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Page 1: Lucerne Festival Strings Concert Season 2015/16 - Brochure



concert season 2015/16


www.festivalstringslucerne.org Artistic Director: Daniel Dodds

Page 2: Lucerne Festival Strings Concert Season 2015/16 - Brochure


1st ViolinsDaniel Dodds, leader & Artistic DirectorGergana Gergova, Co-leader Regula Dodds Mia Lindblom Thomas Schrott

2nD ViolinsGianluca Febo, PrincipalDroujelub Ianakiev, PrincipalIzabela IwanowskaReiko KoiErika Schutter

luCerne FestiVAl strings

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ViolAsDominik Fischer, PrincipalKatrin BurgerLisa DeutscherValentine Ruffieux

CellosJonas Iten, PrincipalAlexander Kionke, PrincipalRegula Maurer

Double bAssMassimo Clavenna

HArPsiCHorDVital Julian Frey

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the lucerne Festival strings started life on 26 August, 1956, with a well-publicized inaugural concert during the “internationale Musikfestwochen luzern” (international Music Festival of lucerne, iMF lucerne). the initiative stemmed above all from three individuals: rudolf baum-gartner, who was later artistic director of the ensemble for decades until 1998, the great Austrian violinist Wolfgang schneiderhan and Walter strebi, who had smoothed the way for the founding of the Conservatory of lucerne in 1942 and in the mid-1950s was acting as president of the iMF lucerne, now the lucerne Festival.

the inaugural concert in 1956 aroused generally enthu-siastic response from the press, the Zürcher Woche of 7 september, for example, stating: “We had looked forward to the first performance of the lucerne Festival strings with high expectations, but had not thought a

2016, A DiAMonD Jubilee

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debut of such high quality to be possible.” that concert led to the ensemble’s busy touring programme, with per-formances at the salzburg Festival the following summer and in berlin later in 1957, at the Musikverein in Vienna in January 1958 and at the salle gaveau in Paris that May.

in that early phase Wolfgang schneiderhan, who had already become an ex clusive artist of Deutsche gram-mo phon, connected the ensemble with the leading recording company, which also established an acclaimed long-term relationship with the orchestra. the earliest recordings were devoted to Johann sebastian bach, Antonio Vivaldi, Henry Purcell and giovanni battista Pergolesi.

Artistic Directors: rudolf baumgartner (1956 – 1998), Achim Fiedler (1998 – 2012) and Daniel Dodds (since 2012).

inaugural concert of the lucerne Festival strings at Kunsthaus lucerne

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the Australian-swiss violinist, chamber musician and teacher Daniel Dodds and his family have made lucerne their adoptive home. He has led the lucerne Festival strings since 2000 and additionally became its artistic director in 2012.

He has performed in chamber groupings with Dmitri and Vovka Ashkenazy, ramin bahrami, Kolja blacher, Wolf-ram Christ, Viviane Hagner, James galway, Jens Peter Maintz, Alois Posch, Herbert schuch, Martin stadtfeld and many others. in addition to his regular engagements as guest leader of the Mahler Chamber orchestra, the salzburg Camerata, the sydney symphony orchestra and the Australian World orchestra, he is a member of the lucerne Festival orchestra.

His solo album “time transcending”, recently released by oehms Classics has received high praise from music magazines in the united states, europe, switzerland and Japan. upcoming events include chamber music con-certs, concerts directing the lucerne Festival strings, and performances as soloist including a tour to india in october 2015 with the Australian World orchestra and Zubin Mehta.

Daniel Dodds plays the stradivari “ex baumgartner” from 1717 provided by the the lucerne Festival strings Foundation.

DAniel DoDDsleADer & ArtistiC DireCtor


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Mon 28 SEp 2015, 8.00 pM VADuZ (Fl), VADuZ ConCert HAll

Mon 23 noV 2015, 8.45 pM trento (it), sAlA FilArMoniCA

WED 25 noV 2015, 7.30 pM olten (CH), stADttHeAter olten

Thu 26 noV 2015, 8.00 pM luDWigsHAFen (De), bAsF

Sun 29 noV 2015, 5.30 pM PerugiA (it), sAlA Dei notAri

Mon 30 noV 2015, 8.30 pM bolognA (it), teAtro AuDitoriuM MAnZoni

Mon 14 MAR 2016, 8.00 pM regensburg (De), AuDiMAX ConCert HAlloDeon ConCerts regensburg

SAM 7 MAy 2016, 8.00 pM FrAnKFurt AM MAin (De), Alte oPerFrAnKFurt Pro Arte ConCert series

Thu 12 MAy 2016, 7.30 pM luCerne (CH), KKl grAnD HAllluCerne ConCert series – 3rD ConCert

Jun 2016soutH AMeriCA tour 2016

ArAbellA steinbACHerPrinCiPAl guest Artist

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FRI 27 noV 2015 | 7.30 PMluCerne KKl, grAnD HAllluCerne FestiVAl At tHe PiAno

AnGELA hEWITT Piano & conDucting

JohAnn SEBASTIAn BACh Keyboard concerto in D major, bWV 1054

WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Piano concerto in e-flat major, K. 271 “Jenamy”


WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Piano concerto in e-flat major, K. 449

JohAnn SEBASTIAn BACh Keyboard concerto in D minor, bWV 1052

ticket sale by lucerne Festival.

At luCerne FestiVAl

At luCerne FestiVAl

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At their home base of lucerne, apart from their own series of concerts in the KKl Culture and Convention Centre, the “strings” play year by year at the lucerne Festival and are the regular orchestra at bernard Haitink’s now legendary master class for conductors, staged annually by lucerne Festival as part of the easter Festival program. From a large number of applicants from all parts of the world, bernard Haitink chooses six or seven young orchestra conductors each year as ac-tive participants, who take the rostrum in front of the lu-cerne Festival strings to rehearse symphonic repertoire and discuss interpretative approaches and practical questions with the maestro. For the observer, this is more than a fascinating view into the workshop of con-ducting: it is a unique opportunity to see the lucerne Festival strings in a symphonic full-orchestra context!

ticket sale by lucerne Festival.

ConDuCting MAsterClAss bernArD HAitinK

17 To 19 MAR 2016 luCerne KKl, luCerne HAllluCerne FestiVAl At eAster

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PrinCiPAl PArtner – “luCerne ConCert series“

PrinCiPAl FunDers

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GEoRGE FRIDERIC hAnDEL sinfonia “the Arrival of the Queen of sheba” from the oratorio “solomon” HWV 67

ToMMASo ALBInonI oboe concerto in b-flat major, op. 7 no. 3, arr. for trumpet and orchestra by A. balsom

WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Divertimento for strings in F major, K. 138

JoSEph hAyDn trumpet concerto in e-flat major, Hob. Viie:1


WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART symphony no. 39 in e-flat major, K. 543

ticket sale by lucerne KKl.

Thu 5 noV 2015 | 7.30 PMluCerne KKl, grAnD HAllluCerne ConCert series – 1st ConCert

luCerne ConCert series

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FRI 8 JAn 2016 | 7.30 PMluCerne KKl, grAnD HAllluCerne ConCert series – 2nD ConCert



luCerne ConCert series

Program to be announced at a later date.

ticket sale by lucerne KKl.

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Thu 12 MAy 2015 | 7.30 PMluCerne KKl, grAnD HAllluCerne ConCert series – 3rD ConCert



LuDWIG VAn BEEThoVEn Violin concerto in D major, op. 61


ChRISTIAn KREBS Piece commissioned by lucerne Festival strings

LuDWIG VAn BEEThoVEn symphony no. 1 in C major, op. 21

ticket sale by lucerne KKl.

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Mon 28 SEp 2015, 8.00 pM VADuZ (Fl), VADuZ ConCert HAllARABELLA STEInBAChER ViolinDAnIEL DoDDS leADerBEnJAMIn BRITTEn simple symphony, op. 4WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Violin concerto in A major, K. 219EDWARD ELGAR serenade for strings in e minor, op. 20WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART symphony in g minor, K. 550

DoMestiC tours

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WED 25 noV 2015, 7.30 pM olten, stADttHeAterARABELLA STEInBAChER ViolinDAnIEL DoDDS leADerIGoR STRAVInSKy “Concerto in D” for strings (1946)WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Violin concerto in D major, K. 218 | Violin concerto in A major, K. 219 | symphony in A major, K. 201

lucerne Festival strings at the easter Festivalby swiss Chamber Music Circle

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WED 20 JAn 2016, 8.00 pM Zug, tHeAter CAsino (grAnD CAsino HAll)ALBREChT MAyER oboeDAnIEL DoDDS leADerIGoR STRAVInSKy “Concerto in D” for strings (1946)FRAnz AnTon hoFFMEISTER oboe concerto in C majorJoSEF FIALA english horn concerto WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART symphony in b minor, K. 319

FRI 22 JAn 2016, 8.30 pM lugAno, lAC (sAlA teAtro)lugAno MusiCADAnIIL TRIFonoV PiAnoDAnIEL DoDDS leADerEDVARD GRIEG “From Holberg’s time” suite in olden style for strings, op. 40WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Piano concerto in e-flat major, K. 271 “Jenamy” | symphony in g minor, K. 550

FRI 5 FEB 2016, 7.30 pM sAAnen, église De sAAnensoMMets MusiCAuX gstAADREnAuD CApuÇon ViolinDAnIEL LozAKoVITJ Violin (bWV 1043)DAnIEL DoDDS leADerJohAnn SEB. BACh Violin concerto in A minor, bWV 1041 | Violin concerto in e major, bWV 1042 | Double con-certo for two violins and orchestra in D minor, bWV 1043pETER I. TChAIKoVSKy serenade for strings in C major, op. 48


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Sun 21 FEB 2016, 11.00 AM bAsel, stADtCAsinoALBREChT MAyER oboeDAnIEL DoDDS leADerFRAnz AnTon hoFFMEISTER oboe concerto in C majorJoSEF FIALA english horn concerto WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART symphony in g minor, K. 550

Sun 20 MAR 2016AnDerMAtt, sAint Peter & PAul CHurCHeAster FestiVAl bY sWiss CHAMber MusiC CirCleARKADIy ShILKLopER Horn & AlPHornDAnIEL DoDDS leADerProgram and time to be announced at a later date.

FRI 15 ApR 2016, 7.30 pM sCHenKon, CentrAl HAllseMPACHersee lAKe ConCertsBERnhARD RoEThLISBERGER ClArinetDAnIEL DoDDS leADerFELIx MEnDELSSohn BARThoLDy sinfonia for strings no. 10 b minor, MWV n 10 (1823)CARL MARIA Von WEBER Quintet for clarinet and strings in b-flat major, op. 34FRAnz SChuBERT rondo for violin and strings in A major, D. 438JEAn SIBELIuS impromptu for stringsEDVARD GRIEG “From Holberg’s time” suite in olden style for strings, op. 40

subject to change without notice.


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tours ArounD tHe WorlD

Mon 23 noV 2015, 8.45 pM trento (it), sAlA FilArMoniCAThu 26 noV 2015, 8.00 pM luDWigsHAFen AM rHein (De), bAsFARABELLA STEInBAChER ViolinDAnIEL DoDDS leADerIGoR STRAVInSKy “Concerto in D” for strings (1946)WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Violin concerto in D major, K. 218 | Violin concerto in A major, K. 219pETER I. TChAIKoVSKy serenade for strings in C major, op. 48

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on stage at the legendary grand Hall of Moscow tchaikovsky conservatory, 10 oct 2014

Sun 29 noV 2015, 5.30 pM PerugiA (it), sAlA Dei notAri PerugiA MusiCA ClAssiCAARABELLA STEInBAChER ViolinDAnIEL DoDDS leADerEDVARD GRIEG “From Holberg’s time“ suite in olden style for strings, op. 40WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Violin concerto in D major, K. 218 | Violin concerto in A major, K. 219pETER I. TChAIKoVSKy serenade for strings in C major, op. 48

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Mon 30 noV 2015, 8.30 pM bolognA (it), teAtro AuDitoriuM MAnZoniARABELLA STEInBAChER ViolinDAnIEL DoDDS leADerEDVARD GRIEG “From Holberg’s time“ suite in olden style for strings, op. 40 WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Violin concerto in D major K. 218 | Violin concerto in A major K. 219 | symphony in A major K. 201

MARCh 2016 neW ZeAlAnD tour 2016Program and venues to be announced at a later date.

Mon 14 MAR 2016, 8.00 pM regensburg (De), AuDiMAX ConCert HAlloDeon ConCertsARABELLA STEInBAChER ViolinDAnIEL DoDDS leADerEDVARD GRIEG “From Holberg’s time“ suite in olden style for strings, op. 40WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Violin concerto in D major, K. 218 | Violin concerto in A major, K. 219pETER I. TChAIKoVSKy serenade for strings in C major, op. 48

TuE 12 ApR 2016, 8.00 pMstuttgArt (De), lieDerHAlle MARTIn STADTFELD PiAnoDAnIEL DoDDS leADerFELIx MEnDELSSohn BARThoLDy sinfonia for strings no. 10 b minor, MWV n 10 (1823)JohAnn SEBASTIAn BACh Keyboard concerto in e ma-jor, bWV 1053 | Keyboard concerto in A major, bWV 1055JoSEF SuK Meditation on the old Czech Hymn st. Wenceslas, op. 35aAnTon DVoRAK serenade for strings in e major, op. 22


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SAT 30 ApR 2016, 7.30 pM eisenACH (De), WArtburg PAlAs“WArtburg ConCerts” bY DeutsCHlAnDrADio KulturProgram to be announced at a later date.

SAT 7 MAy 2016, 8.00 pM FrAnKFurt AM MAin (De), Alte oPer (grAnD HAll)FrAnKFurt Pro Arte ConCert seriesARABELLA STEInBAChER ViolinDAnIEL DoDDS leADerEDVARD GRIEG “From Holberg’s time“ suite in olden style for strings, op. 40WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Violin concerto in D major, K. 218 | Violin concerto in A major, K. 219pETER I. TChAIKoVSKy serenade for strings in C major, op. 48

Mon 9 MAy 2016, 8.00 pM MuniCH (De), HerKulessAAlAKIKo SuWAnAI ViolinDAnIEL DoDDS leADerEDVARD GRIEG “From Holberg’s time“ suite in olden style for strings, op. 40WoLFGAnG AMADé MozART Violin concerto in D major, K. 218 | Violin concerto in A major, K. 219pETER I. TChAIKoVSKy serenade for strings in C major, op. 48

Jun 2016soutH AMeriCA tour 2016ARABELLA STEInBAChER ViolinDAnIEL DoDDS leADerProgram and venues to be announced at a later date.

subject to change without notice.


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Featuring Alison balsom at lucerne KKl (CH)5 nov 2015

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Featuring Daniil trifonov at lugano lAC (CH)22 Jan 2016

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Featuring Albrecht Mayer in Zug (CH) 20 Jan 2016 and in basel (CH) 21 Feb 2016

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Featuring renaud Capuçon at sommets Musicaux gstaad in saanen (CH), 5 Feb 2016

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Featuring Martin stadtfeld at stuttgart liederhalle (ger), 12 Apr 2016

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Featuring Akiko suwanai at Munich Herkulessaal (ger), 9 May 2016

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Mon 28 seP VADuZ ConCert HAll VADuZ (Fl)liechtenstein tAK theatresteinbacher, Violin | Dodds, leader

tHu 5 noV luCerne KKl, grAnD HAll luCerne (CH)lucerne Concert series, 1st concertbalsom, trumpet | Dodds, leader

Mon 23 noV sAlA FilArMoniCA trento (it)società Filarmonica di trentosteinbacher, Violin | Dodds, leader

WeD 25 noV olten stADttHeAter olten (CH)Concert series of stadttheater oltensteinbacher, Violin | Dodds, leader

tHu 26 noV bAsF luDWigsHAFen AM rHein (De)bAsF Concert seriessteinbacher, Violin | Dodds, leader

Fri 27 noV luCerne KKl, grAnD HAll luCerne (CH)lucerne Festival at the PianoHewitt, Piano & Conducting

sun 29 noV sAlA Dei notAri PerugiA (it)Perugia Musica Classicasteinbacher, Violine | Dodds, leader

Mon 30 noV teAtro AuDitoriuM MAnZoni bolognA (it)Concerti di Musica insiemesteinbacher, Violin | Dodds, leader

LuCERnE FESTIVAL STRInGS FounDATIonDr. patrick Troller, Presidenthans-Christoph Mauruschat, Managing Director

FounDATIon BoARD MEMBERSKarin Maria Krauer | patrick hauser | Michael Kaufmannprof. Dr. Alois Koch | Dr. ulrich niederer | urs W. Studer

photo credits: tomasz trzebiatowski (Pages 1, 6, 12, 32); Private (Pages 7, 14, 16/17, 20/21, 30); Archive of the lucerne Festival strings Foundation (Page 4/5); Hugh Carswell/Warner Classics (Pages 13, 24); Peter rigaud (Page 15); Peter Hundert (Page 10); stefan Deuber (Page 11); Dario Acosta/Deutsche grammophon (Page 25); ralph Mecke (Page 26); Paolo roversi/erato (Page 27); Adrian bedoy (Page 28); takaki Kumada (Page 29). Despite our greatest efforts it was impossible to identify all photographers. eventual titles have to be addressed to the editor.

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Fri 8 JAn luCerne KKl, grAnD HAll luCerne (CH)lucerne Concert series, 2nd concertgalway, Flute | gergova, leader

WeD 20 JAn tHeAter CAsino, grAnD CAsino HAll Zug (CH)theater Casino Concert seriesMayer, oboe | Dodds, leader

Fri 22 JAn lAC, sAlA teAtro lugAno (CH)lugano Musicatrifonov, Piano | Dodds, leader

Fri 5 Feb église De sAAnen sAAnen (CH)sommets Musicaux gstaadr. Capuçon, Violin | Daniel lozakovitj, Violin | Dodds, leader

sun 21 Feb bAsel stADtCAsino bAsel (CH)Matinée at AMg Allgemeine Musikgesellschaft baselMayer, oboe

MAr neW ZeAlAnDnew Zealand tour 2016

Mon 14 MAr AuDiMAX ConCert HAll regensburg (De)odeon Concertssteinbacher, Violin | Dodds, leader

17 to 19 MAr luCerne KKl, luCerne HAll luCerne (CH) Conducting Masterclass bernard Haitink at lucerne Festival

sun 20 MAr sAint Peter & PAul CHurCH AnDerMAtt (CH)easter Festival by swiss Chamber Music Circleshilkloper, French Horn & Alphorn | Dodds, leader

tue 12 APr lieDerHAlle stuttgArt (De)Konzertdirektion sKs erwin russstadtfeld, Piano | Dodds,leader Fri 15 APr sCHenKon CentrAl HAll sCHenKon (CH)sempachersee lake Concertsroethlisberger, Clarinet | Dodds, leader

sAt 30 APr WArtburg PAlAs eisenACH (De)“Wartburg Concerts” by Deutschlandradio Kultur

sAt 7 MAY Alte oPer, grAnD HAll FrAnKFurt AM MAin (De) Frankfurt Pro Arte Concert seriessteinbacher, Violin | Dodds, leader

Mon 9 MAY HerKulessAAl MuniCH (De)tonicale Musikerlebnissuwanai, Violin | Dodds, leader

tHu 12 MAY luCerne KKl, grAnD HAll luCerne (CH)lucerne Concert series, 3rd concertsteinbacher, Violin | Dodds, leader

Jun soutH AMeriCA soutH AMeriCA tour 2016steinbacher, Violin | Dodds, leader


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publisher: Foundation lucerne Festival strings | Status: september 2015Editor: Hans-Christoph Mauruschat, Managing DirectorArtwork: Klasse 3b, Hamburg | print: erni Medien, littau

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