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Lung Nodule Detection and Classification

Isabel BushStanford Computer Science

353 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA [email protected]


Detection of malignant lung nodules in chest radio-graphs is currently performed by pulmonary radiologists,potentially with the aid of CAD systems. Recent advance-ments in convolutional neural network (CNN) models haveimproved image classification and detection for many tasks,but there has been little exploration of their use for noduledetection in chest radiographs. In this paper we explore us-ing a ResNet CNN model with transfer learning to classifycomplete chest radiographs as non-nodule, benign nodule,or malignant nodule, and to localize the nodule, if present.The model is able to classify radiographs as nodule or non-nodule with 92% sensitivity and 86% specificity, but is lessable to distinguish between benign and malignant nodules.The model is also able to determine the general nodule re-gions but is unable to determine exact nodule locations.

1. IntroductionLung cancer is the second-most common type of cancer

in both men and women and is the leading cause of cancerdeath in the United States [1]. The best chances of survivalcome from early detection and treatment, which could po-tentially be aided by improved automated malignant noduledetection methods.

A lung nodule is a small, round growth of tissue withinthe chest cavity. Nodules are generally considered to be lessthan 30mm in size, as larger growths are called masses andare presumed to be malignant. Nodules between 5-30mmmay be benign or malignant, with the likelihood of malig-nancy increasing with size. Smooth nodules with signs ofcalcification are more likely benign while lobulated or spic-ulated nodule edges may indicate malignancy [3].

There are two main chest imaging techniques, basic X-ray imaging and computed tomography (CT). Chest X-rayimages, or radiographs, provide a single view of the chestcavity. Posteroanterior views, in which the X-ray beamtravels through the patient’s chest from back to front, aremost common. CT scans are 3-dimensional images pro-

duced using X-ray images taken from many orientationsusing a rotational scanner. CT scans can provide a morecomplete view of the chest internals and can thus be used tomore easily detect shape, size, location, and density of lungnodules. However, CT scan technology is expensive and isoften not available in smaller hospitals or rural areas. Bycontrast, basic chest radiographs are relatively cheap andfast, and expose the patient to little radiation, so they areusually the first diagnostic step for detecting any chest ab-normalities.

Pulmonary radiologists typically detect lung nodules inradiographs by considering the shape and brightness of cir-cular objects within the ribcage [10]. Studies have foundthat only 68% of retrospectively detected lung cancer nod-ules in radiographs were originally detected by a singlereader and only 82% with two readers [5] [15]. Computer-aided detection (CAD) techniques have been explored tomake the identification of lung nodules quicker and moreaccurate. Nodule detection algorithms have been designedusing traditional image processing techniques to identifyregions of the chest radiograph that potentially contain abright object of the expected size, shape, and texture of alung nodule.

With recent improvements in convolutional neural net-works (CNNs), some researches have looked at using thesemodels to classify lung nodules. Unfortunately, as is of-ten the case with medical imaging, the available datasetsare relatively small. Since deep networks depend on lotsof data to learn, training a complex neural network fromscratch on lung nodule images may not prove very success-ful. However, transfer learning, or training a network on alarge dataset and then using these trained weights for newtasks on new datasets, has been shown to work well for awide range of image datasets and tasks [11].

In this paper, we examine using CNNs with transferlearning for nodule classification and localization. The in-puts to the model are full posteroanterior chest radiographsthat may or may not contain nodules. The outputs from theclassification task are probability scores for each radiographcontaining a benign nodule, a malignant nodule, or no nod-


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ule. For images that contain a nodule, the CNN is also usedin a localization task, where the outputs are four box coordi-nates indicating the predicted nodule location and expanse.

2. Related WorkLung nodule detection is still primarily done by hand by

trained pulmonary radiologists. Existing CAD systems aredesigned to aid radiologists in this task by performing aninitial highly-sensitive nodule detection pass and alertingradiologists to potential nodules. The high sensitivity ofthe CAD systems means that they also detect many false-positives, which the radiologists are expected to then weedout. However studies have indicated that radiologists havea difficult time effectively differentiating true nodules fromfalse positives, so CAD systems that can reduce the numberof false positives would be desirable. Current CAD systemsalso do not find all nodules (100% sensitivity), so radiolo-gists are still expected to scan the entire radiograph to lookfor other nodules [17].

A CAD system works by following a sequence of de-fined steps. The system initially segments a radiograph intoanatomic regions (left and right lung, heart, clavicles) usingsegmentation algorithms such as shape models and pixelclassification. It then detects potential candidate noduleregions using filtering and thresholding. Features are ex-tracted from these candidate regions and trained on a clas-sifier, which returns a degree of suspicion for the region.Highly-suspicious regions are then shown to the radiologist.In these CAD systems, the detection of potential candidatenodule regions and the feature extraction steps are hand-designed for this particular task. Thus the development ofthese CAD systems is time-consuming and does not trans-late to new medical diagnostic tasks [17].

Determining the effectiveness of these CAD systems isdifficult as they are used in conjunction with human readersand thus results are affected by human error. Results fromstudies of reader nodule detection with and without a CADsystem vary from 49% to 65% sensitivity without a CADsystem to 68% to 93% sensitivity with the CAD aid, but allshow some increase with the use of the CAD system [16][8] [14].

The use of convolutional neural networks for nodule de-tection or classification in radiographs is much less preva-lent. Two studies from 1995 and 1996 used small CNNs(with two or three layers) to classify candidate regions asnodule or non-nodule [10] [9]. Both studies used pre-scanCAD systems to initially crop out nodule candidate regionsfrom the radiographs.

A couple more recent studies have looked at using deeperCNNs and transfer learning for similar tasks, although notfor detecting lung nodules in radiographs. Bar et al. exploreusing a AlexNet trained on the large image dataset Ima-geNet to detect Right Pleural Effusion and Enlarged heart

conditions in radiographs [2]. The researchers relied onthis transfer learning technique since their dataset was verysmall (only 93 images). Features were extracted from manydifferent layers within AlexNet and trained with an SVMclassifier.

A recent paper from Bram van Ginneken et al. discussedusing the pre-trained convolutional neural network Over-Feat to classify regions from chest CT scan images as nod-ule or non-nodule [18]. As with the early radiograph nod-ule studies, their process involved using a commercially-available CAD system to identify possible nodule locationswithin the scan. Crops at each potential location were thenfed through the neural network to be classified as true nod-ules or not.

Since convolutional neural networks are able to examinesimilar graphics in differing locations within an image us-ing sliding filters, in this present study we examine skippingthe initial step of using an existing CAD system to crop outpotential nodule regions. We explore whether a convolu-tional neural network model is able to detect nodules withina larger chest radiograph without using specialized CADsystems which are time-consuming to develop and highlytask-dependent.

3. MethodsFor both localization and classification, we examine

using transfer learning with a 50-layer residual network(ResNet) model. The ResNet models are deep CNNs thatare designed to ease backwards propagation of gradientsthrough the network and thus improve training. The build-ing block of a ResNet is a small stack of convolutional lay-ers in which the input is summed with the output of the lay-ers to create skip connections. In the 50-layer ResNet, thesmall layer stack between skip connections consists of threeconvolutional layers (1x1 filter, 3x3 filter, 1x1 filter) and iscalled a “bottleneck” as the 1x1 filters decrease and thenrestore dimensions to speed computation [4]. The ResNetused in this study was implemented in Caffe [7] and pre-trained on a subset of the ImageNet dataset, with about 1.3million labeled color images of common animals and ob-jects in 1000 classes.

Batches of 64 radiographs were fed forward through theResNet with fixed pre-trained weights, and features wereextracted from five different layers. Earlier convolutionalnetwork layers generally pick out edges and generic visualfeatures that may be more transferable to a new classifica-tion task, while later layers may be more specific to the ini-tial ImageNet classes. On the other hand, deeper networksgenerally perform better for image classification as they al-low for more non-linear relationships between pixels andoutput classes. So in this paper, we explore extracting fea-tures from multiple layers spread throughout the network todetermine which features are best for the nodule classifica-


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Figure 1. A 50-layer residual network used for both classification and localization of nodules. Features were extracted from 5 layers withinthe ResNet and passed through a final fully-connected layer to output the three class scores. Features from the final pool5 layer were alsopassed through a fully-connected layer to output predicted box coordinates of the nodule location.

tion task.Features were extracted from ResNet layers pool1, res2c,

res3d, res4f, and pool5, as shown in figure 1. The pool1layer is after a single convolutional layer (followed bybatchnorm and ReLu layers) and a max pooling layer. Theres2c layer is after three ResNet bottleneck blocks, the res3dlayer is after seven bottleneck blocks, and the res4f layeris after thirteen bottleneck blocks. Finally, the pool5 layeris after sixteen bottleneck blocks and a final average pool-ing layer. The pool5 layer is the final layer of the 50-layerResNet before the fully-connected layer that produces pre-dicted class scores. The extracted features were saved todisk to speed computation. Since the ResNet layers arefrozen, there is no need to back-propagate through themduring training.

The extracted features were input into a final fully-connected layer with three outputs. This final layer wastrained as a Softmax classifier by interpreting the outputsas unnormalized log probabilities of the three classes andminimizing the cross-entropy loss between these labels andthe correct image labels (non-nodule, benign nodule, or ma-lignant nodule). The cross-entropy loss for a single image iis given by equation (1), where sj is the jth component ofthe output vector and yi is the correct image label.

Li = −log

(esyi∑j e



The total loss for the batch is the sum of the mean of theimage losses and an L2 norm regularization term to favorsmall weights and avoid overfitting to the training data. This

full loss is shown in equation (2), where λ is a regularizationconstant and W is the weight matrix.

L =1



Li + λ||W ||22 (2)

The algorithm attempts to find the weights that mini-mize this loss function. This minimization is accomplishedthrough mini-batch gradient descent with momentum. Ateach iteration, weights are updated according to the mo-mentum update equation (3), where α is the learning rate,µ is a momentum parameter, and the gradient of the loss∇WL is calculated over the batch of training data.

v ← µv − α∇WL

W ←W + v (3)

Features extracted from the final pool5 layer for imageswith a benign or malignant nodule were also fed into a sep-arate regression head for nodule localization. This fully-connected layer had four outputs, which represented thenetwork’s prediction for box coordinates around the nodule.The weights for this layer were trained by minimizing theEuclidean distance between the predicted coordinates andthe true nodule box coordinates. As before, the total lossfunction is a sum of the mean of the Euclidean distances forthe batch of images and a regularization term, as shown in(4), where sj is the jth component of the output vector andbj is the jth component of the true box coordinate vector.


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Li =


(sj − bj)2

L =1



Li + λ||W ||22 (4)

After all weights were trained, a final end-to-end modelwas created using weights from both the original ResNetand the final fully-connected layer. This model was used tocreate saliency maps, as was done in [13]. Saliency mapswere computed by passing an image forward through themodel, setting the output gradient for the predicted classto one (zeroing all others), and then back-propagating thegradient to the image. Then each pixel in the saliency mapis the max among the three color channels of the normalizedabsolute value of the image gradients. Brighter pixels in thesaliency map indicate regions that have a larger impact onthe final classification.

4. Dataset

The dataset is from the Japanese Society of Radiolog-ical Technology (JSRT) [6]. This dataset of posteroante-rior chest radiographs includes 93 non-nodule images, 54benign nodule images, and 100 malignant nodule images.Each radiograph is a grayscale image of 2048 x 2048 pixelsat a resolution of 145 ppi. Chest images are at slightly vary-ing scales, are not always centered in the frame, and manyimages have black blocks at the top from the X-ray processas in Figure 2. In the images, a nodule may be found invarying locations within the ribcage, including upper, mid-dle, or lower lobe on either left or right side. The nodulesrange from about 30 to 170 pixels in diameter.

All radiograph classifications as nodule or non-nodule inthe dataset were confirmed using CT scans. Nodule classifi-cations of benign or malignant were made not only throughtheir appearance in this dataset and the CT scans, but alsothrough testing of tissue samples and monitoring for nod-ule changes over time. Nodules that shrunk or disappearedwith antibiotics or did not change over a period of two yearswere considered benign.

In addition to classification labels for each image, theJSRT dataset also includes the size and (x, y)-coordinate ofthe center of the lung nodule, if present. These values wereused to approximate a square bounding box for the nodule.

For this study, a set of 32 radiographs (13% of the data)was reserved as a test set. The remaining images were splitinto four folds for cross-validation. Hyper-parameters weretuned by training with three folds and testing with the forth,and repeating this process with each fold as the validationset. Once hyper-parameters were chosen, the network wasretrained using images from all four folds.

Figure 2. Chest radiograph of a patient with a malignant nodule inthe right middle lobe.

Since the dataset is small, data augmentation techniqueswere used to artificially increase the number of training im-ages as well as to even the class distribution. Since a nodulemay be of different sizes and appear at various locationswithin the radiographs, data was augmented through vary-ing image scales and translational crop locations, as well ashorizontal mirroring.

To use the 50-layer ResNet on this radiograph dataset,a few modifications were required. Since the ResNet ex-pects color images of size 224 x 224, the radiographs werescaled randomly to between 256 x 256 and 384 x 384 andthen cropped to 224 x 224 pixels. To handle the grayscaleradiographs, the pixels were duplicated to the three colorchannels, and the mean image was subtracted.

5. Results and Discussion

We can quantify the model’s ability to classify radio-graphs by observing the classification accuracy on the testset. Accuracy is calculated as the number of correctly clas-sified images (predicted label and true label are the same)divided by the total number of images. With three classes,random guessing would yield an accuracy of 33%, so this isthe baseline accuracy to which we may compare our modelaccuracies.

A plot of the classification test accuracies over train-ing epochs can be seen in figure 3. These plots were pro-duced by running the test-set through the network period-ically while doing the final model training using trainingdata from all four folds. The learning rates found duringcross-validation and used for this final training ranged from0.001 to 0.01 for features extracted from different layers,with the regularization parameter ranging from 0.05 to 0.2.For all layers, the learning-rate was halved every 12 epochs,and the momentum parameter was maintained at 0.9.

In figure 3, we see that after 30 epochs, models trainedusing features extracted from all five layers perform betterthan the baseline 33% accuracy. We can also observe thathigher accuracies were achieved using features extracted


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Figure 3. Classification test accuracies over training epochs usingfeatures extracted from five different ResNet layers: pool1, res2c,res3d, res4f, and pool5. Higher accuracies are seen for features ex-tracted later in the network, with pool5-feature accuracies reaching68%.

later in the network. Using features extracted from thepool5 layer, which is equivalent to using the full 50-layerResNet with the last fully-connected layer modified to out-put only three class scores, we can observe test accuraciesas high as 68%.

Higher accuracies from features extracted later in theResNet is consistent with recent findings that deeper CNNsperform better than shallower ones. Deeper networks aregenerally more difficult to train, but by using transfer learn-ing, we do not need to train the many ResNet layers. Thebetter performance using layers later in the network indi-cates that even higher-level visual features learned on Im-ageNet transfer well to this new radiograph classificationtask.

To better understand which image classes the network isaccurately predicting, we can look at the precision and re-call for each class. Precision values for each class indicatethe fraction of images that were predicted to be of that classthat were indeed in the class. Recall values indicate the frac-tion of images from each class that were correctly predictedto be in the class. Using features from pool5, precision andrecall values for the three classes are shown in table 1. Themodel appears to be best at identifying non-nodule radio-graphs, but has more difficulty classifying benign and ma-lignant nodule radiographs.

In the confusion matrix in figure 4, we can visualize thefraction of radiographs from each class in the test set thatwere assigned each of the predicted labels. Here we againsee that the model is able to classify non-nodule imagesquite well, but has more trouble distinguishing between be-nign and malignant nodules, as we saw with the relativelylow precision and recall values for these classes.

It is likely that the network can often detect the presenceor absence of the bright round nodule-like objects, but has

Table 1. Three class precision and recallClass Precision RecallNon-nodule 0.75 0.86Benign 0.6 0.55Malignant 0.57 0.57

Table 2. Two class precision and recallClass Precision RecallNon-nodule 0.75 0.86Nodule 0.96 0.92

Figure 4. Confusion matrix for radiograph classification.

more difficulty detecting the nuanced differences betweenbenign and malignant nodules. This is not very surprisingsince the nodules in these images may be as small as threepixels, so detecting difference in the shape and texture ofthe nodule will be a very difficult task for the model.

This task of distinguishing benign and malignant nod-ules in radiographs is also difficult for pulmonary radiolo-gists, and if a person is suspected to have any type of nodulein their radiograph, they are generally sent for further test-ing using a CT scan and/or examination of tissue samples.Since the true class labels of benign and malignant for theseradiographs were made based on external information suchas further imaging results and prolonged monitoring, it isnot clear whether there is even enough visual informationwithin the radiograph to make the distinction.

If we focus on simply detecting nodules, we can combinebenign and malignant nodule images into a single class. Do-ing so, we get precision and recall above 92% for nodule im-ages, as shown in table 2. For medical diagnostic, it is oftendesirable to have higher recall or sensitivity for the posi-tive or diseased class (nodule) to the potential detriment ofspecificity, which measures the recall of the negative class(non-nodule), so as not to miss giving further testing and


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Figure 5. Saliency map for an image with a nodule.

Figure 6. Saliency map for a non-nodule image.

treatment to a patient who needs it. In this case, we havenodule sensitivity or true positive rate of 92% with a falsepositive rate (1 - specificity) of 14%.

We can also examine the saliency maps to get a bettersense for which parts of the radiographs contribute most tothe model’s predicted classes. Nodule and non-nodule ra-diographs, as well as their associated saliency maps, maybe seen in figures 5 and 6, respectively. Saliency mapsfor non-nodule radiographs tend to have a brightness spreadthroughout the maps, which makes sense since there is nounique visual attribute that is common to all non-nodule im-ages (the class is rather defined by the absence of an at-tribute). Saliency maps for nodule images have more brightpatches of pixels towards the center of the image. It appearsthat the model has learned to ignore the pixels towards theouter edge of the radiograph and focus closer to the spine.However, the saliency maps are not entirely interpretableand it does not appear that the model can learn to focus ex-actly on the nodule locations.

From the localization task, we can analyze the model’sability to learn nodule locations when explicitly providedthe true locations during training. When tuning hyper-parameters for the final fully-connected layer in the regres-sion head, it was very easy for the model to overfit to thetraining set. The Euclidean loss for both test and train datadrops greatly at first, but then the test loss begins to in-crease while the training loss drops to near zero. Looking attraining images from this overfit model such as in figure 7(left), we see that the predicted bounding boxes have a near-perfect overlap with the true bounding boxes, however for

Figure 7. True and predicted nodule bounding boxes on a trainingset image with an overfit model (left) and a test set image for amodel with high regularization (right). The green box is the truebounding box, red is the predicted bounding box.

test images the boxes were relatively far apart. By increas-ing the regularization parameter to 0.5, we can observe bothtrain and test images such as that in figure 7 (right). Al-though there is rarely intersection between boxes, they areoften in the correct general region of the chest.

To quantify the error between true and predicted bound-ing boxes, we can observe the mean distance between boxcenters and their mean size difference, as in figures 8 and 9.By the end of training, the sizes differ by less than four pix-els, which is about 6mm or 30% of the size of the averagenodule in the dataset. For the test set, mean distances differby about 60 pixels. Although this is certainly far from over-lapping boxes, it is also much better than random. Choosingtwo box centers uniformly at random from the 224 x 224image, we would expect a mean distance of 117 pixels, ornearly twice as great as that seen in the test set [12]. Thisagain indicates that the model is able to determine the gen-eral region of the nodule but is unable to ascertain its exactlocation.

The difficulty in localizing the nodules and tendency forthe model to overfit is likely due to the small nodules sizesand the limited number of training images. It is a fairly largerequest to provide images and four associated numbers to amodel and expect it to determine that these numbers localizea portion of the image that is approximately 10 x 10 pixels.It is an even greater request to do so using augmentationsfrom about 130 nodule training images. With so few im-ages, it is easy for the model to fit noise in order to decreasethe distances between bounding boxes. With increased reg-ularization, there is less overfitting, but the model is unableto determine generalized aspects of the nodule images todecrease error enough for overlapping bounding boxes. Thebright centers in the saliency maps and bounding boxes inthe correct general region indicate the network has begunto generalize to nodule locations in unseen data, but moretraining images would be needed for better performance.


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Figure 8. Mean pixel distance between true and predicted noduleboxes for both train and test sets over training epochs.

Figure 9. Mean pixel difference between true and predicted nodulesizes for both train and test sets over training epochs.

6. ConclusionWe have seen that a CNN model with transfer learning

does fairly well at classifying chest radiographs as having anodule or not, but is less adept at determining malignancyor localizing nodules.

With only modifications to the final network layer, a 50-layer ResNet model trained to classify color images of an-imals and everyday objects was able to also classify black-and-white medical images with 68% accuracy. Models con-structed using features from earlier network layers had ac-curacies above random, but did not perform as well as fea-tures from the final pooling layer.

Although the best model was able distinguish noduleradiographs with 92% sensitivity and 86% specificity, themodel had more difficulty classifying the difference be-tween benign and malignant nodules. If this model wereused in practice, further imaging and testing should be rec-ommended for any patient that receives a nodule classifi-cation, whether benign or malignant. This is indeed gener-

ally the practice with nodules detected by radiologists today,and a 92% sensitivity is on par with the best results seen instudies of sensitivities of radiologists using CAD systems.Although it should be noted that it is difficult to compareresults given the small test set size in this study and variedresults from radiologist studies.

We have also seen that the ResNet model is able to local-ize the general region of a nodule but is unable to determineits precise location. This result is not surprising given thesmall nodule size and limited training images.

The greatest future model improvements would likelycome from training with more chest radiographs. Moretraining images would help prevent overfitting and allowthe model to generalize better to unseen radiographs. Witha larger dataset, we could also try fine-tuning the weightsfor a few of the ResNet convolutional layers before the fi-nal fully-connected layer. This would allow the model toadapt more to the new dataset, which may have some dif-ferent high-level visual features than the original ImageNetdataset.

Future work could also involve cropping 224 x 224 sec-tions of the original 2048 x 2048 radiographs around thenodules and attempting to localize the nodules within thesecropped images and classify them as benign or malignant.This would improve the resolution of the nodules as seen bythe network, increasing their mean pixel size from 10 to 90pixels in diameter. Although this would not allow for clas-sification and localization in full radiographs as the nodulelocations would need to be known in advance, it would helpdetermine whether there are identifiable visual features inthe radiographs to distinguish benign and malignant nod-ules and provide an upper bound for how well the modelcan perform.

Additionally, since the current model is able to local-ize the general nodule regions, it is possible that the orig-inal 2048 x 2048 images could be cropped based on the re-sults of a first localization pass and then the nodules in thecropped regions could be classified and localized using asecond pass through the network with the higher resolutionimages.


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