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The affirmation on Australia Day

• Australia Day is a special day for all Australians whether by birth, or by choice – to celebrate what we love about Australia.

• Each year, Australia Day is the day on which the largest number of new citizens make the pledge at citizenship ceremonies all around the nation.

• On Australia Day 2011 more than 13000 people from 143 countries became citizens at 325 citizenship ceremonies around the country.

Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies

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The affirmation on Australia Day

• More than 95% of the nation’s population are Australian citizens.

• Australia Day is the perfect opportunity for all Australians – new and old – to affirm their loyalty and commitment to Australia.

• Existing citizens can express their national pride and celebrate being Australian by making the Australian citizenship affirmation .

Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies

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What is an affirmation ceremony?

• It is a short ceremony at which all Australians can publicly affirm their loyalty and commitment to Australia and its people.

• It is based on the pledge made by new citizens at citizenship ceremonies.

As an Australian citizen,

I affirm my loyalty to Australia and its people,

Whose democratic beliefs I share

Whose rights and liberties I respect,

And whose laws I uphold and obey

Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies

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What is an affirmation ceremony?

• Affirmation ceremonies have no status in law and no legal effect.

• Affirmation ceremonies can easily be incorporated into citizenship ceremonies or other events.

Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies

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Why were affirmation ceremonies introduced?

• Affirmation ceremonies were introduced in 1999 to mark the 50th anniversary of Australian citizenship.

• Many Australians, particularly those born in Australia, wanted an opportunity to pledge their commitment to Australia and its people in the same way new citizens do at citizenship ceremonies

Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies

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Who can participate?

• Participation is voluntary and has no legal effect

• Everyone is welcome to participate

• People who are not Australian citizens are welcome to join in at the second line

Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies

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Why host an affirmation ceremony?

Affirmation ceremonies:

• Enhance awareness of Australian citizenship

• Promote community involvement and participation

• Help people feel they belong to their community

• Help build pride in Australians about their citizenship

Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies

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Including the affirmation in a citizenship ceremony

• Incorporating an affirmation ceremony gives everyone present a chance to participate and share in the occasion.

• Guidelines for incorporating an affirmation ceremony into a citizenship ceremony are set out in the Australian Citizenship Ceremonies Code.

Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies

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How to include an affirmation ceremony in your event

• The person leading the affirmation must be an Australian citizen

• The affirmation should be foreshadowed at the beginning of the function to allow those present to consider whether they wish to participate.

• Affirmation cards, with the words of the affirmation, should be placed on seats or handed to guests as they arrive.

• Invite all who wish to publicly affirm their commitment to Australia to stand and join in repeating the affirmation.

Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies

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Partnership with NADC

• As part of the government’s ongoing promotion of Australian citizenship and the affirmation, we have worked with the NADC since 2004 to promote the Australian citizenship affirmation.

• In 2009 a special affirmation website was launched to encourage event organisers to incorporate the affirmation into their Australia Day celebrations.

• See www.australianaffirmation.com.au

Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies

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Australian citizenship affirmation website

Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies

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