftnts mnGe by

remll.1DlD ' permit. The Union l'aclfj.c Hallroad com­pany has legal advice that congress cannot eompel it to tnkc out pa.tent!! and pa.y tlJ,Xe& upon 1111 lantl, and It tberetoro will lake no ~uch u.ctlon, l're~luentAllalIl!>

1!II~:i or the rcportrl ot hl~ Interview with tbe !;ecre\ttly 01 Ihe lul.('rllJr, ....:..~Th£!LlLIE lth~OlutE'Jy no truth In tbe repo;t l--bat I pro~ c~tetl :I!!ILln><t tbe go\,prnrnent report, I

l\ttl lloUdng- of tbe kllH.L The railroad unmml-.'llllOner mtn~Joned to the ~e.cretaIJ of Lbc tnterigs !bat I "'a~ 111 town aDd the lat-

tnn~ter; Phillips Stlltion, Hamtlton COUllty, Jamul; U, llaker, pi)lltmasten Rote·tI, CUR· tel' tl011nty, ,Jueob Hoten, postmaster; S\\ln· ton, HaHne county, JOBopb T. Cook, post-0111011;\01'; Chns!):, Orooley oounty, H.eboceaA. Lamhert, pO!ltmistreslI, 1~0lltm0.8tel'fi ap­lloillteli-Rolmollt, CIl.S!I eounty, Mrll, Mell­sonth 1', 8tollc; Sand Urcok, SuunilcI's countv, John Oidley.

othcruelegato!!, he was co'Iminecu that be-::::H ~~~I(~OCI;: 1~~:IJ~,~;~I!:M~OI~I;\~~:~,~e~l:)t h!l~ prS('llcall" delldetl tohecomo !l1llE'lIIbcr point where tho eolll.~lun occurred III eo or tb(' ea~t.botlnU paSllellg'cr p"ul, l'Il.H wrong in removIng Mr, Rowe, and that

~hleTl'd the WOt'st Ull tbe rondo It I~ nbenv" WtIl, M, Spnnger 1m::! been rCnOnll- ::~:lt~::I:~~~~~lLfiteS:~~e:ntl~~~;~:I~~~

er Kent for rue:- We 1l1l1't<t-pteltlmnt----Gba.t.... __ tor ten minutes, No refl'rellce WUI; made

A tolcgrnlll hM boon received by J 01'0

Sumner, lit Stella, informing blm or lilO dall~ol'ouS eondttlon of .hill hrother WI!­Uaul. lIo wall fOUll1l1Itltrr"Ht:A\lon----itD­

Northorn PAIl16c railway, About'l60 miles west or llismnl'uk"; ----mmty--woundo(l. The oontlttlons and surroundings of thc clI.se

Indication that be bad been toul­• He wa!!. n. qutet, civil and


tl~wt~:r:\~I~~~l :~I;~:1l ~~r:~o~~ (~lr~!~dn~~n :I:t:l~l !:~~~:~:~'~~ an~I~I: :\:~I~~v~;r~:~~ I :;~ The local comnllttee un

brIdge o\'or Cooper' II creek, There Is only make a conLellt IIlllee thc tlr~t tIme, every 0. lIinl(le trn.ek III the curve. Mull Agent uominlltlon cOlllln~ to- blm 1111,\ Ing h~en by Wylie caBed {rom~under thodebrb, • 'Hero acclumatlOll, 1 am, I' Whon taken out he _Wll~ tound ~1.ocklngIYln()flrated and death o~curred In A dispatch from New Laredo, Mox-a very !!hort time. leo, ~ay~ Information nus been rCl'eh'ed , The aCCIdent wl\s'Caused by the non_ro . ..j·l .• ere that a terrible accident has occurreu ceptlon ot telegraphic dlspatchea, Both on the Tampico branch or the Mexican Cen­englnes were sm!lshed. The rollowing were tral railroad, by which two Americans and iDll,l~J!: _1!~rv Dleltl, scalded and, hlp twelve Mexican laborers ~\ere killed by tbe

tect to prepare plans tor the relurall~cment of the convention hall, by whleb the seatlp.g capacity will be enlarged 1100.11 to admit 201 -

000 peoplE', The accommodations- tor the preM, will also be enll\I'I!:etl. The local mtlllll.gers confidenTIY expect a larger out­side attendance tban was the case with the

broke; Leonard-nuseh,-DaaIy' SCllfdml-, ~bta~,-chief ::~~:,.c;,c~.:i~~;·j-;.;-"fE;;,~-;..;;;.,;;;;.~:;;,,-

were It impossible tor some time tor anyone to approach wltbfn fifty teet of the wreck. Grent ex;.(Ittement existed among the people tn the two trains, especially /llIlong tbe women and children. The flCcommodation was running twenty-two miles an hour when it e1Jter-ed tho curve, nnd after the two truins I(l\mo togetller the utmost con· fusion prevailell amon~ the pnssenger>:l. .. . . ...

To Carry ~he Go.od News_

tu the rellort, Lut the repor~eril lumped to. the cvncJu~lon that I Wfl,loJ IJrote~llng agninot tlometMnj(, Tbe-+e-por-tcontn1ns SODIC uo~ plea~ant f:lctM, bllt [lothlng more than ever}' onr know~, and no exception can be

~~~~ ~~!t~~r.e~~eevc~r~~:~?JilY'~~~e1foa~e~h~ raCl~, aod dl th, t:i\k about 'btricturcs and Intellerenc~~ a.nu proleats Is non~en.!'e. Tbe report makes no charges against thc

, ~~~~h:rc.s,t~te8 the tac~s which

holders a. a prodigious this $65,000 note became due the receiver, Mr. Humphreys, was ahsent, the company was in a state or transition from the owners

tbe first indorser, lIr. Gould, tbat it be sent to protest, in order ' maike


each indorser equally liable to the holde~EI. ,.". The notes ean oe converted Into receiver'S certifica~fUI, bes.ri.ng S per cent Interest and. a firs~ lien on the property_




~ :!~~i: ~~I\l: :llUr':~I!:~~~ ~~:~: With hOflrtBoHP1(lsseu

... \.Ultlo Wllilo the wulght of \\00 'if WlII bow om strlckon !:i,f;irlt~ \(1 .... -

.~lttlc whUn :!atllCIl.l~\\ .. lIl !low. Bllt ~()()Jl COIl}O~ lCIlt.

Life ~l'Olllh a uro!lr~ beclouded dal

W here ~eldom CallI! illumIng L'll) •

10 I)] Cilk the 1ll\~1

"\ ct 1u14ls- not tlesPlIoiriug sig-b, NOl In our wcn.)mes8 qllestilltl .... b' .oHt tl IV hllHTlot 1\ tllirCI ;'\,1-

Be"ollu I~ les1,

trom the hltt(:[. lulU'l ,up,

'11~ hut to tt ~t \ 1\11 (lilll In ( [lEist, and lIl!ll.c II, !Ill {For llc:.h.el tbIll~~ than ~.lllh{ In _II,

Alll! til thllt uuo !l1IL1 tdthfll! pILlI{ lu. he/nell \\iJ! IC~t.

it matters littlo tilOllgholil Int ilt (n~t 1Jl eIIOH\ dt1~ert ~pol

~ Por lite.-, lit be~t, ttIlls lffiwrr-or !mdmsg, nnd 'I ~lo{)Ill.

-tr.nli::H 0'('1 lIlt' l~!l.Y~;lrrO to tho-romh­'11'1, ill Eden'~ ho\\ II ~ of bloom

Itelll \Inoth re~t,

A few lihol t moments mora of /(1 let, fh(,1l d( lith will III lllg: \1S S\\'e('t I dll't

"Ithln Ow hre'l!!t, or pc H'lltnl carlb wo'll onlm Irpo,..(, l<'of/!:etrlll or (jur tmb lind \\ot'~

Anti "hert> lICe!! hoI} Ihor 110\\" (Hlr ~onl~ Will i( ~t

Althollg'h wo (ullnotunder ... tand 1 he (hl\8tenin~ ot OOt!)H (lear hnnd

IL rlllcH (or he~t Tlum lel U!> i}H l\).sJ~e(i to lute, \nd, "lth pal1ellt:c tlu,tltl.!; \\ III ~1111 he ~hu!l OI!! II hlll\ rn ':, ~:.lt\

Anu hid 11~ ro!>!

E,g, ,wcet '\\\111 he It lio.e ofllr(

i~J le!!.\e tills "C,Il} "-DrIll or !>tllil, And \IILh the hlE"l

lhH'lllll [ht land of l' II l(l1~c,

\\'brl e e~()j ,lolldleH~ ftHl tn(1 ski..,!!, '\IHl "llel e the ,0111 llli~ re ll!ze

Etrrllall(Ht -It.lill Bu"lt

has not nny lPlllc. gives any nulk at ~ll t}w h~Ulb should b~' lelL \Hth ht'!' IUHl holpod !~long by glvmg It lUllk from tho bottlo OIlCO 01' twico!~ lillY, or oftmH'I' if IHlf'OSBUI'Y, Onlv htst mght UWl(l Wl\g 1\ IJIL':IO liku tlmt 11\ my tlock, I fount! t~ l!qnb u. fow hour:! old Loo weak t~) aLand up; It lmd h d lit) food 1 [l.tul in all il1ob:.lbll~ lty would htLVcdlllU If I had1.lOt givon it some milk, which soon grL'Ij'"O It enough

~)~~'~;~1(VI11~ t~:~~~ l~I~~ol~n~r\~~1l I~O~~~~~ It wa.g a.lll'lghL.

The th'l~t; (11105tio11 ns to tho condItion of the 11l1lk B {mslly :tnswercd; It should bti g-lv('n Ci<'111 hy nll means, Wltrnwt! :lnti Itl'sh Tho next two qllcfltions (' w

11. i:\hol't de·

" !

This House i!:l convenient to the Dopot. Has gonel :<lnblcs in

connection. Tahles fl8

good ns nny. hUU!.ie in· the pity.

Give us a trial.

The 'Best Place t(rbuy all kin:ds-of



Corn Pl.t l1ten

. YJagnus .. CarrLagas ,SBwJngMachines.", """.f~-t'~=."..':':':"-":.."=~':.-c. --.. ---.J----~---.:--=>-"'-.:,-;.-~--_ - ,o-~-· r-:1 fact tb:'" ~a:{~:it .. stock (Jl

In ,~orth Nt'lJraska.

JJ' e guttrantee fLU oj our floods to be jtU,t a; we ref'f!0l111nelld tlteJu 1:;0 be.

We also gu,ranleeour prices 10 bethe LOWEST in North Ne~r.a.s.,~a, ,



, Home Hel'al(lings I' ~~b;~-Nt:gl):=~~~~u~d;-l'-~\~l;:---i: " st1<1,~ by_ the p, 0, lJ, It,,! wpPI" <li,_ ~tilluillg thc,}J()st (jabJ at LtL POl'te. :~~~O()~.3! "Ru,pe!s, ctc. fll'-ll to he turn .. (~tl over to t,llc po~trni\BLdl: ttl "r:\yjH~. ! -- --.~- ----- - 0iJ!.~~tPAIGN .l"'\.:U:.i:'J . .::- \\'c _wjll :-l'lId ~.rIII~HF.itAI:D1iiii\frrel' with the- {Ih' cago Weekly Trihune fn¥1ll IlUW un .. til after election for 75 - cents, Im~ proec'tbc opportunity 'nnd tm-Uscribe at oneo.

--~-- -- - -

nlWl)\,EIU~G.-(i a I' n' t, Hnrm!':('n, ,tht: roa11 who cndell\'()l'l·d tn s..,'CIl)'(' n ,pa8~age to the oihe]" world vin a "hot­,gun 1[\<;1 week i'::!\l'('ClJvl'1 ill~, He waR

,removc{, \V("dnc:-;day to \"n)'ue, . Since his shooting :o-cr:lpr, he lJ;J.~ had the tnisfortune to 10 ... 0 II horse.

, 'In 1)1't'\' 'ut bl t\lkiil~ it ami in'uhe il'w !i!'ld~ \\e havt'

COl'Ip.(ITTEES. Hllcing Ilud Spnrtfi-E, H. Emel'''

~on, Helll'Y \V!tI'Ill'I' nnd Ell. Morton. Daut'ing-D, '\T. Britton, A. P.

Chiltlt'; and E. H. Emel~'30u. HUt-\'arnuflillR -.HOll. ThcoprnsUls

None~u()h Hig~(mbotham • Sttllld1'i-A. O. Myers and Jas. :r~.

Harmoll. Diuucr-J. R Harmon, Newton

I\!rfl~\" find Ladi(l!"i of the Post ..

Vile COI~ i~ hll ~l'\'a!ld Lhrii'liL'l' lHuk· , ing thn,ll it l~ t"..!,C POI;l,lon of tile ,"~:1l1ds

_ ._~r.J':.in.~lle middle (~j;.'..Jllly laKL yt','lr.

- --q'-fte-!l-Ut.d~\\'eii:Ulcr'~-whTCh -h,t< lJit4 ~~~~B;\=:,~;;;r~lZ1~~m,;:-,I~~I!~Ric0c~ilJ:!~~~~~~~~~;rll~}:~!4~:~~~~~~~~:~~~~:~!~~~~~g:~~:.~l~~~tl~~ ed the ukio.; of el',)]h' llL)/I~ ~I) mp- ""'1b111l1:~1ltlIt1I1

idly;-rr~ HQ-l., bCCll J:1Vill:,lbl(' to "1ll;l~J ( of 20,000 e'o vel opco::, ,rhich ~n;;;;;==~ - - -gr:tin; bttt-Lliu I"~'-Ill .. JjlJ\'V.C.l..S. hay_c L:'l'hI'.D<;mlmi,t_,,~nl-pa:'-f',",,'>Jlf _A. No.1. We ftlfOi"h them witll

made n, vagL illlpl'ln"p!1]('nt in till' ap- yourca~d nejl!Jj~pfjifI:OOi1f1:rie COr-

_ -pe.arnJJ~ of whcat and l),lH, and ~hl'n~ ner at the fhllowing ver.v low rates: lS 'I)ttle doUfJL llll,wh:tt-the,e- w)lllJ,' 250~$L2S; 500, $1.75; 1,000, S~:25. a.n aven:Lg~ yi('IJ (his ,.,e, _ on, Tak(' Now is the Lime to secure a b:lI'gnin. it an in all, Lha f:lIlllen~ have th(' C<llifOl nia. llned plums at Johmwn

-------::.pliospect ora. b()Un\I_~lt h:ll'Vl'"t befm,-' ou Su).ith allu Son's. them, nud TUE ~lW \LD pi'N,Iic.t.; II Mlhile,-.nllJJUL~.Qrn in the county is there win be lW..::JO·cc>nt corn JU the '(loin~ Hnely, good jUiJ,i!e.Q ~ay that· E. C(HlDty-tIlis fitll, .1. N:ll1~le, on the old lV" allnce plnoe

Routh of town, takes 1.110 lead, and has the besf piece in the E<fl.l'tieil


.Ant1lbcn, :WbE'll 'We Ol!lL8Cd our lal)OrtI. And tho bay Vl'1l& stored nwny,

.'rom the dopth ot my hoart I th~nkod hilt t"OI' her IdndncflH to 1Il0 thut day.

Ana'rld61nfcr~Jlome to bor cottllgc, Dut I didn't 1)1I1IHO to woo,

And 1 ru,.l,cd not her lmnd In marriage, Which T Imow sbe tbougbtl'd do.

I left bot tboro at tbe glLtoway, . ,~~n~rib-~be -hraue)JcH browul

Alia f1'~m het lonks J how t.hat sho WIlS

The ~l"~d(l~~'glrJ 10 tOWII.

I .

THE GI.JADBTONE FAMILY. tho strata will bo shatterctl from sjx • ~-. inches to twelve incbcalower than the

A f)kC'lh:h 01 JUrI!. Olu.dlltUl1e_Thc Pre- holcs were"bored. In rock the number

, ing class." W ben Bhe came chA'pel on Sunday I:Ihe W!l'i! really a cunosity. IIer face is uncommonly sweet Ilud npintmd. Her I:Illlile

t~~~t~ho Ub~~I~~ 11 ,~~~ :~~tll!f0~~~; lady c.iroH8 IHI bllrlmfOUtlltP The puffed

~~~h h~~~:; ~~:r.f~~ffi'o~I~J :J~et~~)o~l~~~ veil; 0. long, rathpr rusty. velvet cloak with wide fur trimtlllng.'! and ungloverl bands~ did not 8t:em l:Iuitable LQ the flLce. Vurin~ t he service, when Mrs. Gladstone rcmovt'd hC'r cloak, she put on )l lighT, rnHrRl~ly kmtted: ~or.jjtct.l shawl, and then, to me, the picture of odd.s and ends seemed eumpict.c. But to Mr. Gln-t!sttHl6t I WfiS i)lJ.IOCtI. to him. He flhullled into tho ehnpcl !md

. tJUt- with 11. qUIck, nervous, ill·re~u .. te" step, thllt indicated strength- of will trllOg to overcome weakness of limb. .

He looked two in~h('.s shorter tlmnhe did four yeurs ago. HIS fflce is full of crOws'leL-t. Lines and wrinkles

{If holes around the. $i~e8 ma.y be to save the labor

I " "MATCm~G" FqR A ,

Dow n PlttlO,brg ~el Dedded-UpoP Her Future HU8band. I

-:t~fkI~mu~lug:-;ilt~~~,r,-,~-t2'"jf,~~~;u8,c-J'~t1rW<~'KITI~~ly-t-:;,~~t~>~d~ir~";"t~,"~n~l~l~n it, "ulHd-n"tll,e"~a"a8~~itl~~~:>g~~ll~~~~~_~~~~~i~~~~~~TIrn~~~~ __ "

!lnd .John {tnd Hermie were 111111'ru::d, two IO!lcrs ot lhe penny-mattlling game actlllg' as best mf'n. '

Hov. G. W I o()k" III (brlHlhn LOHd"r.

All tbe wornell who have attained ClllLUt'lll SllCl!CSS in lit,eralure have been eittwr poets or novelists. Indeed, it l.s only as wnl.crs of tiction t}ut---.W.omen ~

be saiJ. to haye reached to the nmks. hl5 may that

Wom'en have become the literary ill­terprders uf the hearl, of that -half of hUUlan eXl.:ltence which is most their own. They ~ive the femlnh~e -'point of view, which IS absolulely neces"IU'Y to our knowing uf life In it:! wiuest->meau-

That must be a ve.y great gain, tbo literature of the last hundred

ye:i!"!, alone can h&Jp us to rea1'ze lvhat it Will ue in time. Who can doubt LhQ.t WIIlllen have largely aUl.J;!d in- the de­n;lupnwnt. of the pltI"el',' fresh('r, and IllOI-e sympa.thetic hLera.tur~ of ilie l~t century and a half? Who can but feel

the names of Jane Austen, Har~ rid. Martmeau, Mrs. Browningt Char-lotte Bronte au'll. George> EliQ~1Ve made :J. great addition to English lite:r~ ature P They have enricbedJt in a. WIaY • it h~s been by no school of mascuUne writers since the l It


'l' ' ... ~~, :;:;;::',~", .- moro frc!l.u€nTIy stnndllcforo thellolino judge. 'lht'it' liiligenco IS Dt)t ~om· llwui.ln,ble. A worknmn Is known by thu ehipAi flO, (dBO, is tho taro hankel'. I}n you be diligtllll in your own busi. nUSI:I and bo COl1t~l1It with its rowll,rlJJi.

Ul~lwd Bonlee h1l1Mft;;'-=-~; I :For four hours we had been pounding

. away aL &tCVCDS' battery nllll making 1I0t. wl~lk milm:1 in tlix

.~ '·~J.m:l1r>{la'sion on--il.. ~his -'\4~R-.ver;y 1,;,O"dl'il~"I:;;;m;"ii;:thii.t:t!m;,:;,\/i-if:~o. 1"!iiit'l,QYlng to th~ men

'1 !tnt.! duubt-iesl!

equnll~o to the oJllCCTS. The !Vm­'CommfssioDOd oUlcers believj~d j h'l.'Y couta demolish the battery with ton

inch gum.. The ten inch gun was IP'''"u~,:",''u:,_"~",,~,:,,.': mounted en {,url,die On t.ho tim; the major ho.d ordered that 110 guns on that tier should be IDllnned. Orders were sacred in the opinion of Tom Kernan, but the de!politlOll of Stevens' battel'Y

a duty. In this CRSO duty and to conflil't, and Tom was

. up stn.lrll tll tho blLl"bliltttJ own business, ItlHI wait in , gun \~l~S" ~h·en(~):. Lhe I'c-wnrtl of your dilig-ence. It. may

nhne\l attll~ \Cl) )ltttel) th<:,) bea little slow in ('oming. Themillsof to strtke. l'or:l week bohnc the hOIll- the 'rods grind slowly so docs n hand­bardnwnt b~'gan all the gtn~g wore kf'pt org:~~l on the "La,at. ltosc of Summer" lotlde:~ .. 1bey, h:~d not.~l1lg too' do, stop, but. it alwnys gots thero, And !horc lIO, but slip 11 n frl(tlOn JHllllfr don't plty mOrtl for tho 1'0wIlrd than it ill thp vent and pull the ilw) a~ ; thIs lS worth. A umn who lives ou twenty­wns th~: work of a nH~ment: ,: he, ~Lltl I I1mp C'cntf'l It d11Y will be !~pt to die WitS filed, ILnd the t\\l~ BClg',e,mts .lOti woalthy, but he won'" die vcry fat. ~t those below W~lO were m thHlr ~oc:ret, t.hc llberal !!Oul that shnll be ma.de watohl:'d the 1hght (If the :,I\tot wlth al-most p:1intut ltltercst. It 1I11SS0U~ _~ ________ ... _______

~~~:2;;'=1~n~~~-, tli;~ t~{Jif~~~~S ~~~~~~,~I~ L IJATENTS.-

Great was the dh;appollltment So I N-o Patent, , ::~~~'£'~~~::~'1:~1~~~·::~~~~~~:~:~~~s~~~¥~~ii~;~~~~ii~~~;1~~~~~~7~~fc~:,~~~~;~~~~~~~ mU(lb risked' so httlp Wrln Bnt til(' M drn,wmg, Stoddllrt Co" 41:! two serg(!ll-:Ut~ w{.uld not gl\'lJ it..llp S!) LStr~~('t! ~'ashi~_g,t(~ll, lL_ C,!. _P:ltcnt At-They mjvht as well be hung for '1,. :-;hl'('P I tU!-Ill')"!';, -

a.saln.m~o Tlwy W(:I,e dutll!1llrwd lu SheWItB Al'tlosBand She Was Kind. have another sbot ° I tIC gun 'yu,."t l'B~ -LU-\\(lU UlIlzun. __

~:~;t'~~ ~\;~:;~~~a~vL~~~~ed :~~lpf~)~n\i:() He wa~ It married lUun, blesf'lcd- 01' but ~Vhl'll t.hc\ 11Wd t~ l"lltl thl' ann "l~ I the Opposlt.e, tLS Lbo reauer, lUay de~er­hlLlter "the' f1ul('(1 It H'( l~led HIX lLllnll~ N'l~h all extreuwly Jealous. wlte, mon t~ 1I11()~ th(' !,'an l'lgf' ":u gl'ar," OIH! BV01lll1g H()t ~lm~ SlllCl' he l:jclzed:1 ILlld til(' two S('I!-;e,Ll)b <-,unltl n()t !lC'eum- ehl\nCe opp.onu;lty t,o do escort Ito :L yli"h. itT, 0 W IOtie

in~lt~~~~1~~I~e~~~~7l\l~1;~: (;:~~(~~\~~~~: of our OW1l ()!1iCCl'S, it h,HI heon nolll°t'd t-h'~'l'ent"I~IO,U"n!u-w~hincl'nn,gc-<,Ltbci."-I'IIJ'"lw"cbn'dJ ':~;,;~:~~~~~~.~t~~~~~~§~~~i~~~~t1 hy-th-c--rebels-.--- -Xhl!.)LlulillY __ J!Jl lLll()llt 1,~,~:~;~t':~~;il~l;;\,,;,]~C"J~~~~~~~~Pk~~·~r~~~~~~~;~~~~;~i~~~~~~~a3 the pOSltlOll and power of thlLt p II t 11'-nlar gUD, u,ndlmdllo doubt wonJl'I('d allts Sill'lll l ° :\uw tlmt It h,ui Ollenl'll, It was of the utmo"t )1ll1)(Jl'IIL!1Ce LiJ:1.t \\ bc' ~llen('l'd'a.l Ollce, .'Ill pver) rubelgun that Gould be brought to betu' Wl1S tJ u'ul..te{l g lltuntly turned olllt"IIl~{l tL show!.'l I)f ,::;Iwt :Jill! Vel',}- likely the ull::;'"Ophl$t,H~."Ltodmaid. shell CtUllt' hW'ling- a.nd hurtltng alJouL I I'll nw;unJer.'ltood tJw motive of hiS re­tho enr.., of the tVlO sl'rgp:l.nt.'l who wero i mark fur she quil'kly answered in a slill Lug-ging In vain at tbe h,tndsplk('~, IINl..<;<l};rincrtOlH' _ '

Matt!!l's, had UIlW r?:lChl'd a, ~'risis I "()h, I~'ert:u!lly v;on'l, sir, nA long as lilly g('llJ1l11," sUid Sl'rgt>ant 10m," I I ilv!' If Jon dun'L witih me to!" "let UEl ti't{· hoI' :lS ~he iii," ~L was Lilt· " .. • _

they cUl:ld ~Il., SO \be ell'· How to Sal-e ltlo~ey,

sbot, but at h~vlllg diRlliounted the bo"'~ !!Un of the I!HIIfil. ilotb cI)mpa.tl'JOts -bawe down. Thpr(' w(ro now addi­tiunal reason~ fa\' I,uoping mnm about the 10 in('h gun; and tfw major ney(>I' learned bow it was (ilsl1lountl'd.

----.-.~--]f n cough d!aturbs your ~teep, one dose of Plso B


Don't Mention It.

and hence


11esh IS ~L form of scrofulous disease, and is eumbre by the use of tb!Lt great­est (If lilt blood·cleansing, anti-Inllions alld invigorating' comuounds, known DI', Plereo's "Golden MediclLl DISCOV­ery,"

Answers to stOf~k messages have fre­fluently lJC'cn received by cable between Bostoll and London in Hiteen minutes_

"It is only a little matter, sir, but I thought it might interest JOur l'etulprs to know that 1 am thtJ inventor of a new electrical motor, thllt I have the modclllt my .sbQn and wi~~ ~e~~ . a lutl!

interest cheap. Yon might Ray III yonr , pa.per that 1 will sell the great wonder

of \,he afre for $10,000, half cash, half stoek. By the way, too, our society


~~le~ ~:'[~~11~ec8:i~~d~;;~;,;;:;i;;ri~;ii:ifi-;:ifo+-renlUl'k ably short Sl)u-c-e at six minutes. The test was made without previous prepo.rati'oo",n-:.-, _'_'_~ __ _

five cents. You'd better mention that have

, Many imitators, but no equal, has Dr'~Sage's Cu.tan-h ltemedy_

'0' ': A ~nd rORO trembling o'cr~ brook,

tll tltiC1l~ellt dust of tana:led ehade, SJlhlll'lIy ,"omo artlstlo cyce mav ch3rm.

The world In bues that never fade.

A 1I1rd mBY sing Ita little LUllc ';r~ its Dwn l1e,art, when all Is BUll.

,iBom:G"poct, opc~·cyed ntnlgbt, May ..c~~tch the Incnntng 01 Its 1rlll .

..And m-csb It In hlB neBt of Bong,

,A. b.y ttl the llstcning world Morc tbiin tho rolllng ot the Hpbcrc~ .

... THB-U·NMnst'n..,ADD.RESJk

Th~~-Aln:lfl and Uiw'JI Of n Colll!go IMuClotioll Ably l·rtllJ(lnled.



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