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Lunch Lady Cafeteria Rolls {Step by Step Pictures and Instructions.NO MIXER NEEDED}January 15, 2014 byMariaLeave a Comment

I sawthis recipe for Lunch Lady Rollson Pinterest last week and just had to try it.There wasnt a whole lot I loved about school lunch but I do remember liking the rolls.I was so happy with the way these rolls turned out.I made two small changes, one wasnt even on purposebut it simplified the process.That is what I call a happy accident!I made the rolls again today and took a picture of each step.If you are an old pro at making rolls just skip down to the bottom for the entire recipe.Otherwise, follow me. Once you see the steps you will be a pro!P.S. when I made them todayI used half of the dough to make cinnamon rolls!!! TURNED OUT AMAZING!!!!!!

Add yeast and sugar to warm water and let sit for 3-5 minutes

Melt butter in microwave and then add the milk to it to help it cool down. (if you add the butter to the yeast while it is still hot it could kill the yeast.)**The original recipe says to add the melted butter after dough has risen for the first time and to knead it into the dough. That just seems like it would be a mess. I accidentally put it in with the yeast mixture the first time I made them and they turned out so great I dont feel like it is worth the mess of adding it later after the dough has risen, but you can do what you want.

Slightly beat your eggs

Add melted butter (cooled), milk, eggs and salt(original recipecalls for 1 tbsp, I thought it needed just a little more so I threw in another 1/4 tsp)to yeast mixture and stir until it is well combined. It will look something like this.

In a large bowl combine flour and sugar. Stir until combined

Add shortening to mixture

Using your hand crumble shortening into flour until it is barely noticable

Search for lumps until you get them all.

Pour liquid yeast mixture into flour mixture

Using a large wooden spoon, stir until well combined.

When dough starts to come together, ditch the spoon.

Use your hand to knead the dough for approx. 2 minutes.

It will come together into a nice ball. Cover dough and place in a warm area.(I put mine in my oven. While I mix the dough I heat the oven to 195 degrees. then I turn the oven off right before I put the covered dough in. This step cuts back on time dramatically. Dough will be doubled in 15-30 minutes.)

Dough will look something like this. (I forgot about mine and rose for about 1 1/2 hours) it is fine you could let it rise for up to 2 hours if you want to.

After dough has doubled in size, punch it down and knead with your hands one more time for 2 minutes. If dough is a bit sticky sprinkle it with flour as needed. A this point start to preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

After the 2 minutes of kneading are up, you are ready to form the dough into rolls. The original recipe says you can roll it out and cut it into 21 rectangles and form them into balls. TOO MUCH EFFORT. Just rip off a piece the size of a large apricot and follow my steps above to form it into a perfect ball. You may need to dip your fingers in flour occasionally to keep dough from sticking to your hands. Step one: Act as if you are turning the dough inside out. Step two: Using your other hand come down around the dough pusing it into a ball like shape. Step three: Turn over and pinch bottom to finish making it into a ball. Step 4: Place seam side down on your cooking sheet.

When dough is formed into rolls and placed on pans, cover and allow to rise until almost doubled again. I put my pans on top of the oven while it is preheating and this step usually only takes 15-20 minutes. Bake rolls on 400 degrees for 12-14 minutes.Not so bad right! Great job! Enjoy your yummy rolls!PrintLunch Lady Cafeteria Rolls {Step by Step Pictures and Instructions.NO MIXER NEEDED}Recipe type:BreadsCook time:12 minsTotal time:12 minsServes:48This dough also makes excellent cinnamon rolls. The recipe is large enough that you can do 24 rolls and 20-24 cinnamon rolls if you play your cards right.Ingredients 3 cups warm water 2 tbsp + 1 tsp yeast 1 tbsp sugar 1 /4 cup butter, melted cup milk 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 tbsp + tsp salt 10 cups flour (can be up to 4 or 5 cups wheat and still get great results) cup sugar cup shorteningInstructions1. Add yeast and sugar to warm water and let sit for 3-5 minutes2. Add melted butter (cooled), milk, eggs and salt to yeast mixture3. In a large bowl combine flour and sugar. Stir until combined4. Using your hand crumble shortening into flour until it is barely noticable5. Pour liquid yeast mixture into flour mixture6. Using a large wooden spoon, stir until well combined.7. When dough starts to come together, ditch the spoon and use your hand to knead the dough for approx. 2 minutes until it comes together in a nice ball.8. Place dough in a warm area, covered, until it doubles in size. (I do this in my oven. While I mix the dough I heat the oven to 195 degrees. then I turn the oven off right before I put the covered dough in. This step cuts back on time dramatically. Dough will be doubled in 15-30 minutes.)9. After dough has doubled in size, punch it down and knead with your hands one more time for 2 minutes. If dough is a bit sticky sprinkle it with flour as needed.10. Prepare pans and form dough into 2 inch balls and place onto cooking sheets. I like rolls to be touching so I have to pull them apart when they are done. If you dont like that place them at least 1-2 inches apart on your cooking sheet. I cook mine close together in 913 pans.11. When dough is formed into rolls and placed on pans, cover and allow to rise until almost doubled again. I put my pans top of the oven while it is preheating and this step usually only takes 15-20 minutes.12. Back at 400 degrees for 12-14 minutes.These rolls can be frozen in dough form if you roll them into balls and freeze them individually on a cookie sheet before putting them in a freezer safe container. You just have to pull them out and give them time to rise as they thaw out. They can also be frozen after they are cooked and cooled.So handy to be able to pull out of the freezer on busy days!

TRADUO:Lunch Lady Rolls Cafeteria { Passo a Passo Fotos e instrues .... NO MIXER NECESSRIO }Tipo de Receita : PesTempo de cozedura: 12 minutos Tempo total: 12 minutosPores: 48Esta massa tambm faz excelentes rolos de canela . A receita grande o suficiente para que voc pode fazer 24 pezinhos e 20-24 rolos de canela se voc jogar seus cartes para a direita .Ingredientes3 xcaras de gua quente2 colheres de sopa + 1 colher de ch de fermento1 colher de sopa de acar1/4 xcara de manteiga derretida xcara de leite2 ovos, ligeiramente batidos1 colher de sopa de sal colher de ch +10 xcaras de farinha ( pode ser de at 4 ou 5 xcaras de trigo e ainda obter grandes resultados ) xcara de acar xcara de encurtamentoinstruesAdicione o fermento eo acar a gua morna e deixe descansar por 3-5 minutosAdicione a manteiga derretida ( refrigerados ), leite, ovos e sal a mistura do fermentoEm uma tigela grande misture a farinha eo acar. Mexa at misturarUsando seu crumble mo encurtando em farinha at que esteja mal perceptvelDespeje a mistura de fermento lquido na mistura de farinhaUsando uma grande colher de pau , mexa at misturar bem .Quando a massa comea a se unirem , vala a colher e usar a mo para amassar a massa para aprox. 2 minutos at que vem junto em uma bola agradvel .Coloque a massa em uma rea quente , coberto, at dobrar de tamanho. (Eu fao isso no meu forno. Enquanto eu misturar a massa eu aquea o forno a 195 graus . Ento eu desligar o forno um pouco antes de colocar a massa coberta dentro Este passo cortes de volta no tempo de forma dramtica. Dough ser duplicada em 15 -30 minutos . )Depois de a massa dobrou de tamanho , acion-lo para baixo e amasse com as mos mais uma vez por 2 minutos. Se a massa ficar um pouco pegajoso polvilhe-a com farinha , se necessrio.Prepare panelas e forma a massa em 2 bolas polegadas e colocar em folhas de cozimento. Eu gosto rolos estar tocando ento eu tenho que separ-los quando eles so feitos . Se voc no gosta do que coloc-los pelo menos 1-2 centmetros de distncia em sua folha de cozimento. Eu cozinho o meu juntos em 9 13 panelas.Quando a massa formada em rolos e colocados em bandejas , cubra e deixe crescer at quase dobrou novamente . Eu coloquei meu top panelas do forno enquanto ele est pr-aquecimento e este passo normalmente leva apenas 15-20 minutos.Voltar a 400 graus por 12-14 minutos .Estes rolos podem ser congelados em forma de massa se voc rol-los em bolas e congel-los individualmente em uma assadeira antes de coloc -los em um recipiente seguro congelador. Voc apenas tem que retir-los e dar-lhes tempo para subir medida que descongelar . Eles tambm podem ser congeladas aps o que so cozidos e arrefecidos . To til para ser capaz de retirar do congelador no agitado !

Lunch Lady Cafeteria Cinnamon RollsIngredients:1/2 batch ofLunch Lady Cafeteria Roll Dough2-3 tbsp butter, softenedCinnamonWhite SugarFor Frosting:1/2 cup butter, softened3 cups powdered sugar1 tsp vanilla2-4 tablespoons cream, milk or evaporated milkDirections: roll dough out into a large rectangular shape. Mine ends up being about 2- 2 1/2 feet long and 12-15 inches wide. You want it to be about 1/4 inch thick with your hands spread butter evenly over rolled out dough Sprinkle generously with cinnamon. I dont measure this I just try to get the entire surfaced lightly covered. Probalby is no more then 1 1/2-2 tbsp cinnamon Sprinkle with white sugar, (I always do this after the cinnamon instead of before because it is hard to tell how much you are sprinkling against the light colored dough, it helps to have the cinnamon down first) It is approx 1/4 cup sugar Roll dough gently, yet as tightly as you can you want to do it in the direction that will give you an almost 2 foot or so roll to slice up. like the picture. Slice into 24 cinnamon rolls approx 1-1 1/2 inches thick Place on a lightly greased cookie sheet. If you are planning to back in the morning, cover and place them in the fridge (do not use stone or glass pans as they could break when placed in the oven in the morning if still cold) If you want to bake them now, just cover and let them set in a warm place while you preheat the oven to 400 degrees. They need to rise for 20-30 minutes. Bake for 13-15 minutes at 400 degrees or until golden brown on tops and edges. Let cool completely before frosting For frosting just mix softened butter, powdered sugar, vanilla and enough cream or milk to get your desired consistency. Frost rolls and enjoy!!!I havent tried it by I think this cinnamon rolls would work well to freeze in pans you would want to bake them in and then pull them out, let them thaw and bake. I am going to give it a try next time I make them.

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