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Pastor Johnson’s Office Schedule*

Tuesday and Thursday


In case of a need (24/7): Pastor 916.956.4111

Office 408.356.5055 *Pastor Johnson’s last Sunday with us is Sept. 6th.

He will continue to be available throughout the following week for emergency pastoral services.

Lutheran Web Links

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America https://www.elca.org

Sierra Pacific Synod


The Lutheran https://www.thelutheran.org



16548 Ferris Avenue | Los Gatos, California 95032

(408) 356-5055

Voice of Faith SEPTEMBER 2015

A publication of

Faith Lutheran Church, Los Gatos

By the Power of God: Caring, Sharing, Praying, Growing

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Bruce Johnson, Interim Pastor Written on Weds. 08/26


Shortly after the news of the new

Term Call Pastor, subject to the ap-

proval at a Congregation Meeting,

Faith is to have a new pastor.

Several thoughts and prayers from


1. I will probably be here a couple

more Sundays depending on Church

Council and the new Term Call Pastor.

Last Sunday will be Sept. 6th.

2. Thanks be to God that after a pro-

longed wait, the conclusion came


3. My own opinion, based on not a small amount of

knowledge, is that the Office of the Bishop and the Church

Council made a good decision.

4. Prayers from me to our LORD is that you seek continuous-

ly to know and do, not your will but God's.

5. Refer, not infrequently, to a devotion led by Mimi at the

last Council meeting. It is printed elsewhere in this newslet-

ter. It might well be called "Touches". Read it to find out

more of what the author means in that there are statistics more

important than counting money or people.

6. I thank God for this past year, being called by God and you,

to be your interim pastor.

~ Pastor Johnson

Congregational Meeting—Sept. 13, 2015 At the beginning of the service, we will host a

congregational meeting to call

Pastor Anne Carlson as a Term Call Pastor


Pastor Anne Carlson

Photo: Courtesy of Facebook

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President’s Point of View

Bob Balcomb, 2015 Council President

At a special called Council Meeting on Au-

gust 25, the council was introduced to Pas-

tor Anne Carlson. She was presented by the

Synod’s DEM, Pastor Carlton Monroe, as

their candidate to become our term Call Pas-

tor. Interview lasted approximately two and

a half hours and she presented a very able,

confident, experienced and exciting candi-

date. After the interview, the council met

and after a short discussion we agreed,

unanimously, to continue the process of

calling her as our Term Pastor. I notified her

by e-mail after the meeting and she replied

immediately that she would be “humbled”

to join us in our continuing worship of the triune God.

I wish to extend our sincere gratitude, thanks and appreciation to Pastor Bruce

Johnson who has been leading our worship service, bible study, doing person-

al counseling, visiting and doing all those other things pastors do without any


The recommendation of the council to the congregation at a specially called

congregation meeting for the calling of Pastor Anne and the probable ac-

ceptance and issuance of a Letter of Call will be opening a new and exciting

door in our history. It is the responsibility of the congregation to determine if

Pastor Anne should become our pastor and this responsibility should be taken

very seriously, ask questions of the council members, talk to each other, if you

know people from other congregations who might be acquainted with her, talk

to them. Pastor Anne was the Senior Pastor at New Creation Lutheran Church

in south San Jose for 6 years and was Dean of our conference 6 years. She has

also served as the full time Interim Pastor at Christ the Good Shepherd in San

Jose. As you can see she is very well acquainted with the local Lutheran

church. In addition, she served as the Pastor for Congregational Development

in Watsonville. I am of the opinion that God has led us to a leader with the

necessary skills and experience to help us determine our future. ~Bob


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The Essence of Summer Summer reminds us to enjoy life, moment by moment, as we center our

attention on God.

By Amy Sparkman – www.BibleWise.com/living/parenting

There is nothing like summer to inspire us to get our priorities in or-

der—namely, to put God first and to simmer down the rest of "life."

Summer reminds us to enjoy life, moment by moment. The longer days

and warmer weather are terrific incentives to loosen the holds that tie us

to our daily routines and obligations. In fact, the longer days and warm-

er weather give us time and space to breathe much more slowly and

deeply – to absorb the world around us in more vivid color and detail –

and in doing so, to gain welcome insight and refreshment, even to re-

boot. Summer invites us to kick back, ratchet down, step away for a

week, a day, or just an hour at a time from the racetrack of our usual

"normal" life.

Why can summer refresh us so readily? Because it centers our attention

on God. It reminds us of a powerful point Jesus makes in his Sermon on

the Mount:

Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do

they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory

was not arrayed like one of these. Therefore take no thought, saying,

What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we

be clothed? …for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of

all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his right-

eousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore

no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the

things of itself. (Matthew 6:27-29, 31-34)

It's a great exercise to think about the metaphor of the lilies in relation

to our lives.

With one sweeping statement of spiritual truth, Jesus sets us up for a

life of true wealth: knowing God, feeling His ever-present love, and

following His guidance, which can't help but include all that we need.

"…seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all

these things shall be added unto you." All shall be added AFTER we

seek God (read: find out what God IS) and a right (read: solid and


The subject of a behavioral covenant toward each other came up.

Stefan moved to approve a term call for Pastor Anne Carlson to be term pastor for this congregation. Rudy seconded, passed.

Stefan moved we accept the salary proposal as stipulated in her doc-ument. Mimi seconded, passed.

Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer around 9:00 PM..

Added message from Bob: If you have any question before the con-

gregational meeting about the call, please feel free to contact myself or

any of the council members. Resume and Salary requested is posted on

the board by the office.


Congregational Meeting—Sept. 13, 2015

At the beginning of the service, we will host a con-

gregational meeting to call Pastor Anne Carlson as

a Term Call Pastor


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Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Attendees: Pastor Monroe, Pastor Anne Carlson , Bob Balcomb, Mimi Shilov, Linda Perez, Rudy Camarena, Stefan Myslicki, Skip MacAskill, Catherine Werner, Gwennie Balcomb, Joanne Peronto.

Opening at 7:00 PM Bob Balcomb

Opening devotion – Early in the Bible, God asks “What do you want me to do for you? A good subject for our meeting.

Pastor Anne Carlson

She said options are pastoral care and pastoral ministry. How do ALL Lutheran churches need to change for modern times? Faith is a gift from God and this is God’s church, not ours. We are still the body of Christ and we have a lot of work ahead of us.

Pastor Carlson came well-prepared with a mission statement, a very impressive resume’, a list of tasks a pastor can do, for us to priori-tize, a list of what a pastor usually does with the hours it takes, and a compensation package we can afford! She would like to work about half time, preaching three Sundays a month with six weeks of vacation. She would plan to stay for a term of eighteen months.

Pastor Carlson said she would be a companion and coach, helping us to grow. What do we need as leadership? She would walk with us to get started on our plan, but it is our discernment, and the work is ours. She accomplished this kind of task at New Creation Lutheran Church. Questions for us are: what realistic options are possible for us, given the resources we have. How do we move forward? Com-pare the church to a life and look at the whole life including the end of life.

Pastor Carlson said she could not start until September 15, but we know it will take that long to have a Congregational Meeting to ap-prove her as term pastor, so timing is good.

Bob commented we are in a precarious position. We need someone to energize us. We all felt very fortunate to have someone available with such wide experience and exceptional ability.


secure in our hearts) relationship with Him. Through the seeking pro-

cess, we discern more and more clearly that God is the source of our

identity and our lives – is the provider and the caregiver, the protector

and the guide each and every day throughout our lives.

So much of what this season offers helps us see more clearly what real-

ly matters. One day soon, gather your family around the fire pit or the

picnic table or on the front stoop, and jot down ideas that each family

member thinks of as classic summertime activities. Below are ones that

my family has come up with:

spending time with family and friends,

being outside in the sunshine (or the rain!),

lying in the grass to watch the night sky and feeling swallowed

up in infinity,

smelling summer rain

feeling and hearing thunder

watching lightning crack the sky,

hearing birds sing, cicadas chirp, frogs croak,

seeing fireflies,

feeling sand or grass between your toes,

smelling flowers and barbecues in the air,

watching wind play across water,

licking a melting ice cream cone,

bike riding, skateboarding, rollerblading, playing tennis and soc-

cer and golf, sailing and swimming,

wearing the fewest possible clothes and shoes

letting your thoughts roam in any direction without someone

telling you, "Stop, pay attention, get to work, do something con-

structive, stop wasting time!"

Talking together will generate an inspired list that radically differs from

the lists we usually make of all the things we have to get done. This list

focuses on what we choose to do for the sake of pure joy—of refreshing

the soul.

Summer and all the good therein was established and is perpetually sus-

tained by God: The day is thine, the night also is thine: thou hast pre-

pared the light and the sun. Thou hast set all the borders of the earth:

thou hast made summer and winter (Psalm 74:16-17). We have the right

to claim the utter joy and delight of summer as a precious part of our

lives—and to enjoy it in all its glory. Happy days to you and your fami-


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The purpose of the Back-to-School Backpack and

School Supply drive is to ensure that low-income and homeless children in grades K-12 start the

school year with the tools they need, feeling pre-pared and ready to learn. In 2015, we plan to serve

more than 100 youth for back-to-school season in

Santa Clara County.

Each child in the programs we support is given a

backpack filled with grade-appropriate school sup-plies. All backpacks and school supplies are gener-

ously donated by Faith Lutheran with matching

grants by Thrivent Financial. These items make a difference! A social worker who distributed back-

packs and school supplies to children has told us that the items, “made a big impact on their lives

and were a huge motivation for the at –risk

children to start school.”

You may place your donations for the monthly Social Concern

of the Month into the offering plate or mail directly to Faith

Lutheran Church office—Please note in memo line “Social

Concern of the Month”.

Back To School Backpack and School Supply

Drive in Conjunction with Thrivent


CAN YOU HELP? September Sign-Ups Please find our sign-up binder in the Narthex to check future availabilities

or call the church office, (408) 356-5055 to fulfill specific dates.


Sept. 6:

Sept. 13:

Sept. 20:

Sept. 27:


Sept. 6:

Sept. 13:

Sept. 20:

Sept. 27:


Sept. 6:

Sept. 13:

Sept. 20:

Sept. 27:


August: Joanne Peronto


Sept. 6:

Sept. 13:

Sept. 20:

Sept. 27:


Sept. 6: Bob Balcomb/Les Grundy

Sept. 13: Bob Balcomb/Les Grundy

Sept. 20: Bob Balcomb/Les Grundy

Sept. 27: Bob Balcomb/Les Grundy


Sept. 6:

Sept. 13:

Sept. 20:

Sept. 27:

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Backpack Stuffing Event

The church office applied for and was approved

for $500.00 for backpacks

for a new project from

Thrivent. An additional ac-

tion team project was also

approved for $250.00 to fill

them with an additional

$100 from a member dona-


The Backpack Stuffing

event was held follow-

ing the service on Sun-

day, August 23rd. A table was prepared

with the “stuffing” supplies and back-

packs. There were a total of 75 back-

packs completed. Several volunteers of-

fered their help and it was appreciated!

There will be 75 very happy children go-

ing back to school thanks to Faith Luther-

an Church and Thrivent.


A big THANK YOU to Carl Kruger for his help in getting the

front yard started by digging the ditch around the sidewalk.

Jodi Sorenson volunteering to “stuff” backpacks.


FLC Movie Night

“NOAH” (PG-13) August 21, 2015


We held the final Movie night of 2015 with an

attendance of about 7 people. What a great

time we had .

Thank you to those that attended !

In North America, the majority of churches don’t have as many members as

they did ten, twenty, or fifty years ago. Some experts say there’s no hope for

the church.

My friend Bill is not one of them. Pastor of one of those small and

getting smaller churches in the Midwest, he never seems discouraged about

that reality. So one day I asked him, “How do you stay so positive when

your membership keeps shrinking? Aren’t you afraid you’ll close?”

Bill smiled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re not

shrinking. We’re growing — up ten percent from last year.”

“Can’t be,” I said. “I’ve seen your membership numbers. Down

every year for the last ten.”

“You count members,” Bill said, “but we count touches. Anytime

anyone in our church does something for someone else in the name of Jesus,

that’s a touch: a card sent, a phone call made, a meal delivered, a donation to

the food pantry. And our goal is to increase touches. In the five years that

we’ve counted this way, we’ve grown every year.”

Bill’s wisdom has changed the way I live my life. My initial goal

was one touch per day; too small. Now it’s five. And here’s

what I’ve discovered: when my touches grow in number,

I grow in faith. ~Jeff Japinga

Devotional - “Touches” ~provided by Mimi Shilov from Daily Guideposts,

Sun. May 17th

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Information is for previous month.

If you have any questions, please

contact the Church office.

Totals for August.

Attendance: 173 Monthly Average: 35

Offering: $ 11,104.00 Monthly Goal: $13,402.00

Shortfall: -$2,298.00


Social Concern of the Month: $482.00

Lord’s Pantry: $50.00


September Activity

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You might be a Lutheran if…

… it’s 110 degrees outside and you still have coffee after services.

*Answer to August Crossword

Interesting Facts and Stats about the Bible

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Books in the Bible: 66

Books in the Old Testament: 39

Books in the New Testament: 27

Shortest book in the Bible: 2 John

Longest book in the Bible: Psalms

Chapters in the Bible: 1189

Chapters in the Old Testament: 929

Chapters in the New Testament: 260

Middle chapter of the Bible: Psalm 117

Shortest chapter in the Bible: Psalm 117

Longest chapter in the Bible: Psalm 119

Verses in the Bible: 31,173

Verses in the Old Testament: 23,214

Verses in the New Testament: 7,959

Shortest verse in the Bible: John 11:35

Longest verse in the Bible: Esther 8:9

Words in the Bible: 773,692

Words in the Old Testament: 592,439

Words in the New Testament: 181,253



Have you checked out Faith Lutheran’s Website?



Children’s Sunday School

Join us as we celebrate the beginning of a new Sun-

day School Season. Sunday, Sept. 13 immediately

following our service, the Sunday

School team will host Rally Day!

What is Rally Day?... “It usually comes at

the end of the summer break, and is used as a means of rallying the forces again for the work of fall and winter. When a general is preparing for a battle he is said to rally his forces. When a sick person begins to recover it is said of him that he his rallying. When a bookbinder brings together in one place the different sections of a book to be bound into one he is said to be rallying the book. All of these phrases may be applied to the Sunday-school work; we are rallying our forces for the great campaign of the fall and win-ter."

Join us for service, food and entertainment.


The Lutheran Magazine—August Issue Doing more? But with less? In The Lutheran’s August issue, learn that small

can be beautiful. ELCA congregations share how they are redefining their mis-

sion and ministry with fewer members.

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Mario J. Chisessi

Born February 3, 1925 in

San Jose, Ca., in fact that

occurred on Oak Street just

about 1 mile south of old

downtown San Jose. I at-

tended public schools

through 9th grade. Gradu-

ated from Woodrow Wil-

son Jr. High in 1940.

From there I entered Bel-

larmine College Prep. I

finished that school in

1943. In the meantime, I

had developed an interest in aviation (model airplanes and movies).

Before leaving Bellarmine, I had qualified for AAF pilot training, con-

sequently I was summoned to active duty (Aug. 3, 1943). It was many

months of sweat, worry and prayer before I actually began pilot train-

ing (Pre-Flight school). After working through three flying schools, I

graduated as a Pilot Single Engine with the rank of Flight Officer. In

the late 40’s and 50’s I served as a flying officer for California National


World war II ended and I elected to come back to San Jose and start

college, graduating in 1949 with a BA degree. I began teaching in an

Elementary School in Madera County. Thus I began a teaching career

interspersed with stints of sales mixed in (Life Insurance Sales and Re-

al Estate—some Real Estate development).

FLC Highlight *Each month FLC would like to call your attention to an outstanding

congregation member, friend, or event. If you know someone who should be

“Highlighted”, please send your nominations to the church office, 408.356.5055.


Mark your calendars!

Congregational Meeting— Sept. 13th at the beginning of the


Children’s Sunday School— Each Sunday starting on Septem-

ber 13th. at 8:30 AM—Rally Day on Sunday, September

13th immediately following service.

Adult Class—Each Sunday at 8:45am — 9:15am in the li-


Bible Study—each Thursday at 10:45 AM

Friendship Luncheon— Friendship Potluck Luncheon, at noon

Thursday, August 6th

Lord’s Pantry Delivery— Every Monday

Council Meeting— Thursday, September 17th, 7:00pm

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Wesley Viner 9

Angie Balcomb 9

Nahri Balcomb-Fikre 10

Arlene Wyckoff 12

Elizabeth Kiedaisch 13

Adriana Vega 19


Hank & Linda Iversen/Sisler 23

Dr. Erich & Catherine Werner 28


In 1982, I took an early retirement and found jobs with Santa Clara

County which I left in 1998. Until recently, I continued work as a

small building manager for the Odd Fellows Lodge in Saratoga, CA.

Presently, I’ve occupied myself with home repairs, gardening, and a

landscape project at my home which I built in 1972. Many times I’ve

worked at our church as a professional and a volunteer.

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Children of Faith

New Beginnings...

Nathan is starting to cut teeth!

Show us your smile, Nathan!

Dasia started school on Mon-

day, Aug. 17th… so excited!!

Donavan started school Thursday,

Aug. 20th. Looking good Donovan!

Looking sharp as Jimmy and

Wesley head back to school

Damian enjoying his first day

of 1st Grade. Doesn’t he

LOOK excited!!! 13


“Lord, I come, I confess. Bowing here I find my rest.

Without You I fall apart.

You’re the One that guides my heart”

~ Matt Maher, Musician

Eva Woodall

Micky Mowson

Tia Balcomb-Patterson

Bob Balcomb

Jamie and Tristen Fabris

Bert and Colleen Blomquist (Carol Kruger’s parents)

Wes Balcomb

Pastor Kimm (Korean Church)

What is a Prayer Shawl?

Whether they are called Prayer Shawls, Comfort Shawls, Peace Shawls,

or Mantles, etc., the shawl maker begins with prayers and blessings for

the recipient. The intentions are continued throughout the creation of the

shawl. Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is

sent on its way. Some recipients have continued the kindness by making

a shawl and passing it onto someone in need. Thus, the blessing ripples

from person-to-person, with both the giver and receiver feeling the un-

conditional embrace of a sheltering God!

If you know someone in need of a prayer shawl,

please contact the church office.

NOTE: We are sensitive to both the need of friends and relatives to seek

healing prayer for others and to the need we all feel to have others care and

pray for us. If you or someone you know needs prayers, please feel free to

place a request in the offering basket or call the church office.

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