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Three years later he returns from the United States and performs and

records with musicians such as Alberto Arteta, Marcelo Escrich,

Gonzalo del Val, Marco Mezquida, Quique Arza, Robin Eubanks,

Mikel Andueza, Ikaki Salvador, Pirineos Jazz Orchestra, Chriss

Higgings, Stefano Belmondo, Lionel Belmondo, Juanma Urriza,

Iñaki Askunce, Terela Gradín, Manolo Gutierrez, Abe Rabade, Angel

Unzú, Paco Charlín, Marco Bellizzi, Mauro Urriza, Javier Garayalde,

Javier López Jaso, Satxa Soriazu, Carlos Sagi, Coco Fernandez,

among others.

He has participated in national and international festivals such as

Donosti, JazzFermín, Jazz Sur Son, Zaragoza, Logroño, Munijazz,

Borja, Ezcaray, Jazz Fermín, Zubipean, Burgos, Toledo, Tolivia,

Oviedo and others.

As leader he has recorded the CD's Luis Giménez. Chapter III (2011)

 and Tereland. Noise (2013). He has also collaborated with other

groups and artists such as Rafael Lechowsk, Mauro Urriza group,

Javier López Jaso and Marcelo Escrich Cuarteto, Mauro Urriza Jazz

Project, Angel Unzu, Khami, Marco Bellizzi, or Alberto Arteta Group.

He has also collaborated in the composition of different soundtracks.

Currently and since 2001 he teaches Jazz Guitar at the Conservatorio

Superior de Musica de Navarra and has held numerous Clinics and


In recent years he has combined his work as a jazz guitarist and

teacher, composing music for numerous short films and feature

films. He has received the SCIFE award for best music on two

occasions and has been nominated on other 4.

Academic record

Luis GiménezGuitarist, composer born inZaragoza. Cum Laudegraduated from theprestigious Berklee College ofMusic. He has played with differentartists and groups,highlighting his work asleader in the recording of CDChapter III (2011) and Noise(2013). He has performed differentsoundtracks receiving theSCIFE award for Best Musicon two occasions andnominated on four others.

Professional experience

At the age of 13 he began to play the guitar, and in 1991 he studied for

two years at the Madrid Musicians Workshop with Chema Sáinz.

In 1994 he moved to Boston and graduated Cum Laude from the

prestigious Berklee College of Music. He also attends seminars and

private lessons with musicians such as John Scofield, Pat Martino,

Pat Metheny, Mike Stern and Kurt Rosenwinkel among others.

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